Painting plexiglass: how and with what. Painting plexiglass Preparation of the coloring solution

Colored plexiglass can be made in two main varieties, these are:

  • Transparent material, which is produced with varying degrees of light transmission;
  • Opaque material.

Both of these types of material are manufactured using production technology plastic products using resins, which guarantees a number of distinctive practical characteristics.

A fairly diverse palette of shades and unsurpassed strength, the ability to perform various processing - open up almost unlimited possibilities for application of this material. Concerning color range, then simply unlimited possibilities are open here, especially this material is loved and appreciated by interior designers. A wide range of and the variety of choices makes colored plexiglass such a sought-after material.

Colored acrylic is used when performing interior decoration premises, also this includes furniture finishing, all kinds of decoration of shop windows, podiums and trade and exhibition stands. Also, when using colored plexiglass, craftsmen manage to create incredibly beautiful and non-standard models of lamps; do not forget about the numerous souvenir products. The scope of application of this material is quite diverse, you just need to use your imagination and you will be able to create something unusual from this unique material.

Transparent colored plexiglass

This type of acrylic is a uniformly colored material with a light transmittance percentage of 50 units. The most commonly used types are tinted acrylic in smoky, blue and brown shades. This glass is used for glazing cars, as well as all kinds of partitions, domes, canopies, furniture countertops, commercial equipment and more. Illuminated partitions made from transparent colored acrylic look especially interesting; they are not only stylish, but also unusual.

Colored frosted plexiglass

This multi-colored acrylic is a light-diffusing sheet that can be made with varying degrees of light transmission, but the surface remains glossy. The percentage of light transmission can range from 20 to 70 units. Matte colored plexiglass evenly disperses light rays. The characteristics of this material allow it to be used in the production of lamps; it produces very beautiful suspended ceilings, floors and podiums, also advertising boxes and much more.

Main advantages

Colored and transparent plexiglass has all the advantages of conventional plexiglass, while it has improved aesthetic characteristics. Colored acrylic is characterized by a low specific gravity, while the strength of the material is quite high, which allows it to withstand high mechanical loads. It is worth noting that the color of plexiglass will not change or fade over time. for long years. It is thanks to these characteristics that colored plexiglass is so in demand in many areas of human activity.

DIY colored plexiglass

Today it is not difficult to purchase plexiglass of a milky color or any other color, but many craftsmen want to repaint ordinary transparent plexiglass themselves in the desired color. If you want to repaint acrylic yourself, you should understand that you can only change a small element.

For painting you will need a special paint, which is made on an alcohol basis with the addition of dye. Alcohol and dye must be mixed in a ratio of 100:0.14. You can choose a stain for these purposes, or try to experiment and mix different shades. The standard painting procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • Preparation of the coloring composition;
  • Directly painting the material;
  • Polishing.

You can also paint using acrylic sawdust. The main thing is to ensure that the surface is evenly colored.

Staining with tsanoplak

You will need a price plate. First of all, you need to prepare suitable container, it should be glass or enamel; you will immerse the part to be painted into it. The exposure time will determine the desired degree of color saturation; it ranges from a few seconds to 15 minutes. If you don’t know what color you will need, then it’s better to practice on a small piece. If the color is not bright enough, you can repaint it.

Coloring using acrylic sawdust

In order to prepare the coloring varnish, you will need sawdust. They are often left behind after cutting plexiglass; you can also make them yourself using a file.

Dissolve sawdust in vinegar essence, adhere to the ratio of 1 to 6, sawdust and essence, respectively. Be careful not to let the solution get on your skin, clothes or various objects. When the sawdust is dissolved, add dye, this can be ink from ordinary fountain pens. The finished varnish must be applied to the surface of the element to be painted.

Staining with methyl alcohol

You will need methyl alcohol, dissolve 0.5 g of aniline dye in it. The resulting solution will need to be heated in a so-called water bath. To do this, pour the dye into an enamel container and place it in another container with water, put it on fire. While the dye is boiling, prepare the element to be painted. It also needs to be heated; to do this, lower it into boiling water, then transfer it to a container with dye.

