What kind of sneakers are needed for women's fitness. How to choose shoes for fitness and sports

Playing sports should bring joy and benefit, as well as be safe. And not the least role in sports activities plays with the shoes you wear. For a real athlete, there is no such thing as sports shoes, since for various types sports are different. There is one for basketball, another for fitness, and one for tennis. Here it is important to understand how to choose the right sneakers for fitness.

You can trust the advice and recommendations of the seller, but it is better to study all aspects of the choice in advance so as not to become a victim of an “imposed product”. In the question of how to choose sneakers for fitness, you should first study what requirements this type of activity places on shoes and, depending on this, make a choice.

Selection rules or what you should pay attention to

Here are some tips on which sneakers to choose for:

  1. We pay attention to the height of the shoes - it should completely hide and securely fix the ankle joint. This is necessary in order to protect yourself from sprained or dislocated joints.
  2. It is imperative to have shock absorption, otherwise there is a high risk of injury. The sole should be dense and multi-layered; it is highly desirable to have springs or gas cushions under the ball of the foot and the heel of the shoe.
  3. Grip to the floor is equally important. The toe part of the sole of the sneaker should be slightly wider than the heel, this design provides more complete contact with the floor, and therefore better stability.
  4. When it comes to fasteners, give preference to lacing - it will provide a more secure fit to the shoes. This factor is of great importance for active types of activities.
  5. The material of the sneakers must “breathe” and provide good ventilation. Great solution There will be a synthetic mesh as the base or part of the upper of the shoe.

Before you choose and buy for fitness, it’s a good idea to consult with a trainer. An experienced professional will tell you exactly what you should pay attention to, and will also tell you which manufacturers have proven themselves with the best side. After all, branded items are more expensive for a reason. The world's best manufacturers sports shoes, such as Asics or Adidas, carefully studied all the details and identified through testing what good and reliable shoes should be for certain sports.

When choosing which sneakers are best for fitness, you should also pay attention to their appearance. After all, any thing, be it shoes, clothing or jewelry, should not only be of high quality and comfortable, but also please the person who wears it.

The best sneakers for fitness are shoes that protect your joints and ligaments from injuries caused by heavy loads during strength training, running, and dancing. It can also prevent rapid fatigue of the limbs and increase the efficiency of the training process. Before choosing sneakers, you need to determine what type of fitness activity you will wear them for, since different exercises place different loads on your feet and ankle joints. Also different female sneakers for fitness from men's due to the fact that the elasticity of women's tendons depends on the amount of estrogen, which changes throughout the menstrual cycle.

High-quality shoes for sports must meet the following criteria:

  • Comfortable - fits in size, does not press anywhere and allows your fingers to move freely;
  • Lightweight – running and fitness sneakers should not be heavy, as this will complicate the workout and tire the practitioner long before it ends;
  • Air-permeable - this will allow the feet to “breathe” and the shoes not to accumulate moisture inside;
  • Elastic – fitness sneakers should be flexible to allow you to perform various exercises;
  • Durable – high-quality shoes will not lose their shape and will last a long time.

How to choose sneakers for fitness

Choosing sports shoes isn't easy, and some may require help sports instructor or even an orthopedic surgeon. You should consult them if you have had any injuries to the musculoskeletal system or have pathologies, for example, flat feet. You should try on new sports shoes in the evening and while standing, when your feet are a little tired and swollen - this will help you choose the best one. suitable model specifically for your feet.

When choosing women's and men's fitness sneakers, pay attention to the following details:

  • Size. Choose a pair in which your feet feel free, your toes can wiggle, and there is at least 1 cm of space in front;
  • Weight. High-quality and branded shoes, for example, NIKE fitness sneakers, in most models are lightweight and do not burden the foot;
  • Sock. It should be elastic, and you can check this by pressing it with your finger and assessing how quickly it takes its original shape - this characterizes the elasticity of the shoe;
  • Heel. It should be rigid and unbending, but soft at the top so as not to rub;
  • Sole. Any branded fitness sneakers, for example, ADIDAS, have a durable sole consisting of several layers various materials, which ensures the wear resistance of the product. There should be a circle on the toe of the sole that allows for rotational exercises. When doing strength training, you need to choose shoes with wide soles in the toe area, which will ensure foot stability. You can check the rigidity of the sole by bending it - this should not be very difficult and the material should remain intact - without cracks;
  • Insoles. It is necessary that they fit your foot, and if you suffer from flat feet, then you need to buy special ones - orthopedic ones. The insoles should be removable so that they can be dried if necessary or replaced altogether. It is necessary that there is a thickening in the middle of the insoles, which is necessary to support the arch of the foot. You should not see fabric or cardboard under the insole - they contribute to the accumulation of moisture and reduce the service life of the insoles. There should be even seams underneath, facilitating comfortable wearing of sports shoes;
  • Material. Leather is considered the best, for example, NIKE fitness sneakers, made from natural material, allow air to pass through perfectly and do not allow your feet to sweat. Today it is perfectly replaced by innovative developments - gortex. This material is similar in appearance to nubuck, but at the same time has good breathability and moisture-wicking properties. They also use synthetic mesh to make sports shoes, which is also highly breathable;
  • Lacing. For the convenience of wearing sneakers, they should not have Velcro, but rather laces, and flat ones - they hold the knot better. A tongue sewn into the shoe and laces that cling to hooks prevent the shoes from getting wet in inclement weather. It is important that the lacing does not tighten the leg and does not interfere with normal blood circulation;
  • A blown cushion on the outer edge of the shoe will prevent chafing of the ankle;
  • The seams should be smooth and neat, the glue should not be visible.

Of great importance when choosing sports shoes is their shock-absorbing system, which ensures a reduction in the load on the foot and safety of movements. It can be represented by air cushions, micropores or a midsole. The former may have different fillings and locations. They are indispensable for people with spinal problems. They are also suitable for models with shock absorption created by mini-springs.

The midsole is made of polyurethane or ethyl vinyl acetate. The first is very durable but heavy and is used for trail running shoes. The second one is involved in the manufacture of sneakers for indoor activities - it is light, but short-lived, so you will have to be “careful” with the shoes.

Features of sneakers for different types of sports activities

What should you pay attention to when choosing running shoes for fitness? They should provide good shock absorption, be flexible and stable - the toe is wider than the heel. The latter can be quite soft. For aerobics, choose lightweight sneakers with good ankle support. Such models must have shock absorption in the front part. Snickers are perfect.

Running shoes should have a rigid heel counter with a cushion at the top edge. Shock absorbers should be located in the heel area, which will reduce the load on the joints. These sneakers are low, have a sloping toe and a massive heel. It is important that the shoes fit the foot and that the insole is of a suitable anatomical shape. The segmented outsole provides grip on the surface. If you're a trail runner, look for models that have iron inserts on the outsole to improve durability.

For scaling, you need shoes with rigid but flexible soles. Jazz shoes are suitable for dance classes - they are comfortable, light and soft. It is better to do yoga and stretching barefoot or wearing special socks. This will provide a natural foot massage, which improves the condition of the body.

For fitness activities, look for the NIKE Women's Fitness Shoe with the Flexible Diamond FLX Sole. It is very durable, but at the same time it can bend in all possible directions - such models are distinguished by their lightness. ASICS Women's Fitness Shoe with Plus3 Technology Considers Features female body relativity of changes in tendon elasticity.

So, to summarize, I would like to note that fitness sneakers may have different reviews, but the main thing is their lightness, stability, and flexibility. Sports shoes are designed to protect the ankle joint from injury, so they should fix it well and evenly distribute the load when performing exercises. Choose shoes that you feel comfortable in, don't skimp on quality, and try to buy branded sneakers whenever possible.

In order for sports to bring not only benefits, but also pleasure, you need to provide yourself with the most comfortable clothing during training. Special attention should be paid to choosing high-quality sports shoes, that is, sneakers. Sports brands have always divided their shoes into categories, creating sneakers for running, jumping and other active activities. Shoes from different categories differed in cut, style, and even appearance. Which sneakers are ideal for fitness?

