Like casting lead. Use white magic to remove damage using a casting

Cast lead, just like wax casting is a magical practice aimed at removing negative programs. These two methods are very similar. And everything that relates to the wax casting method is also acceptable to lead casting. However, some features should be taken into account. Unlike wax, lead has a greater energy capacity, and, therefore, it has greater possibilities for removing negativity.

Lead castings are a more radical and harsh way of cleaning from negative programs, and this must be taken into account when using and mandatory diagnostics must be done, for example, with Tarot cards, Runes. Lead is good at removing heavy, old damage and curses, as well as all kinds of seals, agreements, and entities that guard destructive programs.

Previously, lead casting was common in Muslim magical tradition, but due to its effectiveness and simplicity it began to be used more widely, and today there are many original rituals using this material.

The general algorithm for conducting the ceremony is briefly presented below.


Preparing for the ritual

To successfully carry out the ritual, you need to carefully prepare. To do this, you need to define tasks, and most importantly, clearly know what kind of negative you will cast. Find out your capabilities and the client’s readiness, since the ritual is quite energy-consuming for both the master and the person seeking help. Determine the place and time of the ceremony. Prepare an altar, magical objects and tools, as well as lead, a container for melting lead, a container for pouring lead, a fire source, select the desired spell.


Lead preparation

Lead weights

For a single casting, approximately 60-70 g of lead is used; some practitioners use a smaller amount of material, 15-20 g, for mini castings. You can buy lead in a fishing store - these are lead weights, in a hunting store - lead shot, in tire shops you can buy lead weights for balancing wheels from old tires. Immediately before the ceremony, you need to synchronize with the material; the client can hold it in his hands or apply pieces of lead to sore spots. The master needs to tune in to the magical action, as a result of which the molten lead will remove, and when frozen, seal the negative.

Melting lead

Lead is a soft, malleable metal and can be easily melted at home. To do this, you need a convenient metal container where the material is stored. Lead should be heated over high heat, being careful and careful, not forgetting about your own protection, so that accidental splashes of metal do not harm you. If the ceremony is held indoors, provide good ventilation, although it is preferable to do the casting in nature.


Plot for castings

The conspiracy is a serious component of the ritual and is magical verbal instrument , where, as and in runic slander , the practitioner’s intention is concretized, articulated and strengthened. The spell must be selected and learned in advance; in extreme cases, it must be confidently read from a sheet of paper. The spell is pronounced during the process of melting and pouring metal. Many practitioners also use special spells before starting and completing work, during the disposal of castings, for water used in the ritual, etc.

Lead casting process


Pouring Lead

Hot molten lead is carefully poured into a special container of water, where the metal cools and solidifies. Sometimes lead is poured into sand or salt. The technique of the casting process is individual and depends on the handwriting and manner of the master. Next, we pull out the frozen metal, examine it, and interpret it. It is advisable not to handle the casting with bare hands, but to work with gloves or use a tool. The total number of castings and the number per session depends on the strength of the master, the condition of the person seeking help, and the effectiveness of the previous casting.


Interpretation of castings

To decipher lead castings you need to have a certain skill. Knowing the types of magical negativity and how to induce it, using associative imaginative thinking and vision, you will be able to read the information that interests you from the calving figures, signs and symbols. At first, it makes sense to turn to experienced practitioners on the selected Internet resource, where the analysis and interpretation of castings takes place.


Completion of the ritual. Lead Casting Recycling

Completion of the ritual involves the following actions - disposal of the lead casting, cleansing of objects that were used in the ritual, and, if necessary, cleansing and harmonizing the space where the lead castings were carried out. If your (or the person seeking the service’s) physical, emotional and energetic condition deteriorates, take appropriate measures to restore it.

There are many ways to dispose of castings. The most common ones are to throw it into running water, bury the casting under a dry tree, or throw it in the trash. I urge you to take care of our planet and, unless absolutely necessary, not to leave behind your work materials with destructive programs. Moreover, it has been repeatedly verified that if you practice in nature, then by first cleaning and ennobling the ritual site, you will significantly increase the effect of the ritual.

Short description

Chemical element of group IV of the periodic system of Mendeleev.

Latin name- Plumbum.

Designation- Pb.

Atomic number — 82.

