Mystic diary 2 full version. Walkthrough of the game Mysterious Diary

Chapter 1.

Zoom into the hole in the floor and take the grinder handle inside (A).
Read the newspaper (1) to get a diary new entry.
Click on the sparkling desk drawer (B) to search the list of items.
Hit the hammer with a hammer clay pot to take the SCACTERY HEAD into inventory.
Go forward through the door.

Zoom in and open the trash can lid.
Take the FIRST CLOCK HAND (D) and the LAMP HANDLE (C) from the tank.
Return to the house.

Zoom into the lamp on the table and insert the HANDLE into it.
Click on the handle (E) to see the code on the wall 624195.
Touch the shadow by the door.
Zoom into the suitcase.
Enter the code from the diary 624195 (F) by clicking on the buttons in the bottom row.
Take the BLUNT AX (G) from the suitcase.
Go outside through the door.

Insert the grinder handle into the grinder (H).
Sharpen the BLUNT AX on the machine.
Use the SHARP AX to cut a passage through the fallen tree (I).
Go forward.

Click on the two-headed snake (J) to receive a new task.
Place the SCARECROW HEAD on the scarecrow and take the WOODEN STICK into inventory (K).
Zoom into the box on the boat (L) for a puzzle.

Move the green squares to match the pattern at the top right.
Click on the arrows in the following order: I, F x 2, J, A, D, I x 3 and H (M).
You will receive the SECOND CLOCK HAND and the GOLDFISH.
Step back to sharpening machine.

Use the WOODEN STICK to hit the pumpkin (N).
Zoom into the fallen pumpkin and take the CAGE KEY (O).
Go forward to the two-headed monster.
Zoom into the cage and use the KEY to open the lock (P).
Give the GOLDFISH to the cat and take the ELIXIR OF LIFE (Q).
Go back.

Zoom into the flowerbed and water the flower with the elixir of life.
Take the diary page from the flowerbed (R).
Walk forward to the two-headed monster.
Give the DIARY PAGE to the two-headed monster (S).
Cross the bridge to the other side.

Chapter 2. Cemetery.

Click on the shadow near the gate (T).
Go forward to the cemetery and enter the crypt on the right.

Move the urn aside and pick up the MAGNET (U).
Look in the trash can.
Take the THIRD CLOCK HAND (W) and LIGHTER (V) from the urn.
Take the note that lands in the diary (X).
Click on the sparkling angel (Y) on the bottom shelf to search the list of items.
Use pliers to cut through the wire and take the trowel into your inventory.
Go outside and go forward to the caretaker's office.

Click on the caretaker skeleton (Z) to receive a new task.
Take the GLOVE (A).
Zoom into the file cabinet and open the document drawer.
Click on the piece of paper twice to get a new diary entry (B).
Exit the caretaker's house to the street.

Use the GLOVE to clear the plants from the gravestone and take the pair of arrows (C).
Remember the years of life on the gravestone.
Go forward to the caretaker's house.
Zoom into the box on the table and insert the pair of arrows into their place in the box (D).

Enter the correct name to open the box.
Compare the years of life from the gravestone and the names from the folder in the caretaker's office (E).
Enter: HECTORB (F).
Click the "Enter" button.

Examine the box and take the LENS (G).
Return to the grinding machine.
Zoom into the hollow tree on the right.
Use the LIGHTER to illuminate the hollow tree and take the left crescent moon (H).
Step back.
Click on the sparkling desk drawer to search for items from the list.
The SILVER SPOON HALF goes into inventory.
Go forward to the caretaker's house.

Zoom into the gravestone with 3 candles (I).
Place the CLOCK HANDS from inventory into the dials.
Turn the arrows to set right time 3:00.
Turn arrow 3 clockwise so that arrows 1 and 2 are on II (A).
Turn arrow 2 clockwise so that arrows 1 and 2 point to VII and VIII (B).
Turn arrow 1 clockwise until all arrows point to III (C).

The solution is on the screen.
ANKH goes into inventory.

Chapter 3.

Zoom into the left column of the crypt and insert the ANKH into the niche (D).
The right crescent goes into inventory.
Step back to the gate to the cemetery.

Using a trowel, dig a box out of the ground and insert the crescent halves into the box lid (E).
Take the MOON CUBE (F) and a new diary entry from the box.
Zoom in on the telescope and insert the LENS into place.
Place the MOON CUBE on the platform next to the telescope (G) to trigger a puzzle.

