Types and purpose of ventilation in a log bath. Natural ventilation in a bath: principles of arrangement and layout of ventilation holes How to make a damper for ventilation in a steam room

Can be done by different schemes, but there is no doubt that this building cannot be done without it.

Not only the correct distribution of heat in the room, but also the safety of visitors, as well as longevity services of wooden bathhouse construction. In a bathhouse, especially in a steam room, always a large number of water and steam, and wooden surfaces absorb moisture, and periodic drying of the room is simply necessary. However, it will not be effective enough if constant ventilation is not organized in the premises, which significantly reduces the effect of moisture absorption by wood, since the air is in continuous movement.

The principle of operation of ventilation in a bathhouse

The operation of the ventilation system is based on the well-known laws of physics, and the principle of its arrangement is quite simple and understandable.

  • Two ventilation windows are installed in the bathhouse, one of which provides an influx of fresh air, and the second allows the heated and waterlogged to escape.
  • The exact location of the ventilation windows will determine which area of ​​the room will receive more intensely heated air, which moves under the pressure of heavier cold air coming from outside. Therefore, sometimes instead of one outlet, two are installed - this is done in order to be able to direct the flow in the desired direction by opening one of them or both at the same time by a certain amount.

Thus, a very important factor is the size of the windows, as well as the ability to adjust the clearance they open. To do this, they are equipped with latch doors, which can be closed completely or a small gap can be left open.

  • Another important task is the correct calculation of the overall size of the ventilation window, taking into account the area of ​​a particular room.

- If you install openings that are too large, the steam room will either never be able to heat up to the required temperature, or this will lead to excessive consumption of fuel or energy, or in order to achieve the required temperature, it will take a long time to adjust the distance to which each of the ventilation windows must be opened.

— If the ventilation windows are not large enough, the intensity of air movement will be noticeably reduced, which means that the room may overheat or the air will become oversaturated with moisture.

So, the soft intake, uniform mixing and removal of air from the room will depend on the size of the ventilation openings, their location and whether the system is equipped with additional control elements. That is, it is necessary to provide all these parameters so that there are no sudden thermal changes in the room for individual parts the body of a person washing in a bathhouse, for example, when cold air from the street blows down his legs, and at the same time his head is under the influence of very high temperatures.

Temperature difference air flow will happen in any case, and this is normal, but visitors should not feel any discomfort from this. Therefore, the air must be mixed as evenly as possible - this depends on correct scheme ventilation system.

Important nuances of planning a ventilation system in a bathhouse

Before you begin choosing a ventilation system and the most suitable design, you need to understand some of the nuances that apply when installing any of them:

  • The ventilation system is laid out in the process - the necessary channels are laid and openings are arranged into which they are embedded or connected. The adjustable windows themselves are installed after the decorative cladding of the room.

For that, to carry out this work without problems, it is necessary to include ventilation in the bathhouse design in order to carry out all further construction works with support on it.

  • Ventilation openings, ideally, should be the same size. If it is necessary to speed up the outflow of exhaust air, then the exhaust hole is made slightly larger than the supply hole, but for safety reasons, in any case it is forbidden to make it smaller than the latter. Sometimes, as mentioned above, instead of one, two exhaust windows are installed, not only to regulate the distribution of flows, but also to ensure safety.
  • Ventilation windows must have doors or latches. It is preferable to install the latter, as they close more tightly, leaving no gaps.

  • During the initial heating of the steam room, the latch doors are closed completely until the required temperature is reached.
  • Adjustable dampers are also necessary because the flow of cold air depends on the time of year. So, with negative winter temperature the cold enters the warm room more intensely. Therefore, during this period, the ventilation windows do not open completely, holding back the flow of cold.
  • The cross-sectional area of ​​the ventilation window is calculated based on the volume of the bath room. There is a rule that for one cubic meter you need a window area of ​​24 square meters. cm.

  • If the calculations are incorrect, with deviations in one direction or the other, the room will not be sufficiently ventilated or, conversely, will be too cold.
  • Ventilation windows are never located opposite each other and at the same level, since hot air will not have normal circulation and will not cover all the necessary heating areas. It will not mix evenly, so you need to carefully calculate the correct placement of the ventilation elements.
  • Exhaust windows are always located at a height slightly below the ceiling, because the overheated air mass rises up. If an outlet is provided for it, it rushes into the exhaust hole, which helps to timely clean the air in the room. Only under these conditions will the bathhouse be beneficial, and a favorable and healthy atmosphere can be created in it.

Types of ventilation

IN different cases, depending on the design of the building and the total volume of the bathhouse, one of the types of ventilation is arranged.

Natural ventilation

This type of ventilation system is based on the difference in temperature and pressure indoors and outdoors. The effectiveness of such ventilation is achieved by correct placement of the inlet and outlet windows. Thus, the entrance for external air is located next to, at a height of 250 ÷ 350 mm from the floor, and exhaust windows are usually on the opposite wall of the room, 150 ÷ ​​250 mm below the ceiling.

It is believed that this option is not particularly suitable for placing a steam room, since the hottest place in this room is its upper area, and the coldest place is the floor. Setting up natural ventilation in such conditions is quite difficult, but if you arrange its elements correctly, then even with this distribution of air flows you can achieve the desired effect.

Forced ventilation

There are special electronic systems for saunas and Russian steam baths, which are entrusted with control of temperature and air flow.

The control panel sets the desired temperature and humidity level, which must be maintained in the room, creating a comfortable atmosphere in the bathhouse. Such systems are carried out and connected by specialists, and such services are quite expensive.

Another option for forced ventilation is simpler in design and more affordable. This method of ventilating a bath can be called the most widespread, as it will create the right atmosphere regardless of the weather conditions “overboard”.

In this system, in addition to properly located ventilation windows, a device such as a fan operating for exhaust will be needed. Combined option It is especially good for baths located inside the house, where the ventilation windows are not built into the external wall, but a long ventilation duct is laid from it to them. In this case, the fan provides the required amount of air in and out.

Duct exhaust fan must correspond special conditions"bath" operation

It should be noted that special fans are purchased for the bathhouse, which have enhanced waterproofing of the electrical circuit elements and mechanical parts. In addition, such devices must withstand high temperatures without losing their functionality. The working diameter and power of the device are selected depending on the volume of the room.

