Site plan and geographical map. What is a site plan

Types of images of the earth's surface

Before making a decision on the construction of new factories, schools, sports institutions, on the construction of roads, on the location of agricultural land, it is necessary to have an image of the given area.

A small area can be drawn or photographed, but many objects on the earth's surface will be difficult to identify from such images.

The most common images of the earth's surface are aerial photographs, images from space, maps and site plans.

Plan – a drawing of a reduced image of the area, made in conventional symbols on a large scale (usually 1: 5000 and larger). Typically, plans are made for a small area of ​​terrain, several square kilometers in size, and the curvature of the Earth’s surface is not taken into account. The first maps in history were plans. Plans are used in a wide variety of industries and Agriculture. When constructing buildings, laying roads and communications, you cannot do without them.

Objects located on the surface (forests, rivers, villages, fields, etc.) will be seen better if the area is photographed from above, for example from an airplane. This image of the area is called an aerial photograph. On it, objects are similar to their true appearance on the ground, their sizes and relative positions are visible. There are many differences between a plan and an aerial photograph. A site plan is a drawing on paper depicting a small area of ​​the earth's surface in a reduced form. The plan differs from other images of the surface in that all objects on it are shown by conventional symbols. In general, it is more convenient and more informative to use a plan.

Rice. 2. Aerial photograph and site plan ()

Directions on the plan are indicated by an arrow, the tip of which always points north. Typically, north on a plan is at the top, south at the bottom, east at the right, and west at the left. Using the plan, you can determine the relative position of objects on the sides of the horizon and measure the distance between them using a single scale.

Rice. 4. Area plan and symbols for it

The conventional signs of the plan are, firstly, simple, secondly, unlike each other, and thirdly, they resemble the objects themselves. Under these conditions they are clear to everyone who reads the plan. So, rivers and lakes are shown blue water, and forests - green - the color of vegetation. There is no special sign for fields and vegetable gardens, so such areas are left white on the plan. The grassland symbol resembles stalks of grass. The sands are depicted brown dots. Small streams, roads, narrow streets are depicted with conventional signs in the form of lines. Such symbols are generally accepted. They are used on all terrain plans.

Groups of symbols:

1. Area

Rice. 6. Area symbols ()

2. Off-scale

Rice. 7. Off-scale symbols ()

3. Linear

Rice. 8. Linear symbols ()

Site plans are actively used in various areas of human economic activity.


Paragraph 4.

1. What is a site plan?



1. Basic course in geography: Textbook. for 6th grade. general education institutions / T.P. Gerasimova, N.P. Neklyukova. – 10th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2010. – 176 p.

2. Geography. 6th grade: atlas. – 3rd ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, DIK, 2011. – 32 p.

3. Geography. 6th grade: atlas. – 4th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, DIK, 2013. – 32 p.

4. Geography. 6th grade: cont. cards. – M.: DIK, Bustard, 2012. – 16 p.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A.P. Gorkin - M.: Rosman-Press, 2006. - 624 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Geography: initial course. Tests. Textbook manual for 6th grade students. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2011. – 144 p.

2. Tests. Geography. 6-10 grades: Educational and methodological manual/ A.A. Letyagin. – M.: LLC “Agency “KRPA “Olymp””: “Astrel”, “AST”, 2001. – 284 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. Russian Geographical Society ().

4. Ukrmap - Ukrainian textbooks ().

The procedure for drawing up a diagram of a terrain area from a topographic map

Drawing up a plan or diagram on a map scale is most conveniently done by copying the necessary elements of its content onto Blank sheet. This is done using special paper or “in the light” through glass (window). But do not forget that the topographic basis on large-scale maps tends to become outdated and requires updating.

A plan or diagram on a modified scale is drawn up using squares (Fig. 7.7). In this case, proceed as follows.

On the map, an area that should be depicted on a larger scale is outlined in the form of a rectangle, and its sides are measured. The squares of the coordinate grid of the map that fall into a rectangle can be divided into smaller squares and the elements of the terrain can be transferred by eye or by plotting perpendicular distances from the sides of the rectangle.

