Vegetable garden on the window in a kindergarten. DIY decoration

Planted a vegetable garden

Look what's growing!

We will look after

We will water

Let's go for the sprouts

It's fun to watch!

On March 2, the traditional competition “Mini-garden on the window” was held at the Moscow Regional Administrative Educational Institution No. 158 in the city of Tyumen. There is still snow outside the window, and in every age group The vegetable garden grew green on the windowsills. How much imagination, imagination and creativity the teachers and parents put into it! To make the mini-garden attract the attention of children, various themes were used. This is how the plot from the fairy tale “Kolobok”, a village courtyard, the family of the funny “Cipollino”, a ship with small boats and much more appeared.

We are very glad that parents responded with great desire to help with gardening in groups. Using their skills, the parents tied the jars, giving them the appearance of funny little people, sewed and filled nylon animals with oats: bears, frogs, mice, squirrels, etc., turned plastic bottles into boats, built a wonderful village house, wove wickerwork with sunflowers etc. The vegetable gardens turned out to everyone’s surprise, just a sight for sore eyes!

For planting vegetable gardens and flower crops children look after, observe, and then in the album “We planted a vegetable garden, what grows in it?” make sketches of planted vegetable and grain crops: beans, peas, beans, carrots, beets, parsley, their seeds and root crops grown, potatoes, tomatoes, oats, wheat, etc.

The photo report was prepared by: Marina Viktorovna Krapivina, deputy head of the Medical Educational Institution No. 158 of the city of Tyumen

No wonder winter is angry,

Its time has passed -

Spring is knocking on the window

And he drives him out of the yard...

F.I. Tyutchev

Pupils of MADOU kindergarten No. 118 in the city of Tyumen felt the arrival of spring in all its glory!

The creative teaching team did their best for the children! Poplar and birch trees have put out their leaves on the window sills in the group rooms. In the gardens created by the hands of teachers and children, dill and peas sprouted. Children with great pleasure replenish their supply of vitamins with green onions grown by themselves!

“Village Compound” - teacher Popova E.L.

“At Masha and the Bear” - teacher Zlobina N.V.

"Garden all year round" - teacher Shustova A.G.

“Pleten” - teacher Galimova M.I.

Photo report prepared by: Elena Vasilievna Suetina, Deputy Head of Education and Resource Management of the Medical Educational Institution, Kindergarten No. 118, Tyumen

MAOU Byzovskaya primary comprehensive school department
preschool education(Uporovsky district)

After looking at the information about the photo exhibition “We planted a vegetable garden, look what’s growing!”, the teachers of our small kindergarten, O.N. Medvedeva and L.A. Zhenikova, decided to decorate their vegetable gardens on the window, and this is what they came up with.

Senior teacher T.V. Smagina

In March 2012 in MADOU kindergarten No. 59 of the city of Tyumen the project “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” took place. In each age group, “gardens” were created where children could observe the growth of plants.


To generalize and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about how to care for plants in room conditions; involve as many children as possible in the project; make the project a co-creation of the teacher, children and parents.


video clip from the teacher of kindergarten No. 59 in Tyumen, Larisa Mikhailovna Koksharova

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Teaching experience, author's programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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From the editors of the online publication “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region”
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If you are a preschool teacher in the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug or Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, you can publish your news material. Apply for a one-time publication of a report, registration and sending of a “Certificate of Publication in the Media”. (Paper or electronic version).

At the end of the academic year, the editors select the most successful works and, together with the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region, encourage the authors with valuable gifts and letters of gratitude.


Municipal government preschool educational institution city ​​of Novosibirsk "Kindergarten No. 8 combined type"Strawberry"


"Vegetable garden at the dacha"


Rogova Galina Viktorovna

Loskutova Ekaterina Vasilievna

Novosibirsk, 2015

Project passport

Project type informational - creative; group.

By number of project participants: group.

Project implementation timeline:short-term, March-April

By the nature of contacts: within the preschool educational institution

By the nature of the child’s participation in the project:private owner from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result.

Objective of the project - Familiarization of secondary children preschool age with the outside world, instilling labor skills, expanding children’s knowledge about planting methods

Integration of educational areas: Socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Project objectives:


To form an idea of ​​how garden plants are grown.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure and conditions necessary for plant growth.

Systematize children’s knowledge about the importance of water in the life of humans, animals, and plants.

Introduce children to medicinal properties garden greens: parsley, dill, green onions.


To develop creative, cognitive activity, stability of attention, visually effective thinking, fine and gross motor skills, and compositional skills.

