How to organize lighting in a private yard? Selecting and installing lighting in the courtyard of a private house. Street lighting, who is responsible.

Where might is right, right is powerless

Japanese proverb

For some reason in our country the idea of ​​hanging everything on more weak side relations, including financial ones, comes to the minds of those in power, and not only those (also those who are financially stronger) constantly. And the courts and state supervisory authorities are not lagging behind them in this regard.

Regular innovations in legislation always involve some costs: time, financial, etc. However, changes to laws often do not indicate sources of funding for their “improvements.” It is supposed that they are paid for by the performers in the person of entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens - after all, it was for them that the authorities came up with these improvements: after all, they think about the good of the people...

It is very sad that easing the tax and supervisory burden for small and medium-sized businesses, improving life and raising its standard for citizens are just proclaimed slogans in our country. In fact, we see the opposite. At the very least, innovations in legislation and law enforcement practice do not contribute to the implementation of these slogans and do not correspond to them.

So in the housing and communal services sector, all improvements for owners always require financing by management organizations (MAs). No one is interested in the fact that the owners do not want to take part in general meetings, where the payment for all mandatory work on maintaining the house should be approved. And in general, the owners do not want to raise this fee in 99% of cases. There is no legal liability for failure to fulfill their obligations by owners in this matter.

Although the norms of housing legislation directly state the imperative rule that all necessary legal requirements for the maintenance of a house are provided through economically justified financing from the owners of premises in an apartment building (hereinafter - MKD).

All responsibility and blame went to the management organizations, which are to blame, however, as always: they work poorly and were unable to hold a meeting so that the owners approved a new tariff for its services, naturally with an increase (after all, a decrease in prices for anything occurred in our country only during the USSR).

It is only for resource supply organizations (RSOs) that tariffs are accepted at the state level with all their necessary costs included in them. And then they try to gain some additional preferences for themselves, successfully lobbying their interests in legislative and judicial bodies.

Here comes the lighting local area, intra-block passages (hereinafter referred to as street lighting), some local government bodies (LGUs) are trying to make it the responsibility of the management organization. I have repeatedly seen responses from local self-government bodies addressed to management organizations, where this responsibility of the management was directly pointed out by the “smart heads” of representatives of the municipal government. Not to mention the fact that the standards for the maintenance of common property for electricity and other resources are constantly being cut and do not ensure full reimbursement of these costs, which include lighting of places common use MKD, for premises owners apartment building. And management organizations are to blame themselves, “entrepreneurial risks”, so to speak...

It is encouraging that, for the most part, the courts and the Prosecutor's Office in this matter do not agree with this opinion of local self-government bodies in all regions. And this fact allows managing organizations to avoid imposing an additional financial burden, which is already considerable, thanks to the smart legislative initiatives of the Ministry of Construction and deputies of various professions.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 36 of the Housing Code Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) the owners of premises in an apartment building own, by the right of common shared ownership, the common property in the apartment building.

According to Part 3 of Article 39 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building (MKD) are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 491 approved the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as Rules No. 491), which regulate relations regarding the maintenance of common property owned by the right of common shared ownership to the owners of premises in an apartment building.

The composition of common property in an apartment building is determined by part 1 of article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as paragraph 2 of Rules No. 491 and is exhaustive.

External lighting networks in the local area are not included in the common property of an apartment building. That is, the obligation of owners of premises in apartment buildings to bear the costs of street lighting in the residential complex of the Russian Federation is not directly contained in Rules No. 491.

In accordance with paragraph 19 of part 1 and part 3 of article 14 and paragraph 25 of part 1 of article 16 of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on LSG) to issues of local importance of urban, rural settlements, urban districts organization of improvement of the territory of an urban, rural settlement, urban district(in particular, street lighting).

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 18 of the Law on LSG, financial obligations arising in connection with the resolution of issues of local importance, executed at the expense of local budgets(with the exception of subventions provided to local budgets from the federal budget and budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with clause 4, part 2, art. 45.1 of the Law on Local Self-Government, issues of organizing lighting of the territory of the municipality, including architectural lighting of buildings, structures, structures may be regulated by the Rules for the improvement of the territory of the municipality.

