How to use smart TV on Samsung. What does the Smart TV function mean on a TV? Samsung TV turns on and off on its own

The smart TV generation is rushing to replace old TVs. A lot of credit for this goes to ordinary computers. It is their functionality that “smart TVs” now acquire. If the old models were an improved modification of radios, then the capabilities of modern ones are simply amazing.

What unique features do Samsung TVs have?

List of main features, not including watching terrestrial TV:

  • watching Internet television (IP TV);
  • installation of various applications and widgets;
  • voice and gesture control;
  • communication via Skype;
  • face recognition function;
  • multitasking;
  • work with social networks;
  • playback of multimedia (video, photos, music) from portable storage devices (hard drives and flash drives);
  • synchronization with other devices via Wi-Fi network;
  • games and entertainment;
  • and much more...

Another new feature is gesture and voice control. However, while voice commands are available in some languages, gestures are international and universal.

There are online services for viewing on the Internet. There is a whole selection of educational and simply interesting films for your children. The series is called “Children”. Taking care of the ease of maintaining a figure and health, the Samsung company created the Fitness service. Its essence lies in the fact that you not only watch a video, but also enter your results into a special database. This allows you to control the rate of progress and apply your efforts more accurately. The Family History service allows you to share moments of life with relatives living far away.

Technologies and new features of Samsung TVs are constantly evolving and everyone will find some functionality for themselves, and if it is not included in the basic package, then you can certainly find an application that will meet your needs.

What about security?

A gadget connected to the Internet often remembers passwords and anyone can gain access to your accounts, for example, on the same social networks. The developers have significantly expanded the capabilities of Samsung Smart TV and taken another step forward. Newest technologies protected personal data very reliably - the built-in camera recognizes your face and no one except you will be able to use your protected information, applications or login to social networks.

A special scanner will process the resulting image and if a stranger approaches the device, the TV will simply be blocked.

Video reviews of Samsung Smart TV

The following review is a little outdated, talking about the 7 series, but there are still plenty of them on the market, and many will not buy the latest model, so we find this review useful.

The capabilities of Samsung smart TV do not end there. A logical question: processors are updated at least once a year, so won’t my “smart TV” become outdated in a year or two? Of course no. In this case, it is possible to install an additional Samsung Evolution Kit. This add-on will allow you to selectively improve your TV either by replacing the processor from a dual-core to a quad-core, or by adding the ability to watch videos in Full HD quality.

Thanks to the high frame rate, you can enjoy the most dynamic scenes without any flaws. This also provides the ability to view high-quality 3D video.

On TVs? No matter how different some types of “smart” devices are from others, they essentially perform the same roles - they give the user access to the Internet, thereby expanding the capabilities of the device we are used to on the bedside table.

There are not so many brands producing this kind of equipment, and their names are probably familiar to everyone: LG, Samsung, Sony, etc. The platforms on which these devices operate are slightly different from each other , but the principles and methods of presenting information to the user are very similar.

So, let's figure out what smart TV is on TVs, and what new opportunities this functionality provides. Let's consider the main advantages and disadvantages of household appliances with such a set of additions, as well as the initial setup of the equipment.

What is this?

What is smart TV in TVs? The same as in phones. The principle is the same as the “smart” prefix. Smartphones, in addition to functions such as calling and sending SMS, have a lot of other, more attractive and interesting opportunities than a regular phone: working with various applications, including gaming ones, access to the World Wide Web, video calling, etc., etc.

Much the same can be said about TVs with smart functionality. They provide their users not only with TV shows and movies, but also with access to the Internet - the ability to use online multimedia content: news, weather, search, etc. That is, what is smart TV on TVs? This is YouTube, Google with Yandex, communication via Skype and other delights of the World Wide Web. In other words, this kind of technology plays the role of both a TV and a computer.

Let's look at the main features that an ordinary TV with smart TV has.

