How to get rid of an old refrigerator? What can be made from an old washing machine and refrigerator? An old refrigerator, what can be made from it.

Sooner or later, the need to replace the refrigerator arises. It can break down, become outdated, become too small for an enlarged family, etc. And so the happy owners of a new unit ask themselves the question: “Where should I put the old refrigerator?” And it's really not like that simple task as it seems at first glance. The fact is that household appliances must be disposed of according to certain rules. So what to do?

Take him to the dacha

The working refrigerator can be taken to the dacha. Such a unit will definitely come in handy there, especially if the family stays outside the city for several days. If you already have a freezer on your property (or don’t have one), then you can give the household appliances to one of your friends or relatives.

Advertisements in newspapers or the Internet

This is the easiest option if you don’t know what to do with your old refrigerator. If everything goes well, it can even turn out to be profitable. So, you need to take a newspaper and carefully look through it for advertisements for the purchase of used refrigerators. If the unit is serviceable, but simply outdated, it can be sold. Price will depend on age and condition household appliances: the older it is, the cheaper it is.

Faulty appliances are usually purchased for scrap metal or spare parts. Refrigerator parts are used to repair other faulty units. By the way, in this way you can get rid of almost any household appliance: microwaves, washing machines, etc. Usually, the craftsmen themselves remove the old stuff and sometimes even pay a little extra (within 500 rubles). As soon as the unit is in the hands of another person, the former owner no longer worries about the question of where to put the old microwaves and refrigerators.

Submitting an ad

If nothing suitable is found, you can submit an ad yourself. For example, write in a newspaper or on a portal on a relevant topic on the Internet that a device is for sale or given away. You can also post images of the refrigerator on websites.

Safe cabinet

The cases of old refrigerators are very, very durable, made of metal. In addition, they are easy to clean. Therefore, they are often used in everyday life. For example, they are used to make various cabinets for storing equipment in dachas, gardens or workshops. First, freon must be pumped out of old devices so as not to harm yourself and environment. It is also advisable to remove all fragile plastic and glass parts, as the instrument can be quite heavy or rough. This is a good option for solving the question of “where to put the old one (or any other city in Russia), since everywhere there are their own Kulibins.

Often old units are used at dachas to store not only equipment, but also many other useful things - from shoes to firewood. By the way, they make a wonderful woodpile: the wood is always dry, does not rot, especially if the door is sealed, and folding is convenient. The most important thing is to cut to size. The volume is, admittedly, small, but more than enough for kindling. And for those who do not live outside the city all the time, but only go there on short visits, this amount of firewood is quite enough. And it will be very difficult for thieves to take this thing away from the site if the body is attractive as scrap metal.

Exchange of old equipment for new

Many stores help solve the problem we are considering (where to put the old refrigerator) when buying a new one. They offer customers to participate in so-called exchange programs for household appliances. The principle of operation of these promotions is very simple: people bring or bring old equipment, for which they receive a certain discount on new product. We can say that this is an exchange with an additional payment. As a result, a person gets rid of old things, acquires new ones, and at the same time saves significantly. Stores also benefit: their sales increase noticeably. In addition, you can “pull up” individual brands if you announce a promotion for the products of a certain manufacturer.

Cellar equipment

After all, the main purpose of a refrigerator is to store food. Therefore, it is not surprising that the first thing that is considered is the conversion of the building specifically for food supplies. Most often it is used to equip an icebox or cellar dehumidifier. This is a very common option in agricultural areas for a practical solution to the question of where to put an old refrigerator. In Minsk, Altai and Krasnodar regions, old household appliances often find a second life in a similar way. In frosty areas, glaciers are most often built. The refrigerator helps organize the space as comfortably as possible.

A glacier can be arranged in the following way. First, they invite a technician to pump out the freon. Then remove all elements that will prevent the refrigerator from performing its new function. Now you can prepare the pit for the apparatus. Then they install the body in the cellar or at least in shady place so that the door faces up. Otherwise, opening the refrigerator will be problematic. Waterproofing is absolutely necessary, otherwise the metal or plastic will quickly rot. Sand or gravel drainage is also required. The glacier is ready. Of course, products to be stored in it must be carefully packaged, or even better - placed in jars or airtight containers. This is required for basic hygiene reasons. In this case, the refrigerator will keep the temperature perfectly.

Government programs

Perhaps government programs are the most unexpected answer to the question: “Where should I put the old refrigerator?” St. Petersburg, for example, or others big cities sometimes they take the initiative to support the proposed energy saving plan. Then something similar to an exchange takes place in stores, specialized outlets or technical support centers old technology to a new one. Only the age of refrigerators must be at least 15 years (the state program is aimed at this group). However, no specialized or centralized activities are carried out. In fact, citizens themselves must monitor how and where to dispose of the old refrigerator.

According to all the rules

Oddly enough, the legislation stipulates how to deal with bulky waste, in particular what to do with the old refrigerator. First, you need to take a closer look at the waste bins in your area. As a rule, 1 container for bulky waste is installed in several yards. It is usually larger in size and painted in a different color from other tanks (for example, they are often made orange). Most often, construction waste is thrown into this container. But this is where old large equipment should be included.

If a special tank is not observed, then you need to contact management company so that they explain what procedure they have for recycling large household appliances. It is possible that there is a contract for certain days when a large garbage truck collects non-standard waste in the area.

There may not be such an agreement, then you will have to look for a specialized waste removal company. Of course, you will have to pay them extra to take away the old refrigerator. But it's better than keeping junk in the kitchen or balcony, isn't it?

In fact, there are many ways to repurpose an old refrigerator with a minimum of problems and maximum benefit. However, you will have to spend some time and effort to clarify this issue. Still, any single and universal option there is simply no idea where to put the old refrigerator.

Ideas for Recycling Old Appliances

Everything breaks down someday. Washing machines and refrigerators are no exception. If your equipment has definitely become completely unusable and cannot be repaired, do not rush to throw it in a landfill. There are many options for using old washing machines and refrigerators, both quite practical and decorative.

Flower pot from an old drum washing machine. It’s quite nice and roomy, it’s not afraid of moisture, it will last a long time, because metal is a very reliable material. This plant pot can be painted any color.

The entire washing machine became a flower bed, even a container for detergent and rinse aid was used. Of course, such a piece of household appliance surrounded by greenery looks a little strange, but overall it’s very interesting option, original item landscape design.

The most popular way to use an old drum from a washing machine is as a barbecue. You can cook not only kebabs over wood and coals; both a saucepan and a frying pan can conveniently fit on top. At the same time, making such a grill is very simple.

This is an improved version of the barbecue made from a washing drum, on a tripod. By the way, the design turns out to be quite light and easy to move around the site. Alternatively, it was possible to equip a permanent place for street hearth, having arranged a convenient platform around the drum.

And who will say that it is not beautiful - the reflections of the flame in the holes of shiny metal. This grill doesn’t look at all like an old one and doesn’t look good to anyone. necessary thing, but a relevant and practical element of a personal plot.

From a very old washing machine, or rather, its rounded metal body, you can make a smokehouse for fish and meat products.

This is how a washing machine drum can look elegant, designed by a designer or homeowner with a rich imagination. By the way, in the empty body of such a cabinet-seat with a soft cushion it is quite possible to store all kinds of small things.

And again the flowerbed is in a whole washing machine. Beautiful bright petunias smoothed out the brutality of the unsightly metal body of the equipment, which clearly served for many years until it turned into a flowerbed.

Cabinet in an old refrigerator. The body has been painted, there are not many shelves, but they are quite spacious, and former freezer various little things fit.

Even if the refrigerator itself refuses to freeze, this cannot prevent you from using it to cool drinks during a party. fresh air. Simple finishing wooden planks It looks quite attractive, and the ice under the now hinged lid will last quite a long time.

An incubator in an old refrigerator. It will retain heat, especially if you add additional insulation; you only need lamps to heat the eggs and a thermometer to monitor the temperature. A good option for those who want to start raising chickens.

House for puppies. It turned out to be a separate sleeping area and dining area. For larger dogs as sleeping place The refrigerator body would also fit, you just need to remove the shelves.

    We had one old refrigerator, but we gave the working one to a low-income large family that lived nearby. Of course, it could have been sold, but my husband and I think that this equipment will be more necessary and useful for those in need.

    The second small refrigerator broke, but we fixed it. One part was replaced and connected. He is already 20 years old, and he is holding on and working.

    The third one, well, he’s actually very old. My husband took it to the garage and it contains the accessories he needs for the car.

    My father made a dryer for fruits, mushrooms, berries and herbs. I pulled out the unit from below, replacing it with a fan heater. I replaced the shelves with mesh ones made from fine mesh. I installed a thermometer from an old heating boiler in the door. The temperature inside is 38-40 degrees. It dries overnight. Dried apples are always light evenly.

    A refrigerator that uses an internal metal enamel chamber will make an excellent cart and even a bicycle trailer. I assembled this cart from a very old interior that had been used as a compost bin, already all wrinkled but still quite suitable for creating a cart.

    We have an old refrigerator, not connected, on the balcony, and it serves as a kind of cabinet - some food and canned goods are stored there in winter and summer. Both in summer and winter, there are no extreme temperature changes in the refrigerator, which is good for food preservation.

    And one friend at his dacha made a smokehouse out of an old refrigerator, dug a hole, put the body of the refrigerator on top, smokes fish and meat there - also not bad, in my opinion.

    I can offer two options, already tried in practice:

    1. Gut the old refrigerator. As a result, you will get a lot of useful things: a) scrap metal, which needs to be distributed into two piles - ferrous metal to ferrous, and non-ferrous - to non-ferrous, and scrapped at different prices; b) a wire with a plug, which can later be used on other electrical appliances; c) glass wool, which can be used to insulate part of the ceiling; d) cogs, bolts, nuts, screws, which are always useful around the house.

    2.As already mentioned in previous answers, make them a refrigerator cabinet. That is, you don’t need to do anything, just call the refrigerator a cabinet and calm down. It should be especially noted that not a single mouse will get into this cabinet, since it is simply impossible to gnaw through the metal with mouse teeth.

    Of course the most the best option take this refrigerator to the dacha, if you have one. Or at least to the garden and you can store it in it for the winter various instruments garden ones so that they don’t gather dust on the street.

    Another option is to sell it for scrap. Or take it out onto the balcony or loggia and use it as a closed storage area.

    If your refrigerator works normally, then you can sell it at an alternative price, someone will find it useful and buy it.

    Like a closet, an old refrigerator can fit into a niche or closet in your home. You can take it to the garage and store something there, because modern garages have electricity.

    As a child, my friend had a doll house made from an old refrigerator. I remember many girls were jealous of her because they would also like to have such a spacious doll house with several floors and balconies.

    Sell ​​it for scrap. I heard that many people do this. They even create teams that look for these very old refrigerators and sell them for scrap. They make good money from this. Anything is better than just collecting dust in garages and sheds.

    If your refrigerator is broken and cannot be repaired, and it’s a pity to throw it away, since it is kind of dear to you, then put it on the loggia or balcony. Men can hold their tools, as some often work on the loggia. And the housewife can put cereals in it, and in winter it will serve as freezer and you can freely store meat, fish, and berries all winter. For many people it serves as a storage room.

    from an old refrigerator you can make a good cabinet for the dacha. Decorate or paint it and it will be a good cabinet..

    You can make a larger flower bed or plant it in the garden beds. You can also make a storage room for some things. If the refrigerator works, then sell it.

    It can also be used as a table. And if you decorate it and place it against the wall in the hallway, you will get a long bench, and put boots, slippers, and shoes inside the old refrigerator for storage. By the way, using this principle, you can put such a bench in the kitchen, next to the window. I sat down or lay down, read a book, beauty! And inside the refrigerator you can store various cereals, pasta, and various kitchen utensils.

    Since refrigerator cases are made of very good sheet metal, then it can be cut and used for bodywork or other work, for example in the country. If the refrigerator still shows signs of life, then you can use its compressor as a spray gun or to inflate car tires. The inside of the refrigerator can be used to store tools. If you turn the refrigerator upside down, you can get a nice chest for storing various things...

Before you get rid of your broken refrigerator, try to find it useful application. You need New furniture, a convenient pantry or a small cellar in the country? This and more can be done from a broken refrigerator.

General household waste such as paper, cans, glass and metals can be easily taken to a recycling collection point. But what to do with large bulky items? For example, with a broken refrigerator.

Refrigerators are expensive, but, like any equipment, they eventually become unusable - they break down and cannot be repaired. If you can't recycle it and don't want it to end up in a landfill, try one of these 6 methods.

What can be done from a non-working refrigerator:

1. Sofa from an old refrigerator

Designer Adrian Johnson found a use for the olive green refrigerator and red leather seat from BMW. This is how one of the first such works turned out - Fridgeсouch (sofa refrigerator). The sofa is very comfortable, has a small table-shelf on the side and fits well into the interior of the room.

2. Pantry for food storage

Remove the door from the old refrigerator and arrange the internal shelves as convenient. The pantry is ready. The outside can be covered with film, which will give your new pantry a unique and cute look.

3. Temporary home for a stray dog

Old refrigerator Can be easily converted into a dog's home: with a place to rest, food and water. The refrigerator door is useful as a ramp.

4. Box for storing food and drinks in the yard

Remove the compressor, evaporator, condenser fan, shelves and drawers and everything is not necessary elements refrigerator. The outside of the refrigerator can be covered with wood or other comfortable material. It will work out that way convenient drawer for storing food.

5. Armchair and ottoman

In addition to a sofa, you can make a stylish chair and ottoman from a broken refrigerator. In the photo below, the chair is made from an Israeli refrigerator from the 50s.

6. Cellar

From an old refrigerator you can make a cellar for storing vegetables and fruits. For more information on how to do this, see the video:

You can always come up with other ways to give a second life to your old refrigerator. And if all else fails, you can find a company on the Internet that buys old junk, and this will save you from having to take it to the landfill yourself.

Many people sooner or later ask the question: “Where should I put the old refrigerator?” There is nothing strange in this; household appliances, like everything, do not last forever; they are periodically replaced with new, more modern ones. As a rule, old refrigerators are very large and heavy, sometimes it is not easy to even take them out of the apartment. What to do with an old device so as not to harm yourself and others.

Recycling of household appliances

According to the law, large household appliances have certain rules recycling. Therefore, it is forbidden to simply take the refrigerator outside and leave it near the trash heap. For such amateur activities they can be subject to a considerable fine. It is very important to adhere existing rules recycling.

Conscious citizens, united in a homeowners association, periodically order special containers for the removal of bulky waste to their home. Residents have this need apartment building very relevant. Therefore, don’t be lazy to call the HOA and find out if there is such a garbage collection practice in your home. If yes, find out the schedule on which the cars run.

In civilized populated areas With a rather large population, municipal services must function, the scope of which includes the issue of recycling equipment.


If there is no HOA in your house, contact the housing and communal services authorities, they should tell you how to properly deal with the old refrigerator, without violating the law. But, as a rule, you will have to pay a lot of money to remove the refrigerator through the efforts of housing and communal services; you will save money if you do not hire movers.


“Garbage companies” can help you get rid of old equipment; this service is usually paid.

Analyzing the “legal” ways of getting rid of large equipment, it is not at all strange why people are looking for other alternatives.

Store promotions

Nowadays there is a fairly common trend when large supermarkets of household appliances organize “Replace old appliances with new” promotions. Of course, everything is not exactly like that, it is not profitable for a store to exchange an old one for a new one, but when you return an old refrigerator, you can get a significant discount on the purchase of a new one. The result is very profitable, so don’t be lazy sometimes to pay attention to the promotions of stores on the Internet and on billboards.


Look through local advertisements in newspapers, magazines, and websites; there are sure to be profitable and hassle-free options for getting rid of your refrigerator. Look for the headings “I’ll buy a refrigerator for spare parts”, “Removal of old equipment for free”, “We’ll buy a refrigerator (pickup)”, etc. In the best case scenario, you can “kill” two birds with one stone: free useful place in the apartment and get some money.


If monetary gain is a secondary point for you, which may not exist, then put an ad in the newspaper yourself with approximately the following content: “I will give away the refrigerator for free on a pickup basis.” As a rule, such words are responded to very quickly; in about ten minutes you will already have to answer calls.

Use it to your advantage

Many people are in no hurry to come to terms with the fact that the old refrigerator has served its purpose and try to give it new life, but now in a different capacity. Such people are the owners of “golden hands”, endless imagination, they have a lot of ideas in their heads about how to use an old refrigerator in an unconventional way. First, with your own hands or with the help of a specialist, you need to drain the freon from it, after which the refrigerator body becomes a real springboard for home craftsmen.

Few people know that from a refrigerator you can make a smokehouse for meat, as well as a dryer for vegetables and mushrooms. Some craftsmen construct their refrigeration unit housings as an incubator. The refrigerator can be buried in the ground somewhere in a shady place and used as a mini-cellar.

If the old refrigerator has good thermal insulation, you can make a good summer cottage out of it. To do this, the door is removed from the curtains, and instead the box is simply covered with transparent glass. A refrigerator cabinet in a garage often makes an excellent tool cabinet.

Smokehouse from the refrigerator


The fact that the refrigerator is old is not a reason to throw it in the trash, the refrigerator can be used for various useful purposes, the main thing is to have your head on your shoulders and " right hands"We have already given you a few ideas. And remember, if you want to get rid of the refrigerator completely, never throw it away in the wrong place.