Ministry of Construction of Russia in Letter dated September 18, 2017 No. 33418-ACh/04“On organizing the repair of street (yard) lighting” notes that in accordance with clause 19, part 1 and part 3 of Art. 14 and paragraph 25, part 1, art. 16 of the Law on Local Self-Government includes the organization of improvement of the territory of an urban, rural settlement, urban district (in particular, street lighting) as issues of local importance for an urban, rural settlement, urban district. In this regard, the organization and repair of street (yard) lighting falls within the competence of local governments.

The only possible case for the imposition of such responsibilities and expenses for street lighting will be cases when all the following conditions coincide in the aggregate:

    land plot the adjacent territory has been formed and is owned by the owners of the apartment building premises;

    street lighting included project documentation and utility networks were built at the expense of participants in the shared construction of this apartment building and transferred to the owners as part of the general property of the apartment building;

    the specified street lighting performs the functions of illuminating the local area of ​​only one apartment building.

Thus, based on the literal interpretation of the law, if the elements of street lighting are not part of the common property of the apartment building, that is, in the absence of the above conditions, assigning the costs of street lighting to the apartment building to the owners, read the management organization, is contrary to the law. Although there is also reverse law enforcement practice of the courts, which does not guarantee a decision in favor of the MA in a particular case.

Judicial practice on disputes regarding the assignment of responsibilities for street lighting in apartment buildings is as follows.

Decision of the Orenburg Regional Court (upheld by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2018 No. 47-APG18-4): “From the systematic interpretation of the stated norms, it follows that the land plot on which the apartment building is located and the boundaries of which are determined on the basis of state cadastral registration data, with elements of landscaping and landscaping, facades, entrances, buildings and address tables (index of street name, number houses, apartment entrances) on houses in the evening must be illuminated and compliance with the established requirements must be borne by the property owners.

Letter No. 33418-ACh/04 of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2017 cannot become the basis for satisfying the demands of the administrative plaintiff, since from the meaning of this letter it follows that local governments are entrusted with the responsibility for organizing street lighting, then There is lighting for places that are not in the shared ownership of the owners of the premises of an apartment building.

At the same time, clause 5.5.8 of the contested Landscaping Rules provides for the obligation of the owners and managers of the company to provide external lighting for “yard areas”.

Clause 2.23 of the Rules defines “designated territory” as part of the city territory provided in in the prescribed manner legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens on the right of ownership, lease, other right of use

Clause 2.32 of the Rules contains a definition of the concept of “domestic territory” - the territory allocated in the prescribed manner for a residential building (building, structure), including that included in the technical passport of the residential building (building, structure), and associated economic and technical structures, and including: the territory under residential building(building, structure); driveways and sidewalks; green areas; playgrounds for children; recreation areas; sports grounds; temporary parking areas Vehicle; sites for economic purposes; sites equipped for the collection of solid municipal waste; other territories related to the maintenance and operation of a residential building (building, structure) (clause 2.31).

Paragraph 2.32 defines what refers to the “adjacent territory” - the territory directly adjacent to the boundaries of a land plot, building, structure, residential building, fence, construction site, retail facilities (stationary, non-stationary), organizational facilities Catering, engineering networks and other objects owned, possessed, used by legal or individuals, individual entrepreneurs, with lawns, small architectural forms, other landscaping and landscaping facilities (clause 2.32).

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation in paragraph 4 of part 1 of Article 36 classifies as the common property of the owners of an apartment building the land plot on which the house is located, with elements of landscaping and landscaping, other objects intended for the maintenance, operation and improvement of this house and located on the specified land plot . The boundaries and size of the land plot on which the apartment building is located are determined in accordance with the requirements of land legislation and legislation on urban planning.

Thus, neither the Land Code of the Russian Federation, nor the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, nor the Housing Code of the Russian Federation contains the concept of “yard territory”, nor is this concept given a definition in the Landscaping Rules approved by the appealed decision.

The lack of a clear definition of which land plot belongs to the “yard territory” does not meet the criterion of formal certainty of a legal norm, allows for ambiguous interpretation of legal concepts, and therefore allows for a free (broad) interpretation of this term, and, as a consequence, imposing on the owners the obligation to organize lighting up an area that doesn’t belong to them.”

Impression from the above court decision twofold. It seems that they do not comply with the higher law and contain ambiguities in the interpretation of the norms of the municipal normative act canceled. However, the court did not dare to say that these responsibilities should be assigned to local self-government bodies by force of law, but preferred to floridly justify that this was not the reason for the decision on the illegality of legal acts. And the Letter of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, precisely based on the norms of housing legislation, was dismissed out of hand in the decision. That is, both ours - it seems, and yours... Okay, at least the illegal norms of the Landscaping Rules were abolished - and thank you for that.