Atomic mass — 207,2.

Density- 11.34 g/cm3.

Melting temperature— 327.5 °C.

Lead is a heavy metal of a bluish-gray color, very ductile, soft (cut with a knife, scratched with a fingernail). It occurs in nature in the form of 5 stable isotopes with mass numbers 202 (trace), 204 (1.5%), 206 (23.6%), 207 (22.6%), 208 (52.3%). The last three isotopes are the end products of radioactive transformations 238 U, 235 U and 232 Th. When exposed to air, it becomes covered with an oxide film that is resistant to chemical influences. Toxic.

The origin of the word “lead” is not entirely clear. In the old days, lead was not always clearly distinguished from tin. In most Slavic languages ​​(Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Czech, Polish) lead is called tin. Russian word“lead” is found only in the languages ​​of the Baltic group: svinas (Lithuanian), svin (Latvian). The English name for lead lead and the Dutch word lood are possibly related to the Russian “tin”. The Latin plumbum is also of unknown origin; it gave English word plumber - plumber (once pipes were caulked with soft lead). The ancient Greeks called lead “molybdos” (the name was preserved in modern Greek). This is where the Latin word molibdaena came from: this was the name given in the Middle Ages to the lead sheen PbS and the rarer molybdenum sheen (MoS 2), and other similar minerals that left a black mark on a light surface. The same trace was left by graphite and lead itself. Thin lead rods could be used to write on parchment; probably comes from here German name pencil: in German pencil is Bleistift, that is, lead rod.

In nature, lead is found in ore compounds, for example, in galena (PbS), in polymetallic ores. IN earth's crust lead contains 1.6×10 -3% by weight.

Lead is used to make battery electrodes, wires, cables, bullets, pipes, and equipment. chemical industry, anti-knock additive for gasoline, radiation protection screens and x-ray radiation, artistic and printing inks, weights and plumb lines.

Lead enters the human body through food (about 0.22 mg), water (0.1 mg), and dust (0.08 mg). The safe daily level of lead intake for humans is 0.2-2 mg. It is excreted mainly in feces (0.22-0.32 mg), less in urine (0.03-0.05 mg). The human body contains on average about 2 mg (in some cases - up to 200 mg). Residents have industrial developed countries The lead content in the body is higher than that of residents of agricultural countries, and higher in city dwellers than in rural residents. Lead is contained in the bones of the skeleton (90% of the entire body); 0.2-1.9 mcg/g accumulates in the liver; in the blood - 0.15-0.40 mcg/ml; in hair - 24 mcg/g, in milk - 0.005-0.15 mcg/ml; also found in the pancreas, kidneys, brain and other organs. In animals, the concentration and distribution of lead is almost similar to that in humans. As lead levels rise in environment its deposition in bones, hair, and liver increases. Biological functions not installed.

Lead toxicity leads to poisoning. The most common signs: a border (a strip of lilac-slate color) along the edge of the gums, an earthy-pale color of the skin; reticulocytosis and other blood changes, increased levels of porphyrins in the urine, the presence of lead in the urine in suspended quantities (0.04-0.08 mg/l or more). Defeat nervous system manifested by asthenia, in severe forms - encephalopathy, paralysis (mainly extensors of the hand and fingers), polyneuritis. With lead colic, sharp cramping pain in the abdomen and constipation occur, lasting from several hours to 2-3 weeks; Colic is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and blood pressure, body temperature up to 37.5-38 °C. Chronic intoxication may cause damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, and disruption of endocrine functions (in women - miscarriages, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia). Suppression of immunobiological reactivity contributes to increased overall morbidity.

Application in medicine

Traditional medicine. Lead preparations are used in medical practice only externally, as astringents and antiseptics. Use: lead water (for inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes), simple and complex lead patches (for purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin, boils).

Ayurveda. Used in the treatment of skin diseases, vaginal discharge, swelling, gonorrhea and syphilis.

Use in magic

To protect the house from intrusion evil spirits, small pieces of this metal should be placed under the threshold.