Adjust the telescope to focus the moon's rays on the cube.
Click on the bottom edge of the lens to move the image down until you see the moon.
Slide the moon into the center of the lens (H).
The CHARGED CUBE is added to inventory.
Zoom into the chest on the right.
Place the CHARGED CUBE in the chest (I).
Click on the sparkling chest to search for items from the list.
Move the feather brush onto the web @ to get a ROPE LADDER, which goes into inventory.
Go right to the castle gate.

Place the ROPE LADDER on the wall on the right and take the HAT (J).
Return to the caretaker's office.
Place the HAT on the caretaker's skull (K) to receive a WEDDING RING and a CROWBAR.
Step back outside.

Click on the shadow by the crypt door (L) to receive a new task.
Step back.
Click on the sparkling chest to search for items from the list (M).
Find 12 keys to get the CRYPT KEY.
Go forward to the crypt.
Use the KEY to open the crypt door.
Enter the crypt through the door.

Use the CROWBAR to remove the lid of the sarcophagus (N).
Zoom into the skeleton in the sarcophagus and place the WEDDING RING on the finger (O).
Click on the sparkling angel (P) to search for hidden objects from the list.
Find all the light bulbs in the scene.
The BULB goes into inventory.

Go through the sarcophagus (Q) into the dungeon.

Chapter 4.

Take the new (R) diary entry.
Use the CROWBAR to move the stone and take the SAW (T).
Click on the symbol (S) on the stone to receive a diary entry.
Return to the house.
Take the EMPTY JAR behind the painting (U).
If you don't press the symbol on the stone (S), you won't be able to take the jar.
Three steps forward and then right to the entrance to the castle.

Use the EMPTY JAR to catch fireflies (V).
Go down through the sarcophagus in the crypt into the dungeon and go forward into the dark room.
Place the jar WITH FIREFLYS somewhere in a dark room.
Zoom into the water control panel and insert the BULB into it to trigger a puzzle (W).

Select the correct lamps to complete the circuit.
The solution is in the screenshot (X).

Take the CHISEL (Y).
Step back into the dungeon.
Zoom into the piece of amber and hit it 4 times with the CHISEL.
The STATUETTE goes into inventory (Z).
Go forward to the drainage control room.
Place the STATUETTE in the niche on the far wall (A).
Go up the stairs to the office (B).

Zoom into the bust and use the MAGNET to remove the OLD KEY from the crack (C).
Zoom into the table and take the PENCIL (D).
Remove the 4 bricks from the door (E).
Click on the sparkling bookshelf(F) to search for items from the list.
The PRUNER goes into inventory.
5 steps back, then step right to the castle entrance.

Use the PRUNER to trim the bush on the left and take the RED BOOK (G).
Return to the dungeon.
Zoom into the teddy bear and use a pencil to open the bear; take the AMULET - heart (H).
Return to the office.

Zoom into the shelf above the stairs on the right.
Place the RED BOOK on the empty space and take the STAR AMULET (I).
Click on the sparkling bookshelf on the left (J) to search the list of items.
Find 12 gears.
The gear goes into inventory.
Open the door and go out into the corridor.
Go up the stairs to the workshop.

Take the note from the floor to get a new diary entry (K).
Take the ladle (L).
Zoom into the cabinet and open it with the OLD KEY.
Take the INSECT SPRAY (M) and STONE BUTTON (N) from the shelf.
Zoom into the elevator on the right in the corner and insert the gear into the elevator mechanism (O).
Three steps back.

Zoom into the dumbwaiter on the left.
Use the saw to cut the box and take the SOLVENT (P).
Climb the stairs to the office and go straight into the corridor.
Click on the symbol on the wall (Q) to receive a new diary entry.
Zoom into the trash can and spray some INSECT SPRAY inside.
Take the spiral amulet and SKULL SHAPE (S) from the urn.
Go up the stairs to the workshop.

Zoom into the frozen puddle on the floor on the left and pour the SOLVENT on it to receive a KNIFE (T).
Place the SKULL Mold and ladle on the table (U) for a puzzle.

Look at the instructions to solve the puzzle (V).
Using matches 1, light burner 2, put the SILVER SPOON HALF into burner 3 and wait for it to melt.
Pour 4 into 3, use 5 into 3, Dump 5 into 6, cool 6 with 7 and click on 6 to receive SILVER SKULL AMULET (W).
Step back into the corridor.

