Recycling of boiler flue gases. Flue gas heat recovery device and method of its operation

Heat recovery methods. Flue gases leaving the working space of furnaces have a very high temperature and therefore carry away a significant amount of heat. In open-hearth furnaces, for example, about 80% of the total heat supplied to the working space is carried away from the working space with flue gases, in heating furnaces about 60%. From the working space of the furnaces, the flue gases carry away more heat with them, the higher their temperature and the lower the heat utilization coefficient in the furnace. In this regard, it is advisable to ensure the recovery of heat from exhaust flue gases, which can be performed in two fundamental ways: with the return of part of the heat taken from the flue gases back to the furnace and without returning this heat to the furnace. To implement the first method, it is necessary to transfer the heat taken from the smoke to gas and air (or only air) going into the furnace. To achieve this goal, heat exchangers of recuperative and regenerative types are widely used, the use of which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the furnace unit, increase combustion temperature and save fuel. With the second method of utilization, the heat of exhaust flue gases is used in thermal power boiler houses and turbine units, which achieves significant fuel savings.

In some cases, both described methods of heat recovery from flue gases are used simultaneously. This is done when the temperature of the flue gases after regenerative or recuperative heat exchangers remains sufficiently high and further heat recovery in thermal power plants is advisable. For example, in open-hearth furnaces, the temperature of the flue gases after the regenerators is 750-800 °C, so they are reused in waste heat boilers.

Let us consider in more detail the issue of recycling the heat of exhaust flue gases with the return of part of their heat to the furnace.

It should first of all be noted that a unit of heat taken from the smoke and introduced into the furnace by air or gas (a unit of physical heat) turns out to be much more valuable than units of heat obtained in the furnace as a result of combustion of fuel (a unit of chemical heat), since the heat of heated air ( gas) does not entail heat loss with flue gases. The value of a unit of sensible heat is greater, the lower the fuel utilization factor and the higher the temperature of the exhaust flue gases.

For normal operation of the furnace, it is necessary to supply the working space every hour. required amount heat. This amount of heat includes not only the heat of the fuel Q x, but also the heat of heated air or gas Q F, i.e. Q Σ = Q x + Q f

It is clear that for Q Σ = const an increase in Q f will allow you to decrease Q x. In other words, utilization of heat from flue gases makes it possible to achieve fuel savings, which depends on the degree of heat recovery from flue gases

R = N in / N d

where N in and N d are, respectively, the enthalpy of heated air and flue gases escaping from the working space, kW or


The degree of heat recovery can also be called the heat recovery coefficient of the recuperator (regenerator), %

efficiency p = (N in / N d) 100%.

Knowing the degree of heat recovery, you can determine fuel economy using the following expression:

where N " d and N d are, respectively, the enthalpy of the flue gases at the combustion temperature and those leaving the furnace.

Reducing fuel consumption as a result of using the heat of exhaust flue gases usually provides a significant economic effect and is one of the ways to reduce the cost of heating metal in industrial furnaces.

In addition to saving fuel, the use of air (gas) heating is accompanied by an increase in the calorimetric combustion temperature T k, which may be the main purpose of recovery when heating furnaces with fuel with a low calorific value.

Increase in Q F at leads to an increase in combustion temperature. If it is necessary to provide a certain amount T k, then an increase in the temperature of heating the air (gas) leads to a decrease in the value , i.e., to reduce the share of gas with a high calorific value in the fuel mixture.

Since heat recovery allows for significant fuel savings, it is advisable to strive for the highest possible, economically justified degree of recovery. However, it must immediately be noted that recycling cannot be complete, i.e. always R< 1. Это объясняется тем, что увеличение поверхности нагрева рационально только до определенных пределов, после которых оно уже приводит кочень незначительному выигрышу в экономии тепла.

Characteristics of heat exchange devices. As already indicated, the recovery of heat from exhaust flue gases and their return to the furnace can be carried out in heat exchange devices of regenerative and recuperative types. Regenerative heat exchangers operate in a non-stationary thermal state, while recuperative heat exchangers operate in a stationary thermal state.

Regenerative type heat exchangers have the following main disadvantages:

1) cannot provide a constant temperature for heating air or gas, which drops as the bricks of the nozzle cool, which limits the possibility of application automatic regulation ovens;

2) cessation of heat supply to the furnace when the valves are switched;

3) when heating the fuel, gas is carried out through the chimney, the value of which reaches 5-6 % full flow rate;

4) very large volume and mass of regenerators;

5) inconveniently located - ceramic regenerators are always located under the furnaces. The only exceptions are cowpers placed near blast furnaces.

However, despite very serious disadvantages, regenerative heat exchangers are sometimes still used in high-temperature furnaces (open hearth and blast furnaces, in heating wells). This is explained by the fact that regenerators can operate at very high flue gas temperatures (1500-1600 °C). At this temperature, recuperators cannot yet operate stably.

The recuperative principle of heat recovery from exhaust flue gases is more progressive and perfect. Recuperators provide a constant temperature for heating air or gas and do not require any changeover devices - this ensures smoother operation of the furnace and greater opportunity for automation and control of its thermal operation. Recuperators do not carry gas into the chimney; they are smaller in volume and weight. However, recuperators also have some disadvantages, the main ones being low fire resistance (metal recuperators) and low gas density (ceramic recuperators).

General characteristics of heat exchange in recuperators. Let's consider general characteristics heat exchange in the recuperator. The recuperator is a heat exchanger operating under stationary thermal conditions, when heat is constantly transferred from cooling flue gases to heated air (gas) through the dividing wall.

The total amount of heat transferred in the recuperator is determined by the equation

Q = KΔ t av F ,

Where TO- total heat transfer coefficient from smoke to air (gas), characterizing the overall level of heat transfer in the recuperator, W/(m 2 -K);

Δ t avg- average (over the entire heating surface) temperature difference between flue gases and air (gas), K;

F- heating surface through which heat is transferred from flue gases to air (gas), m2.

