Cardboard furniture: original DIY chair. Cardboard furniture

Original table with carved cardboard legs

Until recently, cardboard furniture was as new as free flights to Mars or flying cars. If cars don’t fly yet, then creating furniture from cardboard with your own hands is gaining momentum abroad, and by now this trend has reached the CIS countries. Let's try to figure out whether this is fiction or reality.

Budget furniture for the living room of unusual shape from unusual materials hand made

Portable folding table from cardboard boxes

Let’s start by asking a completely logical question: is it possible to make furniture from boxes with your own hands? Can. Everything is permitted that is not prohibited by the constitution and other legal acts of the Russian Federation, and by moral standards accepted in society. It would be more correct to ask the question, is it worth it? We have to figure this out.

Comfortable cardboard chairs for children and adults

First, let's define the goal. Why do you want to create furniture from cardboard? In general, it can be used both for children's play and for everyday use. It all depends on how you approach the matter, how strong the base is, how you fasten the components, what kind of supports you make, how you strengthen it, etc.

Budget armchair for a balcony made of cardboard triangles

First you need to determine the functional purpose of the thing being invented. But one thing is clear: you can use such creations. It is worth thinking about using cardboard as an alternative material when updating furniture in an apartment.

Sofa made of corrugated cardboard with soft removable seats and pillows

There is a number of evidence that this type of product is quite suitable for use and has a right to exist. Of course, it is more suitable for people who prefer original living space design and innovation. However, it is suitable for everyone.

Original transformable furniture made from cardboard boxes

Are you afraid that this option will turn out to be unreliable, fragile and will quickly become unusable? Try making one type of furniture and check from your own experience whether it is possible to use it. What can be created from existing raw materials?

Furniture from scrap materials for budget design interior

What will we do?

An original set for a kitchen or cottage - a table with stools made of corrugated cardboard

Look around, pay attention to the surrounding objects. What do you see? Table, chairs, bookshelves, wardrobes, bedside tables. What are they made of? Chipboard, MDF, chipboard, natural wood? No matter how strange it may sound, these things can be made from cardboard. Yes, this is quite possible. And in terms of quality and strength, the resulting product will not be inferior to durable chipboard, while this option has a lot of its advantages.

Furniture self made for an extravagant interior

Let's consider another option. From these raw materials you can make a whole castle for a child, build a spaceship, and build a car. This product suitable for creating unusual images. It lends itself well to processing, so cut original figures and ornate patterns will not be difficult. Ordinary shelves in a child’s room can be turned into animals, painted, and thus create a themed mood. You can recreate any cartoon characters and transport your child into a real fairy tale. Simple cardboard will help with this. It depends on your imagination and skills.

DIY toys for babies from inventive parents

Children's playhouse made from scrap materials

Disadvantages and advantages

Coffee table made of unusually shaped cardboard

Like any furniture, this one has its pros and cons. Let us introduce you to these subtleties. What to expect from cardboard items and what advantages they have. Positive points There is much more to using this type of headset. Let's start with them.

  1. Possibility to create stylish design. You craft with your own hands, so you can make your most unusual dreams come true. The material lends itself well decorative processing, imagine and create.
  2. Economical option. Wanting to update the situation with at the lowest cost, use old boxes or waste cardboard. Ordering compressed material from the base will be cheaper than buying a new set of wood.
  3. Ease of transportation. Such products are often collapsible or simply lightweight, so they won’t cause any problems when moving. You should be careful, as the material used is fragile.
  4. Strength. Strange, but this quality applies to furniture made from cardboard. At correct calculations, selection of good fastening elements, high-quality assembly, these products will last a long time, even with constant use.
  5. Environmentally friendly raw materials. Cardboard is an environmentally friendly material. After disposal, it can be processed and used as secondary raw materials. The decomposition period of cardboard is much shorter, because it is made from a natural, environmentally friendly base.

And now about the shortcomings. The only drawback is that such furniture does not tolerate dampness. It requires special care to prevent moisture from reaching the surface. If assembled incorrectly, it can quickly break and lead to injury. If a professional takes on the matter, there will be no difficulties. We will touch on the topic of care below, and you will see that it is not difficult.

We create with our own hands

Cardboard products – best ideas in the interior

As already mentioned, you can create this type of setting yourself, or order it from the manufacturer.

On a note! This movement (recycling) is popular. And even famous designers create cardboard furniture.