Zoom in on the soccer ball.
Use the KNIFE on the soccer ball and take the WRENCH (X).
Return to the workshop.
Zoom in on the pipe and wrench remove each of the four nuts (Y).
Take the SALT from the niche (Z).
Go to the office.

Zoom into the curtains (A).
Hang all the AMULETS in inventory on the hooks to trigger a puzzle.
Click on the amulets in the following order: 3, 1, 4 and 2 (B).
The solution is on the screen.
You will receive SUGAR.
Step forward into the corridor.

Chapter 5.

Zoom into the door; Place the SALT and SUGAR in the corresponding mouths (C).
Go through the opened door into the hall with the mirror.

Click on the mirror (D) to receive new goals and a diary entry.
Take the note from the banquette to get a new diary entry (E).
Go through the door on the right into the kitchen.

Drop the vase on its side and take the dropped SEEDS (F).
Click on the sparkling table (G) to search for items from the list.
Use a branch to scare the frog to get a handle in your inventory.
Step back into the hall and go up the stairs to the second floor corridor.

Zoom into the table.
Go through the opening on the left to the balcony.
Take the gramophone record (J).
Give the SEEDS to the doves and take the 2nd STONE BUTTON (K).
Insert the handle into the telescope (L) to activate a puzzle.

Adjust the telescope using the handle and switches.
The solution is in the screenshot (M).
Get a new diary entry.
Return to the kitchen.

Zoom into the cabinet doors; Use the wire cutters to cut the wire (N) to obtain an EGG and OIL CAN.
Step back into the hall.
Zoom into the steps of the stairs.
Place the EGG in the niche (O) and take the WAX ​​CYLINDER.
Return to the balcony.

Insert the WAX ​​CYLINDER into music box and take the missing STATUETTE (P).
Step back into the hallway and enter the room at the end of the hallway on the right.

Zoom into the book on the floor and click on the left page to receive a new diary entry (Q).
Click on the note on the floor to get a new diary entry (R).
Zoom into the green chair and take the SCISSORS (S).
Click on the sparkling cabinet (T) to search for items from the list.
Use the knife to open the box to get the BONE into your inventory.
Take two steps back into the hall and go straight through the double doors into the courtyard.

Give the BONE to the dog (U) to receive a FEATHER BRUSH.
Zoom into the well and lubricate the handle with oil from the oil can.
Use the FEATHER BRUSH to clear the cobwebs from the bucket to obtain the LEFT HALF FACE and SPONGE (W).
Click on the note (X) to receive a new diary entry.
Zoom into the stone cube and insert 2 into it STONE TILES(Y) to trigger a puzzle.

Click on the tiles in the correct order.
The solution is in the screenshot (Z).
Click on the symbol on the stone block to get a new diary entry.
Step back.

Use the SPONGE on the mirror (A) to get a new diary entry.
Go to the kitchen.
Zoom into the cage in the corner.
Use the SCISSORS to open the cage to receive the KEY (B).
Step back up the stairs and go into the office on the right.

Use the KEY to open the locked desk drawer and take the MATCHES (C).
Zoom into the plate under the painting.
Click on the colored buttons on the plate according to the color of the symbols (D).
Solution from left to right: Blue – green – red (E).
The METAL BEETLE and DYNAMITE go into inventory.
Two steps back.

Zoom into the box on the floor.
Place the METAL BEETLE inside the box (F) to trigger a mini-game.
Click the arrows to move all the bugs from left to right.
Solution: B x 3, C x 3, D x 29 (G).
The RIGHT half of the FACE goes into inventory.
Go up the stairs into the corridor.

Chapter 6.

Zoom into the picture frame on the far wall.
Place the FACE halves into the frame (H).
Place the missing STATUETTE on the shelf with the other figurines (I) to trigger a puzzle.

Place the statues and symbols in the correct order.
Pull the rope (J) to get a clue.
The solution is on the screen (K).

Click the inscription on brick wall to receive a new diary entry (L).
Place the DYNAMITE in the crack in the wall and light the fuse with the matches (M).
Go through the gap in the wall forward into the armory.

Click on the fireplace (N) to receive new objectives and a diary entry.
Bring the vice closer and lubricate it with oil from an oil can.
Click on the vice four times to receive a VIAL OF BLOOD (O).
Click on the note on the floor (P) to get a new diary entry.
Two steps back into the hall.

Zoom in on the floor double door.
Pour the blood from the vial onto the floor and take the METAL BALL (Q).
Go upstairs to the armory and go right into the warehouse.
Click on the sparkling crates (R) for a hidden object scene.
Use a chisel to open the drawer and take the pickaxe into inventory.
Go through the door onto the stone stairs.

