DIY rope square. Egyptian triangle

Slopes at 90 degrees

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Most likely, the angles are far from ideal. How to set the beacons so that all corners of the room are 90 degrees? And everything is as simple as shelling pears.

to you from additional tools All you need is a square. Let's consider the entire technological process in more detail. Mark one wall for beacons. Drill holes for screws. Insert the wood screws into the plastic expansion dowels that you previously inserted into the drilled holes.

Level them. Plaster this wall. For what? You will then have one plane ready, from which you will set 90 degrees for the two walls adjacent to it. On one of the walls that is adjacent to the plastered surface, near the corner, mark a vertical line.

Drill holes in it for the dowels. Insert dowels into these holes. Screw in the screws. Now you need to align the self-tapping screws of the line. Take a square. Place the small side on the finished wall surface, and the long side on one of the exposed screws.

Mark a line so that it does not extend beyond the side of the square. Then draw a vertical line along the marked line. Drill holes on the line parallel to the self-tapping screws on the first vertical line, which are already level. Screw in the screws. Further.

Place the square on the plastered surface and on the screw of the first line. Look what happened. If the second line screw does not touch the square, tighten it with a screwdriver until the self-tapping screw touches the square. Align all the screws of the second line in this way. Now you have a straight line with a level and an angle of 90 degrees.

Next, mark the entire wall with lines for beacons and place self-tapping screws on them. Only the screws should be on the same horizontal line with the screws of the first and second lines. Take the rule and attach it to the two screws of the first and second lines horizontally. Look at the third line screw. Tighten it with a screwdriver until it is correct. So position all the screws.

Some deviations from the norm are allowed, but not more than 1mm.

Then move on. When you place beacons on this wall, plaster it. And set up beacons again. When you have plastered all the walls, use a wide spatula to remove excess mortar from the corners. Corners should be smooth and clean. Your angles will be exactly 90 degrees - this is guaranteed.

Be sure to place a perforated corner on the outer corners. By level, of course. Apply a liquid layer of plaster to the right and left of the corner. Stretch it out big rule. The role of the lighthouse will be played by the corner, and the role of the second lighthouse will be the end of the rule itself. This will make your walls perfectly smooth.

Some deviations from the norm are allowed, but not more than 1mm. Try to have fewer holes and scratches. Then it will be much easier to putty and the putty consumption will be minimal. Beacons should not be removed from the bathroom and toilet. And there is no need to go through the liquid layer. There will still be tiles there.

If you have 90 degree angles in your bathroom, the tiles will look simply amazing. Because perfect angles- it is beautiful. Wallpaper or paint on the walls of a room with perfectly straight corners will also look perfect, without errors.


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How to set an angle of 90 degrees without a special tool (square)?

Let's say we have a line to which we need to set a perpendicular, i.e. another line at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the first. Or we have an angle (for example, the corner of a room) and we need to check whether it is equal to 90 degrees.

All this can be done with just a tape measure and a pencil.

There are two great things, such as the Egyptian Triangle and the Pythagorean Theorem, that will help us with this.

So, Egyptian triangle- This right triangle with the ratio of all sides equal to 3:4:5 (side 3: side 4: hypotenuse 5).

The Egyptian triangle is directly related to the Pythagorean theorem - the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse (3*3 + 4*4 = 5*5).

How can this help us? Everything is very simple.

Task No. 1. You need to construct a perpendicular to a straight line (for example, a line at 90 degrees to the wall).

Step 1
. To do this, from point No. 1 (where our angle will be), we need to measure on this line any distance that is a multiple of three or four - this will be our first leg (equal to three or four parts, respectively), we get point No. 2.

To simplify calculations, you can take a distance, for example 2m (this is 4 parts of 50cm each).

Step 2. Then from the same point No. 1 we measure 1.5 m (3 parts of 50 cm each) upward (we set an approximate perpendicular), draw a line (green).

Step 3. Now from point No. 2 you need to put a mark on the green line at a distance of 2.5 m (5 parts of 50 cm each). The intersection of these marks will be our point No. 3.

By connecting points No. 1 and No. 3 we get a line perpendicular to our first line.

Task No. 2. Second situation— there is an angle and you need to check whether it is straight.

This is our corner. It is much easier to check with a large square. What if he is not there?