A rectangle similar to this is built on a sheet of paper, changing its sides the required number of times. The square magnification factor will be proportional to the zoom increase.

When drawing up a map of a terrain area, populated areas are drawn, then hydraulic objects (rivers, lakes, etc.), road networks, power lines and communications. After this, the outline of the forest area is drawn, which is outlined by the conventional sign established for the diagrams, relief details and landmarks necessary for subsequent work. Upon completion of the preparation of the layout of the area from the topographic map, the lines forming additional squares are erased, leaving only the intersections of the coordinate grid.

The one resulting from its enlargement is signed.

Depending on the purpose, terrain plans are drawn up:

  • on map scale;
  • changed (usually enlarged) scale;
  • approximate scale.

Drawing up a diagram on a map scale is most conveniently done by copying the necessary elements of its content onto transparent paper (wax wax, tracing paper, plastic

Rice. 7.7.

teak). Copy onto transparent paper "against the light" through window glass or through a special glass placed on a box with a light source inside.

On an approximate scale, diagrams are drawn up by eye. Work begins with an approximate drawing on paper from a map of the two points most distant from each other. In this case, the diagram maintains approximately the same relative position in direction as on the map.

After applying the topographic base (in pencil), everything unnecessary is erased with a soft eraser, and the rest is outlined with a black pen (Fig. 7.8).

The title is signed at the top, and a north-south arrow is placed in the upper left (right) corner of the diagram. At the bottom, in the middle, the numerical scale of the survey and its magnitude are indicated, on the left is the date of the survey, and on the right is the signature of the person who compiled the diagram.

In the left bottom corner diagrams may contain symbols with their decoding (explanation). There should be no frames or decorations. On the left side of the diagram sheet, 2–3 cm margins are left for filing documentation.

Rice. 7.8.

The essence, preparation and procedure for visual surveying of an area

Schemes of the area, incidents, etc., as a rule, are compiled using eye surveys. The essence of eye survey comes down to identifying on the ground and drawing on paper some of the most characteristic local objects and relief forms, followed by sketching the remaining details and details.

To carry out eye survey you must have:

  • compass;
  • sight line;
  • pencil;
  • elastic band;
  • a blank sheet of paper mounted on a rigid base (cardboard, plywood, etc.).

The compass is located on the corner of the tablet so that it is convenient to use and does not interfere with sighting.

In cases where the survey needs to be done quickly and does not require special care, it can be done with only a pencil and paper.

First of all, you need to carefully study the area intended for shooting, and decide how it is more convenient to place the diagram on paper, what scale to choose, and from how many points to shoot.

There are several eye survey techniques used in drawing up terrain diagrams:

  • shooting from one standing point;
  • shooting from several standing points (stations).

Let's consider only the first method of visual shooting.

Shooting from one standing point (Fig. 7.9) is used when it is necessary to depict a small open area terrain located directly around the standing point or in a given sector.

Order eye survey:

  • a) strengthen the paper and compass on the tablet so that the SY line on its scale coincides with the side of the tablet. Then turn the tablet with the compass until the end of the compass needle coincides with the letter C on its dial;
  • b) mark on the paper the point where the person taking the photo is located. Attach a target ruler to this point and, without changing the orientation of the tablet raised to eye level, rotate the ruler, aligning its top

Rice. 7.9.

an edge pointing towards the object being sighted, then draw a thin pencil line along the ruler;

  • c) measure the distance from the standing point to the object being sighted, taking into account the selected scale, mark on the drawn line the location of this object and plot it symbol. After this, magnetic azimuths are determined for 1–2 of the most durable landmarks and signed next to the symbols of these landmarks;
  • d) fix the location of an object, for example, discovered material evidence, using the azimuth method, i.e. the magnitude of the angle in degrees formed by the given direction and the direction to north. For this purpose, from any stationary object, for example a tree, a house, it is necessary to measure an arbitrary base to the standing point (O) and determine its azimuth, then from point O determine the distance to the fixed object and its azimuth (Fig. 7.10);
  • e) sight the remaining objects both from the starting point and from the point at which the first sighting was carried out. The intersection point of sight lines drawn on the plan (diagram) indicates the location of the object being fixed (method of notches).