Zoom into the top step of the ladder and hit it with the pickaxe.
Take the NAIL PULLER (S).
Step back to the warehouse.
Use the nail puller to open the floorboard and take the GLUE (T).
Go through the door to the stone stairs.

Zoom in on the bench.
Apply GLUE to the two halves of the ring and take the missing RING (U).
Two steps back to the armory.
Zoom into the chest and insert the ring (V) to trigger a puzzle.

Click the buttons in the following order:
A X 2, B, C x 2 and D x 2.
Then, rotate each of the rings until the face is vertical (W).
The solution is on the screen.
The coal container goes into inventory.
Three steps forward to the magic circle.

Move the small boulder aside and take the HOOK (X).
Click on the note to receive a new diary entry (Y).
Fill the coal container with coal (Z).
Click on the sparkling stone to search for items from the list (A).
Adamant goes into inventory.
Step back to the stone stairs.

Zoom into the box, insert the adamantium into the box and take the GRAMOPHONE HANDLE (B).
Step back.
Insert the HANDLE and record into the gramophone.
Click on the code to get a diary entry and a note WITH CODE into your inventory (C).
Zoom into the basket to the left of the gramophone.
Use the hook to pull the net out of the basket (D).
Step back into the armory.

Chapter 7.

Throw the COAL into the fireplace (E) to receive the ORB OF KNOWLEDGE.
Go to the stone stairs.
Zoom into the sleep panel on the column to the left of the stairs.
Place the note WITH CODE on the panel (F) to trigger a puzzle.

Turn required squares to open the panel.
Hint in the diary. The solution is on the screen (G).
Place a METAL BALL on the game board to trigger a puzzle.

Move the lever on the right in the following directions:
U, R x 2, D x 3, R x 2, L x 2, U and L (H).
Take the ENERGY CRYSTAL from the niche.
Three steps back and through the door to the right into the office.
Click on the sparkling cabinet on the left to search for items from the list.
Find 12 coins.
The COIN goes into inventory.
Return to the kitchen.
Click on the sparkling table to search for items from the list.
Find 12 food items.
The CHEESE goes into inventory.
Five steps back into the dungeon.

Zoom into the hole in the wall on the right.
Place the CHEESE near the hole and take the RING (I).
Return to the armory.
Zoom into the armored knight, put the RING on his finger and take the ORB OF POWER (J).
Go to the stone stairs.

Zoom into the machine gun on the right.
Throw the COIN into the machine and take the TAROT CARD (K).
Step back to the warehouse.
Place the TAROT CARD in the center of the barrel and take the ORB OF MAGIC (L).
Two steps forward to the magic circle.

Zoom into the barrel on the right and use the net to catch the SPHERE OF LIGHT (M).
Zoom into the magic circle and place all the SPHERES and the ENERGY CRYSTAL (N).
Go down into the circle.

Click on the glass cylinder with the brow in the center (O) to get a new target.
Zoom into the gargoyle (1) and click on the eye socket.
Step back to the magic circle.
Click on the sparkling stone to find objects from the list (If you do not click on the gargoyle's eye socket (1), the hidden object scene will not appear).

Chapter 8.

Find 12 eyes.
The ARTIFICIAL EYE goes into inventory.
Go down into the magic circle.

Insert the ARTIFICIAL EYE into the gargoyle and take the LARGE SCREW (P).
Three steps back to the warehouse.
Click on the sparkling boxes to search for items from the list (Q).
Find 12 buttons.
The TRIANGULAR BUTTON goes into inventory.
Four steps back.

Remove the portrait from the pillar (R).
Place the LARGE SCREW on the panel for a puzzle (S).

Move the colors to match the color of the frame.
To solve the puzzle, click on the following:
1, 4, D, E, F, I, H, K, J, 2, M, N, O, L, I, H, K, N, 3, O, R, Q, P, M, N, K, J, M, P, Q, N, K, L, O, R, Q, N, K, L, O, R, Q, N, K, L, O, R, Q, N, K, L, O, R, and Q.
6, P, S, V, 4, A, B, W, X, C, F, E, B, C, X, W, V, A, B, E, F, C, X, W, B, C, X, 6, U, R, Q, T, W, X, U, R, Q, and T.
THE SCROLL OF EXILE goes into inventory.
Return to Gustav's car.

