A DIY rat trap made from plastic bottles is easy and effective. DIY rat trap - easy and effective SWISSINNO SuperCat rat trap

Rats should not live near humans, since they not only spoil things and food, frighten the inhabitants of the home with their appearance, but are also carriers of dangerous infections. If poisons are used, these smart rodents do not always rush to eat the bait, and even after consuming it, they often die under the floor or panel ceilings. In this regard, a new problem is added - eliminating the cadaveric odor. Among homemade devices for catching animals, one can distinguish those made from plastic bottles. You can learn about the options for making such traps and the features of hunting for rats from the material presented below.

If at the beginning of the “hunting season” for rats you decide to use mechanical mousetraps, then you will need to take tasty baits. They are usually cottage cheese, hard cheese, bread and pastry, smoked meats, sausage, lard, rice porridge.

The bait must be fresh and attractive so as not to scare away the pest.

Such devices are placed near discovered burrows or where you often encounter rodents. Checking whether someone lives in a hole is very simple. You need to use a little newspaper or grass to cover the entrance. In the morning you check the structure. If paper or grass is scattered, it means there are inhabitants in the hole.

In order not to be noticed, the animals prefer to move along the walls and away from the bright areas of the room. Therefore, any rat trap is placed across the direction of movement of the rat.

For some reason, many people are sure that rodents only like to live in areas where there are unsanitary conditions. In fact, having studied the habits of the animals, experts came to the conclusion that they avoid dirty areas when they have the opportunity to walk through clean ones. If accidentally entangled in a burdock, the animal will not move further until it gets rid of the thorns. The structure for catching them must be clean. To do this, use soda or a 2% solution of ash lye. Be sure to ventilate the trap after processing. Otherwise, even the most attractive bait will not force the rodent to approach it.

Video “How to make a trap with your own hands”

From the video you will learn how to make a trap yourself.

Several variants

Along with homemade traps from old flower pots or bowl-like containers, cylinder traps, a device called a “top” in the form of a cage, Zürner and Zurich rat traps, there is also a plastic rat trap that anyone can make.

The first DIY rat trap made from plastic bottles can be made from a small lemonade container. You will also need a trash can.

If you don't plan to fill it with water, use a bucket with high sides. Then the rodent will not be able to get out after falling. You can actually make a trap in a matter of minutes.

Holes are made in the bottle on both sides. They should be in the bottom and on the lid. Then it will be able to easily rotate on its axis. The axis will be a small wooden stick. It should be installed on the edges of the bucket. When the rodent smells the bait and tries to get to it along the rotating structure, under its own weight it will end up at the bottom of the bucket. It is recommended to stick the bait around the circumference of the plastic container in the area where the label is located.

You can build a trap and 3-liter bottles. You will also need sunflower oil. Cut off the neck, grease the resulting cylindrical vessel with oil, and place the bait inside. When the captive falls into the trap, you need to sharply turn her over. Then the rodent will slide its paws along the surface and will not be able to get out. Decide for yourself what to do next with the captive. The disadvantage of this option is the need to control the fishing process and react quickly if the victim gets inside.

It is also possible to make a device for rats with your own hands from bottles with a volume of 5, 10 or 20 liters. This is done when it is not possible to purchase a ready-made design or it is simply interesting to make it yourself. There will be no problems with the material, since in almost every house there are empty water containers with a volume of 5 or more liters. No specific skills or tools required. You should take a bottle measuring 5 liters or more and cut off the neck along with a small “collar” using a sharp knife. Next, insert the cut part upside down into a 5 liter bottle. First, bait is placed at the bottom of a container measuring 5 or more liters. It is better to take a larger piece; it will serve as a good support for the trap. In order for the rodent to have the opportunity to get close to the trap, it is recommended to place it against a step or shelf and securely fasten it.

There are also more complex homemade devices, for the manufacture of which you need to have special skills and patience. For example, a wooden trap made of boards, beams, wire and fine mesh. It ultimately has the shape of an oblong box with a door. Or a metal cage, to create which you need to weld the frame. As an option, in this case they can whip up an easier version using a bucket or bowl. Even folk craftsmen sometimes create a powerful trap to kill pests. To make it, you need to stock up on tin, nails, a spring or wire, a staple, self-tapping screws, metal corners, and a wooden plank.

Video “How to make a trap for rodents”

From the video you will learn how to easily and simply make a trap for rats.

People who have a private home and farmstead often have rats in their homes. A man trying to get rid of “freeloaders” came up with effective means, simply put, traps. Moreover, in practice, homemade ones are most often used. You can find out about the simplest and most common models right now.

What's so special about a homemade trap?

To interest the animal, a “yummy” is placed in the bait. The animal, unaware of the danger, walks into a trap and falls into a trap. One of these inventions is a rat trap made from a plastic bottle - as an option, you can use old metal buckets and pans in its manufacture. Moreover, the installation finished design must be carried out near the holes. The animal will immediately become interested in the appetizing smell. Such methods of catching are absolutely safe for human health; in addition, there is no need to spend money on poison or expensive deterrents. True, it all depends on the number of rodents.

