How much will the maternity capital be?

This year threatens to become quite difficult for the entire economy of our country, however, pessimistic forecasts regarding the maternity capital program in 2015 are completely unjustified. Despite the fact that social expenses are a fairly significant part of the country’s budget, maternity capital in 2015 will not go anywhere, since the program is enshrined in law until December 31, 2016.

Regarding the future fate of this demographic project, you can read in the article “Maternity capital: until what year is the program designed?”, however, we can say that the situation is ambivalent. And although the majority of the top officials of the state consider the extension of maternity capital until 2025 to be necessary for a normal increase in the birth rate in Russia, the crisis relations of our homeland with the whole world dictate a policy of saving budget funds. However, judging by information from the media, families in which two or more children are born will also be financially encouraged by the state, however, perhaps in a slightly different form. However, there are at least two more years before this issue is resolved, which means it’s worth clarifying what maternity capital has in store for us in the near future.

Expected amount of maternity capital in 2015

Maxim Topilin, who heads the Ministry of Labor, officially stated back in 2014 that it is planned to increase the amount of maternity capital by 2015 to approximately 490,000 rubles. However, an analysis of previous indexations in 2013 and 2014 assumed an average increase in the amount of benefits by 5% each year, which led to the conclusion that maternity capital in 2015 would be close to the figure of 450,878 rubles.

Currently, in 2015, maternity capital is equal to 453,026 rubles, and next year, 2016, it is planned to increase it to 473,412 rubles.

Receiving 20,000 rubles in cash from maternity capital funds

At a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation dedicated to the development of a number of anti-crisis measures and held on January 22, 2015, a bill was approved on the possibility of parents receiving 20,000 rubles from maternity capital funds. The family can spend this money at their own discretion, since this entire amount can be received in cash by submitting an application and the necessary documentation to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

This is precisely the statement made by the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security Sergey Velmyaykin. This forced measure to support families was already carried out during the previous crisis, in 2009 and 2010, offering parents to receive about 12,000 rubles, and the Government of the Russian Federation, in the context of a growing economic crisis, decided to support this bill, designed to help families in the difficult economic conditions of this year. In the meantime, the law is under development and will be fully announced in early February.

Changes in the direction of targeted spending of maternity capital funds

At the same meeting, it was proposed to remove MFOs (microfinance organizations) from working with maternity capital funds, and this project also received approval. This bill is in the process of being developed, but its approval is associated with the increase in fraudulent schemes for cashing out maternity capital funds carried out specifically through microfinance organizations.

No matter how much we would like to please our fellow citizens with good news, maternity capital in 2015 can only be spent on the same three purposes as in previous years: housing, education for children and the funded part of the mother’s pension.

However, it’s nice that “reliable” parents will be able to spend money on housing without waiting for execution youngest child three years. It is also worth adding that the targeted spending of maternity capital on education includes not only paying for a university, but also studying at a music or art school, at a technical school, or even paying for receipts for a private kindergarten.

In addition, when considering maternity capital in 2015, it should be remembered that this year’s agenda includes a discussion of bills to expand the targeted use of certificate funds. It is planned to discuss the possibility of paying for the treatment of children with benefits and the possibility of paying for the education of both parents from the amount of maternity capital.

Maternity capital has also been introduced in Crimea since 2015

Starting from the first day of 2015, Crimea, which is part of Russia, will also be connected to the state program to support families with two or more children.

Sergey Aksenov, who holds the post of acting Republic of Crimea, stated that, in accordance with the wishes of Russian President V.V. Putin, maternity capital in 2015 will be issued to residents of Crimea on the same basis as to residents of other regions of our country. Moreover, this will apply not only to those women who give birth to a child after 2015, but also to those families who acquired a second child earlier, within the validity period of this state program. So there is good news that awaits maternity capital 2015.

Closer to the new year, we will be happy to inform you of reliable facts regarding the size and intended use of maternity capital in 2015. Stay tuned!

Difficult conditions and realities of life threaten the existence of large families whose income is below a certain level. In this regard, a program was created called “ Maternal capital", implemented since 2007.

