How to make your apartment warm with your hands. How to make the apartment warm, why it’s cold in the apartment


There is no need to wait for orders from the authorities at first heating season, but become the master of the situation. To implement this idea, you can install an individual autonomous heating. True, this will still require written permission from the city administration, and the equipment itself is not cheap: the autonomous heating system consists of a boiler, radiators, pump and pipes. But, if you are willing to spend money, then your home will always be warm whenever you want it.

One more possible option Various electric heaters are used. But the catch here is that nowadays it is not cheap, and this method of generating heat is also very expensive. In addition, with electric heaters constantly turned on, there is insufficient high humidity air in the room, which is harmful to.

Installing plastic sealed windows with several double-glazed windows allows you to retain heat in and prevents the outflow of warm air. Hermetically sealed entrance doors good quality will also help keep the apartment warm.

Another advancement is the installation of heated floors. The heating system is installed under floor covering and is a heating cable with a thermostat, or a thin heating mat.

Modern split systems work well for heating, but they can only be used when there are no negative temperatures outside. They are also convenient because the feed intensity air flow and the supply air temperature can be set using the remote control remote heating.

Place sheets of special shielded foil behind the heating radiators - this product will reflect heat flows towards the apartment.

If the heating season has already begun, and your radiators are barely warm or completely cold, you need to look for the reasons for this phenomenon. Possibly to blame air jams, formed in radiators, then, using special keys, it is necessary to bleed air from the system.

If the apartment has a balcony or loggia, you need to take care of their insulation: for example, glaze them. This will prevent cold air from entering the rooms.

Video on the topic

Optimal temperature in a living room 23-25oC, such temperature regime allows the human body to function most efficiently. If the temperature is below 18-20°C, there can be no question of productive work or quality rest.


Low temperatures can be caused by phenomena and processes for which the health department, housing and communal services, and management companies are responsible. If there is insufficient supply to the batteries hot water, general building communications are worn out to a critical limit, thermal insulation standards were violated during the construction of the building, you can safely contact the DEZ, which is obliged to send an engineer to check and draw up a report. If your complaints are confirmed, public services must rectify the situation within a week.

At strong wind cover the doorway of the balcony door with a rug. To be sure, you can put it on the floor under the door old pillow.

Draw thick curtains. This is also one way to keep cold air out.

Now there are quite a lot of different foam or rubber insulation materials that can be bought in construction stores. They are very convenient to use and retain heat in the apartment.

Video on the topic

It is a rare apartment owner who can boast that he always has a comfortable temperature in it. In most cases, many consumers are not satisfied with the temperature conditions of the room.

There are many reasons why many people have very cold apartments in winter. There is no need to delve into all of them; it is enough to tell you how to solve this problem.

You should start with the fact that every component of the room - be it a window, a door or a floor - can be unfavorable comfortable stay. This happens when we're talking about about the incorrect installation of these structures or the erroneous choice of material used for furnishing the apartment.

Sequence of actions

To eliminate the cold in your apartment, it’s better to start with the windows. They should be checked for any cracks. If any are found, you need to use foam strips, which will allow you to solve the problem inexpensively and quickly. In addition, you can choose other types of seals, fortunately there are more than enough of them offered today.

In addition, insulating film for window structures can be used as insulation. Although this option can only be used if the owner is not particularly concerned about the transparency of the glass.

For insulation door design You can also use a special perimeter seal, which is placed directly between the frame and the door itself. In addition, insulating the product by covering the surface of the door leaf will help solve this issue.

In the case when installed metal doors, moreover, the inside of the product is not filled with anything, then it is advisable to fill the empty space with insulation.

Having solved the issue of insulating doors and windows, you can start analyzing the floor covering.

Floor insulation

If the floor is in excellent condition, there are no defects or cracks, and the cold still prevails below, then the best solution will be used on winter time carpets, preferably natural ones, since the wool used the best way retains heat in the house and prevents cold air from moving through it into the living space. Although there is another option - installing heated floors.

