Caring for blooming lemons at home. Watering and fertilizing

How to care for lemon at home? This question interests every inexperienced gardener. After all, it is care that affects the growth and fruiting of the plant. Lemon is a very healthy citrus for the human body. With its help you can prepare delicious tea and boost your immunity.

Proper lemon care guarantees fruit production

So if you want everything healthy vitamins, you need to know how to care for a lemon tree.

Watering lemon

Home care primarily involves proper watering. In cold weather, water homemade lemon once a week. To do this, you need to defend in advance warm water. In the warm season, watering is necessary once a day, because in the heat any plant requires a lot of liquid.

After each watering upper layer the soil needs to be loosened. You need to add water to the ground strictly according to the scheme, so as not to harm the root system of the lemon, because a large number of moisture can lead to its rotting, and lack of water leads to lemon Tree at home it begins to shed its leaves. This is the first answer to the question of how to care for homemade lemon.


It’s worth knowing about proper lighting if you’re wondering “how to care for indoor lemon.” After all, no plant can exist without sunlight. The lemon tree does not need long daylight hours. The amount of light only affects the formation of leaves, not fruits. It is better to keep the tree at home on the windowsill, which is located in the east.

If there are no windows on the right side, then you need to protect the plant from direct sunlight. For correct formation The tree's crown should be rotated several times a month.

The shade negatively affects the development of lemon. Try to properly care for the lemon, then such problems will not arise.

The lemon tree loves color, but not direct sunlight.

Air temperature

Caring for lemons at home requires temperature control. This is one of the main conditions for lemon fruiting.

The temperature regime for lemon should be as follows:

  1. When the lemon begins to bloom or actively grow, the air temperature should be at least 17 °C.
  2. When active fruiting began: 20 °C.
  3. During the rest period, which most often occurs in winter, the apartment should be between 14 °C and 18 °C.

For lemon at home, care in terms of temperature regime must be strictly followed. The slightest changes cause illness and lead to death.

In summer, lemon can be taken out Fresh air

Humidity level

Caring for homemade lemon includes controlling the humidity level. In order for it to grow normally and bear fruit, the humidity must be high, especially in summer period because of the heat. On such days, the plant must be sprayed daily and washed in the shower once a week.

To increase the humidity level, you need to place a small container of water next to the pot, which will evaporate and create optimal conditions for tree growth. If you wish, you can purchase a special air humidifier, which should be in the same room as the lemon.

Top dressing

Caring for indoor lemon includes feeding it. In summer, it is carried out once every seven days, and in winter - every month, if the lemon bears fruit. If there are no fruits, then you can do this less often. Caring for a lemon tree involves fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Before you deposit useful material, the plant is watered. This will avoid burns to the roots. If you are using ready-made mineral fertilizer, then the proportion of substances (N:P:K) is 14:16:18. Use the product according to the instructions.

Organic fertilizers for lemons must be prepared correctly. To do this, you need to fill the manure with water and leave it for a week. After which the mixture is diluted in a ratio of 1:15. Twice a year it is recommended to treat the soil with potassium permanganate, this will prevent diseases.

Manure is excellent organic fertilizer for lemon

Growing a lemon includes not only proper care, but also replanting it. It is recommended to do this to trees every two years while they are young. In the spring, you need to purchase special soil and, using the transshipment method, transplant the lemon into a pot that is 4 cm in diameter larger than the previous one. Thanks to the transshipment method, the roots retain their strength and quickly take root in a new place.

It is necessary to replant the tree several times a year, during the growing season. Use expanded clay drainage and charcoal. You cannot replant a tree during flowering and during the period when it bears fruit. Correct fit- the key to tree health.

Lemon transplantation is carried out in the spring

Flowering and fruiting of lemon

Lemon trees must be looked after carefully, especially during the period when flowers appear on it. This first happens two years after sowing the seeds. When a plant blooms, you cannot leave all the flowers on it, because... To. young tree is not able to grow all the ovaries that appear.

Flower removal process:

  1. For the first time, a flowering lemon is cut off in half, leaving the ovaries for four fruits.
  2. When the tree begins to bloom for the second time, leave the ovaries for six lemons.
  3. The third time, the ovaries for eight fruits should be left on the lemon.

These manipulations with the tree allow you to properly care for it and achieve active fruiting. The older the tree, the more lemons it will produce. Therefore, you should not be afraid to pick off flowers.

The plant bears fruit about four times a year, depending on the variety and care. From the moment of development to the moment of maturation, approximately 6 months pass.

A fully ripened fruit has a golden skin. You should not delay harvesting, because the lemon will lose all its beneficial properties.

