Hotels in Greece. Kriopigi, Halkidiki: life-giving springs and picturesque beaches of Greece Real estate in Greece

Made an invaluable contribution to European culture. Literature, architecture, philosophy, history, other sciences, state system, laws, art and myths of ancient Greece laid the foundation of modern European civilization. Greek gods known all over the world.

Greece today

Modern Greece little known to most of our compatriots. The country is located at the junction of West and East, connecting Europe, Asia and Africa. The length of the coastline is 15,000 km (including islands)! Our map will help you find a unique corner or island, which I haven’t been to yet. We offer daily feed news. In addition, for many years we have been collecting photo And reviews.

Holidays in Greece

Acquaintance with the ancient Greeks in absentia will not only enrich you with the understanding that everything new is well-forgotten old, but will also encourage you to go to the homeland of gods and heroes. Where, behind the ruins of temples and the debris of history, our contemporaries live with the same joys and problems as their distant ancestors thousands of years ago. An unforgettable experience awaits you rest, thanks to the most modern infrastructure surrounded by pristine nature. On the site you will find tours to Greece, resorts And hotels, weather. In addition, here you will learn how and where to register visa and you will find Consulate in your country or greek visa center.

Real estate in Greece

The country is open to foreigners wishing to purchase real estate. Any foreigner has the right to this. Only in border areas do non-EU citizens need to obtain a purchase permit. However, searching for legitimate houses, villas, townhouses, apartments, correct design transactions, follow-up service represent not an easy task, which our team has been solving for many years.

Russian Greece

Subject immigration remains relevant not only for ethnic Greeks living outside their historical homeland. The immigrant forum discusses how legal issues, as well as the problems of adaptation in the Greek world and, at the same time, the preservation and popularization of Russian culture. Russian Greece is heterogeneous and unites all immigrants who speak Russian. At the same time, in last years the country does not meet the economic expectations of immigrants from countries former USSR, in connection with which we are seeing a reverse migration of peoples.

The VashOtel.RU service allows you to book hotels of various categories without leaving your home, and payment upon arrival is possible.

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Book a hotel in Greece

A convenient search system will allow you to independently book hotels in Greece without spending too much of your time on it. You can choose the hotels you need in Greece and book hotels without prepayment through the system online booking or through the operator.

We also suggest choosing not only the location of the hotel (Pension Tzitzifies, Hotel Plaz, Rahoni Cronwell Park Hotel, Horizon Line Villas, Miramare Hotel Eretria, etc.), but also its type. If you want to have a good holiday in Greece, but are somewhat strapped for money, one-star (Lalaria, Hotel Trifylia, Hotel Kastro) and two-star (Argo Hotel, Vergina Studios, Sun of Mykonos Studios) hotels are suitable for you. If you value comfort but don't want to carry too much high costs, for you three-star (Ikaros Star Hotel, Silver Beach Hotel, Poseidon Hotel) hotels. If you are accustomed to high-class luxury holidays, then four-star (Civitel Olympic Hotel, Mareblue Lindos Bay Resort & Spa, Nissia Apartments) and five-star (Myconian Villa Collection, Lakitira Suites, Elounda Beach Hotel) premium hotels will attract your attention.

In addition, regardless of the type of hotel you choose and its location (be it the Lena House, the Dominican Monastery, the Catholic Cathedral, Cathedral Three Martyrs), we offer instant booking and various options calculation (including both advance payment and payment on the spot).

Village of Kriopigi- one of the most visited resorts on the Halkidiki peninsula, on its first “finger” Kassandra. It is located 90 km from Thessaloniki on the eastern side of the peninsula.

The word "Kriopigi" can be translated as "cold spring". It is directly connected to the cool water sources that can be found above the resort. However, Kriopigi does not bear this name for long. Until the 20th century it was called Pazarakya - “bazaars”.

It has been established that people have inhabited this area since ancient times. And modern Kriopigi stands exactly on the site of an ancient settlement. It was once surrounded by the ancient Greek cities of Neapoli and Phlegra. The latter is associated with myths: this was the name of the plain where the battle of the titans and gods took place. For a long time, the entire Kassandra peninsula also bore the name "Phlegra".