We measure from the corner any length that is a multiple of four, in in this case this is 1.6m.

In the other direction there are three parts, respectively 1.2 m.

Before execution facing works tiles The question always arises: how to create a 90-degree angle on the walls?

After all, even a slight deviation, which is imperceptible on the wall and clearly manifests itself in the corner, will lead to the need to increase the layer adhesive solution in some places and decrease in others.

Therefore, before we start finishing works vertical and horizontal angular indicators are measured using: a plumb line, building level or laser level.

Beacons for leveling corners

It is best to take measurements with a laser level, as it is the most convenient and accurate control tool, and after that set up beacons along which to draw a right angle between the walls:

  • made from steel profile. They are not afraid of water, are easily mounted on the wall, have a perfectly flat surface and cannot be dismantled after completion of work;
  • from wooden slats cross section 20x30 mm. Despite the fact that they have a number of disadvantages, due to their availability they are used more often than others. After leveling the wall must be removed;
  • The oldest type is the installation of beacons from a fragment of a mortar mixture. There is no need to remove them, but this method is often used by experienced plasterers.

With the help of which beacons to level the corners, as well as to make the walls in the rooms smooth, the specialist decides individually.

How to make a right angle

It all depends on the magnitude of the slopes of the walls. Minor deviations include deviations of no more than 20 mm. When carrying out work, you should adhere to some rules:

  1. Displaying vertical beacons is mandatory.
  2. Compliance with the sequence when applying the mortar: first, a sketch is made with a liquid mortar, and after it sets, the final leveling of the wall surface is carried out.
  3. Applying a thick layer of solution is not recommended, since the mixture will own weight will fall off before it can grab hold.
  4. Initially, one wall is aligned using the beacon rule, then the second.
  5. If there is a rule in the form of a large metal square, alignment occurs by moving the tool up and down along the beacons. Excess mortar is cut off and applied in missing places.

At large differences and deviations, use reinforcing mesh

If the deviation is more than 2 cm, additional operations will be required:

  • reinforcement by installing reinforcing mesh;
  • by braiding wire over pre-hammered dowels, nails or screws. Depends on the wall material: concrete, brick, shell rock, foam concrete, foam block;
  • filling shingles in wooden houses.

If the walls have a slight deviation, then alignment is carried out directly between them, as well as between the wall and the ceiling. In this case, the solution is applied to the corners and leveled using the corner rule. Further from the corner line, the mortar on the wall is reduced to nothing. For more information about aligning corners, watch this video:

Aligning corners is the most labor-intensive construction process, which is best left to professionals.

Leveling Tools

Leveling without a standard set of tools is impossible. These include:

  1. The rule is 100-120 mm wide. It is made of aluminum slats up to 150 cm long. Allows you to evaluate all the irregularities of the wall, its bulges and depressions.
  2. Wooden grater 50-70 cm long. Can be made of plastic or metal. Used to level the mortar on the wall.
  3. Grater. Used in hard-to-reach places for leveling and grouting.
  4. Corner in the form of a right triangle. Made from wood or metal. It is used to check the evenness of the surface and corners. The longer the sides that make up the rectangle, the more convenient it is for performing work on constructing a 90-degree angle.

The table shows construction angle meters that differ in design and measurement method:

No. name characteristics 1 electronic The display displays the results of vertical and horizontal deviations 2 laser Liquid crystal display, measurement from an angle, memory of the last 20 measurements 3 optical Consists of glass: dials and plates with an index of minutes of arc 4 mechanical Inexpensive, accurate measurement of internal and external angles 5 pendulum The pendulum is rigidly connected to an indicating arrow, which shows the deviation of the measured angle from the vertical or horizontal base

Before making a right angle, use a trowel to spread the mortar onto the wall, and use a spatula to remove small irregularities.

Without mortar it is impossible to align the corners. To prepare it, use a container of suitable volume, sand with cement or dry mortar in a ready-made proportion.

How to align wall corners at 90 degrees?

Korovin Sergey Dmitrievich

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

Many apartment owners have quite professionally learned how to prepare wall surfaces for pasting and painting, but when faced with the question “how to align the corners of walls at 90 degrees,” beginners usually get stupefied. Indeed, this process is one of the most complex types finishing work, which is why it is sometimes best to entrust the alignment of corners to professionals.

