Why are they evil? He refuses to see reality

16 Dec

When answering the question on this topic - “why are people evil? Psychology”, you need to understand that every person has an inherent a certain degree anger, it’s just that some people are more prone to it, others less so, and some people control control, and some don’t. One person may be more emotional and unstable and react critically and extremely aggressively or negatively to any stimulus - such a person will earn the reputation of being angry, irritable, and unbalanced. Another can remain silent, analyze and only then, having made a balanced decision to take this or that action - such a person will receive the glory of a calm, intelligent, balanced and psychologically stable person.

Also, sometimes the effect of anger can manifest itself in some people without any personal reasons; we can call it the effect of the crowd, “the crowd is angry, I’m angry,” and the reasons, as a rule, are not important.

This can often be observed during various kinds of revolutions or wars. This effect can also be observed even in Everyday life, for example, in line at a store, on the Internet.

Reasons for anger - example

An example where this can be seen and experienced: you visit a forum and express your personal opinion or try to help someone from the forum with advice and action to the best of your ability and capabilities, but despite your best good intentions the person to whom you, for example, advised something, turned out to be, to put it mildly, not entirely adequate or is not able to perceive help, or his logic is not at all standard and exists in a negative way, and he perceives everything as aggression and therefore your help is perceived as a reproach, and as a consequence such inadequate person responds to you with absolute negativity (because he lives in a negative emotional state and is not capable of analyzing his behavior from a neutral or positive position).

The crowd on this forum, without even reading your message, simply takes the side of the negative answer, so to speak, by default and begins to mock and humiliate you, which is absolutely inappropriate and not even logical, some individuals may even ask you to beg forgiveness from the one to whom you gave advice or shared With your own vision of the issue, as a rule, it makes no sense to argue or prove something to such people, because they have succumbed to the so-called effect of crowd behavior. By the way, don’t forget what’s good and what’s bad about the World Wide Web.

Often these are people who are underdeveloped spiritually, morally and psychologically, as a rule they also live in a position of negativity and negative images and thoughts, they can often have both physical and mental imbalances, they do not analyze their speech and what they are talking about and even why They say.

As a rule, they are also not amenable to change and for the most part make up the so-called biomass of society, which lacks analytical abilities, and they, like animals, subordinate their actions and behavior to the psychology of the herd (to the leader or to the one who is stronger in their opinion - there are no moral aspects here , only animal instincts, where the herd goes and I, moreover, this is on a subconscious level, since the conscious and analytical are essentially absent) as in animals or the psychology of the crowd as in people.

Crowd effect video

Special services even sometimes use this phenomenon of crowd psychology in their provocations, organizing rallies for their own purposes, carefully selecting such people by analyzing their profiles on social networks and other statements and behavioral factors. This crowd itself is a logically uncontrollable “herd”, which usually obeys, like animals, only to a leader or a call - where one runs there and that’s it, traders in markets often use this technique - they create a crowd around themselves to which more people also draw The crowd is still growing.

Why are people angry

Here it is time to say, answering the question why people are evil, that they are often evil because of a very low evolutionary level of personal development. They do not work on themselves spiritually, are crude materialists and, as a rule, do not have any outstanding mental abilities and ideas, they also cannot tolerate any kind of criticism addressed to them, this causes indignation and irritation in them - they are a kind of averaged behavioral biomass.

Why people are evil human psychology

People get angry, especially when something doesn’t work out for them at all, or if, for example, they fall into trouble. difficult situation which seems absolutely hopeless to them, or when they absolutely cannot understand something. Rarely is anger itself pure form manifests itself as an emotion, much more often it is mixed with annoyance, resentment or even irritation - from something, at someone, or even at oneself.

What kind of people are called evil

Evil people are called people who do not hide their emotional state, which manifests itself when irritated, and people who, in addition to the violent manifestation of an irritated state, also predominate in a negative background in their thought process, can also be called evil. That is, in fact, they see one continuous negative in everything, be it help from someone or a simple greeting from another person.

Why do people become angrier over time?

As a rule, the more trouble a person has in the process life path, the more negative and angrier he becomes. That is, his negative reaction to irritation becomes pronounced anger. In a global format, we can say that other people, or rather their actions, make people evil.