Lemon blossoms should be regulated

Lemon pollination in pots

Flowering and fruiting occur only in mature plants. If the lemon is still young, it is recommended to pick off all the flowers. To bear fruit, the tree must have about 20 mature leaves. Early fruiting exhausts the plant and it may die. If the tree has grown stronger, then you need to wait until it blooms, and then you can pollinate.

How to pollinate a lemon correctly? First you need to create the necessary conditions. Humidity should be 70% and air temperature 25 °C. It is also worth preparing special tools:

  • soft brush;
  • a small piece of fur;
  • cotton swab.

Using prepared tools, carefully collect pollen from the stamens and transfer it to the pistils. Do this with all the flowers. If you doubt that the pollination process was successful, you can repeat it.

If desired, you can use special medications. Biological products “Bud” or “Ovary” are popular. They allow fruits to form in cases where the ovary develops very poorly.

A homemade lemon tree is a godsend for many gardeners. Not every plant can simultaneously delight with decorative foliage, fragrant flowers, growing and already ripe fruits. The advantage of homemade lemons is their absolute naturalness. And although it is not always possible to get a harvest quickly, indoor citruses grow tastier and juicier than store-bought ones. If a gardener wants to harvest a decent harvest, he must take a responsible approach to growing homemade lemons: how to care for the plant, when to mold and fertilize - everyone who has purchased citrus should know this.

The citrus guest comes from subtropical regions, so it does not take root well in open ground in cold winter conditions. However, growing it indoors can be successful. To do this, you need to initially organize proper care for your homemade lemon: maintain constant air and soil humidity, provide a sufficient amount of light and heat.

IN flower shops or nurseries, it is not difficult to purchase seeds or seedlings of varieties that are adapted to unfavorable conditions. IN wildlife the plant can reach impressive sizes, and for growing in a room, samples taken no higher than 1.5-2 m. During the winter, the foliage of the subtropical guest does not fall off, which is why it is called evergreen. Leaf blades last 2-3 years, so they must be protected. - a solid competitor for lemon, it also boasts elegant decoration.

IN room conditions Flowering is possible twice a year: at the beginning of spring and at the end of autumn.

The best varieties of citrus trees for the home are dwarfs and semi-dwarfs:

Dwarf varieties are not very productive; they are grown mainly for decorative purposes. Taller trees can reward the grower large fruits a lot.

How to care for indoor citrus?

Caring for a lemon tree involves constant monitoring of humidity, temperature and lighting. He needs correct selection soil composition, its looseness. You should not ignore the formation of the bush. The gardener must initially know how to prune a lemon so that it develops harmoniously and produces more fragrant fruit.

  • Lighting and temperature conditions in summer and winter

South windows and other places with good lighting are suitable for growing. Lemon prefers bright light and long daylight hours. It is better to shade young specimens from the midday sun, as immature leaves will receive serious burns. When organizing, cypress and variegated ficuses are also taken into account this rule, despite the fact that these plants are light-loving.

The temperature in the room where the lemon is kept should be moderately warm. Sudden changes are contraindicated, so during winter ventilation the pot must be removed from the windowsill without changing the location of the crown to the light. In summer, the plant can be sent to the garden or to an open balcony.

The crown develops better if it is not often turned on different sides towards the light.

Caring for lemons in winter is moderate. The room should be cooler - from 10 to 14°C. Perfect option accommodation - insulated loggia. If the tree has not entered the dormant phase, then the temperature is maintained at about +18°C, and it is necessary to extend the daylight hours to 12 hours using a lamp.

  • Watering lemon without mistakes

Depending on the air temperature, change the amount and frequency of water application. In hot weather, moisture is added daily. The water is taken warm, standing for at least 7-8 hours. From September to March, one watering per week will be sufficient. After each application of liquid, the soil must be loosened so that air can flow freely to the roots. The plant does not tolerate both drought and waterlogging. You need to focus on the volume of the pot and temperature conditions.

The smaller the pot and the looser the soil, the faster it dries out. In rooms with central heating it is necessary to water more and more often. Moisten so that the liquid penetrates through the drainage hole into the pan. Excess water After 20 minutes it is removed. In this way, it will be possible to wet the entire earthen lump, and not just its upper part.

Lemon care involves spraying in hot weather. The foliage is sprayed 2-3 times a week. Spraying is carried out both in summer and winter, when heating radiators are operating at full capacity. Placing a tray of water or a humidifier next to the tree will help increase air humidity. If you have the practice of caring for this plant, then you can use wild plants to obtain a bountiful harvest.