The need for the program is dictated by the fact that the birth rate in last years was steadily declining, so the state offered support to the matter.

Will maternity capital be abolished in 2015?

There are rumors that maternity capital may be canceled in 2015. According to official data, this program is designed for 10 years, so the final year will be 2016, which means there is no talk of any cancellation in 2015.

If a certificate for state aid was received before 2016, but it was not used, it will not be invalidated, since current legislature no time restrictions were imposed.

The amount of maternity capital in 2015

Maternity capital is social assistance that is provided by the state in the form of a certificate. Every year, the amount of assistance is indexed and increased, but a previously received document cannot be replaced. A mother can receive a certificate from the Pension Fund within 3 years from the birth of her baby by submitting an application. The amount indicated in the certificate is not taxed, the assistance is allocated specifically to the parents, and not to the child, so they have the right to decide where to send the funds received.

Over 8 years of implementation, a picture of the indexation level was compiled:


Amount of payments, rubles

Indexation, %

In 2015, indexation will remain at the level of 5%; the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to close the program did not receive support.

For 2015-2017, maternity capital payments were included in the federal budget in full.

According to the Federal Budget Law, in 2015 the amount of maternity capital will be 453,026 rubles, the amount of payments has increased by 23,617 rubles.

Indexation in smaller volumes is planned for 2016 and 2017: 4.5 and 4.3 percent, respectively.

What can you spend maternity capital on?

We would like to remind you that government assistance is given to families with two or more children. The following have the right to receive a maternal certificate: a woman who gave birth to or adopted 2 or more children since 2007, a father who, after the death of his wife or deprivation of her rights, became the guardian of 2 or more minor children, minor children who have lost their only adoptive parent or parent.

In order to receive maternity capital, you need to write an application to the Pension Fund, providing a Russian passport, a child’s birth certificate or an adoption certificate. In other cases, they may require documents confirming the death of a wife or parents, or the deprivation of a woman’s parental rights.

Cash in hand using the certificate is still not issued; only non-cash payments are possible. How to use the certificate?

  • Improve living conditions. After the child is 3 years old, living conditions can be improved. An exception is the repayment of debt on a mortgage or loan;
  • Teaching children. The entire amount or part of it can be spent on children's education. All funds must be spent before the child turns 23;
  • Pension. Saving for your mother or father's retirement is another option for using your finances.

Loans secured by maternity capital are not issued; according to experts, its purchasing power is gradually decreasing, so laws need to be revised. In particular, the possibility of purchasing vehicle, development of family business, treatment of children, but for now final decision was not accepted.

After January 1, 2017, certificates will be issued only to families whose incomes are below the subsistence level in order to improve their severe financial situation. After 2015, the amount of maternity capital is not yet known.

In 2015, the Maternity Capital program will still be available to all those who are expecting the birth (adoption) of a child in the near future, or are already taking care of a new baby in the family, and read about the changes in 2015 at the bottom of the article.

Family (or maternal) capital (MC) refers to cash payments from the federal budget aimed at helping families with the birth of a second child, as well as subsequent children. State support is confirmed by the one-time issuance of a certificate for the right to use maternity capital, providing the opportunity to spend on it after three years from the date of application.

When issuing a certificate, the following conditions are met:

  • the child born is the second in the family or subsequent;
  • Previously, the family did not use the right to additional benefits and measures to improve living conditions, receive educational services, or increase the retirement age (256-FZ Article 3 Part 1);
  • the mother and the born child must have Russian citizenship;
  • the child’s parents must not have criminal convictions for crimes committed against children;
  • parents should not be deprived of rights in relation to their children;
  • the child must be at least a week after birth at the time of applying for a certificate.

State support is provided to women and men for their own and adopted children (in accordance with Article 3, Part 1 of the 256-FZ), as well as to male adoptive parents (including those who do not have Russian citizenship).

Families where twins and triplets were born can receive a certificate, but women will not be provided with maternity capital for their husband’s adopted children. Pay income tax on benefits received individuals not necessary, and the source of funding for the program does not matter.

