Love horoscope: Mars and Venus in the natal chart. Sexual characteristics of men according to Mars

In the constellation Pisces, we can safely say that he is melancholic: sometimes excited and cheerful, sometimes lethargic and passive. Especially if a woman has Mars in Pisces.

Another combination in natal chart speaks of the weak activity of its owner. Mars in Pisces does not give stable energy, it is rather fluctuating. Such a person is very dependent on mood and inspiration. His performance is not stable, his mood is extremely changeable, he is often lazy.

The bearer of this zodiac sign does not have a specific goal in life and a clear life course. He is a good performer, but he is not a good leader or commander.

He is a dreamer with his head in the clouds. Changes his plans every minute. His ideas and plans are always far from reality, and he rarely brings them to fruition. His fantasies are often akin to ordinary deception and lies; he can act on the sly, using cunning. These people often get away with it due to their natural resourcefulness.

Such a person is able to realize himself and find himself only in creativity. If he has chosen a job to his liking and with skillful leadership, then he is quite capable of achieving heights.

With all this, people with Mars in Pisces are distinguished by their kindness of character, easygoing nature, and the ability to sincerely empathize. They make wonderful nurses and volunteers.

In matters of finance, Pisces and Mars are quite lucky, and they have money. Pisces are easy-going to them, and finances come easily to them.


The owner of this sign is a pretty and pleasant woman with a naive and open look. There is a certain childishness and vulnerability in their appearance. Men always treat this category of women well; they want to be protected.

By nature, she is truly a soft, homely woman. She is always very attentive and good-natured, an excellent housewife and mother.

For friends it often serves as a “vest”. She herself rarely shares her problems with friends, she is secretive and timid. Doesn't like to be seen, has complexes about her appearance.

In love

In love, a woman with Mars in Pisces is not very picky. She is attracted to different men: from gangsters to dreamy tramp musicians. She is distinguished by her ability to fall in love and throw herself headlong into love.

Such a woman is capable of sacrificial love. Sometimes it feels like masochism. Often her chosen ones are people who require attention and suffer from addictions. She does not know how to distinguish pity from love, and men often take advantage of this.

She takes criticism very painfully, especially from men. He knows about his vulnerability and sensitivity, so sometimes he tries to end the relationship in advance in order to avoid disappointment and pain. She is very romantic, loves to fantasize and imagine herself as the heroine of novels. But reality sometimes only gives disappointment.

In the intimate sphere, the emotional component of the relationship is much more important to her than the physical one. In sex, she always tries to please and please her partner. I am not confident in my feminine qualities, so I am quite constrained and pressed.


If you want a calm, sweet, gentle and obedient wife, then you cannot find a better match. Mars makes excellent housewives. They know how to create comfort and protect it. They need to be praised and appreciated often.

Her children are always well-groomed and often spoiled. She loves to be creative, and teaches children to do this.

If she meets a strong, calm and kind life partner, she will become an excellent match for him. Mars in Pisces for a woman speaks of her excellent qualities as a wife.

It’s not worth going into long discussions about why a person needs to know his natal chart. Any astrologer - experienced or amateur - will answer that this is the basis on which an understanding of one’s character and the behavior of the people around them is built. The aspect of Mars is responsible for the development and success of a person’s business, and therefore is considered one of the most important. Knowing what Mars in Pisces influences will help in various work-related situations.

Mars in Pisces according to the horoscope

People who have this sign in their natal chart are characterized by reduced activity and despondency. Their vital reserve of strength is small, it is difficult for them to take on difficult and long tasks. This attitude does not allow them to concentrate on work. Often people fail in their careers due to their inability to act not out of desire, but out of necessity. Frequent bursts of rise and fall in performance interfere with their strategic tasks. They may suffer from laziness.

Mars does not allow a person to decide on a goal in life. From a representative of such a sign you can often hear a complaint about the impossibility of combining several radically different things. They will take on many things at once, have a huge range of hobbies, which will greatly interfere with their choice of their favorite profession.

Their plans change every second, which is why they are never sure of their future. The desire to do several things at once will lead them to the point where nothing has its logical end. Pisces needs to have the support of close people of the earth or fire sign in order to be sufficiently inspired to complete their ideas.

They often think too “globally”, their thinking is directed towards a general idea. It is not important for them to catch all the details; it is much more important to capture the general essence, which they do quickly and efficiently. New ideas may constantly arise in their heads, which, most likely, will never be implemented. Such people are sometimes called “idea generators” because they do not want to make their dreams come true. They are characterized by daydreaming.