Heat transfer in recuperators includes three main stages of heat transfer: a) from flue gases to the walls of recuperative elements; b) through the dividing wall; c) from the wall to the heated air or gas.

On the smoke side of the recuperator, heat from the flue gases to the wall is transferred not only by convection, but also by radiation. Therefore, the local heat transfer coefficient on the smoke side is equal to

where is the heat transfer coefficient from the flue gases to the wall

convection, W/(m 2 °C);

Heat transfer coefficient from flue gases to the wall

by radiation, W/(m 2 °C).

Heat transfer through the dividing wall depends on the thermal resistance of the wall and the condition of its surface.

On the air side of the recuperator, when heating the air, heat is transferred from the wall to the air only by convection, and when heating the gas - by convection and radiation. Thus, when air is heated, heat transfer is determined by the local convection heat transfer coefficient; if the gas is heated, then the heat transfer coefficient

All noted local heat transfer coefficients are combined into the total heat transfer coefficient

, W/(m 2 °C).

In tubular recuperators, the total heat transfer coefficient should be determined for a cylindrical wall (linear heat transfer coefficient)

, W/(m °C)

Coefficient TO called the heat transfer coefficient of the pipe. If it is necessary to attribute the amount of heat to the area of ​​the internal or external surface of the pipe, then the total heat transfer coefficients can be determined as follows:


Where a 1 - heat transfer coefficient per inside

pipes, W/(m 2 °C);

a 2 - the same, on the outside of the pipe, W/(m 2 °C);

r 1 and r 2 - respectively, the radii of the inner and outer

pipe surfaces, m. In metal recuperators, the value of the thermal resistance of the wall can be neglected , and then the total heat transfer coefficient can be written in the following form:

W/(m 2 °C)

All local heat transfer coefficients necessary to determine the value TO, can be obtained based on the laws of heat transfer by convection and radiation.

Since there is always a pressure difference between the air and smoke sides of the recuperator, the presence of leaks in the recuperative nozzle leads to air leakage, sometimes reaching 40-50%. Leaks sharply reduce the efficiency of recuperative installations; the more air sucked in, the lower the proportion of heat usefully used in the ceramic recuperator (see below):

Leakage, % 0 25 60

Final flue gas temperature,

°C 660 615 570

Air heating temperature, °C 895 820 770

Recuperator efficiency (without taking into account

losses), % 100 84 73.5

Air leakage affects the value of local heat transfer coefficients, and air trapped in the flue gases not only

Rice. 4. Schemes of movement of gaseous media in recuperative heat exchangers

reduces their temperature, but also reduces the percentage of CO 2 and H 2 0, as a result of which the emissivity of gases deteriorates.

Both with an absolutely gas-tight recuperator and with a leak, the local heat transfer coefficients change along the heating surface, therefore, when calculating recuperators, the values ​​of the local heat transfer coefficients for the top and bottom are determined separately and then the total heat transfer coefficient is found using the average value.


  1. B.A.Arutyunov, V.I. Mitkalinny, S.B. Stark. Metallurgical heat engineering, vol. 1, M, Metallurgy, 1974, p. 672
  2. V.A. Krivandin and others. Metallurgical heat engineering, M, Metallurgy, 1986, p. 591
  3. V.A.Krivandin, B.L. Markov. Metallurgical furnaces, M, Metallurgy, 1977, p.463
  4. V.A. Krivandin, A.V. Egorov. Thermal work and designs of ferrous metallurgy furnaces, M, Metallurgy, 1989, p.463

Heat recovery from flue gases

The flue gases leaving the working space of the furnaces have a very high temperature and therefore carry away a significant amount of heat. In open-hearth furnaces, for example, about 80% of the total heat supplied to the working space is carried away from the working space with flue gases, in heating furnaces about 60%. From the working space of the furnaces, the flue gases carry away more heat with them, the higher their temperature and the lower the heat utilization coefficient in the furnace. In this regard, it is advisable to ensure the recovery of heat from exhaust flue gases, which can be done in principle by two methods: with the return of part of the heat taken from the flue gases back to the furnace and without returning this heat to the furnace. To implement the first method, it is necessary to transfer the heat taken from the smoke to gas and air (or only air) going into the furnace. To achieve this goal, heat exchangers of recuperative and regenerative types are widely used, the use of which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the furnace unit, increase the combustion temperature and save fuel. With the second recovery method, the heat of exhaust flue gases is used in thermal power boiler houses and turbine units, which achieves significant fuel savings.

In some cases, both described methods of waste heat recovery are used simultaneously. This is done when the temperature of the flue gases after regenerative or recuperative type heat exchangers remains sufficiently high and further heat recovery in thermal power plants is advisable. For example, in open-hearth furnaces, the temperature of the flue gases after the regenerators is 750-800 °C, so they are reused in waste heat boilers.

Let us consider in more detail the issue of recycling the heat of exhaust flue gases with the return of part of their heat to the furnace.

It should be noted, first of all, that a unit of heat taken from the smoke and introduced into the furnace by air or gas (a unit of physical heat) turns out to be much more valuable than a unit of heat obtained in the furnace as a result of combustion of fuel (a unit of chemical heat), since the heat of the heated air (gas) does not entail heat loss with flue gases. The value of a unit of sensible heat is greater, the lower the fuel utilization factor and the higher the temperature of the exhaust flue gases.

For normal operation of the furnace, the required amount of heat must be supplied to the working space every hour. This amount of heat includes not only the heat of the fuel, but also the heat of heated air or gas, i.e.