Most economical option will be creating a new environment with your own hands. In this case, you can’t go wrong with the style, you don’t have to explain to the designer what idea you want to implement and how to achieve the result. It will cost less due to the use of improvised means, and even old cardboard.

To begin with you will need special room. This could be a home office, or a kitchen. Main - low humidity in the environment, and be careful not to cause discomfort to other residents of the house, because this procedure is noisy. Shall we begin?

Cardboard rack in finished and disassembled form

Necessary materials

Empty cardboard boxes for blanks of future products

To start the process, you need to prepare everything you need. Let's start with materials. The choice of base is an important part; it determines whether the thing will be strong and durable, and how long it will last in use.

The cardboard must be durable; it is better to choose the compressed type. For a practical product, old boxes are not suitable. Pay attention to the number of layers in the sheet; the more there are, the stronger the base.

Important! White cardboard inferior in strength to brown.

We will need kraft paper for seams or covering the surface of a table or chair (if necessary). You can use colored adhesive paper, fabric, paints (gouache, stained glass, oil, etc.) for decoration. Or leave it in its original state, which will have its own flavor.

Kraft paper sheets for seam processing

Necessary tools for making furniture

So that nothing distracts us during the process, we collect the necessary tools. We will need:

  • glue (PVA, for wallpaper, silicone);
  • a stationery knife (for thin cardboard), and a construction knife (for thicker cardboard);
  • construction stapler;
  • tape (preferably transparent or brown);
  • scissors;
  • tape measure, or centimeter, it is permissible to use a ruler;
  • pencil or chalk;
  • sandpaper (for processing cuts).

Perhaps that's all. As you can see, you don’t need a lot of construction supplies as when constructing wooden products. It's more like a children's art set. But we're going to do a real masterpiece. Let's get down to business.

Preparatory work

There is one last push left before making cardboard furniture with your own hands. We have collected the necessary material and tools, all that remains is to do the preparatory work.

Armchair made of paper and cardboard, element-by-element diagram and assembled layout

As for the search, we still need to find patterns for making cardboard furniture. Depending on what you want to make, you can find ready-made drawings or come up with them yourself. Next, you need to take measurements of the space where the creation will be located, and in accordance with the results obtained, make a drawing (or make adjustments to an existing one).

After preparing the diagrams and drawings (with the corresponding measurements), we proceed to processing the raw materials. We chose high-quality cardboard. It needs processing. It cannot be washed. If it gets dirty during transportation, wipe it with a damp cloth.

Corrugated cardboard of different thicknesses for different products

Be careful! Bends and creases on a sheet of cardboard cannot be corrected at home. Transport the selected material carefully.

Ready. You can start working.

Let's get down to business

We will not consider a specific example of how to make furniture from cardboard. But let's give general principle construction with detailed instructions.

  1. We cut according to the existing diagram with measurements of the part. You can create patterns from paper, attach them to the base, trace them with a pencil and cut or draw directly on the base.
  2. It is necessary to process the received parts. To do this, wipe sandpaper slices. If desired, you can cover the cut points (where the structure is visible) with tape or paper.
  3. Carry out the necessary manipulations for fastening. Depending on the type of connection, you will need to make appropriate cuts (if the fastening is without glue), or mark places for applying glue or attaching tape.
  4. All that remains is to fasten the parts along the intended lines, and our cardboard furniture is ready.

Bedside table with doors and open shelf from one diagram

We have reviewed general scheme manufacturing. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. The work depends on the chosen scheme and the product you want to form. If you are planning to make a bed, there will be a little more work, because such a scheme has more details. It also requires more strengthening. However, the manufacturing process follows the above-described scheme. The creation is ready, let's move on to design.

Assembling a cardboard table with your own hands


The most interesting part. Here you can show your imagination to the fullest. Besides the fact that you can create fancy-shaped furniture out of cardboard, you have a lot of decorating possibilities. We use a universal base; it adheres well to other materials using glue or tape. For design you can use paper, fabric, paints, decorative, natural decorations, pencils - whatever is at hand.

Hypoallergenic paint is suitable for children's furniture. Choose bright colors, combine them, creating a fairy tale for your baby. Upon completion of painting, the item must be varnished so that the paint adheres better, and in general this will add strength to the creation. This option will do best, since children playing can tear off decorative ornaments or damage the upholstery. This decor is bright, safe and easy to clean.