There is another simple, but at the same time effective way for insulating an apartment - this is cooking. After all, during the cooking process, the air in the kitchen heats up and disperses throughout the living rooms, which also allows them to maintain a comfortable temperature regime. Whichever of these methods the homeowner chooses, they are all effective, so you can safely use them to solve this problem.

Unfortunately, every year the problem is quite low temperatures in the cold season it becomes more and more relevant. Many city dwellers wear warm sweaters and woolen socks at home in winter, and when preparing to go to bed, they put on warm flannel pajamas and cover themselves with two blankets. If you are familiar with this problem, then you have probably repeatedly asked yourself the question: what can be done to make your home warmer?

Who should I address complaints to if my apartment is cold in winter?

Most often, the reasons why the room temperature drops to a critically low level during the cold season are a combination of several common factors. This is an incorrectly designed heat supply system, natural wear and tear of communications, gross errors during the installation of a heat supply system, or illiterate operation of this system. How to determine the reason why it is cold at home?

First of all, you should write a statement to the DEZ, in which you urgently request that the air temperature be measured in your area. The caretaker technician will pay you a visit at a pre-agreed time, based on the results of which a report will be drawn up. If the temperature is really below normal, then as soon as possible utility services are obliged to take measures to correct the situation.

If you are sure that the problem of low temperatures in the house is due to the dilapidation of the radiators installed in your apartment, then you better replace them. Ideally, this should be done before the heating season begins. If, when replacing radiators, you install thermostats on the supply pipeline, you will be able to independently set desired temperature in room. Perhaps you should think about increasing the number of sections in the radiators.

What if the radiators are hot, but the house is still cold?

Nothing is more conducive to heat leakage than old windows with cracks and gaps in their frames. Replace them with modern double-glazed windows, and perhaps this alone will be enough to make your home warm and cozy. “Sealing” the windows for the winter will help partially solve the problem. If you insulate the walls during repairs - with plasterboard, under which slabs of mineral wool or any other insulation - the temperature in the apartment will become noticeably higher.

If you install a “warm floor” system, even if only in the kitchen, hallway and bathroom, the house will in any case become warmer, and excess moisture, which inevitably appears in these rooms, will evaporate faster.


  • What to do if your apartment is cold in winter

I have repeatedly heard the question from the Customer: “Which radiator heats better?” I asked him: “What do you mean “heats better”? And I get very different answers: it gives off more heat per unit time; heats the room faster; takes longer to cool down. The most common answer is: “it warms better” - it warms so much that the house is not cold. Amazing! Let us select such a heating device for you. And so that it is beautiful and inexpensive :)

In this article we will choose for you radiators, heated floors, convectors, i.e. those heating devices(OP), which are installed in each room and in this particular room support comfortable temperature.

The choice of such devices today is very wide, even if we consider only the main types:

  1. Radiators: cast iron, steel, aluminum;
  2. Warm floor water or electric;
  3. Floor and in-floor convectors;
  4. Heated towel rails;

But there are also various exclusive solutions (heating baseboard, warm walls, ladder-radiator, etc.)…

Before rushing into this pool of information, let's first decide what is important when choosing an OP. What you need to pay attention to and what you can ignore.

At first glance, it seems that the main criterion for choosing an OP will be its heat transfer (the amount of heat that the device gives off per unit time). This is the value that determines which device “heats better.” But in reality everything turns out to be completely wrong...

A little theory: Your home loses heat in cold weather. This is called heat loss. The lower the temperature outside, the greater the temperature difference between outside and inside the house. The greater the difference, the bigger house loses heat. And the more heat loss.

The task of the heating device is to heat up and transfer heat to the room, to compensate for heat loss in this room. If the heat transfer of the OP is insufficient (it is incorrectly selected, the heat transfer value is less than heat loss), then the temperature in the room will drop below the required value and it will become cold.

Then our task becomes to choose a heating device whose heat transfer will be greater or, in severe frost, equal to the heat loss of the room. And we can choose such a device of ANY TYPE! For example, the heat loss of one of the rooms in your house is 1000 W. This means that an aluminum Nova Florida radiator made of 9 fins (heat output 1035 W) must be installed in this room. Or steel radiator Kermy FKO 220507W2 (1012W). Or roll out 75 meters of PE-MDXc F16 pipe if installed in a heated floor room (1050 W). Or... many more examples can be given. I repeat once again: we can select an OP of ANY TYPE of required power. And these devices will “heat” equally.