Lead has the ability to prevent the penetration of harmful energies and vibrations; it is not without reason that it is used for shielding during X-ray examinations. Even in the ordinary physical world, it protects a person from unnecessary radiation, that is, from the penetration of negative energy into the aura. It should be stated very important point: All lead talismans, especially those worn on the body, should be used only for a very short period. Constant use of them can lead to undesirable consequences. For this reason, you need to wear a talisman only if there really is a danger of the evil eye or damage; you should not wear it “just in case.” To do this, it is better to use amulets made of other metals or precious stones.

To protect yourself from witchcraft, it is enough to simply wear a small piece of lead at the level of the solar plexus, and preferably so that it does not come into contact with the body, for example, let it be on top of a T-shirt. It must be remembered that wearing lead for a long time can lead to physical fatigue and slowdown of internal flows in your energy structure. After all, it is precisely by this principle that lead extinguishes negative energies; they simply get stuck in it. And one more thing: after each use of a lead amulet, it must be cleaned - thoroughly rinsed under running water. cold water. It is clear that lead amulets are not the most convenient, but they are also the most reliable. With them you can “stand” against any witchcraft.


Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

Planet: Saturn.

Most active day: Saturday.

Incompatible zodiac sign: A lion.

Myths and legends

In ancient times, lead was associated with the god Chronos (in Greek mythology - one of the titans, the son of Uranus and Gaia. Personifies the inexorability of time and chaos).

In the 6th century BC. Rich deposits of galena were discovered in Lavrion, a mountainous area near Athens. During the Punic Wars (264-146 BC), numerous lead mines operated on the territory of modern Spain, which were founded by the Greeks and Phoenicians. They were later developed by the Romans. Roman engineers used lead to make ancient water pipes.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus (5th century BC) wrote about a method of strengthening iron and bronze staples in stone slabs by filling the holes with fusible lead. Later, during excavations of Mycenae, lead staples were found in the stone walls.

Much has been written about lead in medieval alchemical treatises. Associated with the planet Saturn, he personified the animal, “raw” human soul, which the alchemist, through spiritual transformation, had to turn into gold, that is, make it enlightened.

The biblical Moses mentions lead in his song of victory.

Egyptian mummies are found with thin plates of this metal placed on their chests.

Inscriptions carved into the rock were filled with lead or tin to make them easier to read.

Lead compounds - “lead ash” (PbO) and white lead(2PbCO 3 , Pb(OH) 2) were used in Ancient Greece and Rome as components of medicines and paints.

Lead castings make it possible to remove serious destructive programs. They are an order of magnitude more effective than wax ones. Working with lead is neither easy nor safe. There are many methods. Let's consider one of them for now. We are working here with an Orthodox egregor.
As with all casting procedures, several stages can be distinguished:
- Preparation;
- connection to the desired egregor;
- translation;
- taking information;
- the actual casting;
- closure of the egrogorial canal;
- disposal.

An indicator of a high-quality lead casting is a sharp deterioration in the patient’s health within 6 hours after the first casting and up to 3 days after. Always warn the patient about this. Chronic diseases may worsen, depression and psychosis often occur. In cases where castings are used as part of an expulsion ritual, indigestion and vomiting are very common.

I advise you to do a three-day complex of lead castings - i.e. within three days, one casting at a time.

So, let's begin. 1 and 2 castings are the same, 3 differs in that the casting is carried out in butter, as well as recycling.

1. Preparation. Prepare a piece of lead (the size of a tablespoon), a two-handed container (300-400 ml) for water, a glass of vegetable oil, 50 gr. dry field wormwood, 300-400 ml of melt water, 100 butter, three church wax candles, low small tin frying pan, some table salt.

The patient removes all rings, bracelets, and chains. He sits down with his back to you. You pour melt water into the container. The patient dips the ring and middle fingers of both hands into the water, so that the other fingers do not intersect for 5 minutes.

Light a wax candle. Read ANY PRAISE TO YOUR DIVINE.
Place the frying pan on the fire, throw a pinch of dry wormwood into the frying pan. The wormwood should turn into embers. After that, put lead on it.

While the lead is being heated, the patient removes his hands from the water and shakes droplets of water into a container of water. Dip the middle finger of the left hand into a glass of vegetable oil and drop six drops of oil into the water. He doesn’t wipe his finger; he uses it to “draw” a cross on the palm of his right hand.

Have the patient sit with their back to you.

