Haircut and coloring on the 18th lunar day. Eighteenth lunar day

The 18th lunar day reflects the inner essence of a person. During this period, you can hear the whole truth about yourself, including unpleasant information. You should not be offended by what you hear - this is a sign to change your behavior.

Job. It is recommended to continue what you started. It is advisable to resolve issues with minimal responsibility. There may be material and moral costs due to unreliable partners or colleagues. There is a high risk of becoming a victim of intrigue. Therefore, it is advisable to work alone and not develop active activities. It is better to postpone the conversation with your superiors to a more appropriate time - today you can appear in an unfavorable light due to reduced self-criticism. It is not recommended to change your job, because any undertaking on this day can become unsuccessful.

Housework. It is not advisable to start large-scale cleaning, repairs or rearrange furniture. Exhausting physical activity is contraindicated at this time. The day is suitable for small chores around the house. A little cleaning and decorating the apartment will have a positive effect on home energy. All household chores must be done independently, without involving other family members.

Money. It's better not to carry out financial operations. It is not recommended to lend, take out a loan, invest, or make purchases. Any, no matter how small cash flows risk becoming unprofitable. Set aside any financial activities until a more favorable moment.

Love, relationships. Not best time to communicate with your other half. It is recommended not to make an appointment - there is a high probability of a quarrel. Even if a couple rarely conflicts, the reason on the 18th day of the lunar calendar can arise “out of nowhere.” Try not to succumb to the negative influences of the day. Intimacy is undesirable.

Communication. Minimize all conversations. You should not speak in public, look for new business contacts, or communicate with strangers or loved ones. Any communication during this period can bring negativity due to mutual incontinence. Spend the day alone. If this is not possible, control your behavior. After all, the consequences of conflicts will have to be “disentangled” for a long time.

Trips. The day is suitable for any trip - the risk of encountering trouble or injury is minimal. There is a high probability of seeing familiar places from a new perspective and getting positive energy from the trip. Go to at least a neighboring city for relaxation - this can provoke the beginning of a new positive turn in life.

Haircut and hair care. On the 18th day of the lunar calendar, it is better to refrain from cutting your hair. It can worsen the condition of the body and slow down hair growth. Dyeing is allowed in any color. It is recommended to refrain from radically changing your hairstyle. It's better to just braid your hair.

Beauty and health. 18 lunar day Suitable for anti-aging procedures and facial skin cleansing. During this period, you need to protect your body from external influences. Moderate exercise is beneficial. It is not recommended to eat fatty, fried foods, or drink alcohol. It's better to stick to a healthy diet.

The 18th lunar day is a mirror reflection of your personality. All the events happening today, all the surprises and oddities help you take a closer look at your inner “I”.

Description of the eighteenth lunar day

Characteristics of the 18th lunar day - hoaxes, deception, passive energy. The day is perfect for analyzing your actions, paying attention to your thoughts and emotional condition. The ability to evaluate yourself from the outside is unusually strong on this day. If you do not suffer from high self-esteem and selfishness, this day will help you find out the cause and effect of your past mistakes. Draw the right conclusions and you will be able to achieve success in business and improve family relationships.

Features and properties of the 18th lunar day

Talismans and symbols:

  • the symbols of this day are a mirror, ice, a monkey;
  • Astrologers include spinel as talisman stones, lilac amethysts; opals; white agates;
  • element – ​​fire;
  • the main colors are emerald, all shades of green, malachite.

The main rule of the 18th lunar day is to correctly assess the course of events and look at everything from the outside. What is happening today should make you think about your behavior and reveal the essence of your negative actions. If you have learned this lesson, then in the future you will be able to move in the right direction and achieve significant success.

On the eighteenth day you need to be wary of fraud, gossip, intrigue and deception. Try to be extremely collected, carefully monitor the actions and words of other people, so as not to fall under the influence of people and not to be involved in a bad story.

This is not the easiest day of lunar cycle. On this day, all energy should be directed to working on oneself. Engage in spiritual practices that help clear your thoughts and strengthen your positive sides. On this day, do not judge anyone harshly, show leniency towards people who are trying to deceive you. Do not wish harm to anyone, step aside, remain reasonable and do not sort things out. Leave it to the universe to deal with those who try to harm others.

Lunar relationships on the 18th day

The eighteenth lunar day is fraught with quarrels in the team, quarrels between lovers, and scandals in the family. Unpleasant and unexpected events may occur in the first half of the day. All aggression and conflict arises out of nowhere; it seems to hang in the air. Do not allow yourself to be provoked, restrain your emotions, show restraint.

On the eighteenth day of the lunar cycle, try not to look like a complete egoist and cynic. Don't look at the world with a arrogant grin. Today you can lose much more than the respect of others. You may lose your job or family. Think about your actions, follow the conversation. Sometimes words do much more damage than actions.

Spend this day in contemplation, reading spiritual literature, and meditation. If privacy is not possible, try to narrow your social circle.

At home, load your household with some important, but individual work. This day is not suitable for joint activities and vigorous games with children. Children will be capricious and annoy you. The other half will argue and be offended over trifles.

Registration of relationships and sex

On the 18th lunar day it is better to refuse marriage. Especially if it is built not on mutual love, but on calculation. Such a marriage will not be happy and long. Deception, betrayal, constant quarrels - this is what awaits the spouses.

Only couples whose feelings have been verified over a very long time can get married. These newlyweds can count on their union being blessed and protected by heaven.

Sex should not be too wild and varied. Give preference to gentle, calm hugs. Astrologers believe that it is worth making sure that during lovemaking you are not reflected in a mirror surface. This will lead to the rebirth of your entire essence into a dissolute astral demon.

Conceiving a child

The 18th day is quite suitable for conception. Despite the fact that the child may not be born very physically strong, he will live a long and prosperous life. Children conceived on this day grow up to be talented, smart and hardworking people. They achieve fame and recognition, are sometimes able to accomplish feats, and often become healers.

The main task of parents is not to let their child feel like an absolute. In this case, he will end his days in poverty and loneliness.

Work on this lunar day

The very passive 18th lunar day is not conducive to too active actions. The day is unpredictable, aggressive and quite difficult. Don't start any important projects, do not make responsible decisions, do not develop far-reaching plans.

On this day, there is a high probability of deception, mistakes and obstacles arising out of nowhere. Continue the work you have already begun, do something that has long been put on the back burner.

Bad day for teamwork. You may make a mistake, but a resourceful colleague who has long dreamed of “having you in” will not miss his chance. Keep communication with your superiors to a minimum. Today is not the time when you can come into his office with a bunch of rational proposals.

In business, it is best to be cautious and not deal with important issues. Do not conduct large financial transactions, do not sign documents, do not enter into promising agreements with partners. This day is not suitable for real estate transactions and trips to banking institutions.

The day is suitable for creative activity - ideas are in the air, inspiration does not leave all day. Today, an amazing work of art can be created, which will display the mirror image of its creator.

Is it worth changing your old job for a new one?

The eighteenth lunar day is not suitable for quitting or changing jobs. You can easily end up in the hands of scammers or deceitful people. They will tell you a whole fairy tale about the advantages and benefits of a new workplace, but the result will be complete disappointment. Therefore, in order to get a job new job choose another lunar day.

Health on a lunar day

On the eighteenth lunar day, pay special attention to the kidneys and appendicitis. Try not to eat spicy, sweet, high-calorie foods. Do not drink store-bought juices or alcoholic beverages. In general, it is better to refuse to eat and only drink water.

Today is not a very favorable day for health. Chronic diseases may worsen or old wounds may become inflamed. It is advisable to spend the day in a calm environment, try to reduce physical activity on the body.

Pay attention to your skin - carry out cleansing procedures, make nourishing and moisturizing masks.

Choosing a new hairstyle or haircut on lunar days

Today, going to the hairdresser is not so simple. On the one hand, this day is a complete sell-out - the hairstyle done today will retain its shape very much. for a long time. In addition, some astrologers claim that the 18th lunar day is good for changing your image - choosing a new haircut. This will add irresistible charm to your image, and will also have a good effect on the functioning of the excretory and respiratory systems.

The teachings of the Tibetan mystical school prohibit visiting the hairdresser on this day. They claim that today is an extremely bad lunar day for cutting hair. Cut strands “burn” your energy and harm your physical and mental health. A situation may also arise in which you lose a large amount of money, valuable property or even real estate. To avoid unnecessary risks, reschedule your visit to the stylist to another lunar day.

Characteristics of people born on the 18th lunar day

Anyone born on this lunar day has many talents. They manifest themselves in creativity, in work, in building career ladder. Often, “twelves” serve high ideals, but at the same time remain in the shadows. The high efficiency and diligence with which they devote themselves to their work bring them recognition and wealth.

However, “twelfth people” should constantly work on themselves and engage in self-development. Self-centeredness, cunning and greed all flourish when they give in to temptation. Anyone who fails to cope with his arrogance and pride will destroy his life and be left without family and friends.

People who were born today must constantly engage in spiritual practices, accept this world and people into their hearts. Compassion and kindness will help them realize their path, their calling, their purpose in life. Often people born on the 18th lunar day become healers, preachers, doctors, and teachers.

Children born on the eighteenth lunar day

Children born today have a very subtle and sensitive organization. They take everything to heart, they care about every little thing that happens to them and their family. Parents should protect their children from severe shocks and avoid overstraining their psyche.

In a family where there are no scandals or stormy showdowns, children are calm and cheerful. Their talents manifest themselves and multiply.

Children born on the eighteenth day are very diligent. They can indulge in their favorite activity for hours, forgetting about everything the world. Adults must teach children to live life to the fullest, and not get attached to one thing. It is important to teach the “twelve” to relax and rest so that they do not “burn out” and lose interest in what they love.

What do dreams mean on the 18th lunar day

See dreams on the 18th lunar day as a mirror in which your inner world. If your real image does not correspond to how you saw yourself in a dream, it’s time to think about the disturbed harmony within your “I”. You rush between your desires and reality, losing your integrity and peace. If you remember your dream well, take it apart “piece by piece” and perhaps you will be able to determine the cause of your disharmony.

No need great importance give dreams in which you see yourself as a real monster. This may indicate that in life you, on the contrary, lack stubbornness, perseverance and courage.

Rituals of the 18th lunar day

It’s good to carry out rituals related to the theme of the lunar day today. For example, remove all negative energy accumulated on them from mirrors.

Cleaning mirrors

Through the Looking Glass – the whole world, into which non-initiates are prohibited from entering. Mystics believe that a mirror can influence a person’s health and destiny. So almost all esoteric teachings advise smiling in the mirror. Do not under any circumstances say: “I look terrible!” Mirrors require respect for what they reflect.

Today is the day to take care of your mirrors. Wipe all the mirrors in your home with holy water. Then, while polishing the mirror “dry,” say the following words: “Just as I wipe the mirror clean, so I protect my family from evil.” This way you clear out all the negative energy that unfriendly and envious strangers could leave in your mirrors.

Then bring a burning church candle to the mirror and say: “The candle burns and the mirror cleanses.” Make circular movements with the candle and “walk” the flame along the contour of the mirror. Perform this ritual every 18th day of the lunar calendar.

The eighteenth lunar day is a passive day; today it can be symbolically called the Lunar Mirror. The energy of the Moon reflects everything that is inside us; it is as if our inner “ego” or “I” is unfolding. The events taking place today can show us that the reality around us is a mirror imprint of our essence, all our actions and thoughts. This suggests that each of us has his own mirror, one is smooth and clean, the other is crooked, as if fragments had gotten into his eyes, and therefore he sees everything in a distorted form.

The observation shown today will help you find out how things are at the moment, will show you a mirror image of your own world. If someone offended you or expressed a bad opinion in your direction, then you do not need to be offended by this person. The Universe, through it, shows you what aspect of life you need to pay attention to in order to get better. And on the contrary, you hear words of gratitude and honor all day long, this indicates that you are moving correctly, the world around you loves you, and you have a clean and even mirror.

On the 18th Lunar Day, we need to see all the hints that the Universe gives us, understand them correctly, and soberly assess the whole situation, and upon completion, draw the appropriate conclusions. And the next step in your development should be to eliminate this deficiency. In general, the 18th Lunar day should be considered as a lesson presented to you, and you must learn it, otherwise it will be repeated every Lunar month.

Dreams on this day are prophetic and carry a lot of valuable and useful information, the main thing is to understand them correctly.

Love and relationships

The eighteenth lunar day is not at all suitable for romantic dates and relationships.
Casual acquaintances on this day in the future can be very promising.


This is a great day for a variety of household and household chores; hard physical work won’t hurt either.


On the eighteenth lunar day, fasting takes on special healing properties. Today it is very useful to cleanse the large and small intestines, conduct a healing massage, rejuvenating and water treatments. Visiting a sauna or steam bath will have a beneficial effect on your health. On this day, the kidneys and lower back are especially vulnerable.

Business and money

On the 18th Lunar Day, it is better not to take any steps in financial matters. In other aspects of business, the day is also unpredictable; it is better to postpone important matters to another day.

The main symbol of the 18th lunar day- monkey, mirror, ice. Additional – crystal.

Stones of the 18th lunar day
- kohalong, white agate, opal.

Colors of the 18th lunar day
- malachite and green, emerald.

- kidneys, lower back.

Another symbol can have a special influence on people and on the day on these 18th lunar day - the mirror. On the one hand, it personifies a sincere mind, enlightenment, purity of the soul, but on the other hand, all this can be an illusion. Although the day does not bring anything frightening, these symbols, a monkey, a mirror, ice, can both help and harm.

Since the symbols of this day carry dual characteristics, you need to pay attention to their influence, but still, you should always think before taking important step and don't rush. There is always time that can save your strength.

Main characteristics of the 18th lunar day

The 18th lunar day can be divided into two opposite halves: harmonious and disharmonious. Until the middle of the day it will seem to you that the day does not bring anything positive. The mood will be unbalanced, it is better not to make contact at all if you suddenly don’t like something.

In the first half of the day, such complex questions and problems may appear that your head will spin. The problems that arise will need to be solved immediately, but it will seem to you that they are so difficult and unsolvable. But you always need to move forward and understand that the second half of the day will come, when suddenly everything will be resolved easily and quickly. Perhaps it depended on you, you simply showed effort on yourself and realized that you do not need to give up, panic or show aggression.

In any issue you need to show understanding and be a diplomat, then the negotiations will take place in the spirit of friendliness and harmony. If you put your ambitions first and express this in a selfish and vain manner, then you will have to persuade your colleagues, friends, partners and even relatives for a very long time. None of them will make concessions, not even a compromise.

The 18th lunar day will delight you with the second half of the day, which can bring relaxation. You yourself will understand what and when to say and do.

Health and the 18th lunar day

On the 18th lunar day, you will need to learn to spend your energy, but you need to spend it wisely, so that such waste brings benefit and health. If you feel that something has accumulated in you a large number of of unspent energy, you will feel out of place.

Due to accumulated energy, you may show aggression and dissatisfaction. Irritation may also occur in both voice and actions. All of these factors can affect your sleep. You will suffer from insomnia.

In order for you to get a good night's sleep, you need to direct your energy in the direction where it will return to you. positive energy, which will relax your thoughts and mind.
To enhance the positive impact of the energy of the day on your body, clear your mind. The body also needs to be energetically cleansed. On the 18th lunar day there are moments when you will strive for fame and display selfishness. To prevent such moments from arising, it is better to nip these arrogant qualities in the bud.

For medical reasons, pay attention to the kidneys and lumbar region of the body. To facilitate the work of these organs, do not drink large amounts of liquid on this day and eat less salty food.

On the 18th lunar day, some people may experience skin diseases. There is a possibility of their occurrence, which are based on mental wounds that have not yet passed, so they appear on the body in the form of such diseases. It's better to consult a specialist.

Love and the 18th lunar day

On the 18th lunar day you should not make dates, much less attend them. If your friend is truly attached to you, then he himself will tell you that it is better not to meet today. And this will not mean that he has lost interest in you or something like that. Just dating on this day can bring emptiness and loneliness.

If your friend offers you to reschedule the date, then immediately agree. Your soulmate will become even closer to you, because mutual understanding will come, and it is better to experience such qualities than lonely emptiness.

Many married couples will show care for each other, and thus the relationship will reach a new level, where you will feel a strong attraction that seemed to be lost.

If on the 18th lunar day you met new people, be friendly with them, perhaps this new acquaintance will be useful for you in the future.
This lunar day for some people can become a round date, because they will meet true love. They have been waiting for this feeling for a long time, so they deserve to be happy. People in love will be a mirror image of each other, but this will not stop them from starting a family, loving and caring.

Work and creativity on the 18th lunar day

The 18th lunar day is favorable for creativity and any business. Even if there is difficult work ahead, today any load is permissible.
On the 18th lunar day, it is believed that you need to collect seeds; the energy of the day contributes to this activity.

Today is not a good day for important negotiations. If there is minor work, then it is better to do it. Financial issues need to be put at the forefront, but only resolved simple tasks in this domain.

There may be more nuances that also need to find their own answer and solution. On this day you may receive unexpected and sudden news.
In the first half of the day, conflicts, unpleasant situations, unexpected troubles arise. The main thing is to maintain composure and be calm.

In negotiations, you can be led by an opinion that is not your own, which will affect the further result. Therefore, the presence of negotiations on this day should be reduced to a minimum.
On the 18th lunar day, you can receive information about changes in projects and plans too late, after the decision has been made, so try not to make hasty conclusions. An error cannot always be corrected. Your task today is to be attentive and work proactively; perhaps in this state you will be able to avoid negative influence and emotions.

For those born on the 18th lunar day

On the 18th lunar day, people are born who are not afraid of labor and work, even the hardest things. They have high efficiency, and this is achieved due to the properties of their character. If they want to achieve something, they will stubbornly and persistently pursue their goal.

Those born on this day, thanks to their natural perseverance, can achieve a lot in life. In adulthood they may have good position in society and financial wealth.

By their nature, they can be classified as leaders, because they have all the qualities to lead people, but they do not always want it themselves. They can give good advice that you need to listen to. Insight is in their blood.
If people born on the 18th lunar day pay attention to their spiritual world and develop in this area, then they will gain even more prosperity both within themselves and in the material world.

If for some reason they do not strive for self-development, then they themselves may get confused in own mistakes. Because rejection of the spiritual world can lead to a number of aggravating consequences. Such people need to listen to spiritual mentors if they already feel arrogance and selfishness.

Signs of the 18th lunar day

On the 18th lunar day there are no special signs. Even if it seemed to you that something mystical happened on this day, you should not pay attention to it. On this day, it is advised to contemplate, examine, and make observations more, but there will be nothing significant in these actions.

Magic rituals of the 18th lunar day

If you suddenly decide to spend magical ritual on the 18th lunar day, then ask only about what concerns you exclusively. A good day to make talismans and amulets for protection. On this day you will be able to do a lot in the area where the main role may be assigned to the use of magical properties.

Particular caution on the 18th lunar day

It is better not to get married on the 18th lunar day. It may not work out or bring a lot of pain and unhappiness. Be also careful on this day if you want to talk about your feelings and try to warn your soulmate about this. Many words will be misunderstood. Postpone your declaration of love for another day.

Dreams and visions on the 18th lunar day

The dreams that you have on the 18th lunar day will reflect what you are. They will convey all those thoughts that make up your essence. For example, you dreamed that you were taking active and energetic actions, but in life you do nothing like that. Your expectations and desires may not be met.

You just need to stay calm and not despair. There is always a way out of any situation. Perhaps the interpretation of the dream needs to be reconsidered. After all, a dream can reflect even insignificant experiences that happen to you. The main thing is to be in harmony with your subconscious.

Mantras for the 18th lunar day

I want to receive money confidently and calmly, with ease and joy.

I strive to receive grateful help from the Universe.

I want to believe and know that I have a special connection with wealth and happiness.

I can calmly join the flow that brings abundance into my life.

I am ready to receive help from sources whose existence I do not even suspect.

General forecast

The symbol is a monkey, a mirror, ice, and also a crystal that reflects purity and dispels astral dirt. "Aspid". Aspid is one of the vampires.

This is a completely passive day. A fall from grace may occur due to a reluctance to fight instincts and seductions. You need to work with stupid thoughts, try to stop being selfish. It’s good to go to the bathhouse on this day, fast a little, cleanse the intestines, skin and get a massage. It is not recommended to sleep a lot, drink wine, smoke, or eat meat. It would be better to use vegetable oil and nuts. A sign of a violation of cosmic laws can be skin diseases and the opening of old wounds.

The first half of the day will be characterized by disharmony. Aggression and unexpected problems may arise. Business connections, contacts will become difficult, partners, colleagues and superiors may turn away from you because of your selfishness and vanity. The second half of this day will help resolve emerging problems through negotiations. Diplomatic relations will be very effective, which will help solve many insoluble problems.

Love and relationships. The eighteenth lunar day is not very suitable for dating. They leave a feeling of emptiness and loneliness in the soul. Keep this in mind, especially if your relationship is in its infancy. Today, you can hear a lot of new things about yourself that you may not really like. On this day, you are equally likely to experience meanness and selfishness, as well as love and care. If your relationship is already strong, then listen carefully to what is said about you close person. This will help you know your weak points and work on them. Pay attention to the casual acquaintances that occurred on this day; they can be very promising. On the eighteenth lunar day, we can meet the love we deserve, because our partner will be our mirror image. If you are tight-fisted, then he will be an outright miser. If you are wasteful, he will be a spendthrift and a gambler. If you are generous and compassionate, then you will get the same partner. So, if you discover some kind of flaw in your “half” on this day, look for a similar one in yourself and try to get rid of it. Then your partner will unexpectedly change for the better.

Housework. You can do a variety of things around the house and household, including those that require significant workload. A favorable day for collecting seeds.

Business and money. You can solve simple financial issues and it is better not to take any serious steps. Any activity you do will be useless, so put off all important things until a more appropriate time. There are too many unknown parameters, including sudden, unexpected changes. In a word, complete unpredictability. The first half of the day is a time of conflicts, mental discord, sudden situations, unexpected troubles. Everything bad that happens during these hours seems to arise on its own, without any special visible reasons. A very difficult time for negotiations - it is difficult to defend your point of view and at the same time it is easy to fall under the influence of others. Plans and projects of the eighteenth lunar day resemble a “changeover”. On this day, everything can change so quickly that you will not have time to learn about the changes and will draw erroneous conclusions.

Dreams. They carry our reflection. If we compare our image in a dream with our image in life, we can understand how far we are from realizing what we want. If we dream that we are active, assertive, energetic, etc., but in life, on the contrary, we are very depressed and passive, then we need to look for balance. Try to be active, energetic in some situations, patient and calm in others. If in a dream you are the same as in life, and you do not have a feeling or desire to change yourself, then there are no contradictions in your subconscious with your ideas about yourself. If the dream indicated an imbalance, contradictions in the subconscious, then write down the dream and during these lunar days, observe what problems the environment will show you, write them down, compare everything and get to work. If you prepare in advance, tune in to the dream so that it will help you see contradictions with the subconscious, before going to bed, put a notebook and pen nearby so that if you wake up, you can write down your dreams. Dreams can also indicate what is preventing you from living; there may be tips on how to overcome problems, including health ones. Good dream portends profit and successful acquisitions. Dreams can come true.

Health. Insomnia shows that a lot of unspent energy has accumulated in the body, which in turn causes attacks of irritation and even aggression, which in turn leads to insomnia. Sleepwalkers may increase their sleepwalking. It is good to practice cleansing the body and mind on this day, to be able to overcome such seductions as the desire for fame and the manifestation of selfishness. You should also pay attention to your kidneys, they are weakened on this day, follow a diet, do not drink a lot of liquids and limit yourself to salty foods. Skin diseases may appear, this may be a reflection of hidden ulcers in the soul that have not come out.

  • The beginning of the 18th lunar day in 2020 in Moscow:
  • January 11 at 17:04
  • February 10 at 18:55
  • March 11 at 20:56
  • April 10 at 22:56
  • May 9 at 23:16
  • June 8 at 23:58
  • July 8 at 23:18
  • August 6 at 21:53
  • September 5 at 20:34
  • October 4 at 19:06
  • November 2 at 17:46
  • December 2 at 17:23
  • December 31 at 17:13
18th lunar day in other years


Cutting your hair will lead to loss of property, theft, and your pets may get sick (they feel the dangers that threaten you and worry about you). Also, according to Tibetan traditions, this is a burning day and cutting your hair will bring you a serious deterioration in your health.


People born on this day are hardworking and efficient, stubborn and persistent, patient. They know how to achieve their goals, often achieving an enviable position in society and material well-being. Able to teach and lead other people. You can listen to their advice; they are often insightful. If these people work on themselves and develop, they gain the ability to see the world objectively. They get rid of misconceptions and realize their own and others’ mistakes. If they follow a poor path of development, their idea of ​​the world and people is distorted, they become entangled in their illusions, and a distorting mirror situation arises. The biggest harm comes from selfishness; as soon as they start thinking only about themselves, they fall into a streak of failure. It is important for the companions of these people not to infringe on their sense of freedom. They cannot bear obligations, but if you give freedom, then in this way you can force him to take on those very obligations.
Advice: go to the sea more often, especially if the moon or sun is in your water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio).

Bathing in the sauna

A good day for a bath. The skin is cleansed well.


A dream on the 18th lunar day can reveal a problem that is preventing you from living. If this is related to health, then in a dream the paths to healing and liberation from illness will appear. The dream will come true, but not right away. If you master the technique of active actions in dreams, you can solve the problem, find a way out difficult situation right in a dream.

Guardian stones

White agate, kohalong, opal.

Conceiving a child

A child conceived on the 18th lunar day is no different good health, however, wealth and success await him in life. He is everyone's favorite, smart and hardworking. The parents' task is to teach him to use energy wisely and not to overestimate his strength, otherwise he may spend his whole life chasing the impossible, succumbing to his illusions.

Aromatherapy and home fragrances

Aligns the energy shell. Helps in eliminating tightness, feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and asthenic-depressive conditions. Displaces nervousness, anger and irritability from life. Provides assistance in relationships with loved ones. Helps attract positive energies and love.


Now it is advisable to refrain from getting married and celebrating weddings. This is a period of contemplation and observation, and not active actions, especially such responsible ones as starting a family.


On the eighteenth lunar day you can only buy mirrors and nothing else.


symbol: mirror, monkey
stones: opal, white agate
body part: right lobe of the liver

From this day the work of the waning moon begins. Any damage of a destructive nature, rituals to destroy a business, zombification, foolishness, lapels. Spoils work well using mirrors and ice cold, because... The symbols of this day are mirror, ice.

When fortune telling, you can ask questions that concern only you personally. It is also good now to make protective talismans and amulets used in magic.

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