Spraying cherries in early spring. Fertilizing and treating cherries in early spring against pests and diseases

Adults and children love the sweet berry – cherries. But growing a tree in your garden is very difficult. Cherries are often susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. The harvest suffers and its quantity is significantly reduced. How and with what to help the tree?

Diseases and pests on cherries

All gardeners know that preventing tree diseases is much easier than curing them. How to recognize the first signs of damage and what to do?

1. Quite often, cherries suffer from a disease such as coccomycosis.

It is easy to identify signs of damage. On the leaves of the tree you can see small brown spots, which later merge into one larger spot. This disease leads to early leaf fall, the tree weakens and may die in winter. The pathogens overwinter in fallen leaves. For the purpose of prevention in the fall, after the leaves fall, they need to be removed and the soil under the tree should be dug up shallowly. WITH early spring The tree trunk must be treated with copper sulfate and whitewashed down to the skeletal branches. This will help get rid of overwintering pests.

Spraying a tree with copper sulfate during the growing season also gives good results. The first treatment is carried out at the stage of swelling of the buds, the second - along the green cone before flowering. Subsequent treatments, if necessary, are carried out after flowering and harvesting, as well as after the leaves fall.

2. Cherry scab is a fungal disease of the leaves.

This disease can be recognized by the affected leaves on which brown spots. With severe damage, the leaves curl into a tube, dry out and crumble. The ovaries stop growing and dry out.

To combat this disease, you need to remove all fallen leaves and fruits, dig up the ground under the tree and spray the cherries with copper oxychloride.

Processing must be carried out in three stages:

Before the buds appear;

After flowering;

After the harvest.

Scab spreads quickly and is transmitted to other plants. Productivity drops sharply. Preventive treatments should not be neglected.

3. Gum deposition in cherries.

A common disease in stone fruit crops. The disease is not infectious. The tree trunk grows greatly in width, cracks and gum forms. Appears on weakened trees affected by other diseases. The gum hardens in the form of glassy growths.

The disease can be prevented. The tree should be grown correctly, treated in a timely manner from pests, fed and watered.

The resulting gum is cut off, and the wounds on the tree are treated with garden varnish, smeared with copper sulfate or sorrel leaves.

4. The cherry weevil affects cherries.

In the spring, the beetle emerges from hibernation and feeds on young shoots and flowers of the tree. The female weevil lays eggs in the fruit; when the larvae emerge, they feed on the fruit pulp. The yield of the tree decreases, the fruits stop developing and fall off.

You need to fight weevils on cherries with the help of drugs that are sprayed after flowering. Karbofos is used for these purposes.

5. The hawthorn butterfly attacks flowers and tree buds.

The pest overwinters in fallen leaves under a tree. In the fall, all foliage must be burned and the soil under the tree must be dug up. Cherry processing is carried out in the spring; Actellik is used for spraying.

6. Shoot moth is a large butterfly that lays larvae on cherry trees.

In the warm season, the butterfly lays larvae in the buds or cracks of tree bark. Feeding on young shoots and buds, the larvae cause a lot of trouble for the gardener.

To combat the butterfly, spraying with karbofos and loosening the soil in the root zone is used.

It is necessary to systematically combat diseases and pests on cherries. Treatments are carried out several times per season. The last application should be several weeks before harvest. If possible and the tree is not seriously damaged, spray with herbal infusions.

Fighting aphids on cherries

Aphids are small insect, which affects young shoots, leaves and buds of a tree. The appearance of aphids causes great harm to the cherry tree: the tree stops growing, the shoots are deformed, the leaves curl.

You can fight aphids on cherries without the use of chemicals. Treatments should begin immediately after the buds open.

Spraying with laundry soap helps a lot. A bar of soap is grated, diluted in water and sprayed. This treatment must be repeated after a few days and after precipitation.

An infusion of ash is prepared, which not only kills the pest, but also feeds the tree. To do this, 500 grams of zala are infused in 5 liters of water. After a few days, another 5 liters of water are added to the solution. The resulting suspension is sprayed onto the tree.