Throw the SCROLL OF EXILE into the shadows (T) to receive the SECOND PICTURE PART.
Return to the kitchen.
Place the PICTURE PIECES from inventory on the painting on the wall for a puzzle (U).

Click on the pieces of the picture in the following order: A x 2, C, D, B x 3, E x 3, H, G and F x 3 (V).
Take the PUNCH CARD.
Go to the second floor office.

Place the TRIANGULAR BUTTON in the machine on the table (W).
Insert the PUNCH CARD into the hole (X) and press the button (Y).
Return to Gustav's car.

Zoom into the car on the right (A).
Insert the TRIANGULAR AMULET to trigger a puzzle.

Use arrows to move across the entire playing field.
The first solution is left, Down, right, up, left, Down, right, up and press the green button (1).
Second solution: right, down, left, up, right, down, right, up, left and press the green button(2).
Third solution: right, down, left, up, right, down, left, up, left and press the green button (3).

You read Walkthrough of the game Mysterious Diary. Missing pages

Chapter 1. HOME

Click on the sparkling area on the left and start searching for hidden objects from the list. Inventory includes pliers.

Click on the blue rag near the barrel and take the firewood. Let's take the gear on the fence. Let's take a closer look at the mailbox. Use pliers to repair the mailbox and open it. Let's take a diary. A ghost appeared. Click on the ghost and make an entry in the diary.

Let's go left from the house. Click on the sparkling area and start searching for hidden objects from the list. In inventory there is a lantern.

Examine the trough on the left and take the handle (A). Take the brush near the house (B). Let's click on the flowerbed. Sweep away the leaves with a brush. Puzzle.
By rotating in circles, we will restore a picture similar to the screenshot. Let's take a horseshoe.

Place the wood in the stove (D) and the horseshoe in the holder. Click on the furnace control device (blue in the screenshot); lower the levers, from left to right: 3, 4, 2, 1 . Let's take the made magnet (horseshoe) from the holder and return to the house. Place the magnet in the broken window on the left and grab the key into inventory (B). Use the key to open the door (C). Click on the switch near the door to turn on the light (A).

Let's take a closer look at the shelf drawer and screw the handle (A) onto it. Take the knife (E). Take the gear next to the bear's rug and the sweater from the stairs. Use a knife to cut out the picture from the wall (D) and then take part of the plan. Let's go into the back room through the door with the target.

Click on the sparkling area on the chest of drawers and start searching for hidden objects from the list. In inventory there is an oil can.

Take the GEAR from under the cabinet (A) and the BRICK (B) from under the couch. Hit the mirror with a brick. Puzzle. Let's look at the screenshot for the right decision. We receive the scroll of cold (E). To melt the sealing wax, put the cold scroll into the fireplace.
On the scroll of cold, repeat the image from the sample on the right, take the mount (D). Use a pry bar to raise the hatch on the floor (F).
Click on bottom part screen to return to main room.

Use an oil can to lubricate the gas valve on the tube to clean it of rust.
We bring the lamp to the valve to fill the lamp with gas. Lamp to inventory. We return through the door with the target and then go down into the basement through the hatch.

We use a lamp in the dark. Click on the ghost that appears to make an entry in the diary. Pick up the SCREWDRIVER (A) on the stairs.
Click on the picture of a candle on the wall, take the clock hands and pay attention to the time indicated in the picture: 6.45.

Click on the sparkling area and start searching for hidden objects from the list. There is a silver key in inventory. We get out of the basement.

Click on the sparkling area on the chest of drawers and begin searching for hidden objects from the list. In inventory there is a scroll of fire.

Let's leave the room and examine the panel on the stairs. Let's place all three gears into the mechanism. Look in the diary (A) to find out the code ( 413562 ). If the code is entered correctly, press the button (D).

The hatch to the attic opened. Let's go up there. Throw a sweater over the bee hive to neutralize the bees. Click on the sparkling area and start searching for hidden objects from the list. In inventory there is glue.

Click on the soccer ball and then take the scissors (A). From the chest using the silver key we take an empty gas cylinder. Place glue and plan pieces on the nightstand. We will make a house plan from the pieces and glue it together. Let's look at the screenshot.

Click on the sparkling area and start searching for hidden objects from the list. In the inventory there is a mallet.

Let's go lower. Let's bring it empty gas cylinder to the gas valve. It will fill with gas. Let's go to the basement. We hit the wall with a mallet. Punching a hole in secret room.Let's go inside.