Cardboard furniture for everyday use (cabinets, chairs, shoe racks, bookshelf, tables, etc.) can be decorated in more complex ways. After making chairs for the living room, upholster them with velvet or other fabric. Or create covers from satin or silk. This design will look luxurious when decorating eco-friendly cardboard furniture. Simply open the book shelf with varnish and cover the sections with wood-print paper.

Another option is to leave it in its original state. After sanding the cuts, making them smooth and safe, simply place the utensils in the room (or outside). This look will emphasize the originality of the item, without adapting it to the wooden set we are used to.

We offered ideas for both lovers of the original style and connoisseurs of the classics. The choice is yours. But, no matter what shape you have given the furniture, it requires special care.

Beautiful table with a floral pattern made of cardboard

Rules of care

If you are doing a one-time thing, then special care not required. Just throw it away after use. However, cardboard furniture can last for a long time. To do this, follow the care instructions.

  1. cannot be placed in damp room or in the rain;
  2. It is undesirable to leave it outside overnight (at night there is a temperature difference and air humidity increases);
  3. for better preservation, coat with varnish;
  4. wipe periodically with a dry or slightly damp cloth;
  5. will not withstand heavy loads, so explain to children that they should not jump on them.

By following these simple instructions, you will extend the life of your cardboard furniture for a long time.

We hope we managed to introduce the reader to the new recycling movement. Recycling of raw materials is an excellent future prospect for preserving cleanliness and life on our planet. Now we were making useful and practical things from cardboard. Perhaps in the future this type will become the most commonly used. And in modern world it is distinguished by originality and unusual style.

An original high chair made from ready-made cardboard reels

Video: Cardboard furniture – Wardrobe -Furniture cardboard

To creatively decorate your apartment, as well as add personality to it, you can make furniture from cardboard with your own hands; the patterns and diagrams are so simple that even a beginner can make the products. A variety of options will allow you to choose the right piece of furniture and make it, involving all family members in the process.

At first glance, you might think that cardboard is... brittle material which requires special handling. On the one hand, this is correct, on the other hand, having chosen the desired variety cardboard, you don’t have to worry about its further use. Cardboard furniture will be durable and practical if you follow the sequence of work and recommendations for using tools.

To select an option for self-made furniture product, you need to consider several proposals:

  1. Toy furniture made of cardboard - it is profitable and creative to make your own furniture for dolls. If children require the purchase of a new house for Barbie with all the accompanying accessories, the solution would be to produce this option with your own hands;
  2. Book shelves are considered one of the simplest cardboard products. They don’t take much time to make, and books don’t put much stress on the cardboard;
  3. The original table will not be dinner table, on which dishes are constantly located, and a small magazine or coffee table. A child can perform developmental tasks on such a piece of furniture, because it is designed for a light load;
  4. Chest of drawers - this kind of furniture is convenient for storing documents or papers; children’s accessories will also fit here. It is easier to make a chest of drawers from cardboard boxes from large equipment, for example, a refrigerator;
  5. Shoe rack – original stand under shoes in the form of triangular cells will fit appropriately into any hallway. Entering the room, all guests will be surprised at how convenient and practical the rack turned out to be;
  6. A small chair for children - since cardboard is not intended for heavy loads, furniture for children is what you need. A small chair for your baby will become his favorite object, where he can draw or play.

As you can see, furniture made of cardboard is easy to make. To make it you need the simplest material and a minimum of tools.

Shoe rack


Required materials and tools

Regardless of what type of furniture is chosen for self-production, the list of materials will remain the same. This necessarily includes the main raw material - cardboard.

To make the products durable, you should give preference to three-layer cardboard. The quality of the material can be checked by cutting.

If you purchased a single-layer analogue in advance, do not be upset. This option works well for making a dollhouse and furniture for dolls. If you use it to work on real furniture, you need to glue several layers of cardboard to give it greater strength.

List of materials and tools for work:

  • Scotch tape - it is better to buy paper, regular and double-sided;
  • Stationery or sharp construction knife;
  • Scissors;
  • Tape measure and long ruler;
  • Pencil and rubber band;
  • Sandpaper – for cleaning cuts;
  • Kraft paper;
  • Glue – depending on the type of cardboard, you may need PVA, hot melt glue or Moment.

