How to grow mint on an industrial scale. Growing mint: in the country, planting, care, varieties, in a greenhouse, in open ground, in a pot, at home, from seeds

Growing mint

Mint - perennial herbaceous plant family Lamiaceae. Stems are annual, tetrahedral, branched, densely leafy. Branching and leaf arrangement are opposite. The leaves are petiolate, oblong or ovate, with sharply serrated edges. They have glands in which essential oil accumulates.

The rhizome is branched, with nodes from the buds of which shoots and roots are formed. The flowers are small, collected in a complex spike-shaped inflorescence. The fruit is a nut. Weight of 1000 nuts is 0.065 g, mint is demanding sunlight and moisture. Rhizome buds have virtually no dormant period. They begin to germinate at a temperature of 2..3 o C. This feature is one of the reasons for the death of rhizomes in winters with frequent and prolonged thaws.

Young shoots tolerate frosts down to -5...-8 o C. Mint is very demanding on the particle size distribution, structure and fertility of the soil. The best are lowland, floodplain, fertile black soils.

Mint varieties, suitable for long-term cultivation:

Mint variety Zagrava

High-yielding, winter-hardy, rust-resistant mint variety. Productivity of whole dried plants at 55% humidity 131 c/ha, harvest essential oil 79.6 kg/ha; menthol content in essential oil is 78%.

Mint variety Simferopol -200

High-yielding, winter-hardy, rust-resistant mint variety. The yield of whole dried plants at 55% humidity is 132 c/ha, the collection of essential oil is 80-126 kg/ha; menthol content in essential oil is 64.3%.

Mint variety Ukrainian peppermint

High-yielding, drought-resistant, rust-resistant variety. The yield of whole dried plants at 55% humidity is 114 c/ha, the collection of essential oil is 61.5%; menthol content in essential oil is 52.5%.

Mint variety Udaychanka

High-yielding, winter-hardy, lodging-resistant mint variety. The yield of whole dried plants at 55% humidity is 135 c/ha, the collection of essential oil is 65-86 kg/ha; menthol content in essential oil is 47-52%.

Mint, as a perennial crop, should be placed on irrigated non-crop rotation plots after winter grains, legumes and other early harvested crops. In the southern regions best time plantation bookmarks is autumn.

At this planting period, after harvesting the predecessor, the stubble is peeled, after 2-3 weeks plowing is carried out, under which organic and mineral fertilizers. Before planting, the soil is kept as steam. Immediately before planting, loosening is carried out to 14-16 cm.

In case of severe weed infestation, the herbicides treflan, sinbar, penitran, maloran, and trophy are applied under preplant cultivation. After planting, mint rhizomes are applied 10-15 days before germination for harrowing with Gesagard, Ronstar, Dactal, Depra, Goltix, Treflan, Stomp, etc. After this, if planting is done manually, furrows are cut 12-15 cm deep, the distance between which is 60 -70cm. Mechanical planting of rhizomes is carried out by MKM-2.4 or a converted cultivator - plant feeder KRN-4.2B with a PP-6 device, while hillers, rollers, platforms for rhizomes and places for planters are installed. After planting, rolling is carried out using ring-spur rollers.

You can plant mint early in the spring, but in later late time- seedlings. The seedlings should have 6-8 pairs of leaves and a length of 10 cm. SKN-6A seedlings equipped with a device for planting mint PRM-6 are planted. The distance between plants in a row is 15 cm. The rate of planting rhizomes is 1.5-2 t/ha, seedlings - thousand plants/ha.

In the spring, on plantations with a fall planting period, harrowing is carried out with light harrows across the rows. Harrowing is carried out when weeds appear. When the rows of mint are well defined, carry out the first cultivation at 6-8cm to maintain optimal humidity soils (80-85%) are irrigated. They are stopped 15-20 days before harvesting.

Mint is often left in one place for 2 years or longer. The duration of operation of mint plantings depends on the location of the site, the level of agricultural technology, the state of the plantings in the spring after overwintering, the degree of weediness, and other reasons. If it is planned to use the plantation for the second year, then in the fall or in early spring apply mineral fertilizers. In the spring, harrowing is carried out in two tracks. This technique is repeated after the emergence of mint shoots, when the plants reach a height of 3-5 cm.