The peculiarity of this method is that the paint penetrates deep into the layers of plexiglass.

Using the algorithms described above, you will be able to paint plexiglass in the desired color at home, after which you can make something from it with your own hands.

Organic glass has long established itself as a multifunctional material for various types of structures. As a rule, plexiglass is transparent, but what to do when you need to give it some color or shade? Very simple! You can paint the surface of plexiglass in several ways listed below.

The first way to paint plexiglass:

Tsaponlak is used for painting. First of all, you need to prepare a glass or enamel container of suitable size for immersing the parts.
The exposure time in the dye depends on the degree of color saturation you want to achieve. It can range from a few seconds to 15 minutes. If you are not sure about the strength of the tone, you need to test paint a small piece of plexiglass. You can also repaint the glass by first drying it and then immersing it in varnish again.

The second way to paint plexiglass:

The varnish is made at home. To do this you will need plexiglass filings. When there is no sawdust left over from cutting, they can be made using a file. Sawdust must be dissolved in vinegar essence in a ratio of 1:6, that is, one part of sawdust to 6 parts of essence. In this case, precautions must be taken to ensure that the resulting solution does not come into contact with the skin. If this does happen, you should immediately rinse the affected area well with water. Also, you should not allow vinegar essence to get on your clothes and other things - it can ruin them.

After this, a dye is diluted in the resulting solution, which can be ink taken from the refills of ballpoint pens. However, this painting method has one drawback: the choice of colors is limited to four: blue, green, red and black.

In addition, for obvious reasons, this method is not entirely suitable for intensive painting of large surfaces. It is best used to add color to plexiglass parts and small products made from it. When painting, they are not immersed in varnish, because it has the ability to dissolve plexiglass. In this regard, the surface is painted with careful application of varnish.

The third way to paint plexiglass:

Before painting, the surface of the plexiglass should be especially carefully prepared. To do this, wipe it with gasoline and leave it to dry for a while. The sheet is then dipped into a detergent solution with an average temperature of about 50 °C. A saturated solution is prepared at the rate of 1 kg washing powder for 1 liter of water. The glass is kept for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed cold water and then immediately begin painting. The dye must be pre-formulated by adding a special dye for acetate silk to benzyl alcohol. To prepare it, take 5 g of dye per 20 g of alcohol. 2-3 g of regular washing powder are also poured into the alcohol solution. After this, the dye is diluted hot water to the desired consistency. Add 1 liter of water to the indicated volume. The prepared glass is immersed in the resulting paint, at a temperature of approximately 80 °C. Until the painted plexiglass is removed, the dye must be stirred. Holding time approximately 15 minutes.

If you need to paint a small piece of plexiglass, making it spotted with multi-colored paint stains, you can use the following method:

You need to take nitro paint of several colors. Pour 2-3 tbsp onto a sheet of whatman paper. spoons of the paint whose color will be the background. Randomly drip other paints onto the spread base (about 5 drops of two or three different colors). After this, you need to bend a sheet of paper in an arc and pour the composition onto plexiglass. The paint should cover the entire surface. No brush is used here. If there are large drips, the glass should be placed at an angle to remove excess paint. Naturally, it is recommended to choose a place to work in advance and lay something under the plexiglass to be painted. If the result obtained after drying quickly enough is unsatisfactory, you need to remove the paint using a swab dipped in solvent and repaint the plexiglass again. Linen, you need to remove the paint with a swab dipped in solvent and repaint the plexiglass again.

Organic glass products can be given White color, etching them with sulfuric acid. When exposed to acid for 1-3 minutes, the plexiglass will acquire a milky white color. If you subject the glass to a longer treatment (up to a maximum of 10 minutes), it will lose its shine and become matte. After etching the plexiglass, for which it is loaded into a concentrated acid solution, it must be thoroughly washed in running water. It is necessary to remove the product painted in this way carefully due to the fact that the surface softens under the influence of sulfuric acid. If at this time the removed plexiglass inadvertently touches something (for example, a container in which the acid was located), then a groove may remain on it. When working with a solution of concentrated sulfuric acid, you must follow safety rules.
It is also possible to apply various inscriptions and drawings to the glass.