An infusion is suitable for processing potato tops, marigold or dandelion. The raw materials are crushed, filled with water and infused for 2 days. Such treatments are carried out several times a season.

To combat aphids on cherry trees, you need to prevent the accumulation of ants around the tree. In spring, all anthills are removed. You can pour boiling water over the area where ants gather.

When a tree is severely damaged, folk remedies do not always cope. In such cases, the use of chemicals cannot be avoided. The following drugs have proven themselves to be effective:




Rot on cherries: how to recognize and how to fight

1. Gray rot – dangerous disease cherries.

The affected tree dries up and disappears. First, the disease spreads on the shoots and branches of the tree; they turn brown, wither and look more like burnt ones. The fruits begin to rot, and gray rot.

Fighting this disease is not easy. Damaged branches need to be regularly pruned and rotten fruits collected. For preventive purposes, spray with iron sulfate and Bordeaux mixture after flowering. In late autumn, the trunk and skeletal branches of the tree are whitewashed.

2. Fruit rot on cherries.

This disease is widespread not only on cherries. It affects almost all stone fruit trees. The disease begins with a small spot on the fruit. The affected areas quickly cover the entire fruit, the pulp softens and loses its quality. The fruits are not suitable for consumption or processing.

The fungus spores can be seen after seven days. Yellowish-brown cushions with spores form on the fruits. Spores are carried by wind, rain and birds.

Rapid development of rot occurs in warm and too humid weather. If cherries are damaged by brown spot, the risk of fruit rot increases.

To combat fruit rot, it is necessary to carry out mandatory sanitary pruning of the tree in the spring. Cut out all damaged branches, thin out the heavily thickened crown of the tree, ensuring good ventilation crowns

If fruit rot is detected, damaged berries are removed and the affected branches are pruned. Regular feeding mineral fertilizers reduce the risk of cherry fruit rot.

If a tree is damaged, you cannot do without chemicals. The treatment is carried out several times. On green leaves and after flowering. Copper or iron sulfate and Bordeaux mixture are used for spraying.

If the spring comes with a lot of precipitation, then the number of treatments is increased. Carry out regular treatments after rains.

In autumn they spend preventative treatment after the leaves fall. The same drugs are used as for spring treatment.

When and how to treat wood to prevent disease

You can reduce the risk of fungal diseases in cherries by choosing varieties that are more resistant to viruses and fungi. Trees must be selected taking into account climate zone growing. Some modern varieties Cherries are resistant to many diseases.

When growing cherries in the garden, it is imperative to take preventive measures to control pests. Disease prevention should begin in spring.

Every gardener should have in his arsenal the necessary complex preparations for wood treatments. This will help prevent many problems, especially for beginners who find it difficult to identify the disease.

Such drugs include: Bordeaux mixture, karbofos, copper and iron sulfate. To combat fungal diseases on initial stages The development of the disease is often helped by folk remedies that are present in every home.

Which pleases us with its taste in late May - early June.

However, it is its fruits that most often suffer from worms.

Many gardeners complain that, having cherries in the garden, they do not have the opportunity to taste their ripe fruits. And this happens from year to year.

What to do if you have wormy cherries on your property? How to deal with cherry fly?

The worms that eat cherry fruits are cherry fly larvae. They appear from eggs that the cherry fly lays inside this tasty and juicy berry. These larvae are extremely voracious, and if you don’t start fighting them in a timely manner, you may not get a cherry harvest at all.

It is very difficult to control these pests, as they can adapt to different conditions and even get used to some of the chemicals that are usually used to treat fruit trees to combat cherry flies. Therefore, methods of dealing with them must be varied.

The larvae, eating the pulp of the cherry berries, thereby cause rotting of the fruit. This way they ripen faster, but become unsuitable for eating. Even a slight breeze causes spoiled berries to fall to the ground.

