Make your home comfortable if age or health fails. Is it possible to change the natural length of the legs Exercises on an inversion table

High chairs are varied, produced in a wide range of styles, materials and finishes. additional functions. Some of them have interesting “bells and whistles”: rocking chairs, inflatable seats, etc. Therefore, before you make the chairs taller, you should familiarize yourself with all the models that are popular.

A high chair is placed in the swimming pool, billiard rooms, living rooms and dining rooms. A wide range of fabrics and finishes, as well as other parameters such as height and custom footrests, make it a piece of furniture that requires a personal touch, in most cases, models are made by hand.

Children's models


This is an everyday high chair with tray that can be used as soon as your baby can sit (around six months of age) or even earlier if the model reclines. A special tray serves as a table for the child.

European style

This is a high chair that is pulled right up to dining table so that the child can eat with the rest of the family. As a rule, it is suitable for a one-year-old baby and a child over a year old; such designs are best made with an adjustable seat.

Hook chair

This model, which can hardly be called a chair, is great for traveling and for families with limited space for life living in a small area. This type of compact clip-on seat that attaches to a table or regular dining chair. When making such a model, you need to make sure in advance that the furniture on which it will be attached is strong enough.

Bar models

Many of us associate bar stools only with public places, but isn't it worth creating a spontaneous and relaxing atmosphere right at home? The proportions of bar stools make them suitable for more than just pubs.

Type high chair, often with an additional leg support, allows you to sit higher while eating, drinking or socializing. In the 2000s, it became popular in apartments; models are placed on the kitchen island and formed with them. home bar. And if you're a party fan, spend long evenings with friends, or are just looking for interesting idea To enliven the space, then a bar at home is the idea for you.

The solution was invented for those who like to have a snack on the run, who prefer to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere. When creating models, they use interesting approaches, the space acquires a completely new atmosphere.

  • The bar counter quickly becomes the familiar heart of the apartment; over time, it will be difficult to convince guests to take a seat at the table. The kitchen is made open. This layout will provide flowing space, the ability to move around the dining island.
  • Even in small kitchen studio apartment You can make room for a bar counter, at which two people can sit comfortably, this is a smart way to use a small area.
  • They are planning a bar in the basement of a private house. Here it is easier to maintain the required temperature for exceptional wines.

What types of designs are there?

When thinking about how to make a bar stool, take into account that models are made with or without armrests, with or without a backrest, with upholstery on the seat surface and with hard seats. Stools save space. Furniture varies from basic wooden structures to more complex ones, with adjustable height.

Swivel and floor models can be moved, but they are unstable. Mounting to the floor makes the furniture immovable. Such floor option, as a rule, is mounted on a column, and if the chair has legs, then it is attached to the floor using metal brackets.

Bar stools are produced in different styles. Remember! You and only you limit your imagination.

About materials

  • Most often, wood is used to make it yourself.
  • Some bar models use polyurethane foam as a comfortable upholstery.
  • Wooden and metal high models (including from of stainless steel), height-adjustable, are especially popular.
  • Furniture is made from rattan or bamboo, using it to create effects popular style retro 1950s and 1960s.
  • Some craftsmen use chrome in combination with matching seats.

How to increase the height of an existing model

Depending on the design of your existing chair, you can significantly increase its height. In one case, this will help to combine with other furniture. In another, a taller chair will make life easier for older people and people with physical limitations who have difficulty sitting down and standing up.

Attention! For some types of chairs, neither method is suitable and none is safe.

"New Legs"

Upholstered, lightweight chairs and stools often have legs that are screwed on. You can make or even buy replacement legs in a variety of styles and a wide range of lengths to increase the height of your chair. The main thing is that the thickness of the new element is similar to the original. Replacing a wide support with a narrow one will cause instability and will make the furniture unsafe.


Adding wheels or replacing existing wheels with larger ones will increase the height of certain dining chairs, office chairs or armchairs.

  • Wheels equipped with brakes increase the stability of the high chair.
  • You should choose heavy-duty wheels, for example, ball-type ones.

If the legs of the existing chair on which you plan to put the wheels are made of wood or rattan, drill a hole in the center of the bottom of each leg. Sometimes it is necessary to use wood glue to ensure solidity.

