How to freshen the air in an apartment: use fruits, oils and herbs. How to make the air in your apartment healthy and useful for life What to do to freshen the air after frying

Here are a few simple tips to help keep your home smelling nice.

1. If you use a fan in your apartment to cool the room, do not forget to periodically wash its blades. After this, not only will the air flow be stronger, but the fan will also be much quieter.

2. A pleasant smell will appear in the kitchen after you boil lemon peels in water for a few minutes.

3. Causes many people inconvenience bad smell in a refrigerator. Essential oils will help you get rid of it very easily. Apply one drop of lavender essential oil and one drop of lemon essential oil to a porous baked clay stone or even a piece of gauze and place on the refrigerator door. The smell will become much nicer. Don't forget to update your oils periodically.

4. Tea can also absorb odors. Place a few used sachets in a regular jar in the refrigerator and they will absorb the odors.

5. An unpleasant odor may come from the wastebasket. If this occurs, also use essential oils. After washing and drying the basket, place a piece of gauze or cotton wool soaked in lavender and tea tree essential oils (one drop each) on the bottom.

6. If there is a lingering odor in the microwave that you cannot remove, add 3 drops of lemon or mint essential oil to a bowl of water and microwave it for 3 minutes.

7. The toilet is the most problematic area in the house in terms of aromatization. But this problem can be easily dealt with. To avoid using aerosols that are harmful to your breath, replace them with essential oils. Place two or three small aroma stones the size of cookies on a shelf in the toilet. Place a few drops on them essential oils pine, lavender or ylang-ylang. Renew the scent every week. After this, your toilet will be filled with a pleasant aroma and a healthy atmosphere.

8. Recently, it has become popular to refresh laundry while washing with essential oils, which, unlike conditioners, are of natural origin and do not cause allergies. You can use two ways to scent your laundry. Add a terry mitten to the dryer and add 7 drops of your favorite essential oil (mint, rose, lavender, eucalyptus or any other). Or you can add 3 drops of oil to your ironing water.

9. The simplest and quick way to make the air in the room pleasant - add essential oil to a spray bottle with water and spray the room.

10. It’s also easy to get rid of the nasty smell in the washing machine. Buy high-quality, proven washing powder. Read the instructions carefully: manufacturers often advise pouring the powder not into the tray, but directly onto the laundry into the drum. The cause of the unpleasant odor can be thick rinses or soap powders that are not washed off completely and serve beautiful environment habitat for all kinds of fungi. To cope with the problem, pour into the tray washing powder and turn on the “boil” mode idle or set the maximum temperature regime 90 degrees, depending on the modes of your machine. Drain the water, but do not spin. Carry out several rinses, then thoroughly wipe all accessible surfaces. washing machine and ventilate it. Traditional methods It is recommended to spin an empty machine with water and citric acid for at least 30 minutes.

Oh, these women! You always want to change something, decorate, clean, put it in proper shape. At least once a month, each of us is visited by the thought: “What if...?” And this “if” often transforms into hair recoloring, a new manicure, a haircut, another relocation of the sofa from the living room to the bedroom. Sometimes we decide to change our style - to turn from a business shark into a cute girl. Or eat at an expensive sushi bar. This is absolutely normal. But when we changed, dressed up, changed the image of our husband, we look at our apartment and sigh. Something is wrong again. Cramped, ugly, inexpensive, uncomfortable. Sound familiar? Such thoughts and despondency are especially common before menstruation. And everything is terribly infuriating.

There is not always money to carry out repairs or buy a new one. beautiful furniture. And I really want to change those boring green curtains or that old chair! A new mirror with a chic frame would be so welcome. And scarlet bed linen diversifies family life. But all plans are dashed when you open your wallet. You sadly put on an apron and gloves, wipe off the dust, move the flower from the windowsill to another window sill and sigh. And I really wanted change!

Everything is real! Money is absolutely not needed in order to change a boring environment to a “new” home.

What is needed for a new interior

Look around the room carefully. What don't you like about it? Does furniture get in the way? Not enough space for your jars, creams, flowers and threads? Tired of bright curtains that are already ten years old? Does the room feel like it's pressing on you? You go into the kitchen and there’s nowhere to turn around?