When caring for a lemon in a pot, it is important not to forget about fertilizing. During the growing season, feed every 10 days. Fertilizers are suitable both mineral for citrus fruits and organic, for example mullein solution. Before applying fertilizer, water the soil 2-3 hours before applying it. This will keep you safe root system from a burn. In winter, fertilizers will also be useful, but the frequency of their application is once a month. If the tree looks healthy, it blooms and produces fruits, then you can refrain from applying fertilizers for a while.

Rules for transplanting and pruning

When transplanting citrus, a drainage layer of broken brick, expanded clay or coarse sand must be laid on the bottom of the box. Any container must have drainage holes to drain water. Liquid stagnation should not be allowed. The soil in the pot should be loose, without lumps. The reaction is neutral or slightly acidic. Lemon grows well in soil of average nutritional value: humus, sand and leaf soil are taken in equal proportions. The container for transplantation needs to be 3-4 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

Pruning is necessary to approach the flowering period. The shoots are also shortened in order to create a neat crown. It is pinched, removing the apical bud. There should be at least 4-5 leaves left on the shoot. The lemon tree is pruned in the spring at the beginning of flowering.

Pruning homemade lemon play an important role. If you ignore it, the tree will not produce enough fruit or will not bloom at all. If in one year the lemon has formed much more ovaries than usual, then the weakest branches with buds need to be removed. Too many fruits will deplete the plant.

As soon as the lemon peel turns yellow, the lemons need to be collected. If you are late with collection, they will become too sour and dense.

Video about pruning rules.

How to increase productivity?

The first harvest of indoor lemon depends on the method of propagation. If a tree is grown from a seed, then you should not wait for fruits before 5-7 years. Sometimes at least a decade passes before fruiting begins. With proper care, a bush obtained from a cutting begins to bear fruit within 2-3 years.

Secrets of a bountiful harvest:

Growing problems

What difficulties can you encounter when growing? There are several problems:

  1. Falling of leaves and buds occurs when there is a lack of moisture, drying out of the soil, or excessive dry air. Leaf loss can also be caused by waterlogging. It is recommended to replant the tree by removing the roots with a lump of earth and first drying them on a sheet of newspaper.
  2. The leaves become pale with a lack of lighting and a minimum amount of nutrients.
  3. Lack of flowering - a cramped or oversized pot is to blame.
  4. The tips of the leaf blades turn brown due to lack of moisture and dry air.

To prevent fungal diseases, the soil is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate every 2 years.

If no mistakes were made at all stages of cultivation, then a few years later the gardener can be content with delicious lemon slices for tea for a year. In addition to being a fragrant and tonic supplement, they will be useful during the cold season.

Behind exotic plants needs special care. Winter care is different from what is required in summer time. Indoor lemon is no exception; caring for it at home can take a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it.

Caring for indoor lemon

A homemade lemon tree requires constant watering, maintaining temperature conditions, fertilizing and replanting as necessary. Growing indoor lemon, when all aspects are observed, allows you to get a beautiful, fruit-bearing tree.


To obtain a harvest, it is necessary to provide the plant with good lighting with moderate daylight hours. Excessive duration of lighting will lead to active growth of foliage rather than fruit.

It is best to place a pot with a tree on windows facing east. On southern windows, the plant requires protection from direct sunlight. The lighting should be uniform if there is a constant shadow on the window, but it will develop more slowly.

In order for the tree to receive a sufficient amount of light from all sides, it must be unrolled once every 2 weeks. But the care doesn't end there.

Humidity and temperature

The harmonious development of lemon will only occur at the correct temperature. During the period of active growth and flowering, the room temperature should be between 17-20 degrees. With the appearance of the ovary and during the ripening of the crop, the temperature should be increased to 22 degrees.

IN winter time the temperature should be lowered to 14 degrees. If this is not possible, then the tree should be kept at a temperature of 18 degrees and 12 hours of illumination using special lamps.

Important! Lemons do not tolerate well indoors sharp changes temperatures and heat.

In the summer, lemons are allowed to stay outside during the daytime if the air temperature is not higher than 25 and not lower than 17 degrees.

The plant receives moisture not only from the soil, but also from the air, so for it good growth a certain level of humidity is required. Lemon needs to be provided with high air humidity, especially in winter, when the air is dried by heating radiators. The optimal humidity level is 50–70%.

In hot weather, the indoor plant must be sprayed daily and the foliage washed under water every 7 days. warm shower.

You can increase the humidity in the room by placing containers of water near the tree or by turning on the humidifier. Boiled water should be poured into the humidifier, otherwise a white coating will remain on the leaves.

