How do dream books interpret the meaning of the color blue? Interpretation of the dream blue in dream books.

Dreams are amazing in their mysterious structure, in their inexplicability and inexhaustibility.

Dream books are full of interpretations of all kinds of objects, things, phenomena, animals and people, natural facts. But if you notice, a special part in them is also occupied by more figurative things. For example – colors. It happens that a dream is painted in a certain predominant color - or the dreamer clearly remembers a certain object from the dream that was of a bright color. This is of course a sign.

The colors of the spectrum are not always clearly remembered after waking up, and if, upon waking up, you very clearly remember a certain shade that predominates in the vision, be sure to ask what it means.

Each color of the spectrum has its own meaning and is associated with a certain element, sphere of activity, with the work of one or another part of the human body and consciousness. The color blue is worth considering separately.

The blue shade is unusual; it is considered the color of magicians and magic. It is mysterious, deep, and evokes dual feelings: on the one hand, it is associated with sadness, and on the other, it evokes calm and a feeling of a certain detachment. He is not aggressive, calm and deep. What will the interpreter say, why do you dream about the color blue, what does it promise and portend?

There are not very many options that the dream book offers - they are basic, and each dreamer will find his own, close to what was in the dream. The options are:

  • I just remember the blue tint that colored the whole dream.
  • In dreams, this color evoked peace and tranquility.
  • Blue clothes in a dream.
  • Paint something, or draw.
  • Feel anxious or even tormented by the color blue in your dreams.
  • Seeing a rich blue sky.

The meanings of such dreams, as the dream book will show, are very unusual and are always associated with inner world. Such a colored dream does not indicate the everyday part of life; it is associated with the subconscious, spiritual world, and emotions.

It is not difficult to interpret such a dream, but to correctly understand and analyze it, and then accept the interpretation and apply it in life is more difficult. It will take intuition and wisdom.

What does it mean?

It is very important to remember your emotions here - what you experienced during this “colored” dream. This will indicate the state of your consciousness and help you understand what is broken, where the imbalance is, and how you should work on yourself.

1. The dream book says that if the dream itself was colored in this shade, and you did not experience any bright emotions, then in reality you should pay attention to your own femininity. This color is part of the “yin”, feminine nature.

You need peace, less anger, less vivid expressions of feelings, regularity and “fluidity.” This is what is missing and what gives disharmony to your being.

2. Experiencing complete peace or even bliss in a “blue” dream is a hint that in reality you need to solve all problems not with force, but with gentleness, wisdom and prudence.

Here the dream book recommends calming the psyche, meditating, studying positive thinking, evaluate the world wisely, accepting completely as it is. Understand that everything that exists in reality is needed for something - and learn to get rid of the state of struggle, discontent and aggression. Strength is not what you need right now.

3. The dream book says about the same thing about blue clothes. Such a dream is evidence that you are tense, overly active and think rather negatively, perceiving many phenomena around you as something hostile. It is worth changing the perception of the world.

Accept reality, don’t resist it, and ignore what you don’t like calmly and with a smile. A wise, calm attitude towards the world will ultimately make you practically invulnerable.

Then nothing can disturb or throw you out of balance, and any difficulties will be resolved gently, calmly and easily, without the use of force and without tension. Learn this!

4. Such a dream, where you painted or painted something with blue paint, is a hint that the rude, masculine part of your character and behavior outweighs you. It is necessary to develop feminine traits and skills.

How? Start simple. Wear more feminine clothes, be kinder and more affectionate with all living beings, avoid stress. Communicate more with women, with friends, with relatives. Go to women's workshops and other events.

5. If a dream in which the color blue brought you unpleasant emotions - anger, fear, inconvenience, any torment - the dream book regards this as a sign that you feel your weakness in reality and suffer because of it.

6. The deep and bright blue sky is a symbol of the powerful work of the subconscious. Pay attention to this part of yourself - maybe you are too down-to-earth and don’t pay attention to your own intuition?

Colored dreams are interesting and complex. Listen to yourself - and you yourself will be able to understand how to apply the knowledge and interpretations from the dream book to yourself, what to do to make life even more harmonious and happier. Author: Vasilina Serova

Dreams are a special world that surrounds humanity throughout for long years. But the main images of dreams are drawn from the objects around us, and therefore the interpretation is strikingly different from those that were given, say, a hundred years ago. But there are dreams that are filled not with objects, but with colors. Such dreams are very memorable, it is interesting to find out the meaning of such an extraordinary dream, for such cases we turn to the dream book. - what does it mean?

Dream groups

You should always remember that in the world dreams are coming continuous communication of the human soul with his past, present and future. It is the dreams of the future that interest us most. They can be divided, in turn, into those that come true in the first three days and those that come true within two weeks, or long-term dreams.

Morning dreams are very often called empty, they can contain any little thing and any trifle of tomorrow, it is pointless to solve them. Midnight dreams, especially those that occur between two and four o'clock in the morning, especially carry valuable information. But you should not overload yourself physically and mentally, and it is not recommended to take sleeping pills at night. It is also not allowed to abuse alcohol, otherwise dreams will flow in a stream that no dream interpreter will understand.

Details of your dreams

So, you remember a dream in which you saw the color blue. We are looking for an interpretation of such a dream in the dream book: the color blue in a dream, what does it mean... Before turning to the interpretation of the dream itself, you need to remember what emotions you experienced. It is well known that each spectrum relates to a certain element, sphere of activity, even belonging to one or another organ of the human body. Blue color magical, but evokes dual feelings: on the one hand, it is a kind of sadness, and on the other, it is peace and tranquility.

Blue Color Meaning

If we start from the dream book: the whole dream was colored blue, this means that in reality you do not experience bright emotions, blue is considered a feminine color, therefore, you need to pay attention to the development of your femininity. You are missing something in life, you need more peace, less vivid emotions, anger, malice. That is, in dreams the principle of mirror reflection often works; if you can understand it correctly, you can solve some issues in life.

blue flower

For example, if in a dream you see yourself wearing blue clothes. This indicates that in life you are full of aggression, often think negatively, and perceive everything around you as hostile. Dreaming in blue may show you that you need to calm down, resolve issues wisely, with prudence and gentleness. For example, blue flowers are interpreted in the following way: in addition to the color of the flower itself, you need to determine what kind of flower you saw in your dream. If, for example, these were blue violets, then very soon you will meet your love. If these were cornflowers, then a spiritual rebirth awaits you. In turn, irises mean that such a dream indicates increased carelessness, and you prefer a comfortable and frivolous life. But the blue buttercups you see in a dream can warn against betrayal and deception. It is also very important to remember what actions happened to you in a dream. Either you picked flowers, dropped them, gave them, or put them in a vase. Each action changes the interpretation of the dream itself. So, for example, dropping a flower means a quarrel; if you managed to pick it up quickly, then a quarrel can be avoided. Picking dried flowers means loss; tearing off petals means making yourself unhappy. Sometimes, according to the dream book, a bright blue color can mean some intrigues happening around you. It is important to consider and remember all the details of the dream. If you dreamed blue flower was beautiful, blooming, you smelled it, picked it in such in bloom, then this always promises prosperity, happiness and peace, it can also mean the appearance of new love in your life, in any of these cases everything will be fine. The meaning of such images is unchanged and will remain so for many hundreds of years.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

If the blue flower was withered, dry and broken, then be careful, in reality you may face troubles, quarrels, even illnesses of people close to you.

Today there are many colors , each of which interprets differently, but the semantic meanings are close to each other. so, as a rule, there is no uncertainty in this case.

So, for example, Miller’s dream book, which today is one of the most widespread and in demand, believes that the color blue, and not only it, but any other color, has no special semantic meanings. But according to the dream book of Denise Lynn, who is today one of the most famous psychotherapists and researchers, self-development trainers, the blue color promises only one blessing to the dreamer: love, faith, understanding, tolerance, sensuality, wisdom, nobility. In any of these cases, one should not forget how important the detail of the dream is, and the actions performed during this process are also important. All this together should form one overall picture, which will become clear to you as a whole. Also, according to the interpretation according to Denise Lynn’s dream book, such things as self-isolation, depression, passivity, self-rejection, and at the same time getting rid of self-pity are happening in your life.


In any case, the work done to collect information in dream books was the result of painstaking and many years of research by the authors. Just imagine: hundreds of people interviewed, thousands of dreams that we had to study, and not just study, but be able to connect with everyday collisions. Don't forget how important details, clarifications, even the times in which you live are important. Such knowledge will help to avoid many disappointments that our contemporary may encounter when turning to previously published dream books for help. But in in this case we're talking about about a dream in which the dreamer saw a blue flower. Such images are durable, inherent in the general type of human civilization and belong to the so-called collective unconscious. Such images, for better understanding, include flight, meat, flowers, wedding, bread.

