About the priesthood of Jesus Christ. New and accurate facts from the life of Jesus Christ

Fact 1 - There is still debate about the date of Christ's birth. But it is known that the census described in the Gospel of Luke took place in 6 BC. So Jesus appears to have been born sometime between 6 and 4 BC. The death of Herod the Great, who killed babies, is well known - 4 BC. Christ could not have been born later.

Fact 2 - Mary and Joseph had to travel approximately 90 miles (about 150 km) from Nazareth to Bethlehem in order to take part in the census.

Fact 3 - Jesus was circumcised, like all Jewish men.

Fact 4 - Christ had several half-brothers and sisters (Matthew 12:46-47; 13:55-56)

Fact 5 - Evangelist Mark calls Jesus a “carpenter” (Greek - tekton). But, apparently, he had other skills, including working with wood, stone and metal. This stems from the fact that there is not much wood in Galilee.
It is possible that Jesus, trained by his adoptive father Joseph, wandered through Galilee building synagogues and other buildings.

Fact 6 - Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, who was his second cousin.

Fact 7 - Christ spoke three or four languages.

From the Gospels we know that Jesus spoke Aramaic. Aramaic was the spoken language of ancient Israel. There are even some Aramaic words found in Scripture. But as a Jew, he certainly spoke Hebrew, which was used as the language of prayer and temple services. At the same time, many synagogues used the Septuagint, a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek. Therefore, when speaking with pagans, Jesus most likely used Greek, the language of trade throughout the Mediterranean at that time.
And with the Romans, although we cannot say this with absolute certainty, Jesus could speak Latin (Matthew 8:13)

Fact 8 - Jesus preached in Galilee and Judea, which is now known as Israel and Palestine.

Fact 9 - Christ was crucified on Calvary. At the time of Jesus Christ, Golgotha ​​was located outside of Jerusalem. Gradually the city grew, and now Golgotha ​​lies in the center.

Fact 10 - On the day of Christ's trial, Pilate's wife convinced the procurator to have mercy on Jesus. In her last letter to her husband, she asked him:
“How will you atone for your guilt on earth if it turns out that the person you condemned is really the Son of God, and not a human criminal?”
Pilate answered her: “If this is the Son of God and He is resurrected, then the first thing I will do is forbid the minting of my image on coins while I am alive” (it must be explained that being depicted on a coin in Rome was considered a high honor).

Pilate fulfilled his promise when it was established that Christ had risen. He actually forbade depicting himself on coins. This message of Garmisius was confirmed by indisputable evidence. From Roman numismatics it is known that in Jerusalem at that time coins were made with the image of Caesar on one side, but without the image of Pilate on the other side

From the team of the portal "Living Knowledge"

More and more often we hear from scientists new facts about the life of Christ. And this is said by people whose brains are only 5-8% developed, and their knowledge of the world is only 0.001%. Their worldview is limited by formulas, and they know nothing about the subtle world. The clergy know the life of Jesus from the sacred scriptures, although it is written there allegorically, but this does not prevent them from bending their true interpretation of the Bible. I invite the reader to read information about Jesus Christ, received, according to the authors, from higher spheres.

1. The Mystery of the Star of Bethlehem

When Christ was born, a new star broke out in the constellation Orion. It was a supernova explosion. Its appearance was planned in advance by the program of the Higher Ones so that the appearance of the star as a result of the explosion coincided with a significant event - the appearance of a missionary in the earthly world. She flew as a result of the explosion and with her light led to the birthplace of Christ. This star was called the Bethlehem star.

The flash not only commemorated the birth of the son of God, but it also carried a certain functional meaning. Through the star's flare, the High Ones sent new energy to Earth. The Supernova explosion was also associated with the birth of Christ because He was built to receive this new energy and, having passed through Himself, gently spread it to people. The spread began precisely from the moment of his birth, and was extended further in time. Thus, from the moment of his birth, Christ immediately became involved in cosmic processes.

2. Mother and father of Jesus Christ

Christ had a mother and father, simple earthly people. Before this, the soul of Christ had never incarnated on Earth. This was his first and last mission on our planet.

Religion, speaking about the mystery of the conception of Jesus, claimed that the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Holy Spirit. However, Christ had a physical father, but people idealized his birth. The participation of the Holy Spirit in the birth process consisted in the fact that the spiritualizing energy possessed by the soul spiritualized the material body of the baby. At the moment of fertilization ordinary people their future Determinants* put special energy into the body being created. In the case of the birth of Christ, this energy was laid down by God - it was Divine energy.

For this reason, a dazzling white radiance of pure energy emanated from the Christ child. Souls always differ in energies. Using it, the Magi were supposed to accurately recognize the Divine Child among the many children. (But this radiance was hidden from the eyes of ordinary people.) The Magi were clairvoyants, they were able to see subtle energies, so when they saw the radiance of subtle energies around the child, they recognized him as the son of God.

Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judea during the reign of King Herod. A star that flashed again in the sky led the Magi to the baby. For those times, this was a sign of the birth of a new king. Subsequently, Christ began to reign in the souls of Christians throughout the Earth. The Magi brought gifts of gold, incense and myrrh to the baby.

Christ grew like ordinary child among the common people, learning to understand their material and spiritual needs, that is, God did not create some exceptionally prosperous conditions for them, did not isolate them in the royal mansions, but gave them the opportunity to experience life from below, in its reality.

*Determinant - The Supreme Personality, residing at the first Level of the Hierarchy of God, leading a person or other creature through life.

3. Life of Jesus Christ

Until the age of thirty, Christ led ordinary life, studied, got to know the world, prepared for the upcoming main action, and did not possess any superpowers. However, from the age of ten, a child can think in a way that is not very ordinary compared to other children and act differently from everyone else, because the corresponding part of his mind is activated according to the program, superior to others. It is clear that a soul that has achieved more in the past high degree development, will surpass many children at the same age, but who have had fewer reincarnations. And since Christ was a mature soul, he was ahead in his concepts of many other children at the same age.

