How to organize care for rubber-bearing ficus robusta. Ficus rubber: how to form a crown

Ficus is one of the frequent inhabitants residential buildings, apartments and offices. This is an ornamental deciduous tree plant of the Mulberry family is excellent for landscaping and interior decoration. There are many varieties of ficus, among which ficus Robusta is one of the most popular. Other names are elastica, tinica or rubbery ficus. Its reproduction is almost always successful, and care is not particularly hassle or costly.

What does Ficus Robusta look like?

Ficus rubber or Robusta - tall plant with large, leathery, dark green leaves native to Nepal, China, Burma and Northeast India.

IN wildlife The tree-like ficus Robusta can reach a height of 60 meters. A densely branched plant with numerous aerial roots hanging to the ground looks impressive and attractive.

In its cultivated form, Ficus elastica simultaneously performs two functions indoors - decorative and cleansing. It is advisable to place this flower in places where harmful gases and toxins accumulate. In addition, rubber-bearing ficus has a great effect on the home atmosphere. It purifies not only the air, but also the aura in the house, driving away evil spirits.

Caring for ficus Robusta at home

Caring for this indoor plant is not difficult at all. By adhering to the simplest rules of agricultural technology, anyone can grow this flower.


This plant is not demanding of light, so it can grow in any corner of the house, be it a sunny or shaded place. Ficus rubber grows best in a bright place with diffused lighting. If you do not have the opportunity to provide this condition, then provide your green pet with artificial light using fluorescent lamp. But direct sunlight is contraindicated for it. In the sun, its sensitive leaves burn and lose their decorative effect. Later they turn yellow and fall off.


Ficus elastica develops quite successfully in conditions room temperature. Ideal care requires a temperature range of 20-23 degrees Celsius. IN heating season rubber ficus is placed away from heating devices. In a dry room with elevated temperatures, the plant very quickly loses moisture and becomes dehydrated, after which its leaves dry out and fall off. In fact this tropical flower easily tolerated sharp changes temperatures and quickly adapts to new conditions.

Watering and air humidity

Basic care for ficus at home involves ensuring an optimal level of humidity. IN summer period this figure should be at least 50%, in winter – 35-40%. This condition can be ensured with the help of special humidifiers, which are sold in special stores. Ficus elastica is responsive to frequent spraying, periodic showers and wiping the leaves with a napkin for hygiene purposes. As a reward for this, the plant will thank you with its healthy and decorative appearance.

Ficus rubber needs frequent watering throughout the year. In summer, the flower is watered every third day; in winter, soil moisture is reduced and carried out only after the soil surface has dried.

Despite the fact that this is a moisture-loving plant, overwatering is contraindicated for it. From a constant excess of moisture, the ficus begins to hurt: it rots root system and leaves.

Plants that are too flooded are transplanted into new soil with a new pot. At an advanced stage further care and the ficus does not need a transplant. Therefore, when watering, you should adhere to the golden mean.

How to fertilize?

Ficus elastica is responsive to feeding. This exotic food is fed throughout the entire growing season, starting from early spring and ending in late autumn.

When and how to replant rubber ficus?

Ficus transplantation at home is one of the main care procedures.

  • Young specimens are replanted in the spring-summer period no more than once every two years. Adult plants are replanted less frequently - once every three years. It is not recommended to disturb old specimens. They use it to superficially replace old soil with new one.
  • During transplantation, take a new planting container a couple of centimeters in diameter larger than the previous one.
  • The rubber ficus loves to grow in nutritious, loose soil. A fertile substrate can be prepared at home by mixing turf, leaf soil, peat and river sand in equal proportions. A thick layer of drainage made of pebbles or expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the planting container with drainage holes. This plant tolerates the transplant procedure quite easily. After 1-2 weeks, it will begin to grow again. After transplantation, young plants require the same care as adult flowers.
  • Ficus transplantation after purchase is carried out one week later. The plant is placed in a separate room for quarantine, examined for signs of diseases and pests, and only then replanted.


