Lamp made of plastic spoons. Chandelier made of plastic spoons

This cute lamp can be made from unnecessary plastic bottles and spoons. I love it very much original ideas design with my own hands, and even more so when it is super economical and provides a lot of space for imagination. See for yourself!

Let's now look at how to make a lamp from plastic spoons in more detail.

To make this lamp you need:
  • 3 or 5 liter plastic bottle;
  • packaging of plastic spoons;
  • NECESSARILY! Energy-saving lamp so that the lamp does not melt;
  • plastic;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue gun.

If all the necessary things are collected, we get started!

1. Cut off the handles of the spoons with a stationery knife to the very base (we won’t need them).

3. Glue our spoons around the perimeter of the bottle.

4. We glue the final edging like this.

The lamp is ready for assembly.

As a result, you will get a chandelier like this, glowing with a pleasant matte light.

This is what the lamp will look like when the light is on.

After your work has dried, you can paint it with acrylic and glue rhinestones for volume. In the evenings, rhinestones will twinkle like rays on the walls, creating an atmosphere of comfort and mystery. And for those who like something extravagant, you can use phosphorescent paints (they are sold in art stores), which warm up when the lamp is on, and after turning off they glow all night long...

This will be a surprise for your household! Good luck!


P O P U L A R N O E:

    Many of us have our own private houses, dachas, garden houses or "hacienda". If the dacha is located near the city, some families even move there for the whole summer, and if they have a warm, heated house, they spend a lot of time in the winter. Life in nature is wonderful, no doubt about it, but you still want some of the benefits of civilization, like running water. Often there is no central city water supply at the dacha, and a well is used as a source of water. The depth of the well is usually much greater than the depth of soil freezing (for the Moscow region up to 1.5 meters).

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Find suitable plastic spoons. You may already have a collection of plastic spoons lying around in your work drawer - if so, then this is just what you need. Otherwise, you can buy plastic spoons at dollar stores, supermarkets, and outdoor barbecues/centers Catering. When making your first product, it is recommended to stick to simple white, since white goes with almost any interior, and if necessary, the lampshade can be moved to another part of the house. But if you already liked specific color, all spoons must be the same tone.

  • Choose spoons of the same size, but if you know exactly how to attach spoons of different sizes, you can deviate from this rule. If you are using spoons different sizes, think over the lampshade model in advance so that in the end you don’t have to make it at random.

Take the spoons apart. To complete this task, you only need a cup spoon or scoop, no handle. To carefully separate the cup of a spoon from the handle, place the spoon on flat surface, convenient for cutting (self-healing cutting mats are an ideal surface). Use an Exacto knife to carefully cut the handle off the spoon. Carefully run the knife across the base of the handle, trying to cut it as evenly as possible. After a few tries you'll get the hang of it - just get rid of any spoons that turn out uneven.

Stack spoon cups or place them in a cup. For convenience, you can use a large container to store cups. And don’t throw away the handles - they may come in handy later for decorating or finishing a lampshade or lamp.

  • Prepare a lampshade or lamp cover. What kind of lampshade will you use? There are two main options: an existing lampshade that needs to be updated, or a plastic container transformed into a lamp shade. This article describes how to make a lampshade from plastic container:

    • Wash and dry the plastic container shaped like a lampshade. Typically a large plastic container will do (see below). Do not remove the lid from the container at this time.
    • Using an Exacto knife, cut out the base of the plastic container. There will be a part of the lampshade that looks down. Insert the light bulb into the container to make sure it fits without touching the edges. If it doesn't fit, find a larger plastic container.
    • If you decide to use an existing lampshade or lamp cover, make sure it is clean. A clean surface is necessary to secure the spoons well. You can simply wipe the lampshade with a damp cloth, but if you need to get rid of stains, a weak solution of laundry soap mixed with warm water- this is what you need. Let the lampshade dry before you begin.
  • Decide what pattern you want on your lampshade or lamp cover. Using the tops of the spoons, you can mount them in a bandage, create a shell-like pattern with each successive spoon slightly covering the previous one while they are evenly spaced, or you can try securing the spoons face up. To improve the result, first simply lay out the spoons to make sure you like the pattern, then try temporarily attaching the spoons to the lampshade itself using duct tape or office plasticine to keep them in place. Don't be afraid to try different patterns and directions to create interesting effects - trial attempts are done just to be on the safe side and make sure the pattern looks good. For samples:

    • Place the first layer or row of spoons around the base of the container. Then place the next spoon (end first) on top of the first layer of already secured cups.
    • Use a small amount of duct tape or office play dough to temporarily attach each spoon to the lampshade. Attach spoon cups until you have the desired pattern.
  • Glue the spoons to the lampshade with hot glue. Once you are happy with the test pattern, fire up your hot glue gun. Spray it evenly over the surface of a plastic container (or an existing lampshade) to glue the cups of the spoons:

    • Carefully drop glue onto top part spoons (closest to the handle). Press it firmly against the lampshade for a few seconds until you are sure that the spoon is stuck. If you are gluing spoons face up, add a little glue to the back of the spoon, at the point that will be attached to the vessel.
    • Continue gluing the spoons until the container is completely covered with them and nothing is visible under the cups of the spoons. They should be evenly distributed on the surface of the container. You should make adjustments before it's too late, because once the glue dries, the cups will remain there forever.
    • At this stage, if you want to add sparkle to the lamp cover, you can do so by adding statement stones, artificial diamonds, etc., carefully placing them on the spoons. It is recommended not to overdo it!
  • Many people today are engaged in making various crafts from everyday things. All the variety of shapes, sizes and imagination can be seen in the example of lighting fixtures that anyone can make themselves. The most simple option handmade is a lamp assembled from plastic spoons.

    This article will help you understand all the intricacies of the conversion plastic products in a beautiful and simple lighting fixture, which will be an excellent addition to the kitchen in the country or in the apartment.

    Reasons for popularity

    A lighting fixture that requires plastic spoons to create is the simplest and therefore very popular type of all lighting fixtures that you can make with your own hands. The reasons that gave rise to such popularity include:

    • Easily accessible components that are used for production - plastic bottles and spoons;
    • you don't need to buy anything, everything is in required quantity will almost certainly be found in your apartment;
    • extreme simplicity and lack of complexity in the manufacturing process;
    • simple design but cute appearance. If desired, it can be decorated with various ribbons, beads, etc.;
    • It will take you a minimum of time, effort and money to make such a lamp.

    We should also talk about the interior. Of course, many people think that such a lampshade made from disposable spoons is only suitable for a summer house or village house. But such a hand-made lamp will fit more than well into the interior of a room made in the Provence style.

    Lamp in the interior

    The combination of a lampshade with the interior of the room is possible with proper decoration. You can also use parts as main elements old chandelier. As a result, you will get a kind of fusion, and the room will become light and airy.

    Lamp options

    Lamp option

    You can make it with your own hands from spoons and plastic bottles. different variants lamps:

    • chandelier with one or more shades;
    • table lamp;
    • floor lamp.

    At the same time, no matter what type of lighting device you choose, the principle of making it yourself will remain identical. Only the place and method of placing the device will change.

    What to look for

    Many master classes teaching how to make any kind of lamps with your own hands are focused on using ordinary materials, which in large quantities You can find it at home or buy it very cheaply. A lamp made from spoons is no exception.
    To create it you will need the following materials:

    • packaging of plastic disposable spoons. They can be either single color or colored different colors. In the latter case, you will have the opportunity to create a specific pattern with their help. You can use both transparent and opaque products. But in the first case, you will need to worry about closing the base - the bottle. You can use fabric or paper for this;

    Note! If necessary, spoons can be painted with spray paint.

    Set of materials

    • plastic bottles. The number of bottles and their type depend on what kind of model you will make and with how many shades. At the same time, bottles are suitable for different sizes: small ones for sconces, and large ones for chandeliers;
    • decorative elements. For example, here you can use small figures of insects, applications made of colored paper, etc.;
    • Powersave lamp. The peculiarity of such light bulbs is that they not only consume a minimum of electricity, but also do not heat up during operation. This is very important, since plastic bottles will serve as the base of the lampshade. Such a lampshade requires a particularly responsible attitude to fire safety requirements;
    • electric filling. This includes the wire and socket for the light bulb, as well as the plug. This filling can be taken from an old lighting fixture. But it must be in good working order, otherwise there is no point in using it. The choice of socket depends on the light bulb;
    • glue. Any type of glue can be used;
    • wire.

    Among other things, you will also need a glue gun and scissors. Instead of scissors, you can use a stationery knife. For some, it is more convenient to use a knife than scissors when cutting off parts of bottles and spoons. In addition, some types of work will be more convenient to do with an awl.
    As you can see, you can make a lamp from any plastic spoons with your own hands from a small list of tools and materials.

    The master's work is afraid

    Bottle preparation

    When all the tools and materials are at your fingertips, you can safely make our lamp.
    A lampshade for a lamp can be made from a bottle and spoons according to the following scheme:

    In addition to such a lighting device, you can make a tulip lamp. This lampshade is made as follows:

    • cut off the handles of the spoons;
    • glue three cut spoons together to form a bud;
    • We attach three more glued spoons to the resulting bud. The result is a bud;
    • then we paint it and make a hole;
    • We use a cocktail tube as a stem;
    • We place an LED inside the bud, which is connected to the network using a resistor;
    • We collect the flowers into a bud, and the lamp is ready.

    As you can see, it is very simple to make a lighting device from spoons and a bottle. Follow the instructions and everything will work out in the best possible way.

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    Doesn't require a lot of time or money. Some won't even have to purchase anything.

    Tools and materials required for work

    To create a chandelier, the author of the homemade product will use plastic disposable spoons. The frame of the structure will be plastic bottle from under the water. If you don’t have one at home, you don’t have to purchase a full container. You can only buy one bottle. To make a chandelier you will also need:

    • stationery knife;
    • wire cutters;
    • glue gun;
    • cartridge;
    • bulb.

    Manufacturing process

    The first thing you need to do is cut off the bottom of the bottle.

    The next step is preparing the plastic spoons. Using wire cutters, separate the holder (handle). This part cutlery will not take part in the manufacture of the chandelier. The number of spoons you need will depend on the bottle. At 5 liter bottle approximately 200 cutlery will be required. When everything is prepared, you can begin the creation process itself. original chandelier.

    We take a plastic blank from a spoon and glue it to the bottle using a silicone stick. And so around the bottle.

    We make the next row with an offset. So that the center of the spoon is between the other two of the previous row. When all the rows are completed, all that remains is to close the neck of the bottle. Here you will need to place the spoons not in a vertical position, but horizontally. The result should be a kind of “wreath”

    When the lampshade is ready, all that remains is to install the socket in it and connect the wire to the power supply.

    Due to the fact that the entire structure is plastic, the author recommends installing an energy-saving or diode light bulb. Otherwise, if an incandescent lamp is used, especially a high power one, the structure will deteriorate (it will begin to melt).

    If desired, you can use spoons of a different color or combine several colors at once.
    Happy crafting everyone!