It is clear that with = const an increase will reduce . In other words, utilization of heat from flue gases makes it possible to achieve fuel savings, which depends on the degree of heat recovery from flue gases

where is the enthalpy of heated air and flue gases escaping from the working space, kW, or kJ/period, respectively.

The degree of heat recovery can also be called efficiency. recuperator (regenerator), %

Knowing the degree of heat recovery, you can determine fuel economy using the following expression:

where I"d, Id are, respectively, the enthalpy of the flue gases at the combustion temperature and those leaving the furnace.

Reducing fuel consumption as a result of using the heat of exhaust flue gases usually provides a significant economic effect and is one of the ways to reduce the cost of heating metal in industrial furnaces.

In addition to saving fuel, the use of air (gas) heating is accompanied by an increase in calorimetric combustion temperature, which may be the main purpose of recovery when heating furnaces with fuel with a low calorific value.

An increase in at leads to an increase in combustion temperature. If it is necessary to provide a certain value, then an increase in the temperature of heating the air (gas) leads to a decrease in the value, i.e., to a decrease in the proportion of gas with a high calorific value in the fuel mixture.

Since heat recovery allows for significant fuel savings, it is advisable to strive for the highest possible, economically justified degree of utilization. However, it must immediately be noted that recycling cannot be complete, i.e. always. This is explained by the fact that increasing the heating surface is rational only up to certain limits, after which it already leads to a very insignificant gain in heat savings.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution higher professional education

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Berezniki branch


in the discipline "Resource Saving"

on the topic "Use of heat from flue gases"

The work was completed by a student

groups EiU- 10z(2)

Pauwels Yu.S.

The work was checked by the teacher

Nechaev N.P.

Berezniki 2014


1. General information

3. Waste heat boilers



Gases in technology are used mainly as fuel; raw materials for the chemical industry: chemical agents for welding, gas chemical-thermal treatment of metals, creating an inert or special atmosphere, in some biochemical processes, etc.; coolants; working fluid to perform mechanical work(firearms, jet engines and projectiles, gas turbines, combined-cycle plants, pneumatic transport, etc.): physical environment for gas discharge (in gas-discharge tubes and other devices).

Let's take a closer look at the use of waste flue gases.

gas smoke heat recuperator

1. General information

Flue gases are products of fuel combustion organic origin emanating from the working space of heated metallurgical units.

Exhaust gases (secondary energy resources) are gases generated as a result of fuel combustion, as well as technological processes, leaving a furnace or unit.

The use of sensible heat by waste gases is determined by their quantity, composition, heat capacity and temperature. The highest temperature of the exhaust gases of oxygen converters is (1600-1800 °C), the lowest is the temperature of the exhaust gases of air heaters of blast furnaces (250-400 °C). The use of waste gas heat is organized different ways. With regenerative or closed cooling, the heat of the exhaust gases is used to directly increase the efficiency of the technological process (heating regenerators or recuperators, charge or process product, etc.). If, as a result of regenerative cooling, not all the heat of the exhaust gases is used, then waste heat boilers are used. Physical heat from waste gases is also used to generate electricity in built-in gas turbine units. The furnace dust of blast furnace gas contained in the exhaust gases and iron oxides in the gases of open-hearth furnaces and oxygen converters are captured in gas purification units and returned to the technological process as a recycle product.

2. Regenerators and recuperators for heating air and gas

As mentioned above, heating of air and gas is carried out in regenerators or recuperators by using the heat of flue gases leaving the working chambers of the furnaces. Regenerators are used in open-hearth steel-smelting furnaces, in which the heating of air and gas reaches 1000 - 1200°. The principle of operation of regenerators is to alternately heat two heat-intensive brick nozzles (grids) with gases escaping from the working chamber of the furnace, followed by passing heated gas or air through the heated nozzle. Heating of gas or air in regenerators is associated with switching the latter either to heating or cooling. This requires periodic changes in the direction of flame movement in the working chamber of the furnace, which necessitates switching combustion devices; thus, the entire process of the furnace becomes reversible. This complicates the design of the furnace and increases the cost of its operation, but contributes to the uniform distribution of temperatures in the working space of the furnace.

The principle of operation of the recuperator, which is a surface heat exchanger, consists of the continuous transfer of heat, flue gases leaving the working chamber of the furnace, to heated air or gaseous fuel.

The recuperator is characterized by the continuous movement of gases in one direction, which greatly simplifies the design of furnaces and reduces the cost of construction and operation.

In Fig. Figure 1 shows a common ceramic heat exchanger, in which the pipes are made up of octagonal ceramic elements, and the space between the pipes is covered with shaped tiles. Flue gases move inside the pipes, and heated air moves outside (in the transverse direction). The wall thickness of the pipes is 13 - 16 mm and represents significant thermal resistance. The heat transfer coefficient (relative to the air surface) is 6 - 8 W/(m 2 deg). Elements of ceramic recuperators are made from fireclay or some other more heat-conducting refractory mass, followed by firing. The advantages of ceramic recuperators are their high fire resistance and good thermal resistance - the material does not deteriorate when flue gases with a very high temperature are passed through the recuperator.

Rice. 1. Tubular ceramic recuperator.

1 - heated air; 2 - flue gases; 3 - cold air; 4 - ceramic pipes; 5 - partitions.

The disadvantages of ceramic heat exchangers include their low density, high heat capacity, poor heat transfer from flue gases to air, and disruption of element connections due to shocks and distortions. These disadvantages greatly limit the spread of ceramic recuperators, and they are used only in continuously operating furnaces installed in workshops where there are no impact mechanisms (for example, steam hammers).

The most widespread are metal recuperators, which have the most favorable development prospects. Economic expediency The installation of such recuperators is confirmed by the rapid payback of construction costs (0.25 - 0.35 years).

