Gas testing 7.1 online. B.7.1. Operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems

Who should be trained?

Specialists servicing hazardous production facilities (gas distribution systems using liquefied hydrocarbon gases), managers, members of certification commissions (clause 10 of Rostechnadzor Order No. 37).

Responsibility for absence:

Officials:Fine from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles. or disqualification for a period of 6 months to 1 year.

Legal entities: Fine from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

How to get training?

You can find out the training dates in class schedule . You can apply for training in the menu section "Apply" in the upper right corner.

You can complete the training either in person or remotely.

Upon completion of the training, we register you for certification at Rostechnadzor, after which we inform you of the day on which you need to appear at your territorial office of Rostechnadzor to undergo certification.

B.7.1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations responsible for ensuring safety during the operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems (Frequency - once every 3 years)

Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated December 27, 2010 No. 780 "On approval of the set of rules "SNiP 42012002 "Gas distribution systems"

B.7.2. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating facilities using liquefied hydrocarbon gases

B.7.3. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations in industrial safety when operating liquefied petroleum gas filling stations (Frequency - once every 3 years)

Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated March 4, 2003 No. 6 “On approval of the Safety Rules for the operation of automobile liquefied gas filling stations” (PB 1252703). Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia (03/25/2003), registration No. 4320

Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated March 18, 2003 No. 9 “On approval of safety rules for facilities using liquefied hydrocarbon gases” (PB 1260903). Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia (04/04/2003), registration No. 4376

B.7.4. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating gas distribution and gas consumption systems (Frequency - once every 3 years)

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2010 No. 870 “On approval of technical regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks”

Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated March 18, 2003 No. 9 “On approval of safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems” (PB 1252903). Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia (04/04/2003), registration No. 4376

B.7.5. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations responsible for technical supervision of the design and construction of gas distribution and gas consumption systems (Frequency - once every 3 years)

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2010 No. 870 “On approval of technical regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks”

Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated October 30, 1998 No. 63 “On approval of the Rules for the certification of welders and welding production specialists” (PB 0327399). Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia (03/04/1999), registration No. 1721

Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated March 18, 2003 No. 9 “On approval of safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems” (PB 1252903). Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia (04/04/2003), registration No. 4376

Questions and answers on industrial safety - Operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems, which are used in the preparation of examination papers forpassing exams at Rostekhnadzor according to the system Olympox. You can add to your libraryquestions and answers onoperation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems and conduct self-training individually, then use our industrial safety testing system and test your knowledge in practice.

Operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems

PB. 211.9. Training and certification of managers and specialists of organizations. Responsible for the safe operation of gas distribution and gas consumption networks.

Topic 1. General requirements

1. To which organizations do the requirements of the FNP “Security Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Networks” not apply?

Carrying out activities for the design, construction and reconstruction of gas distribution and gas consumption networks - CORRECT

2. In accordance with the requirements of what documents should the operation, technical re-equipment, repair, conservation and liquidation of gas distribution and gas consumption networks be carried out?

2.1. Technical regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks

2.2. Federal Law N 116-FZ “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities»

2.3. FNP “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Networks”

2.4. All listed documents - CORRECT

3. Which document establishes the procedure for the implementation of federal state supervision over compliance with industrial safety requirements during operation, technical re-equipment, repair, conservation and liquidation of gas distribution and gas consumption networks?

In Federal Law N 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” - TRUE

4. Who carries out federal state supervision of compliance with industrial safety requirements during operation, technical re-equipment, repair, conservation and liquidation of gas distribution and gas consumption networks?

Federal executive body performing functions of supervision in the field of industrial safety - TRUE

5. Who exercises state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements established by the Technical Regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks during their operation (including Maintenance and current repairs)?

Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision - CORRECT

6. For how long should an organization operating gas distribution and gas consumption networks store design and executive documentation?

During the entire service life of the hazardous production facility(before liquidation) - TRUE

7. Which document establishes the maximum service life of gas pipelines, buildings and structures, technical and technological devices, after which their technical diagnostics should be ensured?

Project documentation - TRUE

High blood pressure category 1 - CORRECT

High blood pressure category 2 - CORRECT

10. What category do gas pipelines with gas pressure above 0.005 to 0.3 MPa inclusive belong to?

Medium pressure - CORRECT

11. What category do gas pipelines with gas pressure up to 0.005 MPa inclusive belong to?

Low pressure - CORRECT

12. Which networks, as well as the associated processes of design, construction, reconstruction, installation, operation (including maintenance, current repairs), overhaul, conservation and liquidation, the requirements of the Technical Regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks do not apply?

