When do the clocks change to winter time?

    The time when you need to move the clock forward or an hour back is usually indicated in many information sources. Even if you wanted to forget, they will remind you.

    In Ukraine, clocks need to be changed twice a year - in spring and autumn.

    In the spring to switch to summer time, you need to move the clock forward an hour. We do this in March, on its last Sunday.

    In autumn, on the last Sunday of October, we return to standard time, moving the clock hands back an hour.

    In 2016, you will need to remember to set the clock hands to the night (4 a.m.) from October 29 to 30.

    Residents of Ukraine should change their clocks in 2016 on the night of October 29th to 30th. This will be a transition to winter time.

    To be more precise, the transition will take place at 4 am.

    Don't forget to change your watch!

    The changeover to winter time always takes place on the last Sunday in October. In 2016, the last Sunday of October falls on the 30th.

    Therefore, the transition to winter time in 2016 will occur on October 30 (at night). The hands must be moved back one hour.

    But daylight saving time always takes place on the last Sunday in March - one hour ahead.

    In Ukraine, the clocks will change in 2016 on October 30 at 4 am. However, the question is often raised about canceling the time change, as was done in many countries, due to the fact that the benefits of this change are very doubtful, and the harm to people’s health is more significant.

    In Ukraine, clock hands are changed twice a year. The transition to winter time, when the hands move back an hour in 2016, will be made on the last Sunday of October, which falls on October 30 according to the calendar.

    In Ukraine, the transition to summer time, as well as to winter time, is maintained and residents of the country change the clock hands 2 times a year, since this is required by law.

    To switch to winter time, the clock hands must be moved on the night of October 29 to 30 in 2016.

    I like the switch to winter time, as opposed to the switch to summer time - because you can sleep an hour more. True, it will get dark earlier now, but that’s okay)

    Traditionally, clock hands in Ukraine are moved on the last Sunday of March and October.

    This year, 2016, the last Sunday in October will be October 30th. Accordingly, the entire country will move its clock hands to winter time. 4 am 10/30/16 one hour ago- that is, for 3 hours.

    It’s interesting, but every time after such a translation in the morning I have a moment of panic, did my mobile phone change the time on its own?)))

    Ukraine continues to participate in this experiment, in the game with time - here the clock hands are moved twice a year - in the spring one hour forward, and in the fall - one hour back, returning to the original time.

    This year is no exception - daylight saving time has been in effect since March 2016. But the clock change to winter time will take place in the fall, in October - on the last weekend. When exactly? The calendar will help us:

    On the night of Sunday the thirtieth of October this year, at four o'clock in the morning, winter time will return to Ukraine, as well as to all countries that live with summer and winter time - the clock hands will move back one hour. There will be a corresponding government decree. And people will have a rest from early wake-ups in the morning).

    In Ukraine, changing clocks to winter time

    carried out in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 509 dated May 13, 1996. On the procedure for calculating time on the territory of Ukraine (on the last Sunday of October).

    In 2016, Russia will not change the clocks to winter time. We are already all year round We live in winter time.

    But Europe, and with it Ukraine, will switch to winter time on the last weekend of October.

    The clock hands should be set back one hour on the night of October 29-30. According to all the rules, this should have been done at 4:00.

    When switching to summer time in Europe and Ukraine, the clock hands must be moved forward one hour, and when switching to winter time, they must be moved back an hour. On the last Sunday in October 2016, namely October 30 at 4 am all of Ukraine will move the clocks back one hour.

    With the arrival of autumn, many people are interested in the question: when will the transition to winter time take place in Ukraine this year 2016? Still, it’s worth preparing for a change in your daily routine, adjusting to it! After all, health problems may arise for some people.

    But there’s nothing you can do, you have to get used to this time change. And this is inevitable, because it occurs in accordance with Cabinet of Ministers Resolution 509 On the procedure for calculating time in Ukraine, adopted on May 13, 1996.

    Thus, on the night from Saturday to Sunday, October 30, Ukrainians will be able to sleep a whole hour longer.

