How often to water an orchid at home: proper watering of a flower, tips and tricks. How to water a phalaenopsis orchid at home

Orchids, especially the Phalaenopsis genus, are popular among gardeners. To make the plant happy abundant flowering all year round, you need to take good care of it. It is especially important to water the orchid correctly, regardless of the type and variety.

Proper and timely watering will ensure the health of the plant, its development and flowering. The timing and volume of watering of an orchid growing in a pot is influenced by the stage of its development: at the stage of flowering, active leaf growth and reproduction, the plant’s water needs are different.

Principles of proper irrigation

Often those who grow an orchid at home are sure that it needs abundant watering and irrigation. Although this plant is native to the tropics, excessive moisture is detrimental to it. The frequency and method of watering, the stage of plant development and water quality are important.

What water to water an orchid

The water temperature should not be lower than +18°C, the optimum is +30...35°C. Plain tap water contains impurities harmful to house plants: residual chlorine and mineral salts. To make it suitable for watering orchids, it is left to stand for 3-4 days.

For additional softening tap water can be mixed with distilled water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1 if the tap water is of medium hardness. Pure distillate is not suitable for irrigation.

It is even better to use softened, boiled, rain, purified or melt water.

But rainwater is suitable for irrigation only if it was collected outside the metropolis, because, passing through the air, it adsorbs toxic gases, heavy metals and others harmful substances. Rainwater collected outside the city is stored in a cool, dark place (cellar, refrigerator) so that microorganisms do not develop in it.

Boiling softens tap water. This is the simplest and affordable way preparing water for irrigation.

If an additional fine filter is installed in the house, which frees tap water from microorganisms, salts, chlorine and other impurities, it does not need to be boiled or allowed to settle before use.


To improve the quality of water, substances such as garlic juice, potassium permanganate, succinic acid.

  1. Watering orchids with garlic water is carried out to stimulate flowering. In addition, garlic, due to its antiseptic properties, disinfects the soil. To prepare the product, squeeze out 6 medium cloves of garlic into 0.5 liters of settled water, close the container tightly and leave to infuse for a day. The finished infusion is filtered and diluted in a bucket of warm, settled water into which the flower will be immersed. The infusion can be used 2-3 times a month, except for periods of dormancy and flowering. 2 weeks after stimulation, a new peduncle should appear.
  2. Watering orchids with succinic acid is carried out in order to accelerate the rooting of shoots, stimulate flowering, increase the resistance and adaptogenicity of the plant to changes in environmental conditions. A solution of succinic acid is used to resuscitate plants damaged by temperature changes or other stressful situations. It is best to use the product during periods of intensive growth (spring and summer), but not in winter, when the plant is dormant.
  3. Succinic acid can also be added to the garlic solution. To prepare the product, the easiest way is to buy succinic acid in tablets at a pharmacy. In 1 l hot water dilute 1 tablet of acid. The prepared solution can be stored for no more than 3 days. Use it like garlic solution.
  4. The roots are washed with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate during transplantation or during plant illness for disinfection. The product is in some way a source of potassium.

Before watering, it is important to enrich the water with oxygen. To do this, it is poured from container to container.

How often to water

It is impossible to determine exactly how many times a week you need to irrigate orchids. Watering this plant strictly according to the calendar is fundamentally wrong. The frequency with which orchids are watered is influenced by the condition of the plant, the stage of its development and the condition of the substrate and roots for a given period of time.

The flower cannot be in conditions high humidity constantly. This leads to root rot and the appearance of other diseases. To determine that it’s time to water your orchid, you need to take into account the following signs:

  1. The substrate is dry. It is easiest to assess its condition in a transparent pot. If there are no drops of condensation on its walls, and the substrate is light in color, the plant can be watered. To keep the bark particles, which are often used as a filler for orchids, moistened, it is best to immerse the flower pot in a container of settled or boiled water.
  2. The roots became light and acquired a silvery tint. Well-moistened roots have a bright green color. As they dry, they lighten in color. When all the roots turn silver, the flower can be watered.
  3. If the pot is opaque, you can consider its weight. After drying, the pot with the substrate becomes significantly lighter. You can make sure that the flower needs moisture by sticking a wooden stick into the pot. If it remains dry, it is time to water the plant.

Proper watering of a phalaenopsis orchid also depends on the condition of the plant. At rest, it needs moisture less often - once every 2-3 weeks, during the period of active growth of green mass and flowering - more often, 1-2 times a week. In the hot season, the flower is watered more often because the substrate dries out faster.