The formation of the crown of the rubber ficus is one of the main conditions for caring for it. In addition, with the help of this manipulation it is possible to restrain the growth of the plant to the required size. Pruning a flower depends on the preferences of its owner. To stimulate the formation of side shoots, the top of the ficus is pinched. The most productive is considered to be pruning five to six internodes. Ficus is trimmed in early spring, before the start of the growing season. The shoots are cut with a sharp sterile blade. The juice released from the shoots is washed off, and the cut areas are sprinkled with charcoal powder.

Forming the crown of a rubber ficus is a simple procedure. To obtain lush bush, you need to plant two or three plants in one container and place them in a shaded place. At the same time, they need to be constantly rotated around their axis. The formation of a lush crown in a single specimen is possible only by pinching the top, as described above.

There is another method of forming a dense crown of an elastic ficus - piercing the trunk. Using a needle, you need to pierce the main trunk in the direction from top to bottom by one third of the thickness.

Reproduction of ficus elastica

At home, rubber-bearing ficus can be propagated in several ways: by leaf, cuttings or layering.

Propagation of ficus by cuttings is perhaps the most effective and popular method. The apical or lateral cuttings 15 cm long, cut obliquely, are freed from foliage, leaving only 1-2 top sheets. To stop the secretion of milky juice, the shoots are washed under running water, then placed in a container with clean water for rooting.

Many gardeners root cuttings in the soil. Reproduction in this way is no less effective.

Before planting, shoots of variegated varieties of rubber-bearing ficus are dipped in Kornevin or Epin solution to increase their ability to root. The top of the planting is covered with a transparent jar or film, creating greenhouse conditions.

Such reproduction almost always gives positive result. Rooted young plants require standard care - watering, fertilizing and good lighting.

Ficus propagation by air layering is effective in relation to variegated varieties. An incision is made on the trunk of the ficus and a match is inserted into it to prevent the formation of new tissue and fusion. The incision site is tightly tied with transparent polyethylene. After about 3-4 weeks, roots should appear in this place. After this, the stems are cut just below the rooting site and planted in a new planting container. Caring for young plants is the same as for adult plants. Such propagation makes it possible to obtain strong and healthy ficuses that are resistant to diseases and pests.

Propagation of ficus elastica by leaves is almost impossible. A leaf with a cutting can be rooted, but after planting it in the ground, new shoots will most likely not form.

If the conditions of maintenance are violated, the ficus Robusta may turn yellow, rot, wither and stop growing. Therefore, optimize the care of your exotic pet so as not to encounter these problems. This plant rarely gets sick, and pests almost never attack it - due to the poisonous milky sap.


Ficus Robusta, or rubber plant, as it is also called, can be considered the most unpretentious plant from all ficus trees. And therefore, amateur flower growers are recommended to start growing their collection of indoor flowers from this specimen. It fits perfectly into any interior and does not require much time for maintenance and care. And easy reproduction will be an additional bonus for you.

In addition, the rubber-bearing ficus, thanks to its large thick leaves, effectively purifies the air from harmful accumulations of phenol and benzene. And followers of the teachings of Feng Shui recommend purchasing this tree for people prone to various excesses. For example, spenders or people with a big appetite. The plant has a beneficial effect on the overall emotional atmosphere in the house; The main purpose of this ficus according to Feng Shui is to cleanse the aura of the house and protect the home from evil spirits.

  • Lighting

It must be said that, unlike most types of ficus, Robusta is not so demanding of light and feels great next to a shaded window or on a windowsill on the north side. But, of course, you can’t leave the plant completely without light. The lack of sun can be easily compensated for with additional artificial lighting. Most likely, this will not be required; the ficus easily adapts to the existing conditions. The only thing that can spoil the succulent, beautiful leaves is direct sunlight: they leave burns, which leads to yellowing and further leaf fall.

