Do-it-yourself brick smokehouse - practical recommendations. Making a brick smokehouse with your own hands How to build a brick smokehouse with your own hands

A do-it-yourself brick grill-smokehouse is not uncommon in summer cottages and garden plots.

It can be built from stone, welded from metal. A cold smoked brick smokehouse is considered universal and the most convenient. When installing it at your dacha, you can save on buying smoked hams or sausage.

The construction of a smokehouse involves laying a chimney, so the construction site is prepared carefully.

The location of the smoke chamber is cleared of trash, grass, and foreign objects. Shouldn't be nearby tall trees or green spaces. A brick smokehouse-barbecue involves building a fire during the cooking process, so the area must be of sufficient size to accommodate a trench for the chimney.

Materials and tools

Before work begins, materials and tools are delivered to the site. You need to prepare materials:

    sand, clay; cement; crushed stone (gives strength to the foundation); gravel (for the base); metal rods for reinforcement; fireproof or ceramic brick(silicate is not allowed); metal grate or metal rods for the smoking chamber; doors to the smokehouse and for the ash pan; burlap (as a smoke filter); metal damper for the chimney; materials for the roof (optimally cermet); roofing felt.

Traditional set of tools for bricklaying and foundation construction:

    trowel; hammer (pick); spatula; trowel for jointing (if masonry is planned for jointing); shovel for mixing mortar; containers for mortar (buckets, construction trough); measuring instrument: level, angle, plumb line, tape measure; construction gloves .

There should be water nearby (especially in suburban areas where it is imported).

Procedure for constructing a smokehouse

A brick smokehouse is built with your own hands exactly according to the instructions, which requires a lot of patience. When erecting it, you must follow the order of construction work.

You can choose any design for a brick smokehouse, but all designs have the following basic elements:

    foundation (base), chimney; firebox; smoking chamber.

Before construction brick grill-smokehouse need to do approximate drawing designs. You should decide: it will be a smokehouse for hot or cold smoking, a universal option with two smoking chambers.

Construction of the foundation

Construction of a foundation for a smokehouse

It’s not difficult to figure out how to make a brick smokehouse.

The building material has considerable weight. A high-quality foundation will give the structure strength. Using pegs and rope, they mark out an area slightly larger in size than the future smokehouse.

A hole from 40 to 60 cm is dug in it. It is covered with gravel and sand and watered with water. Reinforcing rods are laid and poured with concrete.

Read now: Do-it-yourself cold-smoking chamber

Construction waste can be used instead of gravel. Sometimes they do without reinforcing rods.

Advice! If the smokehouse is built in the summer, then the concrete must be watered several times during the drying process at intervals of 5-6 hours. This will strengthen the structure.

When the concrete pad has dried, roofing felt is spread on top for waterproofing. The concrete base is poured into a wooden formwork installed around the perimeter.

Construction of a trench for a chimney

The construction of a brick smokehouse for cold processing involves the construction of a trench. Through it, smoke will be supplied to the smoking chamber.

Optimal sizes chimney channel:

    2.5-3 m long; 35-40 cm wide; 25-30 cm high.

The dug trench is lined with ordinary red brick on edge.

Important! You cannot use sand-lime bricks or asbestos pipes for the chimney. They release toxic substances that are hazardous to health.

The upper part of the chimney is made of brick in the shape of a house. When the structure is dry, it can be sprinkled with earth to a depth of 10-15 cm. The chimney should not extend into the combustion part by more than 20-25 cm.

Furnace device

Smoking furnace device

At the end of the chimney there is a combustion section.

It can be made from sheet iron or from refractory (fireclay) bricks. The optimal dimensions of the firebox are 40x35x35 cm. An ash pan is installed under it.

Important! The smoke channel should rise above the firebox by approximately 9°.

The outside of the firebox is covered with bricks.

How to make a smoking chamber

On the other side of the chimney channel there is a round or rectangular smoking chamber. Approximate dimensions are 1x1x1.5 m. Metal rods are placed at the top of the chamber.

A grate or food hooks will be attached to them. At the bottom they make fasteners for burlap - a smoke filter. The chamber door is cut out of metal or wood. It must be firmly attached and closed as tightly as possible to prevent smoke from leaking in. A metal roof over the entire structure will complete the structure.

Smokehouse location: where is better

A brick smokehouse should be useful and not cause inconvenience. It is almost impossible to dismantle and move a capital structure.

When choosing the location of the chimney, they are guided by the following criteria:

    the smokehouse should be located at a distance of 2-4 m from the main buildings; the smoke from it should not get into the windows of the house; the place should be blown by winds as little as possible; a convenient approach and maintenance should be provided for the smokehouse; there should be no green spaces near the construction site.

When building a brick smokehouse at your dacha with your own hands, you need to remember about fire safety during operation.

The size of the area that the smokehouse will occupy depends on the type of design chosen. You don't need a lot of space for a hot smoked smokehouse. When laying an underground chimney from the firebox to the smoking chamber, you need at least 3 m.

Brickwork smokehouse barbecue

Brickwork smokehouse barbecue

Having minimal experience as a mason, brick grill with a smokehouse can be built in a short time. The main thing is to have a detailed drawing project at hand.

How to make a smokehouse from a brick: basic requirements

When starting brickwork, you need to remember:

    the brick is moistened with water before work; the angle of the masonry is observed, measuring it with a level and plumb line; the seam between the bricks should not be wider than 12 mm; each next row of bricks should be offset.

When laying out a grill with a brick smokehouse for the first time, it is better to use an ordering diagram.

What should be the masonry solution?

You can buy ready-made dry mortar for laying the smoking chamber, or mix it yourself. Ratio: 3 parts sand, 1 part cement and slaked lime (or clay).

Any solution can be used for the foundation and masonry of the external walls of the smokehouse. Limitations on the composition of the mortar exist when laying out the firebox section from fireclay bricks. When laying structures intended for use at high temperatures, cement is not used - the seams will quickly crack.

A brick smokehouse for hot smoking will last a long time if it is made with high quality and placed in a good place.

The entire structure of the smokehouse must be protected from precipitation - a roof like a house will do. When the function of the smokehouse is combined with a barbecue, during laying it is necessary to provide a grate for it. The chimney pipe is an important part of the structure. As a rule, it consists of 10 rows brickwork.A valve must be provided in the chimney to adjust the draft. This is necessary for a uniform smoking process. It is convenient to use ordinary sawdust as fuel.

It is better to take wood from fruit trees, oak, birch, and maple. Conifers are not used - the resins in them impart bitterness and an unpleasant aftertaste to smoked meats. This rule applies both for smoking and for preparing dishes on the grill. Hot smoked products are more juicy, but have a shorter shelf life than dishes processed with cold smoke. For cold smoking, it will take at least 7 days to get a quality product.

Drawings of models intended for cold and hot smoking should be selected taking into account the needs of the family.

A brick smokehouse built with your own hands is an excellent opportunity to regularly pamper yourself and your family with natural smoked products, the quality of which you can be sure of.

Juicy meat, crispy bacon or aromatic mackerel for beer, cooked in a smokehouse, have a unique aroma and taste that cannot be compared with store-bought counterparts. However, before enjoying natural smoked meats in the open air, you need to properly build a smokehouse, taking into account the smallest nuances. This is a rather complex and time-consuming process, but the result is really worth it.

Building a smokehouse at the dacha with your own hands: what needs to be taken into account?

Before you start working directly, you need to consider the following points:

Location. It is best to place the smokehouse so that its smoke does not disturb either you or your neighbors. The smell of smoked meats is quite persistent and can be strongly felt for a long time. Materials.

Today, a smokehouse can be made from anything, even an old refrigerator. However, the best material for construction is refractory brick. Such a structure is durable and has an aesthetic appearance. Types of smoking.

Decide what type of smoking you want to use - cold or hot, since each of them requires a special building design. Products. The design of the system depends on what you are going to smoke. Please also note that the smokehouse needs to be adapted for certain types of products.

Cold or hot?

Smoking is one of the oldest and well-known methods of cooking.

With its help, you can effectively reveal the taste of meat and fish using the process of burning wood. Smoking itself can be done hot or cold. With hot smoking, the dish gets a richer taste and aroma, but cold smoking is more expensive, but allows the products to be stored longer.

The main difference between cold and hot smoking smokehouses is the type of brick oven construction.

During hot smoking, the ignition center is placed directly under the chamber, and during cold smoking it should be placed to the side, while the smoke is supplied into the chamber through a special inlet. A more complex design is the universal smokehouse oven, which can be used for both cold and hot smoking . It is often installed in 27 brick rows. if you love smoked fish and other seafood, the cold smoking method will make the finished product harder and will last longer.

What you should know during construction

Regardless of the size and type of smoking, almost all brick smokehouses built by yourself have the following elements: a firebox, a fireplace, a grate and a metal grate for food with hooks and a lid. When building a smokehouse, it is necessary to use not only brick, but also clay, which is a completely natural product and does not impart foreign odors to the food. If clay is not found, it can be replaced with ordinary earth, but cement mortar should not be used.

Although many people use metal chimneys because they are cheaper, it is best to build this element from brick. To protect food from precipitation, install a metal cap over the pipe.

When building a smokehouse with your own hands, do not forget about installing such an important element as a metal tray in the smoking compartment. During the smoking process, residual fat will drain into it, which will avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor and taste. Instead of hooks for hanging food, you can install ledges for mounting removable grids.

How to build a brick smokehouse: stages of work

Before proceeding directly to construction, you need to accurately calculate all the details, prepare a work plan and drawings. Pay enough attention to preparation so that you don’t miss any important details later.

The construction of a smokehouse consists of several important steps:

    Preparing a place for a smokehouse. Purchasing materials and tools. Installing a foundation. Installing brickwork. Construction of a smoke inlet (for cold smoking). Checking the operation of the finished structure.

After choosing a location, proceed to the work plan and drawings of your future smokehouse with the necessary parameters. Check out a few typical options ready-made hot and cold smokehouses and choose the most optimal one for yourself. Write step by step plan actions, after which you can move on to the next stage, namely, collecting material and the necessary tools.

What will be needed for construction?

To install a smokehouse with your own hands you will need:

    Brick (ceramic or fire-resistant type, silicate is not recommended). Clay (can be replaced with dry mixtures). Conventional tools for construction. Container for mixing mortar. Wooden door. Metal grate and rods for products. Metal lid. Level. Rubber hammer .Spatula and trowel.Components of the foundation.

Installing a foundation for a smokehouse

Stage one - building the foundation.

For it, prepare components such as crushed stone, sand, concrete and steel mesh. A ready-made concrete slab may be suitable. When making a concrete pad, you must do the following:

    Prepare a hole of the required size. Place and level a mixture of crushed stone and sand at the bottom of the pit. Place on the bottom metal mesh, then pour concrete on top.