Such a character requires a more down-to-earth and rational partner for Pisces, who will periodically stop his soul mate in a fit of crazy ideas. Ideally, such a couple needs to learn to implement all ideas together. In addition, your significant other needs to be able to inspire Pisces.

It is worth noting that such qualities can be considered in a person under different angles. If a representative of this sign does not learn to control this flow of energy, then he will most likely deceive a lot and envy the people around him. With the right direction, this person can show incredible creativity.

Manifestation in women

Mars in Pisces for a woman manifests itself in complete uncertainty about what they want from this life. And this can apply not only to the work area, but also to personal life and direction in the future. Misunderstanding of people around us leads to frequent quarrels with friends and acquaintances. Because of the desire to please everyone, they can behave stupidly.

Expression in men

Mars in Pisces in a man shows enviable imagination and fantasy. Often representatives of this sign become famous writers, artists and directors. They are attracted to creativity and art, and in fact, they are really good at this. They have a delicate taste and aesthetic view on things. Modern representatives can be seen to be particularly meticulous in the design of their profiles on social networks.

People with Mars in Pisces can be gentle and gentle. Men are romantic; they will read poetry to their lovers and sing songs under the windows. They like to constantly surprise, so they are very good at flirting.

But how sexual partners they may appear on the other side - such men are quite passive. With Mars in Pisces, a man's compatibility with women will be difficult . For the relationship to be good, the mistress will have to show wisdom and patience. They have the following characteristic features:

It is very important for people with Mars in Pisces to find an activity that suits them, which will not overload them physically and mentally. This should be a type of activity that has a free schedule and does not require strict restrictions. In turn, representatives of this sign should learn to control their bursts of performance and find a source of inspiration.

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IN women's horoscope Venus and the Moon are responsible for the manifestations of the qualities of a lover and beloved (Venus) and wife and mother (Moon). in the case of a man, the same functions are performed by Mars and the Sun. Thus, the position of the Sun determines the behavior of a man in the family. As a husband and father, breadwinner and protector. As for Mars, here we're talking about about passion, sexuality and sensuality. In its turn. Mars in a man’s horoscope determines his behavior in the role of a lover, how he cares for a woman and wins her attention, and how his sexual temperament manifests itself.


The sun is in the fire element (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)

This is a pronounced patriarch who does not want to share his dominant position with anyone. Typically, the fiery Sun chooses the role of leader, responsible for all decisions. But such a man solves problems single-handedly. Or at least takes responsibility for their consequences. Very active and enterprising. A woman is better perceived as the keeper of the hearth, playing second fiddle and providing the rear. At the same time, proud and jealous people strive to show off their spouse at social events, which they adore. They strive for high status and respect in all ways. They may be despotic, but the concept of honor, both their own and family, as well as courage and self-sacrifice is not alien to them.

Sun in earth element (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn)

IN in this case A man's main focus is on more material and mundane things. Comfort and their own rhythm are important to them. For them, the family is a quiet haven, living according to its own laws. They love rituals and traditions. They are very economical and homely, they know how and want to work with their own hands. They show enviable patience and endurance and do not shy away from housework. They quickly develop certain habits and really don’t like when they are broken.

Conservative, calm, rational, practical and thrifty.

Sun in the air element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) The Airy Sun gives a man lightness and lack of prejudice. He easily adapts to new situations, changes habits and preferences. He will not make a patriarch, but he will not demand obedience from his wife. Such a man is carefree, impetuous and unpredictable. Most of all, he values ​​communication and needs new experiences. Their concept of family is very conditional, since numerous friends and distant relatives are often present at home. The Airy Sun is a wonderful friend and comrade who prefers to share responsibilities and responsibility

. Usually he does not demand too much from his wife, does not claim free time on her, since he himself needs a certain freedom.

Sun in the water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) This position gives a man deep emotions and strong attachments. Such a man needs a constant feeling of his own importance for his household. Usually faithful to his chosen one. Can be touchy and vindictive if his feelings are hurt. Sentimental, appreciates family bonds

. The Water Sun is very attached to children, which is why it can be despotistic towards them. It is difficult to part with the habits of his parental family. But for the sake of his family he is capable of true self-sacrifice. It is very important for him to feel that everything is fine; he does not tolerate conflicts and tense situations well.

