Useful DIY tips for your home. Simple but very useful tips for the home The best tips for the home

We all face everyday problems. Sometimes, to solve some of them, it is not at all necessary to run to the nearest hardware store to buy special, and not always cheap, products household chemicals. Take note of 16 useful tips for the home that will help you get out of a difficult situation, having at hand usual means used on the farm.

1. Hydrogen peroxide – an excellent stain remover. It is enough to pour this antiseptic on any stain, and it will go away within 10 minutes; do not forget to wash the item after the procedure. If the item is colored, then check the effect of peroxide on the fabric paint somewhere on the inside.

2. Activated charcoal, baking soda, tea bags – excellent odor adsorbents. If you need to get rid of unnecessary odors in your refrigerator, car interior, closet, desk drawer, gym bag, shoes or sealed containers (for example, plastic containers), then it is enough to place a calico bag with soda there, or a few tablets activated carbon, or a couple of tea bags.

3. Coal in briquettes – absorber of excess moisture and dampness. If you hide a few coals in the corners of the bathroom, they will do an excellent job of removing excess moisture (replace with a new portion every 2 months). A carbon dehumidifier, which you can easily make yourself, will help normalize the air in the attic, basement, cellar or closet. This will require can, for example, from coffee, in the lid of which you need to make several holes and put 3-5 coal briquettes in it. Leaving the jar in a damp area will remove moisture. Don't forget to change the coal every two months.

4. Hand cream , as a substitute for shoe polish. If you've run out special remedy for care leather shoes, do not rush to despair - hand cream will add shine to the skin, soften it, and show water-repellent properties.

5. Charcoal as tooth powder in hiking conditions. Pound a couple of charcoals from the fire - this powder will not only whiten your teeth (despite its obvious blackness), but will also disinfect the oral cavity and destroy harmful microbes on the mucous membranes.

6. Table vinegar - an excellent disinfectant. Solution table vinegar with water in half it will cope with germs on any surfaces: in the kitchen and throughout the house. By treating indoor and outdoor kitchen surfaces with this solution, you will get rid of the ubiquitous ants. Particularly in need of such treatment cutting boards and wooden spatulas.

7. Old toothbrush will cope with pollution in the most inaccessible places. There is nothing easier than cleaning the deposits on pipes (adjacent almost flush to the wall), on the handles of the stove, inside cast iron batteries, at the joints of plumbing fixtures and in the area of ​​taps using a regular toothbrush.

8. Coffee grounds – an excellent body scrub. Do not rush to pour out the grounds when the coffee has already been drunk, collect it in a jar. Before visiting the steam room or taking a bath, add a few large spoons of melted or liquid honey and a little fine powder to the collected wet powder. sea ​​salt, mix thoroughly and use as a scrub for the whole body. Pay special attention to your heels, knees and elbows. The result will be visible after the first use of the scrub - the skin will become soft and velvety.

9. Makeup remover will remove foundation or lipstick stains not only from your face, but also from your clothes.

10. Shampoo – an excellent product for delicate laundry. If you need to wash something made from delicate fabrics, shampoo will come in handy. Also, shampoo will successfully replace special bath foams.

11. Mayonnaise easily copes with white stains on wooden surfaces, for example, from wet glasses. Apply it in a thick layer to problem areas and remove with a napkin after half an hour.

12. Clear nail polish - an excellent fixative. Using varnish, you can fix small screws, for example, on the lid of a box or glasses frame. If you purchased jewelry with stones, or clothes with mother-of-pearl buttons, or sandals decorated with a pattern of stones, cover them with clear varnish, and then all the details of the jewelry will remain in place for a long time.

13. Shower cap Perfect for packing shoes in a suitcase.

14. Toothpaste as a toilet freshener. Buy the cheapest one toothpaste, punch 5-7 holes in the tube and place it in the toilet tank. With each flush, the room will be aromatized and the inner surface of your plumbing will be cleaned.

15. Vodka - an excellent solvent. If you need to get rid of the patch, just soak it in vodka and after a few minutes it will come off on its own. Using vodka you can remove sticky labels, for example, on new dishes or a mirror. Wet a sponge with vodka, apply to the sticker, hold for 5 minutes, rub lightly and rinse with warm water.

16. Sugar removes grass stains. Wet the green stain, sprinkle it with a thin layer of granulated sugar, leave for an hour and... enjoy the result - the stain will simply disappear without a trace.