Metal recuperators are characterized by efficient heat transfer, low heat capacity, and, consequently, quick readiness for normal operation and high density. Elements of metal recuperators are made from various metals depending on the operating temperature of the material and the composition of the flue gases passing through the recuperator. Simple ferrous metals - carbon steel and gray cast iron - begin to oxidize intensively at low temperatures (500 ° C), and therefore heat-resistant cast iron and steel are used for the manufacture of recuperators, which contain nickel, chromium, silicon, aluminum as alloying additives, titanium, etc., which increase the metal’s resistance to scaling.

The design solution of a low-temperature recuperator with air heating up to 300 - 400 °C is relatively simple. The creation of a high-temperature recuperator for heating air and gaseous fuel to 700 - 900 °C represents a serious technical problem that has not yet been completely solved. Its difficulty lies in providing reliable operation recuperators during long-term operation when using high-temperature flue gases carrying suspended solid particles of ash, black carbon, charge, etc., which causes abrasive wear. When these particles fall out of the flow, the heating surface of the recuperator on the gas side becomes contaminated. When the air is dusty, the heating surface is also contaminated on the air side. Individual tubes of recuperator tube bundles, embedded in tube sheets, operate along the flow of gases under different temperature conditions, heat up and expand differently.

This difference in pipe expansion requires different compensation, which is difficult to achieve. In Fig. Figure 2 shows a successful design of a tubular recuperator, the heating surface of which consists of freely hanging loops welded into collectors (boxes). The recuperator consists of two sections through which air passes sequentially towards the flue gases moving across the tube bundles. The loop-shaped recuperator has good compensation for thermal expansion, which is very an important condition reliable operation.

Rice. 2. Tubular loop-shaped recuperator for installation on a hog (can also be installed on the furnace roof).

In Fig. Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of a high-temperature radiation slot recuperator, consisting of two steel cylinders forming a concentric gap through which heated air is driven at high speed. Inside the cylinder, hot flue gases move and radiate onto the surface of the inner cylinder. A tubular recuperator is more reliable in operation than a slotted one. The advantages of radiation recuperators are: lower consumption of heat-resistant steel due to intense radiant heat exchange under conditions of high gas temperatures (800 - 1200 °C) and less sensitivity of the heating surface to contamination. A convective recuperator must be installed after the radiation recuperator, since the temperature of the gases after the radiation recuperator is still very high.

Rice. 3. Schemes of radiation steel recuperators.

a - ring (slot); b - tubular with a single-row screen.

In Fig. Figure 4 shows a recuperator with double circulation pipes. The cold air first passes through the inner pipes and then enters the hot air manifold through a concentric space of pipes. Internal pipes play the role of an indirect heating surface.

Tubular recuperators are characterized by high density and therefore can also be used for heating gaseous fuel. The heat transfer coefficient can reach 25 - 40 W/(m 2 deg). Plate recuperators are more difficult to manufacture, less dense and durable, and are rarely used. Recuperators installed separately from the furnace take up some additional space in the workshop, in many cases this prevents their use, however, it is often possible to successfully locate recuperators on the furnace or under the furnace.

Rice. 4. Steel tubular recuperator with double circulation.

3. Waste heat boilers

The heat of flue gases leaving furnaces, in addition to heating air and gaseous fuel, can be used in waste heat boilers to generate water steam. While the heated gas and air are used in the furnace unit itself, the steam is sent to external consumers (for production and energy needs).

In all cases, one should strive for the greatest heat recovery, i.e., to return it to the working space of the furnace in the form of heat from heated combustion components (gaseous fuel and air). In fact, increased heat recovery leads to a reduction in fuel consumption and to intensification and improvement of the technological process. However, the presence of recuperators or regenerators does not always exclude the possibility of installing waste heat boilers. First of all, waste heat boilers have found application in large furnaces with a relatively high temperature of exhaust flue gases: in open-hearth steel furnaces, in copper smelting reverberatory furnaces, in rotary kilns for burning cement clinker, in dry cement production, etc.

Rice. 5. Gas-tube waste heat boiler TKZ type KU-40.

1 - steam superheater; 2 - pipe surface; 3 - smoke exhauster.

The heat of flue gases leaving the regenerators of open-hearth furnaces with a temperature of 500 - 650 ° C is used in gas-tube waste heat boilers with natural circulation of the working fluid. The heating surface of gas-tube boilers consists of smoke tubes, inside which flue gases pass at a speed of approximately 20 m/sec. Heat from gases to the heating surface is transferred by convection, and therefore increasing the speed increases heat transfer. Gas-tube boilers are easy to operate, do not require lining or frames during installation, and have high gas density.

In Fig. Figure 5 shows a gas-tube boiler of the Taganrog plant with an average productivity D av = 5.2 t/h with the expectation of passing flue gases up to 40,000 m 3 / h. The steam pressure produced by the boiler is 0.8 Mn/m2; temperature 250 °C. The gas temperature before the boiler is 600 °C, behind the boiler 200 - 250 °C.

In boilers with forced circulation, the heating surface is made up of coils, the location of which is not limited by the conditions of natural circulation, and therefore such boilers are compact. The coil surfaces are made from small diameter pipes, for example d = 32×3 mm, which lightens the weight of the boiler. With multiple circulation, when the circulation ratio is 5 - 18, the water speed in the tubes is significant, at least 1 m/sec, as a result of which the precipitation of dissolved salts from the water in the coils is reduced, and crystalline scale is washed off. Nevertheless, boilers must be fed with water that is chemically purified using cation exchange filters and other water treatment methods that meet the feed water standards for conventional steam boilers.

Rice. 6. Diagram of a waste heat boiler with multiple forced circulation.

1 - economizer surface; 2 - evaporation surface; 3 - steam superheater; 4 - drum-collector; 5 - circulation pump; 6 - sludge trap; 7 - smoke exhauster.

