Vzfei transcript. Free library - textbooks, cheat sheets, candidate minimum

We present to your attention an introductory article and student reviews.

Founded in 1930 as Central correspondence institute financial and economic sciences.

The main building of VZFEI is located at: st. Oleko Dundich, 23 (metro station “Filyovsky Park”).

Preparing future applicants for entrance examinations carried out by the Center for Pre-University and vocational training VZFEI.

One of the features of VZFEI is that students themselves adjust their study schedule. Quite convenient, especially for those students who, in addition to studying, also work.

Postgraduate education is presented in the form of the Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers and Specialists. Some areas offer the possibility of obtaining a second higher education. Postgraduate and doctoral studies are also available. MBA programs are being implemented.

Partnerships have been established and maintained with various educational institutions in the CIS countries, Europe and Far East(Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, graduate School Economics Prague, International Institute of Public Finance Munich, etc.).

The general fund of the institute library numbers about 2 million copies.

VZFEI branches are located in the following cities: Arkhangelsk, Barnaul, Bryansk, Vladimir, Voronezh, Kaluga, Kirov, Krasnodar, Kursk, Lipetsk, Novorossiysk, Orel, Penza, Smolensk, Tula, Ufa, .

The institute has organized an employment assistance service for students, graduates and participants of VZFEI professional training courses.

Among the VZFEI graduates are deputies of the State Duma and ministers, leaders large enterprises and TOP managers. Here are just a few of them: President of Microsoft in Russia Nikolay Pryanishnikov, Deputy general director OJSC "TV Center" Andrey Voskresensky, former Minister of Finance Vasily Barchuk and many others.

There is a paid hotel-type dormitory.

We publish a link to the official website VZFEI. Information about the cost of training, class schedules, detailed information about each branch - all this and much more can be found there.

And don’t forget to visit our readers’ reviews section to learn a little more about this and other universities.

This educational institution was founded back in 1930. At that time, young people mostly worked after school and did not have the opportunity to study, much less get higher education. VZFEI is one of a kind higher institution, where all students study via correspondence and evening courses. During its work, the institute actively developed: new buildings were built, current specialties and directions, more than 20 branches were opened throughout Russia. At the moment, more than 70 thousand people study annually at VZFEI, including branches. Students are taught by 1,400 teachers, of which more than 900 have a doctorate degree alone. At the institute, students are trained in six economic specialties using e-learning technologies in 192 subjects of a wide variety of sciences. In addition to regular education, the university offers a second higher education and retraining in specialized courses. VZFEI also has world-famous MBA programs, research and International activity. The Institute offers a unique educational program for independent distance learning, consisting of:

  1. communication with teachers via electronic communication (e-learning),
  2. studying KOPR - electronic virtual textbooks with multimedia and interactive functions,
  3. passing the unified online testing system.

VZFEI official website

The official website of VZFEI (http://www.vzfei.ru) is dedicated entirely to students and their education. On the university website you can read information about the institute itself, the specialties offered, teaching methods and preparatory courses. It provides online consultations on training and programs, and communication between students and teaching staff is available. The VZFEI website itself was prudently designed for the bulk of part-time students. Given the many branches, each city is given a separate page with information necessary specifically for this educational unit. Thanks to the modern approach and technology, students can, without leaving their workplace or sitting at home, immerse themselves in educational process. To do this, they need to go to the VZFEI website and study the electronic lectures available on it, read the necessary literature, and solve one or another exciting issue. While on the site, you can complete tests, assignments and work, which the teacher will receive electronically. This is what distinguishes the VZFEI website and educational approach from all other higher education institutions. educational institutions. The resource is very convenient for a part-time student who is always short on time.

Unofficial website of VZFEI

Oddly enough, VZFEI also has an unofficial website (http://vzfei.org), which hosts a bank of ready-made essays, tests and term papers. This resource is designed like an online store, in which each student can purchase this or that work at the price indicated in the price list, as well as guarantees and discounts. On the unofficial website of the VZFEI there is a kind of catalog in which finished works are placed according to categories. Here you can purchase essays, tests, laboratory, classroom and term papers, graduation projects. You can order a paper for any subject taught at this institute. To do this, you just need to register and fill out a form indicating the work and the desired deadlines. Payment is made electronically through the WebMoney or Yandex.Money systems. In addition, there is a forum on the unofficial website of the WZFEI. On it, students discuss the specifics and quality of the work done, as well as studying at the institute itself with its pros and cons.