In the case when you need to depict a large area of ​​terrain on paper or when the entire area from one point

Rice. 7.10.

ki is not visible, this area is photographed from several standing points (stations) or bypass method in the following order.

Before you start shooting, you need to prepare your tablet, i.e. attach paper and a compass to it. After this, on a narrow strip of cardboard, which is fixed to the plan, a scale of steps is drawn on one side, and a linear shooting scale on the other (Fig. 7.11).

The area required for the topographical basis required for drawing up the graphic document is visually determined. A starting point is marked on the tablet, from which they begin to move around the perimeter of the site.

The survey is carried out by walking around the entire given area along routes that form closed polygons. The lines along which they walk around the site when shooting are called running lines. They are usually chosen along the roads. In the absence or insufficient roads, the running line can be the bank of a river or stream, the edge of a ravine, the edge of a forest, etc. The apexes of the rotation angles are called stations. An employee, moving along the running line from station to station and measuring distances in steps (using a speedometer), sequentially marks on the tablet local objects and relief details encountered along the way, plotting the distance measured from them to scale. You should leave the moving line only in exceptional cases, when some obstacle obscures your horizons and interferes with shooting (Fig. 7.12).

Rice. 7.11.

Rice. 7.12.

If the entire terrain inside a given section can be viewed in detail from the running line, then it is removed in one go.

Otherwise, the area to be removed is broken into parts by additional moves (Fig. 7.13). In both cases, detours are carried out in such a way as not to pass along the same road several times and not return back.

Subsequent actions consist of determining on the ground and drawing on the tablet individual directions and points, along which the relief details necessary for drawing up the diagram are sketched.

Terrain diagram and basic rules

Their compilation

In the operational activities of internal affairs bodies, there is often a need to depict the area on a larger scale and in more detail than is shown on topographic maps. Since it is not always possible to plot all the necessary details on a map, especially when it is necessary to indicate the location of individual objects, landmarks and objects that were not previously plotted on the map. In this regard, plans, diagrams, cards and other graphic documents are widely used in the activities of internal affairs bodies, especially when it is necessary to graphically show a small area of ​​the area or an object.

A diagram is a graphic document drawn up on a map or terrain with more or less accurate adherence to scale, which displays only the local objects and individual relief details necessary for it.

General rules drawing up diagrams. When drawing up terrain maps, it is necessary to observe certain rules. First of all, you should understand what the diagram is intended for, what data and with what accuracy need to be displayed on it. This will make it possible to determine the scale of the diagram, its dimensions and content, choose the method of drawing up the diagram, and to more accurately indicate any object on the diagram, magnetic azimuths and distances to easily identifiable local objects can be marked. To orient the diagram, in the free space an arrow shows the direction to the north, the ends of the arrow are signed with the letters C (north) and Y (south).

Under the bottom side of its frame the scale of the diagram (numerical or linear) is shown. In the case when the diagram is drawn up on an approximate scale, a reservation is made about this, for example, “scale, about 1: 3,000”, and when the scale of the diagram is not the same in its different directions, its value is not indicated, but then the distances are written on the diagram between objects.

When drawing up a diagram on a map at a certain scale, show the lines of the coordinate grid or their extensions beyond the frame of the diagram. Above the top side of the diagram frame, sign the name of the diagram and indicate the scale, nomenclature, and year of publication of the map on which the diagram was drawn up.

Rice. ____. Conventional signs used on terrain diagrams:

1 – ravine; 2 – mound; 3 – pit; 4 – hill and ravine

When drawing up diagrams, local objects and landforms are depicted with conventional simplified topographical signs. With their size increasing by one and a half to two times compared to the map, and some of them being simplified, it is recommended to apply symbols on the diagram by hand, in this case, first you need to designate the symbol with a thin, barely noticeable line, and then, making sure it correctness, the outlined lines are finally drawn.

