Volumetric rainbow made of paper. DIY rainbow - the best ways to make a rainbow at home

Everyone likes the rainbow - both children and adults. Its colorful tints attract the eye, but its value is not limited to aesthetics alone: ​​it is also a great way to interest a child in science and turn knowledge of the world into an exciting game! To do this, we invite parents to conduct several experiments with their children and get a real rainbow right at home.

In Newton's footsteps

In 1672, Isaac Newton proved that the ordinary white color is a mixture of rays of different colors. “I darkened my room,” he wrote, “and made a very small hole in the shutter to let in the sunlight.” In the path of the sun's ray, the scientist placed a special triangular piece of glass - a prism. On the opposite wall he saw a multi-colored strip, which he later called a spectrum. Newton explained this by saying that the prism split white light into its component colors. Then he placed another prism in the path of the multi-colored beam. With this, the scientist reassembled all the colors into one ordinary ray of sunlight.

To repeat the experiment of a scientist, you don’t necessarily need a prism - you can use what you have at hand. In good weather, place a glass of water on a table near a window. sunny side premises. Place a sheet of plain paper on the floor near the window so that the sun's rays fall on it. Wet the window hot water. Then change the position of the glass and the sheet of paper until a small rainbow appears on the paper.

Rainbow from the looking glass

The experiment can also be carried out both in sunny and cloudy weather. To carry it out, you need a shallow bowl of water, a small mirror, a flashlight (if there is no sun outside the window) and a sheet of white paper. Immerse the mirror in water, and position the bowl itself so that the sun's rays fall on it (or point a flashlight at the mirror). If necessary, change the angle of objects. In water, light should refract and break into colors, so that a sheet of white paper can “catch” a small rainbow.

Chemical rainbow

Everyone knows that soap bubbles are rainbow-colored. The thickness of the walls of a soap bubble varies non-uniformly, constantly moving, so its color is constantly changing. For example, at a thickness of 230 nm the bubble is colored Orange color, at 200 nm - green, at 170 nm - blue. When, due to water evaporation, the thickness of the wall of a soap bubble becomes less than the wavelength of visible light, the bubble stops shimmering with rainbow colors and becomes almost invisible before bursting - this happens when the wall thickness is approximately 20-30 nm.

The same thing happens with gasoline. This substance does not mix with water, so when it ends up in a puddle on the road, it spreads over its surface and forms a thin film that creates beautiful rainbow stains. We owe this miracle to the so-called interference - or, more simply, the effect of light refraction.

Musical rainbow

Interference causes rainbow tints on the surface of compact discs. By the way, this is one of the most simple ways“harvesting” rainbows at home. In the absence of sun it will do desk lamp, and a flashlight, but in this case the rainbow turns out less bright. Simply by changing the angle of the CD, you can get a rainbow stripe, a circular rainbow, and restless rainbow bunnies on a wall or any other surface.

Besides, what is not a good reason to teach your child the basics of musical literacy? After all, Newton initially distinguished only five colors in the rainbow (red, yellow, green, blue and violet), but then he added two more - orange and violet. Thus, the scientist wanted to create a correspondence between the number of colors in the spectrum and the number of notes in the musical scale.

Projector night light

If a temporary solution is not enough for you, you can have a rainbow at home “for real” - for example, using such a miniature projector. It projects a rainbow onto the walls and ceiling - even at night, even on a cloudy day, when invigorating colors are so lacking... The projector can operate in two modes: all colors together, or each one separately. In anticipation New Year's holidays This is probably a good gift idea for a child or just a creative person.

Window hanging

Another option for a “rainbow without worries” (which, however, can only be enjoyed during daylight hours, and only in sunny weather) is the so-called rainbow disk, made using modern laser technologies. A glass prism measuring 10 centimeters in diameter is enclosed in a chrome plastic case. It is attached to the window using a suction cup and, transforming sunlight, projects it onto the walls, floor and ceiling of the room. There are 48 color lines in total: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple and everything in between.