If all the listed materials and devices are prepared, you should proceed to the manufacture of the selected furniture. Experienced craftsmen on cardboard they recommend that beginners choose to start simple work, for example, shelves or a table.

In order for furniture made with your own hands at home to turn out not only beautiful, but durable, a number of rules must be followed. They will help you make quality products that will appeal to all household members:

  1. Gluing layers - when working with single-layer cardboard or to strengthen furniture, it is necessary to glue the material. When gluing cardboard together, try to place the layers perpendicular to each other - this is how they give increased rigidity;
  2. The choice of glue - people who have already made furniture from of this material, it is recommended to use Moment glue. It does not get wet after application and instantly holds product parts together. You can also purchase a glue gun and thermal sticks, which melt when heated, creating a glue trail;
  3. Why do you need kraft paper? Kraft paper is used to cover the edges and joints of furniture. With this move, the furniture looks neater. Before gluing, the joints are cleaned with sandpaper. You need to remember that the paper cannot be cut - it must be torn with your hands. This way the layers will become smooth, without transitions;
  4. Features of cutting - during the manufacture of cardboard furniture, special attention is paid to cutting the material. Usually a stationery knife is used - it is important that it is always sharp, because the accuracy of the parts depends on it. If thick cardboard is difficult to cut, you can use a jigsaw.

Using a jigsaw, the work goes much faster. It is important to carefully cut the parts and avoid mistakes, because the tool is too powerful for cardboard.

Cut cardboard with a knife

Select desired type cardboard

Use kraft paper

Choose your glue carefully

Step-by-step instruction

To ensure that production goes quickly and without problems, there is step-by-step instruction, master class of cardboard furniture consists of step-by-step description every action. It begins with the creation of a drawing, followed by the formation of parts and their strengthening. The final stage furniture assembly is considered. Each of the stages must be considered separately.

Create a drawing

The first thing you need to do is make a drawing of the furniture. To begin with, draw it on a regular A4 sheet so that you can see a smaller version. In such a sketch, it is important to write down all the dimensions and respect the scaling. If you have the skill to work in special programs that allow you to develop product models, you should use them.

The first drawing must show the product in a general three-dimensional form. Next, you need to draw a projection of the furniture with a top, side, and rear view separately. The next step is to depict the details of the product: each detail must be drawn separately.

When the drawing is ready, it must be transferred to sheets of cardboard:

  • Using a tape measure and a long ruler, draw on the surface of the raw material with a pencil, measuring the required dimensions;
  • For work, you may need a square so that the corners of the future furniture are even in the drawing;
  • When drawing on thin cardboard, try not to leave scratches with a pencil, and when making furniture from corrugated cardboard, draw clear and deep lines;
  • It is necessary to cut out parts in compliance with all indentations and possible distance margins.

You can use ready-made patterns or come up with your own product that meets specific sizes and preferences.

Forming parts

It is worth noting that when cutting out parts there should be no visible bends. If the work is done on a box from household appliances– it’s better to cut on smooth edges. From six-layer cardboard you can make your own furniture of increased strength, for example, a shelf for shoes or books.

The details of the product are formed using a sharp stationery knife. Craftsmen advise using a construction knife if you plan to work with multi-layered raw materials. As the knife becomes dull, its blade is replaced. A dull knife will not be able to cut the required part smoothly and along the contour - you will have to redo the pattern.

Depending on the type of furniture assembly, parts may be:

  • Plug-in;
  • Glued;
  • Stackable.

The last option involves gradually increasing the cardboard to achieve optimal thickness. This move will further strengthen the model, preventing it from sagging under loads. It is beneficial to use cardboard sleeves in the design - special tubes with a high density. They are suitable for the production of furniture legs, as well as for assembling structures in original style. For example, a chair made of cardboard tubes looks creative and can support a person’s weight.



Building up

Strengthening structures

Each part must be processed after cutting with a knife. This happens in the following way:

  1. Cleaning up. The cut edges of the module must be sanded. This technique will give them smoothness and prepare them for further processing;
  2. Pasting. Kraft paper is used for this. It must be torn by hand, and then carefully glued over the edges using PVA glue. You can apply paper to the entire surface, which creates additional reinforcement.

Furniture assembled using grooves will be durable and reliable. In the photo below you can see the principle of making such furniture: during the cutting process, oblong holes are additionally outlined, which are subsequently cut out. An additional structure is inserted into the grooves, which fastens the frame on both sides. Thanks to this, the furniture becomes stronger.