Think about how you would like to arrange your furniture. If you want to free up space, push everything towards walls and corners. When there is no furniture in the center, it is much more convenient to move around the room. Try to arrange furniture in a square. For example, we move the sofa under the wall with the window(s) and place a chest of drawers on the side. It is advisable that everything be arranged in a “row”. This will make the room visually larger.

Be patient. Find all your old curtains, tulle, duvet covers, fabrics, bows, satin ribbons, photos, napkins, toys, figurines, pillowcases, blankets, bags. Clear shelves and tables of excess.

On the way home, stop by the store and buy decoupage napkins, glue, tape, buttons and pins. If you have some money left, you can cut off half a meter of fabric.

We place accents

Sometimes a room or kitchen can become completely different if you correctly shift the focus. For example, in my bedroom there were green curtains that irritated me terribly. I don't like this color, although almost everyone insists on its beneficial effects. The bedroom seemed huge, bright, rich. The performance was really good high level. I bought curtains beige colour. Since I have three windows, I had to spend some money. My chest of drawers with a huge mirror is also brown and beige. She took out a light brown blanket, which she threw on the sofa. My bedroom has turned into a gentle room, soft and very cozy. I felt very calm and easy to be in it.

So think about what doesn't suit you in your room. Inspect the windows carefully. Do you have flowers on your windowsills? What kind of tulle or curtains? Do you have blinds? How would you like to feel when you walk inside?

Pastel colors - beige, coffee, copper, shades of brown are soothing. Green, blue, orange, yellow tones. If you are going to sleep or relax in this room, this will be quite difficult for you. Dark blue and purple intensify the atmosphere. They should be correctly combined with the interior and not cause aggression. Often, being in rooms with a similar color scheme, irritation and despondency begin. Although everything is very individual, perhaps these colors will help you feel comfortable. Please note that the craving for blue color worsens when it is important for a woman to make a decision, calm down or relax. It can get annoying after a while.
I absolutely do not recommend black and dark gray. Such colors can only dilute the interior, but do not attract attention. A woman should relax and enjoy life, and not stress.

The same applies to pink, scarlet and burgundy. By the way, if the prints on curtains or blankets are in shades of burgundy or deep red, this will add appearance paint rooms.

Place pillowcases over small pillows (if you don’t have them, buy them). For example, a beige room. Choose pillowcases in burgundy, raspberry, coffee, and golden colors. Or anyone to whom you are internally drawn.
There should be several accents, three at most.

If you have chosen curtains or curtains for this purpose, then there is no need to dilute the room with more rich color. Accents can be a flower, a bouquet, bright lace napkins, paintings, watches, toys.

Tidying up the room

Wipe the dust wherever your hand can reach. Go through all unnecessary pens, things, rags, cosmetics, figurines. Throw away the excess. If it’s a pity, put it in boxes and send it to the mezzanine or attic. Arrange what seemed most significant to you differently. For example, I made a family corner. Nailed a small one wooden shelf, on which she placed frames with photographs from a wedding or vacation. Since I love stones, I carefully laid out my husband’s and my tumbling stones next to the frames. Malachite, cyosite, amethyst, garnet rosary mean a lot to us. And when I look at my corner, I immediately remember the pleasant moments of life.

Rake all the pens and pencils into a glass, carefully arrange your cosmetics and jewelry. If the room has old furniture, which you currently cannot change or repaint, there are also two options here. Take tulle or unnecessary curtains. Sew bows or fabric flowers onto them. You can tie the curtains satin ribbon. Cover up the unattractive places original curtains. Or buy decoupage napkins. Stick them on the furniture, carefully spreading the glue (be sure to familiarize yourself with this technique, it will help rehabilitate even old watches).

And now your room began to resemble vintage apartments fashionistas 70.
Remember when I asked you to prepare old blankets, pillowcases or pieces of fabric? Sew yourself a colorful blanket or rug! Cut the pieces and sew them in the order you like. You can attach buttons or ribbon bows on top.