Watering, fertilizing and pruning

In winter, water the lemon once every 7 days with warm water. In warm weather, the plant is watered daily with a small amount of warm water. Periodically it is necessary to loosen the top layer of soil.

It is important not to allow moisture to stagnate in the soil, as this will lead to rotting of the roots. You should also prevent the soil from drying out - this will lead to the fall of leaves and ovaries.

In addition to watering, the seedling requires systematic feeding. In the warm season, lemon should be fed once every 7 days, in winter - once a month if there are fruits. Fertilizing is carried out with organic or mineral fertilizers.

Important! 2 hours before the plant is fertilized, it must be watered. This will prevent burning of the root system.

  • Organic fertilizers. To obtain fertilizer, it is necessary to soak manure and water in a 1:1 ratio for one week. The finished product should be diluted before watering in a ratio of 1:15 with water and watered the tree.
  • Mineral mixtures. Purchased for feeding special remedy For citrus plants, which is diluted in water according to the instructions.

Indoor lemon requires periodic crown formation. If you do not form the crown of a tree, it will not bear fruit. The first pruning is carried out when the plant reaches a height of 30 cm. The crown is cut off, which provokes the growth of shoots from the remaining buds.

The resulting branches should be pruned when their length is 5 cm shorter than the trunk. Thus, each new level is cut 5 cm shorter than the previous one. All branches growing in the center of the crown should also be pruned. The cut branches can be used as cuttings, thus propagating the plant.

Growing cuttings is carried out in the same way as an adult plant, with the exception of some subtleties.


A plant planted in a permanent pot is replanted for the first time after a year. This procedure should be carried out in spring time. For replanting, you should choose a pot with a diameter 5 cm larger than the previous one.

The plant should be replanted in such a way as to minimize trauma to the root system and not shake off the old soil.

All subsequent transplants are carried out every 2 years. It is important not to forget about the drainage layer when replanting, as it protects the roots from rotting.

Note! The plant should not be replanted during flowering or fruiting.

Diseases and pests

Citrus trees are highly susceptible to various insects and diseases. Most often, trees are overtaken by fungi, various microorganisms or pests, leading to the slow death of the plant.

To get rid of insects at home, it is customary to use a soap solution. This universal remedy, consisting of water and laundry soap, allows you to remove any pests living on the surface of the plant.

Homemade lemon is susceptible to a disease called gommosis. The disease leads to the formation of cracks on the lower part of the trunk. If splits appear on the trunk, they should be treated with a 3% solution copper sulfate, and then cover it with clay or garden varnish.

Pests can occur spontaneously, just like diseases, and should be treated promptly.

Lemon has dropped leaves and fruits, what to do?

Lemon has dropped its leaves, what should I do? Most often, leaf loss from citrus trees is a consequence of insufficient lighting or a stressful situation, such as drought or unsuccessful replanting. Before falling, the leaves turn yellow; the falling of green foliage is extremely rare.

Why do lemons fall off? Fruit drop occurs for the same reasons as leaf drop.

Lemon loses leaves, how to prevent the plant from dying? The situation can be changed by installing special additional lighting lamps for plants. You should also remember about the watering schedule and not allow the soil to dry out or overwater.

Why doesn't lemon bloom?

There are cases when a lemon does not bloom, this is due to violations of the rules for caring for it.

Lack of flowering can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Untimely watering. The soil in the pot should always be moist, and the plant should also be sprayed periodically.
  2. Untimely transplant. The plant must be replanted in a timely manner, otherwise it will not bloom or bear fruit.
  3. Unsuitable soil. The soil should have a moderate level of acidity, this can be checked with litmus paper. If necessary, the soil is acidified.
  4. Lack of lighting. If there is a lack of sunlight, you must connect special lamps for indoor plants.
  5. Watering with low temperature water. Watering should only be done with warm water, not lower than room temperature.

If at least one point in care is not followed, the plant will not bloom and produce a harvest.

Description of indoor lemon varieties

There are a large number of varieties of lemons that are grown at home. Everyone has their own distinctive features as in appearance, and in productivity. The varieties and a description of their characteristics are presented below.


The Meyer lemon is a hybrid of an orange and a lemon. This variety does not grow in the wild. The tree grows up to 2.5 meters in height, has small leaves and a lush crown. Lemon blooms with white flowers, often collected in clusters.

The fruits are considered the most non-acidic, have a rounded shape and weight up to 100 g. Lemon bears fruit 4 times a year with a short interval. Fruiting begins 2-3 years after planting.


New Georgian lemon is distinguished by large trees with thorns on its branches. With proper care, one tree can grow up to 200 fruits per year. The plant has a lush crown and large flowers with a purple tint.