2. The patient sits with his back to you. Left hand We place it on the back of his head and hold a burning candle in his right. We read “Our Father” - slowly and clearly. If everything is correct, you will start yawning or pressure (or noise) will appear in your ears.

3. “Transfer” in this case just means help. Those. use any prayer you know (spell, slander, etc. text) to ask for help from the egregor, without using your own energy, otherwise you won’t last long on your own.
Those. the task is to reach the required substructure of the egregor and involve a “third party” in the work

4. Working with lead is specific due to the fact that lead hardens very quickly. Therefore, shift most of the work of collecting information to water; in spells and requests you mention both lead and water. The technique is individual and not much different from working with wax. My only advice is to work each chakra counterclockwise, from the back. . In this particular case, you hold the water with your left hand.

5. During casting, the patient holds a container of water in his left hand and clenches his right hand into a fist. Pour the lead into a container at medium speed.

6. Close the connection to the egregor prayers of thanksgiving.

7. Lead does not need to be thrown away. After casting and its treatment, put the lead in a frying pan and add dry wormwood. Hold a slice of bread over the pan until the lead melts. All negative programs, etc. will go into bread. Then feed the loaf of bread to the animal. The same method applies to wax, just wait until the wax boils.
Extinguish the candle with your hand and give it to the patient to burn until the end of the house. Pour a pinch of salt into the water and then pour it down the drain. Rinse the container with water for at least 5 minutes. running water.

The third casting is performed into butter that the patient has previously kneaded in both hands. After this, clean the lead using the method described above, carefully collect the oil from the casting container, wrap it in paper along with a candle stub and burn it at a pedestrian intersection.

The interpretation of castings is individual for everyone; the images are often similar to wax, but differ in greater sharpness and the number of small details. I’ll just say one thing, it’s bad when “pipes” are poured out - hollow tubes made like from foil - their presence is 100% spoilage. If the casting is divided into several large parts, this is a good sign, it means that your work is not in vain)

We take a large bowl or small basin with sand and make a hole in the sand approximately the size of the prepared lead. We melt the lead in some specially designated ladle on gas burner, open the window, it will be hot from the melting of the lead. When the lead has already become liquid in the ladle, we place the applicant with straight legs wider than shoulder-width apart, and between his legs we place a stool with a bowl filled with sand with a hole in the sand. The applicant should be wearing as little clothing as possible and should be as relaxed as possible.
We take a ladle with melted lead, approach from behind and slowly pour the lead into a hole in the sand located opposite the tailbone of the applicant. While pouring, we read the slander once:
“Everything that prevented (name) from living, breathing, sleeping, eating, and loving, everything that sorcerers and witches sent to him, people wanted, all this will go into lead, the dead thing will take the lead to the grave.
Let it be so!".
Let the applicant stand until the lead completely hardens, about five minutes. Then you take pre-prepared bags and pour sand and lead into them from a bowl. You give it to the person who applied and he immediately goes to the cemetery and looks for a fresh grave of the same name with himself (no older than forty days from burial), puts an open bottle of vodka and a handful of coins on it and buries this bag with the contents on it, saying at the same time:
“Dead thing, take my damage, take the writhing to the grave, I’m crying to you.
Let it be so!".
After that, he goes home silently and without looking back and throws all his clothes into the wash, and washes himself in the shower.

It removes very well the most severe damage, which I first cast on wax, then do this casting.

Muslim way of removing lead damage

1.B right hand take a small piece of lead.

2. Turn this piece of lead 7 times counterclockwise on the top of the head, while saying “El Fatiha” (El Fatiha)

3. Do the same on each arm, leg, solar plexus, lower abdomen and forehead.

4. Then spit on the lead 7 times (just pretending to spit it is enough).

5. Wrap lead in your worn linen and place the bundle under your pillow or mattress for 7 nights.

6. After 7 days - it is better to melt the lead on Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday.

7. Place a bowl of water on the floor. Place the linen/thing in which the lead was wrapped under it. Stand over the vessel (so that it is between your legs - but not directly, but slightly in front to avoid splashes). Pour molten lead into it.

8. If the lead comes out in a smooth piece - magician. there is no impact on you. If needles, thorns, sand appear - in this case, magic takes place. intervention.