Develop children's speech, activate vocabulary (root, plant, deepen, conditions).

Develop work skills, ability to organize your own workplace in various types of activities.


Foster a caring and kind attitude towards nature.

Foster a sense of self-preservation and the ability to take care of your health.

Foster a desire to perform labor activities and help adults.

Develop a sense of responsibility when caring for garden plants: water in time, loosen the soil, protect from direct sunlight.

The project includes 3 stages:

Preparatory stage

Development of a project implementation strategy

Studying material on the program for kindergarten by age group “What should be present in the “winter garden” in the middle group”

A plan for the main stage was drawn up, goals and objectives of the project activities were determined.

Basic stage includes

  1. Joint activity - planting
  2. Monitoring and caring for the “garden”
  3. Review of the album “What We Planted”
  4. Conversation “The benefits of onions and lettuce”

At the final stage

  • Participation in the competition “Vegetable Garden on the Window”
  • This project is significant for all its participants:

Children : acquiring new knowledge, showing activity in the process of fulfilling work assignments

Teachers : continued development of the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, and effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of preschoolers.

Parents : provision of material for performing labor and experimental activities

Estimated distribution of rolesin the project group:

Educator: engaged in selection the required material, organizes educational situations (planting plants), effectively develops the creative and cognitive thinking of preschoolers, and attracts parents of pupils to replenish the developmental environment of the group and the knowledge of preschoolers

Children: participate in educational activities, observe the germination of onions

Parents: purchased land, seeds, material for planting care (watering can, scoop), organized a development environment for effective placement in the group

Expected outcome of the project

The children, together with the teacher, grew “their own garden”

Stages of work on the project:

1. Design

Studying methodological literature on topic: Involving children in labor activity through environmental education

Drawing up a long-term work plan for the project: “Vegetable garden on the window”

A selection of games to play various types activities

Working with parents

Help in designing the “Garden on the Window” model

Collecting materials for the model “Vegetable garden on the window”

Work with children

Board and printed games: “Tops and Roots”, “Whether in the Garden or in the Vegetable Garden”, “Wonderful Bag”, “Vegetables - Fruits”, “Garden - Vegetable Garden”.

Making attributes for dramatization:

Role-playing game “At the Dacha”

Musical and didactic game “Garden garden - round dance”

Reading: Poems: A. Maksakova “Planted it in the garden”, T. Kazyrina “And we have order in our garden”

fairy tales: Belarusian folk tale“Puff”, K.I. Chukovsky’s “Vegetable Garden”.


Implementation of the “Garden on the Window” project, organization of all types of children’s activities (long-term plan).

Working with parents

Purchase of seeds, land, tools for caring for the garden.

Work with children

Productive activity: GCD " Decorative fence", free drawing of vegetables, fruits, scenes of rural and country life.

Educational areas Cognition, Health, Safety,

Communication: NOD “Spring has come”

Motor, play, musical and artistic activities: board and printed games - “Tops and Roots”, “Whether in the Garden or in the Vegetable Garden”, “Wonderful Bag”, “Vegetables - Fruits”, “Garden - Vegetable Garden”; Role-playing games - “At the dacha”, “In the store”, “Cooks”; Musical and didactic games - “Garden - round dance”, “Mice in the pantry”, dramatization of the fairy tale “Tops and Roots, “Turnip”.

Communicative activities: composing the story “Summer at the Dacha”, “How I Help in the Garden”, learning proverbs, sayings about work, dramatizing them.

Reading: poems by S. Vitaly “The Vegetable Garden”, S. Sirena “The Vegetable Garden”, O. Emelyanova “What Grows in the Vegetable Garden”, works by J. Rodari “Cipollino”, riddles, proverbs, sayings about vegetables and fruits.

Informative - research activities: compiling a diary of observations of plant growth in the garden.

Labor: drawing up a schedule for watering the garden, organizing duty, collective individual work assignments.

Group registration in the spring

Every year in our group we create a corner for environmental work with children in the spring. Together with the children, we decorate the window sills: we plant plants, strengthen plant care skills, keep observation diaries, and rejoice at every success. After all, the flowers we grow will delight us in the summer at the kindergarten site, and dill, parsley, lettuce and onions are in perfect harmony in our diet. Offering to your attention approximate sample design: "Vegetable garden on the window".
Goal of the work: Creation favorable conditions for environmental work with children in the spring.
- contribute to the formation in children of an understanding of the growth and development of plants;
- strengthening plant care skills;
- identifying the creative potential of teachers;

Enriching the developmental environment of groups.
Design requirements:
- decorative and artistic design: originality, diversity, condition of plants;
- participation of children in decoration;
- safety, accessibility in the development of children’s labor skills;
- presence of an observation diary.
1. Shown schematically “plant growth”; in the photo we have a sunflower.