Lemon fruits of this variety often lack seeds, which makes their propagation through seeds difficult.


The Jubilee lemon is small in size, the tree is no more than 1.5 meters in height. Fruiting is year-round, fruit weight is 600 g. During the flowering period, the entire tree is covered with inflorescences, which makes it very attractive.

Fruiting occurs in 4-5 years. The plant tolerates even arid climates well and is not fussy about watering and lighting.


Panderosa lemon is the hardiest variety. But it has its own subtleties in care. Upon closer examination, one can notice that upper leaves directed in one direction, towards the light. If you turn these leaves away from the light, but insufficient lighting the lemon will shed its leaves. When replanting a plant, it must be returned to the same side as before replanting. With full lighting, the tree will bloom and bear fruit. all year round.

The plant is a hybrid, has an abundant crown and begins to bear fruit in the 2nd year. The fruits reach a size of 700 g, but there are not many on the tree, up to 20 fruits per year.


Pavlovsk lemon is distinguished by year-round fruiting, small in size and high taste qualities of the fruit. The fruits can reach a weight of 500 grams. At good care From one tree you can collect up to 100 fruits per year.

This variety is propagated by cuttings, since the fruits have no seeds at all. The variety in question is considered the most suitable for growing indoors.

Indoor lemon will not only decorate any room, but with proper care it will also provide a year-round supply of healthy fruits.

A lemon tree with bright fruits and rich dark foliage decorates the windowsill and lures you into the room. sunlight. Even without special care This evergreen large plant will be covered with white flowers that emit a fragrance and at least one or two fruits. A lemon tree lives from 50 to 100-150 years, which means it can be passed on as a family heirloom. Proper care of a lemon in a pot at home will yield results - the tree will annually delight you with a harvest of tasty and healthy fruits.

Description of the crop and the best varieties

Lemon is a Mediterranean guest, but was born in India. From there beautiful tree came to the countries of America and Africa. IN southern regions You can find entire groves of these picturesque trees everywhere. Not found in the wild. The pulp of citrina is rich in acids, vitamins and microelements:

  • citric acid is the main component of citrus;
  • pectins, flavonoids, phytoncides, essential oils– concentrated in the peel, as well as in the pulp;
  • vitamins C, B, D, PP;
  • ascorbic acid, tocopherol, riboflavin and others;
  • microelements - iron, boron, copper, fluorine, zinc, manganese and others.

Only specially bred plants are suitable for growing at home. dwarf varieties, well leafy and abundantly fruiting. To grow a real lemon tree on a windowsill, you can go in three ways:

  1. Buy a seedling from an agricultural farm.
  2. Plant the seed in the pot.
  3. Root a cutting from another mature plant.

The easiest way is to go the first way, the more difficult is the second. But in any case, a grown lemon requires care.

For successful agricultural technology at home, you can choose one of the popular varieties.

Variety nameDescriptionPhoto
PavlovskyShade-tolerant. Maximum height– up to 2 meters. Flowering occurs in the third year after planting in mid-spring and in October. Yields up to 15 fruits with thin skin and a pleasant, not pungent taste
MeyerHeight – up to 1.5 m. Cold-resistant, productive, remontant. Blooms in spring, bears fruit all year round. Lemons are thin-skinned, orange pulp with sourness
PanderosaHeight up to one and a half meters. A hybrid of lemon, grapefruit and citron. Unpretentious. Mature plant has thorns. Blooms often and profusely, 2-3 times a year. The fruits are large with thick skin
LunarioHeight 1-1.5 m. Blooms with short breaks all year round. The fruits are elongated, pointed in shape, thin skin, slightly acidic, aromatic taste. There may be no seeds at all. The branches are long, the plant needs trellises
LisbonDrought-resistant, cold-resistant. Demanding on lighting. The tree is large, heavily leafed. Fruits abundantly, up to 60 pieces per year. The shape of lemons is round or slightly elongated, the peel is thin, smooth, the taste is rich, aromatic, not very sour.

How to care for lemon

Taking care of the southern guest includes the usual set for any cultivated plant– lighting requirements, watering, replanting, fertilizing and treatment. Since lemon is a tree that grows indoors, it is necessary to trim off excess branches and form a crown.

Lighting and temperature

Lemon is a southern plant that loves brightness, but young trees do not tolerate direct sun. They need to be shaded or placed on the east window. In order for the crown to form beautifully and harmoniously, the plant must be turned to the light in different directions. Mature tree tolerates heat well. In the summer it is useful to place the pot with the plant on the loggia, in the fresh air, and in the winter to illuminate it with a phytolamp. Lack of lighting negatively affects the plant as a whole - the leaves lose their saturated color, and the fruits become sour.

