Continuous blowing separator "SNP". Why are separators needed in boiler rooms? Schemes and drawings of boiler purging

graduate work

2.7 Design and principle of operation of the separator continuous blowing

To use the heat of the blowdown water for deaeration, separators for continuous blowdown from the boilers are installed in the boiler area control room.

The separator consists of a housing, a volute, a plate-type droplet eliminator, a blow-off water outlet regulator, a separated steam outlet, an outlet to a safety valve, a water meter glass, and drainage outlet pipelines.

The principle of operation of the separator is based on the release of steam and condensate from the blowing emulsion removed from boilers with continuous blowing, due to a sharp change (increase) in the volume in the expander (separator body) and, accordingly, a drop in the pressure of the supplied blowing medium to the pressure in the expander.

Blowdown water with a pressure equal to the steam pressure in the drum of the recovery boiler is supplied to the blowdown water inlet of the separator through a common blowdown water collector. Due to the tangential location of the purge water inlet, the flow acquires a rotational motion, due to which the steam-water emulsion is intensively divided into steam and water, having different densities, at the opposite walls of the separator volute. Passing through the gap in the cochlea, the flow enters inner space separator housing (expander). Due to a sharp change in volume, the pressure of the supplied water drops and boiling of superheated water occurs.

The steam separated in the volute and the steam released when the liquid boils enters the upper steam part of the separator, passes through a droplet eliminator, where it is freed from water particles captured by the steam flow and then goes through a pipeline to the deaeration column. Water enters bottom part separator, where a normal water level is maintained using a float regulator (a level that fluctuates in the middle part is considered normal water indicator glass). Excess water is removed to the sewer.

If necessary (if the level regulator malfunctions, the water level in the separator increases above the permissible level, etc.), water can be removed through the drainage in the lower part of the separator.

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The continuous blowdown separator is designed to separate the steam-water mixture formed from the blowdown medium of steam generators when its pressure is reduced from intra-boiler pressure to the pressure in the separator into steam and water and is installed in continuous blowdown circuits.

Technical characteristics of continuous blowing separators

Designation Capacity, m³ Working pressure, MPa Temperature, °C Steam capacity, t/h Steam-water mixture consumption, t/h
0,15 0,06 113 1 7
0,28 0,7 170 0,7 3,5
0,7 0,7 170 2,75 13,75
1,4 0,7 170 5,26 26,3

Inclusion of separators in a steam boiler house circuit

1 - Steam boiler; 2 — separator (expander) for periodic purging; 3 — separator (expander) of continuous blowing; 4 - water heat exchanger; 5 — tank; 6 — chemical water treatment filters; 7 — atmospheric deaerator; 8 — steam-water heat exchanger; 9 — condensate expander (separator); 10 — condensate tank; 11 — raw water supply

Design and principle of operation of a continuous blowing separator

The separator is a vertical cylindrical vessel welded structure and consists of a body with a lower elliptical bottom welded to it; The upper elliptical bottom is connected to the body using a flange connector.

In the middle part of the body, 2 or 4 supports are welded for installing the separator in a suspended state on support beams.

In the lower part of the body there is a receiving device, consisting of two concentrically installed shells and two tangentially welded pipes into the body, designed for receiving tangentially supplied purge water.

In the upper part of the housing, a separating device is bolted to the ring, consisting of a set of specially bent blades and designed for separating small drops of water from steam.

A constant level of separated water is automatically maintained by a float level regulator built into the DN 150 fitting in the lower part of the housing.

For visual monitoring of the level of separated water, the separator is equipped water indicating device, consisting of a water indicator glass and valve-type taps.

To monitor the working pressure in the steam space of the separator (for separators DN 450; 600; 800), there is a pressure gauge indicating a measurement limit of up to 1.6 MPa (16 kgf/cm2) with a 3-way purge valve and a drain valve.

Lifting lugs are welded to the separator on the upper bottom for transportation in vertical and horizontal positions.