On the gas consumption network of residential buildings - CORRECT

13. Which of the following is not included in the gas distribution network?

Internal gas pipelines - CORRECT

14. What is the purpose of the purge gas pipeline?

To displace gas or air (depending on operating conditions) from gas pipelines and technical devices- RIGHT

15. By what essential features are gas distribution and gas consumption networks identified as an object of technical regulation of the Technical Regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks?

15.1. By appointment only

15.2. Only by the composition of facilities included in the gas distribution and gas consumption networks

15.3. Only according to the gas pressure defined in the technical regulations

15.4. By all the indicated characteristics, considered solely in the aggregate - TRUE

16. In which of the following cases is the object of technical regulation identified as a gas distribution network?

If the facility transports natural gas across territories settlements with a pressure not exceeding 1.2 MPa - CORRECT

17. In which of the following cases is the object of technical regulation identified as a gas consumption network?

If the facility transports natural gas to gas-using equipment located outside buildings, with a pressure not exceeding 1.2 MPa - CORRECT

18. What should be the maximum pressure value? natural gas in gas consumption networks of gas-using equipment in boiler houses, separately located on the territory of industrial enterprises?


19. What should be the maximum value of natural gas pressure in the gas consumption networks of gas-using equipment in boiler houses that stand alone on the territory of settlements?


20. What should be the maximum value of natural gas pressure in gas consumption networks of gas-using equipment in boiler houses attached to residential buildings, roof boiler houses of residential buildings?

0.005 MPa - CORRECT

21. What should gas distribution and gas consumption networks provide as objects of technical regulation?

Safety and energy efficiency of natural gas transportation with pressure and flow parameters determined by design documentation and operating conditions - TRUE

Topic 2. Requirements for gas distribution and gas consumption networks at the stage of design, construction, reconstruction, installation and overhaul.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2010 No. 870 “On approval technical regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks"

1. In what case when crossing above-ground gas pipelines high voltage lines should power transmission lines be equipped with protective devices to prevent them from falling onto the gas pipeline if they break?

When the overhead line voltage is over 1 kV - TRUE

2. In which case are not provided protective coatings and devices that ensure the safety of the gas pipeline?

In places where there are underground permanent connections of the polyethylene-steel type - TRUE

3. What should be the pressure of natural gas at the inlet to the gas control unit?

Should not exceed 0.6 MPa - CORRECT

4. What should be installed on the purge gas pipeline of the internal gas pipeline?

A shut-off device, and after it - a fitting with a tap for gas sampling - CORRECT

5. What gas control systems, in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks, should be equipped in buildings and structures in which gas-using equipment is installed, with a signal output to the control panel?

On methane and carbon monoxide - TRUE

6. What requirements are established by the Technical Regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks for equipping flues from gas-using equipment with explosion safety valves?

Must be installed on horizontal sections of flue ducts from a gas-using installation, and the valve area should be at least 0.05 square meters. meters each; valves must be equipped protective devices in case of triggering - TRUE

7. What kind of air exchange should ventilation provide for boiler rooms in which gas-using equipment is installed, with the constant presence of maintenance personnel?

At least three times per hour - CORRECT

8. How, in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks, is the energy efficiency of constructed, repaired, reconstructed gas distribution and gas consumption networks ensured?

Due to their tightness (no gas leaks) - TRUE

Topic 3. Requirements for the operation of gas distribution and gas consumption networks

Basic materials to study

— Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2010 No. 870 “On approval of technical regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks

— »Order of Rostechnadzor dated November 15, 2013 No. 542 “On approval of federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety “Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption networks”

1. Which of the following must the operating organization ensure when operating underground gas pipelines in accordance with the Technical Regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks?

2. Which of the listed requirements, in accordance with the Technical Regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks, must be ensured by the operating organization when operating overhead gas pipelines?

Must provide monitoring and elimination of all listed faults - TRUE

3. In accordance with what documents must be carried out checking the operation of safety shut-off and relief valves, maintenance, current repairs and adjustment of technological devices?

According to manufacturers' instructions - CORRECT

4. Which documentation should regulate the limits of gas pressure values, when changing by safety support valves and safety valves? relief valves should there be automatic and manual shutdown or release of natural gas into the atmosphere?

5. Within what time frame should malfunctions of gas pressure regulators leading to a change in gas pressure to values ​​exceeding the limits established in project documentation, as well as natural gas leaks?

Immediately upon detection - TRUE

6. When should pressure regulators be activated when the natural gas supply is interrupted?

After identifying the cause of the safety trigger shut-off valve and taking corrective action - TRUE

7. Which documentation establishes the service life of gas pipelines, after which their technical diagnostics should be carried out?

