Neurotic demands and obligations. Does being a hermit mean being neurotic? Features and main features

When we talk about neurotics, we first of all imagine a subject who poisons the life of himself and those around him. He either moans and wrings his hands, then falls into hysteria, then hides in a corner and mourns his bitter fate, then tears out his hair. Usually we associate the concept of neurosis either with people of a subtle mental organization, such as: artists, poets, painters, or with dissolute individuals who do not know how to control themselves and are constantly in conflict with others - loved ones, colleagues, and just random people met through on the way to work or in the store.

So who can be neurotic? What is neurosis and how to deal with it? And how can you avoid becoming neurotic yourself? And if it so happens that we too have become part of this large army of people suffering and unable to cope with their condition and their emotions on their own, what should we do, where should we go for help?

What is neurosis and who are neurotics?

First of all, we note that neurosis is not a mental illness, but personality disorder, which can be cured at any stage. So, neurosis today is the most common neuropsychic disorder, which is protracted and, despite its reversibility, even after successful treatment, can cause relapses.

It seems that the definition of a neurotic was excellently given by Doctor of Philosophy E.V. Zolotukhina-Abolina: “Neurotics are... a whole army of variegated people who suffer mentally and, willingly or unwillingly, turn their lives and the lives of their loved ones into a good rehearsal for the underworld.”

There are three groups of people who may be neurotic:

  1. People experiencing internal crisis(war, loss loved one, grief), who are not yet neurotic, but could very well be if they do not receive timely help
  2. People who have psychological crisis associated with unhappy love, failed plans, and traumatic factors of varying severity. These are people who are disappointed in themselves and give up.
  3. People with possible crises: puberty and old age. Here we're talking about O hormonal changes, which can affect the emotional sphere.

Actually, the second group is neurotic. Or rather, those of us who were unable to cope with the internal crisis on our own. Of course, both representatives of the first and third groups can be neurotic if they are not given help in time or if they themselves cannot cope with their condition.

Formation and development of neuroses

Most often, neuroses are rooted in deep childhood and can be results of improper upbringing. Simply put, neurotics raise neurotics. The formation of a future neurotic often follows the following path from childhood:

The development of neurosis can be comparable to an avalanche or a chain reaction. Over the course of their lives, patients develop a system of values ​​that does not correspond to the realities of life and their real needs. As a result, a person’s life can take the following path, the ending of which is very sad:

  1. Wrong life attitudes.
  2. Internal conflict.
  3. Conflicts with the outside world and people.
  4. Neuroses.
  5. Psychosomatic diseases.
  6. Injury.
  7. Alcoholism and (or) drug addiction.
  8. Infectious diseases.
  9. Malignant tumors.

Of course, things won’t necessarily go that far, but no neurotic can rule out the possibility of a worst-case scenario. The development of neuroses follows a vicious circle and has a long history of pre-illness.

Personality in the development of neurosis

Personality formation starts at early childhood. Freud argued that in the process of formation in early childhood, an attraction to a parent of the opposite sex arises in a child, which is repressed into the unconscious. It becomes a source of unconscious anxiety and anxiety, and if sublimation does not occur, neurotic symptoms arise.

Adler rejects Freud's claims and believes that early development associated with creative efforts. He declares that the basis for the formation of a neurotic is tension caused by the discrepancy between individual impressions and objective realities.

From the point of view of Karen Horney, improper upbringing causes basic anxiety in the child (a feeling of insecurity and vague anxiety), which over time develops into a basic conflict and leads to the formation of a neurotic personality.

Cognitive psychotherapy states that a person’s thoughts shape his mood, and calls frustrating thoughts maladaptive. They are the ones who contribute to the emergence of neurotics.

An interesting approach is that of Eric Berne, who introduced the concept of transactional analysis. He claims that life path A neurotic personality is determined not by the demands of life, but by a “personal script.” Moreover, throughout his life, a neurotic, together with his communication partners, is in the triangle “Persecutor – Deliverer – Victim”, constantly moving from one position to another. He also introduced the concept of three personality states (I-states): Adult, Parent and Child.

Personality and psychopathological component of neurosis

The patient’s personal characteristics are closely related to psychopathology; when treating neurotics, it is wrong to underestimate the latter. Not all manifestations of neuroses are associated exclusively with psychological defense, therefore, treatment cannot be limited only to psychotherapeutic methods. The development of neuroses, especially protracted ones, is possible only if there are biological prerequisites, and moreover, it is subject to the laws of medicine.