Internet connection

The first and most important advantage of this type of technology is the ability to access the World Wide Web. You can access the network in two ways: using a cable (LAN port) or using the Wi-Fi wireless protocol.

Some models of previous generations connect to the Internet using a special set-top box. New devices already have all the necessary functionality inside, that is, in a built-in module that provides communication via wireless protocols. The only thing the user needs to take care of is a good Wi-Fi router.

Depending on what kind of smart TV you have, the basic functionality will vary. But in almost all modern models has its own (usually borrowed computer analogue) browser, which is activated by a separate button on the remote control remote control. Sometimes the platform is equipped with additional widgets like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vkontakte, etc. (Samsung TVs (smart TVs) are especially notable for this). User reviews on this matter are mixed: some people like this whole set of “utilities”, while others consider additional widgets and “tricks” to be garbage, preferring their own desktop design.


Some devices have a built-in front camera, which allows you to fully use special communication software, like Skype. If you have a 32-inch TV (smart TV) or with a smaller diagonal, then it most likely does not have such functionality. But in most cases, the existing platform allows you to install a third-party application like Skype, and the webcam can be purchased and connected separately.

Some brands equip their products own utilities for communication, but sometimes this can be a double-edged sword. That is, on the one hand, it seems like there is a camera and a program for communication, but on the other hand, it will conflict with a competing platform at the other end. Therefore, most manufacturers have done possible installation third-party applications on your TV - smart TV. User reviews on this matter fully support such an initiative, because some are accustomed to Skype, some like Facetime, and others cannot live without Viber.

Working with external drives

Almost any device with smart functionality can easily work with third-party gadgets, be it a tablet, phone or computer. But, in addition, such TVs can read external storage devices, that is, flash drives, SD cards and hard drives.

For example, a brand new LG TV (smart TV) easily synchronizes with all external storage media using the Plug and Play type. The only nuance that you definitely need to pay attention to is the perceived formats. Some particularly fastidious smart models cannot play, for example, mp4 formats or flac videos. Keep this point in mind before setting up smart TV on your TV. It would also be a good idea to pay attention to this nuance before purchasing a device. This type of equipment is not cheap, so you need to weigh everything.

Control without remote control

If you connect, for example, a 40” TV (smart TV) and a tablet via Wi-Fi protocol, the latter can easily be used as a remote control. Moreover, you have the opportunity to display a picture from any mobile gadget (supporting Wi-Fi) directly on the big screen.

To synchronize both devices, you will need to install special software for a particular platform (Android or iOS). Some models, for example, LG TV (smart TV), already have such a set of utilities in the basic firmware, so you will only need to install the application on a tablet or smartphone (from the same Google Play or Apple store).

In addition, some devices support voice control of basic functionality. The same Samsung does an excellent job with commands like “next channel”, “further”, “second channel”, etc. Some models, especially for small diagonals (32” TV (smart TV) and smaller) are not always respond correctly to voice commands, so alternative control methods are not as good for them, unlike more expensive devices with large size screen. The latter have gesture recognition systems, gadgets with a gyroscope, and many other interesting features.

Recording broadcasts

The functionality of any “smart” device allows you to record TV shows on an external storage device, be it a flash drive or a hard drive. This is convenient when you are at work or busy with something at the time of broadcast.

If the channel does not have such a scan protection, then you can set a timer for recording at the right time and save all the data for later viewing. So you can watch an interesting movie or your favorite TV show at any time convenient for you. This functionality is intuitively simple, understandable and somewhat reminiscent of the usability of a simple alarm clock.


Almost all models that are presented on the domestic market have a set of gaming applications in the basic firmware. Moreover, some particularly powerful devices that run on the Android platform allow you to install very “heavy” toys that are in no way inferior in visualization quality to modern consoles and even a computer.

Owners especially warmly responded to this feature of smart devices. If you have a small or “big” child in your family, then you are guaranteed many hours of peace or entertainment. Using this functionality is extremely simple - turn it on, select it and play, so there should be no problems with settings or adaptation.