What changes await the program in 2014?

Since 2007, the program has undergone almost no changes, and all conditions regarding receiving and spending payments have remained the same. In the future, the State Duma plans to make adjustments to the document regarding the improvement of housing conditions, and is also considering a bill to expand the possibilities for using benefits received under the Maternity Capital project. It's about about use Money for the purchase of land plots, major repairs of existing housing, and also as payment for expensive treatment without a three-year waiting period.

At the moment, a family that has received family capital has the opportunity to use it only after the expiration of the three-year period established by law. An exception is the repayment of a housing loan that was issued before receiving the certificate.

The new bill includes the concept of “reliable parents”, who will receive maternity capital immediately after the birth (adoption) of a child. The degree of trustworthiness will be determined by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

The draft law, which dealt with payments of family capital for the birth of the first child, was rejected. The State Duma justified this by the fact that such expenses were not included in the state budget.

Another proposed innovation is the creation of a special account with interest accrued to the owner of the MK certificate. It will not be possible to immediately withdraw capital from such an account, but you can use the accumulated interest.

According to the current terms of the program, funds can only be spent on children’s education. The new bill of 2014 considers the possibility of spending capital on the education of parents, as well as on the treatment of children.

What will not change in the program?

The following conditions will not be affected by the changes:

  • the amount of family capital can be spent in the previously indicated areas: to improve the family’s living conditions by purchasing residential real estate, construction, repairs and reconstruction with an increase in living space, educating children, or forming a funded part of a pension;
  • subjects who have the right to receive a certificate will remain the same: women who gave birth (adopted) a second child and subsequent children, male adoptive parents of a second (subsequent) child, as well as the child himself, if his parents (adoptive parents) are deprived of the right to receive a family certificate capital;
  • The requirements for Russian citizenship and the timing of registration of MK after the birth (adoption) of children will remain the same.

Maternity capital amount

At the start of the program (since 2007), the total amount of payments was 250 thousand rubles. It is quite logical that the amount of maternity capital is indexed annually. However, the amount of assistance is quite impressive, if you take into account maternity payments, the amount of which in 2012 amounted to 168.4 thousand rubles.

The data below demonstrates the dynamics of indicators of the size of maternity capital by year, as well as the calculated coefficient:

  • 2007: capital amount - 250 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 6 256-FZ dated December 22, 2006), coefficient – ​​1;
  • 2008: capital amount - 276.25 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 11 198-FZ of July 24, 2007), coefficient - 1.105;
  • 2009: capital amount - 312,162 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 11 204-FZ of November 24, 2008), coefficient - 1.13;
  • 2010: capital amount – 343.379 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 10 308-FZ of December 2, 2009), coefficient - 1.1;
  • 2011: capital amount - 365,698 thousand rubles. (241-FZ dated July 28, 2010), coefficient - 1.065;
  • 2012: capital amount - 387,640 thousand rubles. (No. 371-FZ dated November 30, 2011), coefficient - 1.06;
  • 2013: capital amount - 408,961 thousand rubles. (Clause 2 of Article 10 N 216-FZ dated December 3, 2012), coefficient - 1.055;
  • 2014: capital amount - 429,408 thousand rubles. (Article 9 No. 349-FZ dated December 2, 2013), coefficient - 1.05;
  • 2015: capital amount 450.878 thousand rubles., coefficient - 1.05

If the amount of family capital changes, replacement of a previously issued certificate is not required.

How to get maternity capital

To draw up a document to receive maternity capital, you must submit an application to the regional office of the Pension Fund at the place of registration (permanent or temporary) of the parents, or actual place of residence.

The application must be accompanied by the passport of one of the parents (recipient) and the child’s birth certificate. Fund employees check documents and make copies of them.

Deadlines for submission and receipt

The law does not limit the period for applying to the Pension Fund, and you can apply for a certificate at any time. Consideration and decision-making on the issuance of maternity capital takes place within 30 days.

It is possible to send an application by mail, attaching copies of the required documents, and the signatures on them must be certified by a notary.