Over time, the symptoms of neurosis are difficult to separate from personal characteristics. But in prolonged and severe neurotic conditions it may be impaired normal functioning brain structures. This requires adding to psychotherapy drug treatment.

Personality and somatovegetative component

Very often, a person is diagnosed with some kind of somatic disease, but the treatment carried out by a general practitioner gives only temporary relief - the disease returns again and again. This happens when the psychological component of the disease is ignored. Often allergies, gastrointestinal problems, increased arterial pressure occur against the background of the patient’s neurosis.

No matter what treatment is prescribed for a neurotic patient, it is impossible to completely defeat the disease without the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist. And, on the contrary, if due attention is paid to neurotic manifestations, drug treatment of a somatic disease may not be required.

Personality and adaptation component

A neurotic is a person with impaired adaptation. There is biological and personal adaptation. Biological determined by genes, random and oriented processes. But genes determine only the boundaries within which individual properties can change.

Psychological adaptation allows a person to adapt to new circumstances by changing his behavior. Good example adaptations - athletes. During the training process, the body adapts to the load: what previously required enormous effort becomes familiar over time.

Forms of neuroses

Neuroses are usually divided into three types:

Treatment of neuroses

The sooner a neurotic person seeks help, the easier it is to help him. You cannot forcefully cure a neurotic person; you can only make the situation worse.

The best results are obtained by psychotherapy together with the use of medications prescribed by a doctor depending on the course of the disease and the severity of the condition. Moreover, it is necessary to influence all four components of neurosis simultaneously.

On initial stages development of neurosis, a person can try to help himself on his own. If the process has gone far enough, you need an experienced professional psychologist or even a psychiatrist. In severe forms of neurosis, outpatient treatment methods are ineffective; it is necessary to go to the hospital.

Prevention of neuroses

Neurosis has a tendency to return if we remove the cause that causes it and continue to live as before. You need to change yourself, look at life in a new way. How to stop being neurotic? The following will help:

  • Personal growth - a person who has something to strive for is less likely to suffer from neuroses.
  • Find a job that brings you not only material, but also moral satisfaction, and achieve success.
  • Remember that you cannot control everything.
  • Communicate more.
  • Spend more time connecting with nature.
  • Visit a psychologist or psychotherapist regularly.
  • Fall in love - many great psychologists have argued that neurosis can be overcome by true love without any medications or doctors.

Psychological Aikido

Rostov psychologist and psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Mikhail Efimovich Litvak, based on the works of Eric Berne on transactional analysis, developed a concept called “psychological aikido”. She helps to get out of it with dignity conflict situations, and over time, avoid them. Like real Aikido, psychological Aikido teaches you to use the opponent’s strength against him. This technique will help nip in the bud conflicts that arise at home and at work, and those that simply arise by chance in in public places without turning your opponent against you.

M.E. Litvak in 1982 organized the psychotherapeutic club CROSS (club of those who decided to master stressful situations), which not only works in different regions Russia and the former Soviet republics, but also in more than two dozen countries in Europe and America. His book “Psychological Aikido” became a bestseller, went through several editions and sold millions of copies. It is written in clear language, with gentle humor and is an excellent guide for those who are tired of conflict and want to start living.

Tell me honestly, are you annoyed by endless advice on how to become an optimist, behave confidently, think consciously? They are probably annoying, especially if you are a neurotic - an anxious, insecure person to whom all this new philosophy does not seem so rosy. A neurotic person is also characterized by depression and fatigue, mainly from all these recommendations. And the neurotic seems happy to try to adjust his thinking to new way, but there is no motivation for it. Vicious circle.

And what to do if a person suddenly, unexpectedly, decides that maybe it’s enough to suffer and it’s time to start living? First, admit that he is neurotic. Not crazy, thank God. Without accepting the problem, no changes will begin. There’s also no need to create drama – it’s not the end of the world after all. Recognizing your neuroticism is already the beginning of working with yourself. What to do next? Listen to yourself, your feelings, allow everything to be, do not engage in self-flagellation and gradually accept all sensations. Allow them to be. That is, it is absolutely impossible to blame yourself for anything. And period.

What do we do next? Let’s forget about the eternal whining about “my parents didn’t love me.” From now on you are your own parent. Go to the mirror and talk to yourself. Sit on the sofa, cover yourself with a blanket and listen to yourself. Do everything that will set you up to “communicate” with you. In difficult situations, do not rush to join another person, try to become a support for yourself.