Contacts VZFEI

All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute is the largest in Russian State Financial University providing distance education services. Currently, the university is affiliated with the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

History of the Institute

The founding date of the institute is considered to be May 14, 1930. Its original name was the Central Correspondence Institute of Financial and Economic Sciences. Later, after the merger of several universities, it became known as the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics. In 2001, VZFEI won 7th place in for 2000.

During its existence, the institute has trained more than 350 thousand specialists: scientists; heads of financial and banking systems; leading economists and chief accountants; heads of various levels of national economic management. Teachers of the institute took part in the work of central government bodies and were involved in the preparation of legislative acts and regulatory documents, and also carried out expert assessments of projects and economic calculations.

On November 22, 2011, the institute was reorganized and merged with the Financial University under the Government Russian Federation by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2101-r VZFEI

Network of correspondence institutes

The Institute has a huge number of branches in Russian cities. In total, there are twenty branches in Russia that successfully train those wishing to obtain higher education by correspondence. Correspondence education allows you to receive higher education without taking time away from work or small children. Thanks to this opportunity, many specialists can improve their work while remaining in their positions, and young mothers will receive an education without compromising their children’s time.

It also offers training using remote technologies, which provide the opportunity to study without leaving home. Students do not have to visit the university building. All educational materials are obtained via the Internet, and exams are taken via Internet conferences. Thus, the institute can successfully train all residents of the country, even if there is no branch of the All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute in their city. This educational structure provides a full range of educational services in the field of economics and financial management. This is one of the most popular areas of study and is extremely popular.

I graduated from it in 2009. The university was strong and prestigious at that time, I don’t know what happened to it after the reorganization. The teachers were strong and understanding, of course, sometimes you came across mean people who literally bullied you, especially in the Theory of Probability (in short, mathematics), quite complex subjects that had to be crammed (to know what page the formula is on), subjects that we don’t have in life needed, they needed special attention. I myself studied on a budget, but those who...

Before you apply, carefully read the contract that you are asked to sign. For example, Clause 1 of the agreement states: The INSTITUTE and the STUDENT, within the framework and on the terms of this agreement, direct joint efforts to achieve the main goal - obtaining and assimilation by the STUDENT of the full volume of knowledge. Usually the agreement in the standard agreement is written that the University provides educational services, i.e. the type of agreement - education agreement. RFEI already at this stage avoids responsibility in advance. Educational services...

I asked for a certificate of my studies, wrote an application, to which they answered: the certificate will be ready in a week. Okay, I got their number, I think I’ll call you in a week! I call, but no one picks up! I arrive in a week and a half and what do you think? HELP IS NOT READY! And even with such a tone: is she even from our institute? Actually, you need to call and find out! I say I called, but you didn’t pick up the phone, in the end it turned out that they gave you the wrong number! Now I still have to wait for I don’t understand how long, but I’m...

I studied at VZFEI for two years, the third year was caught up in the reorganization, and as a result, a lot of good teachers quit. Instead they were given teachers who made it impossible to pass the test. To all questions like “We both work and study, we can’t do everything,” we were answered: “Choose what is more important to you, study or work.” There were rumors about a pay increase, and I quickly left this establishment. At 119 there are only louts. Now I’m studying at another university and I really like it, but here I just lost time. I don’t recommend it to anyone, to be honest.

VZFEI gives only the crust of a diploma, but no knowledge! Before entering it, I already had a higher education (applied mathematics), so I can compare something. I entered it after passing a school certificate, as for my first education in the accounting and statistical department, budget (then I had the opportunity to slightly deceive the state and hide the education I had already received). I was amazed by the level of students; in my opinion, those who go to it are even in good economic or technical college won't pull it. ALL items except...