Option #1 Design with fishing line

  • So, you need a 2 liter plastic container, more is possible.
  • Stepping back from the beginning of the bottle, we cut off the neck so that the rat can crawl inside. To do this, you will need sharp-edged scissors, like manicure scissors.
  • At the very top, having previously pierced the plastic, we thread a fishing line or twine through this small hole.
  • Place it on the edge of the table. Position the trap so that rodents have access to the neck. Care must be taken to ensure that when the trap is tipped over, it hangs on its own line. We fix the 2nd end of the fishing line so that the rat trap hangs on it.
  • We put something edible inside a plastic bottle - a do-it-yourself rat trap made from plastic bottles is ready.

How does it work

A tasty treat for the rodent is placed to the muffled part of the object, and a string is threaded to the opposite end. The bait is placed on the edge of a shelf or table so that the muffled part is in space, while maintaining balance. When a rat or mouse climbs into the trap, the balance is disrupted and the homemade trap hangs on the fishing line or string.

Option #2 Vertical trap

This simple homemade rat trap from a plastic bottle is made in 5 minutes.

The advantage of such a trap is that it can be used in the kitchen.

  • Prepare a high container, it can be anything, a garbage bucket or a small barrel, the main requirement is the height of the item.
  • Do in plastic container hole on 2 sides. So that you can thread a metal rod along its entire length (starting from the bottom and ending with the neck of the lid). This is necessary in order to empty bottle rotated freely on the axis.
  • Place a small piece of tape on the flavored food and stick it to the place where the label was on the used bottle. It is better if you do this around the circumference, in small portions.
  • Install the metal rod with the bottle threaded perpendicular to the surface of the barrel or bucket.
  • Come up with a groove along which the rodent will climb up (this can be an ordinary board).
  • A rat or mouse, having climbed the ramp to the top of the barrel, will try to get to the fragrant treat. She will climb onto the surface of the bottle, unable to resist, losing her balance, and falling to the bottom of the barrel or bucket.

Option #3 “Trap Pit”

You will need an empty 5 liter plastic bottle. Cut off the top along with the neck. Cover the resulting cut on the jar with not very thick paper, preferably food grade. It optically creates an imaginary solid surface for the animal. Attach the paper to the edges of the plastic bottle. This can be done using tape. Make a cross-shaped neat cut in the middle of the stretched surface. Place a tidbit on top of the rat trap on a thin thread, so that it hangs closer to the center of the bottle. The animal, trying to get to the food, will fall down into the jar due to its own weight.

A little more complex design than described, but also works on the “catching pit” principle

Another convenient device, which is often used by people to catch rodents. Take an empty bottle. The volume depends on who you want to catch. If it's a mouse, then take a smaller one, and if it's a rat, take more. Cut off the top of the plastic. Continue cutting plastic petals around the circumference of the bottle. Bend them inside a simple structure. To the sealed end of the jar, place a piece of cheese or something else tasty. The animal, sensing the aroma of food, will climb into the jar, sticking its muzzle through the plastic petals. The rodent will not be able to crawl back out; numerous sharp parts of the plastic ends will interfere with it.

Option #4 Oil construction

It is suitable for very young offspring of rats or adult mice. Cut 1/4 of the plastic bottle so that the cut “watering can” can easily be inserted upside down inside the jar. Be sure to secure the two pieces with wire or glue. To make the trap more stable, you need to pour sand on the bottom and put food, roasted peanuts or seeds on top.

Rub the inserted neck from all parts sunflower oil. Place this invention vertically close to shelves or recesses so that the rodent can jump directly into the oil funnel. When this happens, it will no longer be able to get out of the bottle; sliding through the oil will not allow it to cling tenaciously to this object.

Pros and cons of homemade traps

You can make a trap yourself very quickly - this is the main advantage of such designs

  • Cheapness. You don't need to spend money on ready-made traps or poisons.
  • Availability. Traps are made from simple household items that everyone has in their home.
  • Safety for health, as is known, many preparations for the destruction of rodents contain dangerous components that are harmful to health.
  • Humanity. Once you catch an animal, it is up to you to decide what to do with it next.
  • When poisons are used, the rat may die in the hole or under the floor. This will cause bad smell decomposed organic matter. In a trap, you decide where to send the rodent.
  • The trap can be installed in any place without fear. Even near supplies of vegetables or grains. Chemical poison cannot be laid out like that.
  • When removing a dead body from a mousetrap or trap, you need to take care of health safety, because contact with a sick or infectious gray creature can lead to dangerous diseases.
  • The downside is that if you have utility room there are quite a lot of rodents, it is still better to use more modern chemicals that will help kill a whole brood of rodents. After all, it is known that the smaller the rodent, the more often it produces offspring.

Advice! A homemade trap does not work 100% positive result. It is better to use it in combination with modern means struggle.

This is what our grandfathers did. Even before plastic bottles were invented, our ancestors also designed various traps and traps. They took a large iron bucket and filled it with water - up to about half. They exposed him to the cold when upper layer was freezing, they brought the bucket into the house. A hole was made in the ice crust and the water was drained.

A piece of food was placed on the center of the ice sheet. Such a trap was placed in households. block where the rodents were located. Principle folk trap simple, when mice or rats reached food on the ice, they sank to the bottom under the weight of their bodies. The only downside of this invention is that it can be used in winter.

Rats prefer to live in living quarters, basements, attics and adjacent areas. They cause significant damage to food supplies and are carriers of a number of diseases dangerous to humans. At the first sign of rodents, it is necessary to immediately take measures to expel them. Sometimes you can deal with them using homemade traps, which have a simple design and high efficiency.