After the concrete has completely hardened, you can proceed to the next stage - installation of brickwork.


After preparing the foundation, you can begin building the brickwork.

Apply concrete mortar to the surface of the foundation with a trowel.

After this, attach a brick, which should not reach the joint a little. Spread the brick poke with mortar to fill the vertical joints. Each of the bricks needs to be pressed down a little and pressed tightly against each other to prevent cavities from appearing. Remove excess mortar that protrudes above the seams using a trowel. To install the brick correctly, you can lightly tap it with a rubber mallet.

When installing each row, check the row with a level to prevent the masonry angle from shifting. The ideal thickness of vertical and horizontal seams– 12 mm. Minor deviations from this norm are acceptable. To make the structure stronger, dressing is necessary. In each corner, the bricks should completely cover the seams of the previous row.

For this reason, it is better to start arranging the bricks from the corner. In bricklaying, the most important thing is to correctly install the first rows, which need to be given special attention. After installing the masonry, it is necessary to grout the joints so that the structure takes on a more aesthetic appearance. In general, brickwork is not such a simple matter. If you doubt your skills, it is better to invite a specialist.

Installation of smoke inlet

For a cold smoked smokehouse, be sure to consider a smoke inlet.

To build such a structure, you need to dig a trench about 2 m long, about 50 cm wide and 30 cm deep. Near the walls of the trench, you need to lay bricks on the edges, and when making the mortar, you need to mix clay and sand in a ratio of 3 to 1. The finished structure must be filled with asbestos or cover with a metal covering.

After laying the walls, it is necessary to complete such a stage of work as covering the top of the smokehouse. This can be done using ordinary red brick. The installation of the smoking chamber itself should be carried out quite carefully, and the depth of the chamber should not exceed 30 cm for greater convenience.

The chimney channel in the smokehouse should be located between the firebox and the smoking chamber, which is located slightly above the firebox. The optimal rate of ascent is about 9 degrees.

If desired, you can place a filter in the smokehouse oven.

It is quite simple to make - a metal circle covered with burlap is installed under the wire rods at the very bottom. A place for the filter must be provided initially, since four metal rods must be prepared to attach it. After installing the system and immediately before use, the filter must be moistened with distilled water.

If you want to build a simple structure that will not take much time to install, then the ideal option for you is a four-wall smokehouse with one door and holes for mounting metal poles. Under the slate roof, it is necessary to provide space for gaps where the draft will be installed. Don't forget to install a blower or leave a space of 1 brick at the bottom of the smokehouse to increase the draft force during smoking.

After completing the installation of the chimney and smoke channel, you need to let them dry, and then cover everything with earth up to the place where the smoking chamber begins (the height of this layer should be around 15 cm).


Once the smoker is ready, it's time to test it. To do this you need to do the following:

Place the sawdust in the special compartment. The ideal option is alder, a wood traditionally used for smoking foods.

Fruit tree species are also good - apricot or cherry, for example. Light the firebox. Place the products to be smoked - fish or meat - on the grill or hooks. Close the outlet pipe on the lid and wait until the device warms up. The oven should fill with smoke from inside. To keep the process under control, include a thermometer in the design. When the temperature rises to 60 degrees, you need to open the outlet in the upper part of the smokehouse. Wait half an hour so that the products are properly saturated with smoke.

After this time, you can open the door and carefully remove the contents. The meat or fish should be hot and acquire a characteristic golden color. If during the test of the smokehouse you see smoke coming out of the walls, it means that the bricks in the masonry were not sealed tightly enough. This way, you can see the weak points of the structure and fix problems in time.

How to make a large brick smokehouse?

If you are planning to make a brick smokehouse big size, it must be built as if small house. This design may include not only the main elements, but also additional space for firewood, as well as a tray for grease. Often large smokehouses are complemented with a barbecue, which makes the building not only beautiful, but also allows you to cook more options delicious dishes in nature.

At the top of the smokehouse it is necessary to install a chimney equipped with a valve to regulate the temperature and speed of the smoke flow. Don't forget to lubricate doors and other wooden elements with clay to prevent fire during cooking.

Large smokehouses can be made one or two-tier, horizontal and vertical. On the Internet you can find many drawings of various smoking ovens, with the help of which you can delight yourself and your friends with real home-made smoked meats with a unique taste.


As you can see, building a smokehouse with your own hands from brick is not easy, but it is quite possible. If you carefully work out the design plan and strictly carry out all stages of work, you can build a reliable and convenient stove that will serve you for many years. If you encounter any difficulties during the work, you can always carefully watch the video about installing the smokehouse or seek help or advice from professional builders and installers.

Homemade smoked meats are a delicious treat that is hard to refuse.

Your own smokehouse will allow you to make delicacies right at your summer cottage. The owner of a household plot will not have to buy products of dubious quality on the market. All that remains is to find the answer to the question that interests many summer residents: “How to make a smokehouse with your own hands?”

Smokehouse for a summer residence from a barrel

When the drawing of the future product is completed correctly, there is no doubt that the homemade product will work properly.

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How to make a smokehouse with your own hands from scrap materials

The smokehouse option should be simple. Then the summer resident will be able to make a homemade product in a day or several days. After the product is ready, the owner will have access to original version preparing delicacies - smoking.

If the owner of a dacha is a practical person, then he will like the idea of ​​​​making a useful thing with his own hands.

Wood remains the most common building material: the products will have a unique aroma. A cold-smoked smokehouse is installed on a slope. Craftsmen can adapt an old refrigeration unit for a smokehouse. To completely re-equip it, the master will need only two hours. However, such a device has significant disadvantages:

    release of toxic substances; unpleasant taste.

It is better to replace the old refrigerator with an environmentally friendly one wooden structure in the form of a box or box. Then there will be no unpleasant moments or health problems when consuming smoked products.

How to make a cold smoked smokehouse from wood with your own hands: step-by-step construction

When wood is used as a building material, there is no need to worry about the possibility of the wood easily igniting when it comes to cold smoking: the resulting smoke has a very low temperature. The structure is easy to install yourself. The only mandatory condition is to place the structure on a slope.

Wooden smokehouse option

The facility is perfect for preparing smoked meats with a delicious taste. His components are:

    hearth; adit-chimney; smoking chamber.

Stages of constructing a cold smoked smokehouse on a slope:

The construction of the structure begins with the construction of a chimney. You need to dig a mine.

It is easier and more reliable to make it in the form of a ditch (width - 30 cm, depth - 50 or 60 cm, length - 1.5 m). A pipe with a diameter of 15–20 cm is laid in the shaft. It must be laid from the fire to the entrance to the structure.

A practical method is to use welding. A reliable connection will last a long time. After the construction of the shaft is completed, you can begin the firebox. The place for the hearth is made of bricks.

An alternative way to weld a metal box. To do this, a cube with an edge of 40 cm is attached to a pipe where a valve is installed. Diagram of a brick smokehouse This design allows you to create the necessary draft. Another solution for the hearth is the installation of a stove-stove. Installation of a smokehouse chamber in the country includes installation wooden product above the chimney.

It is necessary to ensure tightness so that smoke does not escape from the chamber. The interior of the chamber must be equipped so that food can be placed. Grilles are installed and special hooks are hung. A valve with a removable panel is installed so that you can easily place the workpiece inside and take the smoked product.

How to make a stationary brick smokehouse with your own hands

The brick will look aesthetically pleasing. The smoked products obtained in such a facility are no worse than those from a factory stainless steel smokehouse. But the cost of the latter is much higher than the funds you spent on making a useful homemade product.

A do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse for your dacha will help make meat and fish delicacies even tastier without additional costs. In order not to make mistakes in the calculations, a drawing of the future structure is made before construction begins. So, you can see how much building materials you will need.

Stages of construction of a stationary smokehouse in the country:

A small slab foundation is made of brick for the structure.

Select the location where the camera will be placed. A cushion of gravel or sand is made under the base. The foundation is poured with a common layer and reinforced.

The depth of pouring the foundation should not be less than 30-40 cm. At the same time, a trench is constructed for the installation of a chimney. A pipe or box made of bricks may come in handy here. A chimney with a length of 1.2 or 1.5 m is installed, then a firebox is built. A metal box or brick box is suitable for it.

The firebox is connected to the chimney. Wall laying can be done in any way. The main thing is that during the process of their construction, do not forget to install metal rods to which the food hooks will cling.

How to make a universal smokehouse with barbecue with your own hands

This building for a summer residence is quite complex, but it can satisfy any requests of its owners. It can be used to fry, smoke and grill foods.

The structure should be located as far as possible from wooden buildings. A solid foundation is made for it. It is good to use rubble concrete.

Step-by-step instructions for building a foundation for a smokehouse

A drawing of a barbecue with a smokehouse allows you to clearly determine the place for each structural element.

A grill-smokehouse can have not only a roaster, a smokehouse, a barbecue and a cauldron. The latter requires an additional chimney. If you use iron circles with different diameters, then they are suitable for various dishes in which they usually cook: for example, you can boil a kettle.

How to make a smokehouse with your own hands using a metal barrel

A stainless steel barrel with a volume of 100-200 liters is pre-cleaned and washed. You need to cut a hole in the bottom to install the chimney. A stainless steel barrel is placed on a special stand made of bricks or blocks.

The top cover should be cut off from the product, which is subsequently fitted under a tray for fat that flows out during the smoking process. Its diameter should be smaller than the diameter of the barrel. Then the smoke will pass through unhindered.

To smoke food using the cold smoking method, you need to make a grate.

An alternative option is to secure pieces of reinforcement in the barrel from above. In addition, you can install several grates in one smokehouse barrel. They are installed at a distance of at least 15 cm from each other.

Design diagram and photo of the finished barrel smokehouse

To secure the grates, hinges are welded to the walls of the smokehouse.

How to make a smokehouse for cold smoking from other scrap materials with your own hands

Skilled craftsmen make their own useful homemade products made of stainless steel. To make a camera, you need to take a sheet of stainless steel.

The material is cut and bent into a cube without the top side. The seams of the product are firmly welded. Craftsmen adapt an old pressure cooker as a smokehouse.

Do-it-yourself electrostatic structures allow you to cold smoke food. The electric heater acts on the chips, producing smoke.

Meat and fish are fumigated with smoke particles with a pleasant smell. The heating element turns off when the smoke temperature reaches desired value and penetrates the chamber.

A good solution for your own yard would be a brick smokehouse. There is a wide selection of models on the market; it is possible to purchase a ready-made small structure, but you can make a stationary device yourself. Installation work does not require large material investments and excessive physical effort; it is enough to select the material and create a project.

Types of smokehouses and drawings

You can make your own device that would perform the function of saturating food with smoke from different materials, but the advantages of such a brick structure are undeniable:

  • practicality;
  • strength;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • possibility of repair work.