To summarize what has been said: there is no need to look for a device with the greatest heat transfer; any device will provide you with the necessary thermal power. It is important to choose this device correctly.

“What then should you pay attention to when choosing a heating device, if not its specifications?!” - you ask. I answer: you need to pay attention to four criteria.

Firstly, this is - type heating device.

Not every device can be installed in your specific room. For example, in some room of the house you decided to make huge windows, right up to the floor. Or - balcony door. How to heat this room? What heating device should I install?

Naturally, there is no way to install a radiator under such a window. You can put it nearby, but then the cold will spread across the floor of the room. You can make a warm floor in the room and then the cold will not spread across the floor. But the problem of moisture condensation on the glass (“fogging”) will remain, which a warm floor cannot cope with... So. You are left with the only correctly working heating device option - in-floor convectors. And, although the option is expensive (in relation to other OP options), there is no alternative to it in this situation. Either install in-floor convectors, or refuse floor-length windows.

So, the first thing to do (by yourself or together with a heating specialist) is to mentally walk through all the rooms of your house and for each room determine the types of heating devices that can be installed in this room. After that, move on to the next criterion.

The second criterion that you need to pay attention to is - price.

I don't mean absolute price, but relative price. No need to compare two radiators with each other different sizes and choose the one that is cheaper. No. You need to calculate how much it will cost you to heat a single room when heating it different types OP.

For example, in your house there is a room of 12 square meters. with heat loss 1000 W. And the architecture of this room allows you to install any devices there: radiators, heated floors or in-floor convectors. Let's make this comparison table:

Lidea steel radiator (side connection) Aluminum radiator Nova Florida Water heated floor made from PE-MDXc TECE pipe Trench convector Regulus
Materials Radiator LK 11-513 + Hex valve. + Thermal valve + Thermal head 9 radiator fins. + 4 footers + 4 brackets + Mayevsky tap + Hex valve. + Thermal valve + Thermal head 75 m.p. pipes PE-MDXc Ф16 + 12m2 foil + 10m.p.damper. tape + Fasteners + RTL valve Convector + Decorative lattice+ Thermal valve + Thermal head
Cost of materials (approx.) 78 € 115 € 200 € 600 €
Installation (approx.) 40 € 40 € 90 € 130 €
Total: 118 € 155 € 290 € 730 €

- the radiator is installed under the window to perform three functions: to heat the room; cut off the cold air “flowing” from the window to the floor; prevent the window from fogging up.

- objectively, the figure will be higher, since the presence of a water-heated floor will complicate and, accordingly, make the boiler room more expensive.

Naturally, the price, in addition to the type of device, will greatly depend on its quality(third criterion). For example, an aluminum radiator fin can be purchased at a price from 7 to 14 euros, a steel radiator from Kermy (Germany) is on average 50% more expensive than a similar steel radiator from Lideya (Belarus), etc. Naturally, these are things of different quality.

Which quality to choose is your decision. I already wrote in the article “How to choose a gas boiler” my method for choosing a quality level. Follow the link, read, you may find this technique useful ().

Further, knowing what devices can be installed in your home, and knowing what it costs (for example, that heated floors are more expensive radiator heating 2-2.5 times), you can go to the last criterion - design.

Here I'm talking about aesthetics. It is clear that you should like the device, because it is a detail of the interior of your home. Or, if the device is not attractive, it should be hidden so that your aesthetic feelings are not offended! :)

Let's summarize what has been said. I see the algorithm for choosing heating devices as follows:

  1. We determine the heat loss for each room;
  2. we determine the types of OP that can be installed in each room;
  3. compile a table of relative prices (adjusting for quality);
  4. Taking into account the price and design of the OP, we make the final choice of device for each room.

And one more important point : How will you control the temperature in the room?