Why is it necessary to fight rats?

In most cases, rats appear near human habitation as if out of nowhere, in search of food sources and reliable shelters. Like other species of rodents, they lead a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle, unceremoniously managing kitchens, pantries and different rooms, where there is something to profit from.

Being very prolific creatures, rodents quickly create entire colonies that can cause enormous damage household. They often act as carriers of dangerous diseases, which can be contracted by accidentally coming into contact with surfaces on which the animals moved, leaving behind droppings, saliva or urine.

Thanks to anatomical features, rats are able to penetrate anywhere, seeping into every crack. Possessing strong incisors that grow throughout their lives, they can chew holes even in cement, bricks and lead, which makes it very difficult to protect against them. The rat knows how to camouflage itself perfectly, which is why it is not always possible to detect it.

A rat bite poses a huge danger to humans. An animal driven into a corner can rush at the most unexpected moment, attacking its arms or face. However, cases have been recorded when a rat attacked a person due to hunger.

Vertical trap - a simple and effective way to catch small rats

Horizontal trap

You can make another rat trap out of a plastic bottle.

  1. Place the structure horizontally over a deep bucket or barrel into which you can pour water.
  2. Using tape, glue pieces of bait onto the outside of the bottle, in the place where its label used to be.
  3. Take a bottle of the appropriate size and make holes in the cap and bottom so that you can insert a metal pin into them. In this case, the ends of the pin will peek out from both sides of the plastic container. The bottle should rotate easily around its axis.
  4. To ensure that the rat can easily reach the bottle rotating on the pin, make sure there is a small ladder leading to it. You can use a board or cardboard as a ladder.

    Such simple trap will catch more than one rat

As soon as the rodent climbs towards the bait fixed on the sides of the bottle, it will fall from the plastic container into a bucket or barrel, from which it will not be able to get out.

Bottle trap "catching pit"

There is another option for a plastic bottle trap.

  1. Take plastic container, designed for 5-6 liters, and cut off the top part from it.
  2. Cover the cut with whatman paper, securing its edges with tape.
  3. Make a cut in the center of the parchment in the shape of a cross.
  4. Hang the bait on a thread over the resulting cross-shaped cut.

As soon as the rat tries to get to the bait, it will fall into the plastic container and will not be able to quickly get out of it. Instead of a plastic bottle, you can use a bucket.

Using a “catching pit” you can kill a rat or mouse, giving it the opportunity to drown

Plastic bottle trap “sharp petals”

  1. Take the bottle and cut off its top along with the neck.
  2. Then make many cuts along the resulting workpiece, the length of each can reach 5–8 cm.
  3. Place bait in the bottle.
  4. Bend the resulting plastic petals inward.

Operating principle: a rat, wanting to get to a treat, will crawl into the bottle through the plastic petals, but will not be able to get back out because of the sharp plastic parts sticking out inside the container itself.

Sharp petals will not allow the rat to escape from the bottle

Bucket and tin barrel trap

  1. Take a bucket and pour the concentrated saline solution into it.
  2. Sprinkle any kind of sawdust or husk on top in a thick layer. Thanks to salt water, soaked husks or sawdust will not sink, completely covering the water surface.
  3. Place a piece of edible bait on top of the sawdust.
  4. Place a stack of books next to the bucket or create a ladder using a board. As soon as the rat tries to get to the bait, it will fall into the water and drown.

You can catch a rat in an even simpler way.

  1. Place a tin barrel near the table.
  2. Place a board on the table, one edge of which will be located above the container.
  3. Place an edible treat for your rat on this edge. The animal, sensing the smell of food, will try to get to it by walking on a plank, which, under the weight of the animal, will fall into the barrel.
  1. If it's freezing outside, take a bucket, fill it with water and let the water become covered with a crust of ice.
  2. Bring the bucket indoors, make a small hole in the ice, and drain the water.
  3. Set the trap in the right place, first placing bait in the middle of the ice crust. Trying to get to the edible piece, the rat will break the ice with its weight and end up in the bucket.

Bucket trap - video

Mesh trap

You can also make a reusable trap at home. In this case you will need:

  • fine mesh metal mesh;
  • wire;
  • two magnets;
  • wire cutters


  1. Cut 5 identical pieces of suitable size from the mesh.
  2. Fasten them together with wire to make a box.
  3. On one side, install a door made of the same material.
  4. In the place where the door will come into contact with the mesh box, attach the magnets using wire.
  5. Take a small piece of wire, insert one end of it into the box through the hinges, and attach the other to the door.
  6. Attach a heavy piece of bait to the end of the wire located in the box so that the door does not close. When the rat takes the bait located at the end of the wire, the box door will automatically close, the magnets will not allow it to be opened from the inside, and the rodent will be trapped.

From metal mesh and wire it’s easy to make a reusable rat trap

Mesh trap - video

Electric trap

To manufacture such a product, knowledge and skills in working with electrical circuit elements are required.

  1. To create such a device yourself, you will need two 1 mm thick getinkas plates, one side of which is covered with foil. You can replace them with tin strips, but it should be remembered that a device made from them can only be installed on an electrically insulating base, for example, on a wooden floor. The length of the strips should be approximately 500 mm and the width 100 mm, the gap between them should be no more than 10 mm.