In the area allocated for the third year's harvest, mineral fertilizers are applied in the fall (approximately 120 kg of NPK) and plowing is carried out with plows without skimmers to a depth of 20-22 cm in a unit with ring-spur rollers. Subsoilers or crevices are installed on the plow. In early spring, before the third year of mint grows, when there is heavy weed infestation, the field is sprayed with herbicides. In subsequent years of cultivation, organic matter and mineral fertilizers (30 kg NPK each) are added for plowing. On a perennial plantation, special attention is paid to protecting plants from rust.

Cleaning mint

Mint of the first year is harvested in the technical ripeness phase at 50% flowering on warm sunny days, since rainy, cool weather sharply reduces the collection of essential oil per hectare (by 35-40%).

Mint of the second and third years is harvested in the phase of mass budding - the beginning of flowering. Mowing is carried out with headers such as ZhVN-6, ZhRB-4.2, E-303. Plants dried in windrows after 24-48 hours, when the humidity drops to 55-60%, are picked up by windrows E-281, KPI-2.4, KSS-2.6 with simultaneous crushing and loading into a cube container KTT-18, and sent for processing.

The necessary greens are often grown in a greenhouse. One of these crops is lemon balm, which is familiar to many by its other name - lemon balm. In the photo you can see what this culture looks like.

The description of lemon balm will allow you to determine how it is needed and where it can be used. If you decide to grow such a fresh spice with a charming smell, you should familiarize yourself with the key principles of caring for it in advance. Experience shows that growing lemon balm is not difficult, even for young gardeners.

  • Growing lemon balm - photo

Development of lemon balm planting

Developing a planting of long herbs is quite simple. But you should not forget that its germination rate is very low. In the last days of May or in the first days of summer, you will need to prepare cups or special boxes for planting material.

Germination of lemon balm seeds is not very good

Attention! Growing lemon balm in a greenhouse allows you to plant it directly in the ground.

When sprouts appear, they can be thinned out. This approach will ensure normal development and active growth of the herb. Optimal distance There is a gap of at least 5 cm between the sprouts.

Another main rule for caring for lemon balm plantings is to provide the crop with good lighting. It is recommended to install the box with seedlings as close to the light source as possible. Spicy greens respond excellently to unnatural lighting.

It will be especially necessary to use a lamp for lemon balm seedlings on cloudy days.

When planting, seeds do not need to be buried very deep.

In order for the seedlings to develop well, they can be planted in peat pots. For optimal growth of seedlings, it is possible to use nitrogen fertilizers. But it is much more serious to thin out the lemon balm in time. This will need to be done when the first leaves form.

It is fundamentally important to take into account that it is not customary to pick this culture. After about 40 days, lemon balm is planted on permanent place in the greenhouse, if this was not done immediately.

Preparing land for grass and using cuttings

Planting herbs has a sequence of twists. First of all, it is recommended to plant it in well-prepared soil. Earth is recommended:

  • dig up;
  • free from weeds, if any;
  • fertilize with organic and mineral compounds.

It is extremely important that the substrate in the greenhouse does not turn sour. If such a possibility exists, it is recommended to provide the site with good drainage. To do this, it is possible to use small crushed stone or crushed brick.

If this problem is not eliminated, you may encounter death of the root and rotting of the lemon balm system.

Melissa seeds

Well-drained soil is the first step to successful crop cultivation. But we should not forget about the highlights of the soil. A good substrate for lemon balm is sandy loam neutral or slightly acidic soil.

Acidic soil is not suitable for growing lemon balm in a greenhouse.

Advice. If the soil in the greenhouse is acidic, you will need to add dolomite flour to the soil.

Because growing herbs from seeds is a very long and labor-intensive process, many gardeners prefer to use cuttings. It is recommended to remove them lower leaves. Myself planting material should be at least 15-20 cm in height. In just a couple of days, lemon balm produces roots if you put the stems in water to which a couple of drops of a growth stimulator have been added.

In most cases, after seven days the plant’s personal root complex is formed. It is already possible to plant such lemon balm in closed ground.