    Nice helpful tips! Only if mayonnaise washes away stains from wooden products, the question arises - what chemistry is it mixed with))))


    • Oh, Natasha, don’t ask... Oh, we drink cola... Oh, it turns out to do an excellent job of removing oil stains and rust. 🙁 🙂


      • Here you can add “cola” to your wonderful tips, I once, just for fun, tried to clean the sink in the bathroom with it, and it sparkled like never before =)

        Great! I’ll have to try your recipe, Lida. Oh, I also know that cut flowers stand well in colla diluted with water. 🙂

    • Don’t be alarmed, it’s not a matter of chemistry, but of oil (which is present in mayonnaise). There is another way based on the same oil - mix 1 tablespoon vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of alcohol, apply to the stains with a swab, let stand for an hour or two, and then wipe with a cloth. The result is excellent!


      • Allochka, THANK YOU for another useful recipe! 🙂

    I especially liked the one about toothpaste. The most perfect place, in my opinion, for toothpaste with fluoride, it’s the toilet, not our mouth! In general, all the tips are great, thank you!


    Olya, thanks for the advice. They knew something, something new. Everything is clear about mayonnaise and cola... =)


    Everything is great! But here charcoal- you need to try this, and with cheap toothpaste too a good option. Thank you.


    • Oh, Alexey, once, while out in nature, I was about to brush my teeth with charcoal powder, but I never dared. And, in the company of friends with whom we were vacationing, there were “brave” experimenters. The effect was amazing, although I had to rinse my mouth longer than usual. 😉


    Thank you for the collection of useful tips; I adopted some of them.


    Interesting and useful tips, some of which I’m hearing for the first time, will come in handy.


    Thank you, I learned something for the first time... For example, about toothpaste) And I remove the smell in the refrigerator with the help of mustard, pour it into a small pile and put it in a secluded corner, periodically pour out the old one, add new one)


    • Thank you, Ekaterina, for the useful advice. I'll take note of your recipe.


    Well, Olya! Thank you, a lot of things were new to me! Cutting boards can also be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide, but toothpaste is just a revelation for me! How much money is spent on fragrances for the toilet, but here it’s so simple! =)


    I didn’t know that hand cream can be used for shoes, thanks, it’s useful! I didn’t know that sugar can remove grass stains, sometimes it’s really necessary!


    Useful tips, I'm bookmarking) thank you.


    What great tips! Super! Indeed, peroxide can remove stains. And recently I bought a new shampoo, but it didn’t suit me at all, now I know where to use it.

    Olya, again you have a new design, how you love changes! and they are always for the better!


    • Thank you, Olenka, for your comment - use it to your advantage!
      P/S Yes, I decided to change the design a little, fortunately, the template settings allow you to do this in two clicks! 🙂


    So many useful tips, thanks Olya, I use some of them.


    Only our people can make such “discoveries,” and it is not for nothing that the popular saying says: “The need for invention is cunning.”
    Add to the collection of tips: soda + citric acid + soap suds = cleaning kettles, pots until shiny, soda + vinegar = clean toilet, bathroom.

Useful home hacks improve and simplify your life. There are life hacks that allow you to conduct more effectively household. Many will find it useful to implement them in their lives.

A small budget forces you to look for ways to save money. Useful tips for the home in this case will come in handy.

Using only one battery in the remote control

Are the batteries in your TV remote low? If you don't have spares at home, it can be a disaster. But if there is at least one spare battery, the equipment will come to life. You need to leave one old power supply in the remote control and insert one new one. The voltage will be small, but it will be enough to produce an infrared signal. True, according to the law of conservation of energy, one battery will run out earlier than two or three.

The life hack is not suitable for cases where significant power is required. It will not allow you to save on toys with motors or cameras. But in the remote control or Wall Clock You can put one battery.

DIY mosquito trap

Mosquitoes fly on warm carbon dioxide released during breathing. They can be tricked by luring them with the gas from yeast fermentation.

Making a trap:

  1. cut off the neck of a dark plastic bottle;
  2. connect both parts, turning the top neck down;
  3. pour warm water into the bottle;
  4. add two tablespoons of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of dry yeast;
  5. place it on the windowsill.

The trap will work for 7-10 days.