Read also:

Fruits of your garden

The air temperature near the tree should be within certain limits depending on the stage of life of the lemon:

  • during the period of active growth and flowering – 17°C. If this threshold is exceeded, the buds will fall off. You can take the pot out onto the balcony;
  • with the beginning of fruiting – 20°C;
  • rest period – 14-17°C.

Changes and non-compliance with temperature conditions are fraught with illness.

Humidity and watering

The young plant does not like dry air, so it needs to be watered and sprayed in a timely manner. Overmoistening is unacceptable. Winter watering should not be frequent; it is enough to water the soil once a week with settled melt or just warm boiled water, preferably acidified. Between waterings, the soil should dry out by about one centimeter, but no more, otherwise the lemon will begin to dry out. For better water absorption, the soil must be carefully loosened, and to prevent it from hardening, mulch can be placed on top. In summer it is hot and bright on the windowsill, so the soil dries out quickly and the leaves become dehydrated. Starting from March, watering is required up to 3 times a week, but not abundantly - the roots may rot. A trickle of water should go along the perimeter of the pot, and not under the root.

Growing and caring for lemons should take place in conditions high humidity(60-70°C). To do this, you can place a bowl of water on the windowsill, but it is better to buy a special humidifier. This subtropical plant wet air more important than watered roots.

It is necessary to spray the foliage with warm water from a spray bottle. In winter, the air in apartments is very dry due to central heating, and in the summer the hot sun shines through the windows. To avoid sunburn Spraying should be done in the morning or evening so that the leaves have time to dry before the sun hits the window. It is very useful to give your lemon a spa treatment under a warm shower once a week. To avoid flooding the soil, it must be protected with film.

How to feed lemon?

Lemon can bloom and bear fruit in the 2-3rd year. Caring for indoor lemon is:

  • timely watering;
  • regular spraying;
  • competent feeding.

Once a month, after watering, add a dose of nitrogen fertilizer dissolved in water (urea or ammonium nitrate– 2 g per 1 liter of water). This is especially true for soil poor in organic matter. Nitrogen gives strength to plants; during spring and summer, a powerful leaf apparatus is formed, with which the tree safely endures all the hardships of winter. You can water with diluted slurry of low concentration (1:30).

Under no circumstances should you fertilize with microelements. Unlike other plants, lemons do not have hairs on their roots. Their role is played by mycorrhizal fungi. They seem to stick to the roots of the lemon, and through them the whole plant is fed. Mycorrhizae themselves feed on organic matter, for example, humus. They decompose it, forming valuable substances, which they first feed on themselves, and then feed the lemon. Trace elements kill mycorrhiza, thus the tree is depleted and will soon die. Excessive nitrogen feeding is not good for lemons. The tree can grow with a powerful crown to the detriment of fruiting.

Read also:


Starting from the second year, in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium must be used. Superphosphate can be sprinkled on top of the soil and it will slowly but surely feed the plant. Phosphorus promotes abundant flowering and fruiting. The flowering period of the lemon tree is spring, autumn. Single buds appear throughout the year. Fruiting period: after flowering, a fruit is formed that will grow and gain strength for 9 months. This can happen at any time. After harvesting in the spring, it is necessary to feed with urea (or saltpeter) and superphosphate. If the crop is harvested in the fall, you cannot feed it, since the plant goes dormant and excess nutrition will only weaken it. Postpone fertilizing to February.


The first can be done after purchasing a young seedling in a pot, but first it must be quarantined for a week away from other plants. During this time, you will make sure that the lemon is healthy and not infected with spider mites. When deciding whether a transplant is needed, inspect the soil to see if the roots are visible, if they are sticking out of the drainage hole, if the pot is visually small. If the issue of replanting is resolved positively, wet the soil, tilt the pot and, holding it by the stem, very carefully pull out the plant with a lump of earth. Inspect the lump - the roots should not stick out from it. If it smells rotten, carefully loosen the root system above the basin. You can put it in warm water and clean it from the earth.

Examine the roots, remove bad, blackened, rotten ones. Pour drainage into a slightly larger pot, then fill the soil mixture up to half, place the plant upright, spread out the roots and fill with soil, not reaching a couple of centimeters to the top. Water and place in partial shade without drafts, let the plant come to its senses and get used to the new place.

For the first 2-3 weeks after transplantation, keep it under a plastic bag with “ventilation” and gradually accustom it to air. If you place a seedling without covering it, it may die. Keep it away from sunlight to avoid sunburn. After the plant has become a little stronger and accustomed to the air, remove the plastic cover. Watering can already be combined with fertilizing.