Lemon balm can be grown by cuttings

Key principles of crop care

As for caring for lemon balm, first of all it needs:

  1. Systematic spraying (especially at elevated air temperatures and excessive dryness)/
  2. Moderate watering.
  3. Sufficient amount of light.
  4. Availability of backlight.

It is optimal to plant lemon balm in the spring. To get a lemon balm harvest in the greenhouse winter period, it is worth landing in the last summer days or early September. Along with this, it is recommended to provide the herb with a sufficient amount of natural sunlight and additional lighting.

Mint in a greenhouse requires good air humidity.

When sowing lemon grass, it is recommended to leave at least 25 cm between successions. If grass seedlings are used, they must be transferred to the ground at an age of at least 35 days.

The crop needs to be watered about 3 times every 8-10 days. In summer, watering should be plentiful; with the onset of cold weather, it must be reduced. The most important thing is to prevent liquid from stagnating in the soil.

Despite the fact that herbs love water, too much water can cause the crop to become sick or rot.

Sufficient air humidity is no less important for a lemon plant. On summer days, it is recommended to spray the grass with cool water. To do this, you should use a spray bottle. This procedure will provide lemon balm with strength.

Its pages will acquire an attractive coloring and become juicier and larger.

When the stems reach 20 cm in height, their tops are in most cases shortened. This avoids the formation and weakening of lemon balm color on it. Due to pinching, they will begin to appear side shoots, due to which a lot of foliage is formed.

Lemon mint needs to be watered every 2-3 days.

The optimal temperature for lemon balm growth is 18-20 degrees. It must be remembered: sudden changes in temperature levels negatively affect the condition of the leaves of the crop. Heat is also detrimental to them.

As you can see, growing lemon herb in a greenhouse is a fairly simple and feasible task for most gardeners. The main thing is to provide the crop with a sufficient level of illumination and timely optimal moisture.

Melissa or lemon balm - video

Growing lemon balm - photo

How to grow basil, mint, lemon balm

How to MAKE MONEY by growing SPICY herbs. Full analysis of the topic. // Oleg Karp

A mint business begins with its cultivation. There are two approaches: grow on open ground, grown in greenhouses. In the second case, there are more costs, but the yield is also higher, plus you can get fresh mint all year round. In the first - it’s easy to start - accessible to any summer resident, but there is seasonality.

We will focus on a more complex approach. To grow mint you need to create special conditions, at which it will grow all year round. The growth rate will change over time and will need to be updated root system, but in some cases this may not be necessary.

In order to protect plants from winter cold, you will need to create special conditions, in which cold air will not enter the room, which can stop the vegetative growth of the plant.

Preparing the soil and creating insulation in the form of greenhouse conditions

First, you should calculate the required size of the clearing for growing mint. It is worth noting that mint is usually grown in ditches or near a pond, in the coastal area.
It is necessary to dig a space under the future greenhouse about a meter deep. For middle zone For Russia, 60-80 cm is quite enough. All soil must be left next to the dug hole.

It is worth leaving small paths across the space for people to pass through. In such an area they will look like a plus; one exit should lead to the door from the greenhouse. At the base of these paths it is worth laying bricks with strong cement.

Spread polyethylene on the dug surface of the future greenhouse, framing the internal paths.

You will need some manure or ready-made fertilizers, which will need to be mixed with the excavated soil in approximately equal proportions, and then simply pour the prepared soil over the polyethylene without compacting it, leaving it in a loose state.

After the basis for growing mint is ready, you need to order the installation of a polycarbonate greenhouse complex from specialists and indicate the requirements for high frost resistance. After a short time, you will receive a finished greenhouse that retains moisture. It is also necessary to activate the drain to drain old water once every 6 months.

Planting mint roots

Before you start planting mint, you should water the soil and create semi-marsh conditions that will last for a long time. After the first watering, the moisture will begin to flow down and will be retained by the polyethylene. But the density of the soil should remain quite high, so it is better not to add water than to overfill.

Then buy mint seedlings and start planting them close to the corners of the greenhouse, so that you can plant new seedlings along the paths. The moisture level at the time of planting should be low.