What should be

To understand what kind of fitness shoes should be, you need to know what this sport is. Sudden movements at a fast pace, jumps and lunges, squats and bends - all this you will have to endure in the fitness room. And the effectiveness of your workouts depends on what shoes you complement your sports look with. What characteristics should high-quality fitness shoes have?

1. Sole with good shock absorption. The presence of air cushions will minimize the load on the feet and joints during active movements and will allow you to perform exercises without fatigue for much longer.

2. Quality material. It should be breathable, durable and at the same time elastic, so as not to hamper movements and not rub your feet during exercise.

3. Light weight. Since fitness involves jumping and other active movements, the heavy weight of shoes can significantly affect the effectiveness and duration of training, and not for the better.

4. Sufficiently hard sole. The fact is that a soft sole will not allow you to maintain balance during training, which cannot be said about a hard one.

Remember that not only the effectiveness of training, but also safety depends on the correct selection of shoes.

How to choose

In order to minimize the risk of injury during training, it is necessary to pay the greatest attention to the ergonomics of sneakers, as well as the characteristics of the fabrics from which they are made. There are several characteristics that indicate the maximum safety of sneakers:

1. Sole material. Famous brands create shoe soles from special foam, because it is this foam, unlike common rubber, that provides maximum stability when moving and good shock absorption.

2. Sole thickness. Many sports manufacturers prefer to complement their shoes with thin soles, and there are several reasons for this. Thus, shoes with thin soles become as light as possible and at the same time stable, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. Optimal thickness soles - 1.5 - 2 cm. It is better if the sneakers have a slight elevation in the heel area.

3. Last and boot. Among the numerous models offered by modern manufacturers, it is better to choose for fitness those models of sneakers that come with additional buckles to secure the boot. This will ensure perfect fit leg models.

4. Material. It is better if it is only natural and provides sufficient softness with moderate elasticity.

It’s interesting that when choosing sneakers, experts advise paying attention not only to the characteristics of the models themselves, but also to the manufacturer.

Which ones are better

Sneakers from famous sports brands such as Reebok, Nike, Puma, Adidas were considered the best at all times. These brands take into account not only design features shoe models, but also decorative ones, thus combining excellent quality, unsurpassed safety and stylish design. The most interesting thing is that manufacturers think through each individual model of sneakers to the smallest detail, taking into account that each of them can be intended for its own purposes.

Fitness sneakers

This term hides a lot of nuances, because in fact there are a lot of types of fitness. The only type of fitness that does not require sneakers is yoga, Pilates and stretching. To practice these types of fitness in the gym, just wear regular socks. For other types of fitness, you will still need sneakers.

For training

The best shoes For gym workouts, use simple sneakers with thin soles that provide good shock absorption. And it doesn’t matter how this shock absorption will be provided - with the help of studs, an air cushion or some other element on the sole.

The same sneakers are ideal for strength fitness, which involves lunges and other sudden movements during training. But as for running and walking, which are also part of fitness, it is better to choose sneakers with a rounded toe and a large number of spikes on the sole.


For fitness that involves dancing, a special type of sneaker is specially designed - jazz shoes. These shoes are always made from fabrics or artificial materials, which ensures a perfect fit on the leg. Movement in such shoes is not constrained due to the fact that the heel is not connected to the sole, but each of its elements is reinforced with a special insert that ensures stability during rotation.

But for step and aerobics, sneakers with a high last that securely secure the boot are ideal. Fixation is ensured by Velcro buckles, with which any model of sneakers can be adjusted to fit.

How to choose the right one

When choosing a model of fitness sneakers, you should immediately decide whether it will be used for one type or several at once. In the second case, it is better to immediately choose a universal model of sneakers. It must combine several important characteristics, say, have a round toe and spikes or a heel and buckles. It’s interesting that in addition to dividing shoes into categories depending on the type of fitness, there is also a division into other subgroups.


When creating sneakers designed for the fair sex, manufacturers always pay special attention to their external characteristics. The trend now is for sneakers in pastel colors, as well as those that combine several shades at once - bright and classic. The most fashionable combinations are pink and white, as well as purple and light green. Special attention should be paid to the lacing, because this season it has acquired a brighter color than in the previous one.