Why people are angry, psychology of anger, benefits and harms

Often, people who are religious or spiritually developed struggle with their anger on a conscious level, and can also control the manifestation of their emotions, while low spiritual people and so to speak “primitive materialists” do not understand in most cases the anger of others. emotions, but live as a kind of biological organism exclusively on the material plane or according to the principle “like everyone else.”

In some cases, anger can even help, for example, in sports - it will help an athlete release more energy and testosterone and win a competition. In a fight, anger also mobilizes the body’s strength.

But nevertheless it is better to be spiritually and emotionally developed person, then you will understand the processes and reasons for your emotions, and you will never be a thoughtless crowd, but will comprehensively analyze your actions and emotions and only after that cool head make a fully informed decision. We hope the article “why people are angry psychology” sheds a little light on the reasons for people’s anger and why it arises.

Earth is a beautiful planet filled with many loving hearts. But, unfortunately, it is also home to those who find it difficult to find light in their own souls.

People with an Evil Heart often appear to be good, but their actions are always driven by a hidden agenda. They seem to be imprisoned in their own little world, in which they think only about themselves and what they can take from life.

What is an Evil Heart?

In our Universe, Good and Evil are perfectly balanced. But there are also damaged souls on planet Earth who are so traumatized or disconnected from the light that whatever they are up to is determined solely by their personal gain, no matter the cost.

The psyche of a Person with an Evil Heart develops in such a way that his brain thinks only about how to destroy, harm or use others for his own interests. He sees the whole world solely as free application to one's own personality.

Angry people hate the very idea that others can be happy. Their souls are so distorted that they experience joy while bringing only pain and problems to others.

Having recognized such people in your environment, it is better to immediately end all relations with them before it is too late!

Here are 7 warning signs that indicate you are a Person with an Evil Heart.

1. He lies constantly

The person with the Evil Heart doesn't want you to see the world as it really is. Instead, he will mislead you into thinking only about the negative.

Because such people constantly lie to themselves and to you, they find everywhere exactly the lies that cause the most harm. They only say things that make the situation worse. Evil people are a constant source of rumors, but they themselves try to seem like angels.

A person with an Evil Heart is excellent at making mountains out of molehills, finding true joy in the fact that it negatively affects you.

2. He intentionally withholds information.

People with evil intentions hate it when you are happy. So they withhold information that will be useful to you and only tell you what might upset you.

A person with an Evil Heart always keeps something back to make you weaker.

3. He is a true master of distortion

Evil people can twist your words in such a way that you look like a monster. That's what they like best!

A person with an Evil Heart will usually try to rephrase what you say in order to make others doubt you or lose trust in you.

4. He doesn't feel guilty

Although such people are well aware of the pain they cause you, they do not feel guilty. They just don't care about you.

If a Man with an Evil Heart needs to destroy your life to get what he wants, he will do so without any hesitation.

5. He never apologizes

People with evil intentions do not feel the need to take responsibility or ask for forgiveness for their wrongdoings. When problems arise as a result of their own actions, they will blame you or the situation.

For the Man with an Evil Heart, personal responsibility is tantamount to admitting defeat.

6. He refuses to see reality.

These people only want to see what they like. For example, bad things that could happen to you or someone else. Unfortunately, their cunning plans often come true.

A person with an Evil Heart will distort reality at any cost.

7. The way they act in public is different than when they are alone with you.

An angry person radiates kindness in the presence of strangers, smiles sweetly and shows maximum attention to you.

As soon as you are alone, the behavior changes dramatically - anger, insults, neglect.

How to protect yourself from evil?

People with Evil Hearts have no place in your life! No matter how you treat them, they will ignore your good intentions.

These narcissists and psychopaths always try to appear to others in an angelic guise. To protect yourself from the evil they bring, try to distance yourself from them. No one has to tolerate lies and manipulation!

You are much better than they think you are! So do the wise thing: throw them out of your life without any explanation!

How do you recognize People with Evil Hearts? Is there anything else you can add to this list?