Appeal ruling of the RF Supreme Court in the case: “Guided by the position set forth in the Resolutions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 1995 No. 3-P, dated July 15, 1999 No. 11-P, dated November 11, 2003 No. 16-P and dated January 21, 2010 No. 1-P , the explanations contained in paragraph 25 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2007 No. 48 “On the practice of courts considering cases challenging normative legal acts in whole or in part,” the court of first instance came to the reasonable conclusion that in the absence Without a clear definition of which particular plot of land belongs to the courtyard area, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion that the external lighting networks of the courtyard area are part of the common property of an apartment building, therefore, the burden of organizing the lighting of the courtyard area and maintaining the property necessary for this will be placed on persons to whom this territory and property do not belong.”

Appeal ruling of the Sverdlovsk Regional Court dated October 26, 2017 in case No. 33-18622/2017: “At the same time, having established that the Zonalnoye HOA had the main type of activity indicated in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, “management of the operation of the housing stock for a fee or on a contractual basis,” the court of first instance came to the incorrect conclusion that HOA responsibilities includes work on organizing lighting of the intra-block area. At the same time, the court did not take into account the provisions of subsection. “b” and “h” clause 11 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491, by which the maintenance of common property includes ensuring the readiness of intra-house engineering systems electricity supply and electrical equipment included in the common property, for the provision of public electricity supply services; as well as their current and major repairs.

The erroneousness of the court’s conclusions is directly indicated by subparagraph “e” of paragraph 2 of the said Resolution, according to which the land plot on which the apartment building is located is included in the common property, and the boundaries of which are determined on the basis of state cadastral registration data, with elements of landscaping and landscaping.”

In this case a new decision was made, which satisfied the claims prosecutor of the Dzerzhinsky district of Nizhny Tagil Sverdlovsk region in the interests of an indefinite number of persons to the Administration of the city of Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, to assign responsibility for organizing street lighting near the apartment building.

However, judicial acts on claims of RSO against local self-government bodies for the recovery of expenses for street lighting in municipalities are mainly negative for RSO. In principle, this is not a problem for management organizations; after all, bumps must sometimes fall on RSO, but they still cannot collect the cream without any losses. After all, our laws (adopted not without increased influence from nearby RSO forces) allow them to do just that...

As I said famous actor Bruce Willis: “When things get tough, you have two options: submit or walk through the fire.” If we apply this expression to relations in housing and communal services, then management organizations, when trying to pin these costs (and not only) on them, have two options: submit or sue all the ideas of local self-government bodies and others like them that do not comply with the law, up to Supreme Court RF.

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Sincerely, Ilmira Nosik.

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Many of us have had to return home in the dark more than once. At such moments, a person understands how important lighting is inside and around an apartment building. But what to do if there is no light either in the entrance or in the yard? Who should I contact and who is responsible for this? Let's look into this issue

In this article:

Entrance lighting

With the onset of darkness in the entrance and on staircases In a residential building, the lights must be turned on. First of all, this is necessary for the safety of residents. Lighting in the entrance of an apartment building must meet the following requirements:

  • V public spaces a general lighting system is used;
  • if the house has more than 6 floors and more than 50 people live, then the building must be equipped with evacuation lighting;
  • evacuation lamps are installed in the main passages and in front of elevators;
  • It is allowed to use incandescent lamps, halogen and LED lamps;
  • It is recommended to cover the lamp with anti-vandal, impact-resistant glass or metal mesh;
  • The light intensity must comply with established standards.

Illumination standards are regulated by special regulatory documents, SNiP and GOST and are standardized according to VSN 59-88.

Lux values ​​for public areas are presented in the table:

Residents have the right to complain to the management company not only that there are no lamps, but also that their light is not intense enough.

Lighting in the basement

There are special requirements for organizing basement lighting due to the special microclimate inside the room. As a rule, it is always humid there and dampness may occur, so lamps must meet electrical and fire safety standards. The power must be reduced to 42 W using a step-down transformer. The lamp body must be grounded. It is not recommended to connect copper and aluminum wires , which react when exposed to moisture. The wiring is placed in special corrugated pipes

, which are called a sleeve.