Stiffening ribs are often used, which additionally secure the base of the furniture. Using them, you can independently strengthen a cardboard tabletop, a shoe shelf, or a bookcase. The stiffening ribs and grooves must be coated with glue. By strengthening the structure, you won’t have to worry about the durability of the furniture in the future.

Sand the surface

Cover the surface with kraft paper

Build process

All prepared parts are glued together using glue gun or glue Moment. If assembly is carried out using grooves, they are also glued for strength. It is recommended to repair all unevenness on the surface of thick cardboard using putty - it will not leave marks, and the excess will be hidden under the finish.

Parts that require gluing in layers must be placed under a press. Books or other books are good for this. heavy objects. After gluing, they are left for several hours, or better yet, for the whole day, until completely dry. All resulting ribs must be masked using craft paper. Carefully paste over the resulting corners to give them roundness. Next up is the small matter - decoration. There are several options:

  • Decoupage - pasting with napkins;
  • Painting with acrylic composition;
  • Wallpapering;
  • Using self-adhesive film;
  • Decorating with mixtures.

Finished furniture can be used for its intended purpose within a day after production. Anyone can make furniture from cardboard with their own hands; how to find patterns and diagrams will be discussed below.

Apply glue to the coating

Pressing the elements

We putty cracks

Hello, dear Beybikovites!
Yesterday I wrote about how to make a vintage table with your own hands, today I’ll tell you how to make one from cardboard DIY doll chair, otherwise what’s a table without a chair).

To do this you will need:
- cardboard
- transparent glue
- skewer
- PVA glue
- acrylic paints
- sandpaper

1. First, cut out the pattern. Not all the details are on the pattern; some things will have to be cut out as you work, since it is impossible to measure the size of these parts in advance.

2. Take the pattern of the back of the chair (1*3.5) and dip it in a mixture of PVA glue and water in a ratio of 1/1. With the help of water, the cardboard will become very plastic, and PVA glue will not allow it to delaminate. The back of the chair needs to be made semicircular, to do this, take a bottle of a suitable size (Aflubin’s was perfect for me) and attach it to it, wrap it with a bandage in 2 layers and place it on the radiator.

3. While the back is drying, glue the legs. First, the front ones, having previously noted the gluing places. Cut a thin strip the same length as the distance between the chair legs and glue it. She's not in this photo, but she can be seen in the following photos.

4. Now you need to cut a long narrow strip, soak it in a mixture of water and PVA, and squeeze it thoroughly, glue it with reverse side the front legs of the chair, repeating the shape of the semicircle of the seat. If necessary, cut off excess.

5. Now you can glue the back legs of the chair.

6. I think now our back is dry and we can glue it.

7. Measure the exact distance between the seat and the back of the chair, cut 2 narrow strips and glue them in.

8. Hurray, the chair is assembled. Now you can dream up. Mine is made to fit the table. So, cover it with PVA glue so that the cardboard does not delaminate, because... there are a lot of narrow details, then this is possible. When the glue dries, cover with white paint.

9. The white paint has dried, and we paint it in the desired color, mine is dirty blue, like the table. When dry upper layer paint, sand it, stripping it a little, giving the effect of age and shabby. Cover the top with matte varnish.

Dense packaging from household appliances and other products can be an excellent material for creating not only original crafts, but also practical accessories for the home. You can design cardboard furniture with your own hands using simple circuits and master classes. A variety of drawing options will allow you to bring the most extraordinary idea to life. Cardboard has a lot of benefits that allow you to make many functional things. Handmade creations will be suitable for use and will last a long time if you choose the right material and method of processing it.

Cardboard - properties and features of the material

Cardboard is produced from waste paper and various wood pulps. The material consists of several layers - inner space filled with cheap mechanical shavings, waste, the outside is covered with durable, more expensive cellulose with or without whitening.

Cardboard, like paper, consists primarily of plant fibers. Its minimum thickness is 0.2 mm. The manufacturing technology is almost identical to paper production. First, the crushed raw materials are cast, then ground, pressed and dried. At the output, you can get two types of products - grades A and B. The following parameters characterize the products:

  • Thickness.
  • Humidity indicators.
  • Electrical insulating properties.
  • The ability to absorb moisture (water, gasoline, oil).
  • The degree of deformation when wet and dry.