To save money, you can buy seedlings that first cover 1/4 of the entire available area, and then within 6 months you can produce seedlings vegetatively yourself.
Then, without damaging the root, carefully cut the plants to harvest.

Selling mint

We take the produce and go to small fruit and vegetable stores, and also go to supermarkets (including chain stores).

We go to restaurants and cafes in the city. Mint tea is always a hit with consumers.

Reader's story: We started selling mint by accident. We buried several plants for ourselves along the fence, and two years later the mint took over part of our plot and part of the empty neighboring one. They didn’t water or fertilize. It is very tenacious and spreads quickly. I went into a fruit and vegetable store, talked to the owner, and said that we could deliver several boxes (small wooden ones made for tomatoes). And then they just cut it up, put it in boxes, and delivered it.

Mint is known to absolutely everyone for its beneficial properties. That is why they try to collect it and dry it for the winter. But some people prefer to grow mint in a greenhouse. This allows you to be less dependent on weather conditions and always have on hand the amount of mint that is needed.

Conditions for growing mint in a greenhouse

This plant itself is very unpretentious. It does not require particularly difficult conditions for cultivation. Therefore, with the proper approach, you can grow mint in a greenhouse even in winter. Of course, for this the greenhouse must be heated and ventilated. Best ways for collection big harvest– this is hydroponics and heating on peat.

Mint survives frosts well down to -8 0 C. And it begins to germinate at minimal above-zero temperatures. But drought and lack of light can be detrimental to this greenery. It is better to choose soil that is sufficiently fertile. Floodplain and lowland chernozems are well suited.

The soil must not be allowed to dry out. If mint is grown in the ground, it is best to provide a greenhouse. The soil is periodically loosened to ensure better breathing of the root system. Weeds must be removed promptly. This will allow the mint to get more nutrients from the soil.

How to properly grow mint in greenhouse conditions?

To get the most friendly shoots, before planting in the greenhouse, mint seeds can be pre-treated with a regular aquarium compressor. Seeds placed in water are pumped with oxygen, which increases their viability. It is advisable to plant the opened seed immediately after processing. If this is not possible, then you should dry them in a draft.

Experienced farmers recommend using a coconut briquette substrate when planting in a greenhouse. This will make the process of caring for the planting easier, since coconut allows the plant to control the flow of liquid to the root system. But this method is only necessary to obtain large yields (for example, in the field of entrepreneurship).

When sowing seeds, it is necessary to ensure high-quality and abundant watering. In order for the crop to germinate faster, the plantings can be covered with film. Natural lighting is quite enough. If the greenhouse does not have a permanent heating system, it must be remembered that a sharp temperature change in spring or autumn can destroy young seedlings. Therefore, it is recommended to cover young shoots at night.

If it is not possible to plant seeds directly into the ground, you may be puzzled by the question of how to grow mint in a greenhouse using seedlings. This method involves germinating seeds in boxes at home. Seedlings are planted within 10-14 days. It is very important to regularly moisten the plantings. A humidity level of 60-70% is considered normal and acceptable.

Recognized as a dangerous disease for greenhouse mint powdery mildew. It appears when sharp changes temperatures The most common pests are greenhouse whiteflies, aphids and spider mite. You can get rid of them by spraying the plantings with industrial preparations or using appropriate folk remedies.

Mint all year round or how to grow mint at home

There are a wide variety of types of mint, for example, peppermint, apple mint, allspice, field mint, etc. Many people know about beneficial properties mint, but finding it on store shelves can be quite difficult. There are a wide variety of mint types, such as peppermint, apple mint, allspice, field mint, and so on. It's mint perennial, its height can reach up to 1 meter in height. To enjoy the wonderful taste of this herb all year round, you don’t have to spend time looking for it in stores or spending money on buying it. It is quite simple and inexpensive to grow it in your own apartment.

Growing mint does not require any special skills.

Growing mint is quite a simple and interesting activity. By following all the advice, this process will bring joy, and the result will please you and not keep you waiting.

If you need seeds for the next season, the AgroSemFond company is organizing a sale with discounts of up to 40%. You can find out more details here.

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