    It’s also good that getting used to winter time is much easier than summer time, because, thanks to the fact that the clock hands are moved back an hour, getting up in the morning is much easier!

“Summer time”, “winter time”... These terms appeared more than 100 years ago in connection with the emergence of the idea of ​​saving energy resources by moving the clock hands forward and backward. For the first time, moving time an hour forward in summer and an hour back in winter took place in 1908 in Great Britain.

The very idea of ​​such savings belongs to the American statesman, one of the authors of the US Declaration of Independence - Benjamin Franklin. True, in America itself the transition to “summer” and “winter” time began only in 1918. Today, the switch mode is used at all latitudes from Canada to Australia. 78 out of 192 countries in the world set their clocks forward and back twice a year.

“Summer” and “winter” time in Russia

In Russia, such a transition took place for the first time on July 1, 1917. A decree of the Provisional Government was issued, according to which the hands of all clocks in Russia were moved forward one hour, and they were moved back by a special decree of the Council of People's Commissars, which was adopted on December 22, 1917. However, during that turbulent time, the clock change was not always adhered to, as a result of which complete chaos arose in “winter” and summer time.

In order to once and for all resolve the issue of time accuracy, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution on June 16, 1930, according to which “maternity time” was introduced on the territory of the USSR: the clock hands were moved one hour ahead relative to standard time, and there was no more going back were translated. From then on, the country lived and worked all year round, ahead of the natural daily cycle by 1 hour.

In 1981, the hands began to move again. But in November 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev proposed discussing the feasibility of switching to “summer” and “winter” time. As a result, it was decided not to support the worldwide trend and return to constant time. As a result, Russia was 2 hours behind the rest of the planet. However, the law “On the Calculation of Time” was revised, and from 2011 to 2014, the hands were changed again in the country.

There is a high probability that in 2016 the clock change in Russia will not take place

Today, many Russian citizens are interested in the question: will the clock change continue in 2016? Even 5 years ago, Dmitry Medvedev noted that from ordinary citizens he heard much more criticism of the clock change than support. Many members of the Russian Parliament (including well-known politicians Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Sergei Mironov and Oleg Kulikov) believe that after the establishment of “winter” time, it is no longer worth changing the clocks in 2016.

In defense of this point of view, arguments were given that more care should be taken about the health and comfort of the country's citizens. After all, many people probably know the theory of doctors and sociologists that changing clocks negatively affects health, especially nervous system person, because “getting used to” a new daily routine takes at least one and a half months for a healthy person.

And children, the elderly and unhealthy people will need much more time to adapt, suffering from sleep disorders, disorders of the cardiovascular system and other body functions. Russian parliamentarians believe that the transition to standard time will contribute to the improvement and growth of the working capacity of the population, increasing labor productivity and improving the demographic situation in the country.

Time change in CIS countries

In the Baltic countries, the schedule for changing clocks to “summer” and “winter” time is valid until 2016, but the leaders Lithuania, Latvia And Estonia We are confident that the European Commission will extend it for another 5 years. “We are moving the clock, most likely not for the last time, since no European Union country has yet raised this issue,” the Lithuanian parliament said. Ukraine will also adhere to the time change: in 2016, on March 27 at 3:00, the clock hands will be moved forward an hour.

On March 27, 2016 at 3:00 Ukrainians will move their clocks forward

But many countries live on a clock basis without switching to “summer” and “winter” time. Yes, the government Georgia back in the fall of 2005, it decided to abandon the switch to “winter” time. According to the Georgian authorities, the refusal to switch is explained by the fact that under summer time conditions Georgia will be able to use electricity more economically, especially since summer time corresponds better to human biorhythms than winter time.

They no longer switch to “winter” time in Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan And Kazakhstan. The local authorities explain this by local climatic and religious features. Even earlier (in 1990) he abandoned the transition to “summer” and “winter” time Uzbekistan, and since the fall of 1991 he no longer moved the clock hands to “winter” time and Tajikistan. In addition, since 2011, the arrows have not been switched to Belarus.