If, nevertheless, the decision was made to independently level the external and internal corners, the owner will need to familiarize himself with several ways to carry out this work. You can straighten corners in the following ways:

  • using gypsum board;
  • by plastering;
  • by installing a perforated corner;
  • plastering according to marks;
  • combining plastering and leveling the base with plasterboard (recommended for minor vertical deviations).

Surface preparation

Before you start leveling the corners of the walls with your own hands, you need to prepare the adjacent foundations. To obtain quality right angle The following work needs to be done between the walls:

  1. Remove the old wall covering, thoroughly cleaning the surface of small particles.
  2. Treat walls with primer deep penetration, you need to brush the corners especially carefully.
  3. If you plan to plaster with cement-sand mortar, the prepared wall surface should be moistened.

Instructions for plastering corners

It is quite possible to bring the corner to an ideal state through conventional plastering. If the surfaces have been properly prepared and plastered, it is not difficult to level the joints. To do this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • laser level;
  • roller;
  • brush 150 mm wide;
  • mixer;
  • container for preparing plaster mortar;
  • deep penetration primer;
  • rule;
  • construction plaster mixtures;
  • perforated corner;
  • wide spatula;
  • narrow spatula.

Before plastering the corners of the walls, it is necessary to prepare the surface. Then perform the following work:

  1. Using a plumb line or laser level, draw a line on the adjacent wall that will serve as a guide for leveling the base in the corner. If necessary, a guide rail is installed along the line;
  2. Focusing on the mark or guide rail, plaster is applied to the wall and leveled using the rule, pulling the mortar away from the corner so that the geometry of the already plastered wall is not disturbed;
  3. After the plaster has dried, produce final refinement surfaces using putty.

This technology is applicable for plastering the corners of walls with their preliminary alignment. If the walls have not been plastered, it is recommended to level the corners together with the leveling of the walls, using beacons for both internal and external corners.

It is recommended to use metal profiles to align external and internal corners. They not only form an even angle, but also serve as protection against accidental damage to the wall. You can also use a painting mesh as corner reinforcement.

Alignment using gypsum board

If there are significant vertical deviations in the walls in the rooms, it is recommended to level them using gypsum plasterboard. This method allows you to quickly correct all surface irregularities. Moreover, if all the work is done correctly, the corner joints will be almost perfectly straight.

To level walls and corners using plasterboard, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • laser level;
  • gypsum board sheets;
  • guide profiles;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • construction knife;
  • fixing adhesive for gypsum boards;
  • putty knife;
  • serpyanka;
  • metal corner;
  • putty mixture.

If the vertical deviations are more than 50 mm, it is recommended to install guide profiles, which are the basis for fixing the sheets to the wall. For less significant deviations, it is possible to install drywall using special adhesive solutions.

It is possible to use drywall exclusively for leveling slopes near a window or doorways, in this case, the sheets are cut to size and secured with a non-adhesive solution.

Before installing drywall, you should take into account that this material is afraid of moisture, so installing even moisture-resistant gypsum boards in a bathroom or toilet is not recommended.

Evenly installed sheets of drywall do not require special finishing in the corners, but since this material Quite fragile, it is necessary to install metal corners on the outer corners.

In order not to disturb the horizontal, a groove is chosen along the height of the place where the walls touch on both sides, with a thickness equal to the thickness of the metal corner. The corner is mounted using an adhesive solution, and after installation, it is masked with putty.

To strengthen internal joints They use serpyanka, which is attached to the plaster mortar, after which it is also masked with putty.

This technology is applicable in rooms with a large area, since the installation of drywall “eats” significant volumes. Leveling walls using plasterboard in old panel houses will leave very little living space, so for such rooms it is best to use plaster.

Seam alignment

Situations often arise when, in order to obtain the proper quality of finishing interior walls there is no need to bring the bases into contact at 90 degrees. In this case, it is enough to achieve an even seam, both on the inside and outside.

External corners

Typically, where walls meet, external angles form 90 degrees, whereas when equipped window openings It is possible to use obtuse angles.

To form blunt contacts between walls, it is recommended to use an angled spatula, the sides of which are specially curved to the right degree walls of the opening, this process is quite complex and requires professionalism. Also, obtuse corners are leveled with plaster mortar, using a rigid base (straight board) on one side.