Lighting of the local area

  • Before you figure out what standards the lighting of the local area and courtyard of an apartment building must meet, you need to understand what is included in this concept - “domestic area”. According to the law this is:
  • the land plot on which the house is built, its dimensions are determined by the cadastre;
  • landscaping elements (this includes, among other things, lamps);

objects intended for home operation (heating points, transformer rooms, children's and sports grounds, car parks).

  1. Directly lighting the courtyard of an apartment building can be done in three ways: A lantern under the canopy above the door to the entrance. This is convenient because you can take a low-power lamp and you won’t need much light. The disadvantage is that it will only illuminate small area
  2. in front of the door.
  3. A combination of the two previous options. Most the best way lighting the yard, but it consumes a lot of electricity.

Standards have also been developed for lighting the surrounding area, which are presented in the table:

Some residents insist on installing lighting fixtures with motion sensors in order to save energy. It makes sense to install such lamps inside entrances, whereas on the streets they will not work quite correctly. On the street, the sensor can be triggered by the movement of an animal, and the light will turn on when it is not required.

Who is responsible for lighting the house?

According to Federal Law No. 131, local governments are responsible for the lighting of streets, roads and courtyards. But maintaining the functionality of the lamps is the responsibility of the residents of the house.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, responsibility for light inside residential buildings and in the local area lies with the management company with which the residents entered into an agreement. The text of the agreement states what services the management company provides, what it is responsible for, and what the procedure is for dealing with problems or controversial issues that arise.

What to do if residents find that there is no light in the entrance, common areas, basement or adjacent area? They need to take the following steps:

  1. An act is drawn up that describes the problem.
  2. The act is signed by at least 3 people. These could be neighbors, a senior person in the building, or the chairman of the house.
  3. Evidence of the existence of the problem is attached to the report. For example, a photo of the absence of light in the evening.
  4. The documents are transferred to the management company.
  5. Within seven days, management company employees check and analyze information, troubleshoot problems and draw up their own report on the problem.
  6. A document detailing all actions taken to resolve the problem is handed over to the applicants.

If the management company fails to fulfill its responsibilities and refuses to fulfill what is specified in the contract, residents have the right to terminate the agreement with it and enter into an agreement with another organization.

Who pays for the lighting of the courtyard and entrances of an apartment building? According to the Federal Law, the area around the house, like the entrances, is common property. The costs of lighting and troubleshooting are borne directly by the building occupants. Moreover, the costs are divided for each owner depending on the area of ​​his apartment.

You should pay attention to whether it is documented that this particular local area is the common property of this particular house. If there are no such notes, then inclusion of payment for it in the receipt is unlawful.

Lighting in multi-storey buildings is strictly regulated by laws and sanitary standards. If one of the important parameters- there is no light at all, it is not bright enough, the lighting is organized without taking into account the safety of the residents, then the residents of the house have the right to apply to the management company, local administration or even to court.

None of the regulatory legal acts of Russia contains a definition of “domestic territory”.

At whose expense should it be done?

In accordance with the Housing Code, all costs for maintaining the common property of the house are divided between the owners in proportion to the area of ​​their apartments, and since the adjacent territory belongs to joint property, payment for street light falls on the shoulders of the owners. Costs for street lighting are calculated using a common building meter and are included monthly in the residents' receipts.

Reference! If it is not documented that the area around the house belongs to common property, the inclusion of such a line of expenses in the payment receipt is unlawful and may lead to legal proceedings.

Returning home at night is much more pleasant and safer in a lit yard than getting to own apartment in the dark, shuddering at every rustle. The lack of light in the yard is a reason to contact the management company or administration.

When it starts to get dark outside, a feeling of discomfort appears. Unlit places are dangerous. You may trip, hit an obstacle, or get injured. In the dark, the risk of being attacked or stolen increases. Therefore, there is a need for street lighting at night. But often we are faced with the fact that in the yard or on the street there are no lights or no lights at all. This happens especially often in areas of new buildings or residential complexes, multi-apartment buildings in residential areas.

Street lighting on the poles - who serves? What to do if you are near residential buildings no lighting? Where to go or where to call in this case? Let's try to understand these issues.