Cherry fly larvae move to, where they develop into adults that will become viable the following year.

Typically, this flying pest lays its eggs on the fruits of mid- and late-ripening varieties of cherries. Therefore, these varieties are usually planted away from early stone fruit crops to prevent infection of early stone fruits. garden crops cherry fly larvae.

How to deal with cherry fly on cherries?

How to prevent them from appearing

Preventive measures to prevent the appearance of worms in cherry fruits are extremely important. 50 - 60 percent depends on their implementation future harvest this stone fruit crop.

You can determine when this pest begins to fly out of the ground by the beginning of acacia flowering.

  • To protect cherries from cherry flies, special traps are usually hung on trees: sheets of paper painted in yellow, and greased with office glue. When flies begin to fall on these traps, this indicates the beginning of their flight.
  • You can make sweet traps. To do this, cut bottles are hung on trees, into which they pour any sweet water(compotes, tea, etc.) They flock to the smell of fermentation and drown in water.
  • Since cherry fly larvae hide in the soil before winter cold, where cherry flies hatch from them, it is recommended to carry out deep digging in the fall. During such soil treatment, pests from deeper layers of the soil will move to higher layers, and at low temperatures they will completely die.
  • Since the cherry fly usually overwinters in the soil under the crown of the cherry tree, the main task of gardeners is to prevent it from flying out of the ground in the spring. In this case, in the spring, when the cherries bloom, the soil under the crown of these stone fruit crops is covered with completely black polyethylene and pressed down on top with heavy clods of earth or bricks. The fly will not be able to fly to Fresh air and will die.
  • It is better to plant early cherries. Then the fruits ripen earlier than the period when the cherry fly begins to lay eggs.
  • Also, for preventive purposes, it is necessary to loosen the soil not only in the fall, but throughout the entire season. Loosening helps reduce the number of this pest.

How to treat cherries for preventive purposes

How to spray cherries to protect them from worms? For preventive purposes, trees are usually treated with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

  • For such spraying, the solution is prepared in the following way: ½ cup copper sulfate diluted in a bucket of water.
  • For Bordeaux mixture, add ½ cup of copper sulfate and quicklime to a bucket of water.
  • You can also spray these stone fruit trees with copper oxychloride (about 40 g of this chemical should be added to a bucket of water). Cherries should be sprayed with these solutions when buds appear on the trees.

What to do if worms have already appeared

Bordeaux mixture should be used to spray cherries even if the larvae of this pest have already appeared on them. In this case, spraying should be carried out a couple of times per season.

When spraying cherry foliage, you should also treat the soil with chemicals, in which the larvae of this “harmful” insect can also settle.

If there are a lot of similar insects in the garden, then insecticides can be used for spraying. In this case, you need to spray these stone fruit trees at least twice.

  • The first time the treatment should be carried out during the acacia flowering period, when the cherry fly begins to fly out intensively. During the first spraying, you can also focus on complete warming of the soil, which occurs when the air temperature rises above +17°C.
  • The next time the cherries are processed two weeks after the first treatment. However, this treatment must be carried out when there are more than 14 days left before harvest.

To process cherries (as well as cherries), you should take any chemicals, which cope with any flying pests: Lightning, Spark, Aktara and others similar.

However, when processing fruit trees Preparations must be changed periodically so that pests do not become accustomed to the insecticides used.

And it should be remembered that if any chemicals were used during the ripening process, then harvested Cherries must be washed thoroughly before eating.

Is it possible to eat wormy cherries?

Many of us, when eating cherries, rarely look inside the berry to check whether there is a worm there or not. And those who look in and see an infected berry immediately throw it away.

But even if you eat wormy fruits, it will not affect your health in any way. You are more likely to get poisoned from berries loaded with nitrates than from fruits infected with cherry flies.

Many people soak cherries in cold salted water for several hours to get rid of the larvae. You can do the same. But for many, even the thought of eating a berry in which a worm lived and left traces of its vital activity is unpleasant.