Growing onions on a windowsill

Fresh greens are a valuable source of vitamins. Winter in the store green onions it costs expensive. To save money, you need to do home distillation. To do this, place the bulbs in a glass of water so that the liquid reaches the bottom. If you can buy onions in the store that are already beginning to sprout, forcing will go faster.

Place the vessels with onions on a light windowsill. Feathers can be cut off in two weeks.

A stationery clip instead of a photo frame

Office clip - universal item, which can be used by at least ten different ways. We suggest making a photo frame out of it. Instead of a photo, you can frame an important reminder.

Place 1-2 clips on the bottom edge of the photo. A photo placed on the table will maintain its balance.

Phone speaker amplifier from a sleeve

A towel holder and two plastic cups can act as telephone speakers.


  • cut one at a time into the sides of the glasses round hole, corresponding to the diameter of the sleeve;
  • put the glass on the sleeve;
  • cut a slot in the center of the sleeve;
  • insert your smartphone into the slot.

Such speakers look clumsy, but they can be a way out when nothing else is at hand, for example in nature. The sound becomes much better, as it is enhanced by the voids of the glasses.

A house in which order reigns is the dream of any housewife. To ensure that every item is in its place and accessible, you need to use popular life hacks for the home.

Putting things away correctly

For many people, their clothes closet looks more like a laundry basket. It is not difficult to correct this situation. The Kon Mari method, named after its author, a Japanese writer, is now popular. She offered an incredibly convenient and practical way put things on the shelf - not in piles, but in rolls. As a result, every item is visible and can be taken out without turning over the rest. In this form you can store knitwear, jeans and other wrinkle-resistant wardrobe items.


A compact way to place outerwear on the bar:

  1. tuck the sleeves and hood inside;
  2. put on hangers;
  3. hang it on the rod.

Children's and adult jackets and down jackets look much neater and take up less space.


Shirts are stored folded in the closet. If you fold the item correctly, there will be no creases, folds or dents on it, and it will not take up much space in the closet.

Shirt folding:

  • keep the washed and ironed item on a hanger in the room for at least half an hour so that it cools completely;
  • fasten all the buttons (on the sleeves too);
  • put a cardboard rectangle inside, as they do in stores;
  • fold towards the middle of the sleeve;
  • bend the back.

The shirt should look like a rectangle.


The underwear drawer is rarely in order. A pile of panties and bras takes up a lot of space. If you fold them in the shape of small rectangles, the box will become much more spacious.

You can fold any panties into rectangles: boxers, shorts, thongs. If you fold each rectangle in half, you get rolls. They can be arranged at the bottom of the drawer like pencils in a pencil holder. This is vertical storage that was invented by the famous Kon Marie. If you pull out the closet in which the linen folded in this way is located, you can take a look at all the toiletries at one glance and remove the one you need without denting the rest.

Cleaning a sink drain with salt

Most often, the kitchen sink becomes clogged due to grease stuck in the pipes. In this case, salt and soda will come to the rescue:

  1. Dissolve half a glass of salt and a glass of soda in a glass of hot water;
  2. pour into the drain;
  3. Wait 10 minutes;
  4. clean with a plunger;
  5. rinse with a stream of boiling water.

We remove animal hair from surfaces with rubber gloves.

Clean wool from carpets and upholstered furniture conveniently with a special roller with adhesive tape. If you don’t have such a device at home, put rubber or latex gloves on your hands, wet them, and rub the upholstery. The wool will stick to the wet rubber or roll into clumps.

Removing labels with a hairdryer

Many people have wondered how to remove a label from plastic or metal without leaving any traces of it. If you just try to tear off the sticky paper, a stain will remain. It’s even worse if you only manage to peel off part of the label and start scraping off the rest with your fingernails or a knife.

It is better to use a household hair dryer:

  1. warm the sticker for about a minute;
  2. grab the edge with your nails;
  3. peel off slowly.

Removing stains with lemon

Lemon contains a lot of organic acid, which can “eat away” stains from fabric. This product can handle blood, rust and markers. Apply lemon juice to the stain, sprinkle with table salt and place the fabric in the sun for several hours.

Washing with lemon juice to restore brightness to clothes

Lemon juice brightens fabrics. Lemon flavors and removes stains. Just add lemon juice to your laundry detergent.