In the project documentation - TRUE

8. Is the operation of gas pipelines, buildings and structures and technological devices of gas distribution and gas consumption networks allowed after the expiration of the period specified in the project documentation?

Operation may be permitted after technical diagnostics gas pipelines, buildings and structures and technological devices - CORRECT

9. How are deadlines for further operation of gas pipelines set?

Time limits for further operation of gas pipelines should be established based on the results of technical diagnostics - TRUE

10. In what case is the operation of the gas consumption network not allowed?

Operation is not permitted in any of the above cases - TRUE

11. What should the safety automation provide in the event of its disconnection or malfunction?

Blocking the possibility of supplying natural gas to gas-using equipment in manual mode - TRUE

12. How should gas pipelines connected to gas-using equipment be purged when putting the gas consumption network into operation and after completing repair work?

Natural gas until all air is displaced - CORRECT

13. At what oxygen content in the gas-air mixture is the burners not allowed to ignite?

More than 1.0% by volume - CORRECT

14. Who makes the decision on mothballing and re-mothballing gas distribution networks and gas consumption networks?

The owning organization with a notification to the federal executive body exercising control (supervision) functions in the field of industrial safety - CORRECT

15. What measures should be taken when preserving gas distribution networks and gas consumption networks?

15.1. Only ensuring their industrial and environmental safety

15.2. Only ensuring their material safety and preventing their destruction

15.3. Only ensuring the restoration of their functionality after reactivation

15.4. All of the above activities are TRUE

16. In what form is the assessment of the compliance of gas distribution and gas consumption networks with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks during operation carried out?

In the form of state control (supervision) - TRUE

17. Upon completion of what work is the gas consumption network accepted for operation?

Upon completion of construction, installation work, as well as commissioning and comprehensive testing of equipment - CORRECT

18. Representatives of which federal executive body are not included in the commission for acceptance of gas distribution and gas consumption networks into operation?

18.1. Rostechnadzor

18.2. Ministry of Energy of Russia - CORRECT

18.3. Rosprirodnadzor

19. Which of the following documents are not included in the acceptance documentation after construction or reconstruction?

Positive conclusion of the industrial safety examination of project documentation - TRUE

20. What is documentary evidence of compliance of constructed or reconstructed gas distribution and gas consumption networks with the requirements established in the Technical Regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks?

Acceptance certificate signed by all members of the acceptance committee - CORRECT

21. When should a person responsible for the safe operation of gas distribution and gas consumption networks be appointed by order?

Before acceptance of gas distribution and gas consumption networks - TRUE

Topic 4. Requirements for gas hazardous work

Basic materials to study

Order of Rostechnadzor dated November 15, 2013542 “On approval of federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety “Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption networks”

1. What is the quantitative composition of the team of workers performing gas-hazardous work in wells, tunnels and sewers?

Gas-hazardous work is carried out by a team of at least 3 people under the guidance of a specialist - CORRECT

2. Which of the listed gas-hazardous jobs can be performed by a team of two workers, the leadership of which is entrusted to the most qualified worker?

Checking and pumping condensate from condensate collectors - CORRECT

3. Which of the following requirements must be met when organizing gas hazardous work?

The organization must develop and approve by the technical manager a list of gas-hazardous work, including those performed without issuing a work permit - CORRECT

4. Who in the organization approves the list of gas hazardous work, including those performed without issuing a work permit? production instructions ensuring their safe conduct?

Technical manager of the organization - CORRECT

5. What document is issued for the performance of gas hazardous work?

Work permit - CORRECT

6. Who is granted the right to issue work permits to carry out gas-hazardous work?

Persons appointed by the administrative document for the organization, from among managers and specialists certified in in the prescribed manner and having experience working at gas distribution and gas consumption network facilities for at least one year - CORRECT

7. What document for a gas distribution organization or organization that has its own gas service, are persons appointed who have the right to issue work permits to perform gas-hazardous work?

An administrative document for the organization - CORRECT

8. What gas-hazardous work can be performed without issuing a work permit in accordance with approved production instructions?

Periodically repeating hazardous gas work performed by a permanent team - TRUE

9. Which of the listed gas-hazardous works can be performed without (issuing a work permit in accordance with the approved production instructions?

Maintenance of shut-off valves located outside wells - CORRECT

10. Which of the following gas-hazardous works is carried out according to a special plan approved by the technical manager of the gas distribution organization?

Repair work in a gas control point using welding and gas cutting - CORRECT

11. Which of the following gas-hazardous works is carried out according to a special plan approved by the technical manager of the gas distribution organization?