Attention! Adding casters to a chair is not recommended if the person using the furniture has any mobility impairment.


Replacing or adding seat cushions is the easiest and most safe way increase the height of the chair. A pillowcase, cover or fabric covering will not only help change the design, but will also make caring for the upholstered part of the furniture easier. Non-slip support will help prevent slipping.

  • High-density cushions wrapped in batting provide excellent comfort while raising seat height to the right size.
  • The existing model with a removable cushion can easily be decorated with a harder cushion, which in some cases is attached, and in others simply placed on a chair or stool.

Attention! If your chair's arms are low, increasing the seat height may make the furniture too uncomfortable.

Master class on making a pillow

Cushion pillows, soft, large, small, multi-colored, plain... They can change any interior and give it character, and at the same time they are practical and comfortable.

You will need:

  • textile,
  • threads,
  • scissors,
  • needles,
  • sewing machine,
  • filling (silicone).

From the selected fabric, cut out two squares measuring 50 x 50 cm and four strips 52 cm x 10 cm (1 cm for seams). The parts are sewn together, leaving a 10 cm hole. If you want the edges of the pillow to be more visible, the seams are made at a greater distance from the edge.

Initially, after filling with silicone, the pillow will not be too beautiful, so it makes sense to give it the shape of a saddle. It is enough to pull the opposite sides of the product towards each other in several places with a large needle.

These cushions, which can vary in size depending on the size of the chair, are ideal for playing directly on the floor.

What do you need to know?

  • The seat height of 61 cm, compared to a regular dining chair with a height of 46 cm, is perceived differently.
  • Normal size seats - 66-76 cm.
  • Higher (91 cm) stools are increasingly used in modern styles with high bar tables to create an unusual visual effect in the interiors.

Before increasing the height of the chair or starting to make it, calculate how much space the furniture will take up in the room. Determined by style. What is most aesthetically pleasing for a particular interior, what will match the decor of the house? Stability is taken into account: the wider the base of a high chair, the greater its stability. Furniture must be able to withstand abuse such as shaking or rocking, and in some cases it must be screwed to the floor. Access and security are a top priority.

  • The ability to adjust the height will help increase the range of its usefulness.
  • Decide whether the chair should fold.
  • Do you need wheels? If yes, make sure that the wheels will lock.

Next, they estimate how easy the base material (usually wood) is to wipe, not forgetting to clean the recesses and crevices. If you are sewing seat cushions, care should be taken into account in advance. Do they wipe with a sponge or require machine washable?

Attention! The use of risers, blocks that are placed under furniture legs, is unsafe. This type of support is quite stable under a sofa or bed, but a chair on risers can tip over or fall, and a fall can cause serious injury.

Today's beauty standards and the flashing of long-legged models on the catwalk bring a lot of frustration to average girls and women who are dissatisfied with their appearance and proportions. They try at any cost to resemble the ready-made standards of beauty presented to them. To be perfect, they undertake any operations and risks. Today, many girls are worried about the seemingly impossible task of changing the natural length of their legs. I don’t really want to advise poor things to go under the surgeon’s knife. Maybe this problem can be solved in a less bloody way? How to lengthen your legs without surgery, at home?

You can lengthen your legs not only through surgery

In most cases, women's dreams of plastic surgery are unfounded: beauty is not a standard norm, and we are beautiful precisely because of our difference. And the beauty of the body is not the size of the waist or the length of the legs.

Body beauty - in the right proportions

This truth was known to ancient sculptors, who proved that a small, plump woman can be no less beautiful than the long-legged huntress Diana. Therefore, before you decide to lengthen your legs, take a close look at yourself in the mirror: perhaps, despite your small height, your legs are actually long (in accordance with your proportions)?

But to the point. You still can’t convince a woman: if she decides to lengthen her legs, she will do it at any cost.

Lengthening your legs with exercise

Let us reassure fashionistas: it is indeed possible to “grow” your legs a little at home. However, no traditional methods"in the form of herbs, rubbing, eating grated carrots, spells are not suitable here.