The required type of ventilation is selected individually for different rooms and types of baths, so when choosing a scheme, you need to carefully think through and calculate everything. Very often it makes sense to consider a combined scheme that combines natural circulation of air flows and the possibility, if necessary, to resort to forced circulation.

Video: basic principles and bath ventilation schemes

Common bath ventilation schemes

The presented diagrams show different variants the relative position of the heater and shelves in the steam room, and the distribution of flows of supply, hot and mixed air that advises them.

First scheme ( A)

The most used ventilation scheme in a bathhouse is when the window for incoming air is located next to the stove, at a height of 250 ÷ 350 mm from the floor.

During heating of the heater, cold heavy air coming from the ventilation window moves a light hot stream to the opposite wall, lifting it up to the exhaust hole, which is located at a distance of 150 ÷ ​​250 cm from the ceiling.

Having gone all the way, from the bottom window to the top, hot and mixed flows cover the entire room, maximally warming the area of ​​the top shelf located under the exhaust window. If there is insufficient air movement, install a fan in the upper ventilation hole.

A regulator in the form of movable blinds can be built into the inlet, which will help both regulate the intensity of the supply air and, to a certain extent, set the direction of the flow in the desired direction.

Second scheme ( b)

Natural intensive ventilation is carried out through the lower window, located on the opposite wall from the stove. In this case, the air movement is directed towards the heating device, where it picks up the hot flow emanating from it, rises and, in a wide arc covering the entire volume of the room, rushes to the exhaust vent.

This scheme is well suited for a bathhouse located in a house and having one external wall. In order not to extend the ventilation duct to the opposite side of the bathhouse, both windows are installed in the wall facing the street.

Third scheme ( V)

This scheme is suitable for a bathhouse with a leak. The window for air intake is located in exactly the same place as in the first diagram, near the heater. The exit is organized somewhat differently.

The air, after heating the upper area of ​​the steam room, falls down and passes through the cracks of the flooring, thereby helping to evaporate the moisture collected there, which significantly extends the life of the wooden floor.

The exhaust ventilation hole is located in an adjacent room or in an isolated channel that no longer has access to the steam room. It is usually equipped with a fan to ensure stable air circulation along such a complex trajectory.

The scheme cannot be called very popular - it is used infrequently due to its complexity in accurately calculating the location of ventilation windows, a rather labor-intensive device that ensures the movement of air flows in its cavity. However, it should be taken into account that it is very effective, and contributes to the most uniform heating of the steam room and, at the same time, helps the rapid evaporation of moisture from wooden structures floors and their drying.

Fourth scheme ( G)

The fourth option is designed for a constantly operating furnace - only in this case its vent will serve as an exhaust hood. The supply window is located under the shelf installed on the opposite wall from the stove, at the level of its vent.

Cold air is directed towards the stove and lifts the air heated by it to the ceiling. Cooling down, the air masses are forced down and go into the blower hole.

There are also more complex schemes in which there are two supply and two exhaust ventilation windows with forced air circulation. Such a scheme requires careful adjustment, but it allows you to set the required room temperature as accurately as possible.

As mentioned above, the ideal option would be to install the ventilation system simultaneously with the construction of the bathhouse. If a ready-made room is being converted into a bathhouse, or its arrangement is being carried out, it is best to choose a room or separate a corner that has two external walls. In this case, there will be no problems with the design of the ventilation system.

If this is not possible and the bathhouse is located in the middle of a private house, then there are two options for arranging ventilation of the room - install a ventilation duct that connects the room with the street, or lead the ventilation pipe through the ceiling and roof. In this case, the pipe must be covered from above with a protective umbrella to prevent precipitation and fallen leaves from entering the ventilation ducts.

Prices for ventilation systems


Video: example of self-arrangement of bath ventilation

Proper organization of air exchange in a bathhouse is a serious task that requires a professional approach. It is not enough to build a bathhouse, finish the interior, install heating equipment and furniture. It is important to ensure effective ventilation of the bathhouse premises, to create a favorable microclimate that allows you to enjoy water procedures and contribute to the long service life of the finish, as well as the entire structure.

Ventilation in the bathhouse is the key to comfort

Relaxing in the bathhouse will be a pleasure if the room is easy and comfortable to breathe.

The air temperature in the steam room is very high, so if there is no ventilation in it, you can suffocate or get heatstroke

If proper air exchange is disrupted or there is no ventilation at all, it will be difficult to breathe in the steam room and impossible to stay in for a long time.

A ventilation system allows for the creation of a comfortable microclimate, ensuring the supply of oxygen-rich air and the removal of “waste” air masses.

The traditional layout of a bath complex includes a dressing room, a washing area, and a rest room, and everywhere it is important to ensure effective air circulation.

A favorable microclimate in the relaxation room will allow you to relax after visiting the steam room

An increased concentration of moisture does not bring pleasure both during water procedures and during relaxation. The human body is sensitive to lack of oxygen and high humidity.

The conclusion is clear: you need to have good ventilation in the bathhouse so that it is pleasant and comfortable not only to steam, but also to relax.

Poor air circulation or lack of ventilation causes:

Types and principles of ventilation arrangement

For any type of bath (Russian, Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam), ventilation is provided, which can be done in different ways.

Natural air exchange

The principle of the formation of convection air flows is based on the difference in temperature and air pressure from the street side and inside the bathhouse.

Temperature differences promote air flow

Maximum air exchange efficiency is achieved thanks to correct location supply and exhaust ventilation lines.

For ventilation of Russian bathhouses and saunas, a traditional arrangement of air channels is used. Supply air The duct is placed at a distance of 0.2–0.3 meters from the floor, and the exhaust line is placed at the same distance from the ceiling. Adjustment dampers in the room should be provided to optimize air flow and ensure comfortable temperature conditions.

The damper allows you to regulate the flow of air into the room

Natural ventilation should provide air exchange, maintaining the room temperature and not creating discomfort during rest. The advantages of natural air exchange are simplicity and low costs associated with the absence of the need to purchase expensive equipment.

Combined option

The method of organizing the movement of air masses in a room using a fan that provides circulation is called combined. At the same time, there is no pattern in the location of the ventilation ducts.