Kriopigi played an important role in the history of Greece. Local residents did a lot to liberate the Greek people from Ottoman rule and took part in the revolution of 1821. Even if the struggle did not lead to anything then, at the beginning of the 20th century. Greek Macedonia still gained freedom.

Now Kriopigi is a developed resort, loved by tourists and the Greeks themselves. If you rise above the village, you can enjoy panoramic views of Toroneos Bay. In Kriopigi, the high bank is covered with rich coniferous groves, and the trees reach almost to the water's edge. Separately, it is worth mentioning the healing air of Kriopigi, filled with the aroma of pine trees. To really enjoy your holiday at this resort, you should take a walk along the winding road from the highway to the beach.

By the way, the beaches in Kriopigi are not too wide, but the well-maintained coastline and clean sea compensate for this small “shortcoming”. It’s not for nothing that local beaches have received the Blue Flag twice. There are camping opportunities in Kriopigi. Therefore, supporters of this type of recreation are frequent guests at this resort.

The highway divides Kriopigi into two parts. A little higher up is the old part of the village - there you can walk and look at the houses with tiled roofs typical of Greece. And at the same time admire the views of the bay. You don’t have to worry about leisure time in Kriopigi. There are numerous taverns and shops here. You can buy souvenirs (wine, honey from local farmers) and get to know the cuisine of Greece better. Some bars have live music, but Kriopigi does not have a vibrant nightlife scene. For parties you will have to go to neighboring Kallithea.

IN Lately Kriopigi is increasingly in demand among Russians. From here it is convenient to travel both independently and in groups throughout the mainland of the country. For example, in Thessaloniki or Meteora. Towards the Greek Northern capital you can go from the bus stop on the main highway. From here transport moves to Pefkohori and Hanioti. The nearest villages - Kallithea and Polychrono - are only 5 km away from Kriopigi.

Kriopigi (Chalkidiki) is a cozy village on the stretch between Kallithea and Polychrono, 85 km from Thessaloniki airport. Its main resort street runs parallel to the sea, but runs 100 meters above its level along a high hilly shore, and the distance from the center to the beach line is about 1 km.

There are beautiful sunrises here, and in clear weather, as from everywhere on the eastern shore of Kassandra, the outlines of the low mountains and hills of neighboring Sithonia are visible.

The resort of Kriopigi (Κρυοπηγή) is climatic, the air everywhere is filled with the aroma of Mediterranean pine needles - pine pine, saturated with phytoncides and mixed with the smells of the sea. It breathes easily and “deliciously”, and you will feel the thick smell of pine even a kilometer from the shore, swimming in the sea.

There is a popular expression here: “you can drink the air of Kriopigi.” This is the main thing that is noted by both tourists and Greeks from other regions who come here on their vacation.

What to see, where to eat and what to do

The resort of Kriopigi in Greece is a calm and quiet place for a family holiday. The village has neither a large amusement park nor significant ancient architectural landmarks. And noisy Kallithea with night discos and youth clubs From here, by local standards, it’s far away, five kilometers.

Thanks to geographical location Kriopigi began its development in the 19th century from trade trades, since in ancient times the settlement was surrounded by the Greek cities of Neapoli and Phlegra. This place used to be called Pazarakya (Παζαράκια), which means markets.

The modern village itself is above the main resort highway on the other side of the highway, opposite the descent to the sea. It is original; the narrow streets of Kriopigi are interesting to walk in the morning or afternoon, for example, on the way to the spring at the amphitheater, which is located in the forest above the village.

Here locals and vacationers gather and drink cold water from the source. It is noticeably tastier than bottled store bought. Behind the amphitheater, a “jungle” immediately begins from a forest entwined with vines. A hiking trail passes through them, the ascents and descents are difficult in places, but the views of Kriopigi and the photos from there are wonderful. You must wear suitable shoes when walking.

In some places it seems that the streets of upper Kriopigi are an open-air ethnographic museum.

But people live here, simple Greeks, who love their homes and decorate their lives with everything available means. They are given by the fertile local nature, and limited only by their own imagination.

The Kriopigi Church and its bell tower are of recent construction, and along with old houses from the 19th century, in the upper village above the highway there are both renovated and restored buildings, and completely new ones.