Pendants and hairpins

Do you have any old unwanted beads? Attach them to the curtains. There is some fabric left - make thin ribbons out of it and attach it to the curtain in the shower. It will be very original and fresh.
Old hairpins can be useful for decoration. You can paint them with varnish and attach them to tulle in the kitchen. Or pin the curtains with them.

We cover and modify

If your refrigerator is old and ugly, buy duct tape and seal it. Bright colors will give the impression that you have purchased new technology. Place flowers on the windowsills. You can cover the surface itself with decoupage napkins, fabric or colored oilcloth. Place figurines and/or small toys near the flowers. Decorate everything you see. Let your imagination run wild.

Put household chemicals or shampoos on a dessert stand. Nail nails in the kitchen and decorate them with fabric, ribbons or gift bows. You can hang everything you need on the nails. Aprons, potholders, bags, boards, saucepans. You can paint the glass and stick it to the wall. Place spatulas, ladles, knives in it. These tricks will save you a lot of space.

Take curtain rods or tubes and hang them above your bed. Tulle and curtains, even if they different color, you can hang it on the eaves and make a canopy. Romance and chic will immediately come into your life.

Touch up acrylic paints thin pipes in the kitchen or bathroom. Secure the wires that always got in your way with bows. You can make frames for switches from cardboard or fabric. Or buy inexpensive ones wooden frames in the shop.

Draw pictures or make them yourself using available materials. Decorate your walls with items you made. This will fill the room with comfort.

Changing our reality

If you have a desire to change something in your home, be sure to implement it. This indicates your readiness to let changes and new emotions into your life. Or get rid of what makes you uncomfortable long time.

After you have modified your home, pay attention to yourself. After all, no matter how much you improve the interior, the real decoration of your home is only you. Dare, experiment and love yourself!

The house protects a person from the actions of many natural factors. It is warm in frosty winters and cool in summer heat. The cold piercing wind does not blow through the walls of the room, and during prolonged rain it is always dry. People are constantly improving their homes, creating ventilation systems, making their stay more comfortable at any time of the year.

However, the pursuit of convenience is often associated with disturbances in the balance of the microclimate naturally maintained by nature. Our advice will allow the apartment owner to analyze various ways on air purification with your own hands and create favorable conditions indoors for human health and life.

Very often we make mistakes under the influence of stereotypes or myths that have formed in our minds. Let's try to debunk them.

5 myths that ensure an incorrect microclimate in the apartment

Myth No. 1. The air inside living quarters is much cleaner than that outside

We constantly receive information that in cities the street air is polluted with heavy metals and exhaust gases Vehicle, emission products industrial enterprises, and there is a catastrophic lack of green space for its cleaning.

Therefore, we believe that it is cleaner in the apartment. However, we are grossly mistaken. Scientists have determined that the air inside an apartment is 5–10 times dirtier than outside. There are many reasons for this.

Dust from furniture, pet hair, flakes from people’s skin, fumes from the kitchen, emissions from household appliances and construction materials are immediately added to it. carbon dioxide from breathing and many others gaseous substances, making up about 200 impurities of normal human activity.

The problem is partially solved by special filters and apartment ventilation systems, which provide small constant ventilation by creating holes in building structures. But the main disadvantage of cleaning indoor air using this method is not the state of how it comes from the street, but what it becomes in the room.

To clean it you need:

Myth No. 2. Air conditioner supplies fresh air

The vast majority of air conditioners take air from the room, pass through a built-in filter along internal lines and exhaust it back into the room.

That is, it is simply mixed in the apartment and filtered. Only warm air from the fan blowing the coil with freon.

Thus, only elite models of air conditioners, and not ordinary budget ones, have the function of taking air from the street and supplying it to the room. But even for them this portion is very small.

Myth No. 3. In winter, you should definitely use a humidifier

GOST provides for air humidity of 30÷45%. A value with a percentage ratio of 40÷60 is considered optimal for human health, and for children it is recommended at 50%.

Previously, in log houses with stove heating excessive dryness of the air was not created, the person did not feel it.

In the cold season, dry frosty air from the street penetrates through the cracks of old windows, doors, and building elements into the rooms, no matter how the owners try to insulate them by pasting strips of paper or filling them with cotton wool and fabrics.

When a stove is lit in such a house, the burning wood creates smoke, which is removed along with the established air from the room to the street, and new air masses take their place.