Translation and adaptation: Fabiosa

Man differs from animals, among other things, in the presence of a wide range of feelings and emotions. Anger is manifested by people everywhere: at home, on the road, in public transport, at work, in nature, with friends, etc. That is why there will always be someone who wants to understand why a close or not so close person shows aggression, what is the nature of this phenomenon. And some especially gentle and kind young ladies will even seek advice on how to become evil.

Definition and essence

To begin with, you can see what dry scientific interpretations say. According to explanatory dictionaries and reference books on psychology, anger is an emotion or feeling of anger, ill will, aggression, frustration or rage, caused by someone or something that prevents a person from getting what he wants. It can be directed either to a particular object or to a group of similar objects, and may also not have a specific addressee. There are two types: with a positive influence on the individual (for example, in sports) and with a negative one (for example, the desire to cause physical harm to someone or commit illegal actions).

Instinct for Survival

Nature has worked hard to create man, both physiologically and psychologically. Much of what we call today is actually nothing more than instincts. For example, in order to express his attitude to what is happening, a person has learned to laugh or cry. And in order to defend his place in the group and in this cruel world, homo sapiens had no choice but to become angrier. It was the manifestation of aggression and hostility that helped our ancestors survive in a harsh world, where every day was a struggle for life in the literal sense. This instinct is inherited and it is very unlikely to get rid of it. And is it necessary? And the fact that we become angrier over the years can be explained very simply: accumulated experience, unfulfilled dreams, a subconscious understanding of the approaching end. These are all the tricks of nature, so to speak, a component of the survival instinct.

We are not like that, but life is like that

Yes, it’s very simple: change the environment! It is the people around us who often become the cause of aggression, cruelty and anger. For example, a child from a family with a dysfunctional emotional environment is unlikely to grow up to be a kind person. And this applies not only to antisocial elements, such as alcoholics, drug addicts or gambling addicts. Most likely, a child will grow up angry in a family where they often shout, make scandals, or even fight. In adulthood, everything happens similarly. Finding yourself surrounded by aggressive classmates, colleagues, friends or neighbors, a person willy-nilly adapts to the situation. All this is due to the manifestation of the same instinct inherent in nature: in order to survive, there is nothing left but to become angrier.

Don't come near - he'll kill you!

Very often, subordinates are afraid of their leaders and, discussing orders and instructions among themselves, accuse them of being excessively aggressive. What causes this? There are two possible answers. Firstly, power literally drives many people crazy. Instead of striving for something new, developing and learning, they choose the path of self-affirmation by humiliating the dignity of others. Constantly emphasizing their superiority, such individuals feel better and more confident. The root of this behavior most often lies in improper upbringing or stress experienced in childhood or adolescence. But another option is also possible. For example, a young, smart and beautiful employee is suddenly appointed head of a department in which a dozen other young ladies work who are not very keen on productive work. Or in this office there are only men who do not take the leader in a skirt seriously. Of course, it will not be easy for her to subjugate such a team and force it to work, and she will probably choose the path of becoming evil and making her subordinates afraid of herself.

Still waters run deep

Most often, people are evil not of their own free will, but due to some circumstances. For example, a man became angry after he lost his favorite job or went broke in business. His aggression and hostility can be directed both to individuals whom he considers to blame for his failures, and to the whole world, if the reasons for what happened cannot be blamed on someone specific. This can happen even to someone who was previously considered an optimist and a cheerful person.

Or another example: a sweet, quiet and modest girl became angry after her loved one abandoned her and went to her childhood friend. The transformation of a gray mouse into a real bitch happens quite often, because a broken heart is accompanied by very strong emotional experiences, which awaken previously dormant feelings in our consciousness.

Unfulfilled ambitions or the collapse of a dream can change the psychological state of absolutely any person, even a very kind and friendly one.

Fashionable emotional trends

If someone complains: “I’m becoming angry, I don’t know what to do, I’m yelling at everyone and I hate everyone,” etc., you should advise this person to find like-minded people. Perhaps among them he or she will feel better and more confident. Today, not surprisingly, it is becoming fashionable to be aggressive and lonely. IN in social networks Whole groups of such hermits are being created who do not believe in the power of Good, but from childhood they are convinced that Evil is smart, insidious, cunning, strong.