9. In this case, the ritual must be repeated 7 more times until you obtain lead with a smooth surface, without thorns and needles.

10. If you want to do the “return”, you need to do this: you will do the ritual 7 more times, and each time you need to place a photo of the author of the influence under the vessel into which you will pour the lead. For the 8th time, add your own linen, in which the lead was wrapped. The ritual is over.

11. After each casting, lead must be immediately thrown away - into a river, lake, or sea. You can't keep it at home. If you can’t get rid of the casting immediately, you need to take it outside or onto the balcony.

Lead castings are one ofn most effective ways cleansing human energy.

This technology allows you to extract destructive energy information elements from the client and then destroy them ( corruption, vampire channels, entities etc). Despite the similarity to wax casting, working with lead is several orders of magnitude more effective. This is due to the physical and energetic properties of the material itself. The huge energy-information “capacity” of lead allows you to remove destructive programs in one or two times, which in other methods can be extracted from the client for months. He is able to pull out all the negativity from a person, literally "surgically" removing it with part of the affected energy. Curses, stealers, seals and locks, essential subdivisions, vampire channels, elements of karmic programs- all this is harshly pulled out of the client, and tightly bound in frozen lead, deprived of the opportunity to return back. Moreover, the properties of the metal allow casting to be carried out remotely, using a photograph, without loss of quality.
By harshly removing negativity from the client, lead greatly “loads” his energy structure. Therefore, a mandatory component of the process is post-casting rehabilitation—restoration of the energy-informational structure with the help of healing practices.
Specialists who do not use Healing usually limit themselves to two or three castings per session. An integrated approach to the procedure, including multidimensional resonance disclosure of the client, lead casting and subsequent restoration, makes it possible to carry out from seven to twelve (or more) castings in one session. This allows the Master to cleanse the client of a huge amount of negativity. A good casting opens the Path, removes various Ancestral programs (the crown of celibacy, bad luck, early death, etc.), as well as evil eyes, damage and curses, and removes disease programs.

Who needs lead casting?
- Systematic monetary losses, blocking of money - everyone stops paying, salaries are delayed/lowered, job loss, the number of clients decreases - up to complete disappearance.
- negative flow of events - constantly emerging negative situations, often with a “from bad to worse” scenario; problems are either difficult to solve or cannot be resolved at all.
— loop of the Path. A person constantly finds himself in the same negative situations.
- chronic fatigue - a feeling of powerlessness and a constant desire to lie down or sleep.
- illnesses, from a “bouquet” of chronic diseases to severe deterioration in health that cannot be diagnosed by a doctor.
- severe muscle imbalance - muscle distortion, body distortion, facial distortion, grimacing.
- "cloudy" consciousness - it is difficult to concentrate, thoughts are confused, memory deteriorates.
- inadequacy of perception and behavior.
- apathy, a feeling of powerlessness, the meaninglessness of existence, the inability to change your life for the better.
- no joy (even unequivocally positive events cause a maximum sluggish response).
- emotional depression - a feeling of depression and fear.
- hypersensitivity to any irritants - a “nervous” state.
- jumps of emotions - suddenly arising causeless melancholy, irritation, aggression.
- sudden weight gain or loss.
- altered perception - the feeling of unpleasant odors, noise, the sound of voices that are not perceived by others. In particularly difficult cases, visual hallucinations are possible.
What does lead casting do?
— a state of lightness (as if “a weight has been lifted from the heart/shoulders”).
- emotional upsurge
- consciousness becomes clearer
- gradual improvement in health, some chronic diseases go away.
- a surge of strength.
- opening of the Path - new opportunities appear.
— a positive line of events is being formed.
- relationships are harmonized.
— the basis is created for any positive transformations, personal and eventual.
With all my strengths, casting with lead is extremely difficult and dangerous for the operator himself. In addition to the constant inhalation of toxic lead fumes and the danger of burns (with “strong” negativity in the client, hot metal can literally splash out of a vessel with water and get on the person who is pouring), there is also an energetic aspect. During the casting process, the operator tunes in as much as possible to the client, their fields merge into a single whole. Lead, burning out the negativity from the client, largely destroys the Master’s field of consciousness. This method also requires a specialist to high level preparation:
- strong energy, capable of withstanding heavy loads.
- wide-range perception - the ability to scan both the upper energy-informational spectrum of the client - light worlds, angelic structures, a channel of communication with the Creator, and the lower - dark worlds, karmic and ancestral programs, etc.
— high-quality training in the field of energy healing.
- the skill of high-quality self-cleaning from negativity received from the client in the process of work.
- the ability and skill of rapid self-healing.
- a large amount of professional knowledge.