His high consciousness began to open early; not, as some people believe, that only from the age of thirty. Of course, at times he surprised adults with some of his reasoning, since from the age of twelve he began to speak differently than everyone else. But since those around me at that time were illiterate, they misunderstood a lot and reduced everything to childish oddities and childish fantasies. Moreover, modesty and obedience did not allow Christ to stand out among other children. Everything that he understood in a special way, everything that he saw differently from others, remained inside him.

Modesty helped Christ to stay on the level of ordinary children, which was necessary for him for the purpose of his own protection, that is, modesty played for him protective functions. People are too aggressive and any manifestation of something different from themselves in others caused attacks on their part. Therefore, the Highest did everything to protect the child of Christ from human aggression. From here, everything outstanding remained within him. So the unusual child knew how to stay at the level of the ordinary middle peasant in order to save himself.

But at the age of thirty, when the time came for his main missionary activity, unusual abilities began to unfold in Jesus, and He began to create truly. During this period, he had a complete connection to the Higher Plan. For Christ there was no worldly life. He carried out his task, completely absorbed in it on the spiritual plane, and in this way he realized his personal program. He lived more internally than externally. Jesus knew why he appeared on Earth, he understood the purpose of his coming and the versatility of this goal.

He knew that he served the Higher spheres and that his activities would bring a change in energy processes, understanding that he served not only people, but God and the Earth itself.

4. Wife of Jesus Christ

If we talk about Christ having a wife in this earthly life, then God sent him a faithful companion. But it was not Mary Magdalene, as many people think. The real wife of Christ always remained, as it were, in the shadows, so none of our contemporaries knows her. Their marital relationship was registered in Heaven by God himself. Jesus' wife was constantly with him in his retinue and followed her loved one everywhere. Christ was accompanied by twelve apostles, and she was always among them. They did not advertise their relationship, as many young people do now, so history, as they say, is silent about this. However, a year after the death of Christ, she also ascended to Heaven, and although they did not meet there, she found peace there.

5. Opening of the causal channel in Christ through John the Baptist

The Higher consciousness of Christ alone was not enough to fulfill his mission among the low consciousness of those around him. It was necessary to stir up their undeveloped consciousness and, as they say, to reach others to understand their truths. And it was possible to influence low consciousness only by attracting a miracle. It shocked, destroyed old stereotypes, making us think about something new and unusual. Therefore, Christ’s task was to reach the consciousness of lowly individuals through miracles.

He was initially prepared for this type of activity, so He had a special energy structure on the subtle plane, which included channels of communication with Higher world, more precisely, with those Higher Essences who participated in his work on Earth. They allocated energy to him for everyday life; each situation required its own types of energy. And when Christ began to perform miracles, it was necessary to additionally turn on the main energy channel in order to transmit special miraculous energy through it from Above to the Earth, to whom - for healing, to whom - for revival.

Before the baptism of John the Baptist, all six channels were open in Christ (physical, etheric, astral, mental, buddhial, atmic), except for the causal channel - the channel of action through which energy was supplied to perform various miracles. This was all linked to his personal program; without it, no energy could help a person act correctly or miraculously. But in order to turn on the Savior’s causal channel into work, a person with more powerful energy in the physical body than Christ had was required.

In order for Christ to work miracles, He needed to open the channel of his communication with the Highest. But it was not just any person who could reveal it to Christ, but someone with very high energy.

John, later nicknamed the Baptist, possessed such energy. John was not a simple man with a primitive construction of thin shells; he was not the first person he met. Where did he get this powerful energy of the physical and subtle bodies? Where did he get it?

One could say that it was immediately built for this mission. But although John was indeed sent to Earth with the main mission - to open the causal channel of Christ, he accumulated powerful energy in his past life, in which he was Elijah the Prophet (that’s why his head was cut off in this life, after the baptism of Christ, since, fulfilling mission, he was simultaneously working off past karma). That is, in the previous incarnation, Ilya himself possessed unusual properties, was a conductor of cosmic energy, and the structure of his soul contained powerful potential and was prepared for sacred action.

John and Christ built their subtle structures accordingly during past developments. And only thanks to their own improvement were they able to participate in grandiose project implementation new program development of humanity. Random souls cannot participate in God's project. Worthy people participate, and for each one the path is determined that corresponds to its karmic achievements and at the same time contributes to its advancement.

Therefore, Christ and John corresponded precisely to the role that was predetermined for them from Above. And the essence of Jesus’ baptism was not so much his ritual initiation into a certain egregor and the opening of channel communication, but rather the opening of the seventh channel, the seventh chakra.

John baptized Jesus on the day a powerful flow of energy from Above was sent to Earth (January 19, present style). The ritual took place on the water, since it was supposed to take on the powerful potential of energy passed by John through Christ and going into the feet, and then into the water. Since John possessed powerful energy accumulated in past incarnations, he was able to use his greater energy to unblock the main, causal channel for Jesus, but Jesus himself could not do this.

Baptism took place in water not just from the purely ritual side of the process, but due to the fact that water has a high energy intensity. And after John opened a channel for Christ to clear all other channels, they gave another powerful charge from Above, which passed through the body of Jesus and went through the feet into the water. In addition to the main channels, all other energy channels of his physical body were cleaned, which could only be done with a powerful discharge, which was then absorbed by the energy-intensive river water.

Thus, Christ's miracles of healing began after clearing the channels and unblocking some of His qualities. John the Baptist opened a channel of communication with the Cosmos for Him. And the essence of Christ’s baptism was precisely the opening of this main channel of action. After John, with his powerful energy, opened the energy lock in the subtle structure of Christ, through the energy channels biological structure Higher energy flowed freely from the Savior, and He became able to heal and perform miracles.