Anger - good or bad?

So, why a person becomes angry is understandable. The causes and nature of the phenomenon are clear. But is it so bad to be evil? Everything that is created by nature has its own meaning and purpose. Sometimes the manifestation of aggression is vital for an individual to survive or stabilize psychological state. If you need to cause a storm of emotions, then there are several ways to become angry. Firstly, you can be in an extremely unpleasant situation and play it out in your mind until you get desired result. If your imagination fails and nothing works out, you should try the second method. To do this, you need to surround yourself with irritants: turn on a TV show or music that causes obvious rejection, change temperature regime in the room to an uncomfortable level or wearing uncomfortable clothing. Just a little time - and a person is already “angry as a dog.”

The main thing in this matter is a sense of proportion. You can’t restrain your emotions and you definitely need to give them a way out, but if your anger is already overflowing, then you can moderate your ardor a little, for example, take up sports such as boxing or wrestling, shoot darts, shoot at a shooting range, or, at worst, go far out of town into a dense forest and shout to this world everything you think about it.

Evil is difficult to define precisely. To put it simply, we can say that an evil person is someone who behaves in a malicious manner. Some argue that such people are immoral, sick, depraved, or wicked, but these words are also difficult to define precisely. After all, immorality for one is the norm for another.

But when you meet an evil person, no definition will change your mind. The truth is, you'll know it when you see it.

Evil people come in all sorts of places, often in places where you wouldn't expect them to be. They can be found in schools, in temples, in the homes of our friends - wherever we go.

Look at the warning signs that a person is evil. And remember that there is only one solution for the evil people in our lives.

1. They enjoy the misfortune of others.

Image: unsplash.com

Angry people feel good when they see misfortune. It could be a disaster on the news or a dramatic situation unfolding in front of them. They seem to enjoy misfortune, enjoy other people's bad feelings.

All the suffering of an evil person ends when bad things happen to other people. The real danger here is that they may deliberately create bad situations for you and others so that they can enjoy failure.

It's important to identify them before something bad happens to you and the people you love. Because if terrible things happen, it makes them feel better, and there's nothing you can do about it.

2. They seek control.

Evil people seek to control. But it's not just about controlling you. They often feel completely uncomfortable and helpless if they are not in control of every aspect of their lives.

Angry people are often so cruel to the world and others that they simply cannot trust any part of their lives to another person. This obsession can make them appear polite, concise, and punctual. But when you let them get close, they begin to control your life, making you just like them.

Refusing the wishes of an evil person does not always lead to direct malicious actions towards you. Sometimes it's very hard to feel. This is not a blow to the face, but a blow to the heart. The goal of an angry person is to control how you feel on the inside, not how you feel on the outside.

3. They are usually dishonest

Let's be realistic. Everyone lies. We all do it. Some are less, others are more. But although everyone lies, not everyone is a liar.

A liar is a special breed of people. They lie pathologically, constantly and sometimes without even realizing it. A wicked liar will often lie because his lie is a form of his reality. By living a lie, their own minds become prisoners of their evil behavior.

Some evil people lie a little, twisting the truth to make themselves appear stronger, smarter, or better. Some evil people lie about you and others. But one thing is for sure: they are liars.

Lies serve as a tool to manipulate reality, which does not serve them the way they would like. When they are caught in a lie, they will likely try to manipulate you into questioning reality itself so that you continue to look to them as a source of strength, when in fact they are all liars.

4. They make you feel weird around them.

It is said that our bodies emit an energy field. Perhaps it is intuitive protective system. But just as poor nutrition affects the condition of the skin, so the evil entity manifests itself in the energy field.

Perhaps this is why evil people give us a creepy feeling, even if they do nothing at all.

Often one of the surest signs of an angry person is that you simply don't feel right around him. You have terrible sensations and you cannot really explain what is happening.

5. They fool you

Reality manipulation is what gives the evil person most of his energy. Moreover, they can do this in accordance with their petty desires and whims. This is why evil people talk—to mislead you into thinking a certain way about them, about the people in your life, and about yourself.