Disadvantages of Smart TVs

Despite the impressive list of advantages, this technology also has its disadvantages. This includes being picky about video formats. For example, if you have a file in mkv format, then some devices will not be able to output sound correctly. It's all about codecs. And if you can install the necessary software decoder in the same smartphones or tablets, not all TVs with smart TVs have this capability.

In addition, despite a fairly wide selection of gaming applications, most of them are primitive and are at the level of five or even ten years ago (irrelevant for premium segment models and Android platforms). And the remote control is not the best best option as a joystick.

Browser use and Internet surfing in general may be limited both by the utilities themselves and by the capabilities of the TV. Moreover, today's price tags for smart devices are quite steep, so most consumers (the average buyer of household appliances) prefer to buy a smart TV with a large screen, and leave all sorts of smart gadgets for the computer in the next room.

Smart services

Almost all venerable brands that produce household appliances and televisions in particular are closely involved in the smart direction. Here we are talking not only about some functionality built into the firmware for certain models, but also about special Internet services for a particular manufacturer.

Setting up services of this type, as well as connecting, is intuitive and should not cause serious problems. In any case, every self-respecting brand has equipped its platform with a special wizard-assistant who, step by step, will help you set up not only the smart TV itself, but also access to services, and at the same time tell you about the intricacies of use in a training form.


The Korean company can be called a leader in this area. The main merit of the brand is its chic price range of models and product quality. On Samsung shelves you can always find exactly the option that suits you.

Smart functionality is clear and simple. To set it up, you can either use an assistant or figure it out yourself. The firmware includes the YouTube service, Skype and social networks. You can surf the network using a proprietary browser (also simple and clear) and view all the information you are interested in.

It’s also worth noting that most of the brand’s models do not have a built-in camera (even expensive devices) for video communication, so you have to purchase it separately.


LG smart TVs run on its own NetCast platform. The functionality will also be simple and understandable to any user. The platform includes online broadcasts, a wide selection of social networks, as well as regular Internet surfing. Moreover, the network works, as they say, in both directions. That is, you can not only read incoming messages, but also send them.

In addition, the company has taken care of quality services that will significantly expand the basic capabilities of your device. Here we can mention 3D World, which can, albeit to a small extent, still compensate for the lack of 3D television from domestic providers. LG smart TV users also have access to an application store (there are also free ones), where you can choose the software you like from more than 200 educational, entertainment and gaming programs.

Other brands, such as Sony, Philips or Toshiba, have similar service functionality and differ from each other only visually, while the main filling (capabilities) remains almost unchanged.

IN Lately Samsung TV manufacturers delight their users with the release of various models that allow the use of Smart TV technologies. Thanks to smart TV, people can use their TV to access the Internet. If we compare modern televisions with Internet access with cable television, then in the first case, great opportunities open up for users.

Now it has become much easier to watch high-quality movies, TV series and various TV shows. Today there are no problems with the number of channels and access to your favorite Internet resources. Despite the time innovative technologies and technological progress, many do not know how to use Smart TV on Samsung TVs.

Let's start with the fact that having such technologies at your disposal, you will get free access to various entertainment and information sites, as well as popular social networks. The manufacturer has tried and thought out quite competently the functional interface that every Samsung smart TV has, so you can short time master it. To use this system, the user must be connected to the Internet, provided that its speed is at least ten to twenty Mbit/s. You can connect via:

  • WI-FI,
  • cable (router),
  • One Foot Connection technology
  • Plug & Access.

You can set up the Internet in the “Network Settings” item. Before you tell us how everything happens, you should know that TV can be cable and terrestrial. The first option connects to the TV via a special cable, and to connect to the airwaves, you need to use an antenna. It is possible that your TV will not have a built-in digital receiver, in which case you will need to buy it separately. Now about how to set up Smart TV on a Samsung TV.