There are two options: manually or automatically. Manual adjustment means that if it gets hot or cold, you go to the radiator and manually change its temperature by turning the radiator valve. With automatic adjustment, you set a comfortable temperature on the regulator (thermostatic head, room sensor), and then the automation monitors its maintenance. The automatic option for radiator heating is more expensive than the manual one by at least 15 euros for each radiator. For other types of OP this difference is even higher. But I think this increase in price is very justified. Because:

  1. You save energy (gas, firewood, electricity). Any extraneous heat source that appears in the room will be taken into account automatically and the radiators will heat (and consume energy) less by its value. Such sources: included kitchen stove, a lit fireplace, the sun shining through the window. Even a company of 5 people in a room is plus 500 W :)
  2. You are not distracted. Those. Don’t walk around the house and turn up the radiator valves every time the temperature changes;
  3. Your home is insured against freezing. Story: One person had manually adjustable radiators installed throughout his house. In the boiler room, which was located in the basement, such a radiator was also installed. And while a person sometimes regulated the temperature of the radiators in the house, he rarely went into the basement. For what? What difference does it make what the temperature is there: +15°C or +3°C? There are no people there. The main thing is that it does not fall below zero, and the lower, the better. And everything was fine until one night the temperature dropped sharply from -3°C to -21°C. The half-open radiator failed and the boiler room froze. The boiler burst, pumps and pipes were torn... Damage amounted to 2800 euros...

The case, of course, is not typical. And the choice of temperature control is your choice. I outlined my vision of the situation and my recommendations. You can read more about automatic temperature control in the article “Automation in the control system of a private home.”

Sincerely, Boris Smolyak (Director of Svoy Dom LLC)

Our offers

I can do the selection of heating devices for you. The best thing is during a personal meeting in our office, when I have before my eyes a plan of your house, and you have equipment that you can see and touch. Call us, let's arrange a meeting. It's free, but I think it will be useful for you. At a minimum, you will know the options for heating your home and will be able to make more informed choices.

Or, if you don’t want to come, follow the link “free calculation of the heating system". You will need to answer a few survey questions and send me the house plan. I will prepare and send you my proposals by e-mail.

Useful tips

Before you start learning all the secrets of keeping heat in the house, you should pay attention to how heat escapes from our home (percentage of all losses in a normal panel house):

* Walls and doors - 42%

* Ventilation - 30%

* Windows - 16%

* Basements - 5%

* Roof - 7%

How to keep your home warm

1. In the morning, open the curtains and/or blinds to sunlight got into the house. Glass in a window allows light to pass in, but not back out. In the house, light accumulates, bouncing off walls and furniture, and eventually turns into heat.

2. Use thick (blackout) curtains at night to prevent heat from escaping through the windows. Without sunlight, windows become your enemy. Create thick wallpaper to prevent heat from escaping.

* You can simply use a thick blanket to which a rod or stick is attached to maintain the shape.

Measure your window and find something solid, such as a stiff rod or strong stick, that you can then wrap the curtain around. You can also use an old curtain rod (if you have one).

*You can also use two pieces of thick fabric. There are instructions for this:

2.1 Prepare two pieces of thick fabric. Place both pieces of fabric one on top of the other with a pattern facing each other. Secure everything with pins and cut it so that the end result is a few centimeters larger than the dimensions of the window.

2.2 Sew all layers on three sides. On the last 4th side, sew a third of the entire length from each end (it turns out that there will be one unstitched third left in the middle). Use the unstitched part to turn the fabrics inside out.

2.3 Insert a rod into the hole and secure it with a stitch, and sew the fabric until the end.

* If the curtains are long and cover the radiators, then attach loops to the bottom edge of the curtain, and sew buttons in the middle of the curtain. This way you can string loops onto buttons, raising the curtains above the radiator.

3. Seal the old ones window frames to avoid heat leakage. You don't have to spend a lot - inexpensive sealant can be found at any hardware store. It will also take you very little time.

4. If you have bubble wrap left over from products that were wrapped in it, cut it to the size you need. It is worth noting that such film can be purchased separately. Spray a little water on the window and press the film against the window with bubbles - the water will serve as glue for the film, and there will be no stains left later. This way you can reduce heat loss by 50%.

How to make the floor warmer

5. Cover the floors with carpets. There is nothing more unpleasant than standing barefoot on a cold floor in the morning. In addition to feeling great, rugs also provide an extra layer of insulation that keeps cold air from rising up from the floor, which means your feet will thank you.

6. Use a sealant (cotton wool or foam, for example) to seal any cracks in the windows. After this, cover the cracks with strips of cotton fabric (the width of each strip is 4-5 cm). This will prevent heat from escaping from your home.

7. It is advisable to have thick, massive doors in your house that will keep you a lot of heat. You can also upholster an old front door with leatherette filled with foam padding.

It is advisable to plaster all cracks polyurethane foam. If you decide to install new door, then see if you can save the old one, because... two entrance doors create air gasket between themselves, and it insulates heat.

How to keep your home warm

8. Attach a sheet of foil behind the radiator and it will reflect heat back into the room with little heat escaping through the wall. It is worth noting that the gap between the foil and the battery must be at least 3 cm.

9. If for one reason or another you cannot attach a metal foil screen, try insulating the house from the outside. Order insulation of the end wall (as a rule, this is done with special slabs).

10. Shower with open door(if possible). Warmth and wet air created during bathing will raise the air temperature throughout the house.

11. Dry things in the house. Just like swimming with the door open, this method increases the humidity in the air, making you feel more pleasant and comfortable.

Do-it-yourself home insulation

12. Rearrange the furniture

Can't afford to insulate your outside walls? Then try rearranging the furniture. For example, around the most cold wall put a large closet. But note that the sofa should not be placed near the radiator, because you will disrupt air exchange.

13. If you have cracked windows, be sure to replace them.

14. If you decide to bake something, leave the kitchen door open so that the heat of the oven and/or stove spreads throughout the house.

15. Last but not least, you can purchase a heater.

How to choose a heater

There are a few things you should know before purchasing a heater.

First you need to decide what you need it for. Based on this, you should choose how powerful the heater is needed. Find out the area of ​​the room (room). Regular apartment with ceilings of 2.75 - 2.8 m requires a heater with a capacity of at least 1 kW for every 10 sq. m.

A big plus will be the presence of a temperature and power regulator in the heater. There are several types of heaters:

15.1 Oil heater

How does he work:

Inside such a heater there are 2 or 3 heating elements that are used for heating mineral oil. This oil has quite heat boiling and when it heats up, heat is transferred throughout metal surface apparatus.

With the help of such a heater, the air is heated quite quickly, moreover oil heater does not dry out the air. It can be equipped with a thermostat, with which the heater turns off when the temperature reaches a set level.

15.2 Convector

How does he work:

Cold air is passed through the heating element and heated, and then exits through the grilles located in the upper part of the device. An additional source of heat is the convector body, which also heats up. But you should place the heater away from furniture, because... a warm case can ruin it.

Convectors can be mounted to the wall or placed on special legs. The device is quite safe, because his a heating element hidden inside the case. If the convector has a thermostat, it can operate continuously.

The only negative is that the heater warms the room slowly. It should be used to maintain the desired temperature.

15.3 Heat fan

How does he work:

Inside this heater there is a thin spiral that gets very hot. The heat created by heating the coil is distributed throughout the room using a fan.

The air in the room heats up quite quickly, and the device itself is easy to carry, because it's pretty light. Typically, a heat fan is used in offices.

But it is worth noting that the device dries out the air, which in turn is harmful to health. It is not advisable to use a heat fan where there is an asthmatic person. Another disadvantage of such a device is the constant noise during its operation.

15.4 Infrared heater (quartz emitter)

How does he work:

This device, unlike others, heats the objects around it, not the air. Further heating of the room occurs thanks to the heat emanating from heated floors, walls and furniture. This allows you to save electricity, because the device itself may not work, but the room continues to be warm.

If savings come first, then you should choose just such a heater. But you should know that infrared quartz emitters are the most expensive and require a specialist to install them.

Are you unable to sleep at night because the room is cold? Tired of shaking in the morning when getting ready for school or work? You will no longer have to chatter your teeth, no matter how cold it is outside. It's always possible to heat up a room with a few simple tricks! The best thing is that you don't have to spend a lot to heat up your room and make it comfortable.


Cheap or free solutions

    Use windows and blinds to warm the room with sunlight. One of the most simple ways heating a room is the use of sunlight. You will be able to use natural heat throughout the day. To get the best results, you need to know what time of day the sun shines in your room. As a rule, in the Northern Hemisphere, these are windows located on the south side, and in the Young Hemisphere, these are windows located on the north side. Here's a sample graph:

    • Morning: Before leaving for work or school, close all windows in the room and open all curtains or blinds.
    • Day: Leave the blinds open while the sun is shining in your room. As soon as it gets dark, close the curtains.
    • Night: Keep windows and blinds closed to retain heat.
  1. Wear layers of clothing. In a world where public utilities become more expensive from year to year, many choose the option warming a person, not indoors. A coat, jacket or sweatpants indoors is a great way to stay warm without expending hundreds of joules of heat energy (or increasing your heating bill.)

    • If your room is particularly cold at night, you may want to wear layers of clothing at night. Although some people find it uncomfortable, soft clothing such as loose pants and a sweatshirt will provide the most warmth without sacrificing comfort.
    • Man-made fabrics such as polyester, viscose, etc., which do not "breathe", tend to retain more heat (which is why they are so uncomfortable in the summer).
  2. Put a heating pad in bed. The worst thing is when you have to move around a cold room in pajamas, and then climb into an equally cold bed. You can avoid this discomfort by pre-warming the bed using a heating pad or a bottle of water. hot water. Simply fill a heating pad or bottle with hot water, close the lid tightly, and place it under the blanket in the center of the bed for 15 minutes. As the water cools, heat will spread into your bed.

    • Medical heating pads can be purchased at any pharmacy relatively inexpensively.
    • If you heat water in the microwave, make sure that the container in which the water is poured is microwave-safe (glass or ceramic).
  3. Close the hoods. The last thing you want when you're trying to heat a room is a vent vent that can let cold air into the room. Keep such openings closed until you find another solution (for example, installing double-glazed windows). This solution is especially helpful where there are strong drafts.

    • Not sure if you have an exhaust vent? There are several ways to detect them. One of them is to hold your hand next to the crack of a window or door and feel the movement of air. You can also use a candle; if its flame flickers near the cracks, then you have an exhaust vent in the room.
    • Look for diagrams of the placement of exhaust vents in the house.
  4. Remove maximum benefit from existing heaters and radiators in the house. Do you have a heater or radiator in your room that you barely notice is there? Use these tricks to increase their effectiveness (and save money):

    • Make sure that furniture does not block the heater or radiator. For example, in many older homes, radiators are located behind the couches.
    • Place a sheet of foil behind the radiator (use a sheet of the same size as the radiator). The foil reflects the heat that would normally be transferred to the wall, thereby warming the room even more.
    • If your heater is portable, then use it in small space to feel maximum effect. For example, a small heater will warm a bedroom much better than a large living room.
  5. Invite your friends. We often forget that people themselves radiate warmth. The more people there are in the room, the warmer and more comfortable it will become.

    • So, we must not forget about two important aspects of this method: what smaller room and the more physically active the people in it are, the warmer it will be. In other words, a small party in a small room will warm her up much more than several people sitting on the couch in a large room.
    • If your friends are busy, even pets can make the room warmer (unless they're cold-blooded; fish and lizards aren't an option).
  6. Blow the hairdryer onto the bed. This trick may seem a little funny, but it helps. After all, a hair dryer is essentially a small heater with a fan. You can blow hot air directly onto your bed, or lift the blanket and place a hair dryer underneath it to create a pocket of warm air.

    • Be careful it's hot metal elements the hair dryer did not touch the sheets, especially if they are made of artificial fabric (polyester, etc.)

    Solutions that require money

    1. Buy a heater for your room. Blower heaters can be found at most department stores. They are produced in a wide variety of sizes and capacities. You can find a smart solution for any room (and at an affordable price).

    2. Buy a heated blanket. Although they are considered unfashionable, heated blankets provide comfort and savings. Such devices can make your sleep extremely comfortable in a cold room. Their main benefit is that they typically consume significantly less energy than blower heaters. Studies have found that such blankets save energy consumption by a third.

      • For added comfort, plug in your blanket a few minutes before you go to bed. Turn it off before going to bed to save energy.
    3. Cover yourself with several blankets. There are people who are very comfortable sleeping under a pile of blankets in cold weather. The more layers of blankets, the warmer your body will be.

      • In general, thicker, fluffier materials (like wool, fleece, and down) are the warmest. Air enters the tiny spaces of these materials, trapping heat close to the body.
      • Don't forget that you can carry blankets around the house; perfect option if you don't want to give up warm comfort bed.

Many people know that living in a poorly insulated house results in huge energy bills. But our ancestors knew many ways to maintain warmth and comfort in a room without unnecessary expenses. Thanks to modern infrared cameras and advances in physics, we can determine how these methods work and how effective they are.

The house cools down mainly not from air convection, but from heat radiation into environment. Therefore even central heating may turn out to be a weak assistant. The air in the room has time to heat up, but the walls do not. As a result, you continue to shiver from the cold.

Luckily, there are five simple ways to overcome this problem and minimize your energy costs.

Close the curtains at night

During the day, windows repel more radiant energy than they allow through. Only sunlight penetrates freely through the glass. For infrared rays this material becomes an obstacle. At night, thin single-pane glass units can cause extreme cold. Even if you try to maintain the air temperature in your apartment at about 20 °C every day, when darkness comes and the temperature gets cold outside, this value can drop to 7 °C.

Double glazed windows are also not always able to keep the heat in the house. Even a small drop in temperature, up to 14 ° C, will lead to energy losses of approximately 50-100 W per square meter.

The best way to prevent such a sudden loss of stored heat is to close the curtains immediately after sunset. This will provide an additional barrier to radiant energy in the room. In addition, curtains will protect against drafts and partially isolate the room.

Hang the walls of the room

Solid brick or stone walls- better insulators than glass, but they still release a lot of heat from the room. Therefore, it would not hurt to take measures to provide them with additional protection. You can reduce energy losses by simply covering the walls with paintings or mirrors. Even an ordinary poster can raise the air temperature in the room by about 1 °C. Most effective option- hang carpets on the walls. Even if you are not a Russian oligarch, or you simply do not like this kind of interior design, you should not immediately abandon this idea. Believe me, she's really worth it.

Another option is to place it along the wall bookshelves. Old books can not only decorate your room, but also act as excellent insulators.

Insulate the front door

Of course, it all depends on the material from which the door to your apartment is made. But it is likely that it is precisely this that is responsible for most of the heat losses. In summer you may not notice this, but winter always brings with it frosts and drafts. Just imagine how much cold can penetrate through the cracks in doorway and the door itself. Attach a curtain at the entrance to eliminate excess air circulation. Try to ensure that the curtain covers the entire doorway and the wall surrounding it.

Use heat shields

Even if you can't limit all heat loss through exterior walls, you can try to keep the cold out. Our ancestors used wooden screens for these purposes. They placed them behind them while sitting by the fire. The screens absorbed some of the heat, thereby warming people's backs. You could try to do the same in your home. This will be a great way to dissipate heat to distribute it evenly throughout the room. Often such screens are placed near radiators or heaters. At least this way you won't have to constantly huddle in the middle warm corner rooms.

Arrange the furniture correctly

Despite the fact that the air temperature is the same throughout the room, a person feels it differently when moving around the home. So, the heat is felt most strongly near the walls that are closer to the inside of the house. External walls carry more cold. Try using this information. Arrange the furniture so that it is located near interior wall.

Of course, it would be inappropriate to concentrate all the components of the interior in one part of the room. For example, you will place the bed against the inner wall and the table opposite. Then the second piece of furniture will automatically be in the cold zone. This can be corrected using improvised means. To prevent your feet from freezing, try covering the area of ​​the wall under the table with a sheet of cardboard. And you can hang a shelf right above your head.