But cooking compotes and jam from wormy cherries, only pre-soaked, is normal and quite acceptable

How to protect cherry fruits from cherry flies?

Cherries and cherries ripen, but sometimes you can’t eat them - you come across wormy and rotten fruits.

What is the reason? It turns out that the cherry fly is so harmful.
. The fruits of cherries and cherries affected by the cherry fly become dull, dark, and soft.

Inside such fruits there is a little white worm - this is the larva of the cherry fly.

Damaged cherry fruits develop pits and depressions due to passages eaten inside; such fruits quickly rot and fall off.

How to get rid of cherry flies?

First of all, you need to know the characteristics of the pest in order to successfully fight against it.

Cherry fly - small insect up to 5 mm long, with a black body, transparent wings, on which dark transverse stripes are visible.

Cherry fly pupae overwinter in upper layers soil of the trunk circle (at a depth of 5-10 cm)) in the form of a pupa in a false cocoon.

After 10 days! After the cherry blossoms the flies fly out.

Flies are active on sunny days at temperatures above +18 C, at more low temperatures they hide in different secluded places.

They need food. For two to three weeks, the flies feed on the sweet secretions of cherry aphids or the secreted juice of damaged cherry leaves.

After two weeks, the flies lay eggs under the skin of the fruit.

To do this, they select green and beginning to ripen fruits of cherries, piercing them and laying larval eggs inside.

The development of cherry fly larvae in fruits lasts 15-25 days.

The larvae feed on the pulp of cherries, making tunnels in the fruit around the pit.

The fruits darken, rot, and fall prematurely.

Cherry fly larvae continue to feed on the already fallen fruit, and then go into the soil, where they turn into cocoons and overwinter.

Measures to combat the cherry fly.

In the spring you need to spray the trees with insecticides. At least two treatments are required.

The first spraying is carried out 7-10 days after flowering (approximately mid-May) - at the beginning of the mass emergence of the cherry fly, when the soil has already warmed up sufficiently and the ambient temperature is above +18.

Attention! The mass emergence of the cherry fly coincides with the beginning of acacia flowering.

Important! A delay of just a few days in treating trees dramatically reduces the effectiveness of cherry fly control.

When spraying the crowns of trees, do not forget to spray the soil around them, as there are pest pupae in the soil.

To treat trees against cherry flies, you can use an approved insecticide that copes with flying insects - Aktofit, Aktara, Kallipso, Confidor, etc.

Repeated spraying should be done after 10-15 days - i.e. at the end of May - but no later than 20 days before harvest.

Attention! The second treatment is applied to medium and late varieties!).

For early varieties you can resort to something simple, inexpensive and very! effective folk remedy.

As soon as it gets warm, the cherries have bloomed, take any sweet liquid (kvass, compote, honey water, beer), pour into the cut plastic bottles or cans, and hang these bottles on trees.

Four jars per tree will be quite enough (try to hang them evenly throughout the entire crown of the tree).

The liquid in the jars begins to ferment, and all the insects fly to this smell. All you have to do is periodically monitor the jars, add fresh liquid, and remove any insects.

Destroy the cherry aphid!, since it is its sweet secretions that the cherry fly feeds on.

You can use a folk remedy against aphids - spraying with a decoction of wormwood, tobacco leaves and laundry soap.

Attention! Laundry soap is added to make the solution stick better to the leaves, and it also creates an airtight film under which the aphids suffocate.

Remember! There will be no aphids, and there will be much less damage from the cherry fly.

Along with aphids, you will have to fight garden ants!, because they also feed on aphid secretions and settle on young shoots of trees.

It is useful to plant plants under trees that repel pests: marigolds, marigolds, nasturtium.

In spring, summer and autumn, it is necessary to carefully loosen the soil in the tree trunk circle under the trees.

It is necessary to regularly collect and destroy fallen cherries.

After the harvest is complete, remove all the carrion under the trees and remove it from the garden or bury it half a meter deep.