Due to the fact that all meat and fish preparations can be smoked, there are several types of devices that differ in the following characteristics:

  • by size - small, medium, large;
  • by type of device - cold or hot smoking;
  • according to the function performed - only smoking, grilling, etc.

Each variety requires a separate drawing, which indicates all the elements of the smokehouse. The correct operation of the device depends on the accuracy of the design and sizing calculations. The plan is an important stage of the installation process, which will help to build a smokehouse, organize and facilitate construction works. Drawings can be ordered from an architect or drawn up yourself. The only thing that is necessary is to adjust the diagram to the selected type of device and take into account the nuances of a separate building.

Cold smoking devices require longer cooking.

Components of a brick smokehouse

A brick smokehouse consists of several parts that are interconnected, and the functions of each of them provide the effect produced by the smokehouse as a whole. Construction projects include the following elements:

The structure is made up of several important components.

  • stove;
  • blower;
  • chimney;
  • smoking compartment;
  • door;
  • overlap;
  • metal grille and horizontal rods with hooks;
  • compartment for collecting fat.

The essence of how brick structures work is as follows: thin logs are placed in the firebox; when burned, they emit thick smoke. Rising up the chimney, the substance enters the smoking chamber. The substance that remains after the fire goes out remains in the ash pit, which is located above the firebox. During the smoking process, products release fat, which accumulates through the grate in the grease trap.

Where is the best location?

You can determine where to build a smokehouse based on the following characteristics:

Before starting work, you need to make sure that groundwater go deep enough.
  • distance from residential premises;
  • lack of plants and animal enclosures at close range;
  • The size of the hot smoking device depends on the type of smoker chosen;
  • place the structure on a flat surface;
  • make sure the groundwater is deep.

After choosing a location, you need to make preparations before you start building your smoking oven. Trees, bushes and thickets are removed from the territory. After this, the top layer of grass is removed and a pit is dug. Sometimes the place where the device will be installed is sprinkled with pebbles, crushed stone or dry sand.

Required materials and tools

A brick smokehouse requires a careful approach to the selection of raw materials and consumables. Before construction, you must prepare the following:

  • masonry bricks with which the layout will be carried out;
  • clay;
  • cement and sand;
  • metal bars and lid;
  • doors made of wood;
  • metal grid for laying out products;
  • corner;
  • covering material;
  • level and plumb;
  • trowel, hammer, spatula;
  • container for mixing the solution.

Step-by-step instruction

First you need to build a solid foundation.

Even the simplest smokehouse, which is small in size, requires strict order and following the rules during the installation process. Before installing the grill and grates, it is important to properly build the foundation and walls, since the durability and proper operation of the structure depend on these elements. Step-by-step instructions are developed before installation work begins. In this case, the risk of error is minimal.

Construction of the foundation

Before laying the foundation for the future structure, precise measurements are taken. To mark the location, you need to install wooden pegs at the extreme points and stretch a rope between them. The depth of the foundation is calculated depending on the size of the smokehouse: for a small structure 40 cm is enough, while for large structures a reinforced foundation with a greater depth is required. To construct the base, a mixture of sand and cement is used. For greater strength, crushed stone or gravel is added to the components.

Sometimes the trench under the foundation is filled with construction waste.

After laying out the bottom of the trench with material, the foundation is poured and left until completely dry. To provide additional reliability to the device, it is recommended to cover the base with a layer of roofing felt. Additional strengthening can be achieved by laying out the base. To do this, formwork is installed around the foundation and bricks are laid out in a simple order.

Many people love smoked meats. They are tasty and enrich the diet. You can buy them in the store, or you can prepare them at home to eat fresh and not be afraid of various additives. In addition, smoking is used as a way to preserve food. Smoke is an excellent preservative. Selling a lot various devices, compact portable smokehouses. But a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse, built at the dacha, is the most practical option and serves as a decoration for any site, the pride of the owners. It is a durable design that will last for years. Its reliability depends on the quality of construction and materials.


The location for the building must be chosen carefully, since the construction is major and it will be difficult to move. The smokehouse should be located away from the house and other premises so that smoke, sparks and soot do not harm them. In addition, it can be harmful to plants, this should also be taken into account. We need to think about our neighbors too. Not everyone likes the smell of smoke.

Preparation for construction

The area must be cleared of debris, grass, and dirt. There should be nothing unnecessary on the site. Sufficient foundation depth is 40 centimeters. If the plans include a large structure, a deeper foundation should be made to the depth of soil freezing. It is filled with reinforced concrete. The weight of the smokehouse is large, movement of the foundation is unacceptable, it will lead to the destruction of the structure.

Before construction, you need to take care of purchasing:

  • refractory bricks;
  • gratings;
  • metal rods;
  • metal cover;
  • doors made of wood;
  • clay.

Tools needed:

  • level;
  • spatulas;
  • hammer;
  • trowel;
  • plumb line;
  • solution container;
  • roulette;
  • shovel;
  • ordering - a device for evenly laying rows of bricks.


For private needs, small smokehouses are often built. The work of their construction requires less money and effort, however, the construction principle is general. A brick smokehouse consists of a stove, a smoking chamber with a frame, and a chimney.


A place is laid in the ground where the chimney will be located. Its width is 35 centimeters, height – 25, length from two and a half to three meters. A trench is dug for these dimensions. Its bottom is compacted and laid out with bricks. This is done using a solution with clay, which gives it integrity and strength. In addition, this mixture does not release toxins.

The chimney itself is made of red brick. This material is resistant to temperatures and cracking. Sand-lime and hollow bricks are not suitable. At the end of the chimney there will be a smoking chamber, and at the beginning there will be a stove. The smoking section must be higher than the firebox; this should be provided for when installing the chimney. If the smokehouse is located on a hill, the slope will work out on its own; if not, it needs to be made.

When laying walls, bricks are placed on edge with the same bandaging of seams along all rows. This results in two vertical brick rows.

The upper ceiling is made of brick as a house. All cracks formed must be covered. After manufacturing, the brick chimney is covered with earth 16 centimeters thick. In this case, the powder reaches the level of the smoking chamber.


Construction of a smokehouse is impossible without a firebox. One option is to make it from sheet iron and then line it with brick. Dimensions 40x35x30 centimeters. Very simple design. On one side there is a door and a vent, on the other there is a chimney.

Smoking chamber

The smoking chamber is installed last. This is the final stage. It is constructed by laying on edge.

The chimney duct should not go deep into the smoking chamber, a maximum of 30 centimeters.

To store semi-finished products in the chamber, a side door is made of wood protected with clay coating. The door must be fitted very carefully. During operation, fresh air must not enter the chamber.

During construction, hooks for hanging and smoking grates are installed.

When the smokehouse is built, heat the oven for five hours. This is the final preparation for work. The first batches should be made small in order to work out the modes.

Differences of a large smokehouse

A large stationary brick smokehouse is usually built in the form of a house. Fundamentally, it differs only in size, but there are some differences.

A large number of products are smoked in it, from which fat drains. It is recommended to place a tray for it under the smoking frame.

In the area of ​​the chimney passage, you can provide a compartment for storing firewood, they will dry well there. Firewood is used from deciduous trees other than aspen.

To improve the quality of smoking, the smokehouse is supplemented with a filter. To do this, four rods are provided in advance in the chamber under the lower bars of the grate. A filter made of burlap and stretched over a circle of wire is installed on them.

A damper is installed in the chimney. It will regulate the temperature of the smoke and its speed of passage; the color and quality of the smoked meat will depend on this.

For ventilation, special tightly closing windows are made. Reinforced waterproofing is required. Liquid should not collect in the chamber; this would lead to mold, mildew, and unpleasant odors.

Barbecue - smokehouse

You can make a grill-smokehouse. The grill is installed in the upper, outer part of the device. It can be independent from the smokehouse or receiving heat from the smoking chamber. In this case, it is installed strictly above the chamber and is heated from it.


Not all types and methods of constructing smokehouses are described. In general step-by-step instruction looks like that:

  1. Determination of location, foundation.
  2. Construction of a chimney, stove, chamber.
  3. Exploitation.

Different types of smoking

When building a smokehouse, it is determined what type of smoking it is intended for - cold or hot. If a large smokehouse is built on the site, it itself is universal. Two smoking grates are made in the chamber. Hot smoking is carried out on the lower grill, cold smoking is carried out on the upper grill. A hot smoked smokehouse is usually a small smokehouse in a country house. A small cold smoked smokehouse requires a separate extension. It is made directly above the firebox, and a hot smoking chamber is laid above it, into which smoke enters.

The main difference between these types of smoking is the smoke temperature. For hot smoking you need a high temperature, for cold smoking 35 degrees is enough. No smoking should be carried out over an open fire.

Cold smoking is a much longer process, up to seven days. It is very dangerous not to finish smoking the product, you can get poisoned.

In general, smoking is quite a tedious task, as it requires the presence of a person. Wind influences the formation of smoke. It can cause your temperature to rise sharply. A canopy is built over the small smokehouse, which does not have its own roof, which makes it possible to work in the rain.

So, by understanding it theoretically, listening to the advice of experts, analyzing and thinking, a lover of smoky food can build a smokehouse on his site. It can become a center of attraction for friends, a great way to spend time.

Do-it-yourself cold smoked brick smokehouse. Step-by-step instruction

Before starting construction directly, you need to do drawing cold smoked smokehouse and mark the location of all its components on the site. The combustion chamber must be no less than two and a half meters. It is better to choose a place with a slope, so that the smoking chamber itself is located on a hill, and the firebox is located on a slope.

Cold smoked smokehouse. Operating principle

The most solid and reliable design is a cold smoked smokehouse made of brick. To build it correctly, you need to take several points into account. The step-by-step instructions for building a cold smoked smokehouse cover all the details of the process.

. Stage one - laying the foundation

At the place where it will be located smoking chamber, soil is selected. The depth of the pit should be sixty centimeters. Formwork is installed in it, rising twenty-five centimeters above the edges. The space is reinforced, placed in the center ten liter bucket to create a recess after pouring the concrete solution. At this point, smoke will come out of the chimney. Before pouring, it is necessary to lay a pipe that will supply smoke. When all the necessary elements are placed, the foundation space is filled with concrete mortar.

. Stage two - erection of walls

For the walls of such a smokehouse it is used building brick or concrete blocks . The specific design of a cold smoked smokehouse depends on the personal wishes of the owner. It can be very small for a minimum amount of products or spacious. You can install a window in it, but it should be small. Since the sun's rays are harmful to smoked products, it should face the north side or be located so that the light does not fall on the area where the smoked products are placed.

. Stage three - arrangement of the roof

The most economical, easy to install and convenient option is soft roof . To create it, a rafter system is constructed from a small cross-section of timber. Lay on the rafters sheet material, for example, moisture-resistant plywood or OSB boards. The elements of flexible tiles are already mounted on a flat base.