    1 - plate (one-sided foil getinax s1, 2 pcs); 2 - electrolytic capacitor (2 pcs), 3 - bit resistor R1, 4 - socket, 5 - load connection plug, 6 - rectifier diodes, 7 - charging resistor R2, 8 - power plug with wire

  2. The ends of the strips are fastened with a pair of electrolytic capacitors, the leads of which should be soldered to each of the plates. You will get a battery of capacitors connected in parallel. The capacitor rating should be 50 µF x 450 V.
  3. Solder the wires from the socket attached to one of them to the plates themselves.
  4. To charge the capacitors, connect the plug from the simplest model a rectifier consisting of two D226B diodes connected in series.
  5. To reduce the power of the charging circuit current, an 8.2 kOhm resistor should be installed and turned on directly in front of the diodes themselves.
  6. Connect the remaining ends of the rectifier to the 220V network.
  7. Solder the lead of the 10 kOhm resistor, while leaving its other lead free. By pressing a two-watt resistor with any non-conducting object, you can discharge the capacitors in a few seconds, thereby completely protecting the manufactured device.
  8. To activate the device, charge the capacitors with a homemade rectifier to approximately 300V. Install the device near the rat's habitat. After some time, you will be able to find her corpse next to the electrical trap.

Pipe trap

Rats often settle on local area. Large individuals are quite capable of dragging young chickens out of the chicken coop and causing a lot of damage to the farm. To catch rats living on the street, a simple but very effective pipe trap can be useful. To make it you will need:

  • a piece of metal or plastic pipe with a diameter of 12–14 cm and a length of about 50 cm;
  • a small piece of sheet aluminum;
  • drill;
  • ruler;
  • pliers;
  • wire.
  1. Make two holes at each end of the pipe so that the doors can be secured to them using hinges.
  2. Make a few ventilation holes along the pipe, placing them at the top of the trap.
  3. Make two oval shaped doors using cans or sheet aluminum. It should be taken into account that the larger axis should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe, and the smaller axis should be slightly smaller in size.
  4. Drill two holes in the narrow part of each door.
  5. Insert loops made of wire into the resulting holes. Instead of such loops, you can use a nail inserted transversely at the top of the pipe. With this option, the door should be hung using a bend, which can be easily done using pliers.
  6. Insert the door at a slight angle into the pipe, carefully placing the hinges on the pre-made holes.
  7. Do the same operation with the second door, installing it at the other end of the pipe.
  8. Place a scented bait in the trap and place it in rat habitats in your yard.

The principle of operation of the trap is that the animal can easily penetrate the pipe, but cannot leave it, thanks to the special design of the doors.

Attention! When using such a trap, be extremely careful when removing a rat from it, which may bite you the moment you open the door. Rough household leather gloves can be used to protect your hands.

Galvanized pipe trap - video

Noose with thread

To catch rats, you can use another device that allows you to not only catch the animal, but also kill it.

  1. Take a wooden block 50 cm long.
  2. Make a blind hole in it, reminiscent of a rat hole, with a diameter of 8–10 cm.
  3. Stepping back about 5 cm from the edge of the workpiece, make a deep cut.
  4. Attach the spring to the top of the device using metal brackets.
  5. Stepping back 3 cm from the notch, drill two small holes in the upper part of the block, located parallel to each other.
  6. Also make two similar holes at the bottom so that you can thread a thread through them and pull it through the upper holes, tying it tightly to the spring.
  7. Create a loop from strong wire.
  8. Lower it into the file, attaching the upper part to the edge of the spring.
  9. Place bait in the trap and place the device in areas where rats appear.

The rat, sensing the bait, climbs into large hole located in wooden block. The thread, stretched from top to bottom, blocks its path to the treat and the rat chews it through. At this moment, the released spring instantly lifts the metal loop up, suffocating the animal.

This type of trap will catch and kill a rat, but other sizes should be used to catch rodents.

The principle of operation of a noose trap - video

Trap from a jar or flower pot

A rat trap that can be made from an ordinary jar is simple and accessible.

  1. Take a jar of the appropriate size and turn it upside down.
  2. Sharpen a small piece of plywood or plastic, the height of which can be approximately 5 cm, on one side and attach the bait.
  3. Place the resulting “guard” with bait on the edge, and lower the edge of the jar onto it on top so that it stands at an angle.

The rat, sensing a treat, will try to crawl under the jar. As soon as she begins to remove the bait from the sharp end of the “guard”, it will lose balance and the jar will cover the animal from above.

A simple version of a rat trap can be made from flower pot or banks

Cone trap

You can catch several rats using a cone trap that resembles a appearance classic clamshell. Such a device is a cage with a conical entrance, additionally equipped with another cone located at the level of the main entrance. This design can be made of tin, since the main requirement in this case is the presence of an absolutely smooth bottom.

  1. A plate is attached to the cone, acting as a counterweight. It is thanks to her that the rat will not be able to leave the trap.
  2. The bait is placed in the middle of the device. The rat, sensing the smell of food, freely penetrates into the structure, checking the possibility of exiting back.
  3. Then she boldly moves after the tasty morsel, penetrating into the second cone. At this moment, the structure lowers, and the rat finds itself at the bottom, unable to escape into freedom.

The cone trap is very useful device for catching rats

The difference between a rat trap and a mousetrap

The main difference between a rat trap and a mouse trap is its size, designed for a larger animal than a mouse. Sometimes rats can be very large, reaching a length of about 40 cm, and this should be taken into account when choosing a suitable device for catching them. Such an animal will not be able to climb into a small two-liter bottle and will easily jump out of an empty bucket.

