How to use Esmarch's mug? Instructions for use. Rules for independent use of an Esmarch mug at home

is a medical device that is used when it is necessary to cleanse the intestines or when other laxatives are ineffective. The procedure of forced bowel cleansing by introducing water (or solutions) into the intestines is called enema.

The procedure is a medical procedure and should preferably be carried out in a hospital setting and only for direct medical reasons. At home you should follow certain rules performing an enema (see below).

Performing an enema has its contraindications, in which performing the manipulation can be dangerous and will significantly worsen the patient’s condition:

  • (acute appendicitis, perforated ulcer, peritonitis, etc.);
  • the first 2-3 postoperative days, subject to abdominal surgery;
  • erosive and ulcerative intestinal diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, etc.);
  • colitis, including infectious nature;
  • hemorrhoids complicated by bleeding;
  • cancer pathology of any part of the intestine;
  • uterine and gastric bleeding;
  • severe heart or respiratory failure;

Preparing for an enema

To prepare and successfully carry out the manipulation, it is necessary to properly prepare for the enema and arrange the manipulation site in accordance with all the rules.

Necessary equipment

To carry out the procedure, you must have the following items available:

Assembling Esmarch's mug

To assemble Esmarch's mug, you need to connect all its parts:

  1. We attach a tube with a tap (clamp) to the bulb.
  2. The tap or clamp should clamp the tube so that when the solution is infused, it does not leak prematurely (you can first check the infusion of a little water).
  3. We attach the tip to the end of the tube.

Preparing the workspace

An oilcloth must be laid on the couch. The Esmarch mug should be suspended at a distance of more than half a meter above the patient's level to create a pressure difference and unimpeded fluid administration. The toilet should be located near the place of manipulation.

Preparation of the solution


Depending on the purpose, various medicinal substances. This leads to different methods for preparing enema solutions.

Saline solution

The advantage of saline solution is an increase in osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen, which leads to increased peristalsis and softening of feces due to the release of interstitial fluid into the intestinal lumen.

It is prepared using regular table salt or Epsom salt, which is dry salt. In proportions: 20 g (2 tablespoons) per 100 ml of water (1/2 cup). It is administered using a rubber bulb, no more than 50 ml.

Soda solution

Soda solution is used when it is necessary to reduce painful spasms. Baking soda helps reduce the acidity of stool because it is alkaline.

The solution is prepared using ordinary baking soda based on 30 g per liter of water at the required temperature. To increase the effect, it is advisable to add a little salt, no more than two tablespoons (20 g) per liter of water.

Lemon solution

This procedure is effective for the prevention of bacteriosis, mold damage to the intestines, as well as for the treatment of helminthic infestations. Vitamin C, which is contained in large quantities in lemon juice, helps strengthen the mucous membrane, increase the tone of the vascular wall, and is used to prevent the proliferation of hemorrhoids.

It is prepared by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons, which is diluted in a liter of water. Optimal temperature introduction – 30˚С. Use caution when using this procedure only as directed by a physician and performed only by medical personnel.

Herbal solution

This category of enema solution is necessary for cleansing the intestines during flatulence and active fermentation processes. This enema has antiseptic properties, helps prevent the growth of pathological flora in the lumen of the large intestine, has wound healing functions, and an astringent component.

It is prepared as a decoction of herbs: chamomile, yarrow, sage in equal proportions with the addition of small amounts of mint and eucalyptus. For one liter, add 2 tablespoons of dried herbs and boil for about five minutes over low heat.

Oil solution

This type of cleansing is used for severe constipation and fecal blockages to soften and smooth passage of feces. For its preparation, various vegetable oils: olive, sunflower, flaxseed, hemp, Vaseline and so on. 100 ml of oil is heated over low heat to 30˚C.

Then the prepared mass is injected into the rectum. After which the patient must wait for 15-20 minutes, then a herbal enema is recommended before bowel movement.

