Scorpion. Stones suitable for Scorpio - energy and brakes

Each Zodiac Sign can enhance their energy with a metal that is close to them in its aura. A metal talisman will bring good luck to some, protect others from danger, and give others peace of mind.


Aries metal is gold. Only it can support the very flame that burns in the hearts of these dynamic people. The fire element and gold are a wonderful union, and for Aries it is doubly better.


The metal of Taurus is aluminum, because it is as easy to process as Taurus. But despite its softness, it is resistant to various types of influences. Aluminum will help Taurus not to be afraid of anything in this life.


Silver is best for Gemini. This metal can highlight their incredible intelligence, as well as save them from senseless risks and reckless actions.


Cancers are stubborn, but not to such an extent that you don’t love them for it. Despite their gentleness, they never change their beliefs. Best metal for Cancers it is titanium and its alloys. Silver can be an analogue, but its properties are noticeably worse for this Sign.

a lion

Leos love gold, and Leos love gold. For this fiery Sign, gold is almost as useful as for Aries - it protects Leo and improves their mood, and also gives vitality.


Soft metals like tin, copper, aluminum, and gold are great for Virgos. Any of them will help Virgo find a balance between feelings and logic. These metals and the natural softness of this Zodiac Sign will be emphasized.


The zodiac talisman for Libra is bronze. She is distinguished by her excellent stamina, which Libra sometimes lacks, and also gives strength to complete any important tasks.


Scorpios are people of steel. They are difficult to break, so iron alloys are in perfect harmony with them. Those born under the Sign of Scorpio can also only succumb to the influence of time, like iron.


The metal of Sagittarius is silver, which emphasizes the independence of this Zodiac Sign. Sagittarians who wear silver are usually luckier and have fewer communication difficulties.


Platinum is the patron saint of Capricorns. She protects them and at the same time emphasizes their resistance to outside influence, as well as their wisdom. Platinum does not interact with almost anything, and this helps Capricorns remain true to themselves.


The metal of Aquarius is gold and copper. Both metals are soft - exactly the same as Aquarius itself. Aquarius carefully chooses his social circle. Therefore, copper amulets or gold jewelry are talismans and amulets for you.


The metal of Pisces is silver, which protects them from misfortunes. This is a magnificent amulet and a talisman of good luck rolled into one. Silver can give Pisces success in any area of ​​life, especially in love.

By and large, our planet is a huge piece of metal. That is why for successful communication with the energy of the Universe, Zodiac Signs need their own talismans. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.04.2016 01:10

Each Zodiac Sign has its own talismans that protect against troubles, attract good luck, love and...

In the new year, representatives of each Zodiac Sign will benefit from good luck talismans. They will help you avoid the mass...

Castor and Pollux

The correspondence of zodiac signs to certain colors, plants, stones and metals is found in almost every book of horoscopes, but probably not each of you has an exact idea of ​​what the connection between them is. And yet this connection is very deep.

Zodiac sign correspondence a certain color This is due to the fact that each color has a psychological meaning, and for people with different types of character and temperament (and zodiac astrology outlines them quite clearly), different colors are “their own”.

So, let's say, the color purple is found in the color characteristics of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. This means that in the characters of such people of these zodiac signs there is common features. This is a certain duality of nature, dreaminess, vulnerability, and a penchant for the mystical.

The correspondence of the zodiac sign to a certain flower is also not accidental. Man is part of the Universe, part of nature.

As for metals and stones, they have long been attributed Magic force, and everyone needs to know which stone will help you with your problems.

At the same time, the strength of the stones affects differently different signs Zodiac. For example, zircon gives confidence to Libra and Aquarius, who, as you know, are completely devoid of feeling peace of mind. But Cancers, under his own influence, are capable of becoming callous egoists and reaching extreme egocentrism.

Aries: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The colors of this zodiac sign are soft yellow and green. They have a wonderful property: to awaken the best feelings, and also to give softness, tenderness and soothe. For Aries, with their tendency to irrepressible courage, sometimes turning into aggression, these colors will help them find balance.

But if we draw an analogy between the character of Aries and color, then we can say that it is best expressed with the help of bright red - a rich, exciting color.

Aries flowers are violet, cornflower, and hawthorn. If delicate violets and cornflowers are able to put Aries in a peaceful mood, then hawthorn with its tart berries is associated with strong character Aries.

Aries stone is a diamond, a symbol of hardness (similar to the strength of character and assertiveness of Aries).

The metal of Aries is gold; it symbolizes the irrepressible energy of the people of this sign, which splashes over their heads.

Taurus: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The color of Taurus is yellow-green: it most clearly outlines the character of this zodiac sign - a charming, calm, sincere, but at the same time somewhat passive person.

Taurus flowers - lily of the valley, lilac. They correspond to the somewhat sentimental nature of Taurus.

Taurus stones are turquoise and sapphire. Turquoise has many medicinal properties: helps preserve youth, protects against diseases. Turquoise is especially suitable for girls under 20, as it helps them recover from heart ailments.

Sapphire is useful for Taurus in the sense that it can strengthen their memory (many Taurus cannot boast of good memory and attentiveness).

Taurus can also wear agate, opal, emerald, jade. We advise you to avoid wearing amber.

The metal of Taurus is copper, it is very similar to the character of Taurus: it is just as warm in appearance and pliable, but also not devoid of a noble shine and some splendor.

Gemini: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Metals

The colors of Gemini are purple, gray, bright yellow. Purple is a mystical, mysterious color; it suits Gemini with their variability and duality of character perfectly. Gray is the color of reasonable natures, and Gemini intellectuals are quite capable of reasoning (unless at this time they are overwhelmed by emotions). Bright yellow helps Gemini regain the joys of life if he suffers from another depression.

Gemini flowers are daisy, poppy, ranunculus, jasmine, narcissus. These flowers, which have a delicate, cheerful color, help Gemini cope with attacks of bad mood and have a good effect on their feelings. By giving a Gemini woman a bouquet of daisies, you will quite possibly interest her in you.

Gemini stones - chrysoprase, garnet, agate. Chrysoprase gives Gemini protection and patronage, smoothes out the severity life situations, which is very important for Gemini adventurers. Agate is useful for Gemini, as it has the ability to cure insomnia. Agate is also a stone sociable people, therefore it can be useful for Gemini, who often experience decline in their general well-being.

Gemini also has its own metals: gold and silver.

Cancer: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

Cancer's colors are white and blue. White and light blue give a feeling of limitlessness and are an indicator of heightened senses. Blue and silver are the colors of people who are characterized by high mental activity. All these color properties are ideal for the character of Cancer.

Flowers for Cancer are honeysuckle, water lilies, as well as jasmine (like Gemini) and all white flowers, which correspond to the vulnerability and high sensitivity of Cancer.

Cancer stones - ruby, emerald, Moonstone. Ruby is useful because it improves the mood of vulnerable Cancer, emerald protects a person from illness and strengthens memory. A Cancer wearing an emerald will never complain of forgetfulness. Moonstone has magical power, capable of protecting its owner from troubles.

The metal of Cancer is silver. It protects Cancers from life's difficulties, but at the same time sharpens their feelings.

Leo: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The colors of this zodiac sign are purple, scarlet, black, gold, orange, that is, all the brightest and rich colors, which are so suitable for the imperious and even somewhat tyrannical character of Leo.

Leo's flowers are peony, chrysanthemums, gladioli, all the most lush, royal flowers. In addition, the chrysanthemum is a symbol of valor and courage, and this is what fully characterizes the character of Leo.

Leo stones include: topaz, peridot, ruby, onyx, diamond. Topaz is needed by those Leos who are disappointed in the surrounding reality. In this case, topaz helps them cope with their problems, but wearing it too often can lead to loneliness.

The metal of Leo is gold - a symbol of wealth, which most representatives of this zodiac sign strive for.

Virgo: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Metals

The colors of Virgo - white, blue, purple, green - perfectly reflect the complexity of the character of this zodiac sign. White characterizes the neatness of Virgos. Green shows some of their straightforwardness when they do not listen to other opinions. Violet, on the other hand, involuntarily reveals one of the character traits of Virgos: it turns out that sometimes they can be prone to mysticism.

Virgo flowers - aster and red poppy. These flowers are capable of revealing the deepest secrets of Virgo's character. Astra is evidence that Virgo has secret thoughts about someone or something. Mac discovers that Virgo's character, despite all his straightforwardness and even some pedantry, is characterized by weakness.

Virgo stones are carnelian, yellow sapphire, agate, jasper, malachite, topaz, marble. Carnelian has medicinal properties. For Virgos, it will also become a means of excellent protection from troubles if set in silver. Sapphire is a symbol of modesty and fidelity. Agate has a good effect on Virgos, softening their character and at the same time giving them a sense of self-esteem.

Virgo metals are tin and copper: tin gives them a sense of security and reliability. Copper helps to gain self-confidence.

Libra: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Metals

Libra's colors are dark blue, green, aqua, pastel colors in general. And this is no coincidence, because Libra is an air sign, and each of the named colors symbolizes limitless air space.

Libra flowers are marigold, rose and violet. Marigolds can soothe the mental suffering of Libra. The rose - the queen of all flowers - symbolizes the variability of Libra's character, which sometimes turns into betrayal of feelings. The violet symbolizes that Libra often demonstrates modesty and is capable of sincere friendship.

Libra stones are opal, coral, diamond, sapphire, beryl, crystal, peridot, moonstone, green jasper, zircon.

Let's say more about some of them. Opal is a stone of hope and fidelity; it suits Libra perfectly, because they are often able to accept the most unexpected decisions based solely on your feelings. At the same time, they need hope so much, because they are very afraid of failure. Diamond can make Libra happy. Sapphire is able to discipline this zodiac sign prone to inconstancy. Zircon gives self-confidence: sometimes they lack this so much!

Libra metal is bronze. It is this alloy, if Libra wears jewelry made from it, that can give greater stability to the changeable nature of this zodiac sign.

Scorpio: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The colors of Scorpio are garnet, dark red, crimson, yellow. All shades of red, which Scorpios love so much, indicate their independence and energy. A passion for yellow is an indicator of their high sociability.

The flower of Scorpio is the carnation, symbolizing Scorpio's capacity for great romantic love.

Scorpio stones are aquamarine, carbuncle, beryl, moonstone, topaz, malachite. Beryl has special power for this zodiac sign. Its owner is protected from hatred and black envy, because the energy and ability to achieve everything, which are so characteristic of Scorpios, are envied by many.

The metals of this zodiac sign are iron, steel. They help Scorpios to act, guided not only by feelings, but also by reason, and somewhat restrain emotions.

Sagittarius: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The colors of Sagittarius are blue, cyan, violet, and crimson. All shades of blue match the even character of Sagittarius! In addition, for this zodiac sign they symbolize modesty and the ability to communicate.

Sagittarius flowers - narcissus and carnation. Narcissus corresponds to some of the narcissism of Sagittarius: those who belong to this sign love to play first fiddle. Carnation in relation to Sagittarius means a penchant for patience and methodicalness.

Stones that Sagittarius can wear are topaz, amethyst, peridot, turquoise, opal, sapphire, agate, emerald.

All the main character traits of Sagittarius are embodied in amethyst, which symbolizes sincerity, peacefulness and sincerity. Peridot perfectly strengthens mental strength, since those who belong to this sign always aim high, and this takes a lot of strength. Sapphire helps Sagittarius on their path to success.

The metal of Sagittarius is zinc, which symbolizes the vital activity of this zodiac sign.

Capricorn: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The colors of Capricorn are dark green, black, blue, ash gray, pale yellow, and all dark tones. This is often due to the fact that some Capricorns are not capable of flights of fancy. Plus, it totally fits with the fact that they love muted tones.

Capricorn's flower is a white carnation. She is known to be a symbol of fidelity, and fidelity and restraint are the main features of his character.

Stones that Capricorn can wear are ruby, onyx, garnet, moonstone, lapis lazuli.

Best on complex nature Capricorn is influenced by onyx. He is able to enhance positive traits its owner. It is believed that after Capricorn acquires onyx, he will discern in himself many positive traits. In addition, onyx is able to drive away dark thoughts and improve the health of the owner.

Capricorn's metal is lead. The fact is that a certain gloominess and quarrelsomeness of Capricorn corresponds to lead (remember that the word “lead” is used to denote gloomy and heavy things: leaden sky, leaden clouds).

Aquarius: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The colors of Aquarius: blue, white - symbolize that Aquarius belongs to the air signs. Besides, Blue colour is an indicator that in some cases Aquarius can be too balanced, traditional and even old-fashioned.

Flowers of Aquarius - violet, myrtle, narcissus. The combination of these colors shows how unexpected the behavior of Aquarius can be, because violet is a symbol of modesty, narcissus is a sign of selfishness, and myrtle confirms that Aquarius is not at all alien to the advantages of power.

Aquarius stones are garnet, zircon, lapis lazuli, opal, and amethyst. Zircon helps Aquarius gain self-confidence, although it cannot be said that the same stone can make a person too vain and proud. But the pomegranate symbolizes nobility, and by giving it to Aquarius, you will awaken the best feelings in him. The rest of the stones also have a positive effect on the character of Aquarius, and wearing them is not at all prohibited.

The Aquarius metals - silver and platinum, despite the fact that these are one of the most expensive metals, in the character of Aquarius they symbolize his tenderness and some exaltation.

Pisces: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

Pisces colors - sea green, blue, lilac, sea green, steel. All of them are reminiscent of the element of Pisces - water.

Pisces flowers - narcissus, jasmine, violet, forget-me-not. Each of these colors symbolizes one of the character traits or abilities of the fish. Narcissism indicates a tendency towards narcissism (although in fact Pisces are able to understand anyone, but they are not given the ability to know themselves). Jasmine demonstrates their sensuality. The violet shows that they are capable of long and sincere friendship, and the forget-me-not speaks of long memory and fidelity in love.

Pisces stones are coral and pearls. It is believed that coral perfectly protects its owner from “ evil spirits" and "evil look". In addition, Pisces are recommended to wear pearls. “Tears of the sea,” as it is also called, can protect Pisces from troubles. And that’s not all: pearls can be used to judge the state of Pisces’ health. If the surface of the stone becomes dull, then the health of its owner still leaves much to be desired.

Metal Pisces - silver. It testifies to the enormous vitality of this sign and its intuition, the development of which is incomparable with any other sign of the Zodiac.


Scorpio is the most complex and energetically powerful sign of the Zodiac. Therefore, for an answer to the question of which stone is suitable for Scorpios, it is best to turn to astrologers, whose advice will allow you to choose a mineral that does not upset the balance of forces and helps the sign.

Exact date of birth and choice of stone

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  • The autumn zodiac sign is most clearly represented by people born during from October 24th to November 2nd. They are ruled by the planet Mars. They are energetic and self-confident, and these qualities only increase with age. Gems for Scorpio in the first decade should be transparent and hard. Among them: amethyst, hematite, rock crystal, malachite, tiger's eye, bloody jasper, serpentine.
  • Second decade ( from 3rd to 13th November) gives the world strong, impetuous, noble and kind daredevils. The sign is under the protection and influence of the Sun. Earth amulets - turquoise, coral, sardonyx and amethyst. These lucky stones help bring out the best in your character.
  • Venus patronizes everyone born during the period from November 14th to 22nd. Passionate people with complex personalities easily fall in love and are generous in their displays of emotions. Among them there are often artistic and talented individuals. Suitable minerals for them are beryl, alexandrite, garnet, aquamarine, emerald, topaz, heliodor..

More details about stones for Scorpio in the video:

A valuable and useful gift - a talisman

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Hematites are good amulets for a passionate person. They will help you deal with your feelings and emotions and increase sexual energy. The mineral is not inferior in astral strength and firmness to the character of the sign, and therefore does not come into conflict with it. The stone concentrates forces in the right direction and helps to move forward purposefully. It will tell family people how to communicate with children and spouses. Representatives of the described zodiac sign rarely change their minds and do not perceive everything new well. Hematite will enhance the ability to think flexibly and understand other points of view.

One of the amulets for strong people- cat's eye. The gem is useful only to strong, confident and purposeful people. Lucky hand jewelry (rings, bracelets, watches) with a cat's eye will protect you from the evil eye, damage and negativity. magical influence. Scorpios are owners and jealous people; they are very concerned about the safety of their property and the integrity of their other half. The cat's eye protects against theft, robbery, deception and betrayal.

Scorpios are skeptics by nature, so they often turn a deaf ear to the clues of fate. Yellow topaz develops intuition, helps to understand prophetic dreams and signs. It is good as a talisman against outside influence and attempts to manipulate a person. A woman, with the help of topaz of any color, will preserve her youth, and a man will strengthen his intellectual abilities. It is better to set stones in metal white.

The beetle and scorpio are suitable for this zodiac sign as amulet figures, so precious stones inserted into products of this shape have special power.

Precious talismans for the beautiful Scorpio

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A woman with the sign of Scorpio is often captive of her bad mood and negative emotions. Corals will help you cope with emotions and allow you to enjoy life.. Red coral is a good talisman for health, it relieves stress and restores energy and strength. Charming representatives of the sign often find themselves in awkward situations, succumbing to surging passions. Corals cool this ardor and promote clear logical thinking, allowing you to understand what actions need to be taken.

A woman cannot boast of composure and calmness. During difficult periods of life, astrologers recommend that she wear jewelry with a serpentine. It increases the ability to analyze and facilitates informed decision-making in critical situation. The serpentine teaches you to plan and think about your actions and their consequences.

For a long time, Scorpios cannot let go of past events that have greatly excited them. Happy or not so happy memories sometimes simply poison their lives. With the help of sapphire, a woman gets rid of the burden of the past, disturbing or unnecessary thoughts. A precious talisman establishes contacts with others, makes its owner softer and more compliant, and extinguishes outbursts of anger and negative emotions.

The main talisman of all Scorpios in the Zodiac - opal - will be especially appreciated by a married woman. Opal maintains the fidelity of spouses, protects love and harmony in family relationships. With the help of opal, a jealous woman will learn to trust her loved one and drive away bad thoughts. Jewelry with opals makes its owner wiser and more prudent.

Carnelian is a wonderful love talisman. A woman who wants to attract love and happiness into her life and understand what kind of relationships she needs and how to build them can wear carnelian in a pendant or brooches. Some Scorpios are unrestrained in words and actions, so jewelry with carnelian promotes more careful control over their behavior.

Conqueror Scorpios and their stones

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A man in this zodiac sign is ambitious and a little arrogant. Stones with a rich red or black color suit him. A strong talisman for him is the red pomegranate. It brings recognition of merit, fame and fortune. Garnet will help you find a common language with loved ones and subordinates, which is very important for a harsh and categorical boss. A ring or tie clip with a garnet, worn as a talisman, protects against damage, envy and the evil eye. Bright red gem Strengthens friendships and love connections.

Ruby is a suitable talisman for a man whose Zodiac sign is Scorpio. The gem increases physical and spiritual strength, eliminates the effects of stress. For Scorpios prone to self-criticism, it is useful to wear a ruby ​​to give confidence in themselves and their decisions. Jewelry with the mineral will not allow a man to become sad or depressed. Ruby brings good luck to those who strive to conquer the peaks big business or politics.

Scorpio aggression often finds its way out in inappropriate situations. Tourmaline will help you calm down, direct negativity in the right direction and help relieve tension.. The man constantly keeps himself in good shape, not giving himself any concessions and persistently pursuing his goal. Amulets with tourmaline teach their owner to relax and enjoy the results already achieved. Suitable color stone - dark red or black. Creative individuals it helps to achieve recognition and relevance. Tourmaline can restore happy relationship in family.

Scorpios are under strong influence Neptune and Mars. Iron and steel are their metals. They are only tempered in talismans and jewelry from the restless fire of the Scorpio character.

Jewelry or surgical steel under the brand 316 L is an excellent option for Scorpio jewelry.

Like the sign itself, this metal is very hard and practically resistant to corrosion. Jewelry has a metallic cold shine, which is very attractive to Scorpios.

Scorpio's weapon passion

Those close to Scorpio may sometimes be shocked by the fact that this person is very favorable towards souvenir weapons: swords, daggers, sabers. But those who know the horoscope for Scorpio very well (for example, astrologers and psychics) are not at all surprised by this fact.

Damascus steel is the cherished dream of any Scorpio. It is its multi-layeredness and strength, and most importantly, its unique beauty that personifies the strength of Scorpio.

After hardening, steel acquires shine and hardness, which so appeal to Scorpio. Representatives of this sign are not contraindicated in aggressive forms of steel jewelry, but it is recommended to wear silver with them. The lunar energy of silver has the property of calmly absorbing negative energy. For Scorpios, silver brings peace and comfortable confidence.

In order to find out which metal is suitable for Scorpios, at any particular moment it is not enough to focus on fashion or stereotypes of society. Scorpio was created to create new laws. If Scorpio needs a boost in his career or relationships, he will choose a “weapon” in the form of steel accessories. Therefore, an elegant steel bracelet can be seen on a Scorpio woman’s wrist even in a fashionable restaurant. Men of high status may prefer an exclusive watch with a steel case even when all their colleagues wear a gold Rolex.

Mothers who have Scorpio children often notice the penetrating gaze of their still infant baby. And this is not surprising, representatives of this sign are incredibly insightful and sensitive...

Belief in amulets that bring health, happiness and good luck dates back to ancient times. Already thousands of years ago, astrologers assigned each zodiac sign its own stone. After some time, in the process of the development of science, all the months were divided into decades (three parts) and endowed with several amulets minerals.

Scorpio woman - what is she like?

The sign is quite strong and complex at the same time. Astrologers, when determining which stone is suitable for Scorpio women, rely on its ability not to upset the balance of power and at the same time provide assistance to a person.

What is the difference between women born in different decades of November?

People born in the autumn period from October 24 to November 2 are protected by the warlike planet Mars. This sign is characterized by such qualities as self-confidence, energy, determination, and leadership abilities, which extend to all areas of life and intensify with age. Therefore, a gemstone for a Scorpio woman born in the first decade must meet the criteria of hardness and transparency. Such minerals include: amethyst, hematite, black crystal, malachite, serpentine, as well as bloody jasper and tiger's eye.

From November 3 to November 13 (in the second decade), strong, noble, good-natured, impetuous and courageous people are born, since during this period they are ruled by the Sun. Such natures are able to get out of any situation with their heads held high, and they are lucky in the love sphere. In this case, the Scorpio woman’s stones bring into play her best character traits. These include turquoise, amethysts, corals and sardonyx.

The last decade of the sign is protected by Venus (from November 14th to 22nd), which has a strong feminine principle. Distinctive Features Such people are characterized by excessive passion and difficult character, generosity of emotions, amorousness, and capriciousness. As a rule, these are artistic and talented people. Here, astrologers, answering the question of which stone is suitable for Scorpio women, highlight garnets, aquamarines, alexandrites, beryls, and topazes.

Mineral amulets for Scorpio women

For the zodiac sign Scorpio, the talisman stone for women depends on the controlling character trait. For example, hematite protects people who are addicted, passionate, and amorous. The mineral will help calm feelings and emotions, strengthen and balance sexual energy. In terms of astral strength and hardness, it ideally matches the properties of the sign, due to which it does not come into conflict with it.

Hematite will indicate the right direction of activity, life and will help you move purposefully in it. The mineral will improve relationships in the family, and will also deepen thinking and understanding of other people’s points of view.

This stone also affects the mind, psyche, consciousness, memory and concentration.

Affects addiction to bad habits such as smoking, overeating, alcoholism and others.

Which stone is suitable for women with a strong character?

Strong people will use a cat's eye as a talisman, which will benefit purposeful and self-confident people. Jewelry with minerals (bracelets, rings) placed on your hand will protect you from damage and negative energy. The stone will help avoid theft, betrayal and deception.

Since the zodiac sign Scorpio is quite skeptical, a woman should choose a stone from those that develop intuition and tell her how to understand her dreams and signs. A similar mineral is yellow topaz. Its main advantage is the removal of attempts to manipulate or influence a person. In addition, it will help preserve youth. It should be remembered that yellow topaz goes well with white metal (for example, silver).

In order for the talisman stone to have special energy, it is better to insert it into amulets - this is in this case scorpion or beetle.

Jewelry talismans for the Scorpio woman

Which stone is suitable for Scorpio women who are subject to frequent mood swings, strong emotions, and are also capable of getting into awkward situations due to surging passions? The answer to this question is coral.

The red mineral is a good amulet for health, relieving stress and restoring the human energy field. Coral will cool down any ardor and promote logical thinking, making it possible to soberly assess any situations and actions.

Also, stones suitable for those Scorpios who cannot find composure and calm are serpentines.

This mineral awakens analytical thinking and will help you take action in a critical situation. correct solution. The coil is also useful for those who want to plan and think about their actions and actions.

Sapphire will help the sign to extinguish Scorpio’s rancor and calm the emotions of the sign.

This stone gets rid of the surging past, various unnecessary and negative thoughts.

The purpose of the amulet is to establish contacts with others, make a woman soft, calm and compliant, and extinguish anger and bad emotions.

Which stone will help maintain harmony in the family?

Which stone is suitable for Scorpio women to maintain a harmonious marriage and love? Opal is a similar amulet. He protects fidelity, love and harmony in family relationships. If you wear jewelry with it, it will make a woman prudent and wise, trusting her partner.

A similar love amulet is carnelian. This mineral attracts happiness and love, helps to understand what kind of relationships are needed, how to build them, and also controls human behavior.

In order to be in harmony and balance with herself, a Scorpio woman needs to purchase a moonstone. This mineral will give her mental strength, calmness, relieve stress, add tolerance and mercy.

Stones suitable for Scorpios, regardless of their date of birth, are garnet, coral and aquamarine. Aquamarine symbolizes love and mutual understanding between its owner and the person who gave the mineral. Garnet is intended for a businesswoman or executive, as it is also called the “stone of honesty.” Such an amulet gives power over people, facilitates negotiations and cooperation. If you take this stone to a business meeting, it will be a success.

For any occasion in life, the fair sex, located under the constellation Scorpio, should have from 5 to 9 different minerals in its arsenal.

Which stones will not be beneficial?

This sign does not tolerate solar precious minerals white, yellow and orange color. The only exception is topaz. The list of non-recommended stones includes: onyx, agate, aventurine, pearls.

Agate and amber only feed on the energy of Scorpio and give nothing in return. As a result, you will lose your sense of purpose, drive and perseverance. Aventurine can drag a person into the criminal world and force him to do things for material gain. Pearls make their wearer too calm and settled, extinguishes the sparks of creative talent and the desire to love, which is completely inconsistent with the nature of Scorpio.

Stones of the zodiac signs can significantly affect a person’s life, because they have both healing and magical properties. A fairly strong zodiac sign is Scorpio. A woman whose stone is chosen correctly will be happy.