What is the name of Chulpan Khamatova’s charitable foundation? Charitable Foundation of Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun: everyone can help

In November, the Gift of Life! charitable foundation, which was created together by Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun, will celebrate its fifth anniversary.

In October it will be seven years since Chulpan Khamatova became an Honored Artist of Russia.

And every day, it seems, she lives in this rhythm: an artist and a fairy who gives life.

Today we will not talk about celebrities. We will make small sketches from the life of a Person - Chulpan Khamatova.

"Recipe" for life: confidence plus action

Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun on the website of the “Give Life!” foundation they created. :

We want children to be objects of admiration and admiration, and not objects of sorrow!

Childhood cancer is curable. This is a dangerous, serious, but curable disease. Every year in Russia about five thousand children get cancer. But we are no longer afraid to think about these children. We know we can help them. We know how to help them. We will definitely help them.

"Give Life" Foundation Since 2006, it has been raising money for the treatment of children with blood cancer. During this time, through the efforts of the Gift of Life Foundation, more than 900 million rubles have been collected and donated to children.

Today, under the care of the Foundation there are still children with oncological and hematological diseases from 7 clinics: the Federal Scientific Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology (FSCC DGOI), the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital (RCCH), the Russian Scientific Center for Radiology (RSRCR), the Scientific practical center medical care children with developmental defects of the craniofacial region and congenital diseases nervous system(NPC in Solntsevo), Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after. acad. N.N. Burdenko RAMS, Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital (MDGKB) and Moscow City Hospital named after Botkin.

More than a face

One would think that Chulpan does not need to do anything for the fund to work. Only represent the foundation at big events with Dina and sometimes appear on television. Indeed, in the West, stars do not directly participate in the work of foundations, but are only persons charity events. In the “Give Life!” Foundation differently.

Dina and Chulpan are directly involved in administrative matters and are in very close contact with doctors, volunteers, children, and parents. Chulpan talks about working at the fund: “The partners agree to resolve some issues only with me or with Dina. You start switching to the manager or the director of the fund, but people refuse to meet with them, they only want with me or her.”

Catching money

Another mission of Chulpan, without which, it seems, large projects would not be possible, is to catch constantly leaking budget money. Chulpan literally “returns” them to projects, thanks to his talent - probably both creative and simply human, “spiritual”. "Give Life" Foundation made a huge contribution to the creation of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, which was completed this year.

Chulpan tells the Izvestia newspaper: “... The project was prepared for three years. For three years, money disappeared from the budget, then appeared again. And every time the doctors found themselves at a dead end because the money promised by the president was not in the line budget, they called on us to help. We asked Putin this question at all possible meetings. When he comes to congratulate the Sovremennik Theater on its anniversary, I immediately come to him. He explains where the money went, how it disappeared, who will be responsible for it. And the money came back."

Projects for life

"Give Life" Foundation deals with many areas related to saving children's lives.

For example, the foundation found an opportunity to start using medicines that were not registered in Russia to treat children. This involves many legal intricacies, but the fund managed it. 40,000 euros are needed monthly to purchase such medicines. You can help collect them with any contribution you make!

Other projects of the foundation include raising funds and organizing treatment for children in Russian clinics, searching for bone marrow donors, and purchasing antitumor and antifungal drugs.


Of course, Chulpan Khamatova’s soul is in the theater... She agrees to roles in the theater and refuses film roles in England: for three years the agent invited the actress to castings - and performances in her homeland always coincided with them. He is not going to Hollywood and continues to save Russian children. In 2011, Chulpan played in the play "Masha" at Sovremennik. The artist holds creative evenings and acts in films. This year the film "Dostoevsky" was released. Chulpan also works with European directors. But only when the theater “let go.”

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Human kindness, mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness. Humanity + kindness = human happiness

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Chulpan Khamatova is an actress, co-founder of the Gift of Life foundation, mother of three daughters. The non-state charitable foundation of Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun “Give Life” appeared in 2007. This is an association of people who, long before the foundation was created, helped children as volunteers cope with their serious illness. Back then, charity was not as widespread as it is now. Unfortunately, many people are accustomed to turning a blind eye to the misfortune of others. “Children are the flowers of life, and you can help them,” actresses Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova firmly know.

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Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun Charitable Foundation"Give Life" does not have any branches or representative offices in the regions of Russia. This is an initiative group of volunteers and donors that has been providing assistance to children with cancer and hematological diseases for many years in a row. Also, "Gift of Life" has two partner funds outside our country - in the UK and in the USA.