Through the stove pipe it is created natural ventilation. It removes all pollutants from the room.

There are no stoves inside modern multi-storey buildings, and batteries - heat exchangers - are used to heat the apartment. They heat the air and dry it at the same time. As the temperature rises, the concentration of moisture vapor begins to decrease.

Too dry room negatively affects human health, and children are especially affected. Therefore, home craftsmen began to make various homemade humidifiers and hang them on room heating radiators.

The industry produces factory models that operate on the following principles:

  • creating steam by heating a volume of liquid, like a regular kettle;
  • treatment of water with ultrasonic vibrations using a special membrane with a piezoelectric effect:
  • traditional methods of “cold evaporation” of steam from the surface of a liquid naturally;
  • washing air by passing it through a system of rotating plastic disks moistened with water, which removes impurities, dirt and dust from it.

When using any method of apartment air humidification system, use only purified water. Otherwise, vapors of bleach and other impurities will penetrate into your respiratory system.

When tightly closed entrance doors and sealed plastic windows, then the air flow through them sharply decreased, natural ventilation was disrupted. Even those installed on balconies and loggias limit air currents from the street.

High humidity began to accumulate in the apartments, and... Their formation began to occur with insufficient effective system ventilation.

Taking care of saving heat in the apartment, home craftsmen began to use or. They made it possible to maintain a normal temperature inside the house even in severe frosts, saving material resources and cash costs.

However, cases of formation began to appear high humidity in places where the technology of using walls, roofs and floors was violated. The moisture could not find a way out and collected inside building structures, forming fungi and mold.

To avoid all these unpleasant consequences, only an accurate measurement of the percentage of humidity using indoor devices - a hygrometer or a weather station - will help to take effective measures to normalize it with ventilation systems.

Myth No. 4. Poor breathing in the room is caused by a lack of oxygen

In fact, this question is clearly misleading. It's far-fetched. The percentage of oxygen in the air changes slightly, and breathing difficulties are caused by excess carbon dioxide CO2 that a person exhales.

Its normal ratio lies in the range of 400÷600 ppm, and the acceptable one is 800. For comparison: in a crowded classroom, for example, in a school class, about 3800 ppm accumulates during a two-hour lesson without breaks, which is comparable to production workshops in the metallurgical industry.

The technical solution to this issue is educational institutions, and in everyday life it is very simple - shock ventilation, and not small ventilation. It is necessary to open all the windows and doors of the apartment as much as possible and let in air from the street. It will displace excess carbon dioxide from the room.

If you open the window for a long time, the circulation will be insufficient, and the room can become very cold. The forced ventilation valve system works on the same principle.

Myth No. 5. The room must be kept at a high temperature

A person maintains good performance and good spirits at 18÷25 O C. With it, all physiological processes inside the body proceed most optimally.

When the room temperature is above +27 degrees, thinking abilities decrease, and prolonged exposure to hot conditions contributes to obesity.

Modern digital thermostats built into heating radiators and ventilation systems allow you to regulate the heat inside apartments.

Constantly running heated floors can also contribute to overheating of the room.

Microbes, viruses, mites accumulate inside a polluted indoor environment... They cause allergies and skin diseases.

The fabrics of curtains, rugs, carpets, furniture capes, and open fabrics can accumulate dust. bookshelves. By refusing to use them, a person can significantly save time on cleaning.

Household chemicals

Many household cleaning products are good at cleaning dishes, furniture and kitchen items. But they contain volatile substances that are distributed throughout the room, which can be hazardous to health, creating

For this you can use warm soapy water, a solution of baking soda, vinegar.

Acetone and solvents various colors can cause a lot of trouble in a closed room.

Green orderlies

Houseplants take in carbon dioxide, purify the air in the room, and release oxygen.

In addition, they bring us closer to nature at any time of the year.

Available ventilation

Inside a private house, it is necessary to properly organize the system of movement of air masses and their exchange with the street in a natural way.

Inside the rooms multi-storey buildings these processes have already been calculated and organized. All that remains is to monitor the cleanliness of the ventilation air cavities and not clutter them with foreign objects.

