Timing for seed stratification at home. Stratification: description of the procedure

Tell us how to stratify seeds? I often grow seedlings, both flowers and other crops. Among them there are plants whose seeds need stratification before sowing. What is it and how to carry out the procedure at home?

IN natural conditions the seeds of many crops, having fallen into the soil in the fall, undergo natural stratification, that is, “hibernation” when low temperatures. Frost and wet conditions weaken the seed coat, causing it to become more fragile. Such seeds germinate earlier and more quickly in the spring. It is easy to reproduce natural stratification conditions at home, taking into account the needs various types plants. The ways to stratify the seeds also differ depending on what culture they belong to.

There are several stratification methods:

  • cold;
  • warm;
  • combined.

In addition, depending on the method of its implementation, stratification is divided into wet and dry. If the seeds are pre-moistened or kept in moist material, this is the first option. Dry stratification involves mixing dry seeds with dry soil and overwintering them in the garden.

Cold stratification of seeds

This method is used when growing perennials, pome and stone fruit crops and some types of flowers and vegetables from seeds. The bottom line is that moistened seeds are sent to ripen at above-zero, but low, temperatures.

Cold stratification can be carried out in two ways:

Stratification of seeds in heat

For crops in which the embryos in the seeds are underdeveloped, warm stratification is used. The prerequisites for such a procedure are high humidity, good lighting and a temperature of at least 18°C ​​(for some plants - 25°C) heat. More often planting material placed between two layers of damp sponge or cloth. In this form they are placed in a greenhouse or covered with film and left on the south window.

Vegetable crops and some flowers (lumbago) are subjected to thermal stratification and horticultural crops(schizandra).

How to stratify seeds using a combined method?

There are crops that germinate reluctantly and take a long time as a result of the shell being too thick. They need alternating exposure to cold and heat, or vice versa. For example, gentian is first kept in a warm, moist substrate for a month, then in the refrigerator for the same amount of time. Perennial garden crops require longer preparation. Apricots, plums and viburnum are kept warm for 4 months and in the cellar for another 6 months.

Seed stratification is a rather important process that many have not heard of. But in this case, either the person is far from everyday gardening, or he does it without even knowing about the term itself. In fact, this is placing the seeds in “winter” conditions, but without throwing them into a snowdrift, but artificially providing them with cold and moisture.

Such an event will not have a negative impact on them, but on the contrary, germination will accelerate and germination will increase. How to stratify seeds yourself to get excellent result? First of all, it is worth knowing that each culture needs an individual approach.

Nature is smart and made sure that the seeds do not die at low temperatures, but overwinter quietly, sprouting shoots in the spring. However, this has led to the fact that in some crops the seeds will not produce shoots without going through the “sleep of the embryo.” That is why they are not only not afraid of the cold, but also need low temperatures.

Our ancestors simply stimulated the growth of seed - they placed it between two layers of moistened soil and “threw it” without covering it with anything. Today, seed stratification at home is possible. To do this, the seeds are placed on a cloth napkin or mixed with a mixture of wet sand and peat, everything is placed in a zipper bag and kept in the refrigerator.

It is worth taking care of suitable humidity, it should be moderate, otherwise the seed will either germinate faster than necessary or become covered with mold fungi.

For most trees, bushes and herbaceous perennial crops, stratification is mandatory, especially when it comes to northern regions. The ideal temperature is considered to be from 1 to 3 degrees, and the duration of the event is different cultures different. For example, barberry will need from 2.5 to 3 months, cherries - from 150 to six months, and lemongrass seeds - 3-4 months.

Stratification of strawberries and wild strawberries

A quick procedure is suitable for the seeds of these common crops: during sowing, a 2-centimeter layer of snow is placed on top of the soil, and strawberry or wild strawberry seeds are laid out on it using a thin wet stick (an ordinary toothpick will do), and then not covered with anything.

The containers are placed on the lower shelves of the refrigerator for two to three days - this time is enough for the snow to melt and pull the seeds into the soil to the required depth. After this period, the containers with strawberries are removed and placed on the windowsill. Now they should be covered using glass or transparent film.

There is another stratification option suitable for strawberry and strawberry seeds - warm method. The seeds are placed on a moistened paper napkin, another one is placed on top, and then they are carefully rolled into a roll. Afterwards it is placed in a polyethylene bag, tied so that there is little air access, and kept warm for 24 hours.

Shock for lavender seeds

Stratification of lavender seeds is also necessary so that they awaken and begin to germinate, otherwise you shouldn’t even expect good germination. To do this, two months before planting, the seed must be placed in a damp cloth (gauze folded in several layers is suitable) and thus kept in room temperature a couple of days.

Afterwards, the seed material is placed in a bag and sent to the top shelf of the refrigerator. They should remain in this position until landing. You can also improve the quality of germination by placing the seeds in a dissolved solution. succinic acid or the drug "Epina".

Procedure for primrose seeds

This plant also needs to imitate natural conditions, and the procedure can be carried out at home using the refrigerator. Before stratification of primrose seeds begins, it is recommended to keep them in a solution of potassium permanganate; to do this, they are placed in liquid for a couple of minutes, and then soaked in water for a day. This is an excellent way to disinfect.

When the seeds swell, they are sown in small containers filled with soil or peat pots. We must not forget that the larger the seeds, the deeper they are placed, but the smallest specimens are sprinkled with very little. To maintain moisture, containers can be covered with film.

After planting and placing the seeds in the refrigerator, you should ensure that the soil does not dry out, since even with short-term dehydration, the seeds may die. Another popular method of stratification is using a sponge, also suitable for primrose seeds, as some varieties of this plant have quite tiny seeds, which makes sowing difficult.

An incision is made on the sponge with longitudinal grooves into which the seed is placed. Then place the sponge on a plate or tray, moistening it with water. The humidity level should be maintained throughout the entire period of stratification and further germination. For small seeds, it is better to use a fine-pored sponge.

Stratification for aquilegia seeds

Aquilegia or columbine can often be found on garden plots. This unpretentious plant with cute flowers, it undoubtedly becomes a decoration for the area. And stratification of aquilegia seeds is carried out in the following way: exposed to heat or cold.

As in the case of primrose, the seeds should be pre-treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, which will disinfect the material for the upcoming sowing. With the cold method, the seeds are placed in a container with a moistened base and placed in the refrigerator for 30 days. The ideal temperature is 5-7 degrees.

During the thermal procedure, seeds “packed” in the same way are kept for the same amount of time, but at high temperature– 32-35 degrees.

Shock effect for clemitis

This amazing plant is used to decorate fences and various buildings, as it literally covers the surface with a beautiful flower carpet. Most often, large clematis seeds are sown before winter, immediately after harvest. But this method is not suitable for all plant varieties, since their germination will take a very long time (up to 500 days). Therefore, it is recommended to carry out stratification and postpone sowing until spring.

Major procedure seed material is carried out as follows: they should be kept for 3 months at a temperature of 5 degrees - in the refrigerator, or by placing them in a snowdrift outside. But it’s worth knowing that if you leave them in the yard, they can get into the paws of rodents.

Medium-sized seeds take about 1 month to stratify: first, they are soaked for two days in water, which is changed every 2-3 hours. This is followed by a bubbling procedure, when the seeds are placed in water, which is oxygenated by an aquarium compressor.

As for small seeds, then before planting it is enough to place them in water for a day, and then start sowing.

Stratification of delphinium seeds

Suitable for this plant wet method, in which the seeds are laid out on a damp cloth, covered with another layer and a roll is made from them. Then they are covered with damp moss and placed in suitable container and place in the refrigerator for 7 days.

After this time, it is necessary to assess the condition of the seeds - they should be swollen. But if some of them have produced small sprouts, then they need to be sown, and the rest should be placed in a cooler place. The fact is that whitish sprouts can break off during planting and then you should not wait for seedlings.

Stratification of rose seeds

The seeds of some of the most luxurious flowers also need “shock therapy”. To do this, they are taken out of the fruit and immediately placed in a sieve for disinfection, and a 20-minute wash in hydrogen peroxide begins.

They are then placed on a base that can long time retain moisture - cloth napkins, cotton pads, etc. It should also be moistened with hydrogen peroxide. The same wet material is placed on top, and everything is carefully rolled up. The seeds are stored in this way for 2 months on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. But they will require periodic ventilation and wetting of the material.

Seed stratification is a procedure that ensures seeds necessary conditions, which “starts” the germination mechanism and improves sowing results.

When we are talking about the results of labor on an agricultural plot or vegetable garden, the phrase “battle for the harvest” will be quite appropriate in this context.

Not only a phrase, but also methods of fighting akin to the military . How can I not remember basic concepts from the theory of military art. And indeed, to achieve a strategic goal in the garden, since we are talking about it, various tactics and specific forms and methods are also used.

Extraordinary talent, skills and knowledge will be very, very useful here.

Stratification is in the same line with them. Agree, there is something in this word that is consonant with military terms.

What is stratification and why is it needed?

Nature does not tolerate repetition, endowing each plant with exclusive properties. For one to awaken from winter dormancy, the warm earth and warm spring sun. Others need help and guidance, imitating the natural change of seasons - without such a procedure, seedlings will be sluggish and uneven.

IN natural environment natural stratification occurs much easier. A ripened seed goes into a dormant state for the winter - the embryo sleeps. During this time, under the influence of frost and moisture, the hard shell softens and cracks appear on it.

In spring, a cold and damp environment motivates the awakening of the embryo and its craving for warmth and sun. This is manifested in active and vigorous seedlings.

What about at home?

After all, seeding material is often harvested in the fall and stored at home in a warm room or purchased in specialized stores. And there they do not do any specific pre-sowing preparation.

This is precisely what artificial thermal exposure is used for. A kind of modeling at home of the winter transition period as a trigger for the plant. Correctly stratifying seeds means that you need to create conditions for high similarity and a generous harvest.

Video from an expert about seed stratification at home:

Timing of stratification for different crops

Perennial flowers and herbs, as well as stone fruit, vegetable and seed plants require mandatory support.

Not every species needs this procedure. For example, oregano, marjoram, rosemary, sage or thyme cope on their own.

You need to understand that each culture has its own period of thermal preparation, if you fail to withstand or violate it, you can not only not get the desired effect, but also ruin a living green organism.

Variety of crops Stratification period (days) Recommended temperature (°C)
Plum, cherry plum, apricot 120–150 0–10
Peach 60–100 0–10
Pear, apple tree (large-fruited) 80–90 3–5
Cherries 150–180 0–10
Rowan chokeberry 80–90 0–3
Strawberries 20–30 0–2
Blueberry From 120 to 180 0–4
Sea buckthorn, honeysuckle, Up to 30 3–5
Rosehip, rowan, elderberry, bird cherry 120–180 1–5
Siberian cedar 60–90 0–5
Lavender, gentian 40–50 3–5
Grapes, lemongrass, almonds 120–140 0–4
Apple trees:



Anise 60–100 1–5
Turn 120–150 0–4




Walnut 50–80 2–5
Quince 70–90 0–5
210–240 0–5

Requires stratification and mandatory stress treatment onion and leeks, carrots, parsley, parsnips, celery, scorzonera (also called sweet root), black carrots, Spanish goat.

Tomatoes, radishes, and lettuce can do without stratification when grown from seeds. But having applied it, you can already feel the real benefits from the green shoots.

If you plan to plant seeds of conifers - pine, fir, spruce, larch, then stratification will also help a lot (although some gardeners believe that it is not necessary). It is necessary to soak the seeds in melted water ice water and keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 days - this will significantly increase germination.

Types of plant stratification

It would seem that this procedure is simple, but it has several varieties.

According to the timing of stratification, there are:

  • autumn;
  • winter;
  • spring

Four ways of conducting it divided the event into the following types:

  • cold;
  • warm;
  • combined;
  • stepped.


This type of pre-sowing preparation is used for seeds of perennial crops. It is acceptable for regions with clearly graduated seasons. This definition includes regions with a temperate climate.

During cold stratification, the following conditions are created for the seeds:

  • air temperature – from zero to +5°C;
  • humidity from 60 to 75%;
  • The duration of cold treatment can range from one month to six months.

Crops subject to cold processed: pomaceous, stone fruit, perennial flowers.


Preparatory pre-sowing activities carried out according to the “thermal algorithm” are the simplest procedures that do not require special skills.

Future plants, which are still in a dormant state, are placed in conditions where they quickly awaken - a temperature of 17 to 22 degrees with a humidity of at least 70%.

Experienced gardeners advise that a similar start is recommended for vegetable crops: tomato, eggplant, cucumbers, various peppers.

To speed up “hatching”, the material is placed on a sunny windowsill or under bright light, placing the seeds on damp cotton wool or a napkin,

After the sprouts appear, the slightly grown young crop is ready for planting in the ground. This could be a peat pot or a glass of fertile soil. If weather conditions permit - air and ground temperatures, then they can be placed on a prepared bed.


The combined method is a rather labor-intensive procedure intended for seeds that take a long time to germinate and are covered with a hard shell.

This applies to almost everyone perennial shrubs and trees such as viburnum, yew, plum, apricot, hawthorn, snowberry.

For example, viburnum and hawthorn require particularly long-term combined stratification. It can last from six to eight months.

To awaken the seed, it is first placed for four months in a comfortable environment, where the air temperature is up to 25°C and humidity is up to 75%. And then to conditions where the air warms up no higher than +5°C.

Each type of green crop requires an individual approach:

  1. Yew has a different stratification calendar: the warm period lasts up to 1.5 months, and the cold period lasts up to 3–4 months.
  2. Schisandra is buried in wet sand, where it stays for up to 30 days at a temperature of 18 to 28°C. After this period, it should remain in a cool container for the same amount of time, where the air does not exceed +5°C.
  3. Planting gentian seeds should be placed on a damp cloth or in a plastic bag with soaked hydrogel. There it should remain for twenty days at +20°C. Then the seed needs to be exposed to cold for half a month - no higher than +4°C.
  4. It will sprout better if its seeds, placed between moistened napkins or cotton pads, stay for half a month in the refrigerator. And then, without reducing the humidity, until the sprouts appear, they will be placed on the windowsill above the radiator.


In terms of complexity and time costs, this is the most labor-intensive pre-planting process. It consists of alternating “switching on” a cold and a warm cycle.

But we should not forget that every flower, like any natural individual, including animals and humans, needs an exclusive approach.

This is especially true for correct stratification.

Name of culture Recommended algorithm
Aconite A two-stage preparatory cycle is preferable for this plant:
  1. Thirty days in warmth - from 20 to 25°C.
  2. Exposure to cold, for 90 days, at a temperature of 2 to 4°C.
Anemone: forest, crown, Japanese, tender When planting in winter, the flower preparatory activities does not need. Since autumn it has been sinking into the ground to a shallow depth.

When planting in spring, the order of pre-sowing preparation is similar to the previous plant (monkshood).

Before disembarking at spring soil, seed material is kept in sand for up to 15 days, where it is not higher than +8°C.
Cornflower: blue, field, Fischer In the last two pre-planting months, the future flower is kept in a refrigerator or cellar, where the air is no higher than 5°C.
Cloves: herbal, sandy, lush Heat treatment is carried out for 60 days, the air should not warm up above five degrees.
Jeffersonia: bifolia, doubtful Two-level step-by-step preparatory procedures are required:
  1. Six months in a cool place – at 2–4°C.
  2. The last 30 days before planting require systemic daily temperature fluctuations: seeds are kept at 10°C for 18 hours and at 30°C for 6 hours.
Delphinium (spur, larkspur). From two weeks to a month, planting material is kept in sand heated to no higher than 6°C.
Bell The conditions of detention are the same as for the delphinium.
Clematis (clematis): Drummonda, pungent, whorled, ligusticofolia For high-quality germination, it is recommended to carry out a two-stage preparatory cycle:
  1. The seed is stored in sand heated to 5°C for 90 days.
  2. Next comes germination on raw material (napkin, cotton swab), at 30°C.
: ordinary, smelly A six-month combined cycle is required:
  1. For a quarter of the year, storage conditions should be below 20°C and humidity around 75%.
  2. In the last three months, the air should be between 2–4°C.
: English, narrow-leaved For this flower it is used cold method bundles. It can be of two types:
  1. Artificial - storage for 45 days in the refrigerator at 3–5°C, and it is advisable to mix it with sand immediately before planting.
  2. Natural is pre-winter planting in the ground.
(daisy): lake, marsh, largest, magnificent, round-leaved, subalpine Both artificial and natural thermal storage, similar to the temperature treatment of lavender, is acceptable.
Peony is extraordinary (evading) and milky-flowering. All varieties require combined preplant conditions.

During the first preparatory thirty days, the following daily conditions are needed:

  1. 18 hours – 18°C.
  2. 6 hours – 30°C.
  3. Last 90 days – no higher than 7°C.
Peony thin-leaved In the first four months of preparatory procedures:
  1. 18 hours – +12°C.
  2. 6 hours – +30°C.
  3. The remaining 45 days - no higher than 5°C.
Primrose: spring, auricular, polyanthus, tall. Stratifying primrose at home requires patience and some skills.

The source material of future seedlings planted in a container is placed in harsh conditions for two weeks. The soil should not heat above 4°C.

If, upon observation, the seeds do not hatch, then the tray is placed in the freezer, where it is not lower than -10°C.

Noble liverwort Two-level preparatory measures are needed:
  1. Stage 1 – +18–20°C for 30 days.
  2. Stage 2 – +12°C for 3.5 months.
Phlox The seed is stored in sand for 5 months at +2–5°C.

Methods for stratifying seeds at home

For better germination of their favorite crops, flower growers, using generally accepted techniques, add their know-how, generously sharing their experience with colleagues.

The most “tested” methods include the following types:

  • dry;
  • in cabbage stalks;
  • wet;
  • winter sowing.


This is the simplest and least labor-intensive method.

It consists of two stages:

  1. Preparatory. Here the planting material is disinfected. It can be carried out using a half percent solution of potassium permanganate. Future green crops are soaked in it for thirty minutes. Then drying and, if necessary, packaging. Don't forget to sign the generated containers or packages. This is the case if we are talking about a big species diversity seed fund.
  2. Directly the temperature effect itself. It can also be carried out in different ways. In the refrigerator, maintaining the required temperature conditions - no higher than +4°C. Or outdoors, in an open area, burying a container in a snowdrift before the onset of the spring thaw. If, of course, climatic conditions allow.

At the same time, the timing of stratification of stone fruits, as well as the implementation algorithm, vary not only according to weather conditions, but also depending on the type and variety of crops planted.

In cabbage stalks

Confirming the proverb - “the Kazan woman is cunning, and the Ryazan woman is more cunning,” resourceful gardeners came up with a very unique method of auxiliary preparation. It's about about embedding planting material in cabbage stumps.

By the way, this is not only original, but also very effective method, which special effort will not be required from the performer.

All you need to do is separate the stalk from the cabbage, cut out the core and place the seed there. Close the hole with a plug made from the same stump.

It would be a good idea to mark the digging area with a stick with a tag, so as not to get confused in the spring.

With the arrival of favorable days for planting, the stalk is dug up and the saved seeds are planted in the garden bed.


This is a somewhat labor-intensive, but extremely necessary procedure for certain crops, for example, ash, Walnut, maple, euonymus and others.

Here, too, craftsmen use several techniques:

  1. Sanding. Containers with substrate are prepared. It could be river sand(preferably washed), old sawdust, moss or peat. Seeds, like soil, must be dried and disinfected. Next, the substrate is moistened and the containers are filled two-thirds with it. Seeds are planted on top and covered with soil. To prevent the formation of fungal spores, the soil is lightly impregnated with one of the biofungicides. This could be Trichodermin, Fitosporin or Alirin-B. If the containers are not large and there is a place for them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, then this Better conditions for storage. The main thing is that the air is no higher than +4°C. Conditions of storage are monitored throughout the entire storage stage. If necessary, the soil is moistened.
  2. Heat treatment in fabric rolls. Pieces up to 35 cm long and 10 cm wide are cut out of natural fabric. Wet moss or cotton wool is laid out on them, and seeds are laid on top of them. Rolls are formed, tied and dipped in water for greater impregnation. If necessary, the roll or rolls are signed and placed in a plastic bag. After this, they need to be placed in the refrigerator, on the vegetable shelf down. There they will be kept in the cold (+4°C) until favorable landing conditions occur. If a fungus is detected during monitoring, then preventive procedures are carried out - the tissue is removed and replaced with fresh one.

Pre-winter sowing

This is the easiest way of thermal preparation for friendly spring shoots. All planting material is placed in the ground in the fall. There it undergoes natural stratification. This method is suitable for winter garlic, various greens, certain varieties of salads.

This is not a complete list of exclusive methods of stratification. If you correctly and skillfully apply one of them, then in the spring you will personal plot, flowerbeds and vegetable gardens will show the wonderful results of the owners’ work.

A method of increasing seed germination copied from nature is called artificial stratification. Using it at home is not difficult at all. All you need is a refrigerator and some free time. As a result, 100% seed germination can be achieved. This will help reduce the cost of purchasing seeds and preserve your favorite and rare varieties.

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    Natural stratification

    Many hundreds of years ago, when there was not even writing, let alone scientific developments and recommendations, people knew how to grow the plants necessary for their lives no worse than today’s certified specialists. People learned practical techniques for growing a particular plant through observing and imitating nature.

    A person only needs to take a closer look at the chain from the formation of a seed to its germination under natural conditions.

    Process in nature

    The seeds of your favorite flowers have ripened, amazing fruits have been collected, or rare seeds of exclusive plants have been purchased and you want to propagate them, and perhaps start your own business growing seedlings.

    Then we should start with a general understanding of how seeds are stored for best germination at the right time.

    Autumn, beautiful apples are ripe. It’s still quite warm, but the birds pecked the apples and carried the seeds to different places. Many of the seeds have fallen into soil fertile for germination, and the seeds are full of strength and ready to germinate. But the information embedded by nature in the genes of the seed tells it that it is not time for sprouting, the temperature will drop, the sprout will not have time to gain strength and will die. Inhibitor genes block growth and give the command to rest.

    When external conditions will be favorable for the growth of seedlings, the unlocking command will be received and the sprout will begin to make its way up and gain strength. But this will happen with the beginning of a new natural cycle - in the spring.

    And the seed will spend the cold under snow cover, which will provide it with a minimum, but positive, temperature and a sufficient amount of nutritious moisture. Scientists called this process natural stratification.

    Seed preparation

    Having collected seeds, a person must create storage conditions similar to natural ones, eliminating the risks of natural anomalous phenomena, and this will be called artificial stratification. Important stage- preparing seeds for stratification.

    This process refers to the following procedures in order of execution:

    • disinfection - soaking the seeds in a solution (1 gram of potassium permanganate per glass of water) for 30 minutes;
    • rinsing in clean warm water after disinfection,
    • cleaning from any tissue, the seed shell must not be damaged;
    • soaking in cold, non-chlorinated water for up to 12 hours;
    • drying - required condition from decay.

    Any soil suitable for this type of plant, even without special preparation, is suitable for storing seeds during the stratification period. But there is a risk that such a substrate is contaminated, so it is better not to risk it and disinfect the soil.

    For small volumes, it is enough to place the soil in an oven preheated to 120 degrees for one hour or a microwave turned on at maximum for 10 minutes.

    Sand, peat, vermiculite and their mixtures are suitable as soil. various options. The seed to soil ratio is usually taken to be 1:3.

    Purchased soils and mixtures do not need to be subjected to additional disinfection.

    Cold stratification

    Before the widespread use of refrigerators in everyday life, glaciers, cellars, and snowdrifts were used for stratification. Nowadays everyone has refrigerators, but glaciers and cellars are in short supply.

    Modern household appliance It will completely allow you to maintain the required temperature throughout the entire stratification period, stably and guaranteed. Inspecting the seeds and maintaining the required humidity will not pose any special problems.

    The start date for stratification is counted from the planting of the plant into the ground or into seedlings. If you plan to plant honeysuckle in pots on March 10, with a stratification period of 60 days, you need to put honeysuckle in the refrigerator on January 10.

    Table. Timing of stratification for seeds of woody and shrubby ornamental plants.

    Group Name of breeds Timing of stratification Notes or special conditions
    1 Cotoneaster, hawthorn, hornbeam, ash, viburnum 12 - 18 months Collection of unripe fruits to speed up stratification
    2 Cherries, euonymus, linden, rose hips, nuts, plums, hazel, oleaster, snowberry, clematis, dogwoods 6 - 8 months They have time to prepare for germination only if they are laid for stratification immediately after collecting the seeds
    3 Maples, currants, barberries, elderberries, honeysuckles, rowan trees, bird cherry trees, some apple trees 15 – 25 weeks
    4 Apple tree, pear tree, Norway maple and sycamore, common honeysuckle, privet 60 – 100 days
    5 Actinidia, maples, ash trees, lilacs 40 – 45 days
    6 Conifers: spruce, fir, larch, pine, thuja 20 – 30 days Capable of germinating without stratification, but it is used to accelerate germination and increase germination

    At home, plant stratification takes place at temperatures from 0 to 5 degrees Celsius, which is quite realistic in household refrigerator. After preparing the seeds for the cooling process, they are placed together with the prepared substrate in various types of packaging, from boxes and various small containers to bags and fabric bags. Small seeds of flowers, raspberries, and strawberries can be stratified without soil. It is enough to place them in an even layer on a damp soft cloth, roll it into a tube, secure it with thread and put it in the refrigerator.

    The type of container is not important and must meet only two requirements: so that the seeds can be examined for mold and to increase their moisture content if they dry out.

    How long to keep flower seeds in the refrigerator?

    Table. Timing of stratification of flower crops.

    Name 15 20 30 40 60 80 or more days
    Astrantia +
    Verbena +
    Violas +
    Vatochnik +
    Wulfenius +
    Geraniums +
    Dodecadeon +
    Dicentres +
    Delphinium +
    Swimsuits +
    Lilies +
    Flax +
    Daylilies +
    Lychnis +
    Bows +
    Lavender +
    Soapwort +
    Hellebores +
    Mimulus +
    Primrose +
    Grouse +
    Felicia +
    Sharovnitsa +

Very often, gardeners are faced with the problem of seeds not germinating.

But few people know that before growing strong and healthy plant from seeds, the seed must undergo special treatment.

There is a stratification method for this.

Definition of stratification

Stratification is the awakening of seeds in a moist, breathable environment in order to overcome the inhibitory mechanism responsible for the release of the seed embryo from dormancy.

Reasons for poor germination:

  • dense shell;
  • seeds are soaked essential oils(carrots, parsley);
  • the embryo needs to ripen in natural conditions (perennial).

Who needs to undergo stratification?

All seeds have a dormant period. For some, it is shallow and they can be awakened quickly and without stratification; for some plants, the awakening process is long and to awaken at home, artificial awakening is required. Which plants need stratification first?

Perennials. Under natural conditions, upon the arrival of autumn, the seed material is poured onto the ground, covered with leaves, and subsequently with snow. In such a “coat” they fall asleep and tolerate the winter well; when spring comes, they wake up on their own and begin active growth. In conditions home storage, independent awakening does not occur and if stratification is not carried out, there will be no germination.

Help for quick awakening is needed for two-year-old plants (carrots, parsley, sorrel, onions). Having undergone stratification, the plant will begin to grow faster and more amicably, and will delight you with a generous harvest.

For which plants stratification is not needed? First of all, these are plants that came to us from southern countries(peppers, tomatoes, eggplants).

It is necessary to purchase material for sowing that requires stratification in advance, in January-February, since most seeds require lengthy preparation (1-3 months).

Responsible suppliers indicate on each bag the timing, temperature and methods of stratification. This information makes germinating the seed much easier.

Cold stratification and freezing

This method is necessary for those seeds whose embryos require additional ripening. First of all, the seed is soaked and then placed in a place with a low temperature. In this way, natural temperature changes are simulated.

In order to grow a tree or shrub, the seed must undergo exactly this method of stratification. For example:

The cold method allows the seeds to germinate quickly and grow into a healthy, strong plant.

The freezing method is similar to the cold method, but there is one difference. The seeds are filled with water and kept for 7 hours, after which the container is placed in the freezer until completely frozen. Then the seeds are allowed to thaw and put back into the freezer. This procedure is carried out 4-6 times.

Using this method, the seeds awaken much faster, and the plant becomes immune to sudden changes temperature.

Warm stratification

This method is necessary for seeds with an underdeveloped embryo. It is used to awaken Schisandra and lumbago.

The shot is stratified at a temperature of 28 degrees. The material for sowing is poured onto damp foam rubber and covered with a second piece of foam rubber, wrapped in polyethylene and stored in a warm, well-lit place for 20 days.

Schisandra seeds are stratified at a temperature of 20 degrees and kept for a month.

If the material for sowing does not undergo this method of processing, then no matter what efforts are made for germination, there will be no result.

Mixed stratification

This method involves changing temperature regime from warm to cold or vice versa. It is necessary for long-growing seeds. Primrose needs such a change in temperature. The seeds are first kept at low temperature, and then put into a microgreenhouse, where the air temperature reaches up to 28 degrees.

Washing the seed

The easiest way: Place the seeds in a shallow container and pour warm water. In this state, the seed is left for 2-3 days, during which time the seeds hatch and are ready for planting. This method is necessary for legumes and pumpkin crops, lupins and sunflowers.

Bubbling seeds

In order to stratify seeds using this method, you need to purchase an aquarium compressor.

The material for sowing is placed in a bottle of warm water and air bubbles are passed through it. In this way, the upper shell of the seeds is washed off, which interferes with rapid germination.

If bubbling is carried out for several days, then do not forget to change the water every 10 hours.

Sowing awakened seed

Many gardeners are interested in what to do next after the seeds awaken. If all deadlines are met, the seed can be planted for seedlings or open ground. There are cases that seeds begin to awaken in the middle of the stratification stage. This should not be scary, since the plant itself knows when to wake up and begin to grow. It is best to immediately plant the hatched seeds in prepared nutrient soil and provide them with proper care.