And in the evening it’s nice to sit in a real Greek restaurant in the middle of the village square. Since spring, every Saturday the place is full of Greeks and foreigners. The family restaurant "AntUlas" (Ανθούλας) is known among gourmets and has been awarded as one of the 12 best restaurants of Greek cuisine among similar establishments in the capital Athens, Thessaloniki and Chalkidiki.

The restaurant kitchen is located in an old mansion, away from the noisy road, and the tables are located right on the square. There are especially many visitors here in August; places must be reserved in advance (tel. +30 2374 053001).

But even on warm September evenings, soft light, excellent food, wine and the hospitable married couple George and Ansula create a special aura in this place. According to the stories and reviews of visitors on tourism portals and forums, after the first visit to “Anthoulas”, many tourists often come to Kriopigi to the tavern in the village square for a special dinner, even if they are staying in other places in Halkidiki. After all, the distances here are small.

There are also popular establishments on the main resort street along the highway. Good feedback about the taverns Adonis (Αντώνης) and Hagiati. The first is famous for its excellent meat dishes and delicious salads, and the second - the same and fish menu. The owners do not buy vegetables for salads, but grow them on their own farms.

You can spend a pleasant evening with a glass of wine on the terrace overlooking the sea at the Bistro restaurant. The service is excellent; they serve delicious octopus in wine sauce, grilled squid, and seafood pasta. The menu includes risotto with pork and pumpkin and a traditional Greek dessert crepe with baked apples and ice cream.

Prices in good and popular restaurants in Halkidiki are moderate: lunch for two will cost 20-35 €, depending on the chosen dish; in other establishments it is cheaper: 10-15 €.

By tradition, in Greece, fruits and sweets are offered almost everywhere in addition to the main menu as a gift from the establishment.

In addition to cafes, restaurants and taverns, there are many shops on the long resort street of Kriopigi: grocery stores, manufactured goods, souvenir shops and pharmacies. There are tourist kiosks, offices for housing rentals, car and beach rentals, a gas station and several stops on both sides of the highway for intercity buses going to the south of Kassandra and in the opposite direction.

Excursions from Kriopigi or 5 ideas for a “non-beach” holiday

Main street Kriopigil
  1. If you are a desperate beachgoer and decide to devote all your vacation days to this activity, in the middle of your vacation, add a little variety and go, at least for 1 day, to the nearest resort towns to choose from: Kallithea, Polychrono or Afitos.
  2. If you rent a car, it’s worth driving around not only both banks of Kassandra, but also neighboring Sithonia: impressions and excellent photos and videos are guaranteed.
  3. For lovers ancient history Greece: Holy Olympus is very close, go there on an excursion.
  4. Take a cruise on a “pirate” ship along the Toroneos Gulf; its program will not leave anyone indifferent.
  5. And those who go to Meteora for the whole day, in addition to an interesting and educational excursion to the active monasteries of Greece, clinging to hard-to-reach rocks, will receive 5 in 1 bottle

Those who go to Meteora for the whole day will receive 5 in 1:

  • You will see Olympus in all its glory along the way from the bus window, and the guide will not be silent in this place either.
  • On the way there and back, you will pass through the noisy and diverse Thessaloniki and see its character both in the morning and in the evening.
  • Just before Meteora, you will be taken to a famous icon-painting workshop, see how the masters work, and there you can buy wonderful quality souvenirs and icons for yourself and as a gift.
  • After the excursion, before leaving Meteora, you will have lunch at a Greek restaurant in the town of Kalambaka at the very foot of the cliffs, where you will taste rakia: waiters in folk costumes will offer each excursionist a glass of the drink at the entrance. During lunch, watch a short concert by a Greek folk ensemble.

Where to stay in Kriopigi, prices for accommodation

The infrastructure of this relatively young resort place in Halkidiki is developing every year, and during the season the population of a small village on the shores of Toroneos Gulf (Aegean Sea) increases tenfold.

Kassandra Palace Hotel & Spa

Several hotels are located in the village of Kriopigi itself along the highway, we have already talked about it. All the rest descend in an improvised amphitheater among the forest to the very shore along the picturesque hills. Many campsites and guest houses. Only on Booking you can find about 40 options for hotels of various levels in Kriopigi (Greece) from *1 to *****5. Prices in high season range from 40-250 € per night for a double room. In spring and during the high season, hotel tours and rental prices from local operators in Kriopigi are lower: some noticeably, others not so much.

Alexander The Great Hotel

There are 2 five-star hotels in Kriopigi: in the northern part of the coastline there is a large beach hotel ALEXANDER THE GREAT BEACH HOTEL, and in the south – KASSANDRA PALACE HOTEL & SPA. The beach complexes of these hotels have a developed infrastructure that meets all the requirements for quality recreation.

Above, on the main resort street, is one of the two ****4, the famous Kriopigi Beach, and the rest of the hotels are located along the winding side road. There are many ***3, **2, *1 hotels and other quite acceptable and decent options for “starless” housing and apartments.

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The warmest months in Kriopigi are the last two summers (August is hotter) and September. In August-July, the air temperature on the Halkidiki peninsula is +29-30⁰ C, and the water in the bay is warmer than fresh milk: +26-27⁰ C. But in the afternoon there is no heat on the beaches: the hills and forest provide saving shade.

During the velvet season, the air and water temperatures during the day are approximately the same, +24-25⁰ C. This is the most comfortable time for the elderly to relax and for parents with very young children to vacation.

The winds on the beaches of Kriopigi are also weak, 4.2-4.7 m/sec - they are not allowed here by the same high wooded hills. The rainiest months in this part of Greece are February and March, during which time there are “as many” 4 rainy days in Kriopigi!

The coldest winter months are in Halkidiki, 10-15 degrees plus. Due to this rather mild winter, many hotels are open all year round, lovers of educational recreation and those who cannot stand the heat come here at this time. And the Greeks themselves from other regions come here to spend their holidays.

Beaches and nature

One of the most picturesque beaches not only in Kassandra, but also in Halkidiki, the beach in Kriopigi. In Greek, the word means "cold spring" or spring. Indeed, cold springs flow here into the sea (swimming in the warm sea ​​water, sometimes you fall into a cold stream), and from underground, on land.

In the afternoon, no umbrellas are needed here: a hill covered with pine trees casts a natural shadow on the beach. Therefore, even in the hottest months, elderly people and small children can appear on Pigadakya in the afternoon. Direct rays of the sun will reach bathers only in the sea.

The village is located between Kallithea and Polychrono. To get to the beach, you need to go down from the only traffic light on the highway in the center of Kriopigi (from the “Camping” sign).

Tourists vacationing in the upper part of the village often rent a car in order to drive to the beach (8-10 minutes) and make longer excursions.

From the center of Kriopigi it takes about 15-20 minutes to walk down to the shore along an asphalt road winding among the pine trees.

The return journey takes 20-30 minutes. In the spring months, during the velvet season and any other time, such a journey through the forest is invigorating, but in the heat it is a little tiring, especially from the beach to the top.

But from the Kriopigi Beach Hotel, located at the southern end of the main street, this distance can be covered faster, literally in 6-8 minutes. From here, during the season, every hour, a painted or silver cheerful auto-moto tram alternately leaves, which for 1 € takes passengers to the sea itself.

From the beach bar they go down to the water wooden steps. Sun loungers and umbrellas for beach visitors are paid; for vacationers of the ****4 Kriopigi Beach hotel there is a line of free sun loungers in a separate area. There are showers, toilets, rentals and a rescue station.

The beach is sandy, there are small pebbles at the very edge of the water, and the tide often throws beautiful multi-colored pebbles polished by the sea onto the shore.

Children have fun here. The entrance to the water is gentle, but in some places along the edges of the beach near the shore there is a strip of algae and there is a danger of stepping on a sea urchin.

From Macedonia Airport in Thessaloniki, almost all hotel tours include a transfer: you will be brought to your hotel, travel time is 1 hour if the transfer is only to your hotel, and from 1.5 hours to 2 hours for a group transfer.

From Thessaloniki (95 km), independent travelers can travel by bus in 2.5 hours and 32-35 euros, by taxi (120-150 euros) or by car (11-18 euros for gasoline costs) - in 1 hour 10 minutes.

Kriopigi (Chalkidiki) is a place from which you don’t want to leave, and many who once spent their holidays here return at least once again. Among them there are also fanatical fans of this place, for whom a small village in Greece has become permanent place recreation.

To appreciate the beauty of the beach in Kriopigi, watch the video.

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