The question of how to update the interior without spending money always remains relevant. After all, the interior ordinary apartment, depending on how well it is designed, can create a certain atmosphere that significantly affects our well-being, psychological condition. And since many of us have moments when we want to change something in life for the better, we pay attention to the situation in the house.

This happens in different situations. When you're tired of everything, or vice versa, you're in a good mood.

But since this often happens spontaneously, and not pre-planned, there are usually not enough available funds that could be used to create a renewed atmosphere.

But this does not mean that you need to deny yourself pleasure. You can significantly refresh the interior of your apartment without significant costs if you show desire and imagination.

And I will try to help you with this by offering several options for making pleasant changes to the existing interior.

If you want to learn a lot of interesting things about interior design, interior paintings, famous artists and their best works, then I invite you to my group " Everything for your home" You will definitely find something useful for yourself.

True, their implementation cannot be called completely free, but it is still incomparably cheaper than doing a full-scale repair, which can take an indefinite period of time and require significant funds.

What I suggest to you does not have to be carried out in full. Moreover, you should not repeat exactly the interiors that I will show you below as examples. Choose at least a few points that seem most interesting to you, and bring them to life. And you will definitely notice positive changes, which is exactly what is required.

And one more thing I would like to say before we look at everything possible options. Perhaps some proposals will seem too simple and obvious to you, but the whole point is that you simply don’t get around to them.

Remove unnecessary clutter from your rooms

This is exactly what seems simple and obvious, but it definitely needs to be done for at least two reasons. Firstly, a cluttered room creates a dull, uncomfortable atmosphere.

And secondly, it is advisable not only to put away broken, unclaimed, and worn-out items, but to throw them away completely, as they can create an unfavorable background and have a negative impact on you. So don't regret it.

What kind of unnecessary things these are, you must determine for yourself, but usually these are symbols of the past and other years. Chinese calendar, old magazines, postcards, cracked and chipped cups, plates, various elephants and cockerels from many years ago, tired posters and placards, broken furniture and household items, old and now unclaimed Appliances and so on, so on...

Perhaps you think that you can use them somewhere, for example at the dacha or give them to someone. But practice shows that this will never happen.

Some new, albeit not expensive, interior items that you place in place of the old ones will create fresh emotions for you.

Don't accumulate unnecessary things, they create discomfort in the room

Re-wallpaper at least one wall of the room

Fresh and preferably different in style, unlike previous wallpapers, of course, significantly change the appearance of the house. But gluing wallpaper completely in the entire room, and even more so in an apartment, is quite troublesome, and it costs good wallpaper a bit expensive.

But there is a good and not very expensive option. You probably know that it is now considered fashionable to decorate one of the walls of the room with wallpaper of a different color or even style. This really enlivens the interior and makes it more modern, thus allowing you to highlight a certain area. As they say, business comes with pleasure. And update the design, and you won’t spend a lot of money, much less time and effort. Of course, the new wallpaper should be combined color scheme with the others.

If you don’t know how to update your interior without cost, then use combined wallpaper would be a good option.
The tonality of the curtains and wallpaper goes very well
Wallpaper on the wall in a different style, but with a common basic tone, makes the interior more interesting

Paint the walls

If the walls in your apartment are not wallpapered, but painted, then paint them again.

This will not require much effort or financial expenditure from you, but if you approach this issue more thoroughly than last time, you can get not only an updated, but also a more thoughtful apartment interior. For example, you can take more into account the matching of the colors of the walls and furniture in each room, use some modern tendencies in interior design. By the way, as in the case of wallpaper, the walls of the room can be painted in different but well-combined colors. The interior of an ordinary apartment will only benefit from this if it does not look ordinary.

This not very complicated and expensive work is guaranteed to liven up your room.
And if you show diligence and imagination, you can even get exclusive interior
Painting walls in the same style as curtains gives excellent results

Use stickers

Stickers, or interior stickers, can really add zest to the interior of a room and create a certain mood. At the same time, they are not at all expensive and, at the same time, very popular. There is a very large selection offered by specialized companies, so choosing the right plot for a specific room will not be difficult. In the living room, a good sticker will add sophistication, in the bedroom it will create an intimate atmosphere, and in the nursery it will lift the mood. Therefore, using stickers is the most clear example how to update the interior of almost any room without expense.