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Creation of the fund In 2005, actress Chulpan Khamatova, after talking with pediatric oncologists and hematologists in Moscow, saw the deplorable state of hospitals at that time. Doctors asked her to hold a charity concert, the proceeds of which were to be used for expensive medical equipment. Teaming up with Dina Korzun, Chulpan held two charity concerts. The second concert took place at the Sovremennik Theater, and invited famous musicians and artists were involved. This concert helped Chulpan Khamatova raise 300 thousand dollars for the treatment of sick children. The following year, another charity concert was held, organized by Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova. The Gift of Life Foundation was organized shortly thereafter. And now concerts called “Give Life” with the participation of a variety of talented pop stars are held in Moscow every year.

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Everyone can help The actress is sure: everyone can help sick children! You don't have to have a lot of money to do this. For example, you can donate blood regularly, or you can become a volunteer, come to the hospital to play with children, help them, write letters of support, and also help parents as a courier... There are many options - if you wish.

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It is impossible not to change when faced with sick children and their problems every day. It becomes obvious what is truly important in life and what should not be paid attention to. “I’m happy that I met unselfish, extraordinarily kind people - volunteers,” admits Chulpan Khamatova.

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The charitable foundation has existed for about ten years, and it supports warm atmosphere throughout the entire time the patients themselves. After all, even sick children, in fact, remain the same children! They play, draw, make some progress. When children recover, this also brings great joy. When you learn about the successes of your students, it can’t help but make you happy. Some recovered children, growing up, come to the hospital to work as volunteers, in turn, helping other children cope with the disease.

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Children's Hospital In 2008, thanks to the assistance of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Chulpan Khamatova Foundation built a children's center for oncology, hematology and immunology in Moscow. The center was named after one of the foundation’s patients, Dmitry Rogachev. A boy with cancer invited the Russian President for tea and pancakes. And the foundation managed to make the boy’s wish come true! Thanks to this incident, it was possible to build a children's hospice. Unfortunately, the boy is no longer alive. Dima Rogachev died in September 2007 in Israel from hemorrhage in the lungs.

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The Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after Dmitry Rogachev was opened on Children's Day, June 1, 2011.

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Objectives of the charitable foundation The main objectives of the non-governmental, charitable organization “Gift of Life” are: - Raising money for the subsequent treatment of children with cancer, hematological diseases, and their rehabilitation. - Rendering financial assistance medical institutions, clinics where children, adolescents and young people are treated. - All possible attraction of public attention to the problems of small and young patients. - All possible assistance to the development of gratuitous donation. - Assistance in providing psychological assistance patients and their parents. - Assistance to volunteers whose groups work at children's oncohematology hospitals.

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“GIVE LIFE” Foundation The Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors of the Foundation includes artists, doctors, philanthropists and volunteers of the initiative group “Donors to Children”. Under the care of the foundation there are clinics where children with cancer are treated: Center for Pediatric Hematology named after. Dmitry Rogachev (FNKTs DGOI) City Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin Morozovskaya City Clinical Hospital Moscow Regional Oncology Center Research Institute named after. N. N. Burdenko Scientific and Practical Center "Solntsevo" Russian Children's Clinical Hospital Center for Radiological Radiology (RRCRR).

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Chulpan Khamatova became a laureate of the State Prize, a prestigious award presented on Russia Day outstanding figures Russian science and culture. The actress and philanthropist donated all five million of the State Prize to help seriously ill children. “For me, this award is another great opportunity to help children with cancer - the wards of the Gift of Life Foundation,” the foundation quotes the People’s Artist. - Without any doubt, I am donating these 5 million rubles to the fund for the purchase of special medical equipment at the Center for Pediatric Hematology named after. Dmitry Rogachev, thanks to whom children will be able to undergo a high-quality rehabilitation course after complex and difficult treatment.”

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Support for children before and after treatment The Chulpan Khamatova Foundation also helps children before and after treatment. An exhibition of drawings by children who are patients of the foundation is being held in the best cultural places in Moscow. Every year since 2010, the foundation organizes sports competitions for cured children. Also, the Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun Relief Fund provides all possible assistance in holding charitable events to everyone who wants to contribute to the treatment of children.

The story about today's heroines is inspired by. I didn’t want to talk about the glamorous divas of show business, even if they are wonderful mothers. Namely, about those who, among other things, are also involved in charity.

And these two wonderful actresses immediately came to mind - young, beautiful, each with three children, and a common charitable foundation "Give Life". Both are no strangers to the blogosphere, but they are there mainly for the sake of their foundation and the children they help.

The destinies of Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova crossed in 1998 in a sensational Valery Todorovsky's film "Country of the Deaf". Chulpan starred in the role of Rita, for this she learned sign language. After this film, both viewers and critics recognized her as one of the most talented young actresses in Russian cinema.

The audience came to know and love Dina Korzun after her role as the deaf-mute striptease dancer Yaya. It became obvious to everyone that in the person of Dina Korzun, Russian cinema had truly acquired an exceptionally original and extraordinary talent.

On June 12, the traditional presentation of State Prizes took place in the Kremlin. President Vladimir Putin awarded the laureates and noted their achievements.
People's Artist of Russia, co-founder of the Gift of Life foundation Chulpan Khamatova received an award “for her contribution to the development of domestic theater and film art.” She immediately transferred her bonus of 5 million rubles to seriously ill children.

The head of state highly appreciated the creative and charitable activities of Chulpan Khamatova:

“The creativity and charitable projects of Chulpan Nailevna Khamatova have received wide public recognition. One of the brightest, most subtle, highly gifted actresses, she is in demand in both theater and cinema.

But many appreciate and love Chulpan not only for her roles, multifaceted and brilliant, but also for her charitable activities. The “Give Life” foundation, founded by her and actress Dina Korzun, has won the absolute trust of society. His activities are selfless and extremely transparent. And this makes it possible to attract significant financial resources to fight for the lives of children.

Thank you very much for this work,” said Vladimir Putin.

According to Chulpan, by helping seriously ill children, she receives such an avalanche of warmth, kindness, and love that she then lives with it for a very long time.

For me, this award is another great opportunity to help children with cancer - the wards of the Gift of Life Foundation. Without any doubt, I am donating these 5 million rubles to the fund for the purchase of special medical equipment at the Center for Pediatric Hematology named after. Dmitry Rogachev, thanks to whom children will be able to undergo a high-quality rehabilitation course after complex and difficult treatment.

-Why did you start doing charity work?

My whole history in charity began with a meeting with doctors. I saw extraordinary people, sensitive doctors with unpetrified hearts, and I realized that they needed help. If there are such fireflies on this planet who fight for the lives of children, then I have no right to leave them alone in this fight. I saw how volunteers work, these people with big, kind hearts. I was amazed by their dedication. And, of course, I met the children. It’s a special happiness for me to come to them, play, chat...

Our first event was the charity concert “Give Life”, held on Children’s Day on June 1, 2005 at the Sovremennik Theater. This concert brought together artists, volunteers, and philanthropists. And then action after action began. It became clear that it was necessary to create a fund and somehow systematize the assistance.

-How has working with the foundation changed you?

I became more open. My ability to communicate has increased. Previously, I mainly communicated only with theater and cinema people, but I myself interesting topic for me there was a discussion of the role drawing. Now I am constantly surrounded by amazing children and their parents, doctors and nurses, volunteers, and these are people of various professions and social backgrounds.

After meeting the children who are treated in our hospitals and entering the special world of their childhood, where life and death, joy and suffering, pain and despair are perceived in all their severity and uncompromisingness, I learned a lot myself and understood a lot. I became absolutely immune to philistine conversations, “problems” that are not such. I learned to distinguish between what is nonsense and stupidity, insignificant vanity, banal selfishness, and what is truly important and urgent.

-What does this activity give you personally?

I'm probably being selfish and just enjoying it. It’s an incredible pleasure to see children being treated and discharged, to see their eyes. It lifts my spirits when I see how the parents of their children lift their spirits, knowing that they were not left alone with grief. They look at her in such a way that they no longer need fame, ratings, or all this tinsel associated with the concept of “popular artist.” And that makes me happy.

It gives me a lot of love. We live in a time when the concept of “love” is devalued. Every person feels a lack of love, tenderness, warmth. I, as a happy person, receive such an avalanche of warmth, kindness, love that I then live with it for a very long time. In addition, I live with a sense of participation in changing reality in the truest sense of the word. And this is also a wonderful feeling that moves me forward productively, positively, constructively. I really believe in God. I understand why I live on this earth. I have a point of application of strength, I am a happy person.

-Why do people start doing charity?

Everyone has their own prerequisites. Someone simply cannot help but feel other people's pain and grief. And all the impulses of an outstretched hand and kindness occur in him unconsciously. There are people who fear God and want to change their lives. There are people who need weight in society. Maybe they don’t feel other people’s pain, but they exist in society and it is important for them to look good in it. I am very glad that social responsibility of companies and individuals is developing in Russia, and many people believe that they should do charity work because it has a positive effect on their reputation.

-What do you need to do to start helping?

And you look into the eyes of these children, their mothers and doctors to understand that something needs to be done. It's obvious, that's all. I am very glad that there are people who only have to mention a problem, and they already run to the hospital, come up with something, and involve their friends. They are very different, these people. Among them there are those who have serious capital. And there are very poor people who are also ready to help. And they carry some one hundred, some a thousand rubles, come up after the performances and hand over the money in envelopes that simply say “Children.” But the main thing in helping is sincerity, selflessness, this is something eternal and unshakable.

Prepared by Denis Bessonov

I thank the “Give Life” Foundation for your cooperation ( http://podari-zhizn.ru)

The non-state charitable foundation of Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun “Give Life” appeared in 2007. This is an association of people who, long before the foundation was created, helped children as volunteers cope with their serious illness. Back then, charity was not as widespread as it is now. Unfortunately, many people are accustomed to turning a blind eye to the misfortune of others. “Children are the flowers of life, and you can help them,” the actresses and Chulpan Khamatova firmly know.

"Give Life" does not have any branches or representative offices in the regions of Russia. This is an initiative group of donors that has been providing assistance to children with cancer and hematological diseases for many years in a row.

Also, "Gift of Life" has two partner funds outside our country - in the UK and in the USA.

Foundation creation

In 2005, actress Chulpan Khamatova, after talking with pediatric oncologists and hematologists in Moscow, saw the deplorable state of hospitals at that time. Doctors asked her to hold a charity concert, the proceeds of which were to be used for expensive medical equipment. Teaming up with Dina Korzun, Chulpan held two charity concerts. The second concert took place at the Sovremennik Theater, and invited famous musicians and artists were involved. This concert helped Chulpan Khamatova raise 300 thousand dollars for the treatment of sick children. The following year, another charity concert was held, organized by Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova. The Gift of Life Foundation was organized shortly thereafter. And now concerts called “Give Life” with the participation of a variety of talented pop stars are held in Moscow every year.

Everyone can help

The actress is sure: everyone can help sick children! You don't have to have a lot of money to do this. For example, you can donate blood regularly, or you can become a volunteer, come to the hospital to play with children, help them, write letters of support, and also help parents as a courier... There are many options - if you wish.

It is impossible not to change when faced with sick children and their problems every day. It becomes obvious what is truly important in life and what should not be paid attention to. “I’m happy that I met unselfish, extraordinarily kind people - volunteers,” admits Chulpan Khamatova.

The charitable foundation has existed for about ten years, and the patients themselves have maintained a warm atmosphere in it throughout this time. After all, even sick children, in fact, remain the same children! They play, draw, make some progress. When children recover, this also brings great joy. When you learn about the successes of your students, it can’t help but make you happy. Some recovered children, growing up, come to the hospital to work as volunteers, in turn, helping other children cope with the disease.

Children's Hospital

In 2008, thanks to the assistance of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Chulpan Khamatova Foundation built a children's center for oncology, hematology and immunology in Moscow. The center was named after one of the foundation’s patients, Dmitry Rogachev. A boy with cancer invited the Russian President for tea and pancakes. And the foundation managed to make the boy’s wish come true! Thanks to this incident, it was possible to build a children's hospice. Unfortunately, the boy is no longer alive. Dima Rogachev died in September 2007 in Israel from hemorrhage in the lungs.

Directions of the fund's work

The Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun Foundation works in many areas. Among them:

  • Collection cash for specific patients.
  • Providing temporary housing in Moscow for visiting patients and their relatives.
  • Organizing a volunteer movement in hospitals to support patients.
  • Providing treatment for patients abroad.
  • Organization of donation.
  • Purchasing the best medicines for Moscow clinics.
  • Purchase of modern equipment.
  • Official delivery by courier service from abroad of medicines not registered in Russia.
  • Creation of a charity store together with the Vera Foundation.
  • Conducting training seminars for regions of Russia.
  • Carrying out repairs in Moscow hospitals.
  • Psychological assistance, etc.

Support for children before and after treatment

The Chulpan Khamatova Foundation also helps children before and after treatment. An exhibition of drawings by children who are patients of the foundation is being held in the best cultural places in Moscow. Every year since 2010, the foundation organizes sports competitions for cured children. Also, the Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun Relief Fund provides all possible assistance in holding charitable events to everyone who wants to contribute to the treatment of children.