Take the LADDER (A) against the wall. Use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws on the panel (B). We take the eye. Let's examine the bedside table and take away the salt. Click on the chest and solve the puzzle. Let's arrange the numbers to form a dial. Insert arrows and set the time you saw earlier: 6.45 . (D) The chest opened. Let's take the dome hot air balloon.

We leave the house. Place the ladder on the tree on the left (A) and use scissors to cut the branch (B). We return to the house and go down to the basement. There is a flask with a frog on the shelf. Let's put the branch in the flask and take the frog out of the jar.

Let's go behind the house. Click on the cart and start searching for items from the list. In inventory gas-burner.

Click on the balloon basket. Let's place a burner, a cylinder and a dome in it.

Chapter 2. ISLAND Crash site

Click on the ghost of Albert to make an entry in the Diary. Click on the sparkling area and start searching for items from the list. Bottle in inventory.

We go right to the place where the camp is set up. Click on the Totem and take the TV button (A) from its mouth. Place the Bottle in the area pointed to by the beam of light (C). Let's examine the hole and then try to take the eye (Bummer, the snake almost bit off his hand). Let's return to the crash site and insert the button into the TV (B). Let's set the diagram on the screen as shown in the picture in the diary. Turn the TV buttons from left to right: left, right, left, left and press the Test Button (C). Let's look at the screenshot for the solution. Let's take the amulet of water in the dolphin's mouth.

We go right to the place where the camp is set up and click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list. Machete in inventory.

Cut down the bush with the machete (A) to the right of the tent. Let's go forward and then click on Sophie's ghost to make a diary entry. Take the PIPE (B) from the wood. Click on the stone altar.

Go to the waterfall and click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list. An empty pot in your inventory.

We go to the cave and click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list. Red eye in your inventory.

Let's enter the cave and click on the ghost Orhen to make an entry in the diary.
Click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list. Stone heart in inventory.

Insert the tube from inventory into the damaged area (A) of the furnace. Place the fire scroll on the lava (B).
Let's copy the symbol onto the scroll. Click on the stone marker to the right of the stove. Let's leave the cave and see the amulet of fire. It is very hot and you need to cool it down.

Let's return to camp and click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list. Gear in inventory.

Go to the waterfall and click on the pump (A). Let's arrange the gears so that everything works. Fill the empty pot with water from the waterfall (B).
Let's return to the cave and pour the collected water onto the amulet.

Move to the waterfall again and click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list. Bowl in inventory.

Let's go to the stone altar and place it on it heart of stone and red eye.
We go to the cave and click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list. Egg in inventory.

Let's enter the cave and click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list. Rusty key in inventory.

Let's go to the camp. Open the chest with the rusty key and take the AIR AMULET (A). We give the egg to the snake in the hole indicated by the beam of light. Take the GREEN EYE from the hole (B).

We go to the right, into the jungle and click on the stone altar. Place the GREEN EYE on the green face.
You need to use the clue from page 8 of the Diary to solve the riddle.
Click on the heart in the center (A) to rotate the faces. Change the facial expression (by clicking on the eyes and mouth) at the moment when the face is at the top (B). To correctly solve the puzzle, look at the screenshot.
The EARTH AMULET will be added to your inventory.

Let's go to the cave. Place all the amulets in their corresponding places (A) on the stone slab. Let's look at the screenshot for the solution.
We go into the opened portal (B).

Part 3. Portal.

Let's enter the house and then go down to the basement.
Click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list.

Scroll of WIND in your inventory. Let's click on the shelf. Pour milk from the can (A) into a plate. Give milk to the hedgehog under the stairs (B) and take the fear potion (C).

Let's return through the portal to the island. We go to the waterfall and click on it with the WIND scroll. Copy the symbol located on the right onto the scroll. Look at the screenshot for solution (A).

Let's return to the shore and click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list. Pickaxe in your inventory.

We hit the frozen waterfall with a pickaxe. Click on Albert's ghost to make a diary entry. Click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list. A sprig of mint in your inventory.

Let's go to the pier. Take the Scary Mask (A) from the pillar on the left. Click on the fishing line on the pier and untangle it. See screenshot (B) for a solution. Click on the broken diving equipment, then on the water and the stone urn.
Click on the float in the water and catch the goldfish.

Now let's go to the cave. Click on the stove to zoom in on the image. Throw a sprig of mint onto a hot surface to dry it. Let's go through the frozen waterfall and click on the sparkling area to search for items from the inventory. Sapphire KEY in your inventory.