What to choose as bait

As bait for rats, it is best to use food products that can attract rodents with appetizing aromas:

  • sausages;
  • porridge;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cereal mixtures;
  • smoked products;
  • bread and other baked goods.

Where to set the trap

To achieve the desired result when catching rats, it is necessary to install traps in in the right places. They are usually located near the approximate place where rodents live.

  1. If you are lucky enough to find a hole on personal plot, plug it with paper or grass. If the next day all this is scattered and the entrance to the hole is clear, then someone lives in the hole.
  2. Rats are very smart and cautious animals. It is for this reason that they require a special approach. To catch such an uninvited guest, try placing bait on an inactive trap several times. Having lost vigilance, the rat will easily get caught next time.
  3. Traditionally, rat traps are set against the direction of their movement. It should be taken into account that rats prefer to move along walls, without going into open and well-lit areas of the territory.
  4. Rats do not like overly polluted areas, appearing in landfills solely in search of food. For this reason, you should not set traps in areas that are too cluttered.
  5. After catching an animal, if you plan to use the trap again, try to wash it thoroughly. Otherwise, rats will easily sense danger and move around homemade device side.

How to catch a rat in other ways

If you have rats, but you don’t want to waste time making homemade traps, you can use purchased analogues, a rich assortment of which is presented in store windows. Among the most popular products designed for these purposes are glue traps:

In addition to glue traps, special glue is also effective, which can be purchased in regular tubes and applied independently to the selected surface. Usually used as a substrate flat material, size 25x50 cm, securely attached to the floor. Otherwise, a rat caught in the glue will stain the entire room with it, dragging the base along with it.

The downside of glue traps is their very inhumane treatment of animals, which you doom to a long and painful death. Stuck rats sometimes begin to scream loudly, which creates additional discomfort for the inhabitants of the house, and you will no longer be able to free the rodent. Curious pets often become captives of such traps. The following tools are popular:

  • Alt rodent repellent glue;
  • RaTrap;
  • Kotofey;
  • EuroGuard;
  • Clean house;
  • Forssyth;
  • Trap.

It is also widely used for catching rats at home.

Meeting rats is always unpleasant, as they are carriers of diseases dangerous to human health. In addition, tailed creatures running around the house disturb comfort, so people always try to get rid of such neighbors. The oldest and most effective way to combat rodents is to use a variety of traps, purchased in a store or made yourself.

Types of Rat Traps

Currently, there are several types of rat traps on store shelves, differing in structure and operating principles:

  • those that cause injury to animals:
  • those who kill them;
  • those that catch rodents without harming them.

In addition to mechanical ones, there are often electronic devices that are no less effective. The trap should be installed where rats are most often found, as well as near the discovered hole, after making sure that the house has inhabitants. To do this, before going to bed, you need to block the exit with paper or cotton wool. If it is free in the morning, it means the mink is inhabited. Otherwise, you should look for another habitat for the animal. Rats try to be invisible, so they move along the walls and prefer dark areas of the room. The rat trap must be installed against the direction of their movement.

The electronic device is a container powered by mains or batteries, inside which the bait is placed. Has one or more inputs and an indicator light. When the trap is ready for use, the green light turns on. Red color indicates that the device has worked.

Once in electronic trap, the rat receives a powerful electric shock

The mechanism of the device allows you to automatically detect a rodent running into the chamber, after which the rat trap slams shut. When a rat steps on the electrodes or tries to grab the bait with its teeth, it is killed by an electric shock. This trap is safe for humans and pets. Installing the device is simple:

  1. Through special round holes put the bait inside the trap.
  2. We place the rat trap where rodents were most often encountered (in front of the hole or along the wall).
  3. Turn on the device.
  4. When the rat is caught, turn off the device and shake out the pest.

Video: operating principle of an electric rat trap

A mechanical trap is a device whose base consists of metal or wood with two brackets attached to it. They secure a frame made of thick wire. There is a spring at the bottom of it.

It is not necessary to use cheese as bait placed in the recess of a mechanical trap.

The device installation process looks like this:

  1. First of all, we pull back the frame and cover it with a metal arrow.
  2. We insert the arrow into the loop located in the movable part of the base.
  3. We place the bait in a special recess.
  4. We place the trap in the right place.

Video: operating principle of a mechanical rat trap

Usually, a blow from a frame immediately breaks the spine or skull of a rodent, but there have been cases when a rat managed to twitch and had its limbs or torso pinched. After this, the pest remained alive, but could not get out of the trap. If the animal for a long time will be in this position, death will occur within 3-4 days from dehydration.

Rat traps

The length of the rat trap-press reaches 30 cm. The principle of its operation coincides with the classical device. Thanks to the powerful teeth, reminiscent of the “jaws” of a trap, the rat has no chance of survival.

After catching the rat, the bracket is lifted and the carcass is thrown out

When installing a trap, you must configure the device correctly. To do this you need:

  1. Unclench the “mouth” of the rat trap.
  2. Place the bait in a special opening.
  3. Place the trap in front of the hole or along the walls.