The ventilation scheme is determined individually and provides for the installation of an vent and a duct equipped with a fan, which is mounted on the supply line or exhaust duct and creates the necessary pressure difference.

Providing air exchange in bathhouses using a combined method is convenient and economically justified.

Forced circulation

A forced air exchange system is also called mechanical. The system is equipped with automatic elements that monitor temperature regime, regulation of humidity and intensity of air mass circulation.

Forced air exchange provides the maximum level of comfort.

Increased costs associated with the purchase and installation of equipment, as well as difficulties in maintenance, limit the use of mechanical air exchange systems in small bathhouses.

For rooms with an increased area, forced circulation is used if natural or combined air exchange is not effective.

If the bathhouse premises have big sizes, they need to have forced ventilation

The following types of mechanical ventilation are used:

  1. An exhaust system equipped with a filter element and a fan. This type of ventilation provides effective removal unpleasant odors and polluted air masses from rooms with swimming pools, washing departments and recreation areas. The use of an exhaust system requires ensuring the flow of fresh air necessary to compensate for the vacuum created by the fan.
  2. Supply air, providing oxygen-rich air. Vapor-saturated air masses, due to increased pressure, leave the room through ventilation ducts, as well as through existing gaps in doors and windows. Combining the supply line with the heating device allows you to supply fresh heated air. The design of the supply air exchange is more complex.
  3. Supply and exhaust, combining the principle of operation of supply and exhaust ventilation. Using this principle of ventilation in a sauna room requires preliminary calculations. The intensity of circulation is determined based on the fact that the volume of incoming air must correspond to the volume of displaced air. In order to prevent the penetration of air from the bathroom into the recreation area, the ratio is deliberately violated. This allows you to create a reduced pressure in the toilet room and direct additional flows into it.

Principles of air exchange organization

When planning a ventilation device, follow these recommendations:

It is important to correctly calculate the area of ​​the ventilation lines. The cross-section of the vent and air duct is determined by the size of the steam room, for each cubic meter the volume of which must be provided for 24 cm 2 of the ventilation duct area.

For a comfortable stay in a heated steam room, ensure the possibility of more than five times air exchange (the air in the steam room should be renewed 5 times per hour). The layout of the supply duct and exhaust air duct, as well as their number, should facilitate easy circulation of masses in the steam room.

Effective air exchange will increase the service life of wooden floors. To ensure it you need:

The correct ventilation device will allow you to fully enjoy the steam room and get great pleasure from your bathing holiday.

Video: ventilation in the bathhouse

How to make ventilation in a bathhouse with your own hands

The organization of air circulation in each room has individual characteristics.

Waiting room ventilation

The vestibule or dressing room is used as a locker room. The department is located away from areas with high humidity and temperature.

The ventilated locker room will always be dry and comfortable

Using the front door promotes the flow of fresh air and reliable ventilation locker rooms.

The placement of a ventilation grille with a valve in the upper part of the wall will ensure natural air exchange and control the volume of incoming air masses.

When constructing a building, it is necessary to provide a ventilation hole. If there is no air channel, then you need to make it yourself:

Air exchange in the washing room

The washing compartment in which the shower is installed is ventilated due to the natural circulation of air flows moving from rooms with high humidity to ventilation vents or small windows.

The easiest way to ventilate the washing room is with a window.

To increase the efficiency of ventilation and reduce humidity, it is advisable to equip the shower with an exhaust fan.

Install the fan according to the following algorithm:

To ventilate the washing room, use fans with an operating voltage of 220 volts and a low power of 20–100 W.

When purchasing a fan, pay attention to the ability of the device to operate at elevated temperatures and humidity, as well as the degree of protection, which should not be lower than IP44.

Organizing air circulation in the steam room

To ventilate the steam room, create 2–3 channels intended for air exchange. One line will ensure the supply of fresh air, and the rest will allow exhaust air masses to freely leave the room.

The increased size of the exhaust duct allows you to ventilate the steam room faster

Place the channels according to one of the proposed ventilation schemes.

The intensity of air exchange depends on the location and size ratio of the supply and exhaust ducts

Making holes at the construction stage will preserve the integrity of finishing materials and make work easier.

The area of ​​the incoming line must correspond to the size of the output channel. However, a more efficient convection flow can be achieved by slightly increasing the diameter of the exhaust line.

A prerequisite is the installation of adjustable valves that allow you to change the intensity of air exchange.

IN wooden bath it is better to make the valve from the same wood that was used for interior decoration

Carrying out measures to arrange canals is not difficult:

Video: ventilation in the steam room

Creating a microclimate in the rest room

Comfortable temperature conditions and optimal air circulation in the rest room are achieved thanks to natural air exchange.

An air channel at the top of the wall ensures sufficient fresh air flow

It is important to provide an air duct equipped with an adjustable valve or vent valve. This will allow, if necessary, to increase the intensity of air mass movement.

To organize fresh air access, you can use a window instead of a ventilation duct

Drilling a hole and installing a valve is not difficult.

Video: making a ventilation valve

Options and layouts of ventilation channels

In the bathhouse, you can use different options for the location of ventilation communications, providing for natural air circulation and the use of a fan.

Various ventilation device options differ in the location of the channels, but provide high air exchange efficiency

One of the proposed natural air exchange schemes, which provides the following options for placing ventilation lines, will ensure a comfortable bathing procedure:

Air exchange schemes that include the installation of a fan allow you to achieve favorable temperature conditions and comfortable humidity:

Remember that the performance of a fan installation is determined by multiplying the volume of the steam room by the air exchange coefficient.

For example, to determine the required air exchange in a steam room with an area of ​​10 m2 and a height of 2 meters, it is necessary to multiply the volume by the air exchange coefficient equal to 5 (we have already said above that the air in the steam room must be completely renewed 5 times per hour). The resulting fan performance value is 10 x 2x 5 = 100 m 3 /h.

Heated air ventilation

Providing air exchange with simultaneous heating of incoming air is carried out in the bathhouse in various ways. They involve the use of a fan or natural air exchange. For example, by placing certain air channels in the immediate vicinity of a hot stove, you can simultaneously provide an influx of oxygen-saturated air and increase its temperature due to the heated surface of the heating unit.