Applying inscriptions and drawings on plexiglass by etching:

First, a sketch of the inscription or drawing is made and transferred to the surface of the plexiglass. It's done like this. An even layer of paraffin is applied to a sheet of glass heated to a temperature of 60-70 °C. Next, the contours of the drawing or inscription are transferred onto it through carbon paper.

Then the plexiglass is carefully and thoroughly cleaned of paraffin in those places where the drawing or inscription should be etched. Using the point of a needle, a groove is drawn along the marking line in the paraffin (all the way to the surface of the plexiglass), and the unnecessary paraffin is scraped off with the tip of a knife.

Along the edges of the paraffin sheet, sealed walls with a height of about 7 mm are additionally made. Now you can begin the etching process, for which concentrated sulfuric acid is poured into the prepared mold for 5-10 minutes.

After etching is completed, the sulfuric acid is poured into a special container, and the treated surface is washed repeatedly with cold water.

Then the plexiglass is dried, the paraffin is removed from it, as a result, the desired inscription or milky design remains on the surface.

P.S.: I tried to clearly show and describe not tricky tips. I hope that at least something is useful to you. But this is not everything that can be imagined, so go ahead and study the site

Plexiglas allows you to realize many interesting design ideas. You can use it to make frames, lampshades, furniture inserts and much more. However, all of these things usually require colored parts. Let's find out how to paint plexiglass at home.

Staining techniques

There are several ways to paint plexiglass. Each of them requires strict adherence to safety regulations. Use safety glasses and gloves and cover thoroughly work surface. Children and pets should not be nearby during work. Containers containing dyes cannot be used as food containers.


Tsaponlak provides a durable coating that is resistant to heat, cold and other adverse influences. This coating is difficult to remove from solvents, so be careful not to splash furniture or leather, and if this happens, wipe it off immediately. Tsaponlak is available in black, blue, red, yellow and other colors. If the shade you need is not found, you can buy a colorless product and add dye to it.

Zapon varnish is used to create a mixture for painting plexiglass

Staining is carried out as follows:

  1. Pour tsaponlak into a glass or enamel bowl.
  2. Place the plexiglass plate into the container.
  3. Wait until the dye saturates the part. Color saturation depends on exposure time. To get a light translucent shade, a few seconds will be enough. It should take up to 15 minutes to get a rich color. You can first practice on an unnecessary piece.
  4. Remove the plate from the dye and set it to dry. Tsaponlak dries for up to three hours, and during this time it is better not to touch the part.

This method allows you to paint the plate evenly. Use a brush to create a design. In small bottles of tsaponlak it is often under the cap, like in nail polish.

Organic sawdust

Another way to color plexiglass is using sawdust of the same material, as well as vinegar essence and dye. As the latter, paste from a pen is most often used. Sawdust remains after cutting sheets or drilling holes. If necessary, polish them with a file.

Plexiglas can also be painted using colored plexiglass sawdust and dye

The work is carried out like this:

  1. Add 1 part sawdust to 6 parts vinegar essence and wait until it dissolves. On average it takes several days. Shake the bottle from time to time.
  2. When the sawdust disappears, add the paste from the pen to the solution.
  3. Paint the part with a brush and leave it to dry.

With pre-treatment with gasoline

This method involves the use of gasoline, benzyl alcohol and washing powder.

Staining is carried out as follows:

Video “How to glue plexiglass”

From this video you will learn about the thermal method of gluing plexiglass to plexiglass.

Additional decoration

There are several other types of plexiglass decoration.


To decorate the plate with bright patterns in the style of abstract painting, you will need nitro paint in several colors.

The dyeing process is as follows:

White surface

Plexiglas can be made white using sulfuric acid. Do not forget that this liquid is extremely dangerous and leaves severe chemical burns if it comes into contact with the skin. Be sure to use thick gloves and goggles! Prepare in advance strong solution soda or solution ammonia (10%).