During the first three years, the lemon is replanted annually. The size of the next pot should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter and depth compared to the previous one. Then the tree should be transplanted into a container of larger diameter once every five years.

Diseases and pests

Indoor lemon is susceptible to viral, bacterial, fungal infections, and pests also live on it.

Name of disease/pestSignsCausesTreatment
GomozBrown spots on the trunk and branches, then the bark dies. A golden sticky liquid emerges from the cracks and hardens in air.Cortical injuries. Overwatering of soil, lack of potassium and phosphorus, excess nitrogenCut off all affected areas and branches, treat the wounds with a 3% solution of copper sulfate, cover with garden varnish
Root rotDropping leaves. No damage is visible visually. You need to get the plant out and inspect the roots Remove diseased roots and plant in fresh soil. Place in the sun, stop watering for a week, just wipe the leaves with a damp sponge
Sooty fungusStems and leaves darken, black spots appearThe result of the appearance of a pest is scale insects. It secretes a sugary liquid on which a black fungus settles.Soap solution (2 tbsp per liter of water. liquid soap), wipe the entire plant. After an hour, rinse. Repeat after 2 days. Garlic broth, insecticide solution. Systematic rinsing of foliage with clean cold water
ScabPutrid spots on young foliage and branches. The plant drops its fruitsFungusTrimming all affected parts. Spraying the crown with 1% Bordeaux mixture
AnthracnoseYellowing, falling leaves, drying out branches. Red spots on fruitsFungusRemoving dead branches. Spraying the tree three times with Fitosporin or a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture
TristezaLeaves fall, bark diesThe virus affects weak lemons that are not cared forThere is no treatment, the plant dies
Sheet mosaicDark or light stripes on the leaves. Then their deformation, stopping the development of the lemon There is no treatment. You can reduce the manifestations with regular feeding
Citrus cancerBrown spots various shapes on leaves and fruits. The fruits become distorted and the tree dies It is impossible to cure. For prevention: spring treatment liquid copper fungicide
Root and common aphidsFoliage drying out, curlingPestRemoving affected leaves. Spraying with a decoction of garlic peels and insecticides. Complex feeding. Transplantation into new soil
Spider miteCurling leaves, cobwebsDry indoor air1% solution boric acid. Requires up to 5 sprays
MelsekoThe shoots dry out, the foliage falls off starting from the ends of the branches. The broken branch is painted redLack of lighting. In winter there was not enough light, the plant was not illuminatedThere is no treatment, only observation. If no improvement is visible, the plant is destroyed.

If desired, anyone can grow a lemon tree at home. Care at home is not particularly difficult, but there are, of course, certain points. If you do everything correctly, then in the 5th or 7th year you can expect fruits from the plant you grew yourself. The leaves of the evergreen lemon tree release phytoncides, refresh the air in the room, and emit a delicate, unobtrusive aroma.

Fragrant, tasty, healthy citrus is familiar to everyone; we see its bright yellow fruits on store shelves all year round. Lemon is good as a fruit, useful as a preventative drug, tasty as candied fruit, and simply beautiful, like an exotic indoor tree. However, even dark green leathery lemon leaves look beautiful and at the same time have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Lemon tree, photo:

Depending on the variety, the lemon tree may be different sizes. If the goal is precisely the fruits, and not just decorative function, then you can get the result in two ways. Citrus grown from cuttings will begin to bear fruit earlier (with proper care), but the plant from the seed will be healthier and actively developing.

If you do not want to bother yourself with the germination/growing process, you can purchase ready-made lemon bushes and seedlings in specialized departments and stores. You can buy a lemon tree in an online store that belongs to a botanical garden, for example, or from amateur breeders. If you are not looking for easy ways, you are interested in the process of plant birth itself, then you will find information about how in another article. The planting method itself is not very different from the technology for growing other citrus crops.

Lemon tree care?

An important stage of care - correct lighting at home. The permanent location of the lemon should be well lit, but direct sunlight should still be avoided. How to care for a lemon tree? Try to decide in advance permanent place residence of the plant, since it does not like to be moved. To ensure that the crown develops evenly, you can gently turn the lemon towards the light. This process must be done slowly and gradually.

For harmonious growth and development, the plant at home must be replanted annually. Each time the container should be larger; during replanting, the roots and soil are carefully moved into new pot, the missing amount of earth is added to the required volume. The soil for indoor lemon should be similar in composition to the previous soil.