Use the sapphire key to open the locked chest (A) and get the Catalyst. Click on the stone slab on the left. Let's click on the carpet and kill the potion. Place the catalyst in the burner (B). Dried mint in a mortar (C). Goldfish cut on cutting board (D). Throw the salt into the container with the catalyst (E).
Press on the mortar to grind the mint. Add this porridge to the catalyst (E).
Click on cutting board to take the chopped FISH. Also add it to the catalyst (E). Take the matches (F) and light the burner (B). Take the flask (G) and pour the prepared mixture into it.

Let's go to the pier and throw the BREATH POTION into the water. Let's go into the water and then click on Anna's ghost to add a diary entry.

Part 4. Underwater world.

Click on the sparkling area on the left and find the items from the list. STONE HAND in your inventory.

Exit the water and return to the carpet. Using a STONE HAND, click on the stone slab on the left. Take the MIRROR. Let's return to the water and click on the sparkling area on the left to search for items from the list. Crescent in your inventory.

We climb out of the water onto the pier and click on the stone urn (A). Place the MIRROR in the square (B). Crescent moon in hole (C). Take the ANTI-MAGIC SPELL SCROLL (D) from the container in the center.

Let's return to the water and use the FEAR potion on the shark. Enter the tunnel and pick up the FLY SWATTER (A) from the rock. Let's put a scary mask on the crab. SYMBOL (B) in your inventory. Place the ANTI-MAGIC SPELL SCROLL into the glowing magic symbol on the right (C). Let's copy the symbol located on the right onto the scroll. Look at the screenshot for solution (C). Click on the skeleton and scales.

The solution to the scale puzzle is to balance four bowls using the weights provided. Not all weights will be needed. Look at the screenshot (A) for the solution.

We go into the cave that was blocked by the magic symbol. Click on the ghost Orhen to add a diary entry. Click on the sparkling area to search for objects. RUBY KEY in your inventory.

We go along the tunnel to the magic wolf, click on the sparkling area and start searching for items from the list. blue flower in your inventory.

Let's return to Orhen and use the key to open the drawer (A). Take the skull in the box (B). Step back and place the SKULL on the skeleton (C). Take the piece of meat (D).

We go to the wolf and give him meat. Click on the well, flowers and cobwebs.

Return to Orhen and click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list. Tongs in your inventory.

We swim out of the cave and take the red coral with tongs (A).
We leave the water and head into the cave. we dive into the portal.
We go to the secret room in the basement and use the FLY SWATTER to beat the flies on the rotten meat (B). There is a dead fly in inventory.

Let's return through the portal to the underwater cave. Let's give the ghost Orhen the red coral, SULFUR, and BLUE FLOWER. SPELL SCROLL in your inventory.
We go to the wolf and click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list. LEFT EYE in your inventory.

Give the fly to the spider to take the RIGHT HALF OF THE SYMBOL (A).
Let's return to the house through the portal in the cave and put both eyes on the metal sculpture on right side from the front door. Take the EMERALD (B) from the sculpture's mouth. Return to the wolf and stick both halves of the symbol and the EMERALD into the lid of the well (C).

Part 5: Mystical Diary.

Use the scroll to click on the well (A). Copy the symbol on the right onto the scroll. Look at the screenshot for solution (B).

Click on the ghost in the well to make an entry in the diary.
Let's move away from the well and click on the sparkling area to search for items from the list. MAGIC SEAL in your inventory.

Let's go back a step and click on the sparkling area to search for objects. PRUNER in your inventory.

Let's go to the well and cut the roses with pruning shears. Click on the sparkling area to search for objects. MAGIC SEAL in your inventory.

Let's get out of the water and go to the carpet. Click on the sparkling area. MAGIC SEAL in your inventory.

We exit the waterfall and click on the sparkling area to search for objects. MAGIC SEAL in your inventory.

We go to the right and call to the sparkling area to search for objects. MAGIC SEAL in your inventory.

We go into the cave and click on the sparkling area to search for objects. MAGIC SEAL in your inventory.

Now we go to the place where the camp is set up and click on the sparkling area to search for objects. MAGIC SEAL in your inventory.

We stir up the haystack with a pitchfork and take the MAGIC SEAL. We enter the house and then through the door with the target. Click on the sparkling area to search for objects. MAGIC SEAL in your inventory.

We go down to the basement and click on the sparkling area to search for objects. MAGIC SEAL in your inventory.

Let's do the same procedure in the attic. A ball of thread in your inventory.