Plans, diagrams, cards are drawn up on separate sheets of paper. Drawing is done with a simple pencil, if possible by hand; All required dimensions are kept by eye. Drawing supplies required: a well-sharpened pencil, a set of colored pencils, a soft eraser, an officer's ruler, a triangle, a field compass. The quality of drawing largely depends on the choice and sharpening of the pencil. For drawing, it is better to use a pencil of medium hardness (No. 3, 3H, T and TM). The pencil should be sharpened as thoroughly as possible, giving the end a conical shape at least 2 cm long. The position of the pencil when working with a map is shown in the figure.

Rice. ________. Working with a pencil

The eraser should be soft and not leave marks on the paper when erased. The eraser should be erased in one direction, without pressing hard on the paper.

For greater clarity, some conventional signs (blocks of a populated area, river bank, etc.) are shaded by thickening the lines on the shadow side. In this case, it is assumed that the light source is in the upper left corner of the sheet of paper, therefore all local objects that rise above the surrounding area are shown with signs, lower and Right side which are drawn with thickened lines, and local objects representing recesses are shown with signs whose lines are thickened at the top and bottom.

Settled areas are drawn in black in the form of closed figures, the outlines of which are similar to the configuration of the external boundaries of settlements.

Highways and improved dirt roads are depicted as two thin parallel lines black with a clearance of 1–2 mm, and dirt roads are drawn in one line, brought to the approach to the populated area and a small gap is made between the road and street signs.

Railways are drawn with a thick black line with transverse single, double or triple strokes showing the rut of the road.

Rivers are drawn with one or two lines of blue color. Inside the symbol of a river, depicted in two lines, as well as a lake and reservoir, several thin lines are drawn parallel to the coastline. The first line is drawn as close to the shore as possible, and towards the middle of the river or reservoir, the distances between the lines are gradually increased. If the river is narrow (up to 5 mm in the diagram), instead of solid lines, dashed lines are drawn along its bed.

The edges of the forest are shown with semi-oval symbols, connected by small ovals. Before drawing the boundaries of the forest with semi-ovals, it is necessary to mark its boundaries with a thin line, dots, etc., after which they draw a symbol along the intended line. If necessary, a symbol of trees is placed inside the contour, as on a map, with the necessary explanatory notes.

The bush is depicted as closed ovals of green color, elongated from left to right. First, draw one large oval measuring approximately 3 x 1.5 mm, and then draw three or four small ovals around it. As a rule, the boundaries of the bush are not shown.

The relief is drawn with horizontal lines Brown, and relief details that cannot be depicted horizontally are drawn with conventional topographical signs. When depicting the relief with contour lines, their number will depend on the height of the mountain, i.e. The higher the mountain, the more horizontal lines there will be. In addition, the distance between the horizontal lines depends on the steepness of the slopes; the steeper they are, the closer they will be located to one another.

Elevation marks are signed in black and only those that are mentioned in service and combat documents.

Local objects that have the significance of landmarks, for the display of which conventional signs are not provided (stumps, broken trees, communication line supports, power transmission lines, road signs, etc.), are drawn on the diagrams in perspective, that is, as they look in kind .

Out-of-scale conventional signs, as well as conventional signs of vegetation cover, are drawn so that their vertical axis is perpendicular to the upper cut of the sheet.

Explanatory captions, names of settlements, digitization are placed parallel to the bottom (upper) side of the diagram, and signatures of the names of rivers, streams, lakes and tracts are made in italic font, placing them parallel to the symbols of rivers and streams and along the longer axes of the symbols of lakes and groves. Signatures related to the design of the diagram (document) and explanatory text are also written in italic font.

Everything that cannot be displayed on the diagram using conventional symbols is stated textually in a legend placed in the free margins of the diagrams or on its back.

"Plan of the area. Conventional signs"

6th grade

Today we are starting to study new topic"Plan of the area. Conventional signs." Knowledge of this topic will be useful to you in the future. There are several types of terrain images: drawing, photograph, aerial photograph, satellite image, map, terrain plan (topographic plan).