In all countries of the world, there is constantly an intense dialogue between supporters and opponents of “winter” and “summer” time. Supporters include economists, sports equipment manufacturers and the retail. Among the opponents are doctors, sociologists, transport workers, farmers and programmers. We can only listen to the outcome of this dispute.

In the literal sense of the word “keeping up with the times,” for 100 years in a row, most European countries have moved the hands of all clocks forward one hour once a year. This change is due to the fact that officially accepted time does not always coincide with “natural” time. In other words, summer days give us more light (early sunrises and sunsets after 9 pm). It is believed that moving the clock hands forward further “extends” the working day, saves energy and is convenient for people. IN former USSR The first time change to daylight saving time occurred in 1981. As in Europe, this was due to the government’s decision to save electrical energy. Every year until recently we were constantly wondering when the time was changed to Once again. This usually happened on the night from Saturday to Sunday last days Martha. Such a day was chosen in order to give a day to adapt to the new time.

So when do they change the time? Problems encountered during the transition to daylight saving time

Electricity savings after the innovations actually increased to 2%, but other problems also arose. It turned out that due to lost biorhythms, people began to get sick more often. Moreover, these diseases were not “simple” ailments and drowsiness, but more frequent cases of strokes and heart attacks. It turned out that changing clocks to daylight saving time is simply dangerous to health. In those days when in Russia and Ukraine they moved the clocks forward just one hour, the number of requests for medical care increased sharply. The officially recorded number increased by only 7%(!) cardiovascular diseases! Changing clocks has become beneficial to the pharmaceutical industry: the number of products sold has increased. medicines“from pressure”, “from headache” and “from the heart”. The “new” time influenced the number of suicides. Their number in the first week after temporary changes increases to 66%. Ambulances do not have time to reach patients - the number of calls increases to 12%. Conflicts at work, at home, on the street are becoming more frequent, and the number of road accidents is increasing.

Will the time be changed in the spring of 2016? Ending Daylight Saving Time?

Unfortunately, neither scientists nor the government decided to officially recognize the harmful effects of changing clocks to daylight saving time for a very long time. In 2000, Belarusian doctors insisted on abolishing summer time and returning to the traditional “correct winter” time. Now many countries and Russia have decided not to change time to summer. Given the dramatic consequences caused by moving clocks forward an hour, there is no longer an official time change in Russia.

Is there any information when the time is changed to summer time 2016 in Russia?

It has been officially decided that, taking into account the negative factors affecting human health and well-being, there will be no time change to daylight saving in 2016. However, residents of the northeastern regions of Russia have prepared a project on temporary changes. In particular, Altai region, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands are going to send a document on the transition to summer time to the State Duma and the President of the Russian Federation. Residents of these regions of the Russian Federation want to switch to summer time on March 27, 2016. The residents of the regions themselves initiated this decision. People complained that the official time did not coincide with the natural rhythm of night and day.

When do the clocks change for summer time 2016 in Ukraine - on Saturday or Sunday?

Unlike Russia, Ukraine did not abandon the “summer” time changes. This year, all Ukrainians will have to change their clocks on March 27th. This will happen at 3 am on the last Sunday of the month. For convenience, most people in Ukraine will set their clocks forward an hour before going to bed on Saturday. When they wake up, they will begin to live in a new time. Changing the hands from Saturday to Sunday makes it easier to get used to the new rhythm of life.

Probably, the debate about whether a short week-long period when the time is set forward one hour is so harmful for a person will not subside. Whether we change the clock or not, time itself will tell. The best way Avoiding stress will be by following a daily routine, getting enough sleep and reasonable alternation of periods of work/rest.

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Switch to winter time in Ukraine 2016 - yes, yes, it will happen again! The inevitable, impending and irreparable - changing the clocks in Ukraine to winter time! And the editors tochka.net is in a hurry to tell you in advance about when people are transferred in Ukraine in 2016, and how to safely survive this event.


When do the clocks change to winter time 2016 in Ukraine?

Traditionally, on the last Sunday of October, on the night of October 29 to 30, Ukraine will change the time of 2016 from summer to winter.