After such cleaning and activation of all energy channels, Christ was able to take on huge flows of energy, due to which he began to carry out his miraculous activities. Thus, John the Baptist opened Christ to receive a large flow of energy and tied the future church ritual of Baptism to a specific day of the year (January 19), on which, year after year, the hierarchical Systems began to release pure energy to Earth.

6. Saving humanity

Christ came to Earth to save humanity, which is why they call him the Savior. But what is this salvation?

The essence of salvation lies in the energetic renewal of man. Christ brought new energies to humanity for the next 2000 years. His teaching, the Bible, his prayers - everything was built on the energies of a new range of energies, covering the period from the coming of Christ until the end of the 20th century. Humanity had to rise to the next Level of development, and for this it needed to fill its thin shells with these new types of energies, and they (these energies) themselves raise a person to the Level to which they belong. Whoever absorbed new energies into himself rose higher and moved to a higher level of development, since these were the energies of the next range of development; and those who did not accept the new teaching remained at the lower Level, and the Higher Ones always work with them separately, sending them to the lower worlds or decoding them. Therefore, the one who absorbed the necessary energies and rose higher was saved.

To save humanity, you don't need to swing swords, rattle weapons and kill someone. Salvation can take place quietly, calmly and unnoticed by the person himself. He learns a new teaching, and it seems to him that he is not doing anything special, but it turns out that in this way he saves himself, letting into his thin shells, along with new knowledge, the energy of a higher Level.

7. Did Christ atone for the sins of mankind?

The Church claims that Christ not only saved, but also atoned for the sins of mankind. Of course, it is impossible for someone to atone for the sins of others, since sins are associated with incorrect construction in the subtle structures of each soul. You can atone for your sins, that is, through some actions you can rebuild yourself, but how can you force another person to rebuild yourself? Any person is obliged to build his soul himself through certain work. Therefore, by atonement for the sins of mankind, something else was meant: to atone - in the sense of neutralizing the negative energies accumulated from the unlawful actions of people on Earth.

Christ neutralized these negative egregors with his powerful positive biofield and thus enlightened the general energy field of the Earth, which subsequently manifested itself in the fact that negative energies in the biofields of people themselves were further neutralized. This corresponded to the removal of sin from them, since the “dirty” energies were actually removed. But in order for such a cleansing to occur in a person, he had to believe in Christ, because trust opens access to energy channels, distrust contributes to the closing of channels, their clamping. Trust is relaxation, it is self-disclosure. Therefore, only a part of the people who believed in Christ were cleansed.

As for the future of humanity, it is natural that the correction of its general energy field in the present also contributes to its correction in the future, since any future is built on the present.

People accepted Christ’s destruction of negative energy accumulations (egregors) on Earth as atonement for the karma of humanity, hoping that people would no longer have karma. However, it continues because Christ destroyed the negative egregor that had been accumulated by humanity as a whole at the time of his arrival, but not karma itself. He cleansed the planet.

8. Revival of Lazarus

Let's look at old miracles from the perspective of new knowledge in order to understand the hidden meaning that lies behind them. Let us determine what internal meaning is hidden in Christ’s statements below.

So, for example, when his friend Lazarus was seriously ill, and people came to call him to heal the sick man, saying that he could die, Christ answered them that “Lazarus’ illness was not given for death, but in order to show the power of God.” . Lazarus died. Jesus did not have time to heal him, and he was buried in a cave.

At first glance, Jesus’ words may seem implausible: he said that illness “was not given for death,” but he still died. And at that moment in time, Christ could have been accused of lying, but he spoke the true truth, which was hidden from the understanding of ordinary people. Knowledge of the plans of the Highest and Their capabilities allowed Christ to foresee future events and not be afraid of death. But what did Christ allegorically express with his phrase, what hidden meaning was hidden in it?

Lazarus, like Jesus, was one of the participants in God's project - the project of creation new Faith, a new religion. His mission was to get sick, die and rise again through the power of Christ, that is, his energy. The entire program of Lazarus' life was designed for main goal- to die in order to be resurrected. Therefore, his illness and death were given from Above.

In moments of resurrection, the Medical System* of God is necessarily involved; it is she who develops all the subtleties of the course of illness and death. The process of reviving Lazarus was associated with the energy of powerful potential. She was sent from above through Christ when he resurrected a friend. The additional vital energy brought his body back to normal, and he got up and walked. From the side of Jesus’ ignorant contemporaries it looked like a miracle, but from the side of new knowledge it was a project that had a technical basis for the manipulation of subtle structures and energies.

Therefore, Christ, in the case of his friend, said that the death of Lazarus was supposed to show the power and capabilities of God. It was a project designed according to His plans; it was important that man see God's ability to revive people. Only the Creator could create such great projects at that time.

“All this was also prepared technically. It was not Christ alone who worked on this, but he was helped from Above. On the subtle plane, he was constantly accompanied by a retinue of twelve Essences* of the Highest Order, who remained invisible to people. But under his leadership they performed miracles of resurrection. The soul was returned back to the body, which was restored in those places where it was needed. Moreover, if we talk about the miracles of that time, then it was easy for Him to show a miracle, because He lived in times when people were ignorant and knew nothing about the sciences that modern man knows.

If Christ performed His miracles now, with the current development of science and technology, you could easily understand how He does it. And your psychics could realize a lot and see in His miracles. The very comparison of the “dark” people that existed before and the progressive ones that exist now gives two different points of reference and completely different levels of understanding.” That is, before understanding such a miracle, the human soul had to go through a development path of two thousand years.

Thus, the Higher Ones confirmed during our contacts that hierarchical Systems, or rather, Higher Personalities, who reside on the subtle plane and remain invisible to humans, participate in any miracles.

9. Healing by Jesus Christ of a man born blind

For example, Christ met a blind man, and people asked him: “For what sins was this man punished: for his own or for his parents?” Christ answered: “Not for his own, and not for his parents, but to show the power of God through him.” .