. Stage four - arrangement of the firebox

The firebox can be made of brick or used as such metal stove. If brick is used, then you need to take fireproof fireclay. You also need a fireproof pipe that will remove smoke from the firebox to the smoking chamber. The diameter of the pipe must be large enough so that the smoke flows slowly, cools down and is freed from soot particles.

. Stage five - interior arrangement

The interior of the smokehouse is very simple. Installed above the smoke exit hole gratings and are hung hooks.

After this, the cold smoked brick smokehouse can be used.

DIY cold smoked smokehouse. Photo

The terrain of the site with slopes and terraces simplifies the installation of a cold smoked smokehouse. The presence of a terrace allows you not to deepen the firebox into the ground. It can simply be placed on the lower tier, and a smoking chamber can be installed on the upper tier. As a result, the amount of work is reduced, the smokehouse is built faster, with less labor and time.

Step-by-step instructions for building a cold smoked smokehouse. Video

Do-it-yourself cold smoked wood smokehouse. Step by step photos

To make a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to use brick. Wood is also excellent for this purpose. Step-by-step instructions for building a cold-smoked smokehouse from natural wood will help in construction.

1. They dig up the site trench for pipes, smoking and combustion chambers. The depth of the trench should be from one and a half to two spade bayonets. The part intended for the pipe is located slightly higher than the smokehouse pit.

DIY cold smoked smokehouse. Photo

2. Pit for smoking chamber dig two or three shovels deep. When it gets into it, the smoke is slightly delayed. At this time, large particles of soot fall out of it, i.e. the smoke clears. After that, it rises into the smoking chamber.

3. The fire pit is filled cement to create a reliable floor. Such a level base is necessary so that the combustion chamber made of brick does not subsequently collapse due to natural soil movements.

4. Place in the chimney trench pipe. Its diameter should be sufficient for the smoke to pass freely to the smoking chamber, cooling along the way.

5. Posted combustion chamber. To do this, take refractory bricks, from which the walls of the firebox and its top part.

6. Attach a cast iron door to the firebox, which closes securely. This will force the smoke to take a longer path through the chimney and prevent it from being lost.

Step-by-step instructions for building a cold smoked smokehouse. Photo

7. For a cold-smoked smokehouse made of wood, set up base. To do this, the walls of the recess under it are laid with building bricks and they are brought to a certain height above the ground. The wooden part of the structure will then be installed directly on such a brick base.

8. The trench with the chimney pipe is covered with earth and thoroughly compacted. Earth is needed for better cooling of the chimney and smoke. Wet soil conducts heat better than air.

9. Create a wooden smoking chamber:

To make a cold smoked smokehouse from wood, use wooden blocks. It is advisable to take material from hardwood. The base of the future chamber is assembled from the bars.

DIY cold smoked smokehouse. Photo

Smooth planks are placed on the base. They should fit as tightly as possible to each other so that smoke does not escape through the cracks.

The roof is made single or gable. The door is attached to the front so that it fits tightly and opens easily. A latch will help prevent spontaneous opening.

A hole is left in the roof for the pipe and it is installed there. The pipe should be of small diameter so that the smoke does not escape too quickly.

The first kindling will help check the correct operation of all parts.

Smokehouse from a barrel

If all the previous options seem complicated and expensive, then you should pay attention to a cold smoked smokehouse from a barrel. The basis of the design will be a barrel made of wood or other material. The only exception is plastic. The bottom of the container is removed so that the smoke can pass through.

To make a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands, you need to dig two holes in the ground for the firebox and smoking chamber, as well as a trench connecting them. The firebox should be about fifty centimeters in diameter and about forty centimeters deep. The bottom is covered with a sheet gland. The walls can be reinforced with brick, but the firebox will function even without it.

Pit under smoking chamber They dig out of the barrel at a distance of about three meters. The diameter should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the base of the barrel, and the depth should be about forty centimeters.

The pits connect trench, which will be used to hold the smoke. The depth of the trench should be about thirty centimeters. The finished trench is covered with metal sheets, covered with earth and compacted. It is not necessary to use a pipe, but it is better to compact the walls of the trench so that they do not crumble over time.

Attached to the bottom of the barrel metal grate. It will be covered with smoke filtering material, such as straw or burlap. Filter materials are moistened so that they better clean the smoke from large particles of combustion products. This layer makes the smoke lighter, thinner, and free of soot. In addition, the grate will not allow food to fall into the depths of the pit.

Install at the top of the barrel rods, on which the meat hooks will be attached. You can install and grille for product placement.

The resulting cold smoked barrel smokehouse is covered with burlap, a wooden shield or similar material. The smokehouse is ready and can be used for its intended purpose.

To prevent smoke from getting lost and coming out from underneath the barrel, its base is covered with earth. This soil around the base is carefully compacted.

Cold smoked smokehouse from an old refrigerator

In almost every household you can find an old refrigerator that has long since broken down. In order not to increase the amount of garbage, it, or rather the body, can be used to make a smokehouse.

Building a cold smoked smokehouse from an old refrigerator is not at all difficult. To do this you will need to take refrigerator body(the insides are dismantled), a pipe about four meters long, heat-resistant bricks for arranging the firebox and an iron lid for it.

The firebox is installed below the level of the smoking chamber. It is better to use a site that has a slope for convenient placement. For the firebox, a hole is dug, which is laid out heat-resistant brick. If the farm has a metal container of sufficient volume, then you can dig it in. It is closed on top with a metal lid so that the smoke goes into the chimney.

The next element of a cold smoked smokehouse from an old refrigerator is pipe for smoke removal. It should be quite long so that the smoke passing through it has time to cool. In addition, it is recommended to bury the pipe underground. Surrounded by damp earth, it will cool down better and cool the smoke to the desired temperature.

The pipe entry into the refrigerator body can be done in two ways. In the first case, the connection is made to existing holes, which served to accommodate the main working parts of the refrigerator. In this case, the entrance can be either at the top or at the bottom. The specific option depends on the refrigerator model.

Second way - pipe insertion to the bottom of the body. This requires additional work, but provides the most optimal smoke flow. It will flow from the bottom to the top and will provide the best results as more smoke will pass through the product.

Inside, the refrigerator body is equipped with all the necessary devices for storing food. Lattice shelves or hooks are used to allow meat or fish to be hung.

Finally, the homemade smokehouse should be equipped chimney for smoke outflow. But it will only be needed if the seal on the door is still quite effective and does not create cracks. In most cases, the seal on an old refrigerator leaves small gaps through which smoke escapes.

This option for disposing of an old refrigerator can be considered the most optimal, because... it will still serve usefully.

The essence of the cold smoking machine

The basis of smoking dishes is the use of cold smoke treatment, which comes from smoldering wood. Regardless of what you smoke, meat, poultry, fish, vegetables or fruits, the cooking process is always the same. The box in which the smoking procedure takes place can be of almost any shape. The body materials are also different: metal, wood, polyethylene and other non-toxic materials that do not allow air to pass through.

Cold smoking can be compared to canning, because the smoke that settles on the food during cooking has a temperature of 20-25 degrees, the time for complete readiness takes about 1-2 days (sometimes up to 6 days). During this time, all the water leaves the smoked meats, which allows such products to be stored for more than two weeks.

Note! The ideal time of year to use a cold smoked smokehouse is winter. At low air temperatures, the development of bacteria in the middle of the products practically does not occur, which negates the spoilage of the dish during the smoking process.

How does the smoke formation process for cold smoking occur?

The production of cold smoke is practically no different from the type of coolant. The principle is always the same, but the designs for producing haze are different.

  • If the smokehouse runs on wood, then you need to build an iron box for the fire or simply dig a hole and line it with stone. A chimney pipe is attached to the side, which leads into the box of the smokehouse itself. The length of the pipe should be about two or more meters so that the smoke coming from the fire has time to cool to 25 degrees before reaching the food.

  • In the case of using gas or electricity, the iron box for the heat exchanger is made with two horizontal levels. Heat is released at the bottom, which heats the top sheet, on which wood chips or shavings are poured. The wood smolders and produces smoke, which goes into the smokehouse. Smoke formation occurs regardless of how you make a cold smoked smokehouse.

Types of cold smoking devices

Depending on the place of use, volumes of processed products, type of heat source and other circumstances, smokehouses have different modifications.

Materials for smokehouse body

  • Stainless steel. It is mainly used in factory models for home use. Less often, for homemade designs. IN homemade options steel is used when assembling structures for hot smoking, since they are in direct contact with fire.
  • Tree. Popular material, due to its ease of processing during assembly, pleasant appearance, and low cost. Some resinous rocks add extra flavor to products, which is a nice addition.

  • Polyethylene film. Oddly enough, but domestic Kulibins managed to adapt the film for greenhouses under the housing for the smokehouse. Fast assembly, low cost design and good taste smoked meats prepared in such know-how keep this type of material afloat.

  • Stone and brick. This building material is used for large capital buildings. Although there are smaller specimens, they are rare. The main purpose of such smokehouses is commercial production at home.

  • Any piece of hardware, which has walls, a lid and a bottom, also has the chance to become a cold-smoked smokehouse with your own hands, the video + photo on this page is direct proof of this (refrigerator case, barrel, bucket, safe, gas cylinder, etc.).

Heat sources

  • Wood stove. This method is used to smoke in dachas, on the territory of a private house, and in personal plots. Firewood can be used to organize the operation of a smokehouse of any size.

  • Gas-burner. A more expensive option, but it has its advantages. Possibility of adjusting the flame and autonomous operation, which does not require intervention (feeding firewood).
  • Electric heating. It is used in smokehouses for enclosed spaces. Basically, smoke generation using electricity is used in factory models, because building an electric smokehouse with your own hands without working with an electrician is quite dangerous.

Smokehouse locations

  • On the street. This is the main place for such structures. Due to the fact that the process of burning wood emits smoke and a smell that is absorbed into everything around it, smokehouses are located away from living quarters, children's playgrounds on the territory of a private house and away from public streets. Often the smokehouse body is placed on a hill so that the smell evaporates faster without spreading to the sides.

  • In enclosed spaces. Either you have an apartment, but really want to cook smoked meats, or you own a private smokehouse at a factory level. If in the first option you can use only electric units, then the second allows you to use any type of fuel, because it is not difficult to organize smoke removal in an industrial building.

Important! Whatever variation of smokehouse is present in your location, always follow safety precautions during installation and operation. A box of sand or a fire extinguisher located next to the installation will never be superfluous.

Cold smoking at home. Smokehouse design

Regardless of the shape and dimensions of the box, design features And necessary equipment they do not differ.

Design Features

A DIY home smokehouse should have sealed walls that do not emit harmful substances when heated. There must be a chimney in the roof of the structure to remove excess smoke. Access to the inside must be organized so that you can easily work with products (the door must cover the entire front part of the structure). The presence of a tray at the bottom of the smokehouse will make it easier to clean up the draining liquid from the products, and the presence of all kinds of hooks, transverse rods and mesh trays will ensure a rational arrangement of future smoked meats.