Scope of activity of the service dealing with outdoor lighting

The street lighting service performs Maintenance, maintenance and repair of structures, namely:

  • prevention and maintenance of structures;
  • changing lamps, monitoring the health of equipment and electrical networks;
  • inspection distribution devices and regular cleaning;
  • inspection of telemechanical control devices, street lighting installations, checking all structural elements;
  • cleaning reflectors and reflectors. Minor repairs of contact connections and fasteners;
  • painting metal surfaces devices, taking into account the fact that restoration of coatings is necessary once every 3 years;
  • current repairs with a range of measures;
  • major repair work.

In the case of manual control of the lighting system, schedules are drawn up for turning on and off devices.

Procedure for solving street lighting problems

State and municipal executive authorities are supposed to control street lighting. They are authorized to enter into agreements with organizations serving street lighting. First you need to contact your local office to clarify the main points:

  • information about the customer who entered into a lighting maintenance contract;
  • a specific lighting service area is under federal or municipal jurisdiction;
  • Which organization is responsible for providing lighting for the street in question?

It is better to submit your request in writing, indicating the area with missing lighting and requesting that the problem be corrected.

Having received necessary information, you need to make two complaints: to the customer and to the service organization. And only if measures are not taken after the expiration of the 30-day period, contact a higher authority. You can read more about the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation and the city lighting system in Art. 16 of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003. No. 131-FZ.

The permissible number of non-working street lamps, according to the rules of sanitary maintenance, is no more than 10% in the underground passage and 5% in the lighting of the local area.

If there is no light in the courtyard of the house, the management company is responsible for street lighting, its serviceability and availability. First, you need to draw up an act in which you set out all known information about the fact of lack of lighting: address, house number, date and signatures of neighbors or the elder in the house, indicating his phone number and other data. The act must be drawn up in two copies in order to receive a date stamp on your copy and responsible person who received the document.

If possible, supplement your request to eliminate the problem with photographs of the territory where there is no required lighting or it does not meet lighting standards. According to Art. 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an authorized representative of the company, within 7 working days, will have to check the data set out in the application act, answer the question about eliminating the breakdown of the device or the possibility of replacement or installation, if there is none at all.

If the management company ignores your requirements, there will be grounds for recalculating the amount of payment for maintaining the house and filing a complaint with the municipal administration or the prosecutor's office. It is better if the appeal is collective, including the signatures of all adult residents of the house or houses located in an unlit area. If after 30 days no response is received, and no one will take care of the coverage, then you can file documents with the court.

Lighting in villages and rural settlements

In conditions rural life The issue of illumination of the territory is almost always acute. Even if there are a sufficient number of devices, as a rule, they do not light up at night or are turned on only for a few hours. SNiP 05/23/95 regulates the lighting standards for village squares, according to which at least 8/10 of the territory must be illuminated. The only exceptions are very small settlements, where the standard establishes the presence of two street lamps: at the entrance and exit.

Financing for rural areas is provided by the Federal Treasury. The money is distributed by the administration, which makes decisions about the installation and operation of the lighting. The local municipality, according to Law No. 131-FZ, is responsible for the maintenance and provision of lighting.

However, there is always not enough money to pay energy sales departments for repairs or other engineering works nothing. Therefore, today the problem of lighting in rural areas is still not resolved, however, like many other issues of village development and Agriculture generally.

Street lighting standards

To ensure the proper level of illumination, there are SNiP standards that define standards for streets, roads and other external areas, and instructions for designing outdoor lighting in populated areas.

Conventionally, settlement territories are divided into 3 types:

  • local roads and streets;
  • streets and roads of regional significance;
  • express roads.

Average illumination levels depend on traffic intensity:

  • adjacent areas should have an illumination of 4 lux;
  • squares, roads, streets with traffic up to 500 people per hour - the illumination standard is 6 lux;
  • from 500 – 8 lux;
  • from 550 to 1000 - at least 10 lux;
  • District streets and highways with a traffic volume of 1000 people or more require 15 lux;
  • when 3,000 people or more pass through, a luminous flux of 20 lux must be provided;
  • According to standards, bridges, interchanges, road overpasses and city squares require an illumination level of 20 or 25 lux.

Types of pillars and rules for their installation

To provide a sufficient level of light to the maximum area, it is necessary to install the lamps at a certain height. For this purpose, special supports are used - pillars, which are made of various materials:

  • Tree. Wood is used for lighting fixtures coniferous species. Such poles are inexpensive, light in weight and easy to install. They are also quite safe in emergency situations. The disadvantages include their fragility, they require special processing against rotting and do not have a good appearance.