This misrepresentation may occur in various forms such as misquoting, lying, or twisting facts. The end result is a world they have created in which you have difficulty understanding or believing.

Here is one way to detect an evil person, especially a cunning one: see if someone is misleading others. If you see this, immediately turn around and go the other way.

6. They have no remorse

Image: unsplash.com

Let's look at what we talked about earlier: evil people are controlling. They are liars. They enjoy misfortune. They make you feel weird around them. Do you know what's worst? They never regret what they did or how they make you feel. Evil people don't really feel remorse.

If you point out the fact that they are justifying their malicious behavior, they will deflect and manipulate, trying to make you think that your reality, which you know is true, actually is not. All they want to do is maintain their current lifestyle by controlling you, and apologizing will indicate possible mistakes.

In our world, evil people want to achieve perfection in their ability to deceive you. Admitting a mistake would destroy the picture they had so carefully cultivated.

7. They are cruel

So far we have talked about evil people and the subtle ways in which they express their inner evil desires. However, not all evil people like to be cunning. Some people prefer to demonstrate their terrible nature. And cruelty is one way to do this.

This can take the form of beatings that cause pain to spouses, children, friends, or even sick animals. Evil people are often victims of the prisons they have built for themselves, which is why they derive so much joy from misfortune and pain.

This dulls the pain they feel in their hearts. But this does not mean that you need to justify or support evil people.

If you are around someone who expresses themselves in such violent ways, find an opportunity to leave as quickly as possible. One day it may go too far and cause serious damage.

8. They are irresponsible

An evil person has no moral compass. They will do as they please and will never feel responsible for the pain they cause to others. If they feel even the slightest feeling of guilt, they immediately get rid of it.

They like to shift their blame onto others and do not understand what an apology is. They believe that apologies are for the weak. They value themselves too much to apologize for THEIR mistakes.

9. Their friends and family warn you

Often one of the first signs that a person is truly evil is when their "friends" and family warn you. They may accidentally talk about an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend who ran away from them. Or mention problems with their previous relationship and make excuses for the evil person.

This is a kind of manipulation, but it can also be seen as a warning sign of an impending disaster. In a sense, these people are telling you that something is wrong and that you need to think about it. Sometimes people in their lives will directly tell you that an evil person is unhealthy and that you should avoid him at all costs.

Either way, don't ignore the signs of a truly evil person, especially when the people who supposedly love them warn you.

10. They are bad friends

If an evil person comes to your aid, know that he is doing it for a purpose. In other cases, such people will only be with you when you are doing well. When something goes wrong, they disappear.

11. They are intolerant or bigoted

Image: unsplash.com

Evil thrives when good is shared. This has made many of the world's evil people - from Hitler to Osama bin Laden - so successful. They took the small differences between people and used them to create larger and larger cracks that ended in disaster.

They often use bigotry, racism and fascism - everything to keep good people away from each other and produce more evil people. Although fanatics are not always evil.

Be afraid of such people. Some of them are just delusional, but many are downright evil.

12. They manipulate

Evil people, in addition to malicious actions, are also capable of showing kindness. But what really sets them apart from others is the price of such kindness. Often, evil people will be nice to you only to later get something they want from you, be it money, submission, or worse.

If they try to manipulate you based on previous kindness, know that kindness has no price. You don't need motivation or stimulation to do the right thing and be kind to each other. Truly kind people do not expect to receive anything in return.

13. They belittle you

One of the worst manipulations of an evil person is emotional manipulation. This usually comes in the form of belittlement.

He may play the victim even though you have done nothing wrong. Or make fun of your appearance, body, interests, hopes, hobbies, goals, friends, home and dreams.

Don't let malicious people change your opinion about yourself and the decisions you make. Just say, "I'm sorry you're unhappy with this part of my life, but it's important to me." That's all.

14. They confuse and conflict

Just as evil people use the above tactics to divide good people, they will use chaos, confusion and conflict to their advantage. The more scared and insecure you are, the more power they will have over you. But you can fight back with poise and confidence, even when you don't fully understand what's going on in your life and in your world.

Often, evil people are the ones who bring all their confusion and conflict into your life. Don't fall into their trap. No matter what happens, stay calm. Use a balanced approach to resolve conflicts and confusion in your life.

15. They lead double lives

Evil people will never reveal their true lives to you. To say they lead double lives is a huge understatement. They lead hundreds of lives.

They can be anything to get what they want. They are different for everyone. They have a well thought out story and image that they are trying to portray. The only thing they all have in common is that no one knows who they really are.

16. They have no boundaries

Angry people are persistent, outgoing, intense, tenacious and false. In many ways they are similar to boomerangs. No matter how much you throw away from your life, they always try to come back to you.

This is inevitable, but can be prevented.

No matter how persistent, sociable, intense, tenacious and false evil people are, they can always be gotten rid of forever.

They will use every opportunity to get you to leave them. They will manipulate, they will lie, they will pretend to be good, they will attack and humiliate, they will mislead and control. They will try to make you change your mind, but the only way to free yourself from them is to leave them behind.

Of course, an evil person can change, but he must do it on his own. And you cannot force such people to change. To do this, they need to open their hearts, feel the need to atone for what they have done, and be willing to work hard to correct their malicious behavior.

Throughout our lives, we are surrounded by many people with whom in one way or another we have to encounter and communicate, these are our friends, classmates, classmates, then colleagues, acquaintances of acquaintances, employees of stores and other institutions, even just passers-by. And, unfortunately, not all of them are friendly, and here the question arises, why are people angry, why do they approach life, or, specifically, towards us, with aggression? After all, we are all brought up in approximately the same traditions, love for our neighbor, from childhood our parents tell us not to do harm to people, so why do they do harm to us?

Anger and its causes

The issue of anger and aggression has been troubling society for a long time. Various sciences study human behavior, including psychology. Many works and studies have been devoted to the anger of people, while anger and aggression are considered in various aspects: the causes of anger, its nature, anger management, protection from anger, and so on.

Anger is sharp and bright expressed feeling dissatisfaction with something or someone. Anger often develops into aggression; a person moves on to actions aimed at causing harm to others or to the object that caused the anger. From the definition we see that anger has its own reasons, and they are quite varied, here are some of the reasons why certain people became angry:

  • Dissatisfaction with life, disappointment (including with oneself), this also includes such a human condition as frustration ( emotional condition caused by unjustified expectations, inability to meet needs).
  • Envy.
  • Life shocks (personal misfortune, loss, etc.)
  • Jealousy.
  • Psychological trauma.
  • Psychological diseases.
  • Depression.
  • Stress and fatigue.
  • Increased emotionality, tendency to impulsive actions.

In the above list, there are reasons that depend on both external factors, and from internal state person. In addition, anger tends to accumulate, while different reasons angers overlap each other, which can lead to serious mental distress and health problems. In some situations, anger is the body's defensive reaction to the current situation, or a signal for a person that something in his life is going wrong.

First of all, you need to understand that not all people are evil, and even evil people are not always so. Even the most evil people in a different situation and environment can be pleasant and kind.

It is not always a person’s fault that he is angry; sometimes his surroundings, the trials that befall him, and life itself make him so. Evil people can be changed into better side, for some of them, attention will be enough for them to become kinder (for example, a person is angry because he is lonely, or he was offended). And others need specialized help from psychologists, or even medication.

How to deal with evil people

When communicating with an evil person, it is necessary to remember that he is in an affective state, that is, he is not at peace with himself, and cannot fully control himself. You should not provoke them; sometimes it is not always possible to resolve the conflict through negotiations. And if anger is directed at you, you should leave and continue the conversation after the person calms down.

If you are wondering why people have become angrier around you, evaluate your behavior: are you inciting aggression in others. Perhaps you put pressure on people, set a negative tone environment, or your other traits make them angry. After all, it’s easier to blame the environment than to look for reasons within yourself.

Remember that anger is a destructive feeling. It pulls a person back, does not allow him to develop, achieve goals, takes away strength. If you feel that anger is growing in the depths of your soul, do not isolate yourself, share your experiences. Perhaps this will allow you to find the reasons for its occurrence and cope with the problem. Under no circumstances should you keep anger within yourself; you just need to learn to express it in a peaceful, constructive manner.