Preparing products before cold smoking

Before you start smoking, you need to do some preparatory work. For vegetables and fruits, preparation involves washing and removing seeds and pits. For foods such as meat, poultry and fish, the preparation process is a little more complicated.

  • Smoked meats. The main preparation consists of salting the workpiece. But depending on the fat content in a particular piece of meat, the salt concentration should differ. If you are preparing balyk, it is better to use wet salting (130 grams of salt per liter of water. Bring the concentrate to a boil, remove the noise and allow to cool). The reason why balyki are salted in this way is that meat without layers of fat dries out greatly during dry salting, and the wet version does not give soft tissues split and the product will remain juicy when smoked. If you want to smoke balyk or lard, then dry salting is suitable, because salt cannot penetrate completely into the fat.

In both methods, the salted product must lie for two to 6 days, after which it is placed in clean water for soaking for 1-3 days. Next, the meat is hung in a room with a temperature of 2-4 degrees, covered with gauze to prevent insects and left to dry for a period of 1 to 3 weeks. That's it, the product is completely ready for smoking.

  • Preparing the bird. The carcass must be plucked, tarred, gutted and started salting. Prepare the brine by adding 100 grams of salt, two tablespoons of vinegar and spices to 1 liter of water. Submerge the bird in brine for three days. After brining, you need to dry the carcass with a towel and hang it for drying in a cool place for 3-4 days. After these procedures, you can start smoking.

  • Smoked fish. Fish must be handled with care; its gastronomic quality depends on the thoroughness of preparation. If you have freshly caught river fish, then you need to gut it, peel it and rub it generously with salt. The fish is kept in the salt crust for about three days (the time increases if the fish has been frozen). After salting, you need to hang the carcasses, covered with gauze, in a cool place and dry for one week (large specimens are split open with skewers in the belly area). Now the fish is ready for the cold smoking process.

Note! The components of the brine or salt rub are selected depending on the taste preferences of the cook and can consist of a huge variety of spices and herbs, because you have the right to determine for yourself what to cook in the cold smoked smokehouse you created with your own hands.

Choosing wood chips for cold smoking

The raw material for the formation of the necessary smoke is wood shavings or wood chips. The main thing is that the material is not too fine in structure and does not have excessive dryness. Otherwise, the wood will burn intensely and give the food a burning taste. The optimal moisture level of wood chips is considered to be 65-70 percent; such a structure will create ideal conditions to create smoke.

Types of wood suitable for smoking

Not all types of wood are suitable for smoked meats, because some species emit a specific odor and negatively affect the products. Ideal: cherry, sweet cherry, apricot, pear, apple, aspen, beech, alder, oak and ash. Can not use conifers, they secrete a large amount of resin.

Some manufacturers are engaged in the production of ready-made wood chips for smoking, but the main disadvantage is that the composition of the final raw material is unknown to the consumer. Unscrupulous manufacturers may add chemical elements to improve smoke production. To avoid unpleasant moments, you need to make wood chips yourself.

Making wood chips for cold smoking with your own hands

Wood should be collected from trimmings of fruit or deciduous trees that have not been pre-treated with chemicals. After collecting the branches, you need to completely remove the bark, and then chop the tree. To process it into shavings or chips, they use a special tool, like an electric planer, but you can also use an ax (it takes a lot of time). It is also necessary to take into account that the moisture content of the rock is always different, so it must be adjusted manually. If there is a lot of moisture, then it is necessary to dry the wood, and if there is little, then moisten it. The main thing is to remember that wood chips prepared for smoking yourself are environmentally friendly raw materials.

DIY cold smoked smokehouse. Video, photo instructions

The idea of ​​making your own smokehouse has a lot of advantages. The main advantage is the unlimited possibilities in choosing dimensions, location and method of smoke generation. The device can be made for both outdoor and indoor use.

How to make a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands

The process of constructing the structure will be outlined using the example of a stationary smokehouse in the courtyard of a private house.

Step-by-step instruction:

Now you can hang hooks, place baking sheets and lay out products for smoking. Light the fire and expect delicious delicacies.


A homemade cold-smoked smokehouse with your own hands (video + photo) will definitely expand your gastronomic horizons and help surprise your guests with delicious dishes of juicy chicken or gorgeous carp. Do not deny yourself pleasure and smoke for your health.

Preparatory operations

It is very important to choose the right place where the stationary smokehouse will be installed. The reason is very simple, because a smokehouse is a fire-hazardous structure; it is always filled with smoke.

According to the rules fire safety It is allowed to install the smokehouse only away from residential buildings and various outbuildings. The same applies to green spaces. When choosing a location, you must ensure that a chimney can be laid in the selected area. The selected place is cleared of debris, grass and unnecessary objects are removed.

Materials and tools

To complete the work, you need to check the condition of the tool in advance and prepare required material:

Construction of the foundation

No building can do without a good, durable foundation. First, the smokehouse is marked. This operation is performed using wooden stakes and an ordinary cord.

If you plan to build a small smokehouse, you do not need to make a very deep foundation. 40 cm is quite enough.
For a large structure, you need to make a deeper foundation, which must be reinforced before pouring.
The foundation is usually poured with a mixture of cement and sand, to which gravel is added. Sometimes construction debris is thrown into the foundation trench. Then everything is filled with concrete mortar.

The foundation of the smokehouse does not experience very heavy loads, so this type of filling is quite sufficient.

Brick smokehouse

To build it, you need to have:

  1. Ceramic bricks – 430 pieces.
  2. The smoking chamber door is 14x14 cm.
  3. The chimney door is 14x14 cm.
  4. Fire door - 28x28 cm.
  5. Two-burner stove – 41x71 cm.
  6. Smokehouse door – 49x25 cm.
  7. Gate valve – 12x21 cm.

In addition, you need to take care in advance furnace fittings, which includes:

  • knitting wire;
  • pins;
  • steel corner.

The drawing shows the consumption of bricks for a certain row of masonry. It is easy to calculate how many whole bricks and halves are needed. Based on the drawing, you can prepare the required amount of bricks in advance.

Such preparatory work becomes very important for builders who do not have a sawing machine. They have to split the brick and process it with their own hands.

Arranging a brick oven with a smokehouse

In principle, there should not be any particular difficulties when building a smokehouse. It is very important to carry out the work with great care.

Some tips:

  1. The area of ​​2–3 rows, where very often an ash chamber is mounted under the firebox, can be filled river pebbles. The result is an excellent heat storage device.
  2. If you wall up the existing space with 3 bricks in the 4th row, you will get perfect place where you can bake food. The result will be a kind of “Russian miniature stove”.
  3. Between the 3rd and 4th rows, a door is installed, designed to clean the lower chimney duct.
  4. When laying rows 6–12, you need to pay attention to the correct narrowing of the chimney and its dissection.
  5. Rows 8–11 require a lot of attention. Subtlety is considered to be the cutting of heated smoke streams into “calmer” ones. They influence the available draft and uniform heating of the stove depends on them.
  6. The layout of row 23 involves the installation of two pins and metal strips on which products will be hung.
  7. A hole is made for the chimney using half a brick. The size of such a passage is 13x13 cm.

The second option for making a brick smokehouse

This method is highly practical and convenient. Its main difference is presence of two smoking chambers:

The design also includes a firebox together with chimney. Wood is burned in the firebox, and the resulting flue gases escape through the chimney. Moreover, they are first sent to the hot smoking department, then go into the chimney.

To carry out cold smoking, you need to have a metal container into which sawdust is first poured. It should be installed above the firebox of the smokehouse.

Sawdust begins to smolder when exposed to high heat. Smoke is released and the smoking operation begins. A variety of products are smoked with this smoke in the cold smoking department. Smoke leaves the chamber through the chimney.

Third option

Test work

Apricot or cherry sawdust must be poured into the sawdust chamber. Then the firebox is lit. The selected products are placed inside the smokehouse. Testing the device in operation is best done on fish.

The outlet pipe is closed with a lid. Wait some time until the smokehouse warms up and inner space smoke will begin to flow.

You can use a thermometer to determine the temperature inside. At a temperature of 600 degrees, you can open the outlet on the roof. After this you need to wait half an hour. Then the door is opened and the smoked products are removed. They should be golden brown and very hot.

When tests are carried out, you can see how intense the smoke leaves the device. This indicates poor sealing of the cracks. This is what the test is for. It shows all the shortcomings so that you can quickly correct them and begin full operation of the smokehouse.

How to make a smokehouse yourself at home?

In summer cottage conditions, you can use cold and hot smoking. Manufacturers offer a wide range of devices that take these methods into account, from simple barrel-style smokers to actual smoking rooms. The market also sells tourist smokehouses that are installed directly on the fire; they are used by tourists and fishermen.

You can build a smokehouse at your dacha with your own hands. How to build a homemade smokehouse with your own hands for fish, lard and meat from a barrel? To do this, an old wooden barrel or box must be installed on bricks; the construction of the structure is shown in the photo below.

It is a little more labor-intensive to build a cold smoking smokehouse with your own hands. To do this, you will have to make an appropriate channel for releasing smoke from the furnace, sufficient so that the smoke has time to reduce the temperature.

The easiest way to do this is to place a piece on the ground metal pipe 1-2 m long. It is important to place the pipe with an appropriate slope (15%) towards the stove to ensure a good flow of smoke.

The cold smoking process occurs at a much lower temperature (30-33 ° C) and lasts much longer (up to several days). You will have to take care of a fairly long chimney in which the smoke is cooled as it passes from the oven to the smoking chamber. Cold smoking is a longer and technically more complex process than hot smoking. It requires precise control of temperature and smoke. It is also suitable for cooking foods that are first well salted (for example fish) and then slightly dried the next day in a ventilated, shaded area.

Of course, cold smoking takes patience and practice, but the effort will pay off. Since the smoke reaches the inside of the product, products obtained using the cold method are tastier, more aromatic, and last longer than smoked products made using the hot smoking method.

Preliminary work

Before starting construction, you should select a suitable location and check the following conditions.

  1. Smoke should not bother neighbors.
  2. Is the construction site dry enough?
  3. Fire safety.

Once the site has been selected, appropriate knowledge of materials selection should be acquired.

Choosing a hearth

The most important element Obtaining the characteristic appearance and taste of smoked meats is certainly the hotbed. There are two main versions of the smokehouse:

  • with direct focus;
  • with an indirect source (smoke channel).

In both cases, the quality of smoking depends on the performance of the smokehouse.

When smoking, it is necessary to burn the appropriate hardwood in a temperature range from 230 °C to a maximum of 500 °C, depending on the type of meat and production technology. The smoke itself should contain the largest amount of volatile substances - formaldehydes, higher aldehydes, ketones, compounds acetic acid, resin and alcohol.