  • Temperature

Regular room temperature is optimal for keeping rubber ficus. Ideal care involves keeping it at a temperature between 18 – 25°C. However, never place a potted plant next to hot radiators. Hot dry air is the worst “punishment” for ficus. Moisture from the leaves quickly evaporates and the plant becomes dehydrated. Too much low temperature may result in leaf shedding. In general, gradual adaptation to temperature changes is tolerated by the plant quite tolerably. For example, this happens in spring and autumn, when you move a tree to the balcony or garden and vice versa.

  • Humidity

One of necessary conditions, which ensures proper care and further favorable growth of the tree, – humidity above 50%. As a rule, and especially in winter period, in apartments the ambient humidity barely reaches 35 - 40%. Fortunately, this is easy to fix. Moreover, low humidity It is also undesirable for people whose body water content is 65–75%. Buy a special humidifier; as a last resort, spray the plant more often, give it a shower, wipe the leaves wet wipe. Providing optimal humidity, as a reward for your troubles you will receive a ficus with succulent, healthy leaves, which is why it is valuable.

  • Watering

The tree needs to be watered all year round, in winter reducing watering activity, in summer, on the contrary, increasing its frequency. It is better to use settled water at room temperature. Before watering the tree Once again, always let the soil dry out a little. Do not overwater ficus, this can lead to root rot and leaf disease. If a long and repeated flood does occur, try replanting the tree in a different soil. In advanced cases, the ficus may not need further care. Stick to the golden mean when watering - it is better often and moderately than rarely and abundantly.

  • Fertilizer

Ficus Robusta must be fertilized during the growing season, that is, during active leaf growth. As a rule, this happens with the first spring sun until mid-autumn. Nitrogen fertilizing has the best effect on the active growth of leaves and promotes branching of the tree. It will be enough to water the plant with a diluted fertilizer solution after ten to fifteen days.

  • Transfer

Transfer young ficus carried out in spring or early summer once every one to two years. It all depends on the growth rate of the tree itself and its root system. Centenarians are rarely replanted, and if the specimen is large, then only upper layer soil. The pot for replanting should not be much larger than the previous one; only an increase of two to three centimeters in diameter is allowed. The substrate for transplantation requires a nutritious one; the requirements for it do not differ from the requirements for substrates for other varieties of ficus. Good drainage is a must. In general, the rubber-bearing ficus takes root in the new soil without any particular difficulties and immediately begins to grow actively. Young shoots are not required special care, they grow quite quickly.

  • Reproduction

Propagation by cuttings is the easiest way to obtain a new ficus. The tips of the shoots are used, which are placed in the ground or in water with the addition of a root growth stimulator. For successful rooting, it is necessary to increase the temperature, for which you need to cover the young shoot with a jar or bag. Naturally, it is necessary to provide ventilation in this mini-greenhouse.

Reproduction by air layering is allowed, which ensures that you get a large ficus.

Ficus diseases and pests

Fortunately, this representative of the mulberry family is not one of the “weaklings”, and therefore is resistant to diseases and pests. What you need to look out for is yellowing or dropping leaves. If this happens, then reconsider the conditions of its detention. Perhaps the tree is in a draft or lacks moisture. Maybe the ficus needs to be moved away from sunny window or, conversely, add lighting.

But brown wet spots on the leaves indicate excessive watering. A putrid odor from the pot indicates a disease of the root system. There has been a sudden drop of leaves - the plant is under stress.

Dry warm air may attract pests such as spider mite and scale insects. Basically they live with inside leaves, forming colonies. They feed on the juice of leaves, plunging their sharp proboscis into the tissue of the plant, and leave behind a sticky liquid, which is a provocateur of fungal diseases. For example, black sooty fungus may appear.

Disease Prevention

However, save your pet from everyone possible pests and avoiding diseases is not difficult, and the main way to prevent their occurrence is basic prevention. What will you need to do?

  • Arrange quarantine for all newly acquired plants;
  • Periodically conduct a visual inspection of the ficus;
  • Follow all basic rules of care;
  • Wash the leaves weekly with a damp cloth using a soap solution and ordinary water alternately;
  • If possible (at least once a month), organize a shower with warm water for the plant.