For many, lead casting is a “second chance”, an opportunity to get rid of negativity, reboot their life and embark on the Path of Joy and Success.

The casting procedure includes:
Primary diagnosis: chakra-by-chakra layout on the runes - layer-by-layer assessment of the state of the energy-informational structure.
- from 12 or more lead discharges in a row (depending on the complexity of the client).
— Restoration of the energy-informational structure using holistic healing technologies.
— Energy information support during the post-casting period: adjustment to restoring and harmonizing energy flows, in the period from 14 to 21 days from the moment of casting. Resonance with these energies stabilizes the client in a pure state.
— Secondary diagnostics: tracking the dynamics of positive changes.

Peace and Happiness to you, with respect, Alexander Kalyuzhin.

You can sign up for Lead Castings
by phone: +79045010374
by WhatsApp/Telegram: +79045010374, +79188908887 (Administration)
by e-mail:

In this article I want to talk about damage and the evil eye in Muslim style. For what?

IN modern world The borders between states have almost been erased and representatives of various religions can freely travel around the world. Due to the fact that in Slavic countries you can easily meet a person who believes in Allah, it will not be superfluous to find out what Islam says about witchcraft, how to get rid of it and protect yourself.

Muslim Witchcraft

For any person, the features of someone else’s religion are perceived as something incomprehensible, fear-inducing, which can paralyze the ability to think rationally. Therefore, I want to talk about some of the features of Islam regarding witchcraft:

  • Islam, like the Christian religion, is categorically against magicians and sorcerers. Muslims are very pious people. They still live according to the rules and customs of their ancestors, and seek solutions to their problems in the pages of the Koran.
  • Like the Slavs, people of the Muslim faith are sure that to cast the evil eye, it is enough to look at a person with evil or envious thoughts, and to damage it, special rituals must be carried out.
  • To get rid of the influence of witchcraft and protect against it, Muslims use prayers from the holy scriptures and various rituals.

As you can see, there are practically no differences between us when it comes to magic. But I want to warn you that the induced Muslim witchcraft must be removed by a Muslim magician.

How the evil eye and damage manifest themselves

Before treating a disease, it must be diagnosed. It’s the same with witchcraft - before getting rid of it, you should make sure it’s present. So how do Muslims define the evil eye and damage to themselves or loved ones?

The following are considered signs of the evil eye:

  • nothing pleases the victim;
  • a person who has the evil eye cries for no particular reason;
  • the victim of the evil eye experiences memory impairment;
  • because of other people's negativity, a person may constantly yawn and feel the urge to sleep;
  • a person under the influence of negativity may stop being attentive;
  • When visiting a mosque or during prayer, a person with the evil eye cannot stop yawning.

Signs of damage are:

  • the character of the victim of induced witchcraft sharply deteriorates;
  • if damage is caused to a woman, then she may experience painful sensations in the area of ​​the uterus. Moreover, all examinations show that there are no reasons for this condition;
  • the victim of damage cannot get rid of unpleasant odor from the mouth - hygiene products do not work, and doctors cannot find the cause of this phenomenon;
  • it becomes difficult for a person with damage to control his behavior towards others;

People of the Muslim faith believe that the discovery of these symptoms on a person is already enough to begin to get rid of witchcraft. Just in case, you can check yourself again during morning and evening prayers - if you experience unpleasant sensations and constantly yawn, then this is clear evidence that you are being influenced through magic.