Producing the desired quality and quantity of smoke ensures an appropriate combustion process. Depending on the type of wood, you can obtain the temperature and smoke of various types required by the technology. Ultimately, the product will receive the desired bouquet, taste, and color.

The main qualitative indicator of the furnace design is the size of the surface of the combustion chamber. This design makes it easier to control the smoking temperature and smoke temperature, which is very important.

A bad solution is a smokehouse where the burning fuel is in direct contact with the walls of the chamber. As a result, the walls become very hot. An overheated stove causes the wood to burn in flames.

In addition, the overheated walls of the combustion chamber cause overheating of the smoke, and its volatile substances are burned out:

  • formaldehyde,
  • higher aldehydes,
  • ketones,
  • acetic acid,
  • resinous compounds.

Attention! In a smokehouse that is too small, the problem of overheating occurs both in summer and winter.

Smokehouses dug into the ground

As a way out, small furnaces made of metal or concrete are dug into the ground. The earth absorbs heat. To obtain an adequate temperature in the chamber, the wood combustion temperature is significantly reduced. However, the use of such a solution is troublesome due to the further cooling of the combustion gases in a channel placed in the ground. There is an opinion that such furnaces provide temperature stability in the chamber, but it is difficult to adequately control the combustion process in a temperature range of up to 500 degrees.

Thus, the most convenient way to eliminate excess heat accumulation is to increase the size of the smokehouse so that the walls of the stove do not come into direct contact with the burning fuel. The stove must also release excess heat outside and deliver the required amount of heat into the smoking chamber at a low combustion temperature of the wood. This can be adjusted in two ways:

  1. using the amount of fuel,
  2. by removing excess heat.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the ability to quickly and safely remove heat by cooling the oven.

To build a stove, do not use grates from conventional stoves. Small, cramped ovens are designed to store thermal energy in the walls. Closing the door prevents natural air cooling and further increases the combustion temperature, which is harmful for smoking.

The designed hearth must have dimensions that are the same or close to the size of the smoking chamber and must be able to remove excess heat.

  • The distance from the hearth to the smoking chamber in a design with a smoke channel depends on the location of the smokehouse itself and is 1 m -1.5 m.
  • The use of deflectors and a separator allows you to reduce the distance to 60 cm. The use of deflectors causes the dispersion of heat and smoke throughout the chamber, reducing the risk of ignition of fats and frying of smoked meats.

Choosing materials for the hearth

In addition to design decisions, appropriate materials should be used to build the hearth. Best materials the following:

  • sheet metal,
  • Red brick,
  • stone.
  • strongly accumulates heat;
  • causes smoke burnout during prolonged smoking;
  • causes other problems (burning flames);
  • Clay bricks are hygroscopic, and if left in the cold they can form cracks.

Combustion in a brick kiln is the main factor determining the quality of the product.

It is important:

  • Smoking should begin correctly by adding dry wood, then keep the smoldering logs on coals with a minimum amount of flame.
  • Individual pieces of wood should always be kept at a distance from each other. Firewood that is placed too closely will ignite quickly. The flame increases the temperature, significantly reducing smoke production.

Depending on the time of year, smoking conditions change. Smokehouse ability to support desired temperature depends on two factors:

  1. amount of heat
  2. occupied oven area.

Homemade homemade simple metal smokehouses can maintain the desired temperature, which is regulated by the amount of fuel. Although in metal simple smokehouses The process of adjusting the temperature is quite troublesome, but you can get good results.

How to burn wood?

Wood lying on the fire almost reaches a temperature below the ignition temperature and begins to char, emitting a large amount of smoke. The basic combustion rules are as follows:

  1. The main objective is to burn fuel slowly. It is necessary to ensure a low temperature, otherwise the smoke will “burn out” and the most valuable substances for smoking will be destroyed.
  2. The chimney should not accumulate heat and cool the chamber too much.
  3. Straight channels can be made using pipes with a diameter of 200 mm or more, but not longer than 1.5 m. The inclination of the channel is from 0 to 3 degrees. This design will provide a temperature difference in the chamber.
  4. It is necessary to provide a little traction.
  5. The wood should smolder at the lowest temperature that can be obtained.

Smoking chamber

The chamber is made of heat-resistant elements. The design should not limit or impede loading of products and control of smoking. The size of the chamber is determined based on the selected version of the smokehouse and the materials from which the stove is made. Chambers made of brick and stone, used in summer, do not pose a big problem, they are convenient, but in winter they require adjustment of the amount of heat.

How to properly lay a brick smokehouse?

Before you start building a smokehouse, you need to learn the basic basics of brickwork itself, and then the process of building a smokehouse itself will not take you much time and effort, and most importantly, you can easily build a smokehouse of any shape, type, and even color.

What building materials are needed for the construction and laying of a smokehouse from ordinary or special building bricks:

  1. Brick (it is best to use special brick, as it has better performance properties);
  2. Ordinary natural clay or clay mass with various additives and impurities;
  3. Shovel for digging a hole;
  4. A grate and ladder made of special or ordinary bricks, which you can make with your own hands for smoking meat and other products;
  5. Wooden door for storing products or combustion elements;
  6. Eight thick metal rods;
  7. Cover made of durable metal;
  8. Tape measure for measuring length;
  9. Level measuring device;
  10. Base or plumb line:
  11. Construction shovel for grinding - trowel;
  12. Regular spatula;
  13. Construction hammer;
  14. Container for pouring and mixing mortar.
  15. Conclusion.

Where is the best place to place a brick smokehouse?

When choosing a place for the stove, you need to think through everything and take into account down to the smallest detail. Since in this article we are considering exclusively brick smokehouses, the oval shape of this structure will be capital and permanent, which means that at the slightest desire it will not be possible to move or place it in another place (if you need to change the location of the smokehouse, it will have to be disassembled and build virtually from scratch).

And that is why the location of the smoking oven must be ideal. Such a place should be: large, comfortable, located at the same time close to your home, but also at some distance so that you do not breathe smoke and combustion elements during the smoking process. It is also important to remember that smoke smoke can harm not only your health, but also the buildings and living plants that are located on the site. Therefore, the place for the stove should be quite remote. I repeat once again - the place for the smokehouse must be chosen carefully and all possible nuances taken into account.

How to prepare the site for future construction work?

The place where the construction process will take place must be thoroughly cleared of grass, dirt, debris and anything unnecessary. If you decide to build a mini smokehouse, then you need to pour a foundation measuring thirty by forty centimeters (depending on the size of the smokehouse, the area of ​​the foundation will increase).

If you want to build a large smoking apparatus on the site where it will be located, you should dig a large pit and pour a foundation into it with the addition of reinforced concrete (for the strength and reliability of the structure).


  • Regardless of its size and shape, any masonry structure will start from the geometric plane where the unit being laid will be located. In order to determine that very plane, it is very important to know all the sides of such a building element: spoon, pastel and poke. And the forming stone itself of the same type can be of completely different shapes and sizes.

It is important to know: there are three standard types of bricks: double, one-and-a-half and single.

  • In every country standard sizes building bricks are basically different, but our country has long had its own rules and regulations regarding this. What a proper brick should look like. That is why the standard size for a single brick is two hundred and fifty millimeters in length, one hundred and twenty in width, and sixty-five in height. One-and-a-half bricks have less compact dimensions: two hundred and fifty by one hundred and twenty and eighty-eight. Well, a double building brick has dimensions exactly two times larger than one and a half bricks.

Also, during construction, bricks of standard M one hundred and fifty are often used. Its dimensions are almost identically close to a double brick. You can read how to fire bricks at home here.

Brick thickness

  1. Half-brick masonry;
  2. Single brick masonry;
  3. Laying one and a half bricks;
  4. Two brick masonry;
  5. Laying in two and a half bricks.

As a rule, the thickness of brickwork with your own hands is determined using a special metric system.

  • It doesn’t matter what kind of brickwork (whether it is made with your own hands and at home or produced at a large manufacturing plant), it occurs according to a certain construction scheme, which must be adhered to without deviating. According to these rules, the joint of two bricks of a separate, lower row must always be covered upon completion of the masonry. This is done so that there are no unnecessary seams in the future.

This technology is called ligation of seams and in order for you to end up with a proper brazier with a brick smokehouse, you need to make only three ligations of the seams of the smokehouse - spoon ligation, chain ligation and cross ligation.

It is important to know: before starting the construction of the smokehouse, it is necessary to lay a foundation for it and a base for the walls of the barbecue. The foundation should be no more than thirty to forty centimeters in size, but if the soil on your site is very damp, then the foundation can be made several times larger.

It is best to pour the foundation from a mixture of cement and sand purified from impurities with construction additives (crushed stone and so on).

It is important to know: also based on the complexity of the construction, it is necessary to determine whether it is necessary to make a poured floor screed or whether you can leave the floor made of soil. In addition, you can build a small plinth to protect the smokehouse.

The process of laying a plinth

To do this, you will need to use a trowel to apply a solution on the base of the smokehouse (foundation) onto a pre-constructed formwork, which should be slightly larger than the size of a spoon and a poke. Next, apply the brick so that it fills all vertical seams.

If the applied mortar has come out a little from the seam, it must be carefully removed with a trowel so that the brick takes the correct position; it can be slightly knocked down with a hammer or the same trowel.

What options exist for sealing seams when constructing structures made of strong building bricks:

  1. Sealing a seam into an empty space;
  2. Seal the visible seam by trimming it slightly;
  3. Extended sealing of the seam with its bending inward;
  4. Extended sealing of seams with convex elements.

If you decide to put in the backyard of your home or country house an ordinary, stationary smokehouse stove made of building bricks, then you naturally want to decorate it properly (beautifully, neatly and unusually), but before you start designing and decorating, it is very important to seal and embroider all visible seams.

What does a standard smokehouse consist of?

Any smoking oven consists of:

  • Valves;
  • Hook for hanging and fixing meat above the smoking apparatus;
  • Container for storing food.
  • Chamber for cold smoking of meat products (such a chamber is only available in universal and cold smoking apparatus);
  • Chamber for hot smoking of meat products (such a chamber is only available in a universal hot smoking apparatus);
  • Compartment for loading sawdust;
  • “Bunker” used to collect ash, slag and other remaining harmful products after the smoking process. It is also called an ash pan:;
  • Compartment for loading dry firewood;
  • A small chimney for the correct direction of smoke onto the meat;
  • Special brands or corners for overlap.

Depending on the type of smokehouse, the construction period and the amount of materials that need to be spent during laying vary significantly. For example, if you are building a cold-smoked smokehouse, then its laying time will take from two to three days(depending on the skills of the master and how quickly the work process itself is performed).

It is important to know: if you like not only well-smoked fish, but also very juicy ones, then it is better not to use a cold smoker for seafood, since due to the fact that fat will not get directly onto the meat, the final product will be much harder, although they will last longer from the moment of preparation.