  • Concrete. The supports are low cost. They are easy to use and quite durable. The disadvantages of the structures are their rough appearance and fear of the proximity of groundwater.
  • Reinforced concrete. Posts of this type are durable, not sensitive to corrosion, and inexpensive. Disadvantages: high cost of installation and maintenance during operation. Appearance the same as for concrete supports.
  • Metal (steel or aluminum). Such supports are durable, strong, stable and quite decorative. Disadvantages include high cost and the need for periodic painting.

When installing lighting poles, due consideration must be given to the foundation. . When installing on a lawn, the depth must be at least 80 cm. For other types of installation of poles, immersion in the ground must be done to a depth of 160 cm.

Other requirements include the following standards:

  • the distance between supports is at least 60 cm;
  • lining up pillars in one row;
  • lining up in two rows with a rectangular or checkerboard pattern.

The distance of the devices from the road curb depends on the traffic intensity:

  • roads on which freight transport does not travel – 0.3 m;
  • secondary roads – 0.6 m;
  • highways – 1 m.

Types of outdoor lighting lamps and advantages of LED lamps

Various lamps are used in street lighting:

  • mercury;
  • sodium;
  • metal halide lamps;
  • LED

IN last years More and more city streets are filled with LED lights. A number of undeniable advantages of lamps of this type allow zealous and wise officials to turn a blind eye to the rather high cost. Distinctive features LED street fixtures are:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • high resistance to vibration, humidity, temperature changes, dust;
  • efficiency;
  • emission of even and bright light that does not blind drivers and pedestrians.

The importance and necessity of street lighting on poles is undeniable: for road safety, for the convenience of pedestrians, for a feeling of security and comfort in the dark.

Outdoor lighting plays a very important role in the infrastructure of any settlements. It is especially important for urban areas. Moreover great importance it is necessary to pay attention to street lighting of the local area.

External lighting of the area around the house

Lighting of the local area should be based not only on the law established by the authorities, but also on the relevant requirements and norms. What you should know in in this case, our article today will tell you.

Local area and its features

The local area is a plot of land adjacent to an apartment building.

Note! According to the law of the Russian Federation, the right of ownership or use of all owners of a particular apartment building extends to the adjacent territory.

Part of the yard near the house

As the law of the Russian Federation says regarding urban land plots, the general network property within the local area includes:

  • a plot of land on which a house with many apartments was built. The boundaries for the land plot of an apartment building are indicated in the state cadastral register;
  • elements of landscaping, landscaping (lighting systems);
  • other objects that are intended to serve this house. This may include heating points, various transformer substations, as well as garages or collective parking lots, playgrounds. But all the described objects must be located within the boundaries of the land plot established by the cadastre.

Therefore, in order to understand the real boundaries of the straight territory that the law of the country speaks of, you need to have detailed information about this land plot on hand. To do this, you must submit an application to the relevant state cadastral registration authority. Here they issue a cadastral extract about a specific land plot. This statement must contain the following information:

  • size and boundaries of the local area;
  • information about the owner.

As an owner, i.e. those responsible for a given territory may be:

  • city ​​(municipality);
  • the right of use is granted to the owners of this apartment building;
  • adjacent territory owned by the owners of the house.

Any division of powers carried out between residents (users) and the city (owners) must be enshrined in a special agreement, as the law says.

Note! The law also says who pays for lighting the area around an apartment building.

Yard lighting

A copy of the agreement must be kept in your HOA or management company, as well as in the local administration.
The signed agreement for the ownership of urban areas contains the following information:

  • operating conditions of the land plot (lighting, etc.);
  • the right and responsibility for leasing territories to third parties.

But in a situation where ownership rights to the local area belong only to the owners of an apartment building, there are certain nuances.

Peculiarities of ownership of the local area by residents

In a situation where the owners of the land around an apartment building are its residents, the law will contain the following points:

  • The Housing Code of the Russian Federation states that residents of city houses on a large number of apartments are required to pay expenses that go towards the maintenance of common property, including street lighting systems, in proportion to their share in the common property right. This means that it is no longer just the municipality that pays for street lighting;

Note! The share in the common property right will be proportional total area premises that belong to the person who has the right of ownership.

  • According to the Housing Code, owners are required to choose one of the management options apartment building. This may be the management of an HOA, the management of a specific organization or another specialized consumer cooperative.

As a result, responsibility in this situation will be assigned to one of the above persons. Therefore, before demanding the installation of high-quality lighting in the assigned territory, it is necessary to establish not only what the law says about this situation, but also who has ownership rights to this land plot and is responsible for it (who pays, repairs, etc.). As stated in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the entire cost of maintaining a street lighting system is included in public utilities, as well as the structure of fees for residential premises.

What else should you know about the local area and its lighting?

The law (for example, Housing Code, etc.) states that external and interior lighting urban infrastructures (apartment buildings, local areas, etc.) must be based in their organization on certain norms and requirements. All norms established for urban house land plots are prescribed, as for interior spaces

, in SNiP. Here, first of all, in the issue of organizing street lighting, the role is played by the level of illumination.

Lighting standards for the local area The fact is that each object in the local area (entrance, road, flower beds, etc.) must have its own specific level of illumination, which is based both on the purpose of the object and visual system
person. This means that the illumination of each object in the local area should not cause discomfort to the observer, and also create adequate lighting. This means that when organizing external lighting in the courtyard of urban apartment buildings

, the structures responsible for this (defined by the municipality) must rely on the norms established in SNiP. Moreover, lowering the illumination level below the established limits is strictly prohibited.

Requirements for organizing yard lighting

  • The regulatory documentation (SNiP) specifies all the requirements that must be observed and adhered to when organizing external lighting in the local area of ​​any apartment building. These today, as the law states (the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other documents), include the following requirements:

lighting should be organized for any entrance. This means that the entrance to the entrance must be illuminated at night;

illumination; Note! or other organizations responsible for organizing outdoor lighting, based on the level of illumination, determine the style of lanterns, limiting their functionality, etc.

  • high-quality and complete lighting should be organized for road surface, as well as playgrounds and parking spaces.

Achieving the required level of lighting in different areas of the city can be achieved in the following ways:

  • installation of wall lanterns above the entrance to the entrance. In this case, the height of the lanterns may be different. The higher the lantern and the more powerful the light bulb in it, the larger the circle of light formed by the lighting device;
  • lamp posts placed along the roadway. With the help of such lanterns, which are placed on top of a pole, you can efficiently illuminate all areas of the yard: playgrounds, parking spaces, sidewalks and roadways.

For optimal external lighting of the local area of ​​an apartment building, it is worth using both lighting options: facade wall lamps and lamp posts. In such a situation, you can achieve the optimal level of illumination in the yard at minimum costs, which will be balanced by economical light sources, as well as the number of lanterns and wall lamps. In this case, darkened areas of the territory can be avoided with a high probability.

Features of outdoor lighting power supply

For urban apartment buildings, the building of the apartment building itself is used as a power source for outdoor lighting systems.

Lighting in the courtyard of a high-rise building

To account for consumed electricity in this situation, a common house electricity meter is used. In this regard, the costs will be distributed among all owners. In this regard, in order to reduce the costs of this item, they began to install economical light sources for lighting streets and courtyards located near apartment buildings: fluorescent, gas-discharge and led light bulbs. From this list maximum savings electricity can be achieved using LED light sources.
Some believe that reducing the cost of paying for consumed external system Electricity lighting is possible using motion sensors.

Motion Sensor

These devices have shown high efficiency at home, but on the street, as an element of the external lighting system for the local area of ​​an apartment building, they have demonstrated less successful results. The fact is that here the operation of motion sensors will not be entirely correct. This is due to the fact that although the timing of the lighting can be programmed depending on the natural light level, the device may respond to the flight of a bird or the movement of pets. As a result, the frequency of false alarms at moments when light is not needed will be many times higher.

Note! Frequently turning lights on and off often has a more negative impact on the outdoor lighting electrical network than constantly burning lights.

Modern lighting fixtures for homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives, equipped with photocells, in to a certain extent are free from the above problems, since they have several operating modes (for example, duty).

Additional features of outdoor lighting

Since external lighting fixtures for the local area of ​​any multi-apartment building can be located within human reach, without the use of additional means (for example, stairs), additional protection of the lamps from vandals is needed. In this regard, all lighting installations located in the courtyard of an apartment building must be equipped with anti-vandal devices.

Anti-vandal protection of the lamp

This will prevent premature damage to the lamp.


The organization of lighting in the local area of ​​any apartment building must be approached not only taking into account the letter of the law, but also the standards that must be adhered to. This will allow you to illuminate the house with high quality and spend a minimum of effort, time and money on supporting this system.