To align right outer corners, you can also use a special spatula, but optimal solution The use of metal perforated profiles, which are also called counter-shafts, is considered. The technology for installing a counter-switch consists of performing the following steps:

  1. Using metal scissors, a piece of counter-shaft is cut according to the height of the wall;
  2. An adhesive solution or plaster is applied along the entire height on both sides;
  3. The contraschultz is carefully sunk into the solution so that particles of the mixture appear through the perforations;
  4. With help laser level or a plumb line, the verticality of the corner is checked and, if necessary, adjusted;
  5. The solution that comes out through the perforation is leveled with a spatula, completely covering the metal surface;
  6. After the solution has completely risen, the surface is cleaned sandpaper. Before finishing walls and the place where the corner is installed are puttied.

If you need to form an obtuse angle, you will need to use a straight guide. Usually a flat board is found for this purpose. The technology for leveling an obtuse angle using a board comes down to the following steps;

  1. The surface to be leveled must be strengthened, for which purpose gypsum mortar Serpyanka is glued;
  2. The board is prepared to size and firmly fixed from floor to ceiling;
  3. Plaster mortar is applied to the adjacent surface of the wall, while the edge of the board is used as a limiter;
  4. After the solution has risen, the board is dismantled and installed on the newly prepared surface, freeing up space for plastering the first side;
  5. Fully finished surface rubbed and sanded with sandpaper, after which finishing putty is applied.

Internal corners

For the construction of internal corners, two methods are most often used.

With a contrarian

This technology is simple and reliable. To get an ideal surface where the walls touch, you will need to do the following:

  1. The contra-shultz is cut to the required height;
  2. The solution is evenly applied to the place where the walls touch on both sides;
  3. The contraschultz is applied to the prepared area and gently pressed using long rule. If you apply pinpoint pressure on the contra-shultz, dents may appear and, as a result, a violation of the right angle;
  4. Using a laser level or plumb line, the position of the counter-sharp is adjusted to the required one;
  5. The remaining solution penetrating through the perforation is smoothed out, the excess is removed, and the entire surface is sanded with sandpaper;
  6. The treated area where the walls meet is puttied together with the entire surface, which eliminates the slight difference due to the thickness of the counter-shoulder.

With leveling base

You can get a smooth surface for the internal contact of the walls using a guide. You need to do the following:

  1. The most prominent point is determined on one of the walls. To do this, it is enough to apply the rule with a level to the surface of the wall;
  2. A guide (a flat board, usually a metal profile) is fixed strictly vertically to this point along the adjacent wall, stepping back from the point by the width of a corner spatula;
  3. Using an angle trowel, apply a leveling solution to both walls. If the measurements and installation of the guide were carried out correctly, the contact surface of the walls will be leveled;
  4. The guide is removed;
  5. Use a spatula to clean off excess mortar;
  6. After the leveling mixture has completely dried, puttying and sanding are carried out.

Is it possible to create an even 90-degree internal or external corner of a house using corners, cement or drywall: tips, rules, rule alignment techniques

Ways to align internal and external corners. Application of material and tools. Calculation of an even angle, methods for determining a 90 degree angle.

How to level a wall corner

A smooth surface is a sign quality work plasterers and puttyers.

You can glue it on it various wallpapers, coat with paint, veneer with panels or ceramics. If there are no workers, how to level the corner of the wall, make the surface even and smooth?

To make angles at 90 degrees, materials, tools and certain skills are required.

Why is it necessary to level the corner of the wall?

Smooth wall joints in the room – a neat appearance. If crooked walls can be hidden behind wallpaper and paintings, then the corners will make the room untidy.

Craftsmen consider another disadvantage of curvature to be the difficulty of installing tiles, gluing wallpaper, and other finishing coatings. To align the joints of the walls you need to work hard, however, in the future this will affect appearance and neatness.

How to align the internal corners of the walls in a room with your own hands

To align the internal joints, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work.