If acid gets on the skin, it needs to be neutralized with these means, and not with water, which will only worsen the matter.

Plexiglas can easily be made white by treating with sulfuric acid

The work is carried out like this:

  1. Pour sulfuric acid into the cuvette.
  2. Using tweezers, place the plexiglass plate into the container. The longer the part is in contact with the acid, the deeper and richer the milky color will be. If the exposure time is no more than 3 minutes, the surface will remain smooth and glossy. After 15 minutes it will become matte. Longer exposure is not recommended, otherwise the material will begin to wrinkle and deteriorate.
  3. Remove the plate and rinse it with water. Remember that sulfuric acid splashes when it comes into contact with water. The pressure should be moderate: the soft plate after processing is easy to damage.

Creating a drawing

Plexiglas is also great for painting. You can use one of the listed dyes, as well as stained glass paints. A relatively short-lived, but bright drawing will be made from gouache with the addition of PVA - this type of creativity can be offered to a child.

Beautiful drawing on plexiglass will perfectly decorate the interior of the room

Finally, the design or inscription can be etched with sulfuric acid. To do this, the plate must be covered with paraffin and the corresponding image must be scratched into it.

Patience and accuracy will help you create a real little masterpiece out of plexiglass!

Just Pooh 27-05-2012 14:51

Comrades, does anyone have experience in painting plexiglass?
Please share the technology and what dyes are needed?
Thanks in advance.

Va-78 27-05-2012 15:25

just matte/degrease and blow out from a spray can (for outdoor use).

AndYur 27-05-2012 15:32

I'll listen to advice too!

Just Pooh 27-05-2012 15:35

quote: just matte/degrease and blow out from a can (for outdoor use)

I heard there is another way, the essence of which is that it is painted in an array and not just the surface while maintaining transparency.

Geka13 27-05-2012 15:46

In the array it can be made matte white by boiling in water.
Long and tedious.

suhai123 27-05-2012 16:13

Paint plexiglass. Colored ink was diluted from rods in vinegar essence and dyed. Or it can also be diluted in dichloroethane. I also boiled it in iodine, the kind sold in pharmacies. The result is a very beautiful amber color, depending on time and subsequent polishing from transparent brown to almost impenetrable burgundy. IMHO it is impossible to paint transparent plexiglass in an array.

Va-78 27-05-2012 16:23

quote: Or you can also dilute it in dichloroethane. I also boiled it in iodine, the kind sold in pharmacies. It turns out a very beautiful amber color, depending on time and subsequent polishing from transparent brown to almost impenetrable burgundy

please - details - salary - material - looking for - more than - five years - period

suhai123 27-05-2012 16:50

There is nothing complicated there. Right size the part is polished by GOI, then it is poured into an iron mug with iodine and boiled on the stove (you have to be careful, the iodine may splatter). Well, it gets it and is polished again at GOI until the desired color is obtained.

Va-78 27-05-2012 17:04

The birch handles were tinted with iodine - they fade in the sun within a few years.

suhai123 27-05-2012 17:09

Those. Iodine naked, without dilution with water? How deep does the color go?
The birch handles were tinted with iodine - they fade in the sun within a few years.

Somehow I didn’t think about how deep. Somewhere by 0.5-0.7 mm. Over time, the painted layer wears off and fades.

Va-78 27-05-2012 17:29

In general, the goal is to obtain/obtain black-amber waves, which are called “tortoiseshell”.

suhai123 27-05-2012 17:32

quote: Originally posted by Va-78:
OK, thanks for sharing - I'll experiment.
In general, the goal is to obtain/obtain black-amber waves, which are called “tortoiseshell”.

I once made myself a new glass for electronic watch- cut to size, polished, then glued and cut the tape to fit the dial, then boiled and tore off the tape, polished on one side until transparent, on the other until almost black-brown

gudini37 27-05-2012 17:59

It is better to polish with a flannel cloth and toothpaste (without fanaticism), and paint by boiling in iodine, brilliant green, or iodinol.
PY. SY. That's what they do in prison.

Allangray83 27-05-2012 21:12

I once painted it with Tsaponlak.

Surgut resident 28-05-2012 08:24

I accidentally came across an article about processing plexiglass.

Gluing plexiglass

Gluing plexiglass parts is a fairly common operation when working with

him. In this case, you must first prepare a special glue. For

it will need the following ingredients:

Dichloroethane - 100 g;

Plexiglas shavings - 3 g.

In the event that there are no chips left from the previous drilling operation or

There is too little of it, then it is easy to make it from unnecessary scraps of plexiglass.

The prepared shavings are poured into a container with dichloroethane, from ordinary

glass With gentle but fairly frequent continuous stirring for

After half an hour, the shavings should dissolve. Then the glue is left for at least 2

days. When infusing, the adhesive mass must be stirred periodically.

The parts to be glued are usually overlapped, butt-jointed, tongue-and-groove or with

overlay. In this case, the areas to be connected must be well processed and very

exactly matched to each other.

The glue is carefully applied to both surfaces to be glued using a brush.

Moreover, it needs to be driven in one direction. As a result, on the glued

the surface should be free of air bubbles and small foreign particles accidentally trapped

objects or debris.

When gluing with an overlap, the area to be coated must be at least 4-

multiple of the thickness of this sheet. Only in this case the connection will be strong.

Plexiglas painting

You can paint the surface of plexiglass using several of the following:


First way

Tsaponlak is used for painting. First of all, you need to prepare

a glass or enamel container of suitable size for immersing parts.

The exposure time in the dye depends on the degree of saturation of the color

must be obtained. It can range from a few seconds to 15 minutes.

If you are not sure about the strength of the tone, it is necessary to carry out a test color

a small piece of plexiglass. You can also repaint the glass after drying it first.

it and then dipping it back into the varnish.

Second way

The varnish is made at home. For this you will need sawdust

organic glass. When there is no sawdust left over from cutting, they can be made with

using a file.

Sawdust should be dissolved in vinegar essence in a ratio of 1:6, that is, one

part sawdust to 6 parts essence. In this case, it is necessary to observe measures

precautions, the resulting solution should not come into contact with the skin. If this is the case

occurs, you should immediately rinse the affected area well with water.

Also, do not allow vinegar essence to get on clothes and other things.

She might ruin them.

After this, a dye is diluted in the resulting solution, which is

Ink taken from the refills of ballpoint pens can serve.

However, this painting method has one drawback: the choice of colors is limited

four: blue, green, red and black.

In addition, for obvious reasons, this method is not entirely suitable for

intensive coloring of large surfaces. It is best used for

adding color to plexiglass parts and small products made from it. When painting

they are not immersed in varnish because it has the ability to dissolve

plexiglass. In this regard, the surface is painted with careful application of varnish.

Third way

0.5 g of aniline dye is dissolved in methyl alcohol. Received

the solution then needs to be heated, for which an enamel container with

The dye is placed in another bowl with water and put on fire. Through

some time after the water boils, the dye will also boil.

The part to be painted must be prepared while the paint is cooking. Her

You also need to heat it up by briefly immersing it in boiling water. Then the glass is removed

and transfer to a container with boiling dye.

This method is convenient because the paint does not just form surface layer, A

its particles penetrate into the plexiglass.

Fourth method

Before painting, the surface of the plexiglass should be especially carefully prepared.

To do this, wipe it with gasoline and leave it to dry for a while.

The sheet is then dipped into a detergent solution with an average temperature of about

A saturated solution is prepared at the rate of 1 kg of washing powder per 1

l water. The glass is kept for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed with cold water.

and then immediately begin painting.

The paint must be pre-formulated by adding benzyl

alcohol of special dye for acetate silk. To prepare it on

20 g of alcohol take 5 g of dye. 2-3 g are also added to the alcohol solution

regular washing powder.

After this, the dye is diluted with hot water to the desired consistency.

Add 1 liter of water to the indicated volume. into the resulting paint, with temperature

approximately 80? C, immerse the prepared glass. While the painted plexiglass is not

will be taken out, the dye must be stirred. Holding time approx.

If you need to paint a small piece of plexiglass, making it spotty from

multi-colored paint stains, you can use the following method.

You need to take nitro paint of several colors. Pour 2-3 tbsp onto a sheet of whatman paper.

spoons of the paint whose color will be the background. On the spread base at random

add other paints (about 5 drops of two or three different colors).

After this, a sheet of paper needs to be bent in an arc and pour the composition onto

plexiglass. The paint should cover the entire surface. No brush is used here.

If there are large drips, then the glass should be positioned at an angle so that

work and lay something under the plexiglass to be painted.

If the result obtained with sufficiently rapid drying

unsatisfactory, you need to remove the paint using a swab soaked in solvent, and

repaint the plexiglass.

Products made of organic glass can be given a white color by etching them

sulfuric acid. When exposed to acid for 1-3 minutes, plexiglass

will take on a milky white color. If you subject the glass to longer processing

(maximum up to 10 minutes), it will lose its shine and become matte.

After etching the plexiglass, for which it is immersed in concentrated

acid solution, it must be thoroughly rinsed in running water. Get it

a product painted in this way must be carefully due to the fact that under

The surface softens under the influence of sulfuric acid. If taken out at this time

with plexiglass it is inadvertent to touch something (for example, a container in which

acid was present), then a groove may remain on it. Working with a solution of concentrated

triated sulfuric acid, safety regulations must be followed.

It is also possible to apply various inscriptions and drawings to the glass.

Labeling and

drawings on plexiglass

etching method

First, make a sketch of the inscription or drawing and transfer it to the surface

plexiglass. It's done like this.

An even layer is applied to a sheet of glass heated to a temperature of 60-70°C.

Then the plexiglass is carefully and thoroughly cleaned of paraffin in those places where

the drawing or inscription must be etched. The point of the needle along the marking line in

a furrow is drawn in paraffin (right up to the surface of the plexiglass), and the unnecessary

paraffin is scraped off with the tip of a knife.

Along the edges of the paraffin sheet, sealed walls are additionally made

about 7 mm high. Now you can begin the etching process, for which

pour concentrated sulfuric acid into the prepared mold for 5-10 minutes.

After the etching is completed, the sulfuric acid is drained, and the treated

the surface is washed repeatedly with cold water.

Then the plexiglass is dried, paraffin is removed from it, resulting in

the desired inscription or milky drawing remains.

Labeling and

drawings on plexiglass

engraving method

Engraving of the surface of plexiglass is carried out using cutters or burs.

The cutter must be high-speed. Rotation speed of cutter with 10-36 teeth

is 2200 rpm.

Engraving is also usually done with burs mounted on the end of a flexible

shaft connected to a low-power motor, or use

a small old dental drill with 6-8 drills. In addition, you can

also use cutters.

You need to move the bur smoothly, without making much effort. Should not be allowed

drilling jerks. Chips that interfere with engraving should be removed periodically.

If necessary, the resulting grooves are cleaned with a needle. Furrow,

The hole left by the bur should be level and not too deep.

Before starting work, it is recommended to practice

first on scraps of plexiglass and get used to the work of a bur or cutter. Also

You should draw an engraving sketch on the plexiglass in advance with a soft pencil.

The often used engraving with cutters on the reverse side is very beautiful.

plexiglass. This allows you to get the effect of a three-dimensional relief pattern.

The surface of a product with such engraving remains smooth, and the image with

the inner side fascinates with the light refracted in its edges. For

For greater expressiveness, the milling cuts are painted from the inside in different colors.

Plexiglas stamping

Due to its relative ease, this process is completely doable without any

or particularly complex special devices.

The matrix (mold) and punch (press) for stamping can be made from solid

wood species

A sheet of plexiglass of suitable size is heated in a well-known way -

placed in a container of water, which is brought to a boil. Sometimes instead of water

add machine oil. The glass is brought to a state of complete softening.