Types of cardboard

Cardboard varies in density and characteristics. Each type of material has its own purpose. It is mainly used for packaging to preserve the integrity of the contents. It is also used to make packaging containers, decorative boxes, gift boxes, and individual sheets. Based on composition and purpose, cardboard is divided into the following types:

  • Packaging. They are used in production for packaging products of any group and size. Corrugated cardboard is divided into classes depending on the number of layers and their density. Has high levels of strength and shock absorption.
  • Printing. Folders, booklets, bindings, and various layouts are made from it. The surface of the cardboard is perfectly smooth and whitened. The products have increased strength to mechanical damage, do not press when pressed without force, and do not delaminate.
  • Chromersatz. This type of cardboard for boxes is made from purified wood and plain or bleached pulp. Mainly used for packaging retail goods (jewelry, perfumes, detergents, confectionery, etc.). It is inferior in popularity to corrugated cardboard due to its high cost. It has good density, despite the small number of layers (maximum 4).
  • Decorative design. Produced from high-quality expensive raw materials. Material can be different shapes, size, color. It gained the greatest popularity in advertising. It is used to make business cards, flyers, booklets, and personalized invitations. Also used for packaging luxury coffee, alcoholic beverages, and sweets.
  • Shoe. Used in shoe factories and repair shops. Insoles, backdrops, and half-insoles are made from it. They make it out of synthetic materials and leather production waste.

Advantages and disadvantages of cardboard furniture

Independent production of furniture from simple and more than available material– a great way to diversify the interior and make temporary changes to the design of the room. You can make functional items such as a table, chairs, sofa, shelves or decorative origami-style toy crafts, doll houses, children's airplanes and cars. Cardboard products have the following advantages:

  1. Economic benefit. You don’t have to buy raw materials for making furniture, or spend money on delivery or installation. You can use packaging from household appliances lying around on the balcony or in the garage, or simply ask at the warehouse of any store.
  2. Original design. You can create unique things using unusual patterns. Sofas with small honeycombs look beautiful, doll houses in full height of a child, tables on figured cardboard legs.
  3. Lightness and mobility. Even a child can move cardboard furniture. You can easily change the location of a massive sofa made according to the template of a large living room item.
  4. Safety for people and animals. The cardboard does not contain harmful chemical substances. Failed parts can be disposed of profitably and without harm to environment(use to light a stove, fire).

A significant drawback of furniture made from cardboard is the rapid loss of shape in a humid environment. Even a drop of water falling on a paper table, shelf or cabinet can ruin appearance products.

Where can you use cardboard furniture?

Cardboard items will fit perfectly into a rustic, Scandinavian, eco-friendly interior. There is always a place for furniture for relaxation in the spacious living room, on the loggia, or on the enclosed terrace. country house. Hanging hammocks made of paper tubes and mobile chairs can be taken with you on a picnic or fishing.

Designer tables and chairs made of cardboard are increasingly found in cafes and restaurants. Cheap, beautiful items can last for several months without losing their original appearance. They can be quickly and easily replaced with similar ones without disturbing general style establishments.

Cardboard interior items cannot be placed in open areas, near roadways, fountains, ponds, lakes. The material quickly deteriorates in a humid environment and is difficult to clean.

Ideas and options for what can be constructed from cardboard

Durability of properly designed and machined finished products made from cardboard is not much inferior to furniture made from chipboard and plywood. Every room in an apartment or house can be successfully transformed with the help of original items. You can build a light house for Barbie on the window sill in the nursery, and place a table and chairs made of cardboard on the floor. Floor shelves made of cardboard glued together in several layers in the shape of animals and people will look great.

You can make something original in the kitchen dining area. Main and additional material in the form of fasteners, connecting brackets, in this case you will have to spend much more. Copyright stylish shelves will highlight the personal qualities and professionalism of creative workers in the office.

Master class: creating furniture with your own hands

Fashionable hobby for useful recycling waste material at home has become very popular. You can create with your own hands not only furniture for your home or garden, but also large-scale game rooms, attributes for recreation areas, cozy armchairs, functional shelving. You can use the most unimaginable idea. Cardboard furniture is not simple craft in a hurry, and has long been in demand in modern design. Before starting work, you must carefully study the master class you like and perform all the described steps step by step.