Sneakers for children are always made from high-quality natural materials that eliminate the possibility of any allergic reactions. The insole in such shoes is always removable, and the toe is quite elastic in texture. But special attention, as in the previous version, is given decorative features. Bright colors, cartoon decor and numerous rivets are present in almost every model.


The most convenient among modern models sneakers are considered to be those that are made of elastic materials and have sufficient stability, and most importantly, adhesion to the surface. The sneakers are always given additional comfort by elastic buckles, which allow you to secure your foot well in the desired position without feeling any discomfort.

When going to training, few people think about what shoes to take with them. But productivity and safety during execution depend on this physical exercise. The main characteristics of gym shoes are determined by the prevailing types of exercises that you will perform in each session.

Shoes for the gym - how to choose?

In order for classes to gym In addition to the stress, they also brought pleasure; you definitely need to choose the right shoes. Since the exercises include two most important types loads: aerobic training and strength training, in terms of your equipment, you should be prepared for each of them.

Strength training itself involves some exercises from weightlifting with sports equipment: dumbbells, barbells, barbells and weights. To perform such exercises, you need to choose tough but stable shoes, with a hard sole and thickening in the heel. This is necessary to increase stability and also reduce the likelihood of losing balance during exercise.

Aerobic training involves exercises of increased motor activity, which require light, soft comfortable shoes, which does not hinder movement. It is also important to feel comfortable: so that the shoes fit well and do not create a feeling of discomfort during exercise. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the shoes allow air to pass through well.

So, we are faced with a problem that is important to solve: we need tough and durable shoes for intense physical activity. These shoes should be made of breathable materials and be lightweight. What should you choose?

Sports shoes should fix the foot in the ankle and heel area, as well as the side parts - this can be achieved using plastic inserts or volumetric frame. It is advisable to choose sneakers with a mesh upper for optimal ventilation, and with medium protection for sufficient cushioning.

Pay attention to models in which the sole is divided into two parts. Due to this, the shoe has optimal flexibility, and the thickening on the heel allows you to perform physical exercise without discomfort. It is also worth considering models that have a soft, segmented sole that promotes foot mobility.

Treadmill Shoes

One of the most popular exercises is exercise on treadmills. To perform them, you will need shoes with soles made from micropores. Most often, such shoes are equipped with helium inserts or a special instep support. All these details as a whole help to significantly reduce the risk of injury, and also provide an optimal degree of shock absorption for the legs.

As for the upper of the shoe, it is best that it has a lightweight structure as much as possible, in order to avoid “ greenhouse effect». The best option There will be models whose uppers are made using a thin but durable breathable material, preferably without seams. Thanks to this design, you can easily avoid chafing of the skin on the bending areas of the shoe during intense movement.

You should not lose sight of the fact that sports shoes are mainly made of lightweight materials; they should fit comfortably on the foot and not create a feeling of discomfort during exercise.

What shoes should I choose for performing strength training?

For strength training, working on machines and performing exercises, the most suitable option There will be sneakers that have a grooved sole that prevents slipping. There must also be a thickening in the heel area that is necessarily wider than top part, promoting sustainability. Models of sports shoes must be equipped with a frame and heel made of hard and durable materials, which prevent all kinds of injuries. The compaction of the shoe sole allows you to evenly distribute the compression load on the spine.

Aerobic Models

For this type of load, shoes are suitable whose soles are made using micropores and the absence of helium inserts. Models with a durable top made of natural or artificial leather, as well as from textiles.

Fitness shoes

Sports shoes for fitness should have a high or medium shaft, the back part must be edged with a thickening. The best option would be a dense sole consisting of several layers. Shock absorption is increased using special gas cushions or built-in springs.

Models of fitness sneakers should have a wide toe box, which helps maximum degree stability, full grip on the floor and safety in the gym. As for the rest, choose a model with laces and a mesh upper, this will make you feel comfortable.

Fashionable shoe models for the gym and fitness


The American brand provides us with a wide selection of versatile sneakers with insoles anatomical structure, superior cushioning, extra pairs of lacing holes, non-slip soles and always a striking design.