Flip book with 3D effect

In the last few years, books with interesting and unusual effects have begun to appear - for example, “flip books” with running pictures. Many of us are familiar with this technology from our own childhood: we drew pictures in the margins of a notebook, and then brought them to life by quickly flipping through the pages. A book based on the principle of this fun was created by Japanese designer Masashi Kawamura. If you quickly flip through it, you can see a voluminous rainbow!

If you wish, you can make a similar handmade rainbow with your own hands, and at the same time clearly demonstrate the animation effect to your child. To do this, you need to print on paper or draw squares of rainbow colors on each page of your notebook. In total you need 30-40 sheets. It is important to take into account that on one side of each page you need to draw them in the usual sequence, and on the other - in the reverse order, otherwise you will not get a rainbow.

Rainbow you can touch

And another fun way to get a rainbow that will greatly decorate anyone modern interior, without taking up a single centimeter of space and filling it with rainbow radiance. To do this, Mexican designer Gabriel Dawe suggests using skillfully stretched sewing threads. Of course, you will have to tinker with such an installation for an hour or two, but the result is worth it. It is not for nothing that the artist’s works have been a huge success in many countries, including the USA, Belgium, Canada and the UK.

You don't have to wait until the storm passes to see a rainbow. We'll tell you how to do it at home. Children will definitely like this one. In addition, using his example, you can clearly explain to your child how a rainbow appears in the sky.

Cool days - best time to spend time with your child. Children really like various experiments, and with their help it is very easy to explain physical, chemical and natural phenomena. We offer, with the help of which everyone can clearly learn the principle of the formation of a rainbow.

Children love to draw a rainbow and depict it with the brightest colors. When the sun comes out during rain, the sunlight is refracted in water droplets and “breaks up” into several colors. Everyone knows that there are seven colors of the rainbow and they are arranged in strict sequence: redorangeyellowgreenblueblueviolet .

But to see all the colors of the rainbow, you shouldn’t look out the rain outside the window. You can make a rainbow with your own hands at home. How? Now we will tell you everything.

To make your own rainbow, you will need:

  • Small vessel (saucepan)
  • Solar light or electric
  • White surface or sheet of paper
  • Mirror

How to make a rainbow with your own hands

1. Fill a small bowl halfway with water.

2. Place a mirror in the water at an angle.

3. Direct the light from the flashlight into the water where the mirror goes under it (or, if you prefer to do the experiment with daylight, take the vessel outside and place it so that the rays hit the mirror under the water).

4. Hold it above the mirror White list paper, adjusting the angle so that a rainbow appears.

How a rainbow is formed: the principle of refraction

Of course, your mini-rainbow is different from the one that appears in the sky after rain, but they have the same basic color characteristics. Why? Your demo version of the rainbow and the original work on the same principle: refraction and reflection.

Refraction is the bending of light as it passes through different environment, for example glass or water. Refraction can even cause clock hands to move in reverse side when viewed through a glass of water.

When you shine a light beam from a flashlight (or white light coming from the sun) into water, the light bends. But white light is not made up of just one color - it is a combination of all visible colors. Therefore, when white light is bent, all of its components (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo) are also bent. Each of these colors does this at a different angle because each color moves at a different speed within the water or glass.

When you reflect light from water using a mirror, you are reflecting white light that is broken down (from refraction) into a full spectrum of colors. This is how a rainbow appears!

The appearance of a rainbow after the rain

When a rainbow forms in the sky, the same principle applies. Millions of small drops of water refract sunlight. The angle at which we view these drops of water determines what color we see in them.

Experiment with your child and see where else you can see all the colors of the rainbow. Maybe in a drop of water in the garden or on a CD? Explanation of natural phenomena in specific examples will help the child better assimilate scientific information that is still difficult for him.

Did your child once get excited about seeing a rainbow? She was like magic manifested! But does he realize that he can make a rainbow himself right at home? After conducting this fun and colorful experiment, your child will be pleasantly surprised at how easy and simple it is to create such magic. It is enough to use only a few ordinary household items... and the nature of this colorful atmospheric phenomenon will become closer and clearer to him.