The easiest way to lengthen your legs is to load yourself with daily physical activity. No, bodybuilding is definitely not suitable here. The problem is solved much easier with the help of stretching exercises for the thigh and calf muscles.

Daily jogging is a great way to lengthen your legs.

Examples of simple exercises

  • Jogging, but, of course, not in heels, and also not in slippers or flip-flops:
    • Shoes should be regular sports shoes, without any frills: you can use regular sneakers, but sneakers are more comfortable and healthier for your feet.
  • Walking on your toes is quite simple, but effective exercise, in that case:
    • if you walk on your toes every day for at least 15 – 20 minutes;
    • the lift of the leg should be maximum, the toe itself should be extended, the back should be straight as a string:
    • When walking, your arms are placed on your side, your shoulders are freely laid back.
  • Raising on your toes and lowering onto your heels, performed 20 to 30 times several times a day, also helps stretch the calf muscle and lengthen the leg.
  • Front leg swings:
    • Extend your arms in front of you parallel to the floor or a couple of centimeters higher.
    • Alternately, try to reach the opposite hand with your straightened leg, with your toe extended.
  • Rear swings:
    • Holding the back of a chair or the crossbar of a gymnastic ladder, we slowly move our leg back and as high as possible.
    • We fix this position for several seconds and slowly lower the leg.
    • The longer the pose with an extended leg is maintained, the slower the exercise is performed, the better the effect.
  • Lateral swings:
    • The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise.
    • We move our right leg to the right and up to the maximum possible height.
    • Having lowered it, we repeat the exercise with the other limb in the opposite direction.
  • Karateka swing:
    • Your task is to stretch your leg as high as possible with a sharp movement, while simultaneously making a pushing movement, simulating a kick.
    • You can train on a suspended punching bag, beating it with your feet, or hang it from top crossbar a pillow or some other soft object.

Exercises on the gymnastic wall

  • Hanging on the bar:
    • Hold the crossbar and hang on it. Legs are extended and should not touch the floor. We hang as much as our strength allows, increasing the hanging time a little every day.
  • Tilts with foot hold:
    • Let's start left leg hold the bar and, holding in this way, bend towards the toe of the other leg without bending it at the knee.
    • The exercise should begin with the lower bars, gradually moving to higher ones.

How to lengthen your legs with stretching (splits)

Exactly this difficult exercise, which crowns the entire complex of training for lengthening legs.

In order to fully do the splits, you need long training

Before performing this, please read the warning:

  • Do not try to do full stretching right away in the first classes - this is dangerous!
  • The splits are also not performed on cold muscles - start it after a preliminary warm-up.
  • The exercise should also not be done if you have serious orthopedic problems or injuries.

Stretching training technology - in the video below:

Video: Stretching at home

Special exercises to change leg length

Women often ask whether hanging on a horizontal bar helps lengthen their legs. There is no particular difference between hanging on a gymnastic ladder and hanging on a horizontal bar.

Any hanging, with a load or not, lengthens not only the legs, but also the torso, and in general the proportions of the entire body do not change.

If a woman is determined to lengthen only her legs, leaving the length of her body the same, then it is better to replace hanging on a bar or horizontal bar with exercises on a chair with weights or an inversion table.

Chair exercises

For this exercise, a chair with a high seat, where your feet will not touch the floor, is suitable.

Attention: Use of weights for rheumatoid arthritis or arthrosis deformans knee joint may be dangerous. Be sure to consult your doctor if you have these diseases.

Exercises on an inversion table

This is also hanging, but upside down while holding it with your legs - in this position, stretching of the bones and joints of the legs occurs due to the force of gravity.

On an inversion table, leg exercises are performed upside down.
  • If you don’t have an inversion table, you can use either a horizontal bar or an Evminov prophylactic.
  • All exercises upside down on the horizontal bar must be performed in inversion boots.

Contraindications to special exercises

You cannot exercise upside down on these machines if you have:

  • glaucoma,
  • stage 2 hypertension,
  • ventral hernias,
  • cardiac arrhythmia,
  • coronary heart disease,
  • prosthetic joints,
  • cerebral aneurysm,
  • cerebral and mental disorders,
  • pregnancy.

About the results of leg lengthening at home

Many women do not have enough patience in their studies and very often they exclaim:

- My God! I’m already suffering so much, but I haven’t grown a centimeter and nothing has lengthened!

But when the girl is asked how much “that much” is, it turns out that she had been practicing, horror of horrors, for two whole weeks.

Daily leg measurements are a waste of time

So, beauties, the first result after daily training will appear after two to three months, and a more noticeable result will appear after six months. And then measuring your legs every day with a centimeter is a waste of time. The best analyzer is a mirror. Rate yourself:

If you yourself have become slimmer and fitter, then your legs will visually look longer.

Some people make a different kind of mistake:

It is recommended to do exercises with weight-bearing loads for 10-15 minutes a day, and they do it for half an hour, hoping that the higher the load, the sooner and more they will be able to lengthen their legs. The result is burst blood vessels in the legs, pain in the bones and muscles, and general fatigue, which kills further desire to exercise.

There is no way to storm or rush here.

Secrets of visually lengthening legs

For the truly lazy, you can tell us the secrets of selecting toiletries and clothing that will allow you to visually lengthen your legs:

You can lengthen your legs by carefully selecting your wardrobe items.
  • Watch your posture and gait:
    • Even naturally long legs lose several centimeters when walking in a bent position.
    • You need to walk with your shoulder blades and shoulders turned back, straightened up, and your head raised proudly.
    • The foot should spring during the step, and the leg should straighten at the knee.
  • Shoes on high heels makes the leg slimmer and longer:
    • However, for orthopedic reasons, the height of the heel should not be too high, so as not to provoke arthrosis of the foot or cause varicose veins. Optimal height– 7 cm.
  • If you are short, do not wear over-the-knee boots, but rather give preference to boots with a medium-length shaft.
  • The length of the skirts is medium or short. Maxi skirts don't look very nice if you're short.
  • If you have short legs, never wear dresses with a low waistline, skirts or trousers that hang on your hips.
  • Prefer trousers with a belt at the waist of different styles, except for breeches:
    • straight classic with an arrow in black;
    • flared slightly from the knee;
    • narrow, tight;
    • with stripes or thin vertical stripes.
  • Wear dresses without square necklines, a tight-fitting silhouette (if your figure allows), and only with high-heeled shoes.
  • Eliminate wide belts from your wardrobe.
  • Color preferences:
    • Avoid contrasting colors in clothes, large tacky designs, rhinestones and any sparkles.
    • Horizontal stripes and large checkered patterns should also be excluded.
    • Clothes, both top and bottom, should be matched.
    • Choose tights and socks to match your shoes.
  • Prefer summer shoes in light colors, open type, without any straps or ties on the ankles.

You see - with the help of very simple tricks you can visually lengthen your legs without any surgery.

Video: Lengthening your legs with exercises (part 1):

Video: Lengthening your legs with exercises (part 2):

If a chair or table is low for you, you can raise it by extending the legs wooden planks, fastened with screws. The chair and table remain completely stable. The picture shows two methods: one for both wood and metal furniture, the other is only for wood. Metal legs Chairs can be extended by purchasing metal tubes and inserting them into (or putting on) the legs.
The length of the tube is measured, the tube is cut, put on the leg and secured with screws. Exact dimensions are not given here, they depend on the type of furniture, the diameter of the legs, etc. It is not recommended to lengthen the legs much, otherwise the furniture will become less stable.


A. Body - 9 mm plywood.
B. Planks - solid wood, the size of the planks corresponds to the dimensions of the body, 4 pcs.

Operating procedure

1. Take the measurements of the legs.
2. Cut the plywood as shown in the picture.
3. Extend the leg.
4. Cut planks B to the dimensions of the extension.
5. Process sandpaper and paint it.

If a table, chair or chest of drawers has lost stability and began to sway, it means that some of the legs have become shorter. You can, of course, put beer caps under them, but it’s better to find the time to lengthen or shorten them.

To determine the difference in leg length, this item The furniture needs to be placed with its legs up and two slats of the same size placed on them and with one eye compare how much their edges coincide - the top of the near slats and the bottom of the far slats. On a light background, it is much easier to determine how much the edges meet and which of the legs is shorter.