With this technique you will prevent! entry of new larvae into the soil.

In early spring and late autumn, dig deep into the soil around the trunks of cherry and sweet cherry trees up to 15-20 cm.
This will break you! wintering and hatching of cherry fly pupae.

Protect plants in a timely manner! and systematically!

BUT do not abuse pesticides. Do not forget that you cannot spray with poisons or pollinate the garden during flowering. This is harmful to the flowers themselves and fatal to the bees visiting them.

REMEMBER!!! Insects become pests only when the natural balance in the garden is disturbed...

In addition to the cherry fly, it is important to know about other garden pests.

With the onset of warmth, the active development of pests and garden diseases begins. Females of the apple weevil begin to lay eggs in the yet unopened buds of the apple tree, aphids have already become active, and harmful ticks and beetles are crawling up the trees.

It is necessary BEFORE and AFTER flowering of trees to spray with an insecticide against bud beetles, sawflies, May beetles and other pests.

Use biological products - BITOXIBACILIN, LEPIDOCID, GAUPSIN, as well as ACTOFIT.

The first cherries appear on the market in June, i.e. Cherry is one of the earliest ripening fruit trees.

Children and adults love to eat cherries. In addition to the unforgettable taste, cherry berries have a whole range of vitamins and minerals useful for the human body; moreover, they are good remedy from anemia.

Berries can be grown on your own plot, but cherries are a finicky plant, so they need proper care.


To obtain large and juicy cherry fruits, you need to apply fertilizer several times a year. But you shouldn't be too zealous.

Exceeding the required dose can lead to increased growth of shoots and thickening of the crown, resulting in weakened frost resistance. If the organic matter is rotted, it will reduce resistance to disease, which will also have negative consequences.

Fertilizers are mainly applied twice a year: in the spring, fertilizing occurs organic fertilizers, and in the fall mineral ones containing phosphorus. Keep an eye out for worms. As a result of their activity, the soil in the tree trunk circle becomes softer, looser and more fertile. In the fall, you should also whitewash the trunk and branches of the first tier.


Sweet cherries do not have great watering requirements. It should not be watered very often, but it does not tolerate drought either. Experienced gardeners argue that watering cherries should be done only a few times per season, and by autumn it should be limited or stopped altogether.

Depending on weather conditions (Sun, temperature, moisture), cherry trees will experience different needs for watering. If the summer is hot and dry, water the cherries more often, for example, once a week or two. If summer, on the contrary, is cool, there are few sunny days and it rains often, watering will not be needed at all.

Good to know: Excess moisture can lead to rotting of the root system and the appearance of mold at the base of the tree.


An obligatory point in tree care is. It is carried out based on different goals:

  1. Pruning to form a crown. This pruning is carried out from the first year of the plant’s life and continues in all subsequent years. But basically the tree produces a lot of shoots in the first 5 years; the rest of the time it will be necessary to remove branches growing inside the crown and shorten the main (skeletal) branches.
  2. Pruning to rejuvenate the tree. After 15 or more years, the plant may show that it has aged, the following characteristics can serve as an indicator of this:
  • the tree begins to get sick often;
  • productivity decreases;
  • In winter, the plant is exposed to frost and affected areas appear;
  • the fruits do not have a bright color or juicy taste;
  • the size of the fruit will noticeably decrease.

The listed points are a signal for immediate action. In early spring, before buds and foliage appear on the tree, all skeletal branches and the “leader” should be trimmed to the size of approximately a two-year-old plant.

Cut branches must be treated with garden varnish or other preparations designed to speed up the healing process and resist infections.

Pest and disease control

Although cherries are more resistant to the development of diseases than cherries (read about cherry diseases in), they still get sick in the absence of proper care. In summer, when the berries appear and ripen, birds can cause great damage by spoiling the fruits.

For protection, trees can be covered with small nets through which birds will not be able to enter the tree crown. Various rattles, shiny devices that scare away birds and other tricks are also used. All this can protect cherry fruits from “large” pests. As for diseases, to resist them you need to follow the rules:

  1. During a “good” spring in April, flowers appear on the cherry trees - flowering begins. At this point, the plant is susceptible to fungal diseases, most often it is affected by clasterospirosis or holey spotting, which affects the entire plant from the trunk to the leaves and fruits.
  2. The tree is treated with copper-containing substances: copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture. 0.1 kg of the drug is mixed in one bucket of water (10 l) and the tree is sprayed. The first spraying is when the buds appear, the next one immediately after they bloom.

    Note: Spraying is carried out strictly in the wind.

  3. If branches are damaged mechanical impact or as a result of exposure to frost and the sun, gum formation may be noticeable on the bark. To combat this, you need to clean the area of ​​the flow and treat it with garden varnish, also used Oil paint and other drugs.
  4. Regarding insect pests of cherries, the main one is the cherry aphid. This is a small (up to 2 mm) insect that is black in color. These pests begin active activity in the spring. Affected leaves curl, darken and fall off.
  5. No chemicals are used to control aphids. You need to make a strong garlic, onion or dandelion decoction, leave it for 2-3 hours, add a 10 liter piece of soap, previously grated on a fine grater. Spray immediately when the first pests appear without delay.

  6. In summer, another pest appears - the cherry fly or sawfly. In the fight against this pest, you can use pesticides, for example, cymbush, kinmiks, which can be found in specialized stores.
  7. Or folk remedies: most often you can use a decoction of wormwood or an infusion of garlic. If pesticides are used, treatment must be completed three weeks before harvesting.

  8. Spraying of plants is carried out at a distance of 0.75 m from the treated surface. Sometimes not only the branches are processed, but also the trunk and the surrounding circle of the cherry tree.

Gardening advice: When handling chemicals, you need to use protective equipment: gloves, goggles, mask.

However, plant care is carried out all year round, therefore, do not forget to insulate the tree trunk in late autumn, and in winter monitor the appearance of rodents and pay attention to fighting them.

How to feed cherries for a rich harvest, watch in this video:


Sweet cherries, like other stone fruits, are susceptible to various diseases, the main pests being aphids and fungal diseases. Pay close attention to fighting them. Coccomycosis develops in rainy weather, the leaves turn brown and holes appear in them. At the first signs of the disease, you should do a special spraying with the “Horus” preparation, dilute 30 g of the product in 10 liters of water, add laundry soap to the solution until a rich foam is obtained and thoroughly treat the plants, paying attention inside leaves.

“Horus” will also help when a crop is infected with clasterosporiasis. The disease is manifested by the death of tissues, the fruits become ugly and dry out. Carry out the first spraying of the crown during butanization, the second when flowering ends. Excellent results are obtained with the drug “Skor” in the proportion of 1 ampoule per 10 liters of water.

From aphids effective remedy– potassium sulphide, dilute Matchbox drug in a bucket of water and process. This solution is not only harmful to pests, but also beneficial to plants. If there is a heavy infestation of aphids, you cannot do without pesticides: dissolve “Inta-vir” or “Iskra” (1 tablet per bucket of water) and pollinate the plantings in the evening, in calm weather. Do the last spraying 20 days before the start of fruit harvest.

If the plantings are infected with cherry fly, water tree trunk circles insecticides. At least two treatments should be done. The first is done during the flight of the fly, this can be determined by the flowering of the acacia. Spray again after two weeks.

For prevention, cherries can be sprayed after flowering or at the end of harvesting. In April, during bud break, treat the plants with copper-containing preparations. This is Bordeaux liquid 1% - you can buy it ready-made or prepare it yourself: dissolve 100 g of copper sulfate in 5 liters of heated water, in parallel, dilute 100 g of slaked lime in 5 liters of water in another container. Pour the vitriol solution into the milk of lime and use immediately. It is permissible to use the drugs “Kartotsid”, “Homitsin”, “Kuprozan” - use according to the instructions.

In May, after flowering, repeated spraying of Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride is required. In summer you can treat the crown with a solution iron sulfate, this will rid the cherries of pests and diseases and feed the plantings with microelements. In the autumn, before dropping leaves, water the trees and the soil under them with a solution of urea 500-700 g per 10 liters of water.

If depressions or pits appear on the ripened fruits of cherries or cherries, the berries darken and begin to fall off, the plant is under attack by the cherry fly. Fortunately, you can get rid of this scourge.

Features of the fight against cherry flies

Start with this little pest in early spring when the snow melts and the soil dries out. The fact is that pupae (puparia) overwinter in the soil at a depth of 5-7 cm, so in order to get rid of the pest, it is recommended to dig up the soil and manually select the pupae (they are easy to spot: they are bright yellow and reach 4-5 mm in length ), and also apply soil insecticides. Particularly effective in this case are “Gromoboy”, “Medved-tox”, “Mruvko-Bayt” and “Prestige”; they are dissolved in water (the proportions are indicated in the instructions) and the soil around the affected plant is sprayed with the solution.

When the cherry tree has finished blooming, they carefully monitor the summer for flies emerging from puparia that have overwintered in the soil. To do this, build a cage-trap: a bottomless box is knocked down from boards (length - 1 m, width - 17-20 cm), one of the sides of which is covered with gauze folded in 2-3 layers. Next, the cage is installed near a tree that has been attacked by a cherry fly (the open side of the cage should be located near the ground). After this, trees of medium and late varieties are sprayed with pesticides: “Pyrethrum”, “Anabasine sulfate”, “Sodium silicofluoride”, “Paris green” or soap emulsion. But it should be remembered that the first spraying is carried out only when the ground is already sufficiently warmed up and the air temperature reaches +18°C.

Repeated spraying is carried out 13-15 days after the first procedure, but no later than 2 weeks before harvest. The following insecticides can be used to treat trees: “Karate”, “Lightning”, “Spark”, etc. It is important to alternate the drugs used (this will prevent the pest from becoming accustomed to the insecticides used).

Trees of early varieties cannot be sprayed with pesticides.

After harvesting, you should remove all the carrion, for example, you can bury it half a meter deep. Such an event will prevent the appearance of new larvae in the soil and their pupation.

Along with cherry flies, it is recommended to fight cherry aphids, since it is its sweet secretions that the pest feeds on. You can use a decoction of wormwood or a soap solution against aphids. Thus, the latter forms an airtight film under which the aphids suffocate.

Traditional methods of combating cherry flies

Instead of pesticides in the fight against this brown fly, you can use natural remedies. For example, take a pine branch, add water (3-4 l), bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes. The broth is filtered and cooled. This aromatic “cocktail” is sprayed on trees and the soil around them.
Decoctions from onion peel, garlic and tobacco.

In addition, this pest does not like the smell of tobacco. Therefore, take 1 kg of fresh or 370-400 g of dry tobacco, pour 10 liters of boiling water and leave for 22-24 hours. Then the infusion is boiled for an hour, filtered and cooled. The finished product is diluted with water (ratio 1:2) and sprayed onto tree crowns and the surrounding soil.


  • 4 tips on how to deal with cherry flies

The fragrant and sweet berries of cherries push many gardeners to grow this tree on personal plot. At making the right choice and care, cherries can delight a bountiful harvest, which is good for canning and transportation.

You will need

  • - pruning shears
  • - saw
  • - container for preparing fertilizers
  • - shovel
  • - watering agent


Remember that cherries belong to the category of self-sterile plants. For its normal pollination, plant different varieties of cherries nearby. Grafting with other varieties gives good results; the most effective pollinators in this case will be cuttings of varieties such as “Revna”, “Iput”, “Bryanskaya Rozovaya” and “Tyutchevka”.

To attract bees, spray the plant with honey solution. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. l. Dissolve honey in 1 liter of water. The procedure is performed in the morning during the cherry blossom period.