There is also a universal barbecue with a brick smokehouse, which, thanks to the laying in several rows (namely, twenty-seven brick rows) can combine both cold and hot smoking. But such masonry is more complex and will take much longer to construct.

It is important to know: the most important thing in laying a brick smokehouse for a novice builder is to correctly and accurately with the number of required rows and not to lose count during the construction process.

How to build a small smoking oven? A few simple but effective tips.

If you want to save your time, effort, energy, money, or you simply do not have the space to place a large apparatus for cold or hot smoking, and the desire to have your own home smokers is irresistible, then a small home smokehouse will be the best option for you. Its construction, as has already become clear, will not take much time, but it is also necessary to follow the sequence of all actions and the main construction rules.

So let's get started:

  • First, you need to lay out a place for installing a special chimney in the ground of your site. The length of the total section of the entire part should initially be approximately two hundred and fifty to three hundred centimeters, the width should be thirty-five centimeters, and its height should be about twenty-five centimeters. It is best to use standard red building bricks to build a chimney, since cheaper silicate bricks can emit very harmful substances and fumes when heated.
  • The smoking chamber must be located at the very end of the common channel. The height of the chamber should not be more than one hundred and fifty centimeters. To build such a structure, you can use ribbed brickwork.
  • Before you start laying the channel you need to dig a small trench. Its depth should be exactly thirty-five centimeters, and its total width should be fifty-five. Also, we must not forget to take into account that the firebox should be located slightly above the smoking chamber.
  • Next you need to lay the walls for the future chimney. All walls must be neatly and correctly laid on a brick base. In this case, the brickwork is also done on edge, and the dressing of all visible wall seams must be the same (for the stability and reliability of the entire structure). As a final result, the entire wall should be exactly twenty-five centimeters high, and stand slightly on the edge.
  • Next you need to block the very top of the channel(it can be easily covered with ordinary red brick).
  • After you have blocked the chimney duct, then at its end it is necessary to install the smoking chamber itself. This must be done very carefully and so that the channel does not go very deep into the chamber itself (no more than thirty centimeters).
  • After the chimney and smoke channel have dried it is necessary to cover everything tightly with ordinary soil to the level of the smoking chamber (this layer should be no more than fifteen centimeters in height).

The most important rules and points when building and laying a brick stove - smokehouse:

  1. The most important thing when building a good smokehouse, which will serve you for many, many years and will delight not only you, but also your family and friends, must be used for coating everyone wooden parts not cement, but exclusively clay and clay mortar with various natural additives (sand and so on). Also, we should not forget that clay is a natural material that has excellent operational properties and during the smoking process it emits an incredibly pleasant, natural smell, which is also transferred to meat and other products during smoking.
  2. What to do if there is no natural clay? Ways and methods of replacing it.

If you don’t have clay or the ability to get it, and you’re in a hurry to build a brick smokehouse, then clay can be replaced with ordinary soil. As already written above, it is better not to use cement mortar.

  • During laying brick walls For the smokehouse, we must not forget about strengthening it with thick rods made of durable metal (exactly eight pieces are needed, a special grill will be placed on these rods). Since the first four metal rods must be installed so that they do not reach exactly twenty-five centimeters to the very top edge (twenty-five centimeters is for a smoking oven with a cold smoking function, but for warm smoking a little more is possible).
  • If you have the desire and time, you can install a special filter in a smoking oven (of any type). To do this, you need to pull regular burlap on top of the wire circle (which is located under the lowest rods). The installation of this filter needs to be considered before starting construction of the smokehouse, since to place it you will need four additional metal rods. We also must not forget that after installation and during use, the filter must be slightly softened with filtered water.
  1. No matter how much a metal chimney is praised and attracts you with its cheapness, reliability and durability, it is best to build a brick chimney according to the old tradition. Not only will it be easier to clean it from combustion residues after smoking, but a brick chimney will also last you much longer.
  2. In the smoking compartment, it is imperative to provide and make a light, removable tray so that fat and other residual products do not fall on the food, but drain. Also, in addition to the fact that without such a tray the meat will be fattier, harmful impurities and toxins will accumulate, which after several years will cause unpleasant odors during smoking, which will certainly transfer to meat and other products.
  3. If you are not particularly eager and do not want to waste energy and precious time on building complex and powdery structures, then the ideal option for you would be to build a structure that consists of four walls, one door and several holes for installing poles in a horizontal position, and under With a slate roof, it is necessary to leave space for gaps into which the draft will be installed. Next, you need to build a small ash pit, or you can simply leave one small removable brick at the bottom of the finished structure so that the draft itself increases several times.

There are many models of compact portable smokehouses for a summer house or private home on the market. But it is much safer to build a brick smokehouse on garden plot with your own hands. Its design is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The presented drawings, photos and videos will help you understand the device, and step-by-step instructions will help you cope with the task without any problems.

You can smoke chicken legs, lard, fish, homemade sausage, and meat. When smoked, products are saturated with wood smoke, acquiring a unique aroma and taste. Without a wood-burning smokehouse, you won’t be able to achieve this result. No liquid smoke, tea leaves and other inventions of industry and resourceful housewives can replace real smoking with smoke.

Shelves for food in a brick smokehouse

On your personal plot, you can install either a purchased smokehouse or build it with your own hands from scrap materials. A homemade smokehouse can be:

  • from a metal or wooden barrel;
  • from a bucket;
  • from metal sheets welded together;
  • brick.

At home, you can also smoke food in a chimney located in the attic of the house. To do this, it is necessary to build a smoking chamber near the chimney, into which smoke will flow through the chimney from the stove located in the house. This option is the most budgetary, but at the same time the most dangerous from the point of view of fire safety equipment.

Smokehouse for cold and hot smoking

The most reliable design is a brick smokehouse. Moreover, a structure laid out by skillful hands can become a real highlight. landscape design plot. Using photos and drawings, you can build a functional, durable and stylish structure.

Brick smokehouses vary:

  • to size;
  • by device:
  • by functionality.

On the site you can build both a very small and quite impressive smokehouse. It is recommended to design large smokehouses in the form of decorative houses.

Smokehouse for large volumes of products

Smokehouses of various designs can be used for hot and cold smoking of products. In the first case, the firebox will be located directly under the smoking chamber, exposing the food to hot smoke. Cold smoking involves a fire center slightly removed from the chamber so that the smoke can cool before reaching the food. Hot smoking products take an average of 2.5 hours to prepare, but cold smoking will take up to 7 days. The drawings clearly show the difference in the design of the two types of smokehouses. You can expand the functionality of the smokehouse by combining it with a barbecue.

Diagram: smokehouse structure for hot (left) and cold (right) smoking

What does the smokehouse consist of?

The design of any smokehouse consists of:

  • fireboxes;
  • blower;
  • chimney;
  • smoking chambers;
  • doors;
  • top floor (roof);
  • metal gratings and horizontal bars with hooks;
  • tray for collecting fat.
Detailed diagram of a hot smoked smokehouse

The wood chips placed in the firebox generate thick smoke, which is fed through the chimney into the smoking chamber. Combustion waste (ash) accumulates in the ash pit located under the firebox. Products in the smoking chamber are laid out on metal gratings or hung on special hooks. To collect the resulting fat, it is necessary to install a removable tray.

Preparatory work

Choosing the right location for a stationary smokehouse is of great importance, since the smoking process involves fire, smoke and soot. The main fire safety requirement is distance from residential and commercial buildings on the site. The same rule applies to green spaces. You also need to take into account that the area of ​​the selected area is sufficient for laying the chimney.

Choose a place for the smokehouse away from living quarters and recreation areas

The site chosen for construction must be cleared of foreign objects, debris and grass in advance. It is also worth taking care of the necessary materials and tools. You will need:

  • fire brick;
  • cement, sand, clay;
  • wooden doors;
  • sackcloth;
  • roof materials;
  • metal corner;
  • measuring instruments;
  • trowel, hammer, spatula;
  • container for mixing the solution.

For construction, use only refractory bricks

For quality work Experts recommend that beginners prepare a drawing of the structure in advance and develop step-by-step instructions that they should follow when building a smokehouse with their own hands. It would be a good idea to study the theory and get acquainted with photos and videos of upcoming work.

Laying the foundation

Like any building, a smokehouse needs a solid foundation. The first step is to make markings according to the dimensions of the future smokehouse. To do this, use wooden stakes and cord. For small smokehouses, a foundation 40 cm deep will be sufficient. If a more voluminous structure is being built, the foundation should be deepened further and reinforced when pouring.

Using construction waste to lay a foundation

To fill the foundation, use a cement-sand mixture with the addition of gravel or crushed stone. In some cases, the foundation trench can be filled with construction waste and poured concrete on top. Since the load on the foundation of the smokehouse is small, such a device will be quite sufficient.

Advice. To ensure waterproofing of the foundation, it is recommended to cover it with a layer of roofing material.

It would be useful to arrange a basement. To do this, it is necessary to build wooden formwork that is wider than the laid foundation.

Ready foundation

Laying out the chimney

The principle of building any smokehouse is the same, regardless of its size and internal structure. First of all, the chimney is laid out - the main working element of the structure.

A trench of the following dimensions is dug in the ground under the chimney:

  • width – 50 cm;
  • depth – 30-40 cm;
  • length - 25-30 cm.

The bottom of the prepared trench is carefully compacted and a row of bricks is laid using clay mortar. It is important that along the length of the chimney there are two bricks located end to end. The chimney channel is limited on one side by the firebox, and on the other by the smoking chamber.

Attention! The smoking chamber should always be located above the firebox.

The chamber location rule implies that the smoke channel should rise from the firebox at an angle of 8-9 degrees. When laying a chimney, the brick is installed on its edge, and the dressing of all seams remains the same. The vertical walls of the chimney are erected to a height of 25 cm. The upper ceiling of the chimney is also made of brick. For convenience, it is recommended to do it in the form of a house.

When the chimney is laid out, you need to let the solution used dry. Next, the chimney is covered with a layer of earth, which is limited by the smoking chamber.

Attention! The chimney should not enter the smoking chamber more than 25-30 cm. The layer of earth poured onto the chimney should be 12-14 cm.

Lay out the smoking chamber

When the chimney is ready, you can begin building the smoking section. Here you can show your imagination by building a round, square or rectangular chamber. Drawings, photos, videos and step-by-step instructions, widely available on the Internet, will come to the rescue. The most important thing is not to rush, but to lay out the brick with high quality. For home smokehouse a chamber measuring 1 x 1 m and a height of 1.5 m will be quite sufficient.

It is advisable to carry out the masonry using clay mortar, laying the brick on the edge. Clay is a natural material and does not emit harmful substances when exposed to high temperatures.

Construction of the smoking chamber

Metal pins are drilled into the upper part of the chamber, onto which a grate or rods with hooks for food will be mounted. At the bottom you need to provide fastenings for burlap, which is used as a smoke filter. In the middle are fastenings for a removable grease tray.