It will only take you ten minutes to set up your TV. Just follow these steps:

  • press the green button on your remote control, turn on “Menu”,
  • select the “Channel” submenu (it is indicated in the list with an icon),
  • go to “Auto settings”,
  • select the signal source “Antenna”,
  • from the proposed options, click on “Digital”,
  • confirm the change with the “Ok” button,
  • Click the “Start” button.

That’s basically all the steps you need to take to connect your smart TV. By the way, anyone can view all programs and resources using IPTV. This function will help you independently choose any program or movie to watch, leave reviews on websites, and much more. To set up this function, you need to download and install the application on TV from Samsung Apps. To control programs, you can use the remote control or tablet, whichever is more convenient for you.

Any user can watch movies and programs on free digital channels. To do this, you must find out which broadcast standard your device supports: DVB-T or DBV-C. We told you how to use Smart TV on Samsung TVs, now let's talk about options for setting up free channels. This can be done automatically or manually.

For the first case, you should use remote control management. You need to press the “Menu” key on it, then click “Settings” - “Automatic settings”. After searching, a list of digital channels will appear on the screen.

Manual setup is not as fast as automatic setup. To configure channels manually, you need initial data:

  • frequency value,
  • channel speed,
  • channel modulation.

If all this is available, take the remote control in your hands, select the “Menu” item so that a context menu appears on the screen. Next, select “Settings” - “Manual setting”. Afterwards, you will need to enter the values ​​of digital channels in the cells specified by the provider. Click the "Save" button. This way you will save the channel you need to watch your favorite movies and shows. But the user will not be able to view free channels If:

  • the standards for broadcasting channels and broadcast support for this device do not match,
  • they are completely absent from the television network,
  • channels are encrypted.

In order to find out what smart TV is on a TV and what opportunities this technology provides, you should consider its functionality not only in general, but also for individual brands, each of which provides consumers with its own advantages.

Indeed, today there are enough a wide range of TVs with Smart TV with different sizes and capabilities, and most brands that previously produced regular household appliances, have included such equipment in their line.

Smart TV features

The name Smart TV arose by analogy with smartphones - multifunctional phones that, in addition to communication functions, have many other capabilities - Internet access, work with applications and games.

The same can be said about smart TVs, which can not only show programs and movies, but also access the network and view multimedia content online (for example, Youtube).

And also - find out the weather, news and even communicate via Skype.

In fact, such devices replace both a computer and a TV.

No. 1. Network connection

There are two ways to access the Internet using a modern smart TV:

  • By connecting it to a wired network via a LAN port using the appropriate cable;
  • Using Wi-Fi.

Some older models used a set-top box for connection. Now all of them are equipped with built-in wireless communication modules.

No. 2. Communication

The camera built into the TV and the presence of Skype allows you not only to call your interlocutor, but also to see his image during a conversation. Although not all models have this function.

But even in the absence of a camera, often operating system allows you to install Skype yourself, and buy a device for image transmission separately.

No. 3. Reading USB flash drive

Owners of LG 3D TVs have the opportunity to connect to the 3D World service, which can compensate for the lack of 3D television from Russian providers.

Owners of a device with LG Smart TV can use a special application store from the manufacturer, where there are more than 200 gaming, educational and entertainment programs for the TV.

Or access the Internet using the built-in web browser.

And you can control the equipment either with a regular remote control or with a special one, Magic Motion - a proprietary development of LGY, which works on the principle of a gaming joystick and repeats the movements of the user’s hands.

No. 2. Smart TV Samsung

The Korean brand is now the main manufacturer of smart TVs. And its assortment includes models whose prices start from $400–500, and devices for several thousand dollars.

All TVs in the 6500 series have built-in Smart TV, although inexpensive versions have correspondingly fewer capabilities.

While top-end devices have increased functionality.

The central Smart Hub menu allows you to use the TV’s functions and download new applications from the company store.