As we have already said, the rubber-bearing ficus is an unpretentious plant. By devoting a minimum of time and a maximum of love to it, you will gain calm, poise and a lot of positive emotions presented to you by the stately beauty with powerful leaves, whose name is Ficus Robusta.

Rubber-bearing ficus or Ficus Robusta elastica is a fairly well-known plant that produces large dark green leaves. This flower was first discovered in India, Burma, China and Nepal.

At home, the plant may look like a small bush. However, if this ficus catches your eye somewhere in the wild, you might be surprised, since the tree can reach a height of 60 meters. Large and spreading, with multiple aerial roots - it is simply beautiful.

Many gardeners believe that it serves a purely decorative role. In fact, this plant is a real filter. That is why it is recommended to place ficus Robusta where there is large cluster various toxins and gases.

Proper care of ficus Robusta

Ficus elastica is an unpretentious plant, so there is no need to care for it in any special way. Of course, you should adhere to some rules, but anyone who wants to have such a flower at home will be able to do this.

All care activities come down to:

  • Lighting.
  • Temperature.
  • Watering and air humidity.

How to create the right lighting

Ficus is a fairly light-loving plant, since it came to the homes of gardeners with warm countries. Is it true, experienced gardeners They note that Robusta grows quite well even in a shaded room. Therefore, it is best to place the pot in a place where the rays of the sun fall, but at the same time they do not scorch all day. Otherwise, you will notice that the leaf plates began to lighten, turn yellow, and later completely fell off. This could also be due to lack of light. In this case, you should take care of artificial lighting.


The flower develops well and grows in apartment conditions. If possible, it is advisable to ensure that in the room where the ficus flowerpot is located, the temperature remains at +20..+23 °C. If this mark significantly exceeds the permissible limit, the flower becomes hot, moisture from the substrate quickly evaporates and the plant begins to turn yellow. The same applies to those cases when the pot is too close to heating devices.

Important! Despite the fact that ficus adapts quite well to any conditions, it is better not to “play” with temperature conditions, maintaining them at the proper level.

Ficus robusta does not like cold weather.

Watering and air humidity

Air humidity is almost the main thing this flower needs. When caring for ficus Robusta, you need to ensure that in hot weather the air humidity does not fall below 50%, and in winter it stays at 35-40%. This can be achieved if you place a container of water next to the flower or buy an air humidifier. It would be a good idea to regularly wipe the leaf blades of the plant and spray the flower.

As for watering, it should be frequent. If many plants are watered less in winter, this does not apply to ficus plants. IN summer time The procedure is carried out almost every other day. And in winter - once a week.

Important! If it was noticed that the leaves of the plant began to curl and wither, then the amount of watering should be sharply reduced!

This may indicate that the flower has been flooded. And this is fraught with the occurrence of diseases.

If the situation has not changed after reducing watering, the ficus should be transplanted into a new pot with new soil.

Methods of fertilizing a plant

Ficus Robusta needs fertilizer. It is necessary to feed the flower during the growing season. It begins in early spring and ends in late autumn.

It is best to give preference to nitrogen-containing fertilizers that stimulate leaf growth. Fertilizers are applied 3 times a month. Some gardeners believe that the more often they manipulate, the better. Although they do not understand that this is fraught with unpleasant consequences. We must remember that a lack is bad, but an excess is not the norm.

Ficus transplant

Care at home involves not only watering and maintaining temperature, but also replanting.

Young plants are replanted no more than once every two years. Ficus plants that are already several years old require manipulation once every few years. As for flowers that are more than 5-6 years old, they are not replanted at all. They simply replace the top layer of the substrate.

You need to replant the plant into a pot that is several centimeters larger than the previous one.

You can buy the substrate in a store or you can prepare it yourself. Moreover, this is quite easy to do. To do this, you need to mix leaf soil, turf, river sand and peat in equal quantities.

Ficus Robusta tolerates transplantation well, so you should not be afraid to carry out this procedure. For some time after this, the flower can “sit still”, adapting to new conditions, and then it will begin to produce new shoots and delight with beautiful leaf plates.