The clock change time is 4:00 am.

The clock change in 2016 is carried out by moving the hand back 1 hour.

Why is the time change to winter in Ukraine?

Ukraine carries out time transfers in accordance with Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 509 of May 13, 1996 “On the procedure for calculating time on the territory of Ukraine.” This is done in order to save energy resources and maximum use daylight hours, which, as we understand, happens very little in winter. And due to the difficult economic situation country, such savings will come in handy.


Changing time to winter - how not to get lost in the hands of the clock?

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Many people often have confusion in connection with changing the clock to winter time, namely: in which direction should the clock hands be turned - forward or backward.

We will help you in this matter. Remember this simple mnemonic: " VV OO", which means: " IN in the spring - IN before, ABOUT canopy - ABOUT brotherly."

Thanks to this simple abbreviation, you can always easily find your way around your watch and even if you wake up in the middle of the night, you will correctly answer the question of which direction to turn the hands.


Changing clocks to winter time - how to cope?

Changing time to winter in Ukraine 2016 © Depositphotos

According to doctors, most people have a difficult time adapting to the time they change their clocks to winter or summer time. Our body has to adapt to new mode, which means experiencing additional stress, which different people can last from 2 days to 2 weeks.

In addition, the transition to winter time in Ukraine 2016 will force you to stay late at work and come home 1 hour later than our usual time, when it gets completely dark outside.

Thus, changing the clock to winter time can lead to interruptions in sleep patterns, increased fatigue, a decrease in the body's protective response, and worsening depression and stress.

To help your body adapt to the transition to winter time, start tuning in to the clock change 1-2 weeks in advance.

Follow a daily routine, eat right, go to bed on time, walk more fresh air. And on the last weekend before the time change, try to gain strength and have a good rest.

And, by the way, if you have a dog, gradually accustom it to the new regime: within 1-2 weeks, take it out for a walk 5-10 minutes later than usual.

Change to winter time 2016 - what to spend an extra hour on?

On the day the time is switched to the winter day, it will artificially increase by a full hour. How best to spend it?

We advise you to plan in advance how to spend the extra hour of your life. You can spend it usefully sitting behind textbooks or devoting it to work, or chatting with girlfriends, or giving it to your loved one, or you can simply sleep it off with pleasure - the main thing is that it is not wasted.


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Comments (15)

    deflint 2 years ago

    in this region, the most convenient time will be that which is a couple of hours ahead of astronomical time - that’s when we will make the most efficient use of daylight hours. By the way, many people understood this. In many countries of the same, say, Europe, the accepted time is ahead of the astronomical time, and very rarely in some places it lags behind it. Judge for yourself: France, Spain, Western. part of Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, part of Italy and Norway - are in the 0th time zone; The accepted time is GMT +1 (in summer – GMT +2). Greece, western Part of Romania, Bulgaria, the Baltic states - 1st time zone; time – GMT +2 in winter/+3 in summer. Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan – 3rd belt; time GMT+4. Even Belarus, being in the 2nd time zone with us, adopted GMT+3. And only in the eastern part of Turkey and Syria, and in some regions of Russia, local time “lags behind” astronomical time.
    Thus, it is most convenient for the population to live in a time slightly ahead of astronomical time, i.e. for Ukraine – GMT+3.

    (1 user)
  • deflint 2 years ago

    This may sound paradoxical, but when modern look In life, the so-called “astronomical” time is not convenient. Living according to astronomical time, a person should go to bed at 20-00 and wake up at 4 am. In fact, we rarely go to bed before 22-23 o'clock, and if they get up at 4 am, then... in general, on average, according to statistics, the majority of people on weekdays get up on average at 6 - 7 o'clock. Thus , we can say that the rhythm of life modern man"shifted" several hours ahead relative to "astronomical" time. Therefore, in this region, the most convenient time will be that which is a couple of hours ahead of the astronomical time - it is then that we will make the most efficient use of daylight hours. By the way, many countries have understood this, whether on a subconscious level or through repeated trial and error, I don’t know; but in many countries of the same, say, Europe, the accepted time is ahead