Interesting ideas for the home

Small kitchens always run out of space. Place items that need to be at hand on internal door kitchen cabinets. To do this, it is not necessary to damage the set with a drill. Use Velcro hooks. Under a particularly heavy item, stick a push pin with a long head into the door. This way you can hang anything from towels to pans.

Uniquely beautiful vase or flower pot can be done using fabric. To do this, you need to cover any vessel with the material you like and secure it beautifully with ribbons. Small flowerpots covered with colorful chintz look incredibly cute. An ordinary jar or bottle wrapped in lace turns into an exquisite interior detail.

Often, assorted mugs accumulate in the buffet - the remains of former sets. If you are no longer supposed to drink tea or coffee from them, and it’s a shame to throw away the whole thing, you can turn them into flower pots. You will need a drill with a ceramic attachment, which you need to carefully drill a small hole in the bottom of the mug to drain water. After this, any flower of suitable size will grow in the new pot without any problems.

Decorate the inside of a sofa or chair drawer beautiful wallpaper. Cheap and unsightly technical fabric is always used to decorate this part of the furniture. If you use a furniture stapler and a piece of wallpaper left over from the renovation, the furniture inside will become as beautiful as the outside.

Turn boring brooches, earrings, and pendants that have no jewelry value into decorative bookmarks. The decoration is attached to a piece of braid so that it hangs from the book. The braid will serve as a bookmark, and a brooch or earring will decorate the folio.

There is always a lot of used plastic bags, which can still serve. It is convenient to store them in a napkin holder - a cardboard box with a hole in the center. It can be hung on the inside surface of the kitchen cabinet door. It is more convenient to take packages out of a napkin holder than from anywhere else.

Office folder holders will help organize your shoes. Place a pair of flat sandals or house slippers in each compartment. With this storage method, shoes are always accessible and do not take up much space.

Springs from old folding bed are still capable of serving. They are used as hangers for jeans. One side of the spring is fixed to the rod of the wardrobe. The trousers are hung by the belt loop.

An old terry sock is an indispensable item for cleaning the house. It can be put on a mop instead of a special attachment. It can become a cover for an umbrella. Stuffing dried herbs, such as lavender or mint, inside the sock turns it into a moth-repelling sachet for your closet. By filling a child's sock with foam rubber, you can get a comfortable needle bed.

A person who loves order and his home does a lot with his own hands. Listed in the article useful tricks will help you organize your life, save money and time.

And more useful tips and ideas for the home.

Hello, dear readers! I continue to post a series of useful tips for the home, which have already been found in sufficient quantities, but there are no limits to people’s imagination and ingenuity! And all we can do is use their experience, making our life easier and saving our budget on many projects :)

It turns out that vinegar can make an excellent wood stain when added to it. metal object V glass containers. You need to keep the metal with it for a week. A handful of copper pennies will exhibit a beautiful pale blue. And steel added to vinegar will give you a rich reddish tint. The combination of tea and a metal object in vinegar will show a black tint.. Be sure to save this information :)

In this master class you will be able to recreate homemade hanging planters from cans, in which greenery will grow upside down :)

Homemade stain remover.

For a homemade stain remover, you will need one part dishwashing liquid mixed with two parts hydrogen peroxide. Pour this mixture directly onto the stain, which will immediately begin to disappear, as if by magic. (To remove old stains, you can add baking soda and even a little sand for scrub.stains.)

How to add shine to a countertop.

Take a spray bottle and fill it with 1/8th alcohol, to which you need to add a drop of dishwashing liquid, a few drops of fragrant oil (for smell), pour water into the remaining free part of the container, shake it all together, and spray it on any countertop, wipe thoroughly with a cloth , thereby achieving shine and a very smooth surface

An easy and simple way to fasten book pages using a large paper clip.

Portioned minced meat in the freezer.

Thanks to this method, you can always break off required amount minced meat, which is frozen in the freezer :)

1. Compact clay pot roaster :)

2. Hidden place for the beach :)

3.The trampoline turns into a chic hanging bed:) Below you will find several more ways to use it:)

4. Oh, those who are involved with the excavator are lucky :)) The bucket turns into a wonderful swimming pool :))

The outside can also be painted :))

6.holder toilet paper from the hanger.

7. Chandeliers made of crystal decanters.

8. It’s a wonderful idea to use PVC sanitary insulation, in which you need to make slits in which the tassels will be held.