How does pruning happen?

Ficus elastica Robusta, forming a crown. This procedure also allows you to restrain the growth of the plant when there is no need for the flower to turn into a huge bush, and then a tree. You can trim as the gardener wants. If there is a desire for Robusta to grow to the sides, then pinch out the top shoots. Most often, 5-6 internodes are trimmed. If you want the plant to grow upward, then do the same with the side shoots.

Manipulation is carried out only in early spring, when the growing season has not yet begun. The branches should be trimmed exclusively with a sharp knife, disinfected in advance, which will prevent infection from entering the “wound” of the plant. After trimming, the cut areas are rubbed with charcoal.

Some gardeners are a little cunning, thanks to which they manage to get a fairly lush crown of the ficus. The fact is that several specimens are planted in one flowerpot at once, the pot is placed in a shaded (but not dark) place, and then the container with the ficus is rotated around its axis. Each plant wants to outstrip its “neighbor” in growth, so it reaches for the light and produces more and more new leaf blades.

Ficus Robusta propagation

Ficus propagates at home in several ways.

This is about:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • sheets.

Propagation by cuttings

This method is one of the most effective and simplest.

The manipulation is carried out in several stages:

  1. Cut off lateral or apical shoots, the length of which is no more than 15 cm.
  2. Only a few top leaves are left on the cuttings.
  3. The shoots are placed in a glass of clean water, where they take root. Soil may also be suitable for these purposes. Rooting in it occurs quite well. Reproduction in this case will be no worse.

If there is any doubt that rooting will be successful, it is best to place the shoots in a special solution before planting. This could be Epin or Kornevin.

Having transplanted the cutting into the soil, cover the pot with film or other transparent container, which will create greenhouse conditions.

Reproduction by layering and leaf

Reproduction of variegated species in this way can be quite successful. To do this, an incision is made on the trunk and a stick or match is inserted there, and after that the area is wrapped with film. After a few weeks, roots should appear in this place. After this, a little below rooting, the stems are cut and planted in a separate container. Then you need to care for the flower according to the usual pattern.

Propagation by leaves at home is very difficult. After planting in the ground, the leaf plate with the cuttings often does not produce new shoots. Therefore, flower growers recommend using the first two methods.

Knowing simple rules care, ficus Robusta will grow and develop.

Kira Stoletova

Ficus Robusta is a tropical plant belonging to the mulberry family. Its homeland is the countries of southeast Asia and the southern islands of Indonesia. The plant is unpretentious, even beginners can care for and breed it. Experienced flower growers They recommend starting your collection of indoor flowers with this one.

Description of the plant

Ficus elastica robusta is found in Malaysia, Burma, Nepal, the Indonesian islands, and China. IN natural conditions it grows up to 40-60 m. The thickness of the trunk reaches 2 m. The plant sprouts aerial roots, but the banyan tree does not form a real crown.

The leaves are hard, thick, oval-shaped, with pointed tips and a smooth edge. The length of one plate can be up to 45 cm, and the width - up to 25 cm. The color of the leaves is dark green, the same on both sides. There is a thick central vein running down the middle. It can be red, yellow-orange or dark green. The young leaves that develop at the top are red. The flowers form small yellow-green inflorescences, almost inconspicuous against the backdrop of lush foliage. The berries are small, up to 1 cm in diameter.

At home, ficus Robusta or El Robusta (short name) grows up to 2 m. The trunk diameter is 5-10 cm. The leaves are 15-20 cm long and 5-10 cm wide. Indoor flower often called simply rubber-bearing. This is not entirely true, since Robusta is only one of the varieties of this plant.

Features of care

Normal care of ficus Robusta at home does not cause any difficulties. The rules are quite simple, even a beginner can follow them.


All ficus plants are photophilous. The peculiarity of the Robusta variety is that it tolerates shade well and does not have to be placed on the windowsill. However, it reacts to too much light deficiency by dropping its leaves. Windows facing west and east are suitable for the plant, but the north side will not be destructive for it.