Potassium permanganate solution

The only enema that can be used as a treatment for diarrhea. This indication is based on its antiseptic properties. Found its application in childhood in case of poisoning.

It must be prepared according to all the rules, since the substance in high concentrations can cause more harm in the form of a burn to the delicate mucous membrane than good. 2-3 grains of potassium permanganate are diluted in a glass of water, then diluted by 2 liters, a slightly pink solution is obtained. The required volume is injected into the rectum.


Depending on the main purpose and composition of the solution, the temperature may vary.

  • Cool. A regular cleansing enema for adults should be at room temperature (18-22˚C).
  • Warm. Warm enema to relieve spasm and reduce pain should have a human body temperature or slightly higher - range from 35-37˚C. The volume of such an enema should be minimal (no more than 500 ml). Contraindications to performing a warm enema are diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases accompanied by cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, and so on.

The temperature for performing an enema in a child should be 2-3˚C lower than the child’s temperature. This technique is effective in reducing high temperature baby.


The sequence of using Esmarch's mug will be approximately as follows:

  1. Collect and prepare Esmarch's mug (see above);
  2. Prepare the solution required in terms of composition and temperature (see above).
  3. Pour the solution into the mug (make sure that the clamp or tap is squeezing the tube) and force out excess air from the enema.
  4. Lubricate the tip with Vaseline.
  5. Lie on a previously prepared couch on your left side with your left leg bent to your stomach or stand in a knee-elbow position for unhindered filling of the intestines.
  6. Lubricate the anus with Vaseline.
  7. Spread the buttocks apart and carefully insert the tip 7-8 cm deep into the intestines, squeeze the buttocks.
  8. Open the clamp or valve on the Esmarch mug, slowly introducing liquid. If you complain of severe bloating, you can cut off the flow of fluid and wait a little so that the fluid is evenly distributed throughout the intestines. In this case, you need to breathe deeply: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. To distribute the liquid evenly, you can massage your stomach with gentle circular movements in a clockwise direction.
  9. After introducing all the liquid, carefully remove the tip by squeezing the buttocks.
  10. Before emptying, you need to walk for 20-25 minutes, holding water to make the procedure more effective.
  11. After the procedure, the enema must be washed and disinfected.

When preparing for surgery, it is necessary to carry out 2-3 procedures the evening before, then repeat in the morning.

An enema using an Esmarch mug can also have a medicinal purpose for cleansing toxins, treating flatulence, and helminthic infestation. In this case, special solutions are used. Procedures should be carried out daily in courses of 7-10 days with an interval of at least 3 months to prevent the development of dysbiosis and lazy bowel syndrome, when bowel movements are not possible without an enema. The procedure is carried out mainly in the evening.

Possible complications and consequences

Like any procedure, an enema also has its complications and possible consequences:

  • traumatic injury: in the presence of hemorrhoids, bleeding may develop, and the tip itself may be damaged;
  • dysbiosis - as a consequence of the washing out of beneficial flora along with the enema, with further development immunodeficiency;
  • “lazy bowel” syndrome - develops as a result of regular use of an enema for bowel movements, since the intestines subsequently cannot empty themselves without additional stimulation;
  • edema of the brain, lungs, hypertensive crisis - if warm enemas are performed incorrectly, the liquid is quickly absorbed through the intestinal vasculature into the bloodstream, increasing the volume of circulating blood;
  • increased intoxication - due to the dissolution of toxins from the intestinal contents and their absorption with their dissolved liquid from Esmarch's mug into the bloodstream.

Advantages and disadvantages of cleansing with enemas

Alternatives to the technique

There are also alternative methods bowel cleansing without using an enema. Mainly medications various pharmacological groups that allow you to cleanse the intestines, enhance peristalsis and get rid of slagging from the body.

Their main disadvantage is the duration of action. They can be used as preparation for examination or elective surgery, for the treatment of chronic constipation, but not as emergency care in case of acute obstruction or emergency preparation of the patient for surgery.