9. I recently posted an idea for using jars for a beehive, but here’s another one for you unusual idea hive structures made of hollow sticks.

10. :))) Fountain using a fountain installation, three pools and buckets))

11. Promised uses of the trampoline.


13. Homemade bowling alley at the dacha. Great idea - how to keep children busy and improve their ability to throw balls :)

For this project it is better to use bakelite plywood, which does not get wet from rain and has a very smooth surface :) All that remains is to fix the edge with paving stones and set the pins :))

14.Using such containers you can always pour out the required amount of bulk mixture.

15.Tray from dishwasher, placed on wheels, can serve you for a very long time as an under-bed organizer for all sorts of little things :)

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For many of us, cleaning is the most painful duty and terrible punishment. Often, only at the moment when there is no clean space left in the house and the apartment begins to resemble a dinosaur battlefield, we inevitably begin to restore order. In fact, cleaning is easy and quick if you know the basic secrets.

We are in website We set out to make your life easier and have collected some new tricks to help you cope with your homework.

Cleaning the dirtiest items in the bathroom

An old bathroom curtain will look like it came from a store if all dirty areas and even areas with yellowness and mold are washed with a solution consisting of equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water.

To clean your toothbrushes from germs, soak them in vinegar for an hour. Then wash well under running water.

Soak the washcloths for an hour in hot water and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. Then rinse well clean water and dry it.

Wash the bath until it's white

From limescale, yellow spots Hydrogen peroxide also helps gray surfaces well. Spray it with a spray bottle onto the surface of the bath, leave for half an hour and then rinse well warm water.

You can easily clean the surface of the bathtub if you fill it with baking soda and after a few minutes add vinegar. After this, you need to lightly brush the surface and rinse with warm water.

Unwanted yellowness is effectively removed by a solution of ordinary citric acid. We make the solution at the rate of one sachet per glass of water. Apply this product using a sponge to the surface of the bath and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

You can clean your bathtub until it shines and get rid of old plaque using a mixture of vinegar and salt. Mix the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio and clean the bathroom until white.

Dealing with a dirty toilet

The toilet will sparkle clean if you use mustard powder for cleaning with the addition of equal parts of citric acid and corn starch.

To clean and freshen your toilet, you can make your own cleaning bombs. Just 1-2 bombs thrown into the toilet will give not only a hygienic effect, but also a pleasant smell.

You will need:

  • 1 cup soda
  • 1/4 cup citric acid
  • 1/2 tsp. vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. l. 6% hydrogen peroxide solution
  • 15–20 drops of your favorite essential oil


Pour baking soda into a bowl and add citric acid. In a second bowl, mix vinegar and peroxide and pour this liquid drop by drop into the dry mixture. Add essential oil and use a spoon to form small balls. Place the bombs on parchment paper and dry for at least 6 hours. Store the bombs in a closed glass jar.

Cleaning the seams between bathroom tiles

Using regular white paraffin candle you can get rid of mold, dark plaque and dirty deposits on the seams between the tiles. To do this, you need to run the blunt end of the candle along the dirty seam several times. This will clean and protect the seams from mold and dirt.

Pour baking soda into a bowl, take it with an unnecessary toothbrush soaked in water and clean the dirty places. After cleaning, rinse the surface with warm water. The seams are like new!

Mix warm water with hydrogen peroxide in a 2:1 ratio. Using a brush or sponge, we clean the seams between the tiles with this solution, which then does not need to be washed off.

Washing tiles

Take 15 grams of citric acid and dilute it with a glass of warm water. Use the resulting solution to wash the tiles. Then rinse off with clean water.

When too dirty tiled walls Vinegar will help. Spray the surface with vinegar from a spray bottle, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with clean water. Then wipe the tiles with a soft microfiber cloth. This method will not only clean the tiles, but also disinfect them.

Tidying up the washing machine

We clean the washing machine once a quarter.

Regular citric acid will help clean your machine from scale and water stone. Pour 60 grams of citric acid into the powder compartment. We run the machine for a full wash cycle at the highest possible temperature.

Cooking simple and effective remedy which will lead washing machine in order.

You will need:

  • 2 cups vinegar
  • ¼ cup baking soda
  • ¼ glass of water
  • sponge


Mix water and soda in a bowl. Pour this solution into the powder compartment. Pour vinegar into the drum washing machine. We start the machine in normal washing mode. After completing the cycle, wipe all rubber gaskets and the door with a sponge. Dry the drum with the door open.