Another good advice– do not be led by a stressful situation. Deliberately stop reacting, even though it seems like something cosmic. Try to close your eyes to the negative, be it a tram running away in front of your nose or difficult negotiations at work. If you do find yourself in an unpleasant situation, hold out for ten minutes without breakdowns or thoughts about it - the effect of useful meditation will not be long in coming. After these ten minutes you will realize that nothing happened in such a short time of absence of thoughts and emotions.

Organize a “Thirty Days of Happiness” marathon for yourself. Okay, take twenty or start with ten. You already know how to observe yourself, so it’s time to record all the joys that come your way. That is, the goal is to see exclusively good things. At first it may not work out, if only because you don’t have this habit yet. And then you will feel that it is truly a pure thrill to see happy moments in the surrounding space and joy in the little things. Stick through these days without negativity, you will like it.

Of course, along with these tasks you will be faced with the fact that you will feel resentment, irritation, even anger. After all, some things will not work out right away, and some you will doubt. Well, in general, a neurotic classic. What is important here is to admit your right to make mistakes. Live through the shame and guilt, knowing that it will soon pass. That's all.

Believe it or not, you will be pulled back. Into the captivating neurotic world of doubts and fears. In addition to all the above practices, be sure to add sports to your life. Any. Walking, jumping, running, badminton, swimming - basically anything. It has been proven and tested that movement and physics are much stronger than the psyche. Therefore, when working with the soul, we do not forget about the body. In addition, playing sports distracts you and keeps your endorphins high for a while.

Forgive everyone you are angry with. Whom you mentally cannot let go. Ideally, you need to recognize all unhealthy attachments and understand that as long as they exist, you will not become free, and therefore happy. We all understand that neurotics are very vulnerable people. But their vulnerability is directly related to touchiness. And touchiness is the same habit that is very difficult to get rid of. Desire alone cannot overcome it.

Try changing your environment. Now you understand that it is possible to control your own toxic behavior. But those who are toxic to you need to get out of the picture. Cut off unpleasant ties without regret. They still won't bring anything good into your life.

Give yourself more things to do. From cleaning to writing a story, anything where you are busy will do. Not with thoughts about how bad everything is and how cool it would be if... I must say that this is a very common problem for neurotics - sitting still and chewing on their sorrows. A neurotic is perhaps the most inactive human type (I say based on own experience). And the more tasks you have, the happier you will become. Do you know why? Thanks to the result. It doesn’t matter whether it’s large or small. The main thing, apparently!

If a person is not socially dangerous, then all his mental manifestations are considered acceptable and normal. He may have deviations, he may suffer or cause psychological problems. However, this is acceptable. Many people today are becoming neurotic. They can be recognized by certain symptoms. If you study the topic of how to communicate with neurotics, you can find the right approach to building relationships.

Considering the topic of neuroticism in the online magazine site, it can be noted that to one degree or another this phenomenon manifests itself in all people. This is due social environment in which a person lives. Everyone goes through an upbringing that partly makes people neurotic, and also lives in a society that is itself neurotic.

Symptoms of a neurotic

A neurotic person exhibits symptoms depending on the severity of his condition. A mild degree may be manifested by mental imbalance due to external factors. He feels slightly unstable. The severe form manifests itself in obsessive, hysterical or asthenic behavior. This condition must be treated.

Symptoms of a neurotic are:

  • Temporary loss of mental and physical disability.
  • Difficulties in overcoming fears.
  • Inability to stop an activity that even to a neurotic seems unreasonable.
  • Learning difficulties.
  • Fear of getting sick.
  • Difficulties in intimate life.
  • Fear of missing out on something important.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Changes in blood pressure.
  • Excessive concern for your health.
  • Desire to be alone.
  • Fatigue.
  • Tightness.
  • Hysterical.
  • Closedness.
  • Taking negativity personally.
  • Complexity.
  • Not admitting your mistakes.
  • Attracting attention to oneself and the desire to receive benefits from other people.

Neurotic love

A peculiar manifestation of love is a feeling on the part of a neurotic. He never gets enough attention. He resorts to any means to get what he wants, even scandals and intrigues. He strives for consolation, calmness and support from his partner, while he himself does not want to show willpower or demonstrate his abilities.