Many modern medical devices that seem so commonplace today were truly revolutionary in their time. A striking example of this is the Esmarch mug. What it is?

Basic enema tool

Esmarch's mug (photo below) is a medical device for carrying out such a well-known procedure as an enema.

As a rule, this instrument is used when large volumes of liquid (1-2 l) need to be introduced into the intestines. In other cases, rubber bulbs of various sizes are used.

What does it consist of?

Over more than a century of its existence, this instrument has not changed much. Except for the materials from which it is made. Today it is rubber, plastic and silicone.

A traditional Esmarch mug consists of the following components.

Combination heating pad

Often, another medical device can act as an Esmarch mug - a rubber heating pad, which would be more correctly called a combined one. It differs from the usual one in the configuration. In addition to the plug itself and the plug, the set includes a hose with a tap and a tip.

Thus, in normal cases, a heating pad can and should be used for its intended purpose (to warm or cool). And in case of urgent need, it will perfectly replace Esmarch's mug.

For one time

The types of this tool described above are intended for repeated use. However, there are also disposable Esmarch mugs on sale.

Unlike ordinary ones, they are sterile and are used in special cases. There are varieties with a ready-made drug inside.

The history of the Esmarch mug

A medical procedure such as an enema was invented by the ancient Egyptians and was actively practiced by other peoples. Initially, its purpose was to combat constipation and cleanse the intestines. However, it was soon discovered that its walls were capable of absorbing various substances, administered rectally. This discovery made it possible to use anus no longer for its intended purpose. Medicinal and even nutritional enemas were practiced, as well as alcoholic and opium enemas.

But while some experimented in search of new pleasures and rejuvenation, others continued to work for the benefit of humanity. Among these scientists was the German surgeon F.A. Esmarch. During his long life, he participated as a medic in many wars. He made many important discoveries, without which modern medicine would not have appeared. He was one of the pioneers of asepsis and antisepsis, improved methods of bleeding blood vessels and actually became the founder of future nursing institutions.

It was this outstanding person who came up with the idea of ​​using a suspended vessel. His innovation was a real breakthrough. The fact is that before Esmarch, an enema was done using a piston mechanism, reminiscent of a large metal syringe. It was not only extremely inconvenient, but also small in capacity. So the procedure had to be done several times.

The innovation quickly migrated from military field medicine to conventional medicine. Doctors highly appreciated the convenience of the new device, and it soon replaced its piston predecessor and has not lost its position to this day.

How to do an enema with an Esmarch mug at home

The design of the device in question, as well as the procedure performed with it, are so simple that they can be carried out with equal ease in medical institutions and at home. The algorithm is quite simple.

How to care for your instrument

The above article describes how to use Esmarch's mug. But how to care for her? You need to follow a number of simple rules.

  1. After each use, all parts of the instrument should be washed with soap. Even if just water was used for the enema.
  2. The tip should also be sterilized. However, this procedure is best carried out immediately before use.
  3. After cleaning, all parts of the instrument should be allowed to dry and only then put them in a bag or box.
  4. Like any rubber products, it is better not to store Esmarch's mug in too warm or cold places, as this can lead to premature wear.

Contraindications for use

When should this device not be used?

  1. Allergy to the material from which it is made or components of the enema fluid.
  2. Children under 13 years of age are prohibited from using the Esmarch mug. Only rubber bulbs are acceptable for them.
  3. Kidney diseases.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

In addition to the above, the attending physician may find other reasons. In any case, even if you yourself cope well with Esmarch’s mug, and there are never any problems or contraindications, you should periodically check with a doctor. The fact is that regularly giving yourself enemas is harmful. Because of this, the intestinal microflora is destroyed, and the intestine itself begins to be “lazy.”