What you will need for this:

  • a glass of water (about three-quarters full);
  • White paper;
  • sunny day.


1. Fill a glass about three-quarters full with water and take a sheet of white paper.

2. Then ask your child to bring them to the window. You can also go to another place where there is also sunlight.

4. Draw the child’s attention to how sunlight passes through a glass of water, refracts (bends) and forms a multi-colored image on a sheet of paper. So how? Happened?

5. Now invite your child to continue the experiment. Let him try holding a glass of water at different distances from the paper and at different angles to it. What were the results? Has the effect changed?

What's happening?

And although we usually see a rainbow in the sky as a colored arc, it can form in other places. Perhaps you have seen a rainbow in a fountain or in the mist of a waterfall. And by completing this experiment, you managed to get your own little rainbow right at home.

Rainbows form because sunlight is refracted (bent) as it passes through raindrops. The same thing happens when sunlight passes through a glass of water. It refracts, separating into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These colors are called spectrum colors.

The most interesting thing is that when the beam of light just aimed at a glass of water and all the colors of the spectrum were collected together, the beam was white. And only passing through a transparent barrier (drops of water or glass), it disintegrated from white into seven different colors.

But why did it fall apart? And all because light consists of electromagnetic waves of different lengths. The shortest waves are red, have the least energy and therefore refract less. But the longest waves are violet, which means they have a lot of energy and are refracted more. You will notice that these colors tend to be at different ends of the rainbow. The remaining colors have an intermediate wavelength and are located in the middle.

Antipenko Sergey

Purpose of the study: to determine what the connection is between rain, sun and the appearance of a rainbow, and whether it is possible to get a rainbow at home.



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Purpose of the study: to determine what connection exists between rain, sun and the appearance of a rainbow, and whether it is possible to get a rainbow at home. Object of study: a natural phenomenon R A D U G A. Subject of research: the origin of the rainbow. Research problem: how to create a rainbow at home; how a rainbow appears and why it is multi-colored; how to create white from colored components.

RESEARCH OBJECTIVES How does a rainbow appear? When does a rainbow appear? Is it possible to get a rainbow at home? How to get white from colored components?

HYPOTHESES Suppose that a rainbow appears in sunny weather during rain, when the sun's rays pass through raindrops. Suppose that a rainbow can be obtained by replacing the sun's rays with an artificial light source.

BASIC METHODS Studying literature. Observation. Experiment.

“Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.” “How once Jean the bell-ringer knocked down a lantern with his head.”

Every schoolchild can repeat Newton's experiment. I repeated this experiment, but with an artificial light source. We observed the decomposition of light into a spectrum when passing through a prism at home, using a prism and a projector. To do this, we “caught” a white beam with a prism and got an image of a rainbow on the wall. The light, which seemed white, played on the wall with all the colors of the rainbow. This is how we penetrated the mystery of the ray, which the famous English scientist penetrated more than 300 years ago.

HOW DOES R A D U G APPEAR? When it rains, there is a huge amount of water droplets in the air. Each droplet plays the role of a tiny prism, and since there are so many of them, the rainbow turns out to be half the sky. This is who turns out to be building multi-colored gates in the sky quickly and beautifully! Ray of sun and raindrops. All rainbows are sunlight that passes through raindrops, as if through prisms, is refracted and reflected on the opposite side of the sky.

WHEN DOES THE RAD UG APPEAR? A rainbow appears only when the sun peeks out from behind the clouds and only in the direction opposite to the sun. A rainbow occurs when the sun illuminates a curtain of rain. Rainbows can only be observed early in the morning or late in the evening.

DOES IT HAPPEN WITHOUT RAIN? Such a miracle also happens.

EXPERIENCE “CREATION OF RAINBOW AT HOME” To make sure that white color consists of seven colors and a rainbow can be obtained artificially, we conducted an experiment. We needed: a flashlight, a water container, a flat mirror, white cardboard and water. Progress of the experiment: Filled the tray with water. Placed a mirror with an angle. We directed the light of a flashlight onto the part of the mirror immersed in water. To catch the reflected (or refracted) rays, they placed cardboard in front of the mirror.