Putting stickers on is a creative job, not a tedious one, so it’s quite possible to combine business with pleasure.

Such vinyl sticker will add tenderness to this already interesting interior This sticker will add a touch of intimacy to your bedroom and make ordinary interior more original
These stickers are perfect for a child's room.

Replace the lighting

This is also one of the options for not very much money to transform the interior of an ordinary apartment.

You can, of course, limit yourself to replacement old chandelier or a floor lamp. Or you can organize lighting in a completely different way, using, for example, spotlights. They can either completely illuminate the room, or do it in a zoned manner, and can also be a complement to the chandelier. It all depends on the purpose of the room.

There is a wide variety of lamps, so there is plenty of room for imagination. Usage original lamps V at different levels the ceiling will give the interior modern look, and using dim lighting in the bedroom will add some intimacy if you are young enough, or, at worst, will be conducive to calm.

The appearance of the room largely depends on the lamps used
The use of different lamps of the same style gives the interior a finished look
The use of lamps to illuminate different areas makes the interior of the apartment more comfortable

Rearrange the furniture

Another option for changing the decor in the room, which does not require any material costs. It’s really worth experimenting with the arrangement of furniture, because the option that exists now and seems optimal to you, in fact, is not always so. Sketch out several possible combinations on paper or on the computer and it is quite possible that one of them will seem more interesting to you than the existing one. Even if these options turn out to be equivalent, you should still give preference to the new one, because by adding to this something else recommended in the article, you will get new interior rooms without significant costs. And most importantly - a new atmosphere and a new mood.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to actually carry furniture in search of the best option. To do this, there are free online programs on the Internet that allow you to experiment with furniture.

Take the time to think through new options and rearrange the furniture

Update your curtains

Curtains actually have a huge impact on the perception of a room. Therefore, if you hung them up not six months ago, then it would be quite appropriate to choose something fresh that suits your taste and mood at the moment. Unless, of course, your mood is gloomy right now. But even if this is the case, cute, fashionable curtains will move you towards something positive. At the same time, you can order pillows for the sofa from the same material. This will give integrity to the interior of the room. And if you also replace the blanket on the chair or the bedspread to match the curtains, then it will be very good.

The edging of the curtains is in harmony with the tone of the walls, and the soft blue color makes the interior lighter and more cheerful. An example of a simple but very finely thought out interior design The curtains are chosen in the same color scheme as the walls and bedspread, although there is some overabundance of pink

Arrange indoor flowers

Indoor flowers create coziness and a feeling of freshness in the room. And most importantly, if they are chosen correctly, they create a favorable and healthy atmosphere.

If you already have flowers, then splurge on more noble pots, for example ceramic ones, and transplant the flowers into them. And they will look much more attractive, and it’s also useful for the flowers if you at the same time replace the soil and, if necessary, replant them in pots bigger size. If it weren’t for the occasion that was created, you would hardly have gotten around to it. So again, pleasant things with useful things.

The pots do not have to be placed only on the windowsill, as you might have done before. Place them also on flower stands; place large ones on the floor.

Fresh flowers in a room are beautiful and useful, as they create a favorable microclimate
Of course, you must determine the number of colors in the room yourself
It's almost there winter Garden, provided that you love flowers and are ready to care for them

Lay down the original carpet

Another way to make the interior of an ordinary apartment more attractive is to not be afraid to lay a bright, original carpet. This will add color to the room.

It does not have to be a similar color to the interior of the room, but there must be something unifying. Either part of the carpet pattern will match the color of the curtains or furniture, or the carpet area itself will be in the same colors as the walls, and the pattern can be anything. In addition, a bright, contrasting carpet can be in harmony with the paintings on the wall, made in the original style.

An unusual carpet can also transform your room beyond recognition
Don't be afraid to experiment. IN modern interior individual bright elements are quite appropriate
The carpet goes well with upholstered furniture and adds elegance to the interior
Such a colorful carpet will be in perfect harmony with abstract posters

Hang a picture or poster on the wall

A solid painting or a stylish poster is, in my opinion, the final element of a room’s interior. And this is true with different points vision. A well-chosen painting makes the interior of an ordinary apartment richer and aristocratic, while an original, high-quality poster makes it more modern and sophisticated. And a more respectful attitude is formed towards the owner of such a home as a person who is not indifferent to art and has a good sense of taste.