It is known that the great lover of such cleansing, the Marquise Pompadour, at the end of her life brought her body to the point that she herself could no longer go deep. So if you still practice so-called “beauty enemas,” then do them at least no more than once a week.

Nowadays, there are many medical devices for performing various manipulations. This article will talk about how to use Esmarch's mug. You will also find out what this device is and what it is needed for.

Getting to know the device

Esmarch's mug, or simply an enema, is available to every person. It is sold without a doctor's prescription. The device can also be used both within the walls of a medical institution and at home. However, before using this device, you should carefully read the instructions included with each package.

The product is released in cardboard packaging. Inside there is a package with a device. At first glance, it seems that the Esmarch mug is very difficult to use, but this is not at all the case. Once you review the annotation, you will quickly realize that it is simple to use.

Why is this medical device needed?

The Esmarch mug is a device for administering any solution anally or vaginally. Before the invention of such a device, people used ordinary syringes, but this is very inconvenient when a large volume of solution needs to be injected.

In medical institutions, Esmarch's mug (photo presented in the article) is used for administering enemas and performing gynecological procedures. This device can also be used to irrigate the internal cavity of the intestine during treatment. The mug is almost always used before planned operations and childbirth.

Appearance of the device: description

Esmarch's mug represents large capacity with a tube. The material from which the glass is made may vary. Often this is silicone or rubber. In medical institutions they prefer to use plastic or metal devices. It is worth noting that they are more durable, however, such devices are more expensive.

The hose is quite long. This allows the device to be suspended on a high stand while the patient assumes a horizontal position. Esmarch's mug has two different tips. You can also find photos of the attachments in this article. One of them is intended for insertion into the anus. The other (softer) is suitable for vaginal use.

An important part of the device is the so-called faucet. He has complete control over the flow. medicine. You can easily close the valve or increase the pressure, thus changing the speed of the procedure. It is worth noting that adjusting the fluid flow must be done after inserting the tip.

Esmarch mug: instructions for use

This device is a medical device. That is why it should be used for various irrigations of internal cavities and to simply cleanse the intestines. Quite often, this device is used by women to lose weight. You should not overuse such procedures, since feces you are simply washing away beneficial intestinal flora.

Before the procedure you should preliminary preparation. First, you need to thoroughly wash the device and sterilize all the parts included in the kit. If you are using a disposable device, it is most often already sterile, but should be thrown away after use. Otherwise, the effect of treatment may be exactly the opposite.

Fill the mug with the required solution. Plain clean water can also be used for enemas. The temperature of the liquid should be comfortable for the human body. Do not use solutions that are too hot. Otherwise, you may burn the intestinal or vaginal mucosa.

Hang the mug on a tall tripod or otherwise place it higher than your body. This is necessary for the force of gravity to act. The liquid will drain down the hose and into your body.

Next, select a suitable tip and secure it tightly to the hose. Take a horizontal position and insert the nozzle into the desired area. After this, you need to open the tap, which is conveniently located near the tip. With its help you can control the flow of liquid.

When performing the initial procedure, start with a small pressure of liquid. During the following manipulations, you can shorten the time for introducing the solution by increasing the flow force. Remember that all solutions from the Esmarch mug should be introduced slowly into the vagina. Otherwise, the internal mucous membrane may be injured, which will lead to unpleasant consequences.

When all the liquid has been injected, carefully remove the tip and wash it with soap. Remember that liquid tends to spill out. After introducing the solution into the intestines, visit the toilet. For vaginal use, it is worth preparing a large basin in advance into which the douching solution will be poured. For subsequent use, it is recommended to sterilize the device.

Product price category

If you need to carry out procedures that require an Esmarch mug, the price of the device is of no small importance. It is worth noting that the device may differ in volume and, depending on this, be more expensive or cheaper. There are Esmarch mugs of one, one and a half and three liters. Choose the device that is suitable for your procedures.

The price may also differ depending on which retail chain the product is purchased from. The average cost of the device is in the range from 150 to 300 rubles.