Like all tropical species, rubber ficus loves warmth. In summer, the temperature in the room should be 25-30°C. In winter, it is undesirable for it to drop below 15°C; the optimal value is 16-18°C. If a tree is frozen, its leaves fall off.


Often in an apartment, especially in winter time, humidity drops to 35-40%. This is detrimental for the plant; it is correct to maintain the humidity level at 60-70%, therefore the ficus leaves must be periodically sprayed with water or a special humidifier placed in the room. It is recommended to bathe the ficus in the shower once a month. Leaves should be wiped with a cloth, as they accumulate dust.


An indoor flower needs to be watered regularly and abundantly, otherwise it turns yellow and sheds its leaves. At the same time, the root system must not be allowed to rot. Between waterings, the soil should dry to a depth of 2-3 cm. In summer, the bush is watered 2-3 times a week, in winter - once every 7-10 days. The water should be settled or boiled.

Top dressing

Fertilizers should be applied when the plant is actively developing, from March to October. Choose fertilizers for ficuses or those that contain a large number of nitrogen: this element stimulates the growth of deciduous mass. Fertilizer should be applied twice a week, thoroughly moistening the soil before so as not to burn the roots. If there is a visible lack of mineral elements, it is recommended to feed the flower in winter, but not more than once a month.

Ficus replanting and pruning

During the growth process, any plant requires correct crown formation and periodic replanting. If such care is ignored, the bush grows to an exorbitant height and becomes ugly. In a cramped pot, growth stops altogether and the bush may dry out.


When Ficus rubberous Robusta is young, it should be moved from pot to pot annually. After 4 years, the procedure is repeated every two years, but the top layer of soil is periodically changed. Transplantation is carried out in early spring, before the start of the growing season. To do this, prepare a new pot, the diameter of which is 2-3 cm larger than the old one. If you transplant a bush into a pot that is too large, it will stop growing. To make it easier to pull the tree out of the old vessel, first water it well.

Soil for replanting can be purchased at flower shops for sale special land for ficus. If this is not possible, a mixture of sheet soil, sand and peat in equal parts will do. You can add a little humus there. Expanded clay drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot. Then pour in a third of the soil, place the ficus with an old lump of earth and sprinkle new soil. The replanting is complete, all that remains is to compact the soil, water it and fertilize it a little.


It is very important to prune the ficus Elastica at least once a year so that it does not grow rapidly upward. Crown formation can be difficult, as the rubber-bearing species may not allow side shoots after cutting off the top. But the cutting height allows you to control.

Depending on the type of pruning, there are:

  • standard;
  • sanitary;
  • rejuvenating.

Any type is carried out using a sterile sharp knife. When milky juice appears on the cut, it is lightly blotted and sprinkled with crushed coal. With the standard method, the top is cut off and the side shoots are shortened if necessary. Sanitary pruning involves the removal of dry or diseased shoots.

Anti-aging pruning is carried out when the flower has frozen, dropped its leaves or dried out. The crown and trunk are almost completely cut off, leaving only 3-4 cm above the ground. In a couple of months the plant will grow back and be as good as new. In summer, instead of pruning, pinching is done. Carefully, with sharp scissors, cut off the top by 1-1.5 cm. Pinching stimulates the growth of the bush in width.

Ficus Robusta - Fresh air and wisdom!

FICUS rubber, ROBUSTA. general description and a little about care.

Unpretentious houseplants: Ficus rubbery

Ficus propagation

We told you what proper home care for the ficus Elastica looks like. Now let's talk about how to reproduce this species. There are two ways to get a new plant:

  • cuttings;
  • layering.


Ficus Robusta is the easiest way to propagate from cuttings. Cuttings are carried out at the beginning of spring in the following way:

  • choose a healthy apical shoot;
  • cut a stalk 10-15 cm long with 3-4 nodes;
  • wash off the milky juice in water;
  • immersed in a substrate of equal parts sand and peat or in water;
  • cover with a glass cap.