Live trap cells

Using a live trap is the most humane way getting rid of rodents

A live trap cage is an easy-to-use trap that does not harm people or pets. This method of catching rodents is suitable if it is a pity to kill them. After slamming the trap, the rat does not suffer any injury and it is possible to release it away from the area. The live traps themselves are cages made of rectangular or round wire.

The structure of a live trap cell is extremely simple.

On one side of the device there is a tin door, which opens with a special locking handle. It is attached to the edge of the hook, and the bait is put on it. Once the rat gets inside and pulls at the treat, the handle comes off and the door slams shut, trapping the rodent.

Live traps come in single and multi-seat types. The latter can accommodate up to 10 individuals. An ordinary rat trap has dimensions of 50x30x24 cm. Through the hole, the victim sneaks into the trap, walks along a swinging bridge and falls into another compartment from which there is no exit.

Instructions for using the device are as follows:

  1. Pull the handle out of the cage completely.
  2. Open the door and put the bait on the hook inside.
  3. We insert the frame located on top of the cage inside the handle and hook it to the hook.
  4. Place the trap in the right place.

Video: operating principle of a live trap for rats

There are several useful tips when using such a device:

  • When choosing a high-quality live trap, you should make sure that it consists of natural materials. The base should be iron or wood. Do not use a device made of cheap plastic, as rodents are repelled by the smell.
  • The mesh should be thick in diameter so that the rat cannot chew through the bars.
  • If the trap has not been checked for a long time and the animal died there, it should be washed thoroughly before the next use. Rats have a developed sense of smell, and if they smell a corpse, they may not even approach the live trap.

The disadvantages of the design are its big sizes and bulkiness. It does not always fit in the right place and takes up a large area of ​​the room when stored.

Often devices are used to catch a rat. adhesive based. Such traps are left at the entrance to burrows and in places where rodents frequent. Devices made from glue do not emit harmful fumes, therefore they are safe for humans and pets. But still, you should not install such traps in places where children and pets play. You should also monitor the cleanliness of the room in which they are located. Dirt and dust settling on top of the device significantly reduces the adhesiveness.

A trap based on special glue for rats is low cost, but its duration of action is limited

This trap is sold both ready-made and in the form of a tube of glue, which is spread on a sheet of cardboard or other base. Next, bait is placed there. Once the rat gets its paws or body onto the sticky area, it tries to escape, causing it to become even more bogged down and eventually become completely stuck, with no chance of escape. Several animals can get on the glue at the same time.

Despite all the advantages, the device also has a number of disadvantages:

  • Caught animals suffer for a long time in such traps, gradually dying of hunger and thirst. Not everyone has the courage to kill an animal right away.
  • If you take the mousetrap outside the room, there is a risk that birds will get stuck.
  • If a child or pet gets into the glue, it will not be possible to easily wash off such contamination. It will take a long time to scrub the skin vegetable oil, since it is this that best dissolves the active substance of the trap. And the animal’s fur needs to be trimmed.

Rat traps: a review of the best designs

Today, markets, hardware stores and Internet sites have a huge selection of different mousetraps and rat traps. People who are trying to get rid of rodents are wondering which trap will be the most effective. Below we will look at several examples that will help in further selection of designs.

Wooden Rat Trap

The Wood Rat Trap consists of a wooden plank to which is attached a small mechanism with a frame and a spring. The frame is pulled back and covered with an arrow on top. The latter is inserted into a loop located on a moving wooden part. The bait is placed in a special recess. The rat trap is installed in places where rodents accumulate. The device operates with lightning speed due to the spring.

Easy to install Wood Rat Trap design fires with incredible speed


  • durable wooden base, resistant to deformation;
  • does not require connection to electricity;
  • compact, does not take up much space when stored;
  • easy to use.


  • does not always kill the rodent quickly;
  • wood doesn't wash well.

Dimensions: 20x80x165 mm

Price: from 180 rub.

Video: unpacking a wooden mousetrap

Rat trap SWISSINNO SuperCat

The SWISSINNO SuperCat mechanical trap is a trap with a ready-made bait built into it. The device is made of plastic. Thanks to the very strong clamping of the spring, the rodent has no chance of survival. Before installing the trap, you need to open the “jaws” and remove the protective cap from the cell with the bait. After catching, holding the device over the trash can, you need to straighten the cap, then the rat will fall out into the container.

The SWISSINNO SuperCat rat trap is fast and effective against rodents.


  • the mechanism works with lightning speed;
  • the gripping teeth quickly kill the animal;
  • you can remove the rat without touching it with your hands;
  • the device is easy to clean;
  • the trap is easy to use;
  • does not contain toxic toxins;
  • There are replacement nozzles with ready-made bait on sale;
  • shelf-life Unlimited.

There is only one drawback to such a mechanical trap: it can cause injury to a child or pet that accidentally falls into the trap.

Dimensions: 20x10x15 cm

Trap price: from 650 rub.

Price of replacement nozzles: from 500 rub.

Video: unpacking the Supercat rat trap

Electronic rat trap Victor Electronic Rat Trap

The Victor Electronic Rat Trap device is a universal rat trap that kills rodents electric shock voltage 8 thousand volts. Works with 4 batteries, the charge of which is enough to kill 50 rats. Before installation, batteries are inserted into the trap and bait is placed. A light indicator is built into the mechanism. After turning on the device, a green light comes on, and when a rat is inside, it is struck by a powerful discharge that lasts 2 minutes. After this, the light changes color to red, indicating that the rat has been caught.