Perfect for cleaning the stove

We remove fat from the surface of the stove and from small parts with a regular eraser. This method is used by employees of professional cleaning services.

A greasy stove can be tidied up with lemon juice and a slice of lemon. Squeeze out the juice, wipe the stove with lemon and leave for 15 minutes. Then wipe with a wet cloth.

Cleaning the oven until it shines

You can clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits using a glass ammonia and a liter of water. Heat the oven to 150 degrees and turn it off. Place a container with hot water, on the top - a container with ammonia. Close the oven door and leave to cool until morning.

In the morning, add a few teaspoons of any ammonia to a container with ammonia. detergent and half a cup of warm water. Use a sponge with the resulting solution to wipe the oven and rinse it with water.

Many troubles around the house can be fixed very easily and quickly. The main thing is to use the right methods. The article contains tips around the house that will help you sooner or later.

1. Bag without smell

Must be eliminated bad smell in your bag? Place an unused tea bag in it for one day.

2. Pipes without blockage

For cleaning sewer pipes use salt. Pour it into the pipe and rinse with boiling water.

3. Tan marks

Often, artificial tanning of the skin causes uneven lightening of the skin, that is, the presence of spots. To avoid this, you need to use baking soda, a small amount of which is applied to problem areas with a sponge.

4. Clean iron

Carbon deposits on the sole of the iron can be easily removed with a mixture of ammonia and vinegar. Soak a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the iron.

5. Vegetable soup

Do not put spices in soups made from fresh vegetables - Bay leaf, black pepper and others. It’s better to sprinkle the finished soup with herbs - it’s healthier and tastier.

6. Hygiene in the kitchen

Be sure to treat wooden kitchen boards with a solution of water and vinegar. Food must be cut on a perfectly clean surface.

7. Salad with butter

Vegetable oil should be added to the salad only after salt, vinegar, and pepper have been added to it. Remember that salt cannot dissolve in oil.

8. Cold compote

To quickly cool hot compote, place the pan with it in a bowl bigger size with cold salted water.

9. Delicious buckwheat

To cook delicious buckwheat porridge, there should be twice as much water as cereal. Cover the pan in which the porridge is cooked with a lid. Cook the porridge first over high heat and then over low heat.

10. Fish without smell

When cooking types of fish such as flounder and cod, an unpleasant specific odor is released, which can be eliminated by adding parsley root and celery to the dish. Adding onions to the dish would be a good idea.

11. Flowers in the room

Wildflowers will last longer if you add a couple of drops of detergent to the vase. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, as the opposite effect is possible.

12. Shine clean

In order to obtain a snow-white bathtub, it is necessary to prepare a special solution for cleaning it: soda ash(2 tablespoons) + baking soda (2 tablespoons). Next, rub your bathtub with this mixture. The bath should be damp. Wait 5 minutes (important - do not wash off the layer) and apply the following mixture: vinegar (50 g) + bleach (50 g). All you have to do is wait half an hour and wash off the layers.

13. Snow-white curtains

If the windows in your home are equipped with white synthetic curtains, then after washing and drying them, exclude direct sunlight.

14. Clean hallway

The hallway floor tends to get dirty quickly. To eliminate this undesirable phenomenon, you need to get a shoe stand. A tray and a cork backing work well as a stand. You can buy them at almost any building materials store.

15. Laundry bags

They are indispensable when washing delicate fabrics. However, you should not rush to buy them in the store, as you can make them yourself. A regular duvet cover is suitable for this purpose.

16. Economical cooking

If you decide to treat your loved ones to small pasta, then do not try to cook it until it is completely cooked. As soon as the water boils, add the pasta, stir, turn off the gas and be sure to cover with a lid. In 10 minutes they will be ready.

17. TV in place

Place your computer monitor and TV in evenly lit areas to optimize brightness and contrast adjustments for more low level. This will result in savings electrical energy– up to 5% monthly.

18. Air freshener

If you suddenly run out of perfume, do not rush to throw away the bottle. Remove the dispenser, pour into the bottle ordinary water(1/2 the volume of the bottle) and place wooden sticks there. They will absorb aromatic moisture and distribute it throughout the home.