The top of the chamber is covered with a special lid that regulates the density of the smoke. If the design of the smokehouse provides for the installation of a roof, do not forget about ventilated openings. When the frame of the smoking chamber is ready, you can install the doors and mount devices for laying out products.

Furnace arrangement

The firebox is installed at the end of the chimney opposite from the chamber. Its design is very simple. It is made of thick sheet iron with dimensions of 40 x 35 x 35 cm. A small ash pit is placed under the firebox to collect ash and provide draft in the chimney. The firebox is connected to the chimney at the back or side.

It is recommended to line the firebox with bricks on the outside. This will protect it from exposure to precipitation and give a complete appearance to the entire structure. The entire process of constructing a smokehouse on a personal plot can be viewed in detail in the video.

Step-by-step instructions for building a brick smokehouse with your own hands

  1. We lay the foundation for the smoking chamber.
  2. We dig a trench under the chimney.
  3. We lay out the chimney from bricks.
  4. We are building a smoking chamber.
  5. We are setting up a firebox.
  6. We give the building a decorative appearance.

Building a brick smokehouse requires effort, but the structure will serve you for many years

Beginners in the construction business should not despair when building a brick smokehouse with their own hands. If you have a desire, then everything will work out! The main thing is to be patient and slowly, step by step, complete this painstaking work. As a result, a brick smokehouse will serve you well and for a long time.

Building a brick smokehouse with your own hands: video

A brick smokehouse, as a stationary structure for preparing delicacies with the aroma of smoke, is one of the sought-after elements of a summer kitchen. Basically, a smoking chamber is provided in a barbecue complex along with other devices. Those who like to cook delicious dishes over a fire prefer to have a barbecue, a hearth with a cauldron, or a grill on hand. A hot-smoked brick smokehouse will also fit well into this ensemble.

The key element of the device is the smoking chamber. It processes products with hot smoke or cooled streams. There is a system of hooks for hanging fish and meat, grates and nets for laying out workpieces. The temperature in the chamber is regulated depending on the type of structure. In a cold smoked brick smokehouse, the temperature is assumed to be within 30-40 °C. To process meat products using the hot method, a high-temperature environment is created in the range of 70-120°C.

Structural elements of the structure:

  • smoking chamber with wooden door;
  • firebox system with grates and ash pan;
  • chimney

The operating principle of the smoking device involves the following algorithm:

  • with the help of firewood, small shavings and sawdust are heated on a metal tray;
  • sawdust smolders, thick smoke is released, streams of which are directed towards the workpieces;
  • The smoking process lasts from 30-40 minutes to several days, depending on the technological features of product processing.

The intensity of smoke flows is regulated using a chimney damper.

Types of brick smokehouses and their features

There are two types of devices for cooking meat products, fish and poultry using smoke processing:

  • hot-smoked design – allows you to prepare delicacies with a rich aroma of smoke and a delicate tissue structure;
  • cold smoking device - meat products are obtained with a delicate aroma and a denser structure than in the previous version.

The devices are also used for smoking vegetables, fruits, and nuts. When planning a grill-smokehouse with your own hands, you should take into account that each of the construction options is distinguished by its design features and temperature working environment in the smoking chamber.

For cold smoking

In the brick design of cold smoking, a special supply is provided for supplying smoke to the smoking chamber; the hearth is located at a distance. The direct impact of hot streams on products is excluded. The smoke generated by the smoldering of sawdust and shavings moves along a 1.5-2 meter long channel and enters the smokehouse.

Cold smoking design features:

  • the two main blocks of the structure in the form of a chamber and a firebox are connected by a chimney, the length of which varies from 1-2.5 m;
  • smoke streams enter the chamber in a cooled state;
  • harmful substances in the smoke settle on the walls of the supply channel.

The key feature of the design is the complete combustion of flue gases in the process of moving flows along an elongated chimney. To process food using the cold method, it will take from a couple of hours to several days, depending on the recipe. Finished products have a long shelf life. If during the preparatory stage the technology conditions are met, taking into account the peculiarities of salting, cold smoked products are stored for up to 12 weeks in the cellar or refrigerator.

For hot smoking

The design provides a smoking chamber directly above the fireplace. A system of gratings and hooks is constructed on the upper tier of the brick chamber; the lower surface is made using a metal sheet.

Features of hot smoking:

  • a fire is lit in the hearth under the camera;
  • sawdust, shavings and chips on a metal base in the chamber are heated under the influence of a flame in the firebox;
  • Hot smoke is generated, which is directed to the workpieces and penetrates the fiber structure.

The process of hot processing of products lasts depending on the recipe and involves a period of 30 minutes to several hours. The finished products are distinguished by high taste with a rich aroma of smoke and a delicate structure. Hot smoked products are not stored for a long time; shelf life is limited to 2-3 days in a refrigerator.

Features of a multifunctional dual-mode smokehouse

One of the key advantages of a brick smokehouse is the ability to adapt the structure for both hot and cold smoking. Craftsmen manage to construct a device as part of a barbecue complex with the supply of smoke streams from a barbecue or hearth under a cauldron, if a cold smoking process is planned. For hot processing of products, a separate firebox is provided under the smoking chamber.

Another way to create a dual-mode design involves the possibility of adjusting the draft in the chimney pipe. To create a high-temperature treatment mode, a valve is used to limit the draft force in the smoke exhaust channel, and intensive combustion of wood is ensured in the firebox. If cold smoking is planned, a low fire is provided in the hearth; with a wide diameter of the chimney pipe, conditions are created for sufficient cooling of the flows.

Material selection criteria

Materials are selected taking into account functionality:

  • in the furnace the temperature of the environment varies in a high range, fire-resistant brick is required;
  • in the chamber the maximum temperature is in the range of 70-120°C; ceramic bricks are mainly used, although not only heat-resistant versions of the product are relevant;
  • the base is made of a concrete slab that can withstand the impressive weight of a brick structure. If a small smokehouse is planned, a brick foundation with a cushion of sand and crushed stone is allowed;
  • The masonry mortar is mixed from cement and sand in proportions 1:4.

The cell door is made of wood on hinges. The inner surface of the canvas is finished with a layer of clay to ensure heat resistance. The firebox is equipped with a grate and a metal door, like an ash pan.

Algorithm for constructing a brick smokehouse

The construction of a brick structure is carried out taking into account the requirements of technology. The sequence of creating a smokehouse involves simple manipulations based on selected diagrams and drawings.

Materials and tools

To work you need a set of tools and accessories:

  • shovel - bayonet and shovel;
  • level, tape measure;
  • cord, stakes;
  • spatula, trowel;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • steel mesh for the foundation;
  • metal sheet for the base of the smoking chamber.

Before starting work, you must have on hand the required amount of bricks, cement mixture, components in the form of doors, grate. An umbrella and chimney valves, foundation components, are also required.

Selecting a location

When constructing a permanent structure on a suburban site, special attention is paid to the choice of location:

  • due to smoke, it is recommended to maintain a certain distance from the house, taking into account prevailing wind directions;
  • for comfortable operation, it is important to ensure a convenient location of the smokehouse near the house or allocate a place within the summer kitchen;
  • choose a location taking into account fire safety; a site away from wooden buildings and structures made of flammable materials is suitable.

Also, when choosing a place to build a brick smokehouse on a garden plot, it is necessary to provide a fence from the playground, for example, in the form of a hedge or a decorative and functional fence.

Drawings and masonry diagrams

They mainly use ready-made brick smokehouse designs, opting for the option for hot or cold smoking. At the same time, some craftsmen make their own drawings depending on the landscape of the site. The finished schemes are presented below. It is worth remembering that the key to success lies in strict adherence to the technological features of the construction process.

Cold smoked smokehouse diagram

Construction of the foundation

If the concrete slab foundation option is chosen, the work algorithm consists of the following steps:

  • Marking is carried out using a level, stakes and a cord, taking into account the dimensions of the future structure. The parameters of the base should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the smokehouse;
  • a rectangular hole is dug according to the specified parameters with a depth of 40 cm;
  • at the bottom of the pit, a cushion of sand and crushed stone is created with careful compaction and leveling of the bulk material;
  • reinforcement mesh is installed;
  • Next, the concrete solution is mixed and the pit is poured to the outer perimeter.

After the concrete composition has completely dried, waterproofing is done using roofing felt. Next, based on the chosen scheme, they begin laying brick rows, observing the dressing.

Laying out the chimney

An important element of a cold smoked brick smokehouse is the smoke inlet:

  • dig a trench 0.5 m wide and 0.3 m deep. The length of the tunnel is from 1 m to 2.5 m, moreover, the channel enters 0.3 m deep into the smokehouse;
  • compact the bottom, lay out a row of bricks using mortar, form a wall with a height of 25 cm;
  • the trench is covered from above by a house.
  • After the solution has hardened, the smoke inlet is covered with a layer of earth from above.

The channel connects the firebox and the smoking chamber. Moreover, the source is located below the chamber level at an angle of about 9°.

Construction of the smoking chamber

When building a barbecue complex with a brick smokehouse for hot smoking, the lower level is equipped with a firebox, an ash pit and niches for storing firewood and utensils. At the upper level, a smoking chamber is erected, which includes walls made of brickwork with wooden door on hinges. On the upper perimeter under the roof there is a system with hooks on which workpieces are hung, and several tiers of a lattice stand for laying out products. The base of the chamber is made of metal sheet.

Furnace arrangement

The firebox is made exclusively of refractory bricks and is equipped with a metal door. A grate is installed inside, and the lower sector is an ash pan. The latter is necessary as a structural element to provide and regulate traction; it is also a reservoir for collecting ash.

Decorative finishing

Brickwork looks presentable even without finishing, but for the quality operation of the structure, the presence of a protective coating is important. When building a barbecue with a brick smokehouse, craftsmen prefer to use clinker tiles for decoration; sometimes they use tiles or other heat-resistant cladding options. The area near the barbecue area is finished with paving slabs and a mosaic is made from fragments of corrugated clinker using stone.

Modification options

When choosing models of structures for preparing homemade delicacies with the aroma of smoke, they most often give preference to universal designs with several functional zones. A do-it-yourself brick grill-smokehouse perfectly complements the barbecue complex in the summer kitchen. In this case, it is appropriate to build a hot smoking chamber next to the Russian stove; on the lower level there will be a firebox, a niche for storing firewood, and shelves for storing utensils. The barbecue area with a smokehouse is also complemented by a fireplace with a cauldron for preparing oriental dishes.

Nuances when building a barbecue with a brick smokehouse

The main difficulty in the construction of multifunctional structures is to ensure the tightness of the smoking chamber and the high-quality operation of the smoke exhaust system. It is important to carry out construction stages taking into account technological requirements. It is also necessary to correct the shortcomings of the structure identified during the test run of the smokehouse.