  1. The cleaned surface of tiles or wallpaper is checked for the presence of voids under the plaster. It is necessary to tap the adjacent walls from the ceiling to the bottom. If the sound changes (empty), it is better to roll off the plaster. Otherwise, it may fall off on its own along with finishing coat. Another sign of emptiness is small cracks running horizontally on the floor.
  2. After the coating has been collapsed, all debris is removed. This is dusty work, but it will not interfere with subsequent work.
  3. Clean everything from dust and small pebbles with a dry brush. To reduce dust, you can spray the area with water from a sprayer.
  4. Next, the surface is coated with a primer, preferably 2 times.
  5. A plumb line is lowered from the ceiling to the floor to determine the curvature. If large deviations are detected the best option is drywall. Otherwise, the plaster layer will have to be applied several times, each dried layer being primed.

The internal corner can be aligned using several methods. In addition to drywall, ordinary gypsum or cement plaster, beacons, corner spatulas.

How to level previously plastered walls in an apartment

If the wall is crooked, then leveling the joint will be a waste of work. Curved plastered walls must be identified by the percentage of curvature. This can be done by a level, a plumb line, a rule. The walls are aligned in a circle.

Materials used for leveling walls:

  1. Drywall. For large differences, a metal frame base is used. If the walls have a slight curvature, then gypsum boards are glued to the surface.
  2. Chipboard. Plates are suitable for leveling not very curved surfaces.
  3. Panels. When leveling the walls, use a frame base.

Depending on the room, humidity and temperature changes, the desired material is selected.

How to display a 90 degree angle on walls

When plastering walls yourself and leveling joints, use a plaster corner profile. It can be metal or plastic. On the sides of the corner there is a reinforced mesh. The profile is applied to the wet plaster and leveled using a level. Reinforced mesh covered with plaster mixture.

The joining surface can also be made smooth using an angle spatula. It has a perfectly even shape. Without any effort, it can be used to create a 90-degree joint between walls.

What materials are used to level wood?

The wooden surface also needs pre-treatment followed by leveling. Align wooden surface possible using materials:

  1. Drywall. For installation, you must first measure the degree of curvature, then take measurements and calculate the materials. The frame base is created from wooden slats or metal profiles. For a strong frame, transverse stiffeners are made. Fixing gypsum boards in the corners is done using several technologies. The joints of the walls are smooth at 90 degrees.
  2. Chipboard. They are also mounted on a frame base made of wood. All elements are treated with drying oil or antiseptic agents.
  3. Plywood 6-9 mm. It needs to be processed. The material is mainly used for leveling surfaces in the garage, pantry, country house. A wooden frame is also created for fastening.

Afterwards, the created surface with even corners is puttied, primed and covered finishing material– wallpaper, paint, tiles.

As well as walls and their joints wooden house leveled with materials:

  • putty – layer of applied mixture 2 mm. Before applying putty, you need to treat the walls;
  • cement mortars - applied to a rough surface or pre-filled with shingles or large mesh;
  • use of corners. If the walls are smooth or have slight differences, metal or plastic corners are attached to the putty solution. In this case, after a second layer of putty, the angle is 90 degrees.

How to make the outer corners of walls smooth

Crooked external corners are the result of hasty work by builders. To align them, you must first determine the degree of curvature. Another reason for leveling is frequent impacts from sharp and heavy objects.

Materials and tools will be used for leveling. A level is also required.

What you need

To work you will need a perforated corner, putty or plaster mixture gypsum based, primer, regular and corner spatulas.

The work is not difficult to carry out if you have everything you need “at hand”. Even the most curved joining surface can be created at 90 degrees without much effort or time.

How to align wall corners at 90 degrees using a corner

An outer corner is easier to align than an inner one. For this, a perforated metal corner is used.

  1. First, the surface is cleaned and coated with a primer.
  2. Afterwards the degree of curvature is determined.
  3. Plaster or putty gypsum mortar is applied to the corner on both sides.
  4. The corner is pressed into it and leveled using a level.
  5. Allow time for the solution to harden. All excess mass is removed. Level the sides with a spatula.
  6. After drying, remove the excess with sandpaper and apply the solution again in a thin layer. At the same time, the work is done carefully so that there are no tubercles.

The final step is sanding and applying primer for a finishing touch.

A perforated corner will not only level the angle at 90 degrees, but also protect the surface from impacts.

How to set a 90 degree angle when plastering walls

If the angle has large percentage curvature, then a different method is used. A lighthouse is placed on the wall from the joint in the opposite direction. Alignment goes away from him. Thus, the adjacent wall is leveled. Smooth walls form an angle of 90 degrees. The final leveling is done with an angled spatula.