That is, this blind man was also part of the Creator’s project to create a new religion; he was the performer who was supposed to play the role of the blind man who had received his sight. And for this, from birth his vision was blocked from seeing this world. Jesus, again, with his powerful energy, removed this blockage from the optic canals - and the blind man received his sight. In fact, neither in the first case nor in the second was there a miracle, but rather knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice.

Powerful energy is capable of removing blockages in the subtle structures of people with lower soul potentials. In this case, all this was done purposefully. That's why to this person blindness was not given due to karma, but for the sole purpose of showing the unusual abilities of Christ and the power of God, since everything is done according to His great plans. Of course, here everything could be described in more detail, in the details of the technical implementation of the programs, but our goal is to enable the reader to see the hidden meaning that is hidden behind the words of Jesus.

The higher ones said during our contacts about how Christ performed miracles, they responded like this: “A special program was developed for this. Involved in any miracle technical means subtle plan. This is an accurate calculation and great work of Hierarchical Systems. Christ performed a miracle, and the Systems prepared this miracle. Each of them required a huge amount of work and energy costs».

10. Did Jesus walk on water?

In this case, it was His hologram that moved across the surface of the water, and not Himself. It was a hologram picture, and an underdeveloped person could not distinguish the real from it. Modern man is already well acquainted with material holograms, although they still remain motionless.

Thus, many of Christ’s miracles were prepared technically by hierarchical Systems called the “Union” *. Besides technical devices miracles required more energy. Miracles are usually very expensive for the Highest, and they have always been difficult to implement on the material plane, since transferring something from the subtle plane to the physical is a large expenditure of energy and involvement different equipment subtle plan, therefore They are reluctant to perform miracles and do them in rare cases.

The demonstration of miracles is caused by the need to turn the souls of people into Faith, into the existence of those Higher than man. He had to be firmly aware of this in order to tame his wild and base desires. But any miracle affected only some segments of the population and had a short-term effect. Therefore, the Highest had to send people from their Higher plans back to the earthly world with a special mission - to return public opinion to the old miracle. And they returned and raised it to the proper height in the consciousness of ignorant earthlings, turning the miracle into legends. In this way, miracles traveled through the centuries, strengthening faith in the Highest Ones, God, and Christ. Miracles, although technically difficult to achieve and requiring large amounts of energy, nevertheless contributed to the maintenance of the Faith for thousands of years, and thus, over time, justified the costs of them. But the Highest appreciate more faith a person without any miracles and religious parables. Faith based on the understanding of the Highest and Their knowledge is higher than Faith based on the vision of miracles.

11. Crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ on the cross

Christ was destined for martyrdom on the cross, since such execution was common in those days.

Previously, it was customary to crucify all apostates and criminals sentenced to death on the cross. But it had a certain energetic meaning. The cross is the best emitter of energy, capable of filtering them out; it also has mutually perpendicular elements that symbolize the connection of two worlds - material and spiritual.

From an energetic point of view, when participating in the execution process, a person produced the energy of suffering, which was sent to his earthly layer through the very cross on which the suffering person was crucified. This energy was collected in space in certain places and served to protect the Earth from dark forces.

Through their suffering, people cleansed the subtle shells of the Earth from the negative energy that they themselves produced through their actions and thoughts.

But really couldn’t they have chosen a less painful death for the son of God, why was this necessary?

The death of Christ had to combine two demands: it was necessary to connect the new religion with the cross and sign of the cross, which perfectly entered into the Christian faith. And besides, He redeemed His cosmic karma through torment, since beings who died on another planet also experienced the pangs of death.

This execution was to be the most impressive of its time. People were supposed to remember it for the next two thousand years. In addition, the cross has a deep physical basis - it was necessary to introduce the cross, like an antenna, into the daily life of Christians. The Hierarchical System decided to collect spiritual energy using an antenna from the Earth to the Higher spheres, and for this purpose energy storage devices - egregors - had to be built.

The antenna was designed in the shape of a cross. And in order to force people everywhere, in everyday life and in society, to use these antennas, it was decided to prepare for Christ martyrdom on the cross. Man loved Christ as his Savior, and loved the cross on which he was crucified. And thus, man began to worship Christ and the cross. The cross has become a symbol of Faith. He appeared in every family, turning into a small emitter of pure energy. So the space antenna was distributed throughout the Earth. And it became easy for the hierarchical System to collect spiritual energy, that is, the purest energy produced by man.

12. Resurrection of Jesus Christ

After the death of Christ on the cross, his dead body was taken to the crypt cave by Joseph, his disciple, who prepared this cave for himself, but was forced to give it up to his Teacher. Here the body remained until the resurrection, which took place on the third day, Sunday. Since then, religion has sacredly honored this day and celebrates it every year as the “Resurrection of the Lord.”

Christ died on the cross and rose again, but not in a material body, but in a subtle one. And during those 40 days when He appeared to His disciples, He continued to remain in this subtle body. And since He concentrated powerful energy within himself, this entire shell glowed.

After the death of Christ, his material body was in the cave, but when they came to visit him, no body was there, it disappeared. Therefore, believers have always been concerned with the question, where did his physical body go?

The resurrection of the Savior was not such a simple and easy matter for God and His Helpers, who carried out this miracle technically.

Firstly, so that the followers of Christ would not later use the dead body to create his cult, or so that the opponents of Jesus would not abuse him, the Highest decomposed the physical body into atoms.

As for the soul itself, after death occurred, his soul went to God and His Helpers, leading this situation. The purpose of the resurrection of Christ was to show the world a miracle. And this miracle took place in the return of His soul, and not of the previous material body. Before Christ, not a single soul, having flown Up, returned to Earth immediately after the death of a person, and even in a luminous form that others saw.

The difficulty of this resurrection process was that the soul of Christ had to appear not in a material shell, but in a more subtle one, and at the same time it had to remain visible to people. Previously, the soul always appeared on Earth through birth, and the physical body prepared for this for nine months.