The neurotic wants everything to be the way he wants it. He concentrates exclusively on his desires, demanding that his partner fulfill them. If a partner is tired and wants to rest, then the neurotic perceives this as a lack of love for him.

A neurotic person will never leave his partner alone. Loneliness makes him anxious, so he always wants to know and even be where his loved one is. He can pester you with calls and talk about empty topics. A neurotic is demanding and capricious, small and unhappy.

Only a codependent relationship is possible with a neurotic person, when one demands and takes, and the other fulfills and gives. If a neurotic is denied help or the realization of his desires, he will perceive this very painfully.

IN love relationships the neurotic constantly makes himself the victim. He exposes himself as a defenseless and weak person, on whom not everything depends. It evokes feelings of guilt and pity in the partner. He may cry or suffer in front of his partner.

Being prone to anxiety, a neurotic always commits indiscriminate and obsessive actions.

  1. On the one hand, he needs kindness, advice, and help.
  2. On the other hand, he wants to make others happy. He can help, while inside he remains hostile, picky, and demanding.

He cannot sensibly evaluate his words and actions, which others may not like, which is why he does not understand their behavior. Thus, other people always remain to blame, and the neurotic himself simply considers himself misunderstood.

How to communicate with a neurotic?

IN modern society most people are neurotic. The prevalence of neuroticism makes the phenomenon normal. If you yourself have encountered a neurotic person, it will be interesting to know how to communicate with her. Follow these rules:

  1. Don't teach a neurotic about life, it's useless.
  2. Don't try to change his attitude towards anything. No arguments or arguments will help.
  3. Do not prove that you are right, as you will only experience irritation. It is better to make decisions regarding a neurotic yourself, instantly and ruthlessly.

It is better to end a relationship with a neurotic person, if possible, since such a person can only absorb the energy of those around him, without being able to give it back. Next to a neurotic person, a healthy person will turn into a sick person. This is due to the fact that a neurotic person will commit actions (which cannot be changed) that will not be adequate and appropriate. And constant contact with a neurotic person will develop neurotic qualities in a healthy person.

Bottom line

The desire to receive understanding and support from other people, as well as the desire to command and control others, ultimately makes a person neurotic. In order not to develop neurotic qualities in yourself and not to aggravate your condition, you must not engage in increasing your importance, but focus on your own actions. What matters is what a person does, not what impression he makes or how people evaluate him. Focusing on oneself (one’s own strengths and actions) makes a person healthy, while focusing on the assessment and opinions of others turns a person into a neurotic.

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Today there are a huge number of reasons that lead to. Most of them are individual and difficult to recognize. Therefore, such people have to seek help from a psychotherapist.

The most typical manifestations include: irritability, changeable mood, panic attacks, problems with sleep, digestion, headaches and so on.

Neurotics - who are they?

Neurotics are people who suffer from a specific psychological disorder. Most often the reasons lie in childhood. This state can safely be considered protective function body.

The term “neuroticism” refers to a certain deviation from established norms. This is why neurotics are considered disadvantaged individuals who have a very difficult time adapting to their environment.

The appearance of such an incomprehensible defensive reaction leads to: aggression, feelings of anger and other emotional outbursts.

How they become

The basis of all problems is not only the current circumstances, but also the obvious inaction of a person, his incorrect reaction to current events.

For modern people grievances and claims have become like air, without which it is difficult to live. We ourselves provoke those around us to negative emotions in order to become offended as a result and make ourselves a victim. But for sensible individuals this fact is incomprehensible. In fact, mentally healthy people really don't do this. These habits are typical only for those who have behavioral problems. It can't be called mental illness, rather, just a habit all the time. They get so caught up in the rhythm of life that they don’t even think that they have any problems.

A neurotic is a person who, even in early childhood, had to feel psychological pressure on himself, and for some reason he was unable to cope with it. In this way he tries to protect himself from similar situations in the future.

Because of high pressure, internal pain, he lost the ability to respond normally to external factors and now is guided only by instincts and emotions. In his subconscious, an incorrect concept of love, friendship, relationships with people and himself was formed.

For example, in childhood, parents did not give the baby the love he so needed. His mother or father did not pay attention to his interests and were very rude. As a result, the young man will believe that all girls are as cold as his mother and that they need to be obeyed all the time. Girls will begin to pay attention only to those men who dominate and humiliate others.

The main reason is that such children have never seen other behavior. They are convinced that suffering helps them achieve love, fame, and self-respect.

But the human psyche consists of completely different attitudes that are aimed at love, so such incorrect behavior leads to the appearance of internal imbalance and tension.

Even when such people understand their mistakes and try to change everything, start new life, their soul still requires a return to the same emotions.

Such a quiet life seems simple and boring to them.

This will happen until the guy or girl realizes their problem, stops looking for partners and thinks about changing their behavior. They will have to make every effort to break the vicious circle.

Absolutely everyone experiences emotions, but there is a noticeable difference: healthy man will not tolerate this attitude towards himself and will try to change his life. But a neurotic person, on the contrary, will do everything to continue communicating with people who bring him torment, suffering, and receive negative emotions at the same time.

Main symptoms

Neurotic conditions have the following hidden symptoms:

  1. Problems in sexual relationships.
  2. Severe headaches and dizziness.
  3. Blood pressure surges.
  4. Fear of getting sick, strong concern about the health of all family members.
  5. The occurrence of constant physical fatigue due to the fear of missing something.

There are also other symptoms that require special attention:

  • A person gets irritated by any strong sounds and therefore tries to run away from it and find solitude.
  • People who are characterized by neuroticism do not have a “golden mean”.
  • A neurasthenic person constantly waits for rejection from the people around him, which leads to stress.
  • They have low self-esteem, and because of this they cannot succeed in relationships.

Basic conditions


This term refers to a certain pathological condition that causes disruption nervous system, manifested by a variety of symptoms and varying degrees of severity.

An important criterion is the absence of areas of brain damage. There are a huge number of signs of neurosis that are very opposite in nature, for example, drowsiness or depression, activity. This also includes fear, depression, obsessive states, thoughts, obsession.

Today, specialists have begun to use this term less; Wikipedia says that over time it will completely disappear from medical terminology. International classifiers have already gotten rid of this concept and identified a group of similar diseases called “Disorders associated with stress, as well as neurotic and somatoform.”


A certain type of personality, which is characterized by emotional instability, guilt, and low self-esteem.

Such a neurotic person is prone to worry and constantly finds himself in inappropriate situations. Outwardly, everything seems to be fine, but inside there is obvious mental discomfort.

How does inadequate anxiety manifest itself? For example, after leaving home, such a person will constantly think about whether he turned off the light, closed the door, gas, or water. Or the presence of strong feelings about the appearance, health, fidelity of the other half.

Positive traits

  • Such people are loyal and attentive.

Neurotics never forget important dates, events, holidays. They always rush to congratulate their friend on his birthday.

  • Sometimes being neurotic is good.

Experts have proven that responsibility combined with neurasthenia has its advantages, for example, excessive anxiety about one’s health allows one to avoid many problems and serious illnesses.

  • They find peace in the faces of their loved ones.

As practice shows, a neurotic person who is highly stressed can calm down when surrounded by loved ones and people close to him.

  • All decisions are fateful.

A person characterized by neurotic behavior is always faced with a large choice. There are no small things for him, he takes everything to heart, as if for the last time.

  • Neuroticism can help increase the speed of the thinking process.

Scientists from Downstate Medical Center in New York have been studying this issue for a long time. Based on their experiments, they came to the conclusion that people who are constantly in doubt and fear show excellent results in specially designed IQ tests.

This happens because their head is constantly in tension throughout their lives, while their brain thinks faster. But this opinion continues to remain controversial, since in practice there were many such individuals who got lost when they found themselves in unforeseen situations.

Attitude towards love

Mentally unbalanced people very often inadequately assess what is happening around them, putting their desires above logic. Highlight following methods conquests of love:


    IN in this case people are guided by the fact that they can bribe with their actions a certain person. And this is far from romantic. But who will tolerate constant irritability and mental imbalance? Of course, no one, so soon a hard refusal comes.

    A pity

    When a neurotic realizes that money cannot buy love, he switches to pitiful motives. This method is quite effective, especially for the fair sex, who spontaneously respond to the tears and requests of their neighbors. But here it is important to know the limits so as not to overdo it.


    A very harsh method to which a neurosthenic person switches after all previous tests. Threats begin, even to the point that I will commit suicide, you and this whole world. This option is considered the saddest. A person dooms himself to loneliness.

Problems at work

Most often, problems in the workplace arise due to lack of self-confidence. At the same time, a person can be a real specialist and regularly receive praise and awards.