If the certificate is lost, it is possible to obtain a duplicate, which is issued by the territorial body of the Pension Fund.

How to use

Since the funds received under the Maternity Capital program are provided to the entire family, they can be spent on the needs of any of its members.

MK is not issued in cash, but funds can be used for the following needs:

  • build or purchase housing, apartment;
  • pay for your child's education at any educational institution Russian Federation (up to 25 years of age);
  • allocated to increase the funded part of the pension.

One of the most attractive options for using government assistance is to improve housing conditions. Investment of benefits in education or pensions, after three years - less interesting way for most families. Many banks are ready to provide loans secured by maternity capital, since in this case the solvency of the borrower is guaranteed. MK funds can be partially spent on various needs, and the balance that has not been spent is subject to annual indexation.

Maternity capital cannot be used for:

  • purchase of plots of land;
  • carrying out repair work, purchase of building materials;
  • repayment of targeted loans spent on the purchase of a car and household appliances;
  • repayment of debts on utility bills;
  • medical care and treatment.

Sale and cashing out of maternity capital

Cashing out the certificate is not permitted by law, and maternity capital is not issued in cash. However, quite often there are advertisements providing the service of purchasing MK. In most cases, it is proposed to carry out fictitious transactions with the purchase of real estate, where one of the parties to the contract is a relative or acquaintance of the family.

But in any case, all transactions for cashing out maternity capital are considered fraud, and participants in the purchase and sale may be held accountable.

Use family capital to pay off mortgage loan possible almost immediately after receiving the certificate. However, in this case you should be careful: intermediaries may offer a suspiciously small percentage and the most short time return MK.

At the same time, the scheme is very doubtful, since you can be left without housing and without money. Contacting law enforcement agencies means admitting to committing fraudulent acts. It is better to avoid such offers from dubious companies altogether, as the risk of losing everything is great.

Validity period of the Maternity Capital program

The government has designated the duration of the program, which began in 2007, and its completion date is expected to be December 31, 2016. These conditions are stipulated in the law on MK.

After the end of its validity, this form of state assistance will not exhaust itself, but can be modified and directed to the regions where families with disabilities live. low level prosperity and need government support.


Maternity capital in 2015

In 2015, the program for using maternity capital was revised. Now part of the targeted assistance to large families can be cashed out. This opportunity was adopted to support households with several children during periods of economic instability.

In times of crisis, mothers entitled to receive family capital can receive 20 thousand rubles in their hands. They can use these funds for any needs of the family.

Reference! In 2009-2010 this possibility has already been practiced. Then the state gave out 10 thousand rubles. S. Velmyakin, Deputy Minister of Labor, noted that almost everyone took advantage of the vested right during that period.

The government has passed a bill protecting targeted funds from fraudulent cash withdrawal. Since 2015, microfinance organizations have not been allowed to participate in the project, and the criteria for credit cooperatives have also been tightened. Recipients of maternity capital who previously entered into an agreement with microfinance organizations will not be affected by the changes.

This year, targeted targeted support for large families will amount to 453 thousand rubles. The project runs until the end of December 2016. His further fate is not known.

From January 1, 2015, the amount of maternity capital will be increased by almost 24,000 rubles and will amount to 453,026 rubles. Annual indexing of the amount of maternity capital gives its results, so that the estimated amount of maternity capital in 2016 will be 473,412 thousand rubles, and in 2017 - 492,348 rubles.

Since 2007, the amount of maternity capital has almost doubled. During this time, Russian Pension Fund authorities issued more than 5.6 million certificates, including in 2014, more than 730 thousand families became holders of maternity capital certificates.

Where to spend maternity capital in 2015?

The directions for using maternity capital in 2015 remain unchanged. This:

  • Improving living conditions
  • Child's education
  • Increasing the funded part of the mother’s labor pension

Statistics show that 99% of Russian families chose to use maternity capital to improve their living conditions. In particular, proposals have already been prepared to strengthen control over the use of maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions, namely: to issue maternity capital funds only to repay loans and borrowings issued by credit institutions; ensure the suitability of premises purchased using maternity capital funds for permanent residence.