Ways to check the 90 degree angle between walls inside and outside

There are several ways to check how straight the angle is. So:

  1. A square is the easiest way.
  2. The second method is to create a corner from a profile. From the corner along one wall, measure 30,60,90 cm. The length of one side of the profile will be equal to 90. To the other side on the adjacent wall, set aside 30,60,90,120 cm. The length of the second side of the profile corner will be equal to 120 cm. From one point where set aside 90 to another point 120 there should be a distance of 150 cm. The sides of the profile are connected with screws at 90 degrees. The edges are connected with another piece of profile equal to 150 cm. This corner is used to measure internal corner in the room in several places.
  3. The outer corner is measured according to the same scheme, only all marks are marked on the floor. That is. From the outer corner on the floor you need to set aside a length that is a multiple of 4. Let’s say 1.6 meters. It is laid along one wall. Next, along the other wall you need to set aside 1.2 meters. There should be a distance of 2 meters between the end points. If so, then the angle is 90 degrees. If not, then alignment should be applied.

Before you start aligning the joints of the walls, you need to find out how much deviation or curvature they have. For leveling, both drywall, plywood, and regular putty, and perforated corners. To derive an exact beautiful angle, you need to stock up on materials, tools and a little mathematical knowledge - the Pythagorean theorem.

Useful video

Aligning walls at an angle of 90

Plastering a plane at an angle of 90

Apartment and high-quality repairs, tastefully selected modern furniture And comfortable interior- the dream of every person. But all this splendor fades in rooms with uneven walls. Very often people try to hide a small blockage and cover it with furniture or resort to other tricks. In vain, since uneven planes need to be leveled, not masked. For example, furniture only emphasizes such a drawback.

Geometry of plastering works

Plastering works necessary for leveling the surface of the walls horizontally and at an angle 90 degrees under furniture. For this purpose, the beacon method is used. All beacons installed on one of the bases should be easily installed using laser level .

Quite a lot of examples have spread on the Internet showing work without the use of beacons. It must be said that such technology should not be used, since without beacons it is absolutely impossible to maintain a single plane plastering works surfaces. The 2 or 3 meter rule will not help to level a 15 meter wall in one plane.

And if there is a doorway in the plane, then this task becomes even more impossible. Aligning walls at an angle of 90 will give the walls an ideal vertical level and angle 90

Many plasterers offer to fix geometry rooms, in common parlance this is called “ Aligning walls at an angle of 90" This leads to an increase in layer, material consumption and cost of work, and this is the only way to hide the shoals of masons.

The geometry of the room is not fully maintained at the stage of erecting partitions.

But in every home there are places where there should be 90° angle, this is the bathroom, work zone in the kitchen where the kitchen set will be placed (so that furniture assemblers do not adjust the countertop to fit), and a couple more places in the apartment, for example, a corner in which a built-in cabinet without a back plane will stand (for the same reason as the kitchen).

Aligning walls at an angle of 90

At plastering walls bathroom (with a bathtub), the use of tiles entails the need for high-quality Alignment of walls at an angle of 90. If this is not done, then trimming the tiles in the corners of the room will repeat all the unevenness and will not be able to hide their slope. If the bathtub is installed at full length, then there is a need to remove 90 degree angles, but most often this is not a mandatory requirement.

When leveling walls at an angle of 90 in the kitchen, the quality standard is set kitchen set. It requires not only vertically level bases, but also corners in 90 degrees. The surface with the door must also be plastered " under the lighthouse" It is enough to just make the remaining walls straight. Following these requirements allows you to achieve a good final result.

Plastering walls at a 90 degree angle

How to do 90 degree angles at plastering walls ?
If you need to straighten the corners at 90 degrees, then you should start with the wall in which the door or arched opening is located. And this is very important, since if you start with another wall, at the end of the work it may turn out that the thickness of the wall in the area of ​​the opening on the left side and on the right is different. This will make it impossible to install the door.

How to place beacons so that all corners of the room are 90 degrees? And everything is as simple as shelling pears. Set them according to level. Plastering walls at a 90 degree angle. For what? You will then have one plane ready, from which you will set 90 degrees for the two planes adjacent to it. On one of which are adjacent to plastered plane, next to the corner, mark a vertical line.