But if he cannot get rid of neurosis, he will constantly believe that:

  • Impossible tasks are set before him;
  • everyone wants to trip him up and fire him;
  • colleagues are unsure of his skills;
  • everyone is against him and wants to get rid of him quickly.

The worst thing is that all these thoughts are based on. Any idea, like neuroticism itself, arises spontaneously. One wrong look is enough for a neurotic to conclude that they want to fire him. And for him it will no longer be at all important that the employees were simply discussing the weather, and the boss looked somewhere into the distance, running his eyes over all the employees. It is simply unrealistic to convince people suffering from neuroses.

Rules of communication

Neurotics surround us on all sides. However, they do not admit it. They lead a secluded lifestyle and try to stay at home more, since any movement of theirs can destroy their business and family.

It is important to remember that treating and teaching neurotics without their consent is a futile exercise. Psychoneurosis does not allow such a person to work normally and effectively.

Even if a neurotic has many achievements, he continues to have pain and a clear neurasthenic syndrome in his soul. The tightness and complexes of such a person result in periodic hysterics. He redirects all the negative things that happen around him to himself.

There is absolutely no use in trying to prove anything here. He simply will not understand, and a number of reproaches will fall on you.

A person with mental trauma will not be able to stop thinking in his own way, just as he will not change his attitude towards the world as a whole.

When communicating with such people, you need to immediately remove all pity and learn to make decisions instantly. Remember that when you prove that you are right, you will encounter intense irritation.

By the concept of “relationship” we are accustomed to understand the dedication of two people. But, unfortunately, neurotics are not used to giving anything, but they are ready to receive. Then a normal person gets angry, because he wanted to see the return. Such relationships are doomed from the start. The person is naive in his hopes, because he should have known what to expect from communication and not create illusions.

Defensive reactions

Neurotic syndrome involves the use of basic methods of protection:

  • Search for love and understanding;
  • The desire to dominate others.

Very often, the second option leads to the fact that a neurotic grows into a leader capable of leading even great wars. In this way, he tries to prove to himself that he can easily lead people.

There is another reaction - defensive, when people become withdrawn and lose interest in the world. They simply gradually move away from society, turning into hermits.

In fact, there are an incredible number of mentally unstable people around us. These are the fruits of the influence of mass consciousness on neurotics. But that's not what we're talking about now. Now we're just talking about neurotics.

No person with mental disorders admits this. Usually such people become withdrawn, homebodies, and neurotic at work. Neurotics can destroy any business (and any family).

There are two rules when communicating with neurotics.

Rule number one: teaching neurotics about life is a thankless and absolutely useless task.

A neurotic person is unable to work energetically and effectively. A neurotic will never come to his senses with the words “damn, I was wrong than I thought all this time.”

Despite the number and level of professional and personal achievements, a neurotic remains a mentally ill person. And this must be understood. Mentally disabled people, like physically disabled people, are not capable of certain actions. They are tense, complex, hysterical and take everything negative personally.

It is useless to try to tell a mentally ill person about the delights of the world through the eyes of normal people. He won’t understand, and will only reproach you for being “the smartest” and “getting into things where you shouldn’t.” It is absolutely pointless to expect a neurotic to change his attitude towards the world, work, family, changes in his opinions and worldview in general.

Decisions regarding the mentally ill must be made instantly and ruthlessly. If you try to prove to him that you are right over and over again, you will get nothing but irritation. If you want to communicate with such people, you will have to constantly face problems of mutual understanding and make difficult choices between demonstrating that you are right or being efficient at work / enjoying life together. It is impossible to achieve both.

In fact, in the relationship between a normal person and a person with a significantly weakened psyche, there is more bad for normal person, than good for a neurotic. The concept of "relationship" means that there is some commitment between these two people. But the neurotic is incapable of giving anything. But he is able to receive from you. This is not a relationship, there is none here. These are just two people, one of whom gives (a charge of vivacity, ideas for the weekend, jokes in the morning, hopes for the future, anything from the arsenal ordinary person), and the other absorbs. In such a situation, a normal person begins to get angry (the body’s natural reaction to the lack of return with complete dedication). The normal person becomes dissatisfied because he believes that a relationship has been established between him and the neurotic. But they are completely unestablished. This is the mistake of a normal person - a naive hope for healthy communication with a mentally ill person.

If a person is unable to give, then your personal expectations will always be unmet, and you will always be irritated and upset. Gradually turning into the same neurotic if you maintain the same format of relationships.

This is how we come to rule number two: drive neurotics out of your environment.