To create topographic plans, modern technology is used (helicopters, planes, satellites) (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. The M-101T "Falcon" aircraft is designed for terrain surveys


Photographs obtained as a result of aerial photography of the earth's surface are called aerial photographs.

Let's consider an aerial photograph (Fig. 2) and a topographic plan (Fig. 3) of the same area (the bed of the Moscow River in the Vorobyovy Gory area). Which image gives us more full information about geographical objects? What type of image is more convenient to use to take a walk around Moscow?

A comparison will allow us to conclude that it is from the terrain plan that we can find out detailed information about geographical objects (for example, the name of a river, the name of streets, metro stations, parks).

Rice. 2. Aerial photograph


Rice. 3. Site plan


Scale 1:50,000

Green spaces


word symbols
Now we need to take a closer look at the features that distinguish a topographic plan from an aerial photograph.

Imagine that you are going on a hike far from the city. You need to prepare for the conditions of an unknown area that you have never been to, you need to think about what equipment, what clothes to take, perhaps prepare to cross a river, ravine, etc. You can get information about the hiking area by reading the map correctly.

Before you are two different images of the earth's surface: a satellite image (Fig. 1) and a topographic map (terrain plan) (Fig. 4-5).

Let's find out comparing satellite image And site plan. Let's find similarities and differences.

Using Figures 4 and 5, let’s fill out the table “Features of the terrain image.”

Image Features

Site plan

Aerial photo

1. Top view



2. You can find out the name of a settlement, river, lake, etc.



3. You can determine the type of vegetation, the names of tree species



4. All visible objects are shown from above



5. Only important objects are depicted



6. You can find out the sides of the horizon



7. Objects are represented by symbols



Let's summarize - what is a topographic map or area plan?

Let’s write down the definition of the concept “terrain plan” in a notebook.

Site plan or topographic plan (from Latin “planum” - plane) - image on a plane small area the earth's surface in a reduced form using symbols.

In order to work with a topographic plan, you need to be able to read it. The “alphabet” of the topographic plan is conventional signs. The symbols used to construct site plans are the same for all countries of the world, which makes them easier to use even if you do not know the language.

Conventional signs– designations used on maps or plans to depict various objects and their quantitative and quality characteristics. In other words, conventional signs indicate objects on the plan and are similar to these objects.

What can you find out using this site plan (Fig. 6)?

Rice. 6. Terrain plan (T. P. Gerasimova, N. P. Neklyukova, 2009)

And much more!

Topographical symbols are usually divided into: large-scale (or areal ), off-scale , linear And explanatory .

Draw the following diagram in your notebook:

Large-scale , or areal conventional signs serve to depict such topographical objects that occupy a significant area and whose dimensions in plan can be expressed in scale given map or plan. An area conventional sign consists of a sign of the boundary of an object and its filling symbols or conventional coloring. The outline of an object is shown with a dotted line (the outline of a forest, meadow, swamp), a solid line (the outline of a reservoir, a populated area) or a symbol of the corresponding boundary (ditch, fence). Fill characters are located inside the outline in a certain order (randomly, in a checkerboard pattern, horizontal and vertical rows). Area symbols allow you not only to find the location of an object, but also to evaluate it linear dimensions, area and outline (

Let's draw examples of symbols and add to our diagram!




Vyr ubka

L eu deciduous

R edible forest

ABOUT zero


Arable land



Off-scale or point Conventional signs are used to convey objects that are not expressed on the map scale. These signs do not allow one to judge the size of the local objects depicted. The position of the object on the ground corresponds to a certain point on the sign. These can be individual structures, for example, factories, bridges, mineral deposits, etc. Circles indicate settlements, and asterisks indicate power plants. Sometimes point symbols resemble the silhouette of an object, for example, a simplified drawing of an airplane shows an airfield, and tents show a campsite.