These kinds of minor differences in length are not very easy to correct with a finishing saw or plane. For beginners, we recommend sanding in a circular motion. For a wider surface, a rail can be attached to the leg. This is faster and easier to do with a sander than with sandpaper.


If you have a completely flat surface, then it is easier to lengthen the leg by a few millimeters than to sand it. Such a surface can be a furniture door removed from its hinges or room door, on which you need to place the piece of furniture being repaired. Before placing pads under the legs, first determine how the chair or armchair will be stable. If you nail a shim under the shortened leg and drive nails into the other legs, then the piece of furniture will stand straight.

Plasticized mass.

To correct the length of your legs, you can also use epoxy resin Although it will cost a little more, use your hands to heat some of the solid mixture until it becomes soft and pliable. Glue a ball of this mass to a piece of foil and place it on the bottom of the short leg, having previously cleaned its edge. Then place the piece of furniture on a flat surface and press down until it sits level. You can remove excess mass after an hour. After three hours the mass will harden.


If the cabinet door rubs and does not close well, then you need to put a large piece of some material under the leg or under the entire base, and it should be of the same thickness.

Plasticized mass

The gap between the slats indicates the difference in the length of the legs

The stand will help you achieve a flat supporting surface.

Spacers or hard plastic as backing

In advance drilled hole easier to hammer a nail

High chairs are varied, produced in a wide range of styles, materials and additional features. Some of them have interesting “bells and whistles”: rocking chairs, inflatable seats, etc. Therefore, before you make the chairs taller, you should familiarize yourself with all the models that are popular.

A high chair is placed in the swimming pool, billiard rooms, living rooms and dining rooms. The wide range of fabrics and finishes, as well as other parameters such as height and custom footrests, make it a piece of furniture that requires a personal touch, in most cases, models are made by hand.

Children's models


This is an everyday high chair with tray that can be used as soon as your baby can sit (around six months of age) or even earlier if the model reclines. A special tray serves as a table for the child.

European style

This is a high chair that is pulled right up to the dining table so that the child can eat with the rest of the family. As a rule, it is suitable for a one-year-old baby and a child over a year old; such designs are best made with an adjustable seat.

Hook chair

This model, which can hardly be called a chair, is great for travel and for families with limited living space who live in a small area. This type of compact clip-on seat that attaches to a table or regular dining chair. When making such a model, you need to make sure in advance that the furniture on which it will be attached is strong enough.

Bar models

Many of us associate bar stools only with public places, but isn't it worth creating a spontaneous and relaxing atmosphere right at home? The proportions of bar stools make them suitable for more than just pubs.

A type of high chair, often with an additional leg support, allows you to sit higher when eating, drinking, or socializing. In the 2000s, it became popular in apartments; models are placed on the kitchen island and form a home bar. And if you are a party fan, spend long evenings with friends or are just looking for an interesting idea to liven up your space, then a bar at home is the idea for you.

The solution was invented for those who like to have a snack on the run, who prefer to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere. When creating models, they use interesting approaches, the space acquires a completely new atmosphere.

  • The bar counter quickly becomes the familiar heart of the apartment; over time, it will be difficult to convince guests to take a seat at the table. The kitchen is made open. This layout will provide flowing space, the ability to move around the dining island.
  • Even in a small kitchen of a one-room apartment, you can allocate space for a bar counter, at which two people can sit comfortably; this is a smart way to use a small area.
  • They are planning a bar in the basement of a private house. Here it is easier to maintain the required temperature for exceptional wines.

What types of designs are there?

When thinking about how to make a bar stool, take into account that models are made with or without armrests, with or without a backrest, with upholstery on the seat surface and with hard seats. Stools save space. Furniture ranges from basic wooden structures to more complex, height-adjustable designs.

Swivel and floor models can be moved, but they are unstable. Mounting to the floor makes the furniture immovable. This floor-standing option is usually mounted on a column, and if the chair has legs, it is secured to the floor using metal brackets.

Bar stools are produced in various styles. Remember! You and only you limit your imagination.

About materials

  • Most often, wood is used to make it yourself.
  • Some bar models use polyurethane foam as a comfortable upholstery.
  • Wooden and metal tall models (including stainless steel), height-adjustable, are especially popular.
  • Furniture is made from rattan or bamboo, using it to create the effects of the popular retro style of the 1950s and 1960s.
  • Some craftsmen use chrome in combination with matching seats.

How to increase the height of an existing model

Depending on the design of your existing chair, you can significantly increase its height. In one case, this will help to combine with other furniture. In another, a taller chair will make life easier for older people and people with physical limitations who have difficulty sitting down and standing up.

Attention! For some types of chairs, neither method is suitable and none is safe.

"New Legs"

Upholstered, lightweight chairs and stools often have legs that are screwed on. You can make or even buy replacement legs in a variety of styles and a wide range of lengths to increase the height of your chair. The main thing is that the thickness of the new element is similar to the original. Replacing a wide support with a narrow one will cause instability and will make the furniture unsafe.


Adding wheels or replacing existing wheels with larger ones will increase the height of certain dining chairs, office chairs or armchairs.

  • Wheels equipped with brakes increase the stability of the high chair.
  • You should choose heavy-duty wheels, for example, ball-type ones.

If the legs of the existing chair on which you plan to put the wheels are made of wood or rattan, drill a hole in the center of the bottom of each leg. Sometimes it is necessary to use wood glue to ensure solidity.

Attention! Adding casters to a chair is not recommended if the person using the furniture has any mobility impairment.


Replacing or adding seat cushions is the easiest and safest way to increase the height of your chair. A pillowcase, cover or fabric covering will not only help change the design, but will also make caring for the upholstered part of the furniture easier. Non-slip support will help prevent slipping.

  • High-density cushions wrapped in batting are great for increasing comfort while at the same time “pulling” the seat height to the desired size.
  • The existing model with a removable cushion can easily be decorated with a harder cushion, which in some cases is attached, and in others simply placed on a chair or stool.

Attention! If your chair's arms are low, increasing the seat height may make the furniture too uncomfortable.

Master class on making a pillow

Cushion pillows, soft, large, small, multi-colored, plain... They can change any interior and give it character, and at the same time they are practical and comfortable.

You will need:

  • textile,
  • threads,
  • scissors,
  • needles,
  • sewing machine,
  • filling (silicone).

From the selected fabric, cut out two squares measuring 50 x 50 cm and four strips 52 cm x 10 cm (1 cm for seams). The parts are sewn together, leaving a 10 cm hole. If you want the edges of the pillow to be more visible, the seams are made at a greater distance from the edge.

Initially, after filling with silicone, the pillow will not be too beautiful, so it makes sense to give it the shape of a saddle. It is enough to pull the opposite sides of the product towards each other in several places with a large needle.

These cushions, which can vary in size depending on the size of the chair, are ideal for playing directly on the floor.

What do you need to know?

  • The seat height of 61 cm, compared to a regular dining chair with a height of 46 cm, is perceived differently.
  • The normal seat size is 66-76 cm.
  • The taller (91 cm) stool is increasingly being used in modern styles with high bar tables to create an unusual visual effect in interiors.

Before increasing the height of the chair or starting to make it, calculate how much space the furniture will take up in the room. Determined by style. What is most aesthetically pleasing for a particular interior, what will match the decor of the house? Stability is taken into account: the wider the base of a high chair, the greater its stability. Furniture must be able to withstand abuse such as shaking or rocking, and in some cases it must be screwed to the floor. Access and security are a top priority.

  • The ability to adjust the height will help increase the range of its usefulness.
  • Decide whether the chair should fold.
  • Do you need wheels? If yes, make sure that the wheels will lock.

Next, they estimate how easy the base material (usually wood) is to wipe, not forgetting to clean the recesses and crevices. If you are sewing seat cushions, care should be taken into account in advance. Are they wipeable with a sponge or do they need to be machine washed?

Attention! The use of risers, blocks that are placed under furniture legs, is unsafe. This type of support is quite stable under a sofa or bed, but a chair on risers can tip over or fall, and a fall can cause serious injury.