And Christ appeared in a completely new thin shell, which was prepared for this very quickly - in just three days.

The new shell body was a protective shell in which the soul was supposed to descend to Earth a second time. She was preparing Above, but was guided by the lower indicators of physical matter in order to stay for the required time in the lower layer of the Earth.

This protective shell was prepared by the Highest in advance, but the soul of Christ had to learn to control it in three days, just as a diver controls a spacesuit when descending into the depths of the sea. This is also difficult. A child takes three years to master a body, but Christ had to master a new shell in three days. There were difficulties in this. But this is precisely what revealed the miracle. The second shell, located under the protective shell, was also special. A very powerful energy was concentrated in it in order to hold a light soul in the dense matter of the earthly world. Due to the high concentration, she was all glowing, and it was impossible to touch Christ right away. This energy could kill a person.

Thus, when on the cross the soul of Christ parted with the physical body, it immediately ascended to God, that is, to the plane where it was expected, and in order to rise, it threw off its temporary shells. It was the shedding that helped her rise to the desired Level. Next, God’s Helpers helped this soul return back to the earthly world.

God was responsible for the resurrection of Christ, and His Helpers helped Him in this. This was also a specially and pre-developed plan, everything was carried out according to it. Subtle technology was also involved. It was as difficult to lower the light soul of Christ into dense physical matter as, let’s say, balloon put into water. She would simply be pushed back right away without special equipment. The soul of Christ was much lighter than ordinary souls of people, since He worked with high energies and accumulated them in himself in sufficient quantities to rise even higher. Therefore, it was only thanks to a special protective shell that the soul was lowered into the lower physical layer of the Earth, and was held there for the required time.

For forty days, Christ appeared among people, and then disappeared again, this time forever. But how did He die the second time?

After the expiration of the period given to him, He rose a second time to God and His Helpers, finally without the factor of death. The rise occurred due to the shedding of thin shells designed for this. He did not leave a single shell on Earth. The discarded subtle bodies were carriers of certain information; they were subsequently taken away by the System, which collected them from people.

When Christ ascended to God completely, He did not undergo any additional purifications, like all other people in the Distributor*. The reason for this was that He was purified on Earth through His torment.

Some people claim that after his first death, Christ descended into hell for three days and saved sinners there. But in reality this did not happen, He did not descend anywhere, but, on the contrary, ascended to the Upper World to God.

There is also an assumption that after the resurrection Jesus went to Shambhala and remained there until his natural old age. But all this is man’s desire to keep Him in his world as long as possible. Christ was not in it either in a physical body or in his protective body; He immediately rose to the Highest, since this was the end of his mission on Earth.

13. Was there a hologram of the death of Jesus Christ?

Several times in the contact literature of other authors there was information that said that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was not real, but was holographic.

But Christ was crucified in reality, this has already been proven historical fact, and everything else is the fabrications of sensationalists. However, compassionate and loving believers who love Jesus, realizing the physical torment He experienced, still hope that, having many unusual properties, Christ, as a magician and psychic, could suppress pain, easing his fate. However, He had to accept the torment in full, since He participated in energy and social processes, this was his purification and karma.

14. Past life and karma of Christ

Typically, one mission includes solving a number of problems. Christ also had personal karma, but not earthly, but cosmic. And this should be clearly distinguished so that there is no confusion.

Christ is a cosmic soul, he lived on another planet and was associated with an alien civilization similar to the earth.

Jesus never incarnated on Earth. This was his first and last incarnation on our planet. For this reason, he did not have earthly karma, that is, human karma. And we have no right to talk about the same type of karmas on different planets, because life on them, although it is similar to earthly, is still significantly different from ours. There are other situations of existence, other relationships, laws, so what is karma there may not be karma here. But in some important ways, life situations can be similar.

Therefore, when the souls of individuals from other planets are sent to Earth, they say that they do not have earthly karma, but have cosmic karma. And if a person has no idea what cosmic karma is, then he will definitely mistake it for earthly karma, considering that it is one and the same thing, wanting to accuse the high Personality of petty human sins. Cosmic souls, incarnating only once on Earth, usually do not have karma, since, firstly, these souls are usually highly developed and therefore do not sin, and secondly, they basically follow a rigid program with a very small percentage of freedom of choice , which is why their mistakes are insignificant and do not require any special work.

The cosmic karma of Christ was associated with the death of living beings in another world. Previously, He was a Manager* and through His fault the peoples on one planet perished. He was wrong, and the mistake cost the lives of many thousands of creatures like us. Therefore, his karma consisted in the fact that on that planet he destroyed living beings, and on ours he had to save others like them. Hence his death had to be of a martyrdom nature, as an atonement.

The fact that He was crucified on the cross, in addition to the religious purpose, was also chosen in accordance with karma. Here two meanings are combined: religion and atonement for his karma.

As for Christ’s karma during the period of his existence on Earth, here he had minor deviations from the program, that is, the errors were minimal. The most important thing is that not a single person died through His fault. Therefore, He had almost no karma after His incarnation on Earth.

15. The next incarnation of Christ

After completing his program on Earth, Christ left our planet forever and never incarnated on it again, and the soul of his mother Mary incarnated once again in the earthly world. She again carried out a spiritual mission and this time lived her life as a nun in one of the monasteries. Christ was then sent by the Higher Ones to another planet as a leader.

The purest and brightest holiday for all Orthodox Christians is approaching - Christ's Resurrection, or Easter. In honor of this date, we have collected the most Interesting Facts about Jesus Christ.

1. According to most historians and religious scholars, Jesus Christ was a real person. To make sure of this, the Christian stories of the Jews and Romans about the life of Jesus are most often compared. Today, scientists do confirm that he was born in a manger in a small village called Nazareth in Galilee. The birth of Jesus actually took place between the 2nd and 7th centuries BC, but exact date there is not a single mention. Historians also agree that his father Joseph was a carpenter. Only in those days, a carpenter in the original Greek meant tekton, that is, a woodworker, a craftsman, a construction worker. People of this profession were engaged in the construction of houses, ships and temples.