How to read Muslim prayers correctly

As in Christianity, in Islam there are certain conditions under which a prayer will be heard by Allah and the request of the askee will be fulfilled. These conditions are as follows:

  • Removal of damage should be done in the evening or even at night, after complete cleansing of the body. There is an opinion among the followers of Allah that it is at this time that their God is free from daily affairs and can help everyone who turned to him asking for cleansing and protection from witchcraft;
  • to get rid of existing damage and protect yourself from witchcraft in the future, you should use certain prayers from the Koran;
  • the prayer ritual for getting rid of witchcraft should begin no earlier than 3 a.m. and end with the first rays of the sun;
  • Prayers should be read exclusively in Arabic. If you do not speak it, you can use the help of a native speaker. Ask him to recite the text of the prayer so that you can memorize it or record it on a tape recorder. In addition, you can use the Internet and find audio recordings of the necessary prayers;
  • It is best to read surahs (prayers) from the Koran on Friday evening. There is an opinion that it is on this day that wishes come true and the effect of prayer can be strengthened;
  • The best effect can be achieved if you achieve a trance state during prayer.

Prayers from the Koran to remove damage

Now I propose to familiarize yourself with the text of the suras from the Koran, which the best way will help a Muslim get rid of various types of witchcraft.

Al-Fatihah (Opening)

Bismillahi l rahmani rahim.

Alhamdu lillahi rabbil alamin.

Arrahmani rrahim.

Maliki yau middin.,

Iyyaka nabudu wa iyyaka nastain,

Ikhdina l sirata l mustaqim

Sirata l azin anamtu alaihim gairi l magzubi alaihim wa la ddallin.

Al-Ikhlas (Sincerity)

Kulhu in Allahu Ahad

Allahu samad

Lam yalid wa lam yulad

Wa lam yakun Allahu, kufuwan ahad.

Al-Falak (Dawn)

Bismillahi l'rrahmani rrahim

Kul auzu birahbi l falak.

Min shari mahalak

Va min shari gasikin iza va kab

Wa min sari l nnaffasati fi l ukad.

Va min shari hasidin isa hasad.

An-Nas (People)

Bismillahi l'rrahmani rrahim

Kul auz birabbi l nnas

Maliki nnas

Ilahi nnas

Min sharri waswasi l hannas

Allyazi yuvasvisu fisuduuri nnas

Mina l jinnati va nnas.

While reading these prayers, you should fumigate the room where the purification is being carried out. Qist al-Hindi is an Indian reed that can be easily purchased at a specialized Islamic store.

Muslim rituals for removing damage

As in Christianity, in Islam there are rituals that allow you to get rid of damage from minimal costs time and effort. The only thing that matters to them is to believe in the power of their God.

Lead casting

  • Find a small piece of lead and hold it in your right hand.
  • Bring your right hand to the top of your head and twist the lead counterclockwise seven times. At this time, you need to recite lines from Surah Al-Fatiha.
  • This action must be repeated on every part of the body: arms, legs, forehead, solar plexus and area below the navel.
  • When these manipulations are completed, spit on the lead 7 times.
  • Now you should wrap this piece of metal in the clothes worn by the spoiled one. The finished bundle is placed under the pillow or mattress of the victim of witchcraft for 7 days.
  • After the allotted time has passed, you need to take out the package, remove the lead from it and melt the metal. It is best to do this on Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday.
  • Next, you should lay on the floor the thing in which the lead was wrapped. Place a bowl of water on it. You need to stand above the water in such a way that it is convenient to pour out the molten lead, but at the same time protect yourself from splashes.

Evaluate the result. A flat and smooth surface indicates that there is no witchcraft influence on a person. Any defects on the surface of the cast metal indicate the presence of magical intervention.

In this case, it is necessary to repeat this ritual 7 more times to get rid of damage, as evidenced by the acquired smoothness and evenness of the cast lead.

Each time to perform this ritual, a new piece of lead should be used, and the old one should be thrown away. It is advisable to do this away from home, throwing the casting into a deep body of water.

Rolling out with a bow

This method is very similar in essence to , which I have talked about several times. This ritual should not be performed by the victim of witchcraft, but by a person in whom there is strong trust. It’s good if a blood relative does the cleansing from damage.

  • The victim of magical intervention must give his healer 3 onions of any size.
  • Having peeled the vegetables, the healer begins to move each of them in turn over the patient’s body. You should start from the top of the head and move down the spine in a circular motion. The rolling out process should be accompanied by the words:

    “Bismillahi rahmanir rahim wa hual aliil azim” . At the same time, the healer and his patient must clearly imagine how the onion absorbs all the negativity that the victim of witchcraft emits.