The container with the cuttings is placed in a warm and bright place. Rooting takes place over 2-3 weeks. You can propagate with a small cutting with a leaf. To do this, cut off a section of the branch, 2-3 cm long, with one node and green leaf. The further rooting process proceeds in the same way as in the first case. This method is not very reliable; it is used when there is a lack of branch material. It is better to propagate rubber-bearing ficus using full-length long cuttings.

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction by layering is carried out on old bushes to rejuvenate them. Take the bottom branch and remove all the leaves from it. Then a circular cut is made on the bark. Place damp cotton wool or moss on top and wrap it with film. After 2-3 weeks, aerial roots form in this place. You can also bury the escape. After rooting, the branch is cut off and placed in the substrate. After 2-3 weeks it can be transplanted into a permanent pot.

Ficus diseases

Improper care and maintenance can lead to the rubber-bearing ficus Robusta Elastica getting sick. Most often, the tree begins to shed its leaves. Sometimes you can see that the bush has dropped its leaves, they have become lethargic, dried out and turned yellow. The reasons for this condition are as follows:

  • sunburn, when direct rays hit the plant, appears as brown or yellow spots;
  • lack of light;
  • dry air;
  • temperature too high;
  • drafts;
  • insufficient watering.

Also, errors in care can cause fungal diseases. In this case, the leaves become covered with a gray coating and black dots, and the roots begin to rot. The main cause of fungal disease is dampness and overwatering. You need to fight the fungus with fungicides.

Ficus in different countries attributed magical properties. This plant is often used in home decoration according to Feng Shui. Folk signs The properties of muzhegon are attributed to the plant. But for a married couple it is useful, it helps to have offspring and remain faithful to each other.

Ficus Robusta is recommended to be placed in the house for those who do not know how to save money. The flower can make any spender prudent and teach him how to plan a budget. It also brings good luck in business. No wonder many businessmen like to place this tree in their office.

It has rubber-bearing ficus and more practical uses. Its huge leaves freshen the air in the apartment. They release a lot of oxygen during photosynthesis. In addition, the plant is able to absorb unpleasant odors, harmful substances, primarily benzenes and phenols. Urban air pollution a big problem. Therefore, in any home a flower will be of great benefit. Since propagation and care for it are simple, it is suitable even for those who do not understand anything about indoor plants.

Ficus Robusta is one of the many varieties of ficus. Another name is rubbery, elastic (sometimes el). It is considered low maintenance and has beautiful view- in the form of a branching tree, with large shiny leaves. Therefore, it can often be found both in offices and at home. Many people value the plant for ability to purify air from phenols and other harmful compounds.

Ficus Robusta is an evergreen, erect plant with the ability to branch. The leaves are oval, dark green and seem to be varnished with outside. The inside is light green. The central vein runs along the middle part of the leaf. This type of ficus characterized by rapid growth.

Greenhouse ficus

To create an aesthetic appearance the top should be trimmed periodically. This is done with a sharp, disinfected knife, the cut is made 1-2 sheets from the top. Thanks to pruning, you can give the ficus the appearance beautiful tree with side branches.

How to form a trunk and crown

To give the ficus an unusual, spectacular look, you can plant several plants, for example 2-3, in a pot and intertwine them, carefully, without damaging the trunk. You must first remove the leaves from the bottom. This position can be fixed with wire or thick thread. The trunks will grow together and you will get a thick tree.

You can weave trunks only on young ficus trees with flexible trunks, no higher than 15 cm.

Form a crown you can do this in the following ways:

  1. pruning;
  2. pinching (only for young plants no higher than 10 cm);
  3. by bending (the apex is carefully bent, fixed, the upper bud begins to develop and grow, and will sprout);
  4. stimulating the growth of new branches by piercing the trunk 1/3 deep.

Carry out manipulations with puncturing, trimming the flower only sterile disinfected instruments.

The flowering of rubber ficus has no decorative value, and at home this rarely happens. In nature, the plant blooms in spring or summer, the inflorescences are small, collected from yellow-green flowers.

Subtleties of caring for ficus elastic

This type of ficus not picky about conditions of detention, But certain rules You need to adhere to this if you want to grow a healthy, lush plant.