Turning off and then turning on the gas supply to industrial production- RIGHT

12. How long should work permits for hazardous gas work be stored?

The work permit for carrying out gas-hazardous work (with the exception of work permits issued for the initial start-up of gas, tapping into an existing gas pipeline, disconnecting the gas pipeline with welding tightly at branch points) must be kept for at least one year from the date of its closure - TRUE

13. Who should issue orders when carrying out gas hazardous work?

Only by the person responsible for the work - CORRECT

14. At what time of day can gas-hazardous work to localize and eliminate accidents be carried out?

Regardless of the time of day, under the direct supervision of a specialist - TRUE

15. What is the standard for control pressure testing of internal gas pipelines of industrial, agricultural and other industries, boiler houses, equipment and gas pipelines of gas control points (GRN), block gas control points (GRPB), cabinet control points (SRP), gas control units (GRU)?

The amount of air pressure (inert gas) during pressure testing is 0.01 MPa, the pressure drop should not exceed 0.0006 MPa in 1 hour - CORRECT

16. What is the norm for control pressure testing of external gas pipelines of all pressures?

The amount of air pressure (inert gas) during pressure testing is 0.02 MPa, the pressure drop should not exceed 0.0001 MPa in 1 hour - CORRECT

17. Which of the following requirements must be met during repair work in a gassy environment?

Shoes of persons performing gas-hazardous work in wells, premises of the gas distribution center (GRPB), GRU, should not have steel shoes and nails - CORRECT

18. Which tool should be used for repair work in a gassy environment?

You should use a tool made of non-ferrous metal that prevents sparking. When using ferrous metal tools, their working part must be generously lubricated with grease or other similar lubricant. Application electric tools sparking are not allowed - TRUE

19. Which of the following requirements must be met when performing welding work and gas cutting on gas pipelines in wells, tunnels, collectors?

Before starting work on welding (cutting) the gas pipeline, as well as replacing fittings, expansion joints and insulating flanges in wells, tunnels, and collectors, the ceilings must be removed (dismantled) - CORRECT

20. After what conditions are met in gas wells, welding and cutting, as well as replacement of fittings, compensators and insulating flanges, are allowed?

20.1. Only after disconnecting the gas pipeline, purging it with air or inert gases and installing plugs

20.2. Only after complete removal (dismantling) of the ceiling

20.3. Only after checking the air in the well for gas contamination, provided that the volume fraction of gas does not exceed 20% of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation

20.4. If all the above conditions are met - TRUE

21. What measures must be taken if, during gas cutting (welding) on ​​an existing gas pipeline, the gas pressure decreases or exceeds the established limits: below 0.00014 MPa or above 0.002 MPa?

Work should be stopped - TRUE

22. At what distance from the work site should a pressure gauge be installed to monitor the pressure in the gas pipeline during gas cutting and welding?

23. How should connection work be carried out? gas equipment to existing internal gas pipelines using welding (cutting)?

Gas pipelines must be turned off and purged with air or inert gas - CORRECT

24. What measures must be taken to avoid exceeding the gas pressure in the gas pipeline when carrying out gas welding or cutting on an existing external gas pipeline?

Excess pressure should be released onto the spark plug using existing condensate traps or onto a spark plug specially installed at the work site - CORRECT

25. How do we determine the end of the gas pipeline purge when starting gas?

By analyzing or burning selected gas samples - CORRECT

26. What should be the volume fraction of oxygen in the gas pipeline after the end of purging?

Should not exceed 1% by volume - CORRECT

27. What requirement must be met during internal inspection and repair of gas-using installations?

Gas-using installations must be disconnected from gas pipelines using plugs - TRUE

28. Subject to what requirements must dismantling (replacement) of equipment installed on external and internal gas pipelines be carried out?

Only on a disconnected section of the gas pipeline with the installation of plugs - CORRECT

29. What requirements must the plugs installed on natural gas pipelines meet?

Must correspond to the maximum gas pressure in the gas pipeline, have tails protruding beyond the flanges, and a stamp indicating the gas pressure and diameter of the gas pipeline - CORRECT

30. At what pressure is it permissible to pack shut-off valve seals and dismantle threaded connections of condensate collectors on external gas pipelines of medium and high pressure?

No more than 0.1 MPa - CORRECT

31. At what pressure is it permissible to replace gaskets? flange connections on external gas pipelines?

0.0004 - 0.002 MPa - CORRECT

32. Is it possible to replace gaskets of flange connections on internal gas pipelines under gas pressure?

No, not allowed - TRUE

33. Is it allowed to disassemble flanged, threaded connections and fittings on internal gas pipelines without disconnecting them?