Every day we see dreams. As a rule, these are some subjects, objects, certain persons, but the color and its intensity are only an addition. But what if color was at the center of the event, what if from everything that was seen, one or another shade was etched into the memory?

Today we will talk about what to expect if you happen to see the color blue in your sweet dreams. What does the dream book say about this? For getting correct interpretation Please pay attention to the following points:

  • Have you ever seen a pure blue color or was it a mixture of several shades (for example, blue-green).
  • Maybe you painted something or someone.
  • What emotions did you experience in your dream (calmness, irritation, suffering).
  • Maybe some blue object (car, flower, item of clothing) caught your attention.

What does the color blue mean in a dream? The dream book offers several options. Firstly, a dream with a predominance of blue is a warning of danger. In the near future, be careful, do not get involved in dubious matters, and troubles will be avoided.

Secondly, the dream book sees in this shade a reflection of such concepts as kindness, understanding, loyalty, even humility. It is worth noting that to a greater extent these words are intended for representatives of the fair half of humanity and they are considered as a manifestation of femininity.

Thirdly, blue as a manifestation of coldness and detachment. Seeing a person in bright blue clothes in your sweet dreams means not really counting on his support or reciprocity of feelings.

Blue-green color symbolizes freedom. Perhaps we are talking about getting rid of any problems, completing things that have been started. Light blue portends fun about the fulfillment of plans.

Remember how you felt. If you were calm, then as a result of working on yourself, you came to the conclusion that most situations can be resolved without resorting to physical force and without showing anger. Your main weapon is fortitude. A dream in which you experience discomfort from a given color indicates that you are actually suffering. From what? From my imbalance. Learn to keep your emotions under control. Being in harmony with yourself is a true pleasure.

To see a dream in which you paint your face means becoming an object of ridicule or being slandered. To paint another person's face is, on the contrary, to laugh at him. But if you had a dream in which you are covering a vehicle with paint, then a surprise awaits you. At the same time, the dream book does not say a word about her character.

What if in a dream a certain blue thing caught your attention: an object, a vehicle or a plant? Let's start with the wardrobe, namely blue. If a young lady had a dream in which she was dressed in a chic dress of a given color, then in reality the girl was very pleased with herself. In addition, the dream book in this case promises the fulfillment of desires.

If a representative of the fairer sex tries on a new blue dress in front of her, then soon she will have to meet her rival. The outcome of the case depends on the details. The dream book says: you liked the new thing - you are not afraid of your rival; the dress is poorly made - expect intrigue on her part and a fierce struggle for her man.

Getting to know worthy person foreshadows a dream in which a woman is dressed in beautiful blue. If you are a businesswoman, then a vision of this kind promises a meeting with a new business partner.

Next let's move on to vehicles and let's talk about why blue dreams. A car of this color is a symbol of calm, stability, and promises the dreamer care and protection from a serious person.

And a few words about plants, or rather about. If they are blue, then you should not expect reciprocity from the object of your affection. The dream book advises not to be upset, because it may well be that this is not your person, but you are yet to experience a real feeling. But if you dreamed of cornflowers, which by their nature have such a shade, then either a romantic date or fun awaits you.

Why do you dream of a blue tint? It's time to take stock. Having read the explanations offered by the dream book, we can say with confidence that the blue color does not foretell serious problems for the dreamer. Of course, there are moments in which we are talking about troubles, but with due diligence they can be easily avoided.

Dreams tend to repeat themselves. But if a person sees the same dream many times, then he should pay attention to it - such a dream is a hint from the subconscious or a warning that problems may arise very soon.

Lethargy - imaginary death or an involuntary attempt to hide from problems

Is lethargy a fake death, a terrible disease, or another mysterious property of the human mind? For centuries, ordinary people feared this disease as a terrible curse, and many great doctors tried to find the answer to this question, but even in our time, despite enormous progress in the study of human psychophysiology, the state of lethargy is still fraught with many mysteries.

Men are more likely than women to have erotic dreams

Dreams are the eternal companion of man. Dreams have been studied by scientists at all times. Many facts have appeared and been refuted, but there are eternal facts that are undeniable theorems. One of them reads: “Men are much more likely than women to have dreams with erotic content.” The question automatically arises: why?

What is the danger of colored dreams?

Vivid, colorful dreams may indicate serious mental disorders or that the person is currently in a severe traumatic situation. This is why every obsessive dream should be worked through with a psychologist.

Why do you dream about Blue?