2. The baptism of the son of God is considered one of the main points in the New Testament. This happened in the desert thanks to the ascetic John the Baptist, his second cousin. They say that Jesus was tempted by Satan for 40 days in the desert. Historians are inclined to believe that the baptism of Christ took place, and he then experienced a kind of vision, as if “the heavens were opened and the Spirit, like a dove, descended on him.” This is what led him to preaching.

3. Jesus was circumcised, like all Jewish men.

4. In order to take part in the census, Mary and Joseph had to travel approximately 90 miles (about 150 km) from Nazareth to Bethlehem.

5. After Jesus began to preach, the earth became the “kingdom of God.” His speeches were deeply rooted in Jewish culture, but he himself most likely did not regard himself as creating a new religion as such.

6. During the days of his earthly ministry, Jesus often visited Bethany. It was here that he raised Lazarus and from here ascended into heaven.

7. According to information from several sources, the crucifixion of Jesus was carried out by the hands of Pontius Pilate. The Christian Gospels say that during the massacre the sky darkened, and this, according to historians, indicates a miracle or sign in the “dark times.” By the way, death on the cross was one of the most cruel means of punishment for those slaves who challenged Roman authority.

8. The nails on the crucifix and the crown of thorns on Jesus' head have no historical or scientific basis. Majority scientific research show that these historical certainties arose after the death of Jesus. But the Turin Shroud has a solid basis for its existence - its age is approximately equal to the age of Jesus. A more recent find, papyrus scraps unveiled last year that were attributed to Jesus' wife, has sparked a surge of skepticism. Now they have found evidence that the so-called Gospel is a fake.

9. At the time of Jesus Christ, Golgotha, where he was crucified, was located outside of Jerusalem. Gradually the city grew and now Golgotha ​​lies in the center.

10. Jesus had several half-siblings

11. The most popular verse in the Bible about Jesus is John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

12. The name Jesus comes from the Greek Iesous, or Yeshua in Hebrew, which is also used as Joshua.

13. The Feast of the Nativity, that is, the celebration of the birthday of Jesus, first took place more than 100 years after his crucifixion. Christians in Egypt celebrated it on May 20, while others celebrated it in March, April, or January, because, as mentioned above, there are no documents about the birth of Jesus, and no one could know the exact date.

14. In the Gospels and the book of Acts, the name Jesus appears 700 times, and in the Apostolic Epistles - less than 70 times. The word Christ is used 60 times in the Gospels-Acts, and 240 times in the Epistles of the Apostles.

15. One of the parades at the carnival in Rio de Janeiro is called “Suvaco do Cristo”, which literally means “armpit of Christ”. They say that this name was born due to the fact that the Rio Jardín Botanico area, where the parade takes place, is located directly below the place where it begins right hand statues of Christ the Redeemer.

16. According to the Gospel legend, Pontius Pilate, forced to agree to the execution of Jesus, washed his hands in front of the crowd and said: “I am innocent of the blood of my Righteous One.” This is where the expression “I wash my hands” comes from when a person wants to abdicate responsibility.

17. When the Apostle Thomas learned about the resurrection of Christ, he declared that he would not believe in his death until he saw with his own eyes the wounds on his wrists from the nails, put his rings into these wounds, and put his hands into His side. This is where the phrase “Doubting Thomas” came from.

Sventsitskaya I., Skogorev A. Apocryphal tales about Jesus, the Holy Family and the Witnesses of Christ


This apocrypha stands apart from the main apocryphal literature early Middle Ages. It was created quite late in the Eastern Roman Empire - Byzantium, among people close to Judeo-Christianity, i.e. those who did not want to break with the traditions of the Old Testament and sought to prove that Jesus was recognized as the Son of God by the priests of the Jerusalem Temple. This version contradicts all early Christian writings, not only the New Testament, but also the Judeo-Christian ones: neither in the fragments of the Judeo-Christian gospels (Ebionites, Jews) that have reached us, nor in the polemics with these works of orthodox writers of the 2nd-4th centuries. there is nothing like it. The content of the apocrypha is not connected with the New Testament tradition (with the exception of one mention in the Gospel of Luke). But its authors do not know Jewish practice either, since they believe that priests read the Bible in synagogues. And at the same time, the apocrypha emphasizes the hostility of the bulk of Jews to Christianity; this may indicate that the apocrypha was constructed in some rather narrow group (its authors call themselves simply “we”) in order to contrast the Judaism of the Jerusalem Temple with contemporary Judaism, which they, however, did not know properly. Of interest is the fact that the apocrypha came down together with “renounced” - that is, Russian literature prohibited by the Church, although it did not receive wide distribution. Probably, among the scribes and translators of the apocrypha there were those who felt reverence for the temple, which had long ago lost its real significance, and sought to connect Jesus with the temple.

“The Tale of the Priesthood of Jesus” came to us in a Serbian manuscript of the 15th century, but, as the publisher of the manuscript N. Tikhonravov writes, the originals of most of the apocrypha were written in Greek. They came to Rus', as a rule, in Bulgarian and Serbian translations (1). The story of the priesthood of Jesus is found in another monument from the late 16th century. - “The Jerusalem Traveler,” written by Daniel, archimandrite of the Korsun monastery (2). The story is given in an abbreviated version without a title, but it contains an addition concerning the attitude of the Jewish priests towards Jesus. There, in particular, it is said that after Jesus’ ordination to the priesthood, the Jews began to hate Him, blaspheme, slander him and “sent Him away from their assembly,” that is, from the assembly of priests. This addition was intended to explain to readers why there is no mention of the priesthood of Jesus in the New Testament gospels, and to eliminate the contradiction between the recognition of Jesus as the Son of God (as stated in the apocrypha) and the stories of the gospels about the enmity of the Jerusalem priesthood towards Jesus. True, the author of the addition does not give reasons for such a change in attitude towards Jesus. The awareness of the need for such an addition indicates the inconsistency of the plot of the apocrypha not only with the Holy Scriptures, but also with the tradition reflected in other apocryphal literature. However, the appearance of the apocrypha about the priesthood of Jesus in the Slavic realm is interesting because readers (and translators) who lived in the 15th-16th centuries apparently connected the Old Testament and New Testament history into a single whole.