Using the Victor Electronic Rat Trap is ideal solution for rodent control


  • efficiency and reliability;
  • safety for humans;
  • durability;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to get rid of the carcass without touching it with your hands;
  • unlimited shelf life.


  • high price;
  • large size.

Dimensions: 20x10x10 cm

Price: from 4,000 rub.

Rodentoff - glue trap for rats

The Rodentoff trap captures rats using glue. The device is ready for use immediately after unpacking. It is a substrate with small sides, inside of which there is an adhesive composition that does not have toxic fumes. Safe for humans and pets. Once caught in such a rat trap, the animal gets stuck and cannot get out.

The area of ​​application of one Gryzunoff rat trap is 10 square meters. m


  • ease of use;
  • low price (from 150 rubles).


  • a caught rat dies for a long time, suffering from dehydration, so you have a choice: kill the animal yourself (which is also not very pleasant) or throw it in this form in a landfill;
  • does not always deter rats;
  • Children and pets may step into the glue.

The safest and most humane device for catching rats is the Swissinno live trap. Bait is placed in the cage, and when the rat gets inside, the door slams shut. In this case, the animal does not receive any injuries. But such traps should be checked every day if you want to avoid the death of the rodent.

The Swissinno rat trap is also suitable for large rats

Advantages of a live trap:

  • humane;
  • durable;
  • inexpensive;
  • environmentally friendly.

This cage has only one drawback: it is bulky and takes up a lot of space.

Material: stainless steel, tree.

Dimensions: 275x125x110 mm

Price: from 500 rub.

Which trap to choose

Often, from all the variety of traps that differ in efficiency and price, it can be quite difficult to choose the right one. Professionals offer a number of tips to help you choose a rat trap.

Helpful Tips:

  • If there are one or more rodents and there are no children or animals in the room, a rat trap or a single live trap will help catch the pest. If finances allow, you should use an electronic trap.
  • If rats appeared in large quantities, a multi-place trap or strangler should be installed.
  • It is recommended to use a product made from natural materials. If you choose a device made of plastic, you need to ensure that there is no chemical smell.

How to make a rat trap with your own hands

If for some reason it is not possible to buy a ready-made trap for rodents, you can always try to build a rat trap yourself from materials that you have on hand.

From a flower pot

This rat trap is the easiest and most affordable to use. But the pot itself must be quite large to completely cover the rat. If you don't have one, an enamel or tin bucket will do.

Step-by-step instructions for making such a trap are as follows:

  1. We prepare a high plastic bar. It should be such that the rat can easily get into the pot.
  2. We sharpen one side of the bar and place the bait on the tip. We direct the pointed edge into the pot.
  3. We place the bar on the edge.
  4. We place a pot on top, one side resting on the bar and the other on the floor.

To create a home trap, you can use any similar container instead of a pot.

When the rodent grabs the bait, the bar falls, the pot lowers, and the rat remains trapped inside.

On a note. It is advisable to place cardboard or plywood under the structure, this will make it easier to throw out the animal.

From the bucket

To make a trap, you can use an unnecessary plastic or iron bucket, as well as a sheet of cardboard and tape. The rat trap is installed in the following order:

  1. A tunnel is made from cardboard and secured with tape.
  2. One half is placed on the edge of the table (it is advisable to secure it with tape to the table so that it does not move), and the other should hang down.
  3. Bait is placed on the edge of the tunnel.
  4. A bucket is placed under the hanging half of the cardboard structure.

To create a rat trap, instead of cardboard, you can use a piece of wide plastic pipe

When the rat smells the bait, it will follow it inside the tunnel and, having reached the edge, tip over into the container.

Video: operating principle of a rat trap made of cardboard and a container of water

On a note. Before placing the bucket, you should pour water into it. This way the rat will definitely not get out of the trap.

From a plastic bottle

To catch a large rat, use a 2-5 liter bottle and perform the following steps step by step:

  1. The bottle is cut off top part, but not all the way so that you can open it slightly.
  2. A long rod is fixed at the bottom of the cut opening. A harness is attached to it, replacing the spring.
  3. A hole is made near the bottom of the bottle. A hook is attached to it, on which the bait is attached.
  4. Electric homemade rat trap

    To make an electric trap, we will need plexiglass, wood, a plug with wires, cut from an old one. household appliances, and step-by-step execution of the following actions:

    1. We are building a house. The upper and lower parts are made of wood, everything else is made of plexiglass.
    2. An exit is created in one wall, and long grooves are drilled in the other two, located parallel.
    3. A glass plate is inserted into them. It should slide easily in the grooves.
    4. Another gap is made on the side of the door. Two bare wires crossed with each other are passed through it.
    5. They are led to the trap door.
    6. The bait is placed inside.

    As a result of these simple actions, the rat ends up in a trap, where it is electrocuted.

    Making your own rat trap-noose is not difficult.

    To make a noose loop we will need:

  • rubber band;
  • a piece of strong thread or fishing line;
  • wooden plank;
  • cargo ( wrench, hammer);
  • bait.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We construct a loop from a rubber band that should be easily tightened.
  2. Attach the noose to the edge of the board. The end of the tape should hang down.
  3. We attach the bait to the edge of the board so that, when approaching it, the rat runs through the loop.
  4. We tie the bait with a thread, one end of which is tied to the load, the other to the noose.
  5. When the animal grabs the bait, the weighting object falls sharply, and the noose around the rodent's neck tightens.