In Fig. Figure 6 shows a diagram of the placement of coil heating surfaces in vertical chimneys. The movement of the steam-water mixture is carried out circulation pump. Boiler designs of this type were developed by Tsentroenergochermet and Gipromez and are manufactured for flue gas flow rates of up to 50 - 125 thousand m 3 / h with an average steam output of 5 to 18 t / h.

The cost of steam is 0.4 - 0.5 rubles/t instead of 1.2 - 2 rubles/t for steam taken from steam turbines of thermal power plants and 2 - 3 rubles/t for steam from industrial boiler houses. The cost of steam is made up of energy costs for driving smoke exhausters, costs for preparing water, depreciation, repairs and maintenance. The gas speed in the boiler ranges from 5 to 10 m/sec, which ensures good heat transfer. The aerodynamic resistance of the gas path is 0.5 - 1.5 kN/m 2, so the unit must have artificial draft from the smoke exhauster. The increased draft that accompanies the installation of waste heat boilers, as a rule, improves the operation of open-hearth furnaces. Such boilers are widespread in factories, but for their good operation it is necessary to protect the heating surfaces from being carried over by dust and slag particles and to systematically clean the heating surfaces from entrainment by blowing with superheated steam, washing with water (when the boiler is stopped), by vibration, etc.

Rice. 7. Cross section of the KU-80 waste heat boiler. 1 - evaporation surface; 2 - superheater; 3 - drum; 4 - circulation pump.

To use the heat of flue gases coming from copper smelting reverberatory furnaces, water-tube boilers with natural circulation are installed (Fig. 7). In this case, the flue gases have a very high temperature (1100 - 1250 °C) and are contaminated with dust in amounts up to 100 - 200 g/m3, some of the dust has high abrasive (abrasion) properties, the other part is in a softened state and can slag boiler heating surface. It is the high dust content of the gases that is forcing us to abandon heat recovery in these furnaces for the time being and limit ourselves to the use of flue gases in waste heat boilers.

The transfer of heat from gases to the screen evaporation surfaces proceeds very intensively, due to which intensive vaporization of slag particles is ensured, when cooled, they granulate and fall into the slag funnel, which prevents slagging of the convective heating surface of the boiler. Installation of such boilers for the use of gases with a relatively low temperature (500 - 700 ° C) is impractical due to weak heat transfer by radiation.

In the case of equipping high-temperature furnaces with metal recuperators, it is advisable to install waste heat boilers directly behind the working chambers of the furnaces. In this case, the temperature of the flue gases in the boiler drops to 1000 - 1100 °C. At this temperature, they can already be sent to the heat-resistant section of the recuperator. If the gases carry a lot of dust, then the recovery boiler is arranged in the form of a screen boiler-slag granulator, which ensures separation of entrainment from gases and facilitates the operation of the recuperator.


As fuel extraction and energy production costs increase, so does the need for more full use them when converted into flammable gases, heat from heated air and water. Although the utilization of secondary energy resources is often associated with additional capital investments and an increase in the number of service personnel, the experience of leading enterprises confirms that the use of secondary energy resources is economically very profitable.

List of used literature

1. Rosengart Yu.I. Secondary energy resources of ferrous metallurgy and their use. - TO.: " graduate School", 2008 - 328 p.

2. Shchukin A. A. Industrial furnaces and gas industry factories. Textbook for universities. Ed. 2nd, revised M., "Energy", 1973. 224 p. with ill.

3. Kharaz D.I. Ways of using secondary energy resources in chemical production/ D. I. Kharaz, B. I. Psakhis. - M.: Chemistry, 1984. - 224 p.

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Owners of patent RU 2606296:

The invention relates to thermal power engineering and can be used at any enterprise that operates boilers using hydrocarbon fuels.

Known commercially produced by the Kostroma Heating Plant are heaters of the KSk type (Kudinov A.A. Energy saving in heat-generating installations. - Ulyanovsk: UlSTU, 2000. - 139, p. 33), consisting of a gas-water surface heat exchanger, the heat exchange surface of which is made of finned bimetallic tubes, strainer, distribution valve, drip eliminator and hydropneumatic blower.

KSk type heaters work in the following way. Flue gases enter the distribution valve, which divides them into two streams, the main gas flow is directed through strainer into the heat exchanger, the second - along the bypass line of the gas duct. In the heat exchanger, water vapor contained in the flue gases condenses on finned tubes, heating the water flowing in them. The resulting condensate is collected in a pan and pumped into the heating network feed circuit. The water heated in the heat exchanger is supplied to the consumer. At the outlet of the heat recovery unit, the dried flue gases are mixed with the original flue gases from the flue bypass line and sent through a smoke exhauster into the chimney.

For the heat exchanger to operate in the condensation mode of its entire convective part, it is required that the heating temperature of the water in the convective package does not exceed 50°C. To use such water in heating systems, it must be additionally heated.

To prevent condensation of residual water vapor from flue gases in the flues and chimney, part of the source gases is mixed into the dried flue gases through a bypass channel, increasing their temperature. With such an admixture, the content of water vapor in the exhaust flue gases also increases, reducing the efficiency of heat recovery.

A heat exchanger is known (RU 2323384 C1, IPC F22B 1/18 (2006.01), published on April 27, 2008), containing a contact heat exchanger, a droplet eliminator, a gas-gas heat exchanger connected according to a direct flow circuit, gas ducts, pipelines, a pump, temperature sensors, valves - regulators. Along the flow of circulating water of the contact heat exchanger, a water-to-water heat exchanger and a water-to-air heat exchanger with a bypass channel along the air flow are located in series.