I entered the Federal University under the Government of the Russian Federation in 2012 for the 1st year, bachelor's degree, economics, finance and credit in Moscow, st. Oleko Dundich, 23. http://website.vzfei.ru/.

There was a meeting before the training began. We were told that your methodologist is Larisa. Everyone remembered her, ok. They said submit your documents as early as possible, because then there will be queues of students “from the street” (I’m TNF). My friend and I quickly collected the required package of documents and arrived. At the Department of Physical Education, they turned us around and told us that they do not accept documents, because there is a merger with the university, when asked why we were then given different information at the meeting, they widened their eyes and asked a simply brilliant question, “On...

I entered the institute in 2010, everything was just wonderful, I was happy with everything. After connecting with financial academy, the institute has deteriorated a hundred times. It’s not comfortable to study; there are always innovations that no one tells you about. After the connection they said that nothing would change, but everything turned out to be a lie. The payment has been raised. Methodologists of the Faculty of Finance and Credit simply do not want to work. They don’t answer any of them clearly. questions asked. Only a few teachers provide knowledge, especially now, because they are also teachers at the Financial University.

At the end of the full-time correspondence department students don’t know anything, there are exceptions, of course, but these are only those who apparently really studied. To pass the coursework, you don’t need any special intelligence, there are a lot of sites on the internet where everyone downloads everything and passes it without even checking it. A separate conversation from teachers, quiet horror. Vzfei no longer exists; it, as an ineffective university, was merged with Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Good day! Shocked by the air! Yes, indeed, I’m not entirely correct either, but excuse me, I work and study, don’t misunderstand. I came here from college (graduated with honors). Not a single C grade in school, I liked and wanted to study! It was in the past tense, because after studying at VFEI the desire to get a higher diploma disappeared, as well as the desire to study! Not only do they find fault with almost every comma, but no one understands or understands your situation, they are only problems...

I am graduating from this institute this year. I am completely satisfied with the time I spent within its walls. I'll miss you. About those people who write nasty things, I can say that apparently they themselves did not have the goal of gaining knowledge. While studying at this institute, I did not observe any special freebies. In fact, the institute is quite decent and highly rated, go for it, you won’t regret it.

Well, since this university is praised, then what can we say about those about which they say bad things. I myself am now graduating from this university. Knowledge is not imposed here. There is old information on some specialized subjects, although depending on your luck with the teachers. I'm not happy with this institute. Girls who do not work in their specialty know nothing at all and cannot understand, although they are not stupid, you can study for the sake of a diploma, but knowledge is only thanks to yourself. And I also don’t like the fact that I study in the evening...

The institute is wonderful. For a correspondence university - great. I can't say it's stressful. If you do everything correctly, everything will be great. They were afraid of Fedulov’s story - everything went great, the same can be said about others: if you fuss, then everything will be great. The main thing is that there is something reasonable in the eyes.

You came to our Moscow institute to help you gain certain knowledge. Even “grandmothers” will not help “brakes in life.” A wonderful institute. The teachers are real professionals. But no one will “run around” with stupid people anywhere. You have to study, study and study again!

Previously about VZFEI there was better opinion. Now I can't say anything good. The wife gets a second degree, so you get such hemorrhoids for your money. Respectable people are tortured like schoolchildren. The teaching system is based on the ancient approach of “filling a student’s head with necessary/unnecessary information like an attic of waste paper.” I don't recommend my friends to go there. Dear VZFEI leaders! You can't teach like that.

I’m glad that they “shake your soul” during exams: this is a correspondence university, there are no seminars, how else can a teacher find out whether you know anything at all or not? Otherwise, why would you do it if you’re not going to study? IMHO, 1 and 2 are the same person with a complete lack of logic: first he calls the university a “sharashka”, then he says that during the exam they shake your soul - somehow not consistently.

There are all kinds of teachers. There are those who take and there are those who, just for trying to offer, will arrange such “fun” - you will remember for a long time. There are also those who have no place in education at all. But show me a university where there is not a single bad person among the teachers! In short, if you study properly, you won’t need any money. And if you play the fool the whole session, and then run around and spend money on tests and exams, then there is no point in being indignant later, “oh, how bad they all are”! VZFEI...