Cutting off steam pressure in the housing above the permissible level (7.5 kgf/cm2) is ensured by a full-lift flanged safety valve DN 50 Ru 16 kgf/cm2, equipped with a replaceable spring type I, operating at a pressure in the range of 7-13 kgf/cm2. Valve operation is adjusted to a pressure of 7.5 kgf/cm2. Top part The valve is closed by a cap, which contains an adjusting screw for setting the spring to a given pressure.

After adjustment, the adjusting screw is locked with a nut, closed with a cap and sealed. There is no safety valve in the DN 300 separator (working pressure 0.06 MPa).

The work of the separator is in receiving the steam-water mixture from the boiler, dividing it into steam and water due to expansion and rotational movement of the flow in the receiving device of the separator. A precipitation operation takes place in the receiving device. The steam is finally dried in a separating device.

Buy a continuous blowing separator
To purchase a separator, please contact the contacts listed at the top of the page.

Russian Federation Directive from the USSR Ministry of Energy

OST 108.838.11-81 Continuous blowing separator DN 300. Technical specifications (with Amendments No. 1, 2)

  • It is referred to
  • set bookmark

    set bookmark

    OST 108.838.11-81

    Group E21




    Valid from 09/01/81
    until 01/01/92
    * Changed edition, Rev. N 2.
    ** Validity period removed
    by letter from Roskommash dated 02.15.94 N 1/28-332. -
    Database manufacturer's note.

    APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the order of the Ministry of Energy Engineering dated 05.08.81 N YUK-002/6143

    Executor - NPO TsKTI:

    A.M.Osipov, T.N.Primakina, E.S.Gavrikova

    AGREED with the Chief technical management for the operation of power systems of the Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR

    V.I. Gorin

    Central Committee of the Trade Union of Power Plant and Electrical Industry Workers of the USSR


    INSTEAD OST 24.838.11-72


    1.1. Separator design and its main connecting dimensions must correspond to those indicated in Figure 1. A description of the design and principle of operation of the separator is given in help app 1. When constructing a pipeline that removes steam from the separator (DN 80) to the deaerator, welded installation no flange required. The design of the level regulator can be changed by the manufacturer.

    * Drawing 1. Amended edition, Rev. N 2.

    1.2. The thickness of the body walls, bottoms and pipes is determined by calculation according to OST 108.031.02-75*.


    1.3. The parameters of the separator when connected to a deaerator with a pressure of 0.02 MPa (0.2 kgf/cm) must correspond to those indicated in Table 1.

    Table 1

    1.4. Separators with a working pressure of 0.061 MPa (0.6 kgf/cm) are intended for installation in circuits in which there is no shut-off valve on the steam line between the separator and the deaerator.

    1.5. The operating pressure in the separator is set depending on the pressure in the deaerator and the magnitude of the total loss of resistance of the steam outlet pipeline.

    1.6. The maximum permissible flow rate of purge water (t/h) directed to the separator is calculated using the formula

    Where is the maximum permissible steam consumption, t/h;

    Specific energy (enthalpy) of blowing water before throttling, J/kg;

    Specific energy (enthalpy) of water and steam in the separator, J/kg.

    The results of calculating the maximum permissible flow rate of blowdown water for the most common pressures in the boiler drum and separator are given in Table 2.

    table 2

    * In the territory Russian Federation the document is not valid. GOST 3619-89 is valid, hereinafter in the text

    1.7. The water level in the separator must be within the water level indicator.

    1.8. The humidity of the steam at the outlet of the separator should not exceed 0.5% over the entire load range with the salt content of the blowdown water not exceeding that specified for this type of boiler.

    1.9. The connection diagram of the separator to the supply pipeline is shown in Figure 3.

    1 - introduction of continuous boiler blowdown; 2 - pipeline high pressure; 3 - boiler purge control unit; 4 - limit washer; 5 - separator shut-off valves; 6 - supply pipeline low pressure; 7 - separator inlet pipe

    The supply pipeline must be made of pipes with a diameter equal to the diameter separator pipe, and have a straight horizontal section at least 1.5 m long.