AS A RESULT, A REFLECTION OF ALL THE COLORS OF THE RAINBOW APPEARED ON THE CARDBOARD, WE WERE ABLE TO GET THE RAINBOW IN “HOME” CONDITIONS. Conclusion: a beam of light reflected by a mirror at the exit from the water is refracted. The colors that make up white have different angles refraction, so they fall into different points and become visible.

EXPERIENCE “HOW TO OBTAIN WHITE COLOR FROM COLOR COMPONENTS?” Just like we decomposed the white color into its components, you can get back the white color from the colored components. If seven colored light sources are placed on one side of the prism at appropriate angles, we will get a beam at the exit white.

It is difficult to do such an experiment on your own, but there is another way. If you take a white circle and paint it in the seven colors of the rainbow, and then put this circle on an axis. And start rotating it quickly, in place of the colored circle, we will see white. This occurs due to the inertia of human vision. The eye cannot see each color separately on a rapidly rotating circle, and for it they all merge into one white color.

CONCLUSION As a result of the work done, we were convinced that the prism can transform a white beam into a seven-color, rainbow one. They found out that raindrops and ice crystals can divide the white color into seven colors, so you can see rainbows in autumn, summer, spring, and winter. But there are conditions under which such an amazing natural phenomenon can be seen. We got acquainted with ways to obtain a rainbow at home, creating white color from colored components.

LITERATURE 1. Belkin I.K. What is a rainbow? – “Quantum” 1984 2. Bulat V. L. Optical phenomena in nature. M.: Education, 1974. 3. Geguzin Y. E. “Who creates the rainbow?” – Quantum 1988 4. Mayer V.V., Mayer R.V. “Artificial rainbow” - Quantum 1988. 5. “I explore the world.” Children's encyclopedia. Physics O.G. Hinn - M, LLC 6. Bragin A. About everything in the world. Series: Great Children's Encyclopedia. Publisher: Ast, 2007. 7. Children's encyclopedia "I KNOW THE WORLD". AST - LTD" 1998


Hello! I, Antipenko Sergey, student of 1st grade of school No. 19

G. Izobilny. And this is my supervisor, Marina Nikolaevna Meshalkina.

Let me introduce my research work“How to create a rainbow at home?”

Every person at least once in his life admired a natural miracle - a rainbow. Many people have probably noticed that rainbows usually appear after rain. I have seen a rainbow many times, and this phenomenon always delighted me. Last summer my parents and I walked around the city. The weather was sunny, but suddenly it started raining: warm, lightly drizzling. It stopped as quickly as it started, and literally immediately we all saw a rainbow in the sky. I wanted to know what a rainbow is and how it appears.

Purpose of the study: to determine what the connection is between rain, sun and the appearance of a rainbow, and whether it is possible to get a rainbow at home.

The object of study is the natural phenomenon of the rainbow.

The subject of the study is the origin of the rainbow.

Research problem:

  1. how to create a rainbow at home;
  2. how a rainbow appears and why it is multi-colored;
  3. how to create white from colored components.

Research objectives:

  1. How does a rainbow appear?
  2. When does a rainbow appear?
  3. Is it possible to get a rainbow at home?
  4. How to get white from colored components?

Hypotheses put forward:

  1. Suppose a rainbow appears in sunny weather during rain, when the sun's rays pass through the raindrops.
  2. Suppose that a rainbow can be obtained by replacing the sun's rays with an artificial light source.

Basic methods: literature study, observation, experiment.

There is probably no person who does not admire the rainbow. This magnificent colorful phenomenon in the sky has long attracted everyone's attention.We all know the saying from childhood: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits,” there is also a less popular version: “How once Jean the bell-ringer knocked down a lantern with his head.” Using the initial letters of these sayings, we remember the names and sequence of colors of such an unusual and beautiful natural phenomenon as a rainbow.