Blue in the modern dream book

The color blue in a dream predicts trouble. If in a dream you saw yourself wearing clothes in which blue tones predominate, your health may deteriorate, both physical and psychological, which may be accompanied by a bad mood and even depression. Seeing an interior in blue tones in a dream means that you will not be able to work out your plans well enough, and they will be upset because of this. In addition, you will be faced with a lack of like-minded people and the fact that your ideas will not be clear to others. If you do not resist and succumb to temptation, then you will be threatened with family problems. But the blue, cloudless sky foreshadows a calm and measured life, in which there are no shocks and cataclysms, and there is hope for a good future. A dream in which you see yourself standing on the shore of a blue sea, the waves of which splash at your feet, says that your life will be serene and orderly in the very near future. If you decide to swim in this blue water, then you are warned about the need to learn tolerance, since any little thing can upset your relationship with your relatives. See how you sail across the blue sea on a ship, you will overcome all doubts and stop twitching and worrying at the slightest reason. But if you saw sailing ships from the side, in reality you will rush and hesitate.

Blue in Miller's dream book

Dreaming of a blue sky without clouds predicts great honors that people will show you. It could also mean a quick exciting trip in very refined company. If you saw a blue sea in a dream, then you will lack spiritual pleasures, while there will be an abundance of carnal pleasures, and you will suffer from it.

Blue in Freud's dream book

A clear blue sky indicates the well-being of your personal life. If there were any failures in sex, then they are all in the past. But this happy time may be short-lived, so enjoy it now. The blue sea visible in the distance says that sex is not available to you now for some reason, or you simply do not enjoy it. The reason lies in the fact that you have the wrong attitude towards your own appearance and because of this you cannot relax and enjoy. The calm waters of the blue sea, observed from the shore, mean that there is a lack of peace and stability in your life, although you persistently strive for them. But soon everything will change and the situation will stabilize. If you saw someone swimming in the blue sea, it means that you can help this person solve a problem that is difficult for him to cope with alone. If you see yourself bathing, then you have a full sex life and now you are happy, although you previously considered this reason unimportant.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Blue color

  • Instills Love, wisdom, nobility, faith, understanding, impartiality, kindness, compassion, tolerance and the ability to forgive, sensitivity and the ability to contemplate.
  • Relieves self-pity, fear, self-rejection, separation, isolation, anxiety, depression, passivity, anxiety, coldness, aloofness.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

See Blue in a dream

  • Blue is the color of magic. Some interpreters believe that dreams colored blue only promise big troubles. However, the blue color symbolizes femininity, fidelity, poise, meekness, eternity, harmony and peace. It is also constancy, perseverance, perseverance, devotion, dedication, seriousness and rigor.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Dream Interpretation Blue

  • The primary elements are wood.
  • Elements - wind. Emotions - anger. Organs - liver. Planets - Saturn.
  • Explanation and Interpretation
  • Seeing the color blue in a dream and experiencing peace means realizing your daytime anger (whether it was justified or not) and the manifestation of your strength (there was a forceful solution to the situation, not necessarily physically). To admit anger even with self-condemnation (the dreamer thinks that he could have acted more softly for those around him) means to recognize the strength of the liver organ - to recognize the strength of his spirit. The result will be relaxation and success in relationships and business. Seeing the color blue in a dream/wearing blue clothes/painting something blue - taming the external yang by influencing the internal yin. To suffer in a dream from the blue color - here is an excess of anger unbalanced by reality (there is no external object) generated by internal fear (the kidneys are the source of fear), here is weakness and dependence on one’s internal and external emotions. Inconvenience from blue in a dream - suppressing anger with anger at oneself (internal endless battle). Rejection of your fear and the desire not to realize it, but to suppress it in any way, results in troubles, miscalculations in business and conflicts with others. From a medical point of view, such a dream means kidneys devastated by fear (no energy - illness), which leads to further fears and anger. A doctor's advice is required.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 best dream books: dream book catch phrases, noble dream book N. Grishina, Longo's dream book, medieval dream book Daniel, Italian dream book of Meneghetti, Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshefa), Vanga’s dream book, Russian dream book, erotic dream book Danilova, eastern women's dream book, dream book of Tarot symbols, Assyrian dream book, Shuvalova’s dream book, Slavic dream book, Chaldean dream book, Jung’s dream book, Indian shamanic dream book, lovers’ dream book, Mayan dream book, women’s dream book, dream book (1829), self-instructional dream book (Vrublevskaya’s dream book), esoteric dream book, fairy-tale and mythological dream book, and others.