After the beacons are placed on one plane, you can plaster it, and then proceed to others - stretch the fishing line along the base and use a square to align it at 90 degrees to an already plastered wall or use laser level which automatically issues 90 degrees and saves your time.

Plastering kitchen walls at 90 degrees

Plastering kitchen walls at 90 degrees.In order for the installation of kitchen furniture and wall cabinets to be successful, it is necessary that the walls be made at an angle of 90°. Nothing emphasizes the curvature of the wall and corners more than unevenly adjacent furniture. This package improves two adjacent walls along which it will go kitchen furniture, while the remaining planes are not affected, the savings are maintained.

It is worth noting that plastering kitchen walls at 90 degrees working with ready-made corners, although we get an almost perfect inner or external corner, however, it will never be sharp, rather slightly rounded. This occurs due to the geometry of the mesh plaster corner 35*35mm (galvanized) 3 meters

Corner with metal mesh, galvanized is used for plastering works for forming external corners
The corner profile is designed to protect external corners indoors for external slopes and cladding from mechanical damage.
The profile section is made in the shape of an acute angle (85 degrees), which ensures a tight fit to the surface of the partition corner during its installation.
When installing the profile, it penetrates into the holes plaster, previously applied to the corner of the structure.

This allows for strong adhesion of the profile to the mating surface of the corner and base.

Cost of plastering work on walls without material is 250 rubles/m2.

Angle 90 degrees V price work included separately( price one 90 degree angle external or internal costs 300 rubles)

Orders are accepted for working surface areas from 70 m2 (in price turns on priming walls, display of beacons, smoothing the surface, removing beacons).
Cost of plastering walls with material ranges from 500 rubles/m2, including delivery of the material to the site and varies depending on the thickness of the layer.

A homemade rope square is simple and accurate!

A square is always needed. Modern world It’s hard to imagine without a simple measuring square. Wherever something needs to be placed or strengthened perpendicular to each other, a square is required. It is necessary, for example, to set the wall at right angles to the floor. A small square cannot do this. The longer the mating parts, the larger the square must be to ensure the required orientation accuracy.

Large angles are available, but they are expensive. Square size 1050x500 mm. sell for 9800 rubles! Probably some kind of shed costs less. But, in small ways, even such a square does not solve the problem. There you already need squares with a side of several meters. What to do?

Solving the problem is easy if you know the “magic” numbers 3,4 and 5!

Our square will be foldable and can fit in your pocket.

So, the manufacturing process:

  1. We drive into long board two nails at a distance L= 5 meters from each other. This distance must be done accurately. It is better to mark with a tape measure.
  2. We put two rings on the nails, for example from keys, and tighten the rings tightly with strong twine or rope. The rope or twine must be securely fastened to the rings.
  3. We drive two nails into the board at a distance of L = 4 meters and repeat the operation according to point 2.
  4. We repeat the same thing for L=3. All. The square is ready.

Let's check the perpendicularity of the vertical beam to the horizontal platform. Using nails, we fix one of the cables, for example a three-meter one, on a vertical beam at points 1 and 2. We put rings of five and four-meter cables on the same nails, bring the free ends together and tension the structure. If point 3 coincides with the horizontal platform, everything is in order. Angle 90 degrees.

Of course, you can make a square not from three separate cables, but from one, made in a triangle. Then you only need three rings, correctly positioned on the rope.

A similar option for checking the frame is shown in the photo. Here’s another option for checking the same frame, if you don’t have a square, but have a metal meter.

Measure two legs of 60 and 80 centimeters from the corner of the frame, attach a ruler to the marks. If the legs are measured accurately and the ruler meter matches the marks, then the frame is made correctly. The angle is right.

And finally, we will correctly install the fence on the plot.

Stretch one of the legs of our square along the fence and secure it with pegs. Stretch our square and drive in the third peg. You've got a right angle. You can put up a fence.

All these tricks with a rope square are based on the school formula: “the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs.”

The integers three four and five that satisfy this condition are easy to remember. These numbers can be changed multiple times.

You can, for example, make segments 1.5 2 2.5 meters long, or 0.6 0.8 1 meter and even 0.3 0.4 0.5 meters. You just need to take into account that what smaller size segments, the more accurately you need to determine their length.

An apartment with high-quality renovation, tastefully selected modern furniture and a comfortable interior is the dream of any person. But all this splendor fades in rooms with uneven walls. Very often people try to hide a small blockage and cover it with furniture or resort to other tricks. In vain, since uneven planes need to be leveled, not masked. For example, furniture only emphasizes such a drawback.

Geometry of plastering works

Plastering works necessary for leveling the surface of the walls horizontally and at an angle 90 degrees under furniture. For this purpose, the beacon method is used. All beacons installed on one of the bases should be easily installed using laser level .

Quite a lot of examples have spread on the Internet showing work without the use of beacons. It must be said that such technology should not be used, since without beacons it is absolutely impossible to maintain a single plane plastering works surfaces. The 2 or 3 meter rule will not help to level a 15 meter wall in one plane.

And if there is a doorway in the plane, then this task becomes even more impossible. will give the walls an ideal vertical level and angle 90

Many plasterers offer to fix geometry rooms, in common parlance this is called “ " This leads to an increase in layer, material consumption and cost of work , and this is the only way to hide the shoals of masons.

The geometry of the room is not fully maintained at the stage of erecting partitions.

But in every home there are places where there should be 90° angle, this is a bathroom, a work area in the kitchen where the kitchen set will be located (so that furniture assemblers do not adjust the countertop to fit), and a couple more places in the apartment, for example, a corner in which a built-in cabinet without a back plane will stand. (for the same reason that and kitchen).

At plastering walls in a bathroom (with a bathtub), the use of tiles entails the need for high-quality Alignment of walls at an angle of 90 . If this is not done, then trimming the tiles in the corners of the room will repeat all the unevenness and will not be able to hide their slope. If the bathtub is installed at full length, then there is a need to remove 90 degree angles , but most often this is not a mandatory requirement.

When leveling walls at a 90 degree angle in a kitchen, the quality standard is set by the kitchen set. It requires not only vertically level bases, but also corners in 90 degrees. The surface with the door must also be plastered " under the lighthouse" It is enough to just make the remaining walls straight. Following these requirements allows you to achieve a good final result.

How to do 90 degree angles at plastering walls ?
If you need to straighten the corners at 90 degrees , then you should start with the wall in which the door or arched opening is located. And this is very important, since if you start with another wall, at the end of the work it may turn out that the thickness of the wall in the area of ​​the opening on the left side and on the right is different. This will make it impossible to install the door.

How to place beacons so that all corners of the room are 90 degrees? And everything is as simple as shelling pears. Set them according to level. Plastering walls at a 90 degree angle . For what? You will then have one plane ready, from which you will set for the two adjacent planes. On one of which are adjacent to plastered plane, next to the corner, mark a vertical line.

After the beacons are placed on one plane, you can plaster it, and then proceed to others - stretch the fishing line along the base and use a square to align it at 90 degrees to an already plastered wall or use a laser level that automatically produces 90 degrees and saves you time.

Plastering kitchen walls at 90 degrees .In order for the installation of kitchen furniture and wall cabinets to be successful, it is necessary that the walls be made at an angle of 90° . Nothing emphasizes the curvature of the wall and corners more than unevenly adjacent furniture. This package improves two adjacent walls along which the kitchen furniture will go, while the remaining planes are not affected, saving savings.

It is worth noting that plastering kitchen walls at 90 degrees Working with ready-made corners, although we get an almost perfect internal or external corner, it will never be sharp, rather slightly rounded. This occurs due to the geometry of the mesh plaster corner 35*35mm (galvanized ) 3 meters

Corner with metal mesh, galvanized, used for plastering works for forming external corners
The corner profile is designed to protect external corners indoors for external slopes and cladding from mechanical damage.
The profile section is made in the form of an acute angle (85 degrees), which ensures a tight fit to the surface of the partition corner during its installation.
When installing the profile, it penetrates into the holes plaster, previously applied to the corner of the structure.

This allows for strong adhesion of the profile to the mating surface of the corner and base.


Price on walls without material is 250 rubles/m2.

Angle 90 degrees V price work included separately( price one 90 degree angle external or internal costs 300 rubles)

Orders are accepted for working surface areas from 70 m2 (in price turns on priming walls, display of beacons, smoothing the surface, removing beacons).
Cost of plastering walls with material ranges from 500 rubles/m2, including delivery of the material to the site and varies depending on the thickness of the layer.