Mars in the element of fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) a man with pronounced sexuality and violent passions. Attraction flares up in him immediately, a split second. He does not want to hide his feelings, openly and assertively seeking the attention of the woman he likes. He does not like slowness and uncertainty, so if Mars in a man’s horoscope is located in the fire element, you should not lead him by the nose, this is fraught. But excessive activity on the part of a woman can also be repulsive. They want to feel like winners and conquerors, but preferably without excessive effort on their part. Long sieges cause fiery Mars to yawn, get bored and want to retreat.

Mars in the earth element (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus)

If Mars in a man’s horoscope is in the earth element, then its owner is likely to be slow and consistent. Such men court according to the rules, consistently and without pressure. They prefer serious prospects to non-binding passion. Not very inventive, romance is understood rather as part of a ritual that must be observed. Loyal and constant in feelings and sympathies. They are able to wait for a long time and woo the lady of their heart. Not too ardent and passionate, but very diligent.

Mars in the element of air (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini)

The position gives the owner openness and spontaneity. Such men make acquaintances easily, usually without thinking too much about the prospects. Witty and intellectually savvy, they just love to chat and flirt. They do not care about the opinions of others and are not burdened by conventions. They will be happy to support an initiative on the part of a woman if she can interest them. One thing is, their intentions are not always easy to understand, since behavior with a lover may be no different from behavior with numerous friends.

Mars in the element of water (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces)

Watery Marses are sensual and emotional. Mars in a man’s horoscope, located in the water element, prefers not to be excessively active, winning over his chosen one with tenderness and affection. They are capable of caring like no one else, often taking on the role of savior or comforter. Their feelings are closely intertwined with their actions. They do not tolerate vulgarity and rudeness from women, they are easily offended and retreat. Perhaps, like no one else, they are capable of idealizing a partner.

Mars in Aries

This is an exceptionally aggressive and assertive man in sex. His motto is “here and now.” In his actions and sexual behavior, “Aries” at any age is a teenager. From the very early years he seeks and, as a rule, finds the fastest and most complete satisfaction of his desires. He can be rude and boorish with women and prone to violence. In the worst case, he may have sadistic tendencies. Unsatisfied desires push such a person onto a self-destructive path, especially in early youth (suicide, drugs, criminal communities, domestic crimes). Often, unspent energy goes into another direction. The most striking example in this regard is V.I. Lenin.

Mars in Taurus

“Taurus” knows how to control his sexual desires, and his sexual behavior is quite rational. However, “animal nature” and “male instinct” make themselves felt from time to time. The owner of Mars in Taurus is exceptionally stubborn in achieving his goal. If he has identified a victim among women, he will pursue her all the way. At the same time, no amount of persuasion to wait a little and cool down has any effect on him. However, such a man still will not resort to direct violence.

Mars in Gemini

When Mars is located in any air sign, in particular in Gemini, a man’s sexuality manifests itself very weakly (compared to the signs of other elements). Air is absolutely not a sexual element. The energy of an “airy” person is scattered into communication, and his sexual actions are chaotic, inconsistent and, as a result, ineffective. A man with Mars in Gemini loves quick, non-binding connections. “We had fun and ran away” is his credo. The stimulus for the beginning or development of sexual life is intellectual curiosity. When it is satisfied, interest in sex may disappear. Those with this position of Mars are often prone to voyeurism - peeping, spying.

Mars in Cancer

Men with this position of Mars (especially in their youth) can be very shy. They give in to any difficulties on the way to winning the favor of their partner. At the same time, their sexual desires are quite intense, and their fantasies on this topic are rich. The owner of Mars in Cancer in sex craves an emotional merger with his partner. Women who give him a sense of stability and security are suitable for him. Cancer needs not only sex, but also sexual harmony, the basis for which is emotional mutual understanding.

Mars in Leo

This position gives birth to the most passionate and romantic lovers. “Leos” are self-confident men who know their worth. They are able to restrain their desires for the time being without damage to their psyche. If the owner of Mars in Aries is ready to make any contact, as long as it brings him momentary satisfaction, the owner of Mars in Leo is able to wait until a woman of interest to him appears on the horizon. “Leo” strives to find not a momentary connection, but a full-fledged partnership. Having found him, he will be supported by everyone possible ways until it exhausts itself.

Mars in Virgo

This person is usually picky about potential partners, because quality, not quantity, is important to him in sex. Usually "Virgos" are well informed in physiological matters. They may be interested in sexology and pay a lot of attention to health. They will not meet with a partner who is suspected of having the disease. When communicating with sexual partners, they behave rather coldly until they achieve confidence in this person, in particular, in its cleanliness. Usually they strive to reach the top in sexual technology.