    2.1. Separators with a specified maximum operating pressure, for which the "Rules for Design and safe operation vessels operating under pressure"*, approved by the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision, do not apply, must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and according to the drawings approved in in the prescribed manner. When supplied for export, they must also comply with the requirements of OST 108.001.102-76** and the purchase order, and for delivery to countries with a tropical climate - the requirements of GOST 15151-69. Welded connections must be made in accordance with GOST 5264-80, GOST 8713-79 and GOST 16037-80 and the requirements of working drawings. Marking of weld seams of separators is carried out according to the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

    * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Valid PB 03-576-03 ;

    ** The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. - Database manufacturer's note.

    2.2. The separator body must be made of a pipe with an outer diameter of 325 mm, and the supply pipe with a flattened section must be made of a pipe with an outer diameter of 159 mm, in accordance with GOST 8732-78 and supplied according to group A GOST 8731-74.

    2.3. The separator bottoms can be made elliptical or flat.

    2.4. The transition from the flattened section of the supply pipe to the cylindrical one should be smooth without tears or cracks. Corrugations and dents on the outer surface of the supply pipe resulting from flattening should not exceed 2 mm.

    2.5. Installation of the flattened inlet pipe on the separator must be done tangentially to its inner cylindrical surface. Insertion of the flattened end of the fitting into the body at the mating point is allowed no more than 3 mm, and undercutting is not allowed (according to the control mark on the fitting).

    2.6. Separators are supplied by the manufacturer without a safety valve and pressure gauge. When placing shut-off valves on the steam outlet pipe from the separator, it is necessary to install a safety valve and a pressure gauge on it. The latter are supplied by the manufacturer upon a special request from the customer and installed by the installation organization.

    2.7. System automatic regulation can be performed using electrical, hydraulic and other automatic means.

    2.8. The outer surfaces of the separator must be painted with BT-577 varnish in accordance with GOST 5631-79 in two layers on surfaces previously prepared for painting. Paint and varnish coatings for separators for export must be produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.401-79*, GOST 9.402-80**, OST 108.982.101-83*** and technical documentation valid at the manufacturer. Groups of operating conditions for paint and varnish coatings of separators for intra-Union supplies U4, HL4, for export supplies - U4, TZ in accordance with GOST 9.104-79. Appearance painted surfaces must comply with coating class VI according to GOST 9.032-74, and when supplied for export - class V."

    * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 9.401-91 is valid, hereinafter in the text;

    ** The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Valid GOST 9.402-2004 ;

    *** The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. RD 24.982.101-89 is valid. The document is not provided. For additional information, please follow the link, here and further in the text; - Database manufacturer's note.

    2.9. The established trouble-free operating time is 10,000 hours. The full established service life before write-off is 30 years. Specified service life between major repairs- 4 years. Maintainability indicators according to OST 24.030.46-74.

    2.10. Manufacturing a separator for various climatic regions must be produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15150-69: separator category - 3, placement category for the main model - U, for the Far North - HL, for the tropics - T.

    2.11. Separators must have patent clearance in relation to consumer countries.

    2.11*. OKP codes for DN 300 separators are given in Table 3.

    *Numbering corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

    Table 3

    Continuous blowing separator DN 300

    DN 300, exp. Spanish

    DN 300, trail. Spanish


    3.1. When manufacturing purge separators, the requirements of GOST 12.1.003-83 and GOST 12.2.003-74* must be observed.


    * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 12.2.003-91 is in force. - Database manufacturer's note.

    3.2. Installation of the separator on the supporting structure must prevent it from hanging on the inlet and outlet pipelines.

    3.3. External surfaces of the separator after production installation work must be isolated. The insulation surface must have a temperature of no more than +45 °C.

    3.4. If it is necessary to install a pressure gauge on the separator, it must be installed so that its readings are clearly visible service personnel. A red line must be placed on the dial of the pressure gauge through the scale division corresponding to the operating pressure, or it must be strengthened on the outside of the pressure gauge metal plate, painted red.

    3.5. If it is necessary to install a safety valve, it must be selected so that a pressure cannot develop in the vessel that exceeds the operating pressure by more than 15%.

    The safety valve must have protective cover or a cap that eliminates the possibility of arbitrarily increasing the valve load. To check its serviceability by purging, the safety valve must be equipped with a device for forced opening of the valve during operation of the separator.