And among already installed programs Usually there is YouTube, social networks and Skype.

True, even expensive models over 40 inches in size are not equipped with cameras for video communication, and they have to be purchased separately.

Important! It is worth noting that Smart TV requires special cameras, not those used for a computer. Also, equipment from other brands will not fit Samsung equipment, which is worth considering when purchasing additional devices.

The operating system of Korean brand TVs is distinguished from most others by its built-in global search.

With its help, you don’t have to log into the Internet, but simply type a query in the search bar - and the equipment independently connects to the network, searches for the required information and displays it on the screen.

Samsung browsers support playback perfectly Flash and allow you to work with several windows at once.

In addition, the manufacturer integrates a special Social TV service into its smart TVs, which supports communication with friends on social networks while simultaneously watching movies and TV shows.

No. 3. Smart TV Sony

Sony's smart TVs are still less common than major brands.

And installing software for such devices is more problematic, since there are still few applications for Sony television.

Although among them there are the most popular ones - Facebook and Twitter.

To access the Internet, the system uses Internet Video, which works with several channels such as YouTube, EuroSport and Deutsche Welle.

Many domestic viewers should be interested in the opportunity to watch RuTube, where you can see programs from TNT.

An interesting feature of Sony's Internet TV is the ability to customize the position of the desired widget on the screen.

No. 4. Smart TV Philips

The Philips range of smart TVs has grown significantly recently.

Thanks to this, the operating system for such devices is developing, not inferior to software other brands.

The simplest Smart TV functions, including Wi-Fi, are available even in inexpensive models measuring 32 inches.

Televisions have long ceased to exist simple devices designed for watching television channels. A modern TV can easily be considered a multimedia platform with functionality reminiscent of a high-performance computer. If previously the ultimate dream could be considered connecting a home theater to a TV and building on its basis quality system to watch movies, today with the widespread use of Smart functionality, it has become possible to connect the TV to the Internet.

Samsung was one of the first companies that was able to successfully combine a TV and a computer in one device, as well as provide an effective Internet connection. Years of evolution and development have led to the appearance on the market of Samsung Smart TVs, which are considered “smart” models with advanced functionality. We will take a detailed look at the very essence of how Samsung Smart TV works, find out what it is, list the main features of productive devices, and also talk about new models of Samsung TVs that support the proprietary Smart TV platform.

What's happenedSamsung Smart TV

Users who are accustomed to using TVs without it do not always understand how “smart” models differ from regular ones. In addition, after consulting with the seller and purchasing a Samsung Smart TV, some users do not use even a tenth of all the capabilities of the purchased model, continuing to watch over-the-air television and occasionally going online to watch online movies. That is why it is so important to understand what we will be talking about.

Samsung Smart TV is a TV that is equipped with Samsung's proprietary Smart platform, which turns it into a multimedia center with direct access to large amounts of media content on the Internet. In its communication capabilities, such a device is close to a computer or smartphone. Installing specially designed applications allows you to turn your TV into a kind of communication point for communicating in social networks, exchange information and gain access to the necessary content.

The level of Internet integration is very high. The vast majority of the TV's capabilities require an active connection to the network. Without a valid Internet connection, purchasing a TV with a Smart platform becomes unjustified. I would like to note that Samsung was one of the first to implement on its TVs the ability to install applications and services for maximum effective use Internet opportunities. After we have found out what Samsung Smart TV is, we can move on to consider its structure and functionality.

PossibilitiesSamsung Smart TV

Even not very expensive middle-class TVs have a lot of useful features. Below we list the main ones.

Smart Hub allows the user to download various applications to search for content without stopping watching TV shows, search for necessary information on the Internet using the built-in browser, communicate with family and friends using built-in social services, search for reviews and movie reviews, and much more.

The Samsung Search All feature makes it possible to very quickly and easily find the necessary TV shows or thematic content on the Internet or in your home collection.