A known method of operation of this heat exchanger. The exhaust gases through the gas duct enter the inlet of the gas-gas heat exchanger, sequentially passing through its three sections, then to the inlet of the contact heat exchanger, where, passing through a nozzle washed by circulating water, they are cooled below the dew point, giving off sensible and latent heat to the circulating water. Next, the cooled and moist gases are freed from most of the liquid water carried away in a droplet eliminator, heated and dried in at least one section of the gas-gas heat exchanger, sent into a chimney by a smoke exhauster and released into the atmosphere. At the same time, heated circulating water from the sump of the contact heat exchanger is pumped into the water-water heat exchanger, where it heats cold water from the pipeline. The water heated in the heat exchanger is supplied to the needs of process and domestic hot water supply or to a low-temperature heating circuit.

Next, the recycled water enters the water-air heat exchanger, heats at least part of the blown air coming from outside the room through the air duct, cooling to the minimum possible temperature, and enters the contact heat exchanger through the water distributor, where it takes heat from the gases, simultaneously washing them from suspended particles, and absorbs some of the oxides of nitrogen and sulfur. The heated air from the heat exchanger is supplied by a blower fan to a standard air heater or directly to the firebox. Recycled water is filtered if necessary and processed by known methods.

To implement this method, a control system is required due to the use of recovered heat for hot water supply purposes due to the variability of the daily schedule of hot water consumption.

Water heated in the heat exchanger, supplied for the needs of hot water supply or in a low-temperature heating circuit, requires it to be brought to the required temperature, since it cannot be heated in the heat exchanger above the temperature of the return circuit water, which is determined by the saturation temperature of water vapor in the flue gases. The low heating of the air in the water-to-air heat exchanger does not allow this air to be used for space heating.

The closest to the claimed invention are a device and method for utilizing heat from flue gases (RU 2436011 C1, IPC F22B 1/18 (2006.01), published 12/10/2011).

The flue gas heat recovery device contains a gas-gas surface plate heat exchanger made according to a counterflow circuit, a surface gas-air plate condenser, an inertial drop catcher, gas ducts, a smoke exhauster, air ducts, fans and a pipeline.

The feed flue gases are cooled in a gas-to-gas surface plate heat exchanger, heating the dried flue gases. The heating and heated medium move in countercurrent. In this case, the wet flue gases are deeply cooled to a temperature close to the dew point of water vapor. Next, the water vapor contained in the flue gases is condensed in a gas-air surface plate heat exchanger - a condenser, heating the air. The heated air is used to heat the premises and cover the needs of the combustion process. The condensate after additional processing is used to make up for losses in the heating network or steam turbine cycle. To prevent condensation of residual water vapor carried away by the flow from the condenser, a portion of the heated, dried flue gases is mixed in front of the additional smoke exhauster. The dried flue gases are supplied by a smoke exhauster to the heater described above, where they are heated to prevent possible condensation of water vapor in the flues and chimney and are directed into the chimney.

The disadvantages of this method are that predominantly the latent heat of condensation of water vapor contained in the flue gases is utilized. If the recuperative heat exchanger cools the source flue gases to a temperature close to the dew point of water vapor, then the heating of the exhaust dried flue gases will be excessive, which reduces the efficiency of recycling. The disadvantage is the use of only one medium for heating - air.

The objective of the invention is to increase the efficiency of heat recovery from flue gases by using the latent heat of condensation of water vapor and the increased temperature of the flue gases themselves.

In the proposed method of deep heat recovery from flue gases, as well as in the prototype, the flue gases are pre-cooled in a gas-gas surface plate heat exchanger, heating the dried flue gases, and the water vapor contained in the flue gases is condensed in the condenser, heating the air.

According to the invention, between the heat exchanger and the condenser, the flue gases are cooled to a temperature close to the dew point of water vapor, heating the water.

Gas boilers have a high temperature of flue gases (130°C for large energy boilers, 150°C-170°C for small boilers). To cool flue gases before condensation, two devices are used: a recuperative gas-to-gas heat exchanger and a recovery water heater.

The source flue gases are pre-cooled in a gas-gas surface plate heat exchanger, heating the dried flue gases 30-40°C higher than the saturation temperature of the water vapor contained in them, to create a temperature reserve for possible cooling of the flue gases in the pipe. This makes it possible to reduce the heat exchange area of ​​the recuperative heat exchanger compared to the prototype and usefully use the remaining heat of the flue gases.

A significant difference is the use of a contact gas-water water heater for the final cooling of wet flue gases to a temperature close to the dew point of water vapor. At the entrance to the water heater, the flue gases have a fairly high temperature (130°C-90°C), which allows water to be heated to 50°C-65°C with partial evaporation. At the exit from a contact gas-water water heater, the flue gases have a temperature close to the dew point of the water vapor they contain, which increases the efficiency of using the heat exchange surface in the condenser, eliminates the formation of dry zones of the condenser and increases the heat transfer coefficient.

The method of utilizing heat from flue gases is shown in Fig.1.

Table 1 shows the results of the verification calculation of the installation option for a natural gas boiler with a capacity of 11 MW.

The method of deep utilization of heat from flue gases is carried out as follows. The source flue gases 1 are pre-cooled in a gas-gas surface plate heat exchanger 2, heating the dried flue gases. Next, the flue gases 3 are finally cooled in a contact gas-water water heater 4 to a temperature close to the dew point of water vapor, spraying water, for which it is advisable to use the condensate obtained in the condenser. In this case, part of the water evaporates, increasing the moisture content of the flue gases, and the rest is heated to the same temperature. The water vapor contained in the flue gases 5 is condensed in a gas-air surface plate heat exchanger - a condenser 6 with a droplet eliminator 7, heating the air. Condensate 8 is supplied for heating to a contact gas-water water heater 4. The heat of condensation is used to heat cold air, which is supplied by fans 9 from environment through air duct 10. Heated air 11 is directed to the production room of the boiler shop for ventilation and heating. From this room, air is supplied to the boiler to ensure the combustion process. The dried flue gases 12 are supplied by a smoke exhauster 13 to a gas-gas surface plate heat exchanger 2 for heating and sent to the chimney 14.

To avoid condensation of residual water vapor carried away by the flow from the condenser, a portion of the heated, dried flue gases 15 (up to 10%) is mixed in front of the smoke exhauster 13 (up to 10%), the value of which is initially adjusted by the damper 16.

The temperature of the heated air 11 is regulated by changing the flow rate of the dried flue gases 1 or by changing the air flow rate by adjusting the speed of the smoke exhauster 13 or fans 9 depending on the outside air temperature.

Heat exchanger 2 and condenser 6 are surface plate heat exchangers made of unified modular packages, which are arranged in such a way that the coolant flows countercurrently. Depending on the volume of flue gases to be dried, the heater and condenser are formed from a calculated number of packages. Water heater 4 is a contact gas-water heat exchanger that provides additional cooling of flue gases and heating of water. Heated water 17 after additional processing is used to replenish losses in the heating network or steam turbine cycle. Block 9 is formed from several fans to change the flow of heated air.

Table 1 shows the results of the verification calculation of the installation option for a natural gas boiler with a capacity of 11 MW. Calculations were carried out for an outside air temperature of -20°C. The calculation shows that the use of a contact gas-water water heater 4 leads to the disappearance of the dry zone in the condenser 6, intensifies heat exchange and increases the power of the installation. The percentage of recovered heat increases from 14.52 to 15.4%, while the dew point temperature of water vapor in the dried flue gases decreases to 17°C. Approximately 2% of the thermal power is not utilized, but is used for recovery - heating the dried flue gases to a temperature of 70°C.

A method of deep utilization of heat from flue gases, according to which the flue gases are pre-cooled in a gas-gas surface plate heat exchanger, heating the dried flue gases, cooled in a water heater to a temperature close to the dew point of water vapor, heating the water, condensing the water vapor contained in the flue gases in the condenser, heating the air, characterized in that a surface tubular gas-water heater is installed between the heat exchanger and the condenser to cool wet flue gases and heat water, while the main heat recovery occurs in the condenser when heating the air, and additional heat recovery occurs in the water heater.

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The invention relates to thermal power engineering. The method of deep heat recovery from flue gases includes pre-cooling of flue gases in a gas-gas surface plate heat exchanger, heating dried flue gases with countercurrent to create a temperature reserve that prevents condensation of residual water vapor in the chimney. Further cooling of the flue gases to a temperature close to the dew point of water vapor is carried out in a contact gas-water water heater, which heats the water. Cooled wet flue gases are fed into a gas-air surface plate heat exchanger - a condenser, where the water vapor contained in the flue gases is condensed, heating the air. The dried flue gases are supplied by an additional smoke exhauster to a gas-gas surface plate heat exchanger, where they are heated to prevent possible condensation of water vapor in the flues and chimney and are directed into the chimney. Technical result: increasing the efficiency of flue gas heat recovery through the use of latent heat of condensation of water vapor and the increased temperature of the flue gases themselves. 1 ill., 1 tab.

Currently, the temperature of the exhaust flue gases behind the boiler is taken to be no lower than 120-130 ° C for two reasons: to avoid condensation of water vapor on hogs, flues and chimneys ah and to increase natural draft, reducing the pressure of the smoke exhauster. In this case, the heat of exhaust gases and the latent heat of vaporization of water vapor can be usefully used. The use of the heat of exhaust flue gases and the latent heat of vaporization of water vapor is called the method of deep utilization of the heat of flue gases. Currently, there are various technologies for implementing this method, tested in the Russian Federation and widely used abroad. The method of deep utilization of heat from flue gases makes it possible to increase the efficiency of a fuel-consuming installation by 2-3%, which corresponds to a reduction in fuel consumption by 4-5 kg ​​of fuel equivalent. per 1 Gcal of generated heat. When implementing this method, there are technical difficulties and limitations associated mainly with the complexity of calculating the heat and mass transfer process during deep heat recovery of exhaust flue gases and the need to automate the process, however, these difficulties can be solved with the current level of technology.

For widespread implementation of this method, it is necessary to develop methodological instructions on the calculation and installation of systems for deep recovery of flue gas heat and the adoption of legal acts prohibiting the commissioning of fuel-using installations on natural gas without the use of deep recovery of flue gas heat.

1. Formulation of the problem regarding the method (technology) under consideration for increasing energy efficiency; forecast of excessive consumption of energy resources, or description of other possible consequences nationwide while maintaining the current situation

Currently, the temperature of the exhaust flue gases behind the boiler is taken to be no lower than 120-130 ° C for two reasons: to prevent condensation of water vapor on hogs, flues and chimneys and to increase natural draft, which reduces the pressure of the smoke exhauster. In this case, the temperature of the flue gases directly affects the value of q2 - heat loss with the flue gases, one of the main components of the boiler’s heat balance. For example, reducing the temperature of flue gases by 40°C when the boiler is operating on natural gas and an excess air ratio of 1.2 increases the gross efficiency of the boiler by 1.9%. This does not take into account the latent heat of vaporization of combustion products. Today, the vast majority of water heating and steam boiler units in our country that burn natural gas are not equipped with installations that use the latent heat of steam formation of water vapor. This heat is lost along with the exhaust gases.

2. Availability of methods, methods, technologies, etc. to solve the identified problem

Currently, methods of deep heat recovery from flue gases (WER) are used through the use of recuperative, mixing, and combined devices that operate using various methods of using the heat contained in the flue gases. At the same time, these technologies are used in the majority of boilers commissioned abroad that burn natural gas and biomass.

3. Short description the proposed method, its novelty and awareness of it, the availability of development programs; result with mass implementation nationwide

The most commonly used method of deep heat recovery from flue gases is that the combustion products of natural gas after a boiler (or after a water economizer) with a temperature of 130-150°C are divided into two streams. Approximately 70-80% of the gases are directed through the main gas duct and enter the surface-type condensing heat exchanger, the rest of the gases are sent to the bypass gas duct. In the heat exchanger, the combustion products are cooled to 40-50°C, and some of the water vapor condenses, which makes it possible to usefully use both the physical heat of the flue gases and the latent heat of condensation of some of the water vapor contained in them. The cooled combustion products after the droplet separator are mixed with the uncooled combustion products passing through the bypass flue and, at a temperature of 65-70°C, are discharged through the chimney into the atmosphere by a smoke exhauster. The heated medium in the heat exchanger can be source water for the needs of chemical water treatment or air, which is then supplied for combustion. To intensify heat exchange in the heat exchanger, it is possible to supply vapor from the atmospheric deaerator into the main gas duct. It is also necessary to note the possibility of using condensed desalted water vapor as source water. The result of the implementation of this method is an increase in the gross efficiency of the boiler by 2-3%, taking into account the use of the latent heat of steam formation of water vapor.

4. Forecast of the effectiveness of the method in the future, taking into account:
- rising energy prices;
- growth in the well-being of the population;
- introduction of new environmental requirements;
- other factors.

This method increases the efficiency of natural gas combustion and reduces emissions of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere due to their dissolution in condensing water vapor.

5. List of groups of subscribers and objects where this technology can be used with maximum efficiency; the need for additional research to expand the list

This method can be used in steam and hot water boiler houses using natural and liquefied gas and biofuel as fuel. To expand the list of objects where this method can be used, it is necessary to conduct research into the processes of heat and mass transfer of combustion products of fuel oil, light diesel fuel and various grades of coal.

6. Identify the reasons why the proposed energy-efficient technologies are not applied on a mass scale; outline an action plan to remove existing barriers

Mass application of this method in the Russian Federation is not carried out, as a rule, for three reasons:

  • Lack of awareness about the method;
  • The presence of technical limitations and difficulties in implementing the method;
  • Lack of funding.

7. The presence of technical and other restrictions on the use of the method at various sites; in the absence of information on possible limitations, they must be determined by testing

Technical limitations and difficulties in implementing the method include:

  • The complexity of calculating the process of recycling wet gases, since the heat exchange process is accompanied by mass transfer processes;
  • The need to maintain specified values ​​of temperature and humidity of exhaust flue gases, in order to avoid condensation of vapors in the flues and chimney;
  • The need to avoid freezing of heat exchange surfaces when heating cold gases;
  • In this case, it is necessary to test flues and chimneys treated with modern anti-corrosion coatings to determine the possibility of reducing restrictions on the temperature and humidity of the flue gases leaving the heat recovery unit.

8. The need for R&D and additional testing; topics and goals of work

The need for R&D and additional testing is given in paragraphs 5 and 7.

9. Existing measures of encouragement, coercion, incentives for the implementation of the proposed method and the need for their improvement

There are no existing measures to encourage and enforce the implementation of this method. The introduction of this method may be stimulated by interest in reducing fuel consumption and emissions of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.

10. The need to develop new or amend existing laws and regulations

It is necessary to develop guidelines for the calculation and installation of systems for deep heat recovery of flue gases. It may be necessary to adopt legal acts prohibiting the commissioning of natural gas fuel-using plants without the use of deep recovery of flue gas heat.

11. Availability of regulations, rules, instructions, standards, requirements, prohibitive measures and other documents regulating the use of this method and mandatory for execution; the need to make changes to them or the need to change the very principles of the formation of these documents; the presence of pre-existing normative documents, regulations and the need for their restoration

Questions regarding the application of this method in the existing regulatory framework are missing.

12. Availability of implemented pilot projects, analysis of their real effectiveness, identified shortcomings and proposals for improving the technology, taking into account accumulated experience

There is no data on the large-scale implementation of this method in the Russian Federation; there is experience of implementation at the thermal power plants of RAO UES and, as mentioned above, extensive experience has been accumulated in deep utilization of flue gases abroad. The All-Russian Thermal Engineering Institute has completed design studies of installations for deep heat recovery of combustion products for PTVM (KVGM) hot water boilers. The disadvantages of this method and suggestions for improvement are given in paragraph 7.

13. Possibility of influencing other processes with the mass introduction of this technology (changes in the environmental situation, possible impact on human health, increased reliability of energy supply, changes in daily or seasonal loading schedules of energy equipment, changes in economic indicators of energy production and transmission, etc.)

Mass implementation of this method will reduce fuel consumption by 4-5 kg ​​of fuel equivalent. per Gcal of generated heat and will affect the environmental situation by reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides.

14. Availability and sufficiency of production capacity in Russia and other countries for the mass introduction of the method

Profile production facilities in the Russian Federation are able to ensure the implementation of this method, but not in a monoblock design; when using foreign technologies, a monoblock design is possible.

15. The need for special training of qualified personnel to operate the technology being introduced and develop production

To implement this method, existing specialized training of specialists is required. It is possible to organize specialized seminars on the implementation of this method.

16. Proposed methods of implementation:
1) commercial financing (with cost recovery);
2) competition for the implementation of investment projects developed as a result of work on energy planning for the development of a region, city, settlement;
3) budget financing for effective energy-saving projects with long payback periods;
4) introduction of prohibitions and mandatory requirements for use, supervision of their compliance;
5) other offers

Suggested implementation methods are:

  • budget financing;
  • attracting investments (payback period 5-7 years);
  • introduction of requirements for the commissioning of new fuel-consuming installations.

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