    The working fluid leaving the safety valve must be diverted to a safe place.

    3.6. The water level indicator must be well illuminated with a lamp of at least 50 lux and have a device for blowing the water level indicator glass. In level indicator locking devices in accordance with GOST 9652-68*, the union nuts must be made with a cylindrical protrusion for fastening the safety mesh.

    * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. TU 26-07-418-87, which is the author’s development, is in effect. For more information please follow the link. - Database manufacturer's note.

    3.7. The water level regulator must have a handle installed outside the housing to open or close the regulator spool if a malfunction is detected in its operation.

    3.8. The sound level at workplaces near the separator should be no more than 85 dBA.


    4.1. The manufacturer's delivery set includes:


    level indicator;

    level regulator;

    pressure gauge and safety valve, if their installation is required;

    shut-off drain valve;

    passport with installation and operating instructions;

    a set of technical and shipping documentation.

    4.2. When delivering separators for export, the number of copies of shipping documentation is determined by the purchase order and drawn up in the language specified in the purchase order. Documentation must be completed and distributed in accordance with the “Regulations on the procedure for compiling, processing and distributing technical and shipping documentation for goods supplied for export.”


    5.1. The separator must be accepted technical control manufacturer, if there is a completed acceptance certificate for the separator and a stamp is applied to a specially cleaned area outlined with light paint.

    5.2. During acceptance control, a technical inspection, checking for the absence of foreign objects, hydraulic tests for strength and density, correct preservation, painting, marking, and documentation are carried out.

    5.3. The pressure value during hydraulic testing is selected in accordance with the Rules of the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision and is indicated in technical project. Changes in pressure, leaks, drips are not allowed. The holding time during hydraulic testing is selected in accordance with the Rules of the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision.

    5.4. The rules for accepting separators for export deliveries must comply with the requirements of OST 108.001.102-76.

    5.5. The separator must undergo the following types of tests:



    5.6. Each separator must undergo acceptance tests. Acceptance tests are carried out at the manufacturer and at the installation site of the separator (at thermal power plants) according to the program and methodology developed by the manufacturer.

    5.7. Separators that have passed acceptance tests are subjected to periodic testing. Periodic tests are carried out before certification of the separator to monitor reliability indicators according to the program and methodology agreed with the customer. One separator is subjected to periodic testing once every 3 years.

    5.8. The separator mass must be checked periodically at least once a year.

    5.5-5.8. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).


    6.1. Checking the compliance of separator parts with the drawings is carried out by visual and measuring control.

    6.2. Quality control of welds should be carried out using the following methods:

    visual and measuring control according to GOST 3242-79;

    hydraulic testing for strength and density or other methods specified in the working drawings.

    6.3. Hydraulic tests of separators must be carried out on the manufacturer's test bench according to the programs and methods of hydraulic tests. After hydraulic testing, water removal must be ensured by opening the drain valve.

    6.4. Defects identified as a result of hydraulic tests are subject to correction and elimination, after which the separator is subjected to repeated hydraulic testing or the corrected sections of the separator are subject to control according to clause 6.2.

    6.5. Checking for the absence of foreign objects, correct preservation, marking, and painting is carried out by visual inspection.

    6.6. Monitoring of the established trouble-free operating time for compliance with clause 2.9 is carried out by processing the results of separator operation.

    6.7. The separator mass is controlled on scales of normal accuracy class in accordance with GOST 23676-79*.

    * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Valid GOST R 53228-2008. - Database manufacturer's note.

    6.8. The humidity of the steam at the outlet of the separator is determined during testing as the ratio of the salt content of the sample taken of the steam at the outlet of the separator to the salt content of the separated water.

    6.9. During acceptance tests, the separator's compliance with the requirements of clauses 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.10, 2.11 is checked.

    6.6-6.9. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).


    7.1. A metal plate made in accordance with OST 108.001.15-82* is attached to the separator body.

    * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

    Marking of separator housings should be done with NTs-132K or NTs-132P enamels according to GOST 6631-74, boxes with fittings - with BT-577 varnish according GOST 5631-79. Marking must comply with GOST 14192-77*. Marking of separators supplied for export must comply with the requirements of work orders and must be carried out with nitro enamel NTs-132K in accordance with GOST 6631-74 for temperate climates and enamels PF-115 in accordance with GOST 6465-76. For marking it is allowed to use other paint and varnish materials.

    * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 14192-96 is valid, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

    Bottom markings must be carried out in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

    7.2. Unpainted fasteners and machined surfaces of the separator must be preserved in accordance with GOST 9.014-78 in group P-4: for separators of climatic design. For intra-Union and export supplies, the category of storage and transportation conditions is Zh; for climatic versions HL and T of intra-Union and export supplies - coolant according to GOST 9.104-79. Protection option VZ-4 - PVK grease according to GOST 19537-83. Internal packaging option VU-0.

    The protection period for groups of storage conditions liquid and coolant is 3 years according to GOST 9.014-78.

    Groups of operating conditions with coatings in accordance with GOST 9.104-79 for intra-Union supplies - U4, HP4; for export deliveries - U4, TZ.

    7.3. The separator body is supplied without packaging. When delivered for export and to the Arctic, Far North, and Far East regions, separators and components must be packaged in wooden boxes according to GOST 2991-76*. The cargo inside the boxes must be protected from damage during transportation and storage. When delivering separators for export to countries with temperate and tropical climates, the packaging of separators must be made in accordance with the requirements of the unified technical manual "Packaging for export cargo"** and GOST 24634-81. General requirements to the packaging of the separator, shipping documentation for intra-Union and export deliveries must comply with GOST 23170-78 and the “Regulations on the procedure for drawing up, processing and distributing technical and shipping documentation for goods supplied for export.”

    * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 2991-85 is valid, hereinafter;

    7.4. Separators supplied to remote areas (Arctic, Far North, Far East) railway and by water transport, are packaged in accordance with GOST 15846-79 *.

    * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 15846-2002 is valid, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

    7.6. Loading and securing cargo when shipping by railway must be made in accordance with Technical specifications loading and securing cargo.

    7.7. Separators must be stored indoors or on areas under a canopy. Group of storage conditions Zh2 according to GOST 15150-69.

    In this case, separators must be installed on supports that protect them from contact with the ground. Separators stored in an open area must be inspected at least once a quarter and, if defects are detected that impair the quality of the coatings or presentation, they must be re-preserved.


    8.1. The separator must be operated in accordance with the manufacturer's operating instructions.

    When operating the separator, the steam pressure in the separator, the flow of blowdown water to the separator, and the water level in the separator must be monitored.

    8.2. The steam pressure in the separator is measured by a pressure gauge installed on the separator in accordance with GOST 8625-77, accuracy class not lower than 2.5, measurement limits from 0 to 0.25 MPa (2.5 kgf/cm).

    8.3. The flow of purge water to the separator is limited according to Table 2 throttle device installed on the continuous blowdown line.

    8.4. The water level in the separator is controlled by a water meter glass located in the lower cylindrical part of the separator body.

    8.5. The humidity of the steam at the outlet of the separator during its operation is not controlled, and its permissible value is determined by thermochemical tests of the main sample of the separator.


    9.1. The manufacturer guarantees that continuous blowing separators DN 300 mm comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of installation, storage, operation and transportation.

    Continuous blowing of drum boilers is aimed at maintaining the concentration of salts in the boiler water within acceptable limits and generating steam

    proper cleanliness.

    To reduce heat losses with continuous blowing, continuous blowing separators (expanders) are used in the thermal circuit of the boiler room. The pressure in the expander is significantly lower than in the boiler drum, so part of the blowdown water in it evaporates due to the heat accumulated in it. The secondary steam generated in the expander is usually sent to the deaerator. The separated water, which has a saturation temperature at the pressure in the continuous blowdown expander, is then used in the thermal circuit of the boiler room.

    Figure 5 shows a diagram of the use of heat from blowdown water in the thermal circuit of the boiler room.

    The heat of the purge water leaving the continuous purge separator is economically feasible to use when the amount of this water is greater than 0.28 kg/s (or 1000 kg/h). This water is usually passed through a raw water heat exchanger.

    Water from the separator, if available, is supplied to the blow-off well, where it is cooled to a temperature of 25...40 0 C, and then discharged into the sewer.

    The amount of secondary steam generated from the purge water is determined from the equation heat balance expander

    Rice. 5. Scheme of using the heat of continuous blowing: 1 – drum of the boiler unit; 2 – continuous blowing expander; 3 – raw water heater;
    4 – purge well; 5 – raw water pump; 6 – discharge into the sewer

    Where do we get:

    . (5)

    - – quantity (flow) of secondary steam released from the blowing water, kg/s;

    - – the amount of blowdown water removed from the boilers during blowdown, kg/s, ;

    - – the value of continuous blowing as a percentage of the total steam output of the boiler room (taken within the limits
    from 2 to 10%));

    - – enthalpy of blowdown water, equal to the enthalpy of boiling water in the boiler drum at boiler pressure (see boiler brand), kJ/kg;

    - – enthalpy of boiling water at pressure in the continuous blowing expander, kJ/kg;

    - – enthalpy of wet saturated steam at pressure in the continuous blowing expander, kJ/kg;

    Continuous blowing of drum boilers is carried out to reduce the salt content of boiler water and obtain steam of proper purity. The amount of blowdown (as a percentage of the boiler unit productivity) depends on the salt content of the feed water, the type of boiler unit, etc.

    The separator is a vertical cylindrical vessel (see Figure 7) with flat or elliptical bottoms, a flattened inlet pipe or a circular pipe, steam and water outlet pipes and a float regulator that automatically maintains the water level. The flow is swirled through an organized supply of water to the inner wall of the separator or through the installation of internal guide devices. Typically, the blowdown water consumption for the separator ranges from 1% to 5% of the boiler output. Separation into fractions occurs due to the pressure drop in the boiler water flow when it enters a smaller volume.

    Separation into steam and water occurs in the middle part of the separator. The steam, while maintaining rotational motion, is directed into the steam space and discharged through a pipe located on the upper bottom. Water flows down the inner surface of the separator into the water volume and is discharged through a pipe located in the lower part of the housing. A fitting is provided on the lower bottom for draining water from the separator when it is turned off and for periodically cleaning the lower part of the water volume from sludge and contaminants.

    Figure 7 - Continuous blowing separator

    A – supply of purge water; B – removal of separated steam; B – drainage; D – removal of separated water.

    1 – gate valve for separated water outlet; 2 – water level regulator; 3 – nozzle for the inlet of the purge steam-water mixture; 4 – supports; 5 – pipe for steam outlet; 6 – upper and lower bottom; 7 – separator body; 8 – water level indicator; 9 – valve for drainage.

    To reduce heat and condensate losses with purge water, separators - expanders are used. The pressure in the continuous blowing expander is assumed to be equal to , and steam from the continuous blowing expander is usually sent to deaerators.

    The heat of the blowdown water (from the continuous blowdown separator) is economically feasible to use when the amount of blowdown water is more than 0.27 kg/s. This water is usually passed through a raw water heat exchanger. Water from the separator is supplied to a cooler or bubbler, where it is cooled to 40 - 50ºС, and then discharged into the sewer.

    Figure 8 - Continuous blowing diagram

    The flow rate of blowdown water from the boiler unit is determined by its specified value as a percentage of:



    The amount of steam released from the blowdown water is determined from the heat balance equation:

    and mass balance of the separator:


    Figure 9 - Continuous purge separator assembly

    The enthalpy of wet steam in the expander is determined by the formula:


    Amount of water drained into the bubbler:


    where is the enthalpy of wet steam in the expander, kJ/kg;

    The degree of steam dryness at the outlet of the continuous blowing expander;

    Heat of vaporization at pressure kJ/kg;

    The amount of steam released in the expander from the purge water, kg/s;

    Boiler water consumption for continuous blowdown, kg/s;

    Enthalpy of purge water (equal to the enthalpy of boiling water in the drum, at pressure), kJ/kg;

    Enthalpy of boiling water in a continuous blowing expander (at pressure), kJ/kg;

    Water flow from the continuous blowing expander, kg/s.