The Esmarch mug is a very convenient device for irrigation of the intestines and vagina. However, before carrying out treatment, you should consult a specialist and his prescription. Only after this you need to purchase a device for performing medical procedures.

Never self-medicate. If medical procedures are necessary, consult a specialist.

The modern rhythm of life, stress, unbalanced nutrition, digestive disorders - all these phenomena lead to improper intestinal motility and untimely bowel movements. As a result: unhealthy complexion, pain and bloating, symptoms of general intoxication. The most urgent method of therapy in in this case There will be an enema appointment using an Esmarch mug. We’ll look at how to use this device yourself in the article.

Esmarch's mug is designed for various solutions and douching. It is a rubber or silicone tank with a volume of 1.5–2 liters with a long hose and several types of tips. 150 years ago it actually looked like a ceramic or glass mug; the invention was created by the German surgeon Esmarch. The purpose of creating this device was preoperative preparation of the patient’s intestines and treatment of its obstruction. Today it is used as a heating pad, for enemas and douching. This device easy to find in any pharmacy, purchase and use at home.


Modern manufacturers present enough a wide range of of this product. The choice is not only about quality and appearance, but also for the purpose and modification of the product.

Mugs Esmarch are different according to the following parameters:

  • Volume - the product is presented in three types and corresponds to 1l, 1.5l and 2l;
  • With or without a tap (creates additional ease of use, there is no need to pinch the hose);
  • Types of tips (depending on the purpose of the mug and the age of the patient, they are presented for adults and children, soft and hard);
  • Material – rubber, silicone, plastic;
  • Frequency of use - reusable and disposable.

Indications for use

An enema can be administered both in a hospital setting and at home. Main indications for manipulation according to the instructions for use:

  • Emptying the intestines with special solutions administered using an enema before surgery or diagnostic colonoscopy;
  • Cleansing the lower intestines before self-cleansing delivery;
  • Included in the therapeutic complex for the treatment of constipation;
  • Treatment of enterocolitis (after preliminary cleansing of the intestines, medicinal solutions are administered rectally for local effects);
  • Used as detoxification therapy for poisoning;
  • Vaginal douching with medicinal solutions for inflammatory and fungal lesions of the pelvic organs.

An easy-to-use device will help you perform an enema or cleansing procedure at home.


There are a number of contraindications and restrictions to the use of such a seemingly harmless device. The main ones are:

  • Acute inflammatory process of the rectum and anus;
  • Rectal tumors;
  • Diarrhea of ​​unknown origin;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Symptoms of acute abdomen, intussusception (strictly as prescribed by the surgeon);
  • Ulcers and bleeding in the intestines.

Douching with non-sterile solutions is prohibited during: menstruation, after curettage of the uterine cavity, operations, pregnancy.

Enema solutions

Depending on the purpose, enemas are classified:

  • Medicinal - the peculiarity of this enema is the administration of drugs that will enter the blood through the walls of the intestinal vessels, bypassing the effects on the liver or acting only locally on the mucous membrane. The intestines are first cleaned, and then a medicinal micro enema can be given (since the volume of administered drugs does not exceed 50-100 ml).
  • Hypertensive - the enema has a mild laxative effect, without increasing intestinal motility. Prepare warm solution 5-10% sodium chloride or 20-30% magnesium sulfate.
  • Oil enema - this enema is used for long-term constipation. The treatment is based on warm administration (sunflower, hemp, Vaseline).
  • Starch - used for acute colitis, significantly reduces intestinal motility, envelops and softens the mucous membrane. A warm solution is injected with the addition of large quantity starch (potato, rice, corn, wheat).

There are standards and dosages for preparing these types of enemas. It is recommended to do this after consulting a doctor.

Self-administering an enema

Carrying out an enema will not be difficult or require any special skills - you just need an Esmarch mug and a solution. Prepare the required liquid from warm water, medicinal decoction, saline solution or manganese must be taken in advance. The mug is filled with the necessary solution, after closing the tap on the hose or, if it is missing, squeezing it. Lubricate the tip with oil or Vaseline and take knee-elbow position, insert it into the anus to the required depth. Open the tap or clamp and fill the intestines with the solution.

After this, you need to lie on your back or on your right side (for better flow of the solution into the ascending and transverse sections of the large intestine). Additionally, to better stimulate intestinal motility, you can do abdomen retractions and relaxations. You need to lie in this position for more than 5 minutes. When you feel the urge to defecate, you can go to the toilet.

Unreasonable and frequent use of enemas can be harmful to your health. All solutions are capable of washing away the natural microflora and bacteria beneficial to the body, resulting in irritation of the intestinal mucosa with the subsequent formation of erosions and ulcers, and mechanical injury to the rectum.


Irrigation of the vagina with specially prepared medicinal solutions or herbal tinctures It is very convenient to carry out using an Esmarch mug. Having previously washed the external genitalia, the woman takes a lying position with her knees bent in the bathroom or placing a bedpan under her. The mug filled with the necessary solution is placed at a height of 0.5–1 m above the level of the pelvis. A sterile vaginal tip is inserted and the hose tap is opened. Start douching with low pressure, then gradually increase it. Upon completion, remove the tip and process the product.

Proper enema treatment

Esmarch's mug is a reusable product; in order to avoid infection and make its service life longer, it must be properly disinfected and processed. After use, wash the container and hose with soapy water several times, rinse clean water and washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The disposable tip must be recycled. If the tip reusable, then pre-soak in soapy water and rinse running water and then boiled for 3–5 minutes. The device is ready for further use and should be stored in a clean place.

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Back in the 19th century, the famous German surgeon Friedrich Esmarch began to use a special irrigation device, later named after its inventor. This enema has become widespread in medicine, and real medical practice cannot do without it even at the present stage. Back in the 19th century, the famous German surgeon Friedrich Esmarch began to use a special irrigation device, later named after its inventor. This enema has become widespread in medicine, and real medical practice cannot do without it even at the present stage.


What is an Esmarch mug by design? The device consists of a reservoir from which comes a small diameter hose up to 1.5-2 meters long. The flexible tube ends with a tip with one or two holes. For enema or douching, the cup is filled with the required amount of medicinal solution or water, placed at a sufficient height from the patient, the final section of the hose is inserted into the rectum/vagina, depending on the purpose of the procedure. Next, the law of two communicating vessels begins to operate: the liquid passes into the patient’s organs without excessive pressure.


Esmarch's enema (aka mug) has been modified over time. Production capabilities made it possible to produce products from different materials, sterilize before going on sale, produce enema devices for both disposable and reusable use.

The most significant division of highly specialized devices into the following types:

  • rubber mug;
  • silicone;
  • plastic;
  • made of metal (the most rare).

According to the volume, there are “bowls” of 1 liter (No. 1), 1.5 liters (No. 2) and 2 liters (No. 3). For convenience, the mugs are equipped with lids or valves to prevent spillage past the tank. Faucets or clamps are also built in so that at any time it is possible to stop the flow of fluid to the patient from the enema.

The advantage of sterile products is that there is no need for pre-treatment and washing of tanks. However, such a device will no longer be reusable.

The main tips are made of plastic (hard) and rubber (flexible). This fact must be taken into account before doing an enema with an Esmarch mug, to minimize injury during the procedure.

In what cases do you use an irrigation mug?

Before you figure out how to do an enema correctly, you should familiarize yourself with the indications for the procedure. Medicinal solutions or water are administered through a “bowl” if there is a need:

  • cleanse the intestines in order to prepare for surgery;
  • clean the rectum and colon before x-ray examination;
  • rinse all parts of the digestive tract in case of poisoning (carried out in combination with other detoxification methods);
  • irrigation of the intestines with medicinal solutions through enemas;
  • douching.