In order to create a favorable temperature regime, comfortable humidity and smooth heating of incoming air masses, it is necessary to use plugs or gate valves located on the air lines. Carrying out ventilation while simultaneously heating the air is a rather difficult task.

Every heating unit has its own individual “character”. Only as a result of experiments can you select the optimal air exchange mode and ensure comfortable temperature in the bathhouse.

To increase the temperature of the incoming air masses, you can use an electric heater that heats the air entering the room. This is another option for air ventilation with simultaneous heating.

The air entering through the ventilation ducts can be preheated by a heater

The power of the electric heater is selected experimentally.

Electrical equipment used in bathhouses must withstand elevated temperatures and humidity, be reliably grounded and have a protection class of at least IP44.

Combining air ventilation with heating allows you to create comfortable conditions for vacationers, as well as reduce the costs associated with heating the room using heating equipment.

Familiarity with the principles of organizing proper air circulation in the steam room, as well as other rooms of the sauna and bathhouse, will allow you to independently organize the process of effective air exchange. It is important to correctly calculate the dimensions of air lines and optimally place the inlet openings of the channels in the rooms. Remember that the degree of air circulation is additionally affected by the design of the heating device and chimney. By following the recommendations, you can avoid mistakes and enjoy health treatments in a bathhouse with a comfortable microclimate.

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When constructing and repairing baths, attention is paid primarily to construction materials, stoves, insulation and waterproofing. It is assumed that natural air circulation will be sufficient for high-quality ventilation of the premises in the bathhouse. But this is absolutely not true, and if you approach the matter superficially, you can run into serious problems.


Ventilation in a bathhouse can be done in various ways.

Its presence depends on:

  • distribution of heat flows inside;
  • comfort and safety of washables;
  • period of operation of the building.

Water and steam are continuously concentrated there, and the tree actively absorbs them. Even if you dry the building periodically, without establishing constant air movement, the effect will not be strong enough. To prevent dampness, it is necessary to create a pair of ventilation windows - one serves to bring in clean air from outside, and the other helps the heated air, which has absorbed a lot of water, to escape. When selecting the location of the openings, change areas that are particularly intensively ventilated. The use of a pair of outlet openings in the steam room and dressing room sometimes improves the orientation of the air flow in the required direction.

Certainly, great importance has both the size of each window and the ability to adjust the clearance. They are equipped with valves that can be opened fully or partially. Volume calculation ventilation holes is based, first of all, on the area of ​​the bathhouse premises. If you make them too large, mold will never appear on the floor and in the sink, but the steam room will take a very long time to heat up, and an unusually large amount of fuel will be consumed, or electrical energy. Windows that are too narrow will not allow the air inside to cool or become drier.

All deviations from normal parameters are strictly unacceptable, which eliminate the occurrence of powerful temperature changes - this not only creates discomfort, but can also provoke health problems. It is impossible to completely eliminate differences in the temperature of the flows; it is only necessary to limit their magnitude. Normal ventilation systems are formed during the construction of the bathhouse, while channels are made and openings are prepared. Windows are installed only after the decorative cladding of the building has been completed. Therefore, you will have to enter information about the design of ventilation ducts into the bathhouse design.

In most cases, ventilation openings are made strictly the same. The outlet hole can be made larger than the inlet hole, but according to safety rules it cannot be smaller than the first one. For the same reasons, they sometimes resort to paired exit windows. It is worth using valves rather than doors as control elements; when closed, it is impossible to maintain the gaps. When the steam room warms up for the first time, the valves are closed 100% until the air reaches the desired temperature.

The use of elements with controlled position is also useful because the amount of air flow must be adjusted according to the season. When there are negative temperatures outside, even a very small trickle of air brings a lot of cold. Therefore, you should not open the ventilation windows completely. The cross sections of such windows should average 24 square meters. cm per 1 cu. m of internal volume. But these are only preliminary figures, and if you doubt the result obtained, you should contact qualified heating engineers for calculations.

It is strictly forbidden to place ventilation windows at the same height or even directly opposite each other, since this will not allow all the air in the bath to be warmed up sufficiently. In addition, such a design will not allow air masses to mix evenly, which means that it will be necessary to carefully calculate the accuracy of the location of the ventilation elements. It is recommended to place exhaust windows just below the ceiling, because the air immediately rushes upward after heating.

Types of ventilation systems

The ventilation device in the bathhouse varies according to the design of the room and its total volume. Natural ventilation is based on the difference in temperatures and pressures inside and outside. In order for it to work efficiently, air input is organized near the stove, at a level of 25-35 cm from the floor. The exit hole is made on opposite walls approximately 15-25 cm below the ceiling. But it is important to take into account that this scheme is not good enough for steam rooms, since it is relatively cold down there, and always hot at the top.

Natural air movement in such a situation is too difficult to organize, you will have to very carefully and carefully arrange the components of the ventilation system. A forced circuit does not always require the use of electronic control systems, with complex panels and so on. There are simpler options when ventilation windows, placed in a special way, are complemented by an exhaust fan. The combination of such components is especially effective when the bathhouse is located inside the house, the windows are not placed inside the outer wall, but are connected to the exits by a long box for ventilation. Duct fans must be selected very carefully, because their operating conditions in baths differ from normal parameters.

The peculiarity of such devices is the increased waterproofing of electrical circuits and main mechanical parts, their adaptation to operation in high temperature without consequences for technology. The state of supply ventilation and its arrangement in each room is adapted to individual characteristics and the type of bathhouse. It follows that the time spent on calculations and thinking through the project is not wasted - it will save a lot of money and time, and get the optimal result sooner.

As is already known, the majority of projects involve the location of introductory windows near the stoves at 0.25-0.35 m from the floor. With this design, the stove transfers heat to air coming from outside, and a flow appears moving in the direction of the hood. Having covered the entire distance, the hot and street flows ultimately cover the entire volume of the steam room, and the area where the top shelf is located is heated the most.

In the second option, by installing an exhaust fan, you can mount the inlet and outlet openings on the same wall. The air flow is directed first in the direction of the heating device. Having received a thermal impulse, it begins to rise to the ceiling and moves in a wide arc that covers the entire room. This approach will be effective if the bathhouse is built into the house and has only one external wall, and there is no need to install a ventilation duct.

If a bathhouse with a leaky floor is created, the introductory window is placed in the same place as in the first case, directly next to the stove. When the heated air gives off heat in the upper part of the steam room, it cools and sinks to the floor, leaving through the holes in the flooring. This technique improves the evaporation of water accumulating below and allows you to delay the failure of the wooden floor. The hood is placed either in the next room or in isolated channels that do not allow air to return to the steam room. The complexity of the flow path makes the use of a fan mandatory. This option is used very rarely, since it is not easy to calculate everything accurately and provide details properly.

Another type involves a continuously operating furnace, the vent of which replaces the hood. For inflow, a window is made under the shelf opposite the stove itself and at the same level. Cold air displaces the heated mass upward, and when the parts of the flow that have given up heat descend, they go into the ash channel. There are even more complex systems when a pair of inlet and a pair of outlet ventilation windows are placed (necessarily with a forced circulation type). It is quite difficult to regulate complex complexes, but their effectiveness is higher than in simple cases.

The Bastu system is the placement of inlet openings(with adjustable valves) behind or under the stove. The organization of vents under the stove is not necessary, although it is highly desirable. Through these openings, air enters the room from the underground part of the bathhouse, which is connected to the outside atmosphere by the foundation vents. When a bathhouse is made in a previously prepared room, you need to choose a room with a couple of external walls; when preparing the basement, choose an angle that meets the same requirements. The dimensions of the inlet and outlet openings are calculated according to general rules.

How to do it right?

Installation of ventilation implies that when the pipe is brought out, it is protected from the penetration of snow, dirt, rain and melt water. When this cannot be done, you can arrange a ventilation box or direct the pipe upward, passing it through the ceiling and roof. In the latter case, the channel is covered with an umbrella to prevent the same precipitation and falling leaves from penetrating inside. Arrange ventilation high level means to ventilate and dry all rooms, structural parts of walls, floors, attics and under-roof spaces.

A step-by-step guide to installing ventilation in a bathhouse is not difficult to find., however, the simplest option is to use asbestos-cement pipes and gratings, selected according to the diameter of the channel. If we talk about technical design, the most effective and convenient design in frame-type walls is the use of supply valves. First, the valve is disassembled and drawn on the wall with a circle marker where the future ventilation ducts will go. To make holes in the casing, use a drill, and take large-diameter drills into which a jigsaw knife can easily fit.

  • using the jigsaw itself, cut out a circle;
  • remove wooden parts;
  • remove insulation and vapor barrier material;
  • using a long drill, pierce the outer casing (this must be done to avoid mistakes when placing the outer lobe of the valve);
  • mark a suitable hole outside and make it using long drills;
  • saw off the valve tubes according to the thickness of the wall.

Then you need to mount the tube in the hole with your own hands and secure the inner segment of the valve with self-tapping screws, only after which you can install the outer part of the product. Installation of valves is recommended in the washing compartment and in the dressing room.

When preparing a new building, it is imperative to calculate both the size of the holes and the required fan power. Ventilation can be adjusted even if it was not done initially. A common mistake is to rely on burst ventilation and the use of stove drafts to dry the air. In principle, this scheme works, but it has serious drawbacks. So, when windows and doors are opened, instead of lowering the temperature, steam is released into adjacent rooms.

It does not go outside, but turns into condensation. The air heating decreases only for a short time, and very soon the bathhouse becomes uncomfortable again. To take advantage of the effect of stove drafts for ventilation, holes are needed, but they should only be made at the bottom. This will ensure air flow from neighboring rooms, where fresh portions will be supplied from the outside. The damper and doors of the furnace itself help regulate ventilation; to increase the inflow, they are opened to the limit, and to weaken, they are partially closed (to avoid the entry of carbon monoxide).

A simple calculation can only be made in relation to forced ventilation , and the natural air flow is much more complex and is subject to a number of different factors. Among them, special attention should be paid to the strength and direction of the wind that blows in a particular area. If the outlet is on the side from which strong winds are directed, this can lead to the flow of influent mass into it (the so-called reverse draft effect or its overturning).

Prevention of such a negative phenomenon seems simple - it is lengthening the channels leading in the right direction or using turns in them. But each turn complicates the work and reduces the speed of air exit or entry. The solution would be to orient the inlet to the side from which the wind mainly blows, while placing the outlet on the opposite side or on the roof (with a high pipe).

Use ventilation duct V block wall not worth it, in such cases it is mounted on the internal wall and partition. According to experts, the best air duct is the one built from galvanized pipes. Plastic structures can be installed with caution, carefully assessing their permissible temperature range. The gap from the pipe to the walls of the hole is filled with mineral wool or more modern insulation materials. Polyurethane foam helps eliminate gaps at the inlet and outlet.

The method of fastening ventilation grilles is selected according to the material that serves as the base. Checking the quality of ventilation is very easy - bring a fire or a smoking object to the hole. This will allow you to further find out at what speed the air is moving. Most often, only a hood, supplemented by a fan, is placed in the dressing room.

When the furnace firebox is brought into the dressing room, you need to make a special ventilation channel based on galvanized steel, passed under the finished floors and supplying air directly to the furnace door. The channel must be created before the finished floor is laid. One edge of the pipe is inserted into the hole and fixed in it polyurethane foam, is clogged with a grate. An adjustable plug is installed on the edge approaching the stove.

Good ventilation- This is the one that avoids condensation on the ceiling surface. As for the subfloor, work on it begins with preparation cement screed, which is tilted towards the sewer pipe. The foundation is equipped with a pair of holes (in opposite walls, but not directly opposite each other). Air flows should flow under the floor along the most intricate trajectories. The holes are sealed with valves, which will allow you to adjust the rate of movement of the jet according to the current season.

In a bathhouse, which was originally built without floor ventilation, it is necessary to drill concrete base down to the ground. This will turn out to be a decent replacement for full-fledged drainage when there is no desire to work on installing drain pipes. The ventilated floor must be decorated with lintels, which use pipes or wooden beam with a cross section of 11x6 or 15x8 cm. The logs are covered with processed and well-polished oak boards.

How to choose?

In a Russian bath, unlike an ordinary washing room, It is necessary to ensure the following conditions using ventilation:

  • temperature in the steam room - from 50 to 60 degrees;
  • relative humidity – not lower than 70 and not higher than 90%;
  • very fast drying any wooden surface after finishing washing;
  • prompt reduction of humidity while eliminating drafts and opening doors;
  • the same air quality in the steam room, as well as in the relaxation room, regardless of the season;
  • saving everyone traditional properties Russian bath.

No ventilation devices will help save you from carbon monoxide, if there is a constant influx of it. You will have to continuously monitor the complete combustion of the wood, and only after all the coals have died out, shut off the chimney. The organization of air flow in a log bathhouse occurs through the crowns of the walls.

For obvious reasons, this approach is not suitable for a brick building. When walls are sheathed with boards or clapboards, it is imperative to use ventilation holes, otherwise the negative effect of dampness will be excessively strong. In most cases, a hole of 200x200 mm will be sufficient to lead pipes to the street. The choice of plastic or metal should be made in accordance with the specific project and operating conditions of the ventilation system.

A bathhouse made of foam blocks must be ventilated inside the walls. The layers of waterproofing and cladding are separated by a ventilation gap; for external cladding it is 40-50 mm, and inside the bathhouse it is 30-40 mm. A typical design involves the use of lathing, which already helps to hold the wall cladding in place. In addition to in-wall ventilation, all rooms are equipped with an air intake at the bottom (usually behind the stoves) and an outlet (near the ceiling). The advantage of an active air freshening system is that it can be placed anywhere.

In most cases, foam block baths are ventilated in one burst, that is, by simultaneously opening the front door and the window farthest from it. Only a professional calculation is guaranteed to make it possible to find out whether artificial ventilation is needed or whether natural circulation of air masses is sufficient.

Components and materials

A fan heater for a bath must have a certain level of thermal protection (not lower than IP44); its body is always made of heat-resistant materials. Modern devices have very high power and operate almost silently, the volume is no more than 35 dB.

The following can be used as ventilation holes in attics:

  • special windows;
  • aerators;
  • soffits.

Ventilation of the steam room is the most important component of the design of a modern bathhouse. Ventilation serves to remove excess steam, exhaust air and properly distribute heat in the room. You can provide ventilation in the steam room with your own hands, investing very little money and materials. But first, let’s figure out whether ventilation is needed in the steam room.

Why is there ventilation in the steam room?

Properly constructed ventilation in a steam room solves two problems:

  • comfort for steamers;
  • safety.

Lack of air exchange or improper ventilation in the steam room can lead to such sad consequences as:

  • rapid decay and deterioration of the structure. Even in a properly constructed bathhouse, wood lasts no longer than 2 decades. If there is no ventilation, this period will decrease significantly;
  • the unpleasant smell of rot and mustiness will discourage you from visiting the steam room;
  • the accumulation of gases and microbes is harmful to health. When wood burns and people are in the bathhouse, gases are released. And in wet and warm atmosphere mold and fungi develop. If there is no air exchange, all harmful impurities are concentrated, making bath procedures dangerous for the human body.

One of the most important functions of ventilation in a steam room is to optimize heating. Air saturated with water vapor is a weak conductor of heat.

This is why a sauna without ventilation takes longer to heat up. To enhance air movement, the supply hole is located behind the firebox, just above the floor. The air entering the room is first warmed up, without lowering the overall temperature in the steam room.

So, ventilation is needed in a Russian steam room, but how to do it correctly - read on and watch the video.

Rules for ventilation in the steam room

There are many ventilation schemes in the steam room. The choice of the appropriate one depends on the architectural features of the bathhouse. But some laws cannot be broken anyway.

  • The air flow is organized in the lower part of the room, preferably near the firebox;
  • When constructing ventilation in a steam room with your own hands, it is best to place the exhaust air outflow on the opposite side, as close to the ceiling as possible. Some owners make an exhaust hole directly in the ceiling, which has its pros and cons.

The inlet and outlet must not be placed at the same height!

Otherwise, most of the air in the bath will not participate in the movement. Your feet will freeze and your head will overheat.

The diameter of the ventilation holes depends on the volume of the bath:

1 cubic meter of air requires 24 square meters. centimeter of pipe diameter.

Before arranging ventilation in the steam room, it is necessary to consider the valve system. They are needed to regulate the air flow and allow you to quickly cool or warm the bath. It is advisable to install ventilation pipes during the construction phase of the building.

Signs bad work ventilation:

  • condensation on the walls;
  • mold in the corners;
  • heavy smell;
  • drafts;
  • cold on average and upper layers air;
  • the bathhouse does not gain temperature well and cools down quickly;
  • Fresh supply air is removed, and carbon dioxide remains in the room (feeling stuffy).

Even in a very hot steam room it should be easy to breathe.

Which steam room ventilation is better: natural or forced?

When thinking about how to make ventilation in a steam room, you need to solve the main question: will the air exchange be natural or mechanical. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. When equipping ventilation in the steam room with your own hands, it is easier to resort to mechanical traction.

There is no need to carefully check the location and diameter of the ventilation ducts while mastering the skills of a stove maker. You just need to insert the fans and they will do all the work themselves.

  • With the natural ventilation scheme of the steam room, air movement is ensured by the difference in temperature and pressure outside and in the bath. Warm air rushes to the ceiling, stretches out into the street, creating some rarefaction in the air. The lack of pressure is compensated by the influx of fresh air. Natural ventilation is especially good in steam rooms made of wood, a breathable material. The movement of air flows is also supported by the presence of gaps between the logs. If the area of ​​the bathhouse is small, natural air exchange will be quite sufficient;
  • With a forced ventilation scheme, the influx or exhaust of air in the steam room is organized by a fan. Sometimes fans are installed for both inflow and outflow. In such cases, ventilation grilles can be installed in any location. If there is only one fan, the air flow is only made near the floor behind the firebox. A large bathhouse built of stone or brick cannot be properly ventilated naturally. Auxiliary methods for improving draft are used, for example, an exhaust fan or a supply valve.

The advantage of the natural steam room ventilation scheme is its low cost. However, it is not always possible to install exhaust pipes in the right places and you have to resort to mechanical traction.

Before you ventilate the steam room, you need to purchase a fan. Not every model can cope with high humidity and temperature. An ordinary household fan can be used exclusively for ventilating the room after completing bath procedures.

In addition to fans, traction amplifiers also include deflectors. They are placed at the outer end of the ventilation duct.