This apocrypha was created clearly later than all the others given in this book: the authors write that they received it from third hands (“having heard about it from others”), which is why the compilers considered it possible to place it at the very end.


1. Tikhonravov N.I. Forsaken Books ancient Rus'. M., 1863, vol. X.

2. Ibid., pp. 172-173.

About the Priesthood of Jesus Christ

How Jesus was recorded as a priest (1):

Christians about the recognition of our Lord

Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God

and our Holy and Most Pure Lady

Ever-Virgin Mary

During the reign of the pious Caesar Justinian (2), of blessed memory, there lived a certain Jewish elder named Theodosius, who was known to many Christians right up to the very ruler of that country.

In those same years there lived a Christian, nicknamed Philip, who worked as a silversmith.

Being acquainted with the aforementioned Theodosius and often visiting his house, he loved this Jew very much and tirelessly persuaded him to convert to Christianity. Finally, one day the named Philip said to that Jew like this:

Why, O man of many wisdom, knowing what the Testament and the Prophets told us about our Lord Jesus Christ, will you not believe in Him and convert to Christianity? After all, those holy books that speak of our Lord and Savior of the whole world are not a mystery to you; Why don’t you want to accept Christianity, recognizing His coming? Just give yourself some work and you will save your Christian soul. Believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, do not remain in unbelief - and you will be admitted to the Eternal Judgment!

The Jew, hearing these words from the Christian, thanked him for them and answered thus:

I see your love for God, from which you are trying for the sake of my salvation to convert me to Christianity. I know that God sees everything and no secrets of the heart are hidden from Him. Therefore, I will tell you the whole truth without cunning or guile.

You Christians believe in the coming of Jesus Christ, which was preached by the Testament and the prophets, and you worship Him. And I believe in the same thing - I confess to you with all sincerity, as a friend, for you want my salvation and are concerned about my well-being. But I am dominated by human thoughts, and therefore I cannot accept Christianity, although I reproach myself for it. After all, being an elder in the land of Judea, I am surrounded by great honor and enjoy everything on which the prosperity of this life is based. Having converted to Christianity, I will lose all this. Then I would not be the Patriarch of the Catholic Church, nor would I collect many taxes. No matter how hard I strive to find eternal life, but still I care about earthly things and therefore cannot convert to Christianity.

To reinforce the sincerity of my words and as a sign of my love for you, I will tell you what happened among the Jews, but was hidden from everyone. For this is also how I know that Christ, whom you Christians worship, is the One about whom the Testament and the prophets proclaimed.

Since the construction of the temple in Jerusalem, custom ordered the Jews to assign twelve priests to the temple (In the original Greek, the correct number is 22, consistent with the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet and the inspired books in the Old Testament (according to the Jewish canon).), for this is the number of our letters and the number of books of God. The name of each of those priests, along with the names of his father and mother, was entered into the books. And when one of the priests died, those who remained general council They elected a new priest in place of the deceased, in order to keep the number twelve. And in the books they made an entry: on this day the priest, the son of such and such, died, and the general council appointed a priest in his stead, the son of such and such. This was a long-standing custom in the land of Judea.

And so in that year, when Jesus had not yet begun to convert Judea and teach them to believe in Him, it happened that one of these twelve priests died, but whoever they brought, offering to appoint a replacement for the deceased, not one turned out to be worthy, and the others scolded him, considering that he lacks intelligence, for a true priest must be wise and distinguished by a simple and kind disposition.

So they went through many, but did not recognize anyone as suitable, and there was nowhere to look for others. Then one of the council stood up and said: “Those who were offered to you were unworthy of the priesthood. Listen to me, and I will show you a person who will replace the deceased. For I know that none of you will object to my choice.” And they asked him to name the one whom he thought would replace the deceased priest, and he said: “This is the son of the carpenter Joseph, Jesus, who, it is true, is young in body, but His words, life and customs are good. This, I believe, is clear as day both to you and to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem."

The rest of the priests heeded these words and decided to approve the choice of Jesus, agreeing that He was worthy of the priesthood like no other. Some, however, said that He was not from the tribe of Levi, but from the tribe of Judah, believing Him to be the son of Joseph, who, as the Jews thought, was from the tribe of Judah, and not Levi. And they all confirmed this and because of this they did not want to admit Him to the priesthood. However, the priest who named Him replied: “His race is mixed - for when the law was not yet given to us, under Aaron the High Priest, both tribes moved around. From here Joseph came out.” And as soon as he said this, the others accepted the one he had named and at a general council unanimously agreed to appoint Jesus in place of the deceased priest.

But, keeping the ancient custom of recording His father and mother in books along with the appointed one, they decided to call the parents of Jesus and find out whether the One they had chosen was their son. Then the priest who called Him said that His father, Joseph, had died, and only his mother was alive. And they decided to send for His mother and ask if He was a son and what was the name of her husband, from whom she gave birth to Jesus. That's what everyone agreed on.

And so they called the mother of Jesus and said to her: “The priest named, the son of such and such, has died, and we want to appoint your son Jesus in his place. The custom is such that we must write down not only the name of the one whom we appoint as priest ", but also the names of his father and mother. Tell me, is this your son, did you give birth to Him?" Mary answered them: “Yes, Jesus is my son, and I know for sure that I gave birth to Him. Anyone, male or female, who was at the birth of Jesus will confirm this to you. But believe, if you can, that He does not have father on earth. For, being a virgin, not in a dream, but in reality, I saw an angel of God in Galilee, who was sent to me with the good news that I would give birth to a son from the Holy Spirit, and he commanded to name Him Jesus. And here I am, a virgin conceived Jesus, and having given birth to Him, she remained a virgin to this day.”