Let's go down to the second room. Give the ball of thread to the cat and take the MAGIC SEAL. Let's go through the portal and go to the well under water. Use the pruning shears to cut off the flowers to the right of the well and take the MAGIC SEAL. We go down into the well and place the MAGIC SEALS on the wall.

Repeat the sequence shown correctly five times. The solution to this riddle may vary. Click and remember the sequence.
Look at the screenshot for a possible solution:

Solution to the first sequence: 5, 13, 1.
Solution to the second sequence: 14, 9, 12, 1.
Solution to the third sequence: 7, 5, 13, 4, 10.
Solution to the fourth sequence: 8, 1, 6, 7, 5, 11.
Solution to the fifth sequence: 9, 13, 2, 12, 10, 1, 7.

Hooray!!! Game completed!!!

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Quests, Logic

Screenshots of the game Mystic Diary 2

Review of the game Mystic Diary 2

Mystic Diary 2 (Mystical Diary 2) - if you consider yourself to be an admirer of classic quests, then you will really like the proposed version of such a game project and will make you immerse yourself in the process of completing it for a long time. Here you have to go on a long, but at the same time very interesting journey, during which you are invited to unravel all sorts of mysteries.

Players will have to play as a fearless hero who, in a completely incomprehensible way, finds himself on mysterious island. The atmosphere here is full of gloom and fear, which is very difficult to bear. Unpleasant creatures and ghosts are walking around everywhere. All this is scary and makes your character feel afraid.

When your hero first encountered ghosts, he had to go through the most unpleasant moments of his life, because he was very frightened by the appearance of these creatures, seemingly invented by other people. However, the ghosts turned out to be very good-natured, if you can call them that, given the presence of only this soul. Moreover, these spirits even began to specifically help your character, giving him various clues leading to a special mystical object.

Search - stone heart. We get a scroll of cold, take a crowbar and put it in the fireplace. I have a problem with cleaning the flower bed. There is firewood under a rag near a barrel, a gear on the fence. Exit the cave - there is a fire amulet on the ground. Place the lamp to the left edge, take the screwdriver on the stairs. Search is the silver key. Press on the stone altar. Press down on the soccer ball, take the scissors. Insert a handle into the shelf, take a knife. Press on the stone slab to the right of the stove. Click on the flowerbed and sweep away the leaves. Click on all the ghosts that appear. Go left into the courtyard. Games in this series: a mysterious diary. They were in great need, but I can’t bear to see, without them I would have been stuck for a long time, what’s next. Go into the room through the door with the target. Press on the totem, take the key from the TV. Go right to the cave entrance. Magnet from broken window take out the key and unlock the door. Place the fire scroll on the lava. Bring the empty gas cylinder to the gas valve. Search - scroll of fire. Place numbers on the chest to make a dial. Place 3 gears in the mechanism, enter code 413562, press the key. Turn the TV keys: left, left and press the test key, left, right. Throw a sweater over a beehive, search for glue. Take the ladder against the wall. Use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws on the window, take the eye. Lower the levers on the control device: take the manufactured magnet and return to the house. A gear next to a bear skin, a sweater on the stairs. Lift the hatch on the floor and go down to the basement. Search - gas burner. Place the burner, cylinder and dome in the oven. Use an oil gun to lubricate the valve on the pipe to fill it with gas, and bring the lamp. Cut down the bush, go forward, take the pipe from the firewood. Use pliers to straighten the mailbox, take the diary, and open it. Use a knife to cut out a picture from the wall, take part of the plan. Place the firewood in the stove and the horseshoe in the holder. Fill the pot with water from the waterfall. Press down on the balloon basket. Insert arrows and set time to 6:45. Place glue and a piece of the plan on the bedside table. Take a pen from the trough on the left and a broom near the house. Take the balloon dome from the chest. Insert the tube into the damaged area of ​​the oven. Unlock the chest, take the empty gas cylinder. Search - empty pot. Examine the sketch of a candle on the wall, take the hands of the clock, figure out the time 6.45. Place the bottle in a beam of light. Walkthrough of the game, mysterious diary. Examine the panel on the stairs. Place the diagram on the screen as in the picture in the diary. Make a house plan from the pieces. Pour water from the pot onto the amulet. Place coins on the signs to create a clear image of the planets. A gear under the cabinet, a brick under the sofa. Thank you very much to Roksolana for the tips in passing the game. Insert the key into the TV. Search - reddish eye. Does anyone know what this could be. Rotating in circles, return the picture - take the horseshoe. Return to the peninsula, Arkanoids.