Before use, it is also better to heat the matrix and punch to a temperature

approximately 60-80? C. After this, the heated sheet is placed on

matrix, a punch is placed on top. For pressing glass matrix and punch

clamped in a vice. These operations must be performed very carefully and quickly - until

plexiglass is still hot.

When the stamped part has cooled, the vice is unscrewed, the punch is removed and

the product itself. The latter is washed from machine oil(when used) in

warm water and soap. The excess needs to be cut off. Produce as needed

processing with fine sandpaper.

The finished product can be polished and painted.

In approximately the same way, it is possible to make curly shapes from plexiglass.

stampings, for example letters, various signs or symbols.

In this case, the matrix is ​​made of aluminum sheet 6-8 mm thick. On

it is cut using a cutter the required form. It is also better to make a punch from

the same material.

For pressing, glass is heated to the desired plastic state. Sometimes

prepare a special mass for stamping. To do this, take the following


Zinc white powder - 35 g;

Acrylate powder - 80 g;

Dibutyl phthalate - 30 g;

Stearin - 30 g;

Monomer - 250 g.

Zinc oxides are poured into a container made of neutral material (glass or porcelain).

whitewash They are thoroughly mixed with dibutyl phthalate, which serves

plasticizer and then with monomer. After this, with constant stirring of the mass

melted stearin is introduced. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, part of it (50 g)

put aside in another bowl. Acrylate powder is added to it and also

mix with the mass.

Heat the mass placed in the mold using boiling water. For

stamping, a special press with electrical heating can also be used

Press forms.

The stamped figure (or usually several at once) is removed from the matrix.

If it was not possible to remove the material from the mold, then it is necessary to lightly

knock on the table. Excess stamping in the form of partitions is cut off and sections

processed. They are usually always there, since the mass is put into the matrix with a small

reserve in order to avoid the formation of voids.

Using the same principle - heating the plexiglass and giving it the required force

shape - you can make curved parts various forms and sizes.

Plexiglas bending method

using a soldering iron

In this way, small parts made of plexiglass are bent. For this they use

heated electric soldering iron with a straight tip.

First, you should apply the sting to the prepared strip of plexiglass in the place

the desired bend. Then the material is heated until a peculiar crackling sound appears -

this is the limiting melting point, after which the sting is slowly passed a little

hand effort. Sometimes a pre-made metal mold is used, where

lay the part. You can also press a strip of plexiglass at the bend to

template right angle, made, for example, from wooden block, And

fix it in this position. After this you need to wait until it cools down completely

material, and only then separate the finished part.

Before bending glass, you should pay special attention to whether there is any

soldering iron tip of old tin solder. If there is contamination, then it needs to be

remove because the tin may stick to the plexiglass.

This technique has the only drawback that it

limited size of the workpiece.

If you want to give a large sheet of plexiglass a rounded shape or even

roll it into a pipe, then this can be done in the following way.

Need to find a suitable cut metal pipe. Its diameter should

match the steepness of the desired bend of the plexiglass. So the pipe

will serve to heat and shape a sheet of glass that will be wrapped

around her. Therefore (if the quality of the bent product is important) it is not suitable

painted or heavily rusted pipe contaminating the glass.

Used as a heater blowtorch. The pipe will be hot

her flame from within. In this regard, it is important to choose a pipe of the required length. Too much

a large one will not heat up well enough and will not heat up what is being placed on

there is a sheet of plexiglass. Required for further work pipe temperature

should be 90-100? C.

The pipe is secured by the edges to the stand. The device of this peculiar

The machine is complemented by clamps for holding glass.

A sheet of glass of the required size is prepared by first washing it

soda solution. Then the workpiece is secured to the pipe with clamps and heated

pipe with gradual bending of the product.

If you need to completely roll the plexiglass into a pipe, then you should

using a centimeter and cut the glass blank to the same length.

Scunc 28-05-2012 22:52

I worked in a design office, the main material there was plexiglass and PVC. I also tried to paint plexiglass, and they told me “NAH” “don’t do that crap” in general... tint it, tint it, muddy it, cover it with paint on top, etc. You can paint it. so that it becomes colored is impossible!
glued with dichloroethane, without any shavings, with pressure for 10-15 minutes.

Organic glass is widely used in various fields of production and construction; it is easy to process and therefore can be used for self-made furniture parts, lamps and interior decorations.

We will tell you how to paint plexiglass at home to give it new decorative properties.

Painting organic glass


Painting surfaces most often serves two purposes: protective and decorative. And precisely protective function paint coating plays a decisive role, since most materials require the application of a finishing layer to create a barrier that prevents the penetration of moisture, sunlight and other destructive factors.

In the case of plexiglass this is not the case: the material is not afraid of influence environment and itself can serve as a good protection against many undesirable phenomena. It is this quality, along with transparency, that allows the material to be called glass, although in fact it is not glass.

Painting of plexiglass is carried out exclusively for decorative purposes.
Painting can also be called changing the transparency to a matte or semi-matte shade, in which case the goal may be to use the material for.

Considering the purely decorative purpose of painting, we don’t have to worry about protective properties coating, and focus on its external beauty. This makes the task somewhat easier.

Painting methods

More permanent paints should be made from chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents such as dichloroethane, chloroform or methylene chloride, and methyl, butyl, propyl or ethyl alcohol can also be used.

So, painting plexiglass at home can be done by the following means:

  • With the help of tsaponlak. This is a solution of nitrocellulose in organic solvents, which allows materials such as plexiglass to be painted more deeply and reliably. The most famous example of tsaponlak is nail polish, but it is not suitable for us: it is better to purchase this material at a chemical store, radio parts store, or a construction market;
  • Using pigment dissolved in alcohol. Any alcohol-soluble pigment (wood stain, pen paste, ink, etc.) is stirred in technical or denatured alcohol and diluted with water. Then the composition is heated in a water bath and a piece of hardboard is lowered into it, left for some time and washed off with cold water;
  • By using acrylic varnish on vinegar essence. This material is prepared independently by dissolving sawdust or plexiglass shavings in concentrated acetic acid with the addition of a coloring pigment of the desired color. The varnish is applied to the surface with a brush;
  • To obtain a matte white surface, plexiglass is etched with concentrated sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. This method can also be used to make inscriptions or engravings on the surface.

When choosing how and with what to paint plexiglass, remember that the material is highly flammable and unstable to the action of acetone and benzene, and also has thermoplasticity, that is, it softens when heated.

Execution of work

For those who decide to paint a hardboard product with their own hands, here are our instructions on how to paint plexiglass blue:

  1. Take a metal pan and pour 1000 ml of alcohol flux into it, to which we add 100 grams of blue alcohol ink. Mix thoroughly and dilute with water to 2 liters;

  1. Pour water into the boiler in such an amount that its level is two-thirds of the height of the pan with paint, and put it on the fire;

  1. While the water is boiling, we clean the surface of our plexiglass product with purified Galosha gasoline, which we rinse off warm water With detergent. Wipe the surface dry;

  1. When the water boils, turn the heat to low and place our pot of paint in the boiling water. First place a rag or newspaper folded several times on the bottom. Cover the pan with paint with a lid;

  1. When the paint in the pan heats up (after 15 - 20 minutes), lower our part into it. We wait for 10 - 20 minutes, while stirring the paint with a spoon;

  1. After the specified period, we take out the part and wash it in cold water. We act carefully, as the surface can be soft, and furrows and scratches can easily remain on it;

  1. After a few hours, the surface can be polished with GOI paste using a velor or felt cloth.

Be extremely careful, alcohol vapors are highly flammable.
If a fire occurs, do not fuss or blow on the fire, but simply cover the pan tightly with a lid.


Paint organic glass you can do it yourself at home using our instructions. For a more complete impression, we recommend watching the video in this article.