The only caveat is that a painting by even a little-known artist is quite expensive, not to mention more famous contemporary authors, whose works cost on average from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. Paintings by world-famous artists may not be considered at all due to their unrealistic cost.

But our article is about how to update the interior of an apartment without significant costs.

And what to do in this case?

The fact is that there is such a thing as interior paintings. IN in this case It is they who should interest us. It's about about reproductions of paintings on natural canvas, as well as about the so-called modular paintings, which are now quite popular.

Their cost, in comparison with original works, is quite affordable and the choice offered by companies that deal with this professionally is very large. Therefore, you can always choose exactly what you need for a specific room. And you will be pleasantly surprised at how the interior of the apartment will change. You can be sure of this.

Here is a simple but clear example:

The interior looks empty and boring. Something is clearly missing...
But now it’s a completely different matter. The interior has become brighter and more harmonious

Did you feel the difference compared to the previous photo?

For interior in classic style the picture should also be appropriate
Modular painting looks great in a modern interior
This interior style allows the use of paintings of both classical and national genres.
Such an abstract poster is quite appropriate in the bright interior of the room.
The black and white poster also looks very elegant. In this case, it goes well with the panels and carpeted
An example of a well-chosen poster for a modern interior

You can read about how to choose the right painting or poster in the “” section of the site. The articles in this section also tell you where to go in order to select and purchase the desired painting or poster. And even more detailed instructions on this subject is given in the article. It presents two of the most famous Russian companies professionally engaged in the production of reproductions of paintings on natural canvas, modern posters and modular paintings, as well as portraits on canvas. In addition, in the catalog of their products you can find high-quality photo curtains and photo wallpapers, as well as big choice stickers on different topics.

Today I have offered you ten directions in which you can act without spending too much on repairs and without wondering how to update your interior without spending money. And most importantly, this will create a more comfortable environment for you.

So there are plenty of options for creativity. Use your imagination and go ahead!

Sincerely, .

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Pleasant smells can effectively improve your mood. They can calm and relieve fatigue or stimulate action. Unfortunately, most air fresheners available in stores contain a lot of harmful substances. Popular scented candles are also not very good for indoor air quality.

But that doesn't mean you have to choose between smelling great and being healthy. We have a very simple recipe for an eco air freshener.

You only need a few cheap and easily available products to create your own air freshener. Now your home will always have a wonderful smell, without spending more than a few rubles and get an eco-friendly air freshener.

How to make a homemade air freshener?

Prepare a spray bottle. No problem, you can buy it online. However, in the spirit of eco-however, we strongly recommend looking in your stash. Maybe you already have a spray bottle after some cosmetic product. It makes no sense to buy a new one if you can use the one you already have.

You will also need to prepare your favorite essential oil, baking soda And plain water. Place a teaspoon of baking soda in a spray bottle and pour warm water. Mix thoroughly and add 5-10 drops of essential oil. Shake gently. And it's all. You can experiment with the amount of oil depending on how intense the flavor you want. Nothing stands in the way of mixing several oils and creating your own, unique composition.

Air freshener is best stored in a dark and cool place. Use whenever you want. Spray several times in the room and enjoy the wonderful aroma.

The effect of essential oils on mood

Don't know which oil to choose? See how different smells affect your well-being.

Citric acid - stimulates, revitalizes and adds energy. Relieves fears.

Grapefruit - improves mood, has an antidepressant effect, relieves stress and tension, and reduces appetite.

Basil - relieves physical fatigue and improves mental health, improves concentration.

Orange - calms, works as an antidepressant, relieves stress and improves mood.

Lavender - calms, relieves fears and headaches.

Rosemary - stimulates, improves memory and concentration, relieves headaches.

Pink - useful for anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Mint - calms, improves physical and psychological well-being, relieves headaches.

Verbena - improves mood, adds energy.

May 16, 2019 Sergey