Forester's house
Power station
Wooden bridge
Metal bridge
free standing tree

Railroad station




Vyr ubka

L eu deciduous

R edible forest

ABOUT zero


Arable land



Linear conventional signs are intended to depict extended objects on the ground, for example iron and car roads, clearings, power lines, streams, borders and others. They occupy an intermediate position between large-scale and non-scale symbols. The length of such objects is expressed on the map scale, and the width on the map is not to scale. Usually it turns out to be larger than the width of the depicted terrain object, and its position corresponds to the longitudinal axis of the symbol. Horizontal lines are also depicted using linear topographical symbols.

Let's sketch examples of symbols and add to our diagram!




Vyr ubka

L eu deciduous

R edible forest

ABOUT zero


Arable land



Forester's house
Power station
Wooden bridge
Metal bridge
free standing tree

Railroad station


power transmission



Explanatory Conventional signs are used for the purpose of additional characterization of local objects shown on the map. For example, the length, width and load-carrying capacity of the bridge, the width and nature of the road surface, the average thickness and height of trees in the forest, the depth and nature of the soil of the ford, etc. Various inscriptions and proper names of objects on maps are also explanatory in nature; each of them is executed in a set font and letters of a certain size.
Let's sketch examples of symbols and add to our diagram!




Vyr ubka

L eu deciduous

R edible forest

ABOUT zero


Arable land



Forester's house
Power station
Wooden bridge
Metal bridge
free standing tree

Railroad station


power transmission



Let's take a closer look at this type of symbol.

If you want to get acquainted with other symbols, you can download the following document (Word file)

Now let's put theoretical knowledge into practice.

You must complete the following five tasks.

Exercise 1.

The site plan is used for:

A) studying a vast territory, for example, Russia;

B) construction, agricultural work in a small area;

B) traveling around various countries peace;

D) to plot a route if you want to go hiking.

Task 2.

The “alphabet of the plan” are symbols. But what corresponds to them on the ground? Select the number under which the symbol is depicted, corresponding to the letter indicating its meaning (Fig. 7).

For example: 1-A; 2-V.

A) break; B) swamp; B) path; D) bush; D) meadow

Rice. 7. Conventional signs of the area plan

(Baranchikov, Kozarenko, 2007)

Task 3.

Roads are indicated on the plan:

A) black solid or dotted lines;

B) brown lines;

B) blue lines;

D) green lines.

Task 4.

The following objects are indicated by scale or area symbols on site plans:

A) swamp Orchard, forest, arable land;

B) well, school, spring, isolated tree;

B) path, clearing, river, ravine;

G) Railway, vegetable garden, factory, lake.

Task 5.

Carefully study the photograph (Fig. 8) and the adjacent plan (Fig. 9).

Answer the questions.

Question 1. Do schoolchildren-tourists ford the river near the place where the stream flows into it?

A) YES; B) NO.

Question 2. Is it possible to determine from the plan in which direction the Sona River flows?

A) YES; B) NO.

Question 3. Is it possible to determine from a photograph what the likely immediate goal of schoolchildren-tourists is?

A) YES; B) NO.

Question 4. Is it possible to determine from the area plan that tourists are heading towards the village of Sonino, where they can rest and replenish their food supplies?

A) YES; B) NO.

Question 5. Which lands occupy most of the territory shown on the plan.

A) swamps;

B) mixed forest;

B) bush;

List of literature used by the teacher when developing the lesson

  1. Geography of the Earth: 6th grade: tasks and exercises: a manual for students / E.V. Baranchikov, A. E. Kozarenko, O. A. Petrusyuk, M. S. Smirnova. – M.: Education, 2007. – P. 7-11.

  2. Basic geography course: textbook for 6th grade. educational institutions/T. P. Gerasimova, N. P. Neklyukova. – M.: Bustard, 2010. – 174 p.

  3. Work programs in geography. 6-9 grades / N.V. Bolotnikova. – 2nd ed., revised, additional. – M.: Publishing House “Globus”, 2009. – P. 5-13.

This material was prepared for you by the geography teacher of Central Education Center No. 109

Daria Nikolaevna Chekushkina.

E-mail address:chekushkina. daria@ gmail. com