After purchasing in store

First of all, after purchasing, you need to make sure that the pot has enough drainage holes. If this is not the case, they can be done using a hot nail. For the first time, the flower is watered only 7-10 days after settling in a new place.

Since the phalaenopsis orchid tolerates drying out more easily than waterlogging, such exposure allows both the substrate and the roots of the plant to dry out well. The air humidity in the room should be within 75%.

In the store, flowers are watered with water that has been softened and disinfected with special means, so an orchid may react negatively to a simple tap water.

During the flowering period

Irrigation of orchids at home during flowering should be done more often. Although the condition of the roots and substrate still matters, the plant will have to be watered 2-3 times a week, as during this period it prefers moist soil.

In summer, in a room with a humidity of 75-80% and sufficient light, you need to water the phalaenopsis orchid every 5-7 days, in winter, when there is not enough light, every 7-12 days.

At the same time, excessive watering can lead to the death of buds. Therefore, despite increasing the frequency of watering, you should not use the immersion method every time. If the substrate is still wet, simply moisten it a little from above. Once a week, potassium-phosphorus fertilizer can be added to the water for irrigation.

in winter

In winter, like most indoor plants, the orchids enter a state of dormancy. Metabolic processes in cells slow down, needs are reduced, so it is not necessary to water the flower more than once every 2 weeks.

You should understand: the orchid needs to be watered if it needs water. How to do this in winter - the same methods are used here as described above. But due to the fact that the roots of the plant absorb moisture more slowly in winter, it is better to use the immersion method during this period. It is important to let the water drain well from the roots before returning the flower to the windowsill. In winter, this place is always colder, so the plant should be protected from temperature shock due to temperature changes.

It is best to water the plant with a shower in winter in the evening. The flower should be left in the bathroom overnight to allow the water to drain well. This will help prevent rotting and mold development in the pot.

In spring, the plant wakes up, cell metabolism accelerates, and the need for moisture increases. Therefore, with the onset of warmth, watering becomes more frequent.

After transplant

During the transplantation process, the roots of the plant are washed in a light solution of potassium permanganate. Since this entire process is stressful for the plant, it will need several days of rest. You should not water the orchid abundantly immediately after replanting. It is enough to put the pot in water for 20-30 minutes.

It is best to postpone the first full watering for 14 days. If the substrate is too dry, it is enough to irrigate it with a spray bottle. The first watering after transplantation is best done using a tray or an individual flower pot.

Feeding the orchid after transplantation is done during the first moistening of the soil; It will be possible to repeat the application of fertilizers only after 21 days.

How to water an orchid at home 4 main methods

Let's look at the most popular and effective ways glaze indoor orchids step by step in the photo.

Sprinkling showers

Watering a phalaenopsis orchid at home is convenient with a simple shower. The water temperature can be quite high: up to +40°C. For watering, the temperature is checked on the elbow - the water should be tolerable.

Watering warm water from the shower imitates tropical rain, which orchids cannot help but like. With its help, the leaves are cleaned of dust, and the roots are cleaned of possible pests. After the shower, the flowers are left in the bathroom so that they are steamed in conditions of high humidity and temperature, and excess liquid drains away. The growing point of the leaf axil should be dried with a dry cloth.

Once a month in the warm season it is recommended to arrange for orchids hot shower. This procedure helps to remove the plant from a stressful situation, is a good stimulation for the formation of new roots and flower stalks, and prevents the appearance of spider mite. The water temperature should not be higher than +52°C.

As a result of such bathing, a large absorption of moisture occurs by the leaves and roots of the flower, which stimulates the formation of new cells and metabolism in plant tissues. The procedure is carried out in the following way: water the flower with warm water, leave for 30 minutes, and then completely irrigate for 30 seconds hot water. Hot showers are used only for stimulation healthy plants, because Patients may die from such a procedure.


Watering orchids using the immersion method allows not only to qualitatively moisten the substrate. This best method for feeding the plant and treating its roots with various stimulants and antiseptics.

Humidification by immersion is carried out as follows: a flower in a pot is placed in a container into which warm, prepared water is poured. It is important that the neck of the plant remains above the water. The orchid can be left in this position for 15 minutes or more.

If you keep plants in water, swelling will form on the leaves; the affected leaf blades will have to be removed. After the allotted time has elapsed, the plants are removed from the container, the excess water is allowed to completely drain, and then placed in their usual place.

For watering using the immersion method, you can use any container, including a flower pot - an orchid pot without holes with a concave bottom. The flower pot should be larger than the flower pot. To water the pots, fill them completely with water. allotted time it is drained. The high bottom allows excess moisture to drain, which will need to be drained.

Watering with a watering can

Orchids do not tolerate watering from above. This is due to moisture getting into the rosette and leaf axils, which, in turn, leads to rotting. Therefore, for top watering you need to use a watering can with a long narrow spout, which allows you to evenly moisten the substrate under the leaves.

Slowly water the soil and do this until water appears in the pan. Its remains can be left in it. Moisture trapped in the leaf axils and growing point is removed with napkins or a cotton pad. This method is not suitable if a large number of roots are in a free state - due to insufficient hydration they will dry out.


Spray the orchids from a spray bottle with distilled water. It does not leave streaks on the leaves. At the same time, moisture should not be allowed to get on the flowers and buds, or to stagnate in the axils of the leaves and in the rosette. When spraying, the jet is directed either from bottom to top or perpendicular to the trunk.

A wet plant needs to be shaded - drops of water will serve as lenses, which will lead to the appearance sunburn on sheets of paper.

In winter, irrigation is carried out in rooms where, due to the operation of the heating system, the air is dry and the temperature rises to +25°C. If the room is cool, it is better to avoid spraying.

The procedure is carried out in the morning so that by evening the leaves are already dry. In summer, you can irrigate twice a day if necessary.

Watering with fertilizers

In order for orchids to always bloom, they need to be fertilized regularly and correctly. Fertilizing is carried out only during the period of active growth and flowering; in winter the plant does not need it. Sick and weakened flowers cannot be fertilized.

In early spring, when the flower grows green mass, it especially needs nitrogen, and when buds are formed and flowering, it needs potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizing is always combined with watering the plant so as not to burn the dry roots.

Root fertilizer is applied as follows. First, the flower is watered using the immersion method to evenly moisten the roots. Then, according to the instructions, the fertilizer is diluted in clean, prepared water and the orchid is placed in it for 20 minutes. It is important to allow excess solution to drain completely from the pot.

For foliar feeding use special means in spray form. In cloudy weather or in the evening, indoors without drafts and at a temperature not lower than indoor fertilizer spray on leaves on both sides and visible roots. Fertilizer should not accumulate in the axils and rosettes or get on the peduncle.

Attention: Orchid is not simple home flower, which is grown in pots. An orchid is an epiphyte, a plant that lives on a tree using moisture from the air. However, it is not adapted to absorb nutrients from the substrate.

So it gets its nutrition in most cases from the sun and water. In addition, it is worth considering that the roots of the plant are immediately blown by the wind after heavy rains and remain dry for a long time.

When watering at home, you need to take into account a very important factor - sunlight, the more it is, the more abundant watering. As soon as the sun's activity and daylight hours decrease, the orchid enters a period of rest and watering becomes moderate. You should also not forget that epiphytes are able to accumulate moisture in the root system and then gradually use it. And if at home there is always a wet substrate in the pot with the plant, the roots will begin to become affected by rot (read about how to properly water an orchid in a pot or flowerpot).

In addition, there is another factor that should be taken into account when watering - the type of plant. For example, Phalaenopsis, Lady's slipper, Miltonia and Cymbidium practically do not tolerate lack of moisture and drying out. Their roots must be constantly moistened, but they cannot tolerate stagnant water.

But Dendrobium, Oncidium, Cattleya and Odontoglossum prefer to be watered only after the substrate has completely dried.

There are a few mistakes new gardeners make that you should consider:

  1. Overflow. Despite the fact that the homeland of orchids is the tropics, they do not tolerate waterlogging. Soil moisture is not important for them; rather, you need to pay attention to air humidity.
  2. Hard water. By watering a plant with tap water, gardeners destroy it. The orchid is accustomed to feeding on soil moisture, which is enriched with mineral salts. You only need to water with soft, melted, rain or boiled water.
  3. Watering from above. Moisture must not stagnate in the axils of the leaves; they can rot, which will lead to the death of the orchid. Therefore, watering must be carried out in a special way.
  4. Untimely watering, which does not take into account the period of active plant growth. As soon as the plant goes into hibernation, watering is reduced to a minimum.

Watering frequency

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since everything depends on the growing season, air humidity and temperature regime. During certain periods of growth, an orchid requires more or less moisture. We can only say one thing - it is better to water the orchid rarely, but abundantly.

When growing orchids without experience, you can follow the recommendations: in the summer 1-3 times a week, during the dormant period 1-2 times a month. Gradually you can develop your own watering schedule, watching your beauty.

How often to water an orchid is discussed in.

How to understand that a plant needs moisture?

There are certain signs that allow you to determine whether it is time to water your orchid or not.

  • The pot became light. Beginners often find this method very difficult, but if you practice certain experience, then by weight it will be very easy to determine whether the orchid is worth watering.
  • There is no condensation on the inner walls of the pot. This method works well if the orchid is growing in a transparent pot.
  • Lightening the roots. If the orchid's roots are green, then the orchid has enough moisture - if they turn white, then it's time to water it.

Advice: A simple substrate moisture test can be performed. Take a wooden skewer and pierce the soil, if after you pull it out it is dry, you can safely water the plant.

What water should I use?

For an orchid, the quality, composition and temperature of water are very important.. If in nature it is fed by rainwater, which contains practically no salts and acids, then the moisture entering the apartment through the pipes contains almost the entire periodic table, which can affect the orchid’s ability to fully bloom. What water should I use for irrigation? To avoid unpleasant surprises, you should use only purified, soft water, from which all impurities and heavy metals have been removed.

You can boil the water, then:

It is worth saying right away that upholding cannot give positive result, since it takes a lot of time to get rid of impurities. As for the microflora, it will develop on the contrary. You should not use distilled water for irrigation, as it contains no nutrients at all.. This liquid can be sprayed on plants and diluted in it. mineral fertilizers. It will also be useful to heat the water to a temperature of 30 degrees.

Read about what kind of water to water the plant.

Step-by-step instruction

Watering must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, otherwise, due to inexperience, you can destroy the plant. First, let's prepare everything you need:

  • a lot of warm water;
  • grid with holes;
  • transparent dishes, slightly larger in diameter than a pot with an orchid;
  • plant in the pot;
  • a watering can for watering flowers or a mug;
  • old thick towel.

Rules for watering orchids using the immersion method:

  1. Place the flower pot in the prepared, empty container.
  2. Carefully begin to water the plant from above, trying not to get it on the leaves. In this case, water flows into the container in which the pot is installed.
  3. As soon as the liquid level covers the orchid pot by a third, leave the plant for 5 minutes.
  4. Then we start watering again until the liquid level reaches two-thirds, stop and wait another 6 minutes.
  5. Then add water so that 1 cm remains to the edge of the flowerpot. Leave the plant for 9 minutes.
  6. In total, the pot with the orchid will stand in the water for 20 minutes, this is enough for the substrate to become saturated with moisture.
  7. We take out the flowerpot with the orchid and place it on a wire rack, under which lies a thick towel. Leave the plant for half an hour - this is enough for excess water to drain.
  8. Watering the orchid is finished, you can move it to a permanent place.

Important: It is worth strictly monitoring how much time the flower spends in water and how much is needed for drainage, since stagnation of moisture in the substrate will lead to rotting of the roots and death of the orchid.

What watering is considered correct?

Proper watering is very important for the plant. In the case of an orchid, it’s better not to top up than to overfill. If at home the orchid is in constant conditions without temperature changes, then you can water it at any time. If it is cool at night, then watering is postponed to the morning. In this case, the frequency of watering depends on:

Watering correctly means doing the following:

  • water did not stagnate in the substrate;
  • the plant spent more time in dry soil than in wet soil;
  • Watering was carried out by placing a flowerpot with an orchid in water.

Watering is not correct if the orchid is constantly in a damp substrate, and moisture stagnates at the bottom of the pot. It is also wrong to water a flower from above when water stagnates at the growing point and in the axils of the leaves.


Watering an orchid is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the instructions described above. It is also worth keeping in mind that a new portion of water is taken for each plant so that possible diseases did not spread to all plants. Over time, you will be able to develop your own watering system that is ideal for the conditions of keeping the plant in your apartment.

Watering is one of the main elements of orchid care. After purchasing it, all gardeners are wondering how to water an orchid at home? After all, this flower is whimsical and requires proper care.

Timely watering is a guarantee of the harmonious development of the plant. The supply of a sufficient amount of liquid will prevent drying and deformation of the rhizome.

How often to water the plant?

The frequency of watering depends on the following factors:

  1. Temperature and humidity of the surrounding air. The hotter and drier the air, the more watering is required. You can combine soil moisture with spraying the leaves of the plant.
  2. Volume of a flower pot. IN large capacity There is more soil, therefore, it needs to be moistened more often.
  3. Soil composition. If the soil quickly allows moisture to pass through, then the flower should be watered more often than usual.

When to water?

Drying of the top layer of soil is not an indicator for immediate watering. The outer soil dries faster than the rest of the soil, which may still be wet. If flower pot transparent, then you should watch for condensation on its walls. If condensation is present, it means you need to wait a while with watering.

Root color is an excellent indicator