Then the priests ordered to bring trusted women and ordered them to carefully investigate whether the Virgin Mary was or not. And those, having examined her body, recognized and told the priests in truth that Mary was immaculate, whose son was Jesus Christ. The women who were at the birth of Jesus also appeared and confirmed that they had seen everything with their own eyes. And the priests marveled when they heard such words from Mary and other women, who testified that it was she who gave birth to Jesus. And they firmly told her: “Mary! It pleases us to appoint your son as a priest, and we want to hear from your lips who His father is, so that under this name we can enter Him into the books. As you tell us, so we will write Him down.” She answered them directly: “As the angel of God told me that I would give birth to the son of God, so it happened. The one whom I gave birth to is the son of God and my son, and I am called Mary and am blameless to this day.” Hearing this, the priests took the books and wrote in them like this: “Today the priest named the son of such and such died, and in his place, by our common will, Jesus, the Son of the living God and the Virgin Mary, was appointed priest.”

These books were preserved by the Jews even during the days of the destruction of Jerusalem, when they were transferred and hidden in Tiberias, in a secret place. Only a few are initiated into this in our tribe; among them, I, as an elder of the Jews, know not only from the Testament and through the prophets that Christ, whom you Christians worship, is the Son of the living God, who appeared on earth for the salvation of the world, but also from these books. They still lie in Tiberias to this day.

The Christian listened to this story of the Jew and, filled with holy zeal, exclaimed: “This very hour I will inform our pious Caesar about what I heard from you, so that he sends to Tiberias to find those books and expose the falsity of the Jews!” The Jew answered the Christian: “Why do you want to destroy your soul by handing this over to Caesar? Is this the good that you care about? After all, if the Jews find out about this, there will be great discord among them and many deaths. When they see those sent for books, they will set fire to the Jews are the place where they lie, and all your labors will be in vain, for, having shed a lot of blood, you will not achieve what you want. But I trusted you as a friend, so that you understand that it is not through thoughtlessness that I am not converting to Christianity, but by trying preserve honors and prosperity for yourself."

The Christian heeded the words of the Jew and, recognizing his rightness, did not reveal what he heard to the pious Caesar Justinian - so that, filled with holy zeal, he would not commit bloodshed. However, he told many of his friends and sages about this.

But we, having heard about this from others, to whom Philip reported, labored a lot, trying to find out whether what that Jew said about the priesthood of Jesus was true and whether there was a record of it in the books. And they discovered the testimony of Joseph (3), as well as Eusebius Pamphilus, who more than once mentions Joseph in books about the beginning of the Church and directly says that Jesus entered the temple and served with the priests. The first to report this was Joseph, a contemporary of the apostles.

We also tried to find confirmation of these words in Holy Scripture- and they discovered in the Gospel of Luke that Jesus entered the synagogue, and they gave Him the book of the prophet Isaiah to read, and He began to read the place where it is written: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, for He has anointed Me.” And we thought, having found these words in the Gospel, that if Jesus had not had the rank of priest, we would not have allowed Him to read books aloud in front of all the people (4), for we, Christians, also do not allow anyone in the church to read holy books in front of people. any of the laity.

And so, having read what was written in Joseph and Luke, I realized that the Jew Theodosius did not lie to the Christian Philip, but, trusting him as a friend, he told the truth hidden by the Jews about Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

It is difficult to downplay the importance of Christ for history, perhaps more controversial and famous person It's hard to imagine. True, because of this we forget that Jesus, first of all, was a man with his own advantages and disadvantages. In this regard, we have collected for you the most interesting facts from his biography:

1. Let's start from the very beginning; no one has accurately determined the date of birth of Jesus. It is believed that he was born either in the 4th or in the 13th year BC, on December 25th, according to the old style. A small note: the year of the Nativity of Christ is considered the beginning of our era, but in this case Jesus was born four years before his birth?

2. Taking into account the fact that the Torah does not recognize Jesus as the Son of God, it indicates the Roman soldier Pandira as his father. Mother is Mary, and stepfather is Joseph, a carpenter and mason. The Bible says that Mary conceived immaculately, that is, the father is God.

3. In addition to his parents, Jesus had brothers and sisters, and the same Bible confirms this: “And when he came into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, so that they were amazed and said, “Where does he get such wisdom and power?” Isn't He the son of carpenters? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers Jacob and Joses and Simon and Judas? and are not His sisters all among us? where did He get all this from?” © Matt. 13:54-56

4. The Talmud says that the head of the yeshiva gdola refused to allow Jesus to move from junior to senior school. It turns out that Christ did not have a fully completed education. Therefore, according to the rules of that time, he could not get a respected profession.

5. Until the age of 30, Christ worked as an ordinary carpenter, and only after baptism did he begin to preach.

6. Many of the tenets of the New Testament coincide with the ideas of the Essenes sect. For example, non-recognition of sexual pleasures, rejection of the material world, etc. Some researchers explain the lack of clear information in the period from 13 to 30 years of Christ’s life by adherence to this sect.

7. Most of Jesus' life was spent in Galilee. And the Galileans were considered inferior to the Jews because of their close proximity to the pagans. It is in connection with this proximity that the “casting out of demons” and other aspects unusual for Judaism appear in the teachings of Christ.

8. Scientists have proven that Jesus was married after all. An ancient papyrus was discovered, which confirms the presence of a wife of Christ.

9. Crucifixion was considered not only one of the most painful, but also the most shameful form of execution. Only the most “advanced cases” were subjected to it.

10. Jesus insisted that even punctuation marks cannot be changed in Jewish law. It was much later that his students simplified the requirements of religion and began to bring it to the masses.