2. In the design we used and " alpine slide", the fairy tale "Turnip", and a catch from a Kinder Surprise and even an old dryer.

3. We separated an area for three little pigs, made their lawn out of yarn and put up a house, fenced it all in with pine cones, and gave a second life to the dump truck.

4. Our toys also help in our design.

Thank you for your attention, I will be glad if I could give you an idea for the future design of the group in the spring.

Good afternoon, dear Masters and Craftswomen! In our kindergarten, a competition “Vegetable Garden on the Window” was announced and, of course, our group “Cuckoo” took an active part in it. Our gardening partnership is called “Kukushkino Village”. Most parents took an active part - they brought seedlings, seeds, containers. And our enthusiastic teacher Anna Valerievna and I tried to create a small piece of paradise on the windowsill.

Be patient - there will be a lot of photos, because... I would like to show all the details)) So, we used the seedlings brought by the parents, and, of course, the plantings of the children themselves, which they did in the group. The garden beds included onions, beets, peas, radishes, parsley, zucchini and forget-me-nots. Each bed has a stick with a business card of the plant - its image and a riddle on the back

Here is a scene from the life of the Kukushkin family - a mother looking around her garden property, son Vanyusha, sitting down to rest, and daughter Tanyusha - having fun on a swing, not to weed the garden bed) "Children" - dolls made of nylon with a wire frame so that the arms and legs bend , "mama" - a clay souvenir from Crimea. I made a house for a puppet theater

A few details for those interested. A cap made from half a Kinder egg container, arms and legs made from a jacket cord with wire inserted inside. A shovel is part of a Kinder container and a skewer, a rake (made by our teacher) from skewers.

A lake with clear water.

Our village has everything, even a mill (I already wrote about it too)

What is a garden without a scarecrow! Here is our handsome guy!

Probably, these are Andrei Usachev’s poems about him.
Scarecrow dressed up
In our garden:
The scarecrow was dressing up
After the latest fashion.

New vest
And a piece of a T-shirt,
Yes, a colorful shirt
Sticking out from under the sweatshirt.

Under red panties
Pants with stripes are visible,
And on top of the vest
Two ties are on.

One leg is in a galosh,
Another wears felt boots,
Yes, a polka dot cap
It's pulled over her head.

And dressed great!
And the shoes are cool!
Just don't call him
For some reason.

They call the scarecrow
Scarecrow among the people...
Even though the scarecrow is dressed
After the latest fashion!

Near the bed with beet seedlings there is a diagram-algorithm for the growth of beet seeds.

These cute bees, which also pollinate our plants, are the work of Anna Valerievna, the teacher. I think they are wonderful))

This spring, according to tradition, our kindergarten held the “Vegetable Garden on the Window” competition.

They suggested an unusual topic - “The plot of my dreams.”

Since our group is called “Romashka”, we and our kids preparatory group decided yours personal plot call it “Dachka in Romashkovo”. We presented our dream dacha like this.

We built a two-story mansion (we used boxes as a basis, covered them with brick-like wallpaper, glued the windows, covered the roof with self-adhesive paper, made balcony railings from ceiling tiles and decorated the railings with trim from egg cartons, the foundation - from shells).

In the vegetable garden area, a design approach was applied: the location of the beds and paving slabs- in the form of the sun.

In the recreation area, flower beds were laid out, a gazebo was built, and a path made of shells was laid out.

I wanted our summer cottage trees appeared, and we presented them in this form. To do this, we placed birch branches in the vase in advance so that they would produce leaves. The trunk was made from a paper cone, and a bottle of water was placed inside to prevent the branches from withering.

We paid great attention to creating the composition, and at the same time tried to present the variety of seedlings.

And this is our mini-laboratory. The children and I planted onions and observed their growth, and when they grew, we cut the greens and all ate them together with pleasure.

We observed the germination of bean and pea seeds (in cups). We watched the weather. We made notes in observation diaries.

Selected for children didactic games and coloring pages by topic, held discussions on the topic. Then we planted our seedlings in the garden bed and watched the plants grow. At the end of summer we harvested beets, carrots, zucchini, peppers, but the fruits of our labor were shown to other kids, since our students had already become schoolchildren. I am sure that the knowledge and skills acquired in the process of such work will not pass without a trace.