Temperature and humidity

Ideal temperature for the summer season - in the range from 20 to 25 degrees. In extreme heat, the plant's leaves may droop and turn pale. In winter - not lower than 18 ° C, with protection from drafts.

Humidity is required at least 50%, optimally 60-70%. Dry air, especially in winter when the heating is on, can cause yellowing of the crown. Therefore ficus need to be sprayed regularly- at least 2 times a day in winter, more often in hot summers. It is convenient to spray from a spray bottle with soft filtered water.


Everything is easier with lighting - a flower not afraid of shading. But it won’t be able to grow in the shade at all. Better for permanent place habitats, choose eastern and western windows, or north-western ones. Direct sun damages the plant, causing burns and leaf drop.

Ficus in sufficient light


Watering the ficus is plentiful, but without overflow- this is fraught with rotting of the root system. It is better to choose this mode:

in summer - once every couple of days;

in winter - once every 4-5 days.

After watering, be sure to drain the water from the pan, otherwise mold will appear and the plant may get sick.


The soil for Robusta is light but nutritious. Acidity is neutral. It is better to buy special soils for ficuses, or universal primer. You can add sand to it - for better breathability, and vermiculite.

It is possible and necessary to fertilize the plant. Especially during a period of active growth and development - from November to March. You can buy any liquid fertilizer for ornamental foliage plants, preferably with a high nitrogen content. Ficus should be fed no more than once every 2 weeks.

There are several methods of plant propagation:

  • cuttings
  • from a sheet
  • sowing seeds
  • air and horizontal layering.

Ficus propagation at home

The most accessible and popular way- from cuttings. How to do it correctly:

  1. cut cuttings from the tops with 2-3 leaves
  2. wash off the milky juice, soak in clean water for a couple of hours
  3. dip the cut in root
  4. put the cutting in clean water, changing it periodically.

Roots form in 3-4 weeks. Then the plant is planted in a small pot and cared for according to all the rules.
You can immediately plant the cut shoot in the soil mixture, and build a mini-greenhouse on top for better survival.
About the transplant

Ficus needs to be replanted, because it grows quickly, and so do its roots. When the plant begins to quickly drop its leaves after watering, and the roots are visible both on the surface of the soil and at the bottom of the pot, it’s time to replant it.

The transshipment method is better suited - landing in new pot with an old lump of earth. This is less traumatic for the root system and the plant as a whole.


How to properly transplant a ficus into a new pot:

  1. water the ficus more abundantly, so that the whole lump of earth is wet;
  2. Gently shake out the plant along with the earthen lump;
  3. Place drainage in a new container, place the plant and add fresh soil;
  4. Water the ficus, put it in place and do not disturb it by frequent rearrangements.

New pot (preferably clay) should be 2-3 cm wider in diameter former.

About pests and diseases

Signs that your ficus is not doing well:

  • leaves turn yellow and fall off;
  • appearance of spots different color on foliage;
  • wilting of leaves.

If the ficus suddenly turns yellow and crumbles, possible reasonexcessive dry air, or low room temperature, or drafts.

Diseased ficus leaf

Brown spots indicate that the flower has been flooded. How to help - carry out transshipment with inspection of the roots without watering.
Among the pests, ficus is often attacked by spider mites, and less commonly by scale insects.

Signs of defeat:

  • leaves become covered with a sticky transparent coating
  • a web enveloping the plant is visible
  • with scale insects - red spots on the leaf.

How to control pests: by special means , so traditional methods. One of them is washing the leaves on both sides with a soap solution (preferably laundry soap). For prevention, this can be done once a week, using a weak solution. To destroy scale insects and mites, use a more saturated opaque solution.

There are other problems that can be encountered when breeding Ficus Robusta.

Robusta at home

Ficus Robusta does not require enormous cultivation efforts from its owners. But if you treat it with care, the plant will thank you with its well-groomed appearance. Moreover, according to signs, this the flower brings positivity to the house, family happiness and helps couples have offspring.