Video: how a rat trap works

Which bait to choose

Rats love to eat animal products. Therefore, the following baits are suitable for traps:

  • fish;
  • sausage;
  • ground meat;
  • salo;
  • egg.

Care should be taken to ensure that the bait has a strong odor. In this case, the rat will smell the bait and will want to eat the treat, overcoming its fear. Smoked products (sausage, cheese, lard) are perfect for this purpose.

On a note. When working with bait, you should keep in mind that you should not touch the bait with your bare hands, as the smell of a person repels rodents.

If the bait remains untouched for several days, it needs to be replaced with something else.

Rats are carriers of many infectious diseases. That is why we need to fight them. Even if at least one animal of this species appears in your home, you need to get rid of it. Most effective method– a homemade rat trap.

Features of hunting

Effective rat control has several features:

  1. For a rat trap to work, you need to prepare the bait. This could be cheese, cottage cheese, bread and bakery products, sausage, boiled rice, etc. Food should be fresh and flavorful. If it's spoiled and smells bad, a rat just won't do it.
  2. You need to place a rat trap or trap where there are the most animals. Perfect option- hole. However, first you need to determine whether it is residential or not. This can be done using paper. It needs to be crumpled up and placed at the entrance. If the paper is scattered in the morning, they live in the hole.
  3. The product must be installed against the movement of rodents. They usually move along walls, where there is no light.
  4. Contrary to popular belief, these rodents prefer cleanliness rather than unsanitary conditions. If there is an opportunity to walk on a clear path, they will take it.
  5. It is necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the rat trap. To wash it, you can take regular soda or a solution of ash lye. After washing, you need to ventilate it thoroughly. If this is not done, the rats will smell the unpleasant odor and avoid the device.

Several variants

Craftsmen have come up with several types of rat traps. You can easily make them yourself. Here are some examples.

Option #1

This design is rightfully considered the easiest to manufacture and use. You will need a flower pot or any container of a similar shape. It must be turned over and firmly secured on the so-called wooden “gatehouse”. The pot should be tilted. At the end of the “guard” you need to attach a bait. The rat will come to the scent and begin to eat the treat. Because of her movements wooden detail will fall and the animal will cover it with a pot.

To make it easier to throw the rat away, it is initially recommended to place plywood under the structure.

Option No. 2

The next option is a cylinder-shaped trap. How does it work? The rat gets inside the structure and cannot get out because it slides along the perfectly smooth walls.

To make such a rat trap, you need to prepare any container in the shape of a cylinder. This could be a tin can, a plastic bottle, etc. Most often they are used in private homes, buried in ditches and trenches.

Option #3

This type of rat trap is quite popular. The device looks like a cage that has a cone-shaped entrance. At the level of the first entrance there is another one, which acts as a dead end for the rat.

Its base is an absolutely smooth bottom. In most cases it is made of metal. The plate is attached to the cone and acts as a counterweight. It prevents the animal from leaving the trap.

The rat reacts to the tasty-smelling bait and enters the cage. She does this without making any effort special effort. At the same time, she checks whether there is a way back. After making sure that everything is fine, the animal fearlessly goes for food and falls into the second cone. The structure lowers and drops the rat to the bottom.

One of the advantages of this trap is the ability to catch several rodents at once.

Option No. 4

You can make a Zürner rat trap at home. It has a fairly simple design. To make it you will need very few materials and tools. In appearance, the trap resembles a box, the inside of which is lined with galvanized iron. It has a sloping roof and two windows on the sides, located one opposite the other. Opposite each window there is a bridge on hinges. One side of them touches the windows. The other remains free.

The bridges between the two windows are the main part of the rat trap. A fragrant bait hangs above them. The method of action is very similar to the device described above. The rodent creeps up to the bait and falls to the bottom. At the same time, the bridges occupy a position that prevents its exit.

Option #5

This trap is easy to manufacture and effective. You should prepare a regular trash bin and a small plastic bottle that was left over from the lemonade. The bucket may not contain liquid, but then it must be high enough so that the rodent cannot escape. You can make a trap in a few minutes:

  1. Make holes on both sides of the bottle, in the lid and on the bottom so that the bottle rotates freely on its axis.
  2. Place the resulting element above the container using an axis, which can be a smooth wooden stick.
  3. You need to stick some food around the circumference of the bottle around the label.

The animal will sense the smell and use the groove to try to find its source. Under its weight, the bottle will begin to spin and the rat or mouse will fall to the bottom of the bucket. The principle of operation is clearly visible from the video. presented below.

Option #6

Perfect for a cottage or private home. To make a rat trap you will need a can with a capacity of about 40 liters and a piece of cardboard.

So, it is recommended to pour a bucket of water into the can. Make a circle out of cardboard to cover the can. It should tip over easily. You need to put food in the middle of the circle. It is important that the product is located in a place accessible to rodents. Then they, attracted by the smell, will enter the circle and fall into the can. It is almost impossible to escape from it. By the way, instead of a can, you can use any other deep container.

When using all these products, animals remain alive. What to do with them is up to the home owner. There are two options: destroy or release in an area away from home.

Exterminating rats with your own hands is a troublesome and expensive task. However, if you make traps yourself, you can save a lot and achieve good results in the fight against rodents.