Why does she appear so beautiful, and even color painting in the air? We looked for an answer to this question in additional literature. Here's what we learned.

Sunlight or regular beam white light is actually a combination of all colors. When a beam of light moves through air, almost nothing happens to it, but if a transparent substance noticeably different in density from air gets in its way, interesting things begin to happen to the light. When light hits the boundary of such a substance, it is deflected, but the most important thing is that each of its components deflects differently.

Isaac Newton proved that ordinary white color is a mixture of rays of different colors. “I darkened my room,” he wrote, “and made a very small hole in the shutter to let in the sunlight.” In the path of the sun's ray, the scientist placed a special triangular piece of glass - a prism. On the opposite wall he saw a multi-colored strip - a spectrum. Newton explained this by saying that the prism decomposed the white color into its component colors. Newton was the first to realize that the sun's rays are multicolored.

Every schoolchild can repeat Newton's experiment. I repeated this experiment, but with an artificial light source. We observed the decomposition of light into a spectrum when passing through a prism at home, using a prism and a projector.

To do this, we “caught” a white beam with a prism and got an image of a rainbow on the wall. The light, which seemed white, played on the wall with all the colors of the rainbow (these multi-colored, bright stripes are called the solar spectrum). This is how we penetrated the secret of the ray, which the famous English scientist penetrated 300 years ago.

We looked at white objects through a prism, they looked colorful, rainbow-colored. Rainbow is the most famous, well-known spectrum.

So, for a rainbow to appear, a ray of sunlight must fly through a prism? But there are no prisms in the sky! How then does a rainbow appear?

2.2. How does a rainbow appear?

There is nothing strange here. A rainbow is simple, it is the sun's rays refracting in raindrops. When it rains, there is a huge amount of water droplets in the air. Each droplet plays the role of a tiny prism, and since there are so many of them, the rainbow turns out to be half the sky. This is who turns out to be building multi-colored gates in the sky quickly and beautifully! Ray of sun and raindrops. All rainbows are sunlight that passes through raindrops, as if through prisms, is refracted and reflected on the opposite side of the sky. The outer edge of the arc is usually red, and the inner edge is purple. There are seven colors in the solar spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Conclusion: A rainbow appears in sunny weather during rain, when the sun's rays pass through raindrops.

2.3. When the rainbow appears

Then the question arises: why don’t we always see a rainbow when it’s raining or sunny?

  1. A rainbow appears only when the sun peeks out from behind the clouds and only in the direction opposite to the sun.
  2. A rainbow occurs when the sun illuminates a curtain of rain.

You need to be strictly between the sun (it should be behind you) and the rain (it should be in front of you). Otherwise you won't be able to see the rainbow! The sun, our eyes and the center of the rainbow should be on the same line! If the sun is high in the sky, then it is impossible to draw such a straight line. This is why rainbows can only be seen early in the morning or late afternoon. A rainbow appears provided that the angular height of the sun above the horizon does not exceed 42 degrees.

Can there be a rainbow without rain?

It turns out that such a miracle also happens. In winter, ice crystals “float” in the air. They can also divide white into the seven colors of the rainbow, so rainbows can be seen even in winter. The air, although it seems absolutely transparent, actually also decomposes light into its component colors. Noticeable - this happens at sunrise or sunset. Passing through the thickness of the earth's atmosphere, its rays bend a little, and as we remember, the red color bends weaker than others. It is for this reason that the sun, being close to the horizon, acquires a red tint. Rays of a different color bow out more strongly and no longer reach us.

Experience “Creating a rainbow at home”

To make sure that the white color consists of seven colors and the rainbow can be obtained artificially, we carried out experience.

We needed a flashlight, a water container, a flat mirror, white cardboard and water. Progress of the experiment:

  1. Filled the tray with water
  2. They installed a tilting mirror.
  3. We directed the light of a flashlight onto the part of the mirror immersed in water.
  4. To catch the reflected (or refracted) rays, they placed cardboard in front of the mirror.