Obstetricians and gynecologists have different attitudes towards prenatal preparation using the Esmarch mug. However, such a preliminary enema often makes it possible to give birth in cleaner conditions (which is especially important for the baby).

When should this procedure not be used?

In medical science, there are certain rules according to which even those manipulations that have indications for implementation should not be performed. Each procedure is assessed according to the absence of risks dangerous to the patient.

Enema is not performed in case of gastrointestinal bleeding, acute surgical pathology, ulcerative lesions of the intestine, intestinal obstruction, proctitis, hemorrhoids, intestinal cancer, severe heart failure.

Contraindications to douching are the early postpartum period, pregnancy, menstruation, acute inflammatory pathology of the female genital organs, and the early postoperative period.

Information for those losing weight

Persons who prefer all kinds of cleansing of the body for fast weight loss through extreme diets, strong laxatives and other attempts to radically interfere with natural processes own body, they only wear out their body in this way. Carrying out enemas without medical indications, contrary to common sense, especially at frequent intervals, has a detrimental effect on the condition of not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also other organ systems. Shifts occur in the normal intestinal flora and reflex sphere nervous system. Lack of normal absorption leads to nutritional deficiency of nutrients. Therefore, the fashion for such cleansing of the body, which is in demand in some circles, should be avoided.

How to use the Esmarch mug for enemas?

Before using a non-sterile or reusable Esmarch mug, it must be sanitized. In a hospital setting, the product is disinfected by immersing it in chloramine for 30 minutes or up to 80 minutes in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The use of these products at home is unlikely, so housewives resort to washing with soapy water or water and soda. Then rinse and dry.

It is important to boil the tips, because... they are in direct contact with human tissues and organ cavities.

The solution reservoir is filled with boiled water room temperature. The assembled structure is installed on a tripod or hung on an improvised holder (hanger, shelf, specially made hook) so that the hose is descended from a height of about 1.5 meters to the patient standing in a knee-elbow position. Release the air by opening the tap (removing the clamp) until liquid flows from the tip. They block the flow of water using reverse actions. Lubricate the final section of the enema used with petroleum jelly and place it into the rectum with gentle rotational movements. The tip is inserted at a slight angle towards the navel. The system is “turned on” again to allow water to enter the organ cavity.

At the end of these manipulations, the patient remains in a knee-elbow position with a forward bend until the required volume of fluid leaves the reservoir. As soon as the solution level reaches the bottom edge of the bowl, close the valve on the hose or apply a clamp. Otherwise, air may enter the intestines, which will worsen the already unpleasant sensations. Then the tip is removed and the patient lies on his back. The legs are slightly bent at the knees, and a pillow is placed under the pelvis.

It is advisable to endure the entire procedure, despite the urge to defecate, for up to 5-15 minutes. Then empty your bowels.

How to correctly place an Esmarch mug for gynecological indications?

Before douching, you should decide on the location of the manipulations. In a hospital, for this purpose, a vessel is placed under the buttocks; at home, it is more convenient to irrigate the vagina in the bathroom. Then you need to prepare medicinal solution, warm up (if necessary) to 35-39°C, assemble the douching system, lie down or sit reclining. The legs are spread and bent at the knees. The labia majora are pulled to the sides, lubricated with oil and the tip is inserted into the vagina to a depth of 5-7 cm. After all the solution has been received inside, the patient is recommended to remain in the same position for about 15 minutes (to achieve a therapeutic effect).

If Esmarch's mug is prescribed by a doctor, you need to clarify whether and how you can use it yourself.

In any case, it must be remembered that every medical procedure must be carried out under supervision. That's why independent use“cups” is a last resort measure in treatment and is carried out with the permission of the doctor. Only a professional can correctly assess all the indications and contraindications in a specific situation and clarify all questions about which solution and how to place the Esmarch mug.