Samsung Social TV allows you to discuss the movie you just watched online or leave relevant comments on the blog. While watching a video, you can communicate via Facebook, Twitter or Google Talk.

The Samsung Apps branded application store contains a large number of programs of various functional areas. Today you can download and install applications for every taste: games, news, weather, videos, sports forecasts.

Samsung 3D opens up a wide world of surround cinema and high-quality sound for the user. A high-quality image converter from 2D to 3D will convert your favorite movie into a three-dimensional format and allow you to get a decent 3D picture.

Samsung's Depth Rendering Technology is responsible for reproducing live surround sound, which increases the comfort of watching movies and makes it possible to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of what is happening.

ConnectShare Movie turns your Samsung Smart TV into a true movie center. You can play movies from media such as flash drives and external hard drives.

Thanks to such functions, TVs with a Smart platform are becoming very popular. Regular models do not have access to the Internet, which automatically reduces the range of tasks to be solved. Among the others useful functions Samsung Smart TV can be noted:

  • Display of digital (cable, satellite, terrestrial) television
  • Play video from external sources(HDMI 1.4 interface)
  • Possibility of watching IPTV
  • Internet surfing
  • Access to widgets and online services
  • Access to YouTube video hosting
  • Skype calling support

Direct use of Samsung Smart TV begins with the launch of SmartHub. Visually, it resembles the desktop screen on a computer, but instead of shortcuts, the screen contains icons of installed widgets and various applications. You can also display a small window in which the television channel you have selected will be displayed.

The interface of Samsung TVs is very well designed. If desired, anyone who has mastered the basic set of capabilities can understand the basic set of capabilities. mobile phone. The first associations when launching SmartHub are its similarities to smartphones. However, the Smart TV platform is more complex system, because the specifics of work and screen resolution are completely different.

Physically controlling the TV is very easy using a special touchscreen remote control with a QWERTY keyboard. The presence of a sensor makes it easier to launch the necessary applications; the sensor itself resembles a computer touchpad, which many are familiar with. Without exaggeration, we can say that with the advent of Smart TV, users received a mega-functional and well-designed entertainment center.


As we have already said, one of the highlights of smart TVs is the ability to install branded applications from the Samsung Apps store. Let's look at the most popular applications that users most often install.

The ivi .ru cinema application is a fairly large and convenient catalog of video content. After installation, you will have access to a huge number of high-quality films, TV series and cartoons. The application interface is very convenient; finding the movie you want is not difficult. The not-so-pleasant thing is that there is a fee for watching movies. A monthly subscription costs 300 rubles, some films can only be watched for a one-time fee of 100-200 rubles.

The Stream Interactive application is a collection of Russian popular TV series, documentaries, reports and TV shows. All content is absolutely free.

The t application provides access to a large number Russian TV series, documentaries, videos and other content. Watching any video is also free.

Very often, owners of Samsung Smart TVs install YouTube, the television version of which is practically no different from the original.

The foreign service Explore 3D contains many specially prepared videos in 3D format. This service is especially useful for owners of 3D TVs who do not have free access to voluminous content.

The Yota Play service opens access to the latest full-length films in high quality. The cost of watching one film is usually less than 100 rubles.

Other popular applications include:

And finally, let's take a brief look at Samsung's 2014 TVs, which will be equipped with the proprietary Smart platform.

TVsSamsung Smart TV

Smart capabilities will be available in premium, mid-range and in some cases budget segment models. If we talk about TVs in 2014, Smart functionality will be supported by representatives model range episodes:

  • HU9000
  • HU8500
  • HU7500
  • HU6900
  • H8000
  • H7000
  • H6500
  • H6400
  • H6350
  • H6200
  • H5500


We looked in detail functionality Samsung Smart TV. We decided on the operating features of Samsung's proprietary Smart platform. Now, before purchasing a new smart TV, you will have a clear idea of ​​all its intelligent capabilities.