Mars in Libra

This is the weakest position of Mars in the Zodiac. In many cases, “Libras,” even very young ones, generally deny that they have sexual needs, or prefer to postpone their satisfaction “for later.” Their slogan is “not here and not now.” Such a man is very diplomatic and always finds words to divert the conversation with a potential partner into a neutral direction and avoid sexual intimacy.

However, the owners of this position of Mars also have another extreme of behavior - the desire to seduce everyone all the time, just to assert themselves in the sexual sphere, even without such great sexual demands. In this case, the number of seduced “victims” comes to the fore. This is a real Don Juan in the classical sense of the term.

Mars in Scorpio

This is a very strong position of Mars in the Zodiac. The sexual desires of such a man are harsh and intense, but he does not advertise them. Scorpio's behavior with women is flexible and diplomatic. With some he achieves rapprochement through affection, with others - with the help of generous gifts or direct financing, and with others he is ready to resort to brutal violence. In the latter case, behavior can take on a pathological character, that is, become like mania. Scorpio is likely to have sadistic or masochistic tendencies, and also has a craving for unconventional types of sexual activity. With this position of Mars, a man often develops a wide variety of mental complexes on sexual themes. For example, “I am overly sexual,” or, conversely, “I am impotent,” “I am ugly,” “I am the most the best man in the world" and other forms of inadequate self-esteem in sexual matters. Among other things, Scorpios are prone to fetishism of all kinds.

Mars in Sagittarius

For Sagittarius, mutual understanding in sexual life with the chosen partner is of paramount importance. For the owner of Mars in Sagittarius, the search for a suitable woman comes to the fore, but the physiological aspects of sexuality are secondary for him. His criteria for selecting a partner are very high, for Sagittarius great importance have ideological and even religious qualities of a potential partner. In itself, Sagittarius's behavior in bed is adequate to the situation, decisive and generally quite courageous. At worst, somewhat conservative. A striking example is V.V. Putin.

Mars in Capricorn

This is the brightest position of Mars in the zodiac circle. Men with this position in the horoscope are extremely purposeful in sexual matters. They are clearly aware of all aspects of their desires and know how to satisfy them. They build a whole strategy to win the woman they like, and steadily work towards rapprochement, creating all the conditions for it. The partner's needs are carefully studied, and if they are not excessive, they are satisfied.

People with Mars in Capricorn do not deny the possibility of buying sex for money, but this sex must be of high quality in all respects. A man with Mars in Capricorn looks condescendingly at “naked sexual activity” at the teenage level, as if it were child’s play. Even in his youth, he is a mature man.

As a rule, they are mentally and mentally strong. They know how to subordinate those around them to their influence through others or suggestion. Many of them, remaining in the shadows, lead the process. They also have the ability to secretly dominate others, often using unusual techniques and methods, including occult or even magical influences. Psychic influence is used without anyone feeling it.

They often come to an agreement by cunning or secret ways. The fight against rivals and enemies is carried out in most cases secretly, but very decisively. The whole life of such an individual is replete with various mysteries and secrets. Often they are members of some secret groups or societies.

Another type of people with Pisces are refined, generous, noble, honest and decent people. They are by nature very receptive, impressionable, sensitive, gentle, soft, friendly, conscientious, compassionate, merciful. They strive for prosperity, but they are not very eager for money. The strength and energy of these people are rather unstable; they appear only occasionally, periodically. The actions of these people are determined by intuition, but in order to act, they need a strong desire. They are capable of much, but only by working in a quiet, calm environment, in solitude and security.

Prosperity mainly comes through friends, like-minded people, sponsors or thanks to some lucky chance. In the 1st half of their life there are frivolous connections, fleeting contacts, an excessive desire for risk, in the 2nd half - the struggle for their ideals and complete dedication to their favorite work, selfless care for the family.

With strong aspects there is an abundance of ideas, plans, one better than the other. There are also absolutely fantastic ideas, however, many of them come to life. A malefic aspect with the Moon indicates frequent changes of residence. The bad aspect of c is a tendency towards immorality: drug addiction, alcoholism, reprehensible sexual relations. An unfavorable aspect with Saturn indicates the possibility of an accident and illness lower limbs. Unfavorable aspect with - the danger of shipwreck or drowning, poisoning with food, gas, medicine.

The negative aspect of Mars with other elements of the horoscope signals self-neglect, fatalism, unsuccessful marriage. This position of Mars usually foretells misfortune for the mother or sister of the individual.

Mars in the signs of the Zodiac