When the plant reaches a certain size and the pot holds 10 liters, replanting can be stopped. Now you only have to periodically update the top layer of soil (twice a year), feed the plant with fertilizers (Vermisol, Humisol, Biohumus - for citrus crops).

Caring for a young tree at home at first does not include fertilizing, but with the onset of summer, you can add a little fertilizer to the water for irrigation. The plant is very capricious; it requires a delicate approach regarding ambient temperature and hydration. There should be no sudden changes - if something goes wrong, the plant will react by losing leaves.

How to prune a lemon tree? Pruning forms the crown and prevents it from growing to large sizes, which is very important if you have small apartment. Crown care should begin with young when the plant reaches 20-30 cm in height. Thus, the top of the tree is cut off, side shoots are pruned at the level of the 5th leaf, the lower branches (those located close to the soil) are also removed - this allows the trunk to fully develop.

If you see too much crown splendor on one side, then carefully trim off the excess and give the tree the desired shape. Branch pruning is always done just above the leaf. The lower branches should be longer than the upper ones. Pruning should be carried out only when it is really required (stimulating the growth of new branches, rejuvenating an old tree). Frequent cutting of branches can weaken the plant.

Should I prune my lemon tree according to the time of year? There are several approaches to this process: best time Spring is the time for pruning. March is best. Often pruning is done when the lemon is flowering and buds are setting. Winter pruning is also used: if the plant is already bearing fruit, then it should be done after harvesting.

Lemon blooms very profusely and spreads truly magical aroma. Indoor plant The lemon tree has bisexual flowers, so fruit set occurs spontaneously. If you want to increase productivity, you can use artificial pollination techniques. To do this, the flowers must be ripe; use a soft brush to collect pollen from the stamens and carefully transfer it to the pistil (sticky top). This is a rather monotonous process, but very effective. Additionally, you can insure yourself with fruit formation stimulants and plant growth regulators - Ovary and Bud fertilizers (spraying).

The ideal temperature for the growth of foliage and branches is +16..18ºC, for the harmonious development of fruits – 22..23ºC. Sudden changes in temperature, very high, as well as too low, have an extremely negative impact on general condition lemon tree.

The soil temperature at home should be approximately the same as the air temperature. Sometimes the lemon is taken out to “ventilate”, for example, on the balcony, and then brought into the room - this is not advisable. Such changes are stressful for the lemon. It reacts by dropping leaves. Because the earth is cold and warm room air form an unfavorable temperature difference.

How to water a lemon tree at home?

The most vigilant care for lemon extends from autumn to spring (October-March). In winter, batteries and heating devices work actively at home, drying the air. For this reason, the plant should be placed away from sources of active heat, and the radiators should sometimes be covered damp cloth and irrigate the crown with water daily. Such care also requires compliance with measures, because excessive moisture of the lemon threatens the development of fungus. You can also place containers of water next to the pots - the evaporation of moisture has a beneficial effect on the plant. With the onset of summer heat, it is recommended to wipe lemon leaves with a damp cloth.

How often to water lemon at home? Here you need to adhere to the golden mean - do not allow the soil to dry out and do not overfill it. Boiled water at room temperature is suitable for irrigation; twice a week will be enough. If it happens that you overdo it with watering (the soil begins to rot), then you need to change the soil in the pot as quickly as possible. Clay pots are ideal containers for growing lemons at home; they evaporate excess moisture well and allow the soil to “breathe.”

If the lemon dries out

Sometimes on gardening forums you can see requests for help: “the lemon tree is drying up, what should I do?!” - often this situation arises again from a lack of moisture and dry air in the room. Improper care: lack of lighting, stagnation of water in the soil are secondary reasons for lemon drying out. Sometimes like this unfavorable changes may occur due to a pest attack - spider mite.

If we know how to cope with a lack of moisture, then more radical measures are needed to combat mites. Treating a lemon tree with insecticides will put an end to harvesting, since after it it will be impossible to eat the fruits. But there is a way out - ultraviolet light (UV lamp) kills spider mites in 2-3 minutes and such a short “irradiation” of the plant at home will be enough.

The cause of drying out may also be seasonal acclimatization of the plant. You will have to trim off the dried branches. And in the spring, new shoots will appear in their place. The lack of micro- and macroelements is also expressed in the form of drying, introduction necessary fertilizing and balanced fertilizers solve this problem. Nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium supplements or the Root Feeder fertilizer (KP-5) will help the tree come to life and receive all the missing nutrients.

Pavlova lemon

As we can see, lemon requires careful care and compliance with the rules of cultivation, but the result of such efforts cannot but please. Beautiful plant with vitamin fruits is a worthy gift that the lemon tree gives us. it's not that complicated if you know all the nuances.