  • The used vegetable is placed in a jar of water and covered with a lid.

Depending on the severity of the damage, the ritual should be carried out for 2-3 days, after which the used bulbs should be thrown away.

In conclusion

Now you know some of the features of removing damage with the help of Muslim prayers. I would like to note that Muslims are of the opinion that you can try to remove the evil eye and light damage on your own. If a person is accompanied by serious problems with physical or psychological health, then you should contact specialists.

I completely agree with this opinion and strongly recommend that you adhere to it. After all, when your strength is running out, you need to quickly eliminate the root cause of this condition. But only a specialist has enough strength to do this.

Contact me at the coordinates indicated on the site and I will help solve your problem related to magic.

Lead casting

Now I want to talk about one of the most powerful ways to correct human energy - lead casting. You don’t have to waste time on texts on the internet about casting. You won't find anything worthwhile. You will find about casting for wax and casting for lead as a diagnostic tool. But I didn’t find any information there about lead casting as a way to energetically reboot a person. And this is exactly so. Although this is actively kept silent.

So what is lead casting?

Even the ancient Vedas used this method to get rid of karmic knots, from damage and other external influences, from their own negative programs, from settlers (spirits of different origins), Lead cleanses right down to the matrix of the soul. The casting masters then fill the structure with pure, primordial energies.

The result is the elimination of the causes of diseases and depression, the thought process is clearer, decisions are made correctly and quickly, the perception of oneself and one’s place in this world is inspiring, new worthy ideas and simple ways to implement them appear. A person is free for creativity, relationships, love, well-being. There are no obstacles.

This is cleansing on all energy levels. This is an energy reboot. Only global. Negative energy accumulated both in this life and in past incarnations is washed away. Lead is the most energy-intensive metal after gold; it absorbs and retains all negativity in a frozen form. The lead completely shows in its form what exactly was taken out (settlers, birthright, damage, essences, evil eyes, curses, energy vampires, love spells, etc.)

This is an energy-intensive procedure for all participants - both the patient and the casting masters. Immediately after a result is obtained that satisfies the casting master, the process of restoring energy begins with the help of a 3-component healing wave. Then I seal the result, check the evenness and density of the subtle bodies and aura. And Woo-a-la! Freedom!

If you feel that you are on the wave, relaxed in all important areas, healthy and joyful, then you do not need a casting.

If you feel that everything is going awry, you spend a lot of energy and time, but there are no results, if you are constantly depressed and apathetic, if you need a transition to a new level, but it doesn’t work out, then come to me for lead casting. Especially with damage, curses, aliens, fears, diseases that cannot be treated with medication (we remove the cause).

How does this happen?

2 casting masters (me +1) wash out all the negative energy from the structure as much as possible. This can take from 2 to 5 hours, and we cannot regulate this process. Each time is different from the previous one, each has its own subtleties and tasks, different energy and different forces. The tasks will not be difficult; various sensations in the body are possible. When I see that the casting was a success, we immediately fill the vacant space with clean, fresh energy and vitality.

The result is a new look at events, a new sense of yourself and your place in this life, new strengths and abilities for realization. It's like we woke up.

My neighbor took a cast at age 73 and bought himself dumbbells!

Casting from a photo from a distance is effective

How this happens: Throughout the entire procedure we are in direct communication (VKontakte, Skype). I tell you what to do, after each procedure I send you a photo, we communicate live.

When cast with lead from the energy sector, the women cast several huge entities. There was a noticeable breakdown in anahata and the will was completely broken. For several years now she has had a painful condition, failures in life (relationships, money, health, fulfillment, difficult relationship with her mother), although she appears to be an energetic, pretty young woman, about 35 years old, quite modern and active, smart, a good housewife, feminine figure with a thin waist. But come on, you screwed up a bad thing! Well, nothing is going well!

Photo 1 shows how she arrived.

In photo 2 it is much cleaner.

In photo 3, in the first place is what it has become - thin bodies, smooth, clean, whole, and next to it, to the right - pieces of huge entities, living a life that is not their own. So the lead took over something that shouldn’t be on a person.

The result of 4 hours of work by two lead casting masters. After the procedure, the human structure was aligned and filled with pure energies.