You can find out more about how to get and where to spend maternity capital from the following articles:

The federal law on providing additional measures of state support to families with children came into force in 2007. The procedure for submitting an application for a certificate for MK is approved by Government Decree No. 873 of December 30, 2006.

These regulatory and legal acts provide the right to receive MK to families in which, starting from 2007, a second child was born.

What do you need to know about maternity capital?

The right to receive a certificate is granted 1 time;

Maternity capital is subject to annual indexation by the state;

Changing its amount does not entail the need to replace the certificate;

The time limit for applying to the Pension Fund for the issuance of a state certificate for family (maternity) capital after the birth of a second child is not limited;

An application regarding the disposal of capital funds (or part of them) is submitted at any time from the moment the child turns three years old. And in the case of repaying the principal amount of the debt or paying interest on loans and credits, in particular mortgages, for the purchase or construction of housing, the certificate funds can be used until the second child reaches the age of three;

MK is exempt from paying personal income tax;

The certificate is provided not to the child, but to his parents and the whole family. Accordingly, the implementation of these funds can only be carried out based on all the interests of the family;

The certificate is valid only upon presentation of an identification document. Its effect terminates with the death of the owner or loss of his rights to receive additional government support measures. If the certificate is lost, it is possible to obtain a duplicate from the Pension Fund;

To obtain a certificate, you must contact the Pension Fund at your place of residence or place of registration;

Application for issuance of a certificate, as well as Required documents, perhaps submit to the Pension Fund by a proxy or send by mail.

Who has the right to receive family (maternity) capital?

A woman with Russian citizenship who has given birth to (adopted) a second or subsequent child since 2007;

A man with Russian citizenship is the sole adoptive parent of a second child, if legally judgment entered into adoption starting in 2007;

The child’s father or his adoptive parent, regardless of the presence or absence of Russian citizenship, in the event of loss of the right to receive additional state registration. measures of support for a woman who has adopted or given birth to children, for example, due to death, deprivation of parental rights in relation to a child, or a deliberate crime committed against the child (children);

A child (children) who has not reached the age of majority or a child undergoing full-time education until he reaches 23 years of age, in the event of termination of the rights to receive additional measures of state support of the father or mother - the only parent or adoptive parent of the child in cases provided for by law.

What is the amount of maternity capital

The amount of maternity (family) capital is reviewed annually taking into account the growth rate of inflation and is established by the Federal Law on the Federal Budget for the corresponding financial year. In 2011, this amount was 365,698 rubles, in 2012 – 384,640 rubles. The amount of maternity capital in 2015 will be 453,026 rubles.

How can you manage maternal (family) capital?

Persons who have received the certificate can manage maternity (family) capital funds in full or in parts, in the following areas:

  1. Improving living conditions.
  2. Obtaining an education for the child(ren).
  3. Formation of the funded part of the mother’s labor pension.
  4. Since 2011, maternity capital can be spent on the construction and reconstruction of a private residential building for the child’s family. Moreover, if a family built a house no earlier than 2007, then in this case, part of the costs can be compensated by maternity capital.

How can you use maternity capital to improve your living conditions?

1. Since August last year, the law has allowed to pay for individual construction and reconstruction at the expense of maternity capital funds without the involvement of a contractor.

2. Funds or part of the funds of maternity (family) capital can be used to pay off obligations in credit institutions, if these obligations arose in connection with the purchase of new housing.

3. Residential premises purchased using funds (part of funds) of maternal capital must be located on the territory Russian Federation.

4. Residential premises acquired using funds or part of maternity capital funds are registered as the common property of parents, children and other family members living together, with the size of shares determined by agreement.

5. If a borrower is provided with a loan, including a mortgage, for the purchase or construction of housing, funds (or part of the funds) of maternity capital may be used to pay down payment upon receipt of a loan, as well as repayment of the principal debt and payment of interest on loans taken before January 1, 2011.

6. Since 2011, you can use maternity capital to repay a loan to purchase a home without waiting for the child to turn 3 years old.