If a heating steam room is installed geyser, a special ventilation duct is equipped for it.

Often, steam rooms and saunas are equipped with supply and exhaust systems that independently regulate temperature, humidity and air exchange in the room.

Steam room ventilation schemes

An error in steam room ventilation can be costly. The diagrams clearly show how to correctly position the ventilation holes:

A– photo of steam room ventilation with natural draft. The inflow is organized behind the firebox, the outflow is opposite from the upper part of the room. In order for the system to work in windy weather, the exhaust pipe is made vertical, its edge is higher than the ridge of the roof. It is important to choose the correct diameter of the air ducts, then the air exchange will proceed independently. It is regulated by flaps.

B– in this photo, ventilation in the steam room was made with your own hands with an uncharacteristic distribution of air ducts. The scheme is used when only one wall can be allocated for ventilation. The air enters the steam room from below, hits the hot stove, warms up and rushes to the ceiling, gradually moving towards the exhaust hole. The exhaust must be forced.

IN– not only the steam room room is ventilated, but also the subfloor, preventing the boards from rotting. The supply air is immediately warmed by the stove, falls down through the cracks in the floor, then rises up and is drawn out into the street.

G– in this photo the chimney is used to ventilate the steam room and is a hood. The inlet is opposite the stove near the floor. Such ventilation is often installed in public steam rooms, since here the stove operates constantly.

The stove plays a very important role in organizing the ventilation of the steam room. The ventilation scheme largely depends on its location. More efficient air exchange is possible when the heater is installed directly inside the steam room, and not in the adjacent room.

About ventilating a Russian bath

It is impossible to install a mechanical hood in a classic Russian bathhouse. She will blow all the steam out onto the street in a matter of minutes. Therefore, after completing the bath procedures, the room is simply thoroughly ventilated. To do this, most often open the door and the window, which is usually located on the wall opposite the door. If there is a forced exhaust, it can be used, but also with the door open. It is imperative to remove all wet leaves from brooms, because they retain moisture and germs. And the benches and wooden floors are dried with towels. Microbes multiply remarkably in wet floorboards and accumulate harmful substances, excreted with sweat.

After thoroughly drying and ventilating the room, you can begin to heat the steam room, where ventilation is required.

During heating in the steam room, the exhaust pipes are closed and the inflow is opened.

air movement at the end of kindling)

High quality ventilation system - required element steam rooms The absence or improper organization of ventilation in the bathhouse is dangerous to human health. A properly equipped system will protect people from carbon monoxide and improve the comfort of staying indoors. We will talk further about the features and technology of installing a ventilation system in a bathhouse.

Characteristics of proper ventilation for a steam room

Proper ventilation in a bathhouse performs several functions at once:

  • provides the room with oxygen;
  • improves the comfort of staying in the steam room;
  • removes carbon monoxide;
  • allows for economically efficient use of firewood;
  • distributes air flow evenly;
  • protects the building from the formation of mold or mildew.

The most the best option ventilation in the bathhouse is supply and exhaust. For these purposes, arrange:

  • supply opening - through them an influx of fresh air is organized into the steam room, a fan with a ventilation tube is installed, additional air flow is provided by open vents or through the door;
  • exhaust hole - removal of heated air from the room, through a firebox, blower or devices that improve draft.

For improvement supply and exhaust system ventilation uses various methods. We invite you to familiarize yourself with one of the most effective ventilation systems:

1. The supply openings are located at the bottom of the room, next to the firebox.

2. Exhaust holes are strictly on the opposite side from above. It is possible to organize two holes at once for better air control.

3. The height of the exhaust opening determines the level of draft. If the ventilation opening is low, further strengthen the system with a ventilation pipe.

4. Using special dampers, the air supply from the room is controlled.

5. The air in the steam room is renewed every 2-3 hours.

In addition, the individual parameters of the ventilation system are determined by the type of room and bathhouse option. For example, in a Russian bathhouse, periodic ventilation will help to renew the air. In addition, the size and installation location of the firebox is taken into account; in relation to this parameter, two types of ventilation are organized.

How to make ventilation in a steam room with a separate firebox

We offer an option for organizing ventilation in a steam room, the firebox of which is located in an adjacent room. This scheme is popular in ordinary Russian baths. A furnace tunnel is used to lead the firebox into the adjacent room. Among the advantages of this arrangement of the furnace, we note:

  • no trash in the steam room;
  • the door to the room opens only upon entry;
  • possibility of installing heat-resistant glass for admiring an open flame.

To install supply openings in a room, two methods are used:

1. Arrangement of a ventilation duct in the underground space. Bringing it out in front of the furnace room, installing ventilation grilles on the duct.

2. Floor ventilation supply.

Install the hood on the opposite wall, diagonally in relation to the supply opening.

The main quality of the organization proper ventilation- the supply openings must be the same in area as the exhaust openings.

Ventilation diagram in a steam room with an indoor firebox

If the stove-heater is located directly in the steam room, then the organization of ventilation occurs differently. In this case, air flows through the ashpit solve the issue of natural ventilation. This method is appropriate if the fire in the stove is constantly on.

If there is no chimney in the bathhouse, and the stove operates in short-term mode, use a more advanced ventilation system. Familiarize yourself with the technology of arranging a ventilation system in a steam room:

1. Build a special brick podium on which the stove is installed. With its help, a ventilation duct is connected to the stove.

2. Lay the ends, build another box of bricks. As a result, the first structure was installed at the top of the stove channel, and the second - to the steam room door.

3. On the wall adjacent to the regular room, build doors where the masonry passes through. They warm up the next room, if necessary.

4. A stove is installed on the podium; it can be mounted on a corner or on steel pictures. Finish the oven with brick, install a brick screen with two convection valves.

5. The exhaust ventilation system operates due to the furnace firebox.

Correct installation of the ventilation system is based on its correct adjustment. General rules ventilation system control:

  • at the beginning of the furnace fire, all openings, both supply and exhaust, are closed;
  • wait until the temperature increases, then adjust the ventilation holes with the valves;
  • if it is necessary to increase the volume of oxygen in the room, open the inlet;
  • Upon completion of work, open the doors for better ventilation of the steam room.

