How to make a mountain relief from plasticine. How to make a model of a mountain: ideas, options, examples

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten“Alyonushka” of the Pavinsky municipal district of the Kostroma region Synopsis of the NOOD on speech development in middle group“Our Mothers” Prepared by Brueva M.N. 2018 Topic: “Conversation on the topic “Our Mothers.” Age group children: older Goal...

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Alyonushka" Pavinsky municipal district, Kostroma region Summary of the walk in senior group on the topic “Observing a drop” Performed by Brueva Margarita Nikolaevna with Pavino 2019 Date 03/15/19 Venue: On the children's site...

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Alyonushka" Pavinsky municipal district of the Kostroma region Abstract on cognitive development in preparatory group Topic: “The history of paper.” Integrated areas: socio-communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development. Goal: to introduce children to the history of paper; Objectives: Educational...

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Alyonushka" Pavinsky municipal district, Kostroma region Summary of a mathematics lesson in the preparatory group "How to help Pinocchio?" Prepared by Brueva M.N. 2019 Integration educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, Physical development...

Natalia Baranichenko

The grandeur and grace of mountain communities depends mainly on the folds and bends of the mountains. layers, from the outlines of gorges and valleys cutting through their slopes, from steep abysses and wide plains. Only due to the variety of lines and contours of the slopes mountains take shape, full of life and beauty. E. Reclus

Manufacturing layouts- an exciting activity that can not only keep your child occupied for a long time, but will also help him learn geography. This type of creativity develops imagination and fine motor skills of the hands. Layouts can be different sizes, but in any case you must try to accurately observe the scale. In the future it will be possible to beat him.

You will need:

Geographic map of the area with contour lines marked on it;

Video projector;

Pictures of mountain landscapes that you sculpt;

Sculptural plasticine;

Stones, sand, trees;

Toys to play with layout.

Getting to know the world around you by example prototyping of natural objects, natural areas, various natural phenomena, is very indicative of the creation of that subject environment for the development of cognitive interest, curiosity and observation in preschoolers. The main thing is to create layout, which is independently created by children or in joint activity with a teacher, that when placing objects of nature, objects of the surrounding world, the child applies the acquired knowledge, generalizes the information received earlier, thus, the development of coherent speech of children occurs.

Publications on the topic:

III cycle. Topic: “Rivers of Milk”. Goal: To develop knowledge in children preschool age about the production of dairy products and their diversity.

Objectives: To instill in children a love for the Motherland, their hometown, and a sense of pride in their city. Expand children's horizons based on the material.

We continue to add visual aids to our Nature Center. To make the “Sea” model we will need: - A sheet of thick cardboard.

Dear Colleagues! Pre-New Year's efforts continue everywhere. Everyone wants to create miracles, give gifts, create a festive mood.

Scenario for the holiday “Fishing by the River” (middle group) Progress of the holiday: (The hall is decorated in the shape of a lake, Vodyanoy sits behind a screen, children sit on chairs, participants line up behind the door) Presenter: Dear ones.

Project for children of the junior group “The World of My River Chapaevka” GBOU secondary school No. 12 Chapaevsk Samara region structural subdivision kindergarten No. 5 "The world of my river Chapaevka" 2012.

In the older group, children were introduced to dairy products for two weeks. Their importance in the nutrition of a growing organism. The children participated.

Often children need a model of a mountain for school, play or other purposes. How to make it at home from scrap materials is presented below. This activity is exciting. The whole family can be involved in the process of creating a landscape. The list of materials from which a model can be made is huge and varied.

Made from plasticine

The easiest way to make a mountain craft with your own hands is from plasticine. Schoolchildren often end up with used plasticine after school, which is no longer useful in other work. But for creating a layout - just right. If you mix all the colors, you get a brown shade that is suitable for simulating rocks.

You can use a thick cardboard cone as a base. You can first make a sketch of the future craft.

First you need to install the cone on the stand and fix it with plasticine. Coat brown base of the mountain. The summit can be turned into a snowy peak using White color. Green tint Draw herbaceous vegetation along the base. Red and yellow colors will imitate flowers.

All that remains is to draw the gorges, washed out by water flows, and crevices with a stack so that the mountain takes on a natural appearance.

From salt dough

Using salt dough significantly expands the scope for creativity. The molded base is painted with paints.

It is necessary to knead the dough by mixing flour, salt and water in equal proportions. The dough should be tight. If you add dyes to it, it will acquire color. But for the mountain layout it is not necessary to add them.

A cardboard cone, foil or plastic bottle is used as a base. Place it on the stand and secure it. Cover with pieces of dough, giving the required form and working out the details. This workpiece must be dried thoroughly before continuing to work. During drying, cracks may appear on the surface. But in in this case this will only add naturalness.

Paint with gouache or acrylic paints. This is how you can make a model of a mountain from salt dough.

Paper mountains

Most available material, which is in every home - these are newspapers. How to make mountains with your own hands from paper is described below.

Need to install plastic bottle on a stand. Cut strips of cardboard 2-3 cm wide and length equal to the height of the mountain. Place 5-6 pieces vertically, fasten them at the top with a stapler or glue, and decorate the slopes. In order for the mountain to take shape, you need to glue horizontal strips around the entire circumference on different heights. It turns out to be a "skeleton".

Crumple up sheets of old newspapers or magazines and place them under the frame to give it strength. After this, you need to cover the surface with sheets of white paper. Double-sided tape or glue is used for fastening. Paint the blank.

Papier mache

Here's how to make mountains out of paper for a model, imitating a mountain range:

  1. Crumple up newspaper sheets and moisten them with water from a spray bottle.
  2. Shape into mountain peaks or hills.
  3. In a bowl, dilute PVA glue with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  4. Tear newspaper or writing paper into pieces up to 10 cm in size.
  5. Soak the strips in glue and apply them to required area basics. Apply 5-7 layers.
  6. Next, you need to glue paper or white napkins so that later, after painting, the typographic font does not show through the paint.
  7. Color the slopes.

How to make a mountain layout more realistic? Coat the slopes with a thin layer of glue and sprinkle with sand, salt or semolina. Once dry, it can be painted to even out the background.

Model made of polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam

Before making a model of a mountain from polyurethane foam, you need to prepare the base. This could be a sheet of cardboard or a piece of plywood. Squeeze a stream of spray onto it from the bottle and form a mountain. It must be taken into account that when frozen polyurethane foam expands, so the size will increase. When working, do not touch uncured material with your hands!

Leave for a day to thicken. Use a sharp knife to cut off excess. Upper layer can be made from papier-mâché, or simply painted in the desired colors.

You can make a mock-up of a mountain from a thick piece of polystyrene foam. Several layers of this material are pricked on top of each other, fastened with toothpicks. Then the excess is cut off and the top layer is decorated.

Your imagination will tell you how to make a model of a mountain. You can use a large number of available materials. For decoration you can use twigs, cones, artificial plants. Imitation of water can be done using a glue gun.

The children's railway is a favorite toy of many toddlers and older children. This game is especially attractive to boys, because many of them dream of traveling at a young age, and playing “trains” helps a lot with this. In addition, various types of trains develop children's thinking and contribute to the development of their imagination and imagination.

Today, toy stores sell a huge number of different sets for young railway workers: from small trains with 2-3 carriages to modern fast locomotives. In addition to the locomotives themselves, the sets contain various additional elements in the form of rails, houses, train stations, entire farms, figures of people and animals, road signs, etc. From such elements you can create an entire toy city. It’s good if the toy railroad is in a certain place and not scattered on the floor. Therefore, you can set aside a small corner in the children’s room, and together with your child, arrange it not only with the help of store-bought elements, but also with those you have made yourself. For example, at home we made this panorama ourselves.

In the meantime, I want to provide you with a small master class (fragment) on how to independently make mountains for such a panorama, which will be an excellent addition. This work is not difficult, and even a small child can help you.

Step 1. First you need to prepare fiberboard sheet, on which the layout will be located (in my case, a fragment).

Step 2. For work you will need newspapers, napkins (or toilet paper), wallpaper glue, “Moment” type glue, gouache, brush for glue and for gouache.

Step 3. We tear the newspaper in half and make it into something like lumps (we took free advertising newspapers, which large quantities are offered in almost any store).

Step 4. From these lumps we “build” a mountain of the desired height.

Step 5. Then pour a small amount of pre-diluted wallpaper glue into a cup and prepare napkins.

Step 6. Dip one side of the napkin into wallpaper glue.

Step 7: Place a damp cloth over the newspaper lumps.

Step 8. Repeat this procedure until the entire “mountain” is covered with wet wipes. Using a brush, which should also be dipped in wallpaper glue, form depressions on the “mountain”.

Step 9. As a result, you should get this “mountain” of wet wipes and newspapers. This entire structure should now completely dry (about 12-14 hours).

Step 10. When the mountain is dry, you can start painting (use watercolors, but gouache is better, because it looks brighter after drying)

Step 11: Use different colors: yellow, brown, green, black.

Step 12. At this stage, everything depends only on your imagination.

After watching a video for a long time on the topic of making rocks for a model, I decided to try to do it myself...

I used available plywood as a base and built on it the structure of the future mountain from thin plywood and thick box (corrugated) cardboard. The whole thing was glued together with hot glue. A very convenient thing. Only sometimes I didn’t have time to apply the parts - the glue had already hardened. Then I got the hang of it and everything went quickly.

I covered the finished structure with serpyanka (this kind of adhesive tape in the form of a grid for gluing seams on drywall before puttingty). It was already on this “reinforcement” that I applied a layer of gypsum. First experience.

Until the plaster set strongly, it began to create deep “wrinkles.” As it turned out later, it is more convenient to do small ones using already “set” plaster. And it’s easier to sweep away trash. And there was a lot of it!

After creating the relief I moved on to painting. Here I did not deviate from the technologies I saw. First I put on the base color, then I painted it from the heart. More and more boldly!

It turned out very, very good! I liked it myself.

The result was a flat plain with a cut-out area for railway... After thinking, I decided to complicate the terrain. Fortunately, experience has already appeared. As a result, I made a comb, two combs, three combs...

The result is already quite a lively relief.

I decided to plant a large pine tree on the rock, and then I even made it! But by that time I had lost interest in this piece of the model and became interested in the houses... But I modified the rock a little - I practiced.

I planted grass all over the rock, but didn’t take any more photos, but gave it to the child to use. He drove cars on it.