Adidas sneakers are characterized by extra light and breathable materials: high-quality fabrics combined with lycra.


The Japanese brand is distinguished by shoes with an increased service life precisely because they contain innovative technologies manufacturing of sports shoes. The durable outsole provides excellent cushioning, while a pair of gel units under the heel and toe contribute to stability and minimize impact.


The German brand produces shoes using high-tech Gore-Tex material, consisting of several layers: membrane, outer fabric and lining. The use of this technology promotes ventilation, wear and moisture resistance.


The British company makes sports shoes, providing them with an insole with an additional level of shock absorption. Also in the shoe, under the insole, there is a special insert that absorbs shock and returns its energy to strengthen the next step.

New Balance

The American sports brand is not only distinguished high quality and convenience, but also the beauty of design. Beautiful sports shoes that also protect your feet from damage - New Balance

Basic selection rules

For different types of loads and exercises, there are a number of subtleties and nuances that must be followed when choosing shoes. Exist universal rules choosing shoes and clothing for training in the gym and sports halls:

  • Shoes should be comfortable and appropriate intended purpose;
  • Sneakers for the gym or any other type of footwear should be comfortable and practical.

Choosing clothes for sports is not difficult. Natural materials, comfortable fit - this is already quite enough. But choosing the right shoes for fitness can be quite difficult. In some cases, you cannot do without the help of professionals, but a couple general advice we can give.

Appearance, of course, is important, especially for women, but you should not make it the main criterion. Right choice Sports shoes for fitness are not a whim or a luxury. It can protect against accidental injury, reduce stress on the foot and lower leg, and also increase the effectiveness of training.

It is worth choosing shoes in the evening, especially if there is a tendency for your feet to swell. Then during training it will sit well and will not cause discomfort. Needless to say, it should fit perfectly and not press, chafe or loose.

Therefore, you should not spare money on buying shoes for fitness, especially if you do it constantly. Preference should be given to stores specializing in the sale of sporting goods. There they will be able to help you choose the right pair based on your chosen fitness area.

If possible, you should consult with the trainer who will lead the classes before starting classes. Good specialist will help you choose the right shoes. This is especially important for people who have suffered a musculoskeletal injury or have severe pathologies (clubfoot, flatfoot, different heights legs and so on). In complicated situations, you may need to consult an orthopedist and individually select shoes for fitness.

Any shoes should be light and breathable so that moisture does not accumulate inside. To do this, fabric or mesh inserts are made in the upper part. As for fasteners, it is better to choose models with laces rather than Velcro, which can pinch blood vessels and impair blood flow.

Shoes for different workouts

To choose the right shoes, you first need to decide what type of fitness you plan to practice. They all create different loads on musculoskeletal system and demand different ways her compensation.

There are several main directions:

  • Yoga, stretching and Pilates are types of fitness that do not require shoes at all. If you practice them at home, you can practice barefoot. This will provide additional stimulation to the soles of your feet. But when classes are held at a sports club, you should wear simple socks. If classes in them seem uncomfortable, then jazz shoes will do.
  • Jazz shoes are also recommended for dance classes. This kind women's shoes for fitness, made of fabric, artificial or natural leather, which ensures a tight fit to the foot. The heel and heel are reinforced with outsole inserts, but they are not connected to each other, which provides increased mobility. The inserts can be plastic or suede, providing good stability when rotating. Jazz shoes can be low, like ballet shoes, or higher, like ankle boots.

  • For step and aerobics classes, you need high-top sneakers that provide good ankle support. The back should have a cutout for the Achilles tendon. The sole should be solid and moderately hard. Toe and heel cushioning is optimal. If you plan to exercise at home or in the gym, you can buy sneakers with white soles, but they are not suitable for outdoor activities.

  • The best shoes for strength training and gym work are regular running shoes, but they should provide good cushioning. In this case, it doesn’t even matter what kind of depreciation method will be used: springs, air cushion or some other.

  • Running and walking. Shoes for running are slightly different from those suitable for other types of fitness. It is recommended to buy sneakers with good cushioning and a rounded toe. If you plan to run on rough terrain, you should choose sneakers with high tread or even spikes.