Steam room ventilation photo:

To determine the temperature and humidity in the room, use special devices. An alcohol thermometer or electric type. Please note that the use of the mercury version is strictly prohibited. Use a hygrometer to determine the humidity level.

The operating principle of the ventilation system is based on the following factors:

  • by heating the oven, the air gradually heats up and exits through the convection door;
  • the bottom door remains open until the oven is completely warmed up;
  • close the door from below and work with the top hatch;
  • during the vaping process, only the blower installed on the box opens;
  • After using the steam room for its intended purpose, ventilate the room well.

Do-it-yourself ventilation device in the steam room

The main functions of the ventilation system in the bathhouse:

  • air supply during bath procedures;
  • high-quality room drying.

The ventilation system in the bathhouse should not:

  • violate the temperature of the room while taking bath procedures;
  • separate temperature flows, that is, cool air is closer to the floor, and warm air is on top;
  • remove unexhausted air from the steam room.

In addition, the lack of ventilation leads to the appearance of unpleasant air in the room, the formation of mold and mildew, which are harmful to human health.

Let us highlight three main types of ventilation in the steam room:

  • a natural option is to supply air flows through a pressure difference;
  • mechanical option - air supply using special mechanisms, when measuring these characteristics with instruments;
  • a combined option - creating artificial pressure with fans and hoods.

There are two types of air transportation in a room: supply and exhaust. For these purposes, equip a hole located diagonally with respect to the inlet.

It is not recommended to install an exhaust vent in the steam room on the ceiling; this ventilation system increases the time it takes to warm up the room. It is rational to install the hood under the ceiling, additionally equipping it with a damper to regulate the draft.

In addition, provide a ventilated floor in the bathhouse. Thus, the life of the floor covering increases, since it is in constant contact with water. Recommendations for arranging floor ventilation:

1. During the installation of the foundation base, ensure ventilation of the floors and build vents from the basement.

2. Build ventilation holes on opposite walls to ensure air flow. Install grilles on them to prevent rodents from entering.

3. The finished floor should be slightly higher in level than the ash pit is located. Thus, it will function as a hood.

4. Install wooden boards with a small gap, at least half a centimeter.

5. After taking bath procedures, ventilate the room well and dry the floors.

Another way to organize a ventilation system in a bathhouse is “According to Bast”. In this case, fresh air enters the room from the furnace space, and exhaust comes from an opening located near the door. For these purposes, build an exhaust duct made of wood, lined with foil inside.

Build a ventilation duct under the floor next to a metal sheet to prevent heat from entering it. The size of the structure should not exceed twenty percent. Adjusting the flow of fresh air through such a system is quite simple. It is enough to open the ventilation hole and the blower. In addition, it is possible to avoid the accumulation of unpleasant aroma in the steam room. This method of organizing ventilation is appropriate if the firebox is located directly in the steam room.

DIY methods for organizing ventilation in a steam room

We offer five of the most popular schemes for organizing supply ventilation in a steam room:

1. Scheme No. 1.

Install the inlet under the stove 50 cm from the floor, and the outlet on the opposite side, thirty centimeters from the ceiling. Forced movement of air masses is provided by a fan. Thus, it is possible to ensure uniform heating of the air. The height of the first hole regulates the draft force of natural ventilation.

2. Scheme No. 2.

Two ventilation holes are located on one wall, always opposite the stove. The inlet is installed at a distance of thirty centimeters from the floor, and the outlet - thirty centimeters from the ceiling. Install a fan in the outlet, the cooled air entering the room collides with the stove, heats up and goes outside.

3. Scheme No. 3.

Place the inlet hole behind the stove, at a distance of about twenty centimeters from the floor. The inlet is installed at the same height, only near the ceiling of the opposite wall. A hood is installed in the second hole. The principle of operation of the system is based on cooled air entering the steam room, passing through the oven and being drawn out by a second hole.

4. Scheme No. 4.

This method is relevant for a steam room with a floor that has holes for water drainage. The inlet is installed behind the stove, and the outlet is a drain pipe through which the air is discharged outside.

5. Scheme No. 5.

Relevant for a bathhouse with a constantly running stove. The inlet hole is arranged opposite the stove, and the vent with chimney act as an outlet

If you need to increase the temperature in the steam room, just close all the plugs. After taking bath procedures, they are removed. It is quite possible to organize these ventilation schemes yourself, without purchasing expensive devices and special material investments.

How to make a vapor barrier for a steam room with your own hands

Vapor barrier in the steam room allows you to maintain optimal temperature premises. Special materials in the form of vapor-proof films, insulation and waterproofing will help create high-quality vapor barrier. The film protects the insulation from the penetration of water vapor, while not allowing moisture in the hot air to pass through.

A well-equipped vapor barrier and ventilation system increases the service life of the room itself and its exterior finishing. Since hot air rises upward, first of all, properly vapor barrier the ceiling.

For these purposes, use racks, boards, about 6 cm thick. They are covered on top with aluminum-based foil, high-density cardboard or wax paper impregnated with drying oil. After fixing one of these materials, the ceiling is finished with clay and insulated.

In addition, it will help to vaporize the ceiling edged board. Cardboard impregnated with drying oil is installed on the boards, which is then lined with wooden clapboard.

Expanded polystyrene boards are a modern replacement for soft clay and have good thermal insulation and performance characteristics.

The following are used as vapor barrier materials for steam room walls:

  • roofing felt;
  • aluminum foil;
  • glassine;
  • polyethylene based film.

Glassine and roofing felt are rarely used for thermal insulation of steam rooms. This is explained by the fact that when heated strongly, they release toxic substances and unpleasant odors. The steam room is vapor-insulated with special foil materials. There are combined methods of steam and heat insulation. For example, NPP polypropylene, among its advantages we note:

  • excellent resistance to moisture;
  • resistance to increased temperature;
  • laminated coating prevents the development of mold and mildew;
  • combined thermal vapor barrier.

In addition, it is possible to use rolled vapor barrier in the form of rolled foil or fiberglass boards. For sealing joints between vapor barrier materials, use foil tape.

The plates are installed on the ceiling with a small compensation gap of 20 mm. This reduces the impact of moisture on these areas. Please note that the vapor barrier in the steam room must be securely hidden behind the main finishing material, and a high-quality ventilation system is its complement.

Ventilation in the steam room video: