How much will be the amount of maternity capital per year?

One of the main types financial assistance young families throughout recent years is the provision of maternity capital. For 2015, his payments are set at 453 thousand rubles. Termination of the program after the statutory deadline of December 31, 2016 could have a negative impact on the birth rate. Everyone who is thinking about expanding their family in the coming years hopes for an extension of the project, which, during its operation, as of mid-2015, has already included 6.3 million Russian families.

May 5, 2015 branches of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) in the regions began accepting applications for a one-time payment 20 thousand rubles under a certificate for maternity capital, approved by federal law as part of the anti-crisis government Plan to ensure sustainable economic development and social stability.

Size and indexing

In just 8 years of the program, the size of the mat. capital increased by 72%. In 2007, the amount was 250 thousand rubles, and by 2014 it increased to 429,408.5 rubles. Regular indexation of the subsidy allows it to correspond to the level of current inflation.

According to the law on the federal budget for 2015, the amount of maternity (family) capital provided for by law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”, subject to indexation by the amount 5,5% , what is RUB 453,026.0.

News and changes in 2015

The most discussed issue in 2015 is the issue of ending the maternity capital program or extending it for another 10-year period after 2016.

If the State Duma adopts a law to increase the life of the project, a number of changes are possible. These may include the following:

  • Narrowing the circle of those eligible to participate in the program (this may affect wealthy families to a greater extent).
  • Definition target groups according to the principle of need.

You can find out the main news and changes in the maternity capital program in 2015 on our website.

Use of funds

Until recently, at the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent children, mat. capital could be spent on , or on .

There is no single line or consensus on this issue. If events develop favorably and the economy stabilizes, the list of proposed directions may be expanded. Otherwise, the list will consist of a single item - improving living conditions.

The following options are under consideration:

  1. Exclusion from the list of items about mother’s education and pension.
  2. Providing high-tech medical care, treatment of seriously ill children.
  3. Issue of mat. capital in cash.
  4. Gasification of housing.
  5. Purchasing a family car.
  6. Allocation of funds for mother's education.

The government is monitoring the situation at all levels in order to make the most informed decision on this issue that would suit maximum amount citizens of the Russian Federation.

News in the regions

Parents in the Russian Federation have the opportunity to receive government support not only from the federal treasury, but also from regional budgets. Each of the federal subjects has its own possibilities and rules for using this subsidy. Over the past couple of years, several dozen regions and autonomous entities have adopted legislation to make support for motherhood and childhood more effective.

In many regions of the federation, in addition to cash subsidies, various benefits and specific assistance are provided in paying utility bills and providing school-age children with everything they need. Free (preferential) services in the field of education and medicine are also provided.

Duration of the program

At the moment, regarding the duration of the program “ Maternal capital"The following is known. According to the law, payments under this project must cease.

The government is aware of the social significance of this type of government support and is looking for opportunities to extend the program. It may be necessary to make some restrictions in the area of ​​​​direction of the use of allocated funds or in other matters. The main thing is that millions of Russian families can count on such significant and much-needed assistance. Optimistic forecasts allow us to expect the project to be extended until 2025-2027.

Girls who gave birth to another child after 2007 can apply for maternity capital. It was then that a law was passed on financial support for mothers who gave birth to a second or subsequent children. What is the amount of payments in 2015? And what should this money be spent on?

So, you were born, for example, in 2015. You are entitled to payment of maternity capital. And even if your first child is already an adult, the main thing is that the youngest one was born or adopted after January 2007 and before December 31, 2017.

It is known that it is indexed annually. What is the amount of financial assistance for families with two or more children provided for in 2015? 451,000 rubles. This is the amount planned in the budget Russian Federation.

In 2015, the financing of the maternity capital program changed: previously, funds were paid from the Fund Social Insurance, then now the money will come directly from the Federal budget, which will simplify the procedure for receiving it in the regions.

In 2016, the amount of maternity capital will already be 471,000 rubles, and in 2017 - 491,000 rubles. The state decided to stop there: the program was designed for 10 years, so after 2017 it will most likely cease. At the same time, it remains unclear whether mothers who have not managed to manage maternity capital in 10 years will be able to use it or not. So you better hurry.

In 2015, due to inflation, which was not taken into account when the budget was adopted, maternity capital actually decreased by 4% compared to last year.

Indexation (%)

Amount (rub.)

5.0% (forecast)

The amount credited to the family account does not depend on the year of birth of the child, but on the year when the family decided to exercise its right to material resources received from the state on account of maternity capital. That is, if a child was born in 2007, and the family decided to use maternity capital funds only in 2014, then the account will receive not 276,250 rubles, but 429,408.

Maternity capital can be used only three years after childbirth (or when the child reaches three years of age). And you can spend this money only for certain purposes:

  • improving the family's living conditions;
  • replenishment of the pension fund at the expense of the mother’s pension;
  • education for children.

These three areas of spending maternity capital are due to the high cost of housing and higher education. At the same time, it makes absolutely no difference which of the children the family is going to teach: the youngest or the eldest. The main thing is that maternity capital is enough to obtain higher education.

The fate of maternity capital, as a program to assist families who have decided to have or adopt a second or subsequent child, depends on an analysis of the situation with corruption in the area of ​​cashing out maternity capital funds. Some factions in the State Duma believe that it is worth simply giving cash right away without any conditions; social factions say that it is necessary to take into account the possibility of not only receiving education for children, but also treatment, including abroad, if the child cannot receive similar treatment in Russia.

But there are exceptions when you can use maternal (family) capital before reaching the agreed three-year period:

  • to repay partial or full principal debt on a loan taken out for a family to improve living conditions;
  • to pay the first installment when taking out a mortgage;
  • to pay interest to the bank from which the mortgage was taken out.

And this year, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced that families who have registered maternity capital will be able to use it ahead of schedule and even cash out exactly 20,000 rubles from it. One time.

Expert opinion

Vadim Klimov, lawyer:“We, perhaps, will keep silent about the impression this statement made on families from Moscow and other large cities, but in the provinces, villages, hamlets and even small towns this amount is - real help family. As in general, this program is not designed for Moscow, St. Petersburg or Yekaterenburg, but for those very distant places of our vast country, where for 451,000 you can buy an entire apartment of quite decent size. And live there until old age, without thinking that in Moscow salaries are higher, there are more prospects and life is generally more fun. That is, in addition to stimulating the birth rate, people from the provinces do not rush to the center, but remain where their family is. Thus, the importance of this federal program cannot be overestimated!”

In 2015, the amount of maternity capital will be revised to big side. The budget includes an increase in maternity capital by 5.5%. As a result, the amount of family capital will reach 453,026 rubles. (in 2014 it was 429,408.5 rubles.) Thus, during its operation, maternity capital increased by more than 200 thousand rubles. from 250 thousand rubles in 2007.

This is probably the last significant indexing. It is expected that in 2016-2017 it will be about 4%.

Where can you spend maternity capital in 2015?

In 2015, the areas of use of maternity capital will not change - this is improving housing conditions (repaying mortgage loans, purchasing your own housing or individual housing construction); education of children or increasing the future pension of parents.

What innovations should we expect from 2015? In the near future, deputies will consider the possibility of spending maternity capital on purchasing a car. It is assumed that this step should support domestic automakers in difficult times. Many were pleased with this news - after all, it costs 400 thousand rubles to buy an apartment. obviously not enough, but just enough. Moreover, with your own car you will always have the opportunity to earn extra money as a taxi driver.

Validity period of the maternity capital program

For now, the final deadline for receiving maternity capital is December 31, 2016. This refers to the right to receive maternity capital, and not the ability to use it. You can also spend the certificate after the beginning of 2017.

Will the maternity capital program be extended until 2026, as discussed in the government? Such a decision has not yet been made. Proponents of extending the term point to its high effectiveness, which is reflected in an increase in the birth rate. Opponents point to the need budget savings in a crisis situation, as well as the impossibility of solving the demographic problem only with financial injections.

Opinions have also been expressed that the program should be retained, but the circle of families it is aimed at should be limited. In particular, issue maternity capital only to families with incomes below the average level.

From January 1, 2015, the amount of maternity capital will be increased by almost 24,000 rubles and will amount to 453,026 rubles. Annual indexing of the amount of maternity capital gives its results, so that the estimated amount of maternity capital in 2016 will be 473,412 thousand rubles, and in 2017 - 492,348 rubles.

Since 2007, the amount of maternity capital has almost doubled. During this time, Russian Pension Fund authorities issued more than 5.6 million certificates, including in 2014, more than 730 thousand families became holders of maternity capital certificates.

Where to spend maternity capital in 2015?

The directions for using maternity capital in 2015 remain unchanged. This:

  • Improving living conditions
  • Child's education
  • Increasing the funded part of the mother’s labor pension

Statistics show that 99% of Russian families chose to use maternity capital to improve their living conditions. In particular, proposals have already been prepared to strengthen control over the use of maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions, namely: to issue maternity capital funds only to repay loans and borrowings issued by credit institutions; ensure the suitability of premises purchased using maternity capital funds for permanent residence.

You can find out more about how to get and where to spend maternity capital from the following articles:

The maternity capital program continues to operate. There were rumors among the people that the Russian treasury lacked sufficient funds to pay families who were helping Russia change better side the current demographic situation, in reality, is not confirmed. In 2015, maternity capital finds its recipients according to previous schemes. Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets in her speech even voiced the idea that women who gave birth to a child in 2017 also have the right to maternity capital.

But soon this news was called hastily announced and unfinished. Apparently, the state will limit itself for now to 2016 - the year when the law on maternity capital will cease to apply. The amount of maternity capital for 2015 remains unchanged.

Why do Russian families need maternity capital?

It should be noted that such government support for young families turned out to be very useful. After all, if during the Soviet heyday almost any family could count on freely issued square meters housing from the employer, party or from the city, then after the collapse of the Union independent purchase apartments for young people turned out to be an almost impossible task, unless, of course, there are wealthy relatives who want to pay for this living space or pass it on as an inheritance. The amount of maternity capital in 2015 is expected to increase to 450 thousand 878 rubles. The amount is large, so decide your own housing problem it became much easier.

What awaits matkapital in the near future?

Thanks to the indexation of maternity capital, which takes into account inflation, this one-time benefit has increased by about five percent over the year. Over the eight-year period of the program, the value of the certificate has almost doubled, and the conditions of the program have undergone changes several times. The coming year will not go unnoticed by legislators.

Changes in the size of maternity capital in 2015 are being discussed by all interested parties. On the one hand, families wishing to have a second or subsequent child express their wishes to extend this program to support young families. On the other hand, studies have shown that the demographic rise of the Russian Federation has nothing to do with state support and the country is pointlessly spending billions of rubles. Be that as it may, the Russian President announced that the program was designed for ten years, and it will not end early. Vladimir Putin also noted that programs to support a normal and decent life will always work for families on the verge of poverty. However, families with a good stable income may find themselves without government support at all after 2016. The economic situation in the country leaves an imprint on everything that happens inside: there are no extra funds, so the continuation of exactly the same maternity capital program most likely will not happen. The assistance will be more targeted and only low-income large families will be able to receive it.

Useful video on the topic:

The changes will probably affect the ability to pay for treatment with a certificate. Currently, maternity capital cannot be used to pay for medical care, although there are many families in Russia who need financial assistance specifically in the healthcare sector. Indeed, what kind of training or new housing can we talk about if a child is seriously ill? This issue is being carefully studied by the government, and, probably, in 2015, maternity capital can be spent on treating a seriously ill child.

It is quite possible that in the coming year 2015, the opportunities to spend maternity capital on buying a car will be expanded in other areas; now only five regions of Russia can take advantage of this right.

Also, most likely, next year the opportunity to save maternity capital for the mother’s pension will disappear, since a tiny proportion of mothers have chosen this option to use their certificate.

Many families plan to receive maternity capital in 2015. But it is important to remember the basic rules for receiving maternity capital: the family receives capital for the second and subsequent child, the baby and his mother must be citizens of the Russian Federation, and it can only be spent on purposes specified by law and it is impossible to cash it out.

The amount of maternity capital is reviewed every year, taking into account the growth rate of inflation and is established by the law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year.