As a result, a reflection of all the colors of the rainbow appeared on the cardboard; we were able to get a rainbow in “home” conditions.

Conclusion: a beam of light reflected by a mirror at the exit from the water is refracted. The colors that make up white have different angles of refraction, so they fall at different points and become visible.

Experiment “How to get white from colored components?”

Just like we decomposed the white color into its components, you can get back the white color from the colored components. If seven colored light sources are placed on one side of the prism at appropriate angles, we will get a white beam at the exit from it.

It is difficult to do such an experiment on your own, but there is another way. If you take a white circle and paint it in the seven colors of the rainbow, and then put this circle on an axis. And start rotating it quickly, in place of the colored circle, we will see white. This occurs due to the inertia of human vision. The eye cannot see each color separately on a rapidly rotating circle, and for it they all merge into one white color.


As a result of the work done, we convinced that the prism can turn a white beam into a seven-color, rainbow one. Found out that raindrops and ice crystals can divide white into seven colors, so you can see a rainbow in autumn, summer, spring, and winter. But there are conditions under which such an amazing natural phenomenon can be seen. We met with methods for producing a rainbow at home, creating white from colored components.

In conclusion, I would like to thank my supervisor, Marina Nikolaevna Meshalkina, for the assistance provided to me during my work.

Thank you for your attention!

Double-sided craft "Rainbow" for children from 4 years old. Step-by-step master class with photo.

Nadezhda Viktorovna Vinogradova, teacher at GBDOU d/s No. 14, St. Petersburg.
Description: This master class is designed for children from 4 years old (provided that the paper strips are prepared by adults), educators, teachers primary school, teachers additional education, parents.
Target: making crafts using cotton pads.
Tasks: consolidate knowledge about the primary colors and their sequence in the rainbow; develop aesthetic feelings, a sense of composition, accuracy, fine motor skills, and practice working with cotton pads and glue.
Purpose: interior decoration, experiments with wind (wind direction and strength), breathing exercises (exhalation force).

The summer rain has passed since the morning,
The sun came out.
The child was surprised
Looking out the window, -
Seven-color arc
Covered up by the clouds! (Rainbow)
Such a remarkable natural phenomenon as a rainbow could not go unnoticed: in folk art, many riddles, proverbs, sayings and signs are dedicated to the rainbow, many poems were written under the impression of this phenomenon.
Multi-colored ribbons
They hover above the ground,
Amazed people
They look to the heavens.
The rainbow spread
Smooth semicircle
Festive halo
It suddenly opened.

Multi-colored miracle
Mystery of the Earth,
Unanswerable miracle
In the dust of the sun.
A splash of fabulous sparkles,
Washed by the rain.
Rainbow over the cloud
The flower bed took off.
Rainbow washed
Seen in the distance.
Marvelous rocker
On the shoulders of the Earth.
(Iraida Mordovina)
The order of colors is determined by the first letters: K - red, O - orange, etc.
Is sitting
And we can make a rainbow that will not disappear and will delight us even on a rainy or snowy day!
Materials: small sheet of cardboard (any color, I have white), double-sided colored paper, pencil, ruler, scissors, PVA glue, cotton pads, white thread.


Cut 2 cm wide strips of double-sided colored paper in the colors found in the rainbow

From white cardboard cut a strip of 16x4 cm, draw a line along the middle with a pencil dividing this strip in half, separate 1 cm from each edge. Apply glue to the area as shown in the photo:

Starting from the red stripe, focusing on the drawn line, stick the colored stripes in a rainbow sequence:

Now we glue the cotton pads:

I have 4 pieces arranged very well:

To make the cloud bigger, we’ll make a second row of disks, but one less:

Done. We turn our craft over and glue a loop of thread:

We also cover the cardboard strip with cotton pads:

Our craft is ready! You can hang it on the wall and admire it on a rainy day, you can decorate a window, and the breeze that comes through the window will play with colored stripes, you can take it with you outside and determine the strength and direction of the wind, you can blow on the stripes yourself one by one.
This is how my four-year-old students completed this task: