How to make a round hole in a glass bottle. How to drill a glass bottle at home

You will need

  • - air gun;
  • - drill with a diamond or hardened steel drill;
  • - turpentine;
  • - sulfuric acid;
  • - water;
  • - sand or clay;
  • - a template made of wood, foam plastic, glass, metal or other material;
  • - emery powder.


Most quick way: Take with a well-charged cylinder. Stand a few meters away, aim carefully and shoot at the bottle. The ejected ball will pierce right through the bottle without breaking it. Please note that there will be two holes, and of a rather small diameter.

To drill a hole in a bottle required diameter, first prepare a device for securely holding the dishes, for example, a box in which they will sit tightly. Take a diamond drill bit for ceramics and drill very carefully, without pressing. Be sure to consider the cooling system. This can be constantly supplied water (an assistant will be needed here) or a specially prepared cooler. To make it, make a template from wood, foam plastic or other material, drill a hole of the required diameter in it, and attach it to the bottle with wax. Fill the hole with sanding powder (this can be obtained from sandpaper or abrasive wheel), mixed with turpentine.

To drill a hole in glass bottle steel drill, before use, heat it until white and soak it in sulfuric acid.

To drill a hole large diameter, take a tube made of non-ferrous metal (aluminum, brass, copper, bronze) 2.5-5 cm long and use it as a drill. Attach a circle made of foam plastic, glass, wood, metal or other material of the required diameter to the glass; the tube will rest against it when drilling. Pour sandpaper moistened with water into the open end of the tube and drill slowly, at low speeds. Make sure that the sanding paste is always between the edges of the tube and the glass.

If you want to avoid drilling, use clay or fine sand. Thoroughly wash the surface from grease and dirt using acetone, alcohol or gasoline. Pour wet sand or clay, mixed to a dough-like state, in the form of a slide about 10 mm high. Make a funnel with a stick or other tool, and the diameter of the translucent glass inside the hole should correspond to the diameter of the desired hole. Melt lead, tin or other solder in a metal jar and pour it into the resulting hole. The hole will have smooth edges, but remember that this method is suitable for glass no thicker than 3 mm.

A glass bottle is a great base for many creative projects. She looks interesting and stylish. But, unlike plastic, cutting it without professional tools seems to be quite difficult... Not for those who are familiar with this incredible method!

You will need:

  • Glass bottle
  • Soldering iron
  • Marker

Step 1: Prepare to Cut

Using a permanent marker, outline the outline of the future hole. If your project allows free form slots, try to place it so that at least one side falls on the bend of the glass. This will make cutting much easier than on a straight surface. Secure the bottle firmly. The most convenient way to do this is as shown in the photo.

Step 2: Start cutting

To carefully break the glass, place the soldering iron at the beginning of the line along the fold of the bottle and hold for a few seconds. Then move the soldering iron a few millimeters. At this point the glass should crack. If a crack does not form, use the soldering iron again. Move slowly along the line, a crack should form in the glass as you move the soldering iron. If at any point the glass stops cutting, heat the opposite edge of the crack.

Step 3: Rotate the Crack

When you reach the corner, carefully turn the soldering iron over so that it follows the intended line. It is best to form an even angle exactly where the glass bends. In some cases, the glass may crack unevenly, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the hole will have to be made slightly wider. Or just have one more bottle in stock. Of course, this cutting method is not suitable for creating very small holes.

Step 4: The Angle Question

In some cases, when cutting perpendicular segments, the angle is formed independently. Just practice on different bottles, and over time you will gain the necessary skill.

Step 5: Finish cutting

At some point, the crack may stop and not move in its usual pattern. In some cases, two different cracks may form along the bottom edge of the hole that do not converge into one. Help with a soldering iron, and if necessary, press on the glass with inside bottles by placing the handle of a knife or screwdriver into it.

Step 6: Taking out the excess

Carefully remove the cut part of the bottle. If you are afraid of cutting yourself on the edge of the glass, use gloves. If everything went according to plan, you will be able to cut out exactly the part that was originally drawn.

Step 7: Other holes that can be made using the same method

If you need to make a hole in a glass bottle, then you do not need to buy special equipment. This can be done at home with your own hands. You can drill with either a regular drill or a screwdriver.

It is preferable to use a screwdriver, since it has fewer revolutions (high speeds are not needed for drilling glass). It is recommended to use a drill with pobedit inserts, but if you don’t have one, you can take a regular drill for metal work, for example, in this instruction we use a drill with a diameter of 8.2 mm made of P6M5 steel. Don’t believe those who say that you only need to use pobedit drills and nothing will work with ordinary ones. Now we will make sure of this.

You can learn how to make a hole in a glass bottle by watching the video:

So, to drill a hole in a bottle you will need:
- The bottle itself, for example, from wine;
- Bottle stand to prevent the bottle from rolling around when drilling a hole;
- Paper tape;
- Regular drill or a screwdriver;
- Regular drill;
- Water for cooling;
- Drill
- And a syringe.

It is necessary to secure the bottle from rotation. To do this, a stand was made in advance from ordinary wooden blocks: two long and two short, fastening them together with nails. If it is not possible to make such a stand, then you can make a small depression in the ground if you are drilling outside, or place two bricks or something else on the sides. In general, it depends on your imagination.

First thing to do- this is to wrap paper tape (several layers) around the bottle approximately where you plan to make a hole. After this, put a mark on the tape with a felt-tip pen - the center of the future hole.

The most important thing when drilling a hole is not to press too hard on the drill, as the glass may crack and the bottle will be damaged.

Let's get started
We drill in stages, adding a few drops of water from a syringe to the hole in between. This is necessary so that both the drill and the glass bottle do not overheat.

To avoid cracks on the inside of the bottle, you need to monitor the pressure and not overpress the drill, especially at the end of the work.
When the drill has gone through, you need to carefully drill the hole, making light rotational movements. This will make the hole cut smoother.

With the help of this teaching aid you will learn how to drill a hole in glass. Instead of throwing away your glass, turn it into something beautiful and practical. A bottle from a trash can can turn into a real treasure. But first, you need to learn how to drill holes in glass or mirror.

In this article we will look at methods of drilling in glass and analyze the mistakes.

Here are some rules to follow when drilling through tempered glass:

  1. Be careful!
  2. Be patient.
  3. Be smart.

If you have any doubts when drilling glass at home, go to rule No. 1.

Step 1: Be careful

Observe following rules safety when drilling glass:

  • Before you start a serious project, practice on some scrap glass bottles.
  • Protect yourself by wearing safety glasses to protect your eyes from possible flying glass shards.
  • Wear protective gloves to protect your hands from cuts in case the vessel cracks or breaks while drilling. This happens quite often.
  • Be patient - don't force the drill. Let the tool do its job well.
  • Take your time - this is just a reminder to be patient.

Step 2: Failures

The first attempts to drill a hole in the bottle will most likely fail. Don't try to drill through the bottom. The glass bottom has too much internal stress, which can lead to cracking. Also, do not try to drill through the bottle - this is a bad idea, because... it will most likely crack. A low-quality or worn drill can also lead to an accident.

When working with a drill with a carbide tip for tiles and glass, you should not press the drill too hard, otherwise the bottle will immediately crack. For drilling, it is preferable to use a diamond tubular drill.

These drills can be purchased on Amazon.

Step 3: Tools and Materials

You can drill with a drill, but it is better to use drilling machine.

You can buy yourself this machine for $59.99. It will make your life easier.

  • Cushion (placed under the bottle while drilling).
  • Drilling machine (preferable to a drill, much more stable and easier to use).
  • Diamond tubular drill with a diameter of 6 mm; or
  • Drill bit with carbide tip for tiles and glass.
  • Leather gloves to protect your hands from glass shards (just in case).
  • Water.
  • Glass bottle.

Give preference to a diamond tubular drill.

Step 4: Drilling the Glass Skull

Always look for a thinner place to drill on glass containers. If, for example, you take a bottle in the shape of a glass skull, then its bottom is very thick, so there is no point in drilling it (the glass will simply break). But the back Bottom part The glass skull is no more than 6 mm thick, so you need to drill in this place.

Place a cushion (you can use an old sweatshirt, for example) on the drill press table to reduce the pressure on the glass caused by the drill bit while drilling. This will also protect the glass from scratches.

Drilling process.

  1. Place the pad on the drill press table.
  2. Insert a 6mm diamond tubular drill bit into the drill chuck.
  3. Check the drill depth to make sure you drill through the glass completely.
  4. Place the bottle under the drill where you want to drill.
  5. Hold the bottle firmly with your hand, after putting on a glove.
  6. Turn on the drill press and start drilling without applying much force to the spindle feed handle.
  7. Spray water over the drilling area every 20 seconds to remove dust and cool the glass.
  8. Cool the glass with water until you have completely drilled through the side of the bottle.
  9. Wash away glass dust.

The whole job will take you no more than 2 minutes.

How to drill a glass bottle with your own hands. Very original lamps are obtained from shaped and colored glass drink bottles. Several attempts made at one time to drill bottles ended in failure. The methods for drilling glass were some exotic ones and usually ended with a long crack in the glass from the point of drilling. But if I used a special glass drill, everything worked out. To drill a beautiful rectangular bottle of a good drink, a drill with a carbide insert was purchased (~ 60 rubles).

Features of drilling a glass bottle

1. Direct the drill fixed in the electric drill strictly perpendicularly to the point of drilling the bottle and, with slight pressure, wait for the first glass crumbs to appear.

2. There is no need to drill at maximum speed, the drill is afraid of overheating.

3. Every 20-25 seconds, stop drilling and remove glass chips. At the same time, the drill tip will cool down.

4. When the tip of the drill passes through the thickness of the glass, the drilling sound will change slightly and the drill feed (pressure) should be reduced to a minimum.

5. After drilling through the thickness of the glass, rinse the bottle in running water.

6. When drilling, it is better to follow safety precautions - work with gloves, goggles and respiratory protection.

In this way, several glass bottles were successfully drilled with my own hands, from which they were made with power from a 220 volt network.

Hole in the bottle