Necessary materials and tool kit

Cardboard furniture will be functional and attractive if you use quality materials for its manufacture. Beginning craftsmen will have to work with devices for cutting thick paper and methodological manuals with patterns, detailed diagrams. You can create full-fledged items from boxes using the following raw materials and tools:

  • Cardboard. This could be old packaging, custom-purchased sheets, or shipping boxes;
  • Scotch tape of different widths (transparent, colored, double-sided);
  • Stationery knife, scissors;
  • Large ruler (minimum 50 cm), tape measure;
  • A simple pencil, a grater;
  • Glue (PVA, superglue, glue gun);
  • Kraft paper, tracing paper;
  • Emery for sanding cuts.

Product diagrams and drawings

The process of preparing for work includes not only the selection of material, its cleaning and disassembly, but also the creation of drawings. First of all, you need to decide on the type of furniture and model. Then choose the most successful scheme. Find detailed description You can do it in any master class.

The next step is to measure the area of ​​the room in which the piece of furniture will stand. Based on such data, you should adjust the drawing so that the table or sofa looks harmonious in the room. Now you can make a three-dimensional layout with transfer of patterns and detailed drawing of all elements.

Forming parts and assembling products

Regardless of the complexity of the drawing and dimensions, features of the future design, cardboard furniture is made according to a single algorithm. Paper patterns are applied to the main raw material, traced with a pencil and cut out. The resulting parts must be prepared for assembly - the cut areas must be cleaned with sandpaper. The peeking texture of corrugated cardboard can be covered with tape or decorative paper.

After careful processing, they begin to assemble and fasten all the elements together. You can connect cardboards using special grooves, tape and glue. In order for the product to have a neat appearance, uneven areas in the places of cuts and joints are sealed with putty.

All elements, glued together in layers, are placed under a press for the drying period. It is necessary to apply pressure on all areas with equal force. To do this, you can use large books, other weighty objects with flat surface. Irregularities formed after gluing are masked with kraft paper. After the furniture has completely dried, you can begin to strengthen and decorate it.

Strengthening structures

Each piece of furniture needs varying degrees of strengthening. Children's houses for dolls, chests, and crafts for games can do without such a procedure. Shelves for TV, tables, sofas, shoe racks must be durable.

Additional fixation is given to all parts of any design by stiffening ribs. You can’t do without them when making a cabinet, rack and other large items. The joint grooves of such items must be coated with glue during assembly. This will extend the service life of the products and protect the items stored in them. The following techniques will also help increase the strength of structures:

  • Parquet varnish will protect cardboard furniture well from moisture. They cover the already assembled, decorated structure with it.
  • Symmetrical furniture is more stable than irregularly shaped objects and does not require additional fixation of supports;
  • The strength of structures is affected by the number of transverse parts. The more there are, the more stable the cabinets, tables or sofas;
  • Two-layer parts will be much more reliable, especially if you connect two parts with different directions of cardboard waves.

A very economical version of a small stool for everyday needs can be made from materials familiar to everyone. As a rule, many people throw away such packaging or hand it over to collection points, but they can be put to good use. A cardboard stool is very practical; it can withstand heavy loads. By showing your imagination and your own design talents, you can effectively decorate such a chair.


To create a chair from cardboard with your own hands you will need:

  • packaging corrugated cardboard;
  • cardboard tubes – 6 pcs.;
  • whatman;
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue;
  • books.

Step 1. First, you need to create or print a template for the side parts of the future cardboard stool. When making calculations, take into account the desired height and width of the chair, as well as the diameter of the cardboard rolls you have. Please note that five rolls should be the same diameter, and one should have a slightly larger diameter. Parts of the latter will be located in the corners of the stool.

Step 2. Cut out the template you created and transfer it to sheets of corrugated cardboard. Please note, to make the stool stronger, move half of the blanks along the direction of the corrugated strips, and the other half - across.

Step 3. Cut out cardboard blanks for the stool. You will need eight of them for each side. Cut out circles according to the drawings.

Step 4. Glue the blanks together. Apply glue to both surfaces, then put them under the press. As a last resort, you can use heavy books. Thus, gradually glue all the components of each of the side parts of the stool. Make sure that the cutouts line up exactly when gluing. Alternate the blanks: one with vertically directed lines, the second with horizontal ones.

Step 5. Cut the plotter cardboard tubes into two parts.

Step 6. Once the cardboard sides are thoroughly dry, you can begin assembling the cardboard chair. To do this, simply insert the tubes into the holes.

The cardboard stool is ready!