Disassembly of flange and threaded connections and fittings should be made on a disconnected and plugged section of the internal gas pipeline - TRUE

34. At what gas pressure in the gas pipeline is it possible to remove blockages in gas pipelines by screwing with metal cleaning rods, pouring solvents or applying steam?

No more than 0.005 MPa - CORRECT

35. How should the tightness of threaded and flanged connections that have been disassembled to remove blockages be checked?

Soap emulsion or using highly sensitive gas analyzers (leak detectors) - CORRECT

36. Who is responsible for the availability of personal protective equipment for workers, their serviceability and use?

To the work manager, and when performing work without technical guidance - to the person who issued the task - CORRECT

37. How long is it permissible to work in an oxygen-isolating gas mask without a break?

No more than 30 minutes - CORRECT

38. How should hose gas masks be checked for leaks before performing work?

When wearing a gas mask by clamping the end of the corrugated tube - CORRECT

39. Which of the following requirements must be met when working in a hose gas mask?

The air intake pipes of hose gas masks must be located on the windward side and secured - CORRECT

40. How are lifebelts tested?

Rescue belts with rings for carabiners are tested fastened to both buckles with a load weighing 200 kilograms, in a suspended state for 5 minutes. After removing the load, there should be no signs of damage on the belt - CORRECT

41. What requirements must lifebelts and ropes meet?

The rescue rope must be at least 10 meters long. Lifebelts must have shoulder straps with a ring for fastening the rope at the level of the shoulder blades (back) - CORRECT

42. How are rescue ropes tested?

Rescue ropes must be tested with a load weighing 200 kilograms for 15 minutes. After removing the load, there should be no damage to the rope as a whole and to individual threads - TRUE

43. How often should lifebelts with ropes and carabiners be tested?

At least once every 6 months - CORRECT

Online testing for course B. 7.1. Certification managers and specialists of organizations responsible for ensuring safety during the operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems.

Online testing for a self-training course for managers and industrial safety specialists - B. 7.1. Gas distribution and gas consumption systems, compiled and developed on issues that are used for self-study on the system Olympox, during certification in Rostechnadzor.

The applied methodology for generating questions in Olympox is based on generating random five questions from a self-training course on industrial safety.

Topics of the self-training course Olympox B. 7.1.

Topic 1. General requirements.

General requirements for gas distribution and gas consumption networks. Requirements for organizations carrying out operation activities technical re-equipment, repair, conservation and liquidation of gas distribution and gas consumption networks. Rules for identifying objects of technical regulation.

Topic 2. Requirements for gas distribution and gas consumption networks at the stage of design, construction, reconstruction, installation and overhaul.

Requirements of the Technical Regulations for gas distribution and gas consumption networks at the stage of design, construction, reconstruction, installation and overhaul.

Topic 3. Requirements for the operation of gas distribution and gas consumption networks.

Special requirements for the operation of gas distribution and gas consumption networks of thermal power plants. Special requirements for the operation of gas distribution and gas consumption networks of gas turbine and combined cycle plants. Requirements for gas distribution and gas consumption networks during the operation phase (including maintenance and routine repairs). Requirements for gas distribution and gas consumption networks at the conservation stage. Requirements for gas distribution and gas consumption networks at the liquidation stage.

Topic 4. Requirements for carrying out gas hazardous work.

Quantitative composition of the team of workers performing gas-hazardous work. Organization of gas hazardous work. Work according to work permits. Special plan for performing gas hazardous work.
Safety requirements for connecting gas pipelines and gas equipment to existing gas pipelines. Safety requirements when carrying out repair work in a gas-filled environment. The use of welding (cutting) on ​​an existing gas pipeline. Purge of gas pipelines during their filling and emptying. Work inside wells and pits.
Application of funds personal protection when performing gas hazardous work.

List of legislative and legal acts

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2010 N 870 “On approval of technical regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks”;
Order of Rostekhnadzor dated November 15, 2013 No. 542 “On approval of federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Networks.”

Certification managers and specialists of organizations responsible for ensuring safety during the operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems.

Online exam for the industrial safety course - B.7.1. Gas distribution and gas consumption systems, compiled and developed on issues that are used for self-study on the system Olympox, during certification in Rostechnadzor.

The methodology used for generating questions in Olympox is based on generating random five questions from a self-training course on industrial safety.

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List of legislative, regulatory and legal acts

List of legislative, regulatory and legal acts establishing general and special requirements for managers and specialists of organizations:

Government Decree Russian Federation dated October 29, 2010 No. 870 “On approval of technical regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks”

Order of Rostekhnadzor dated November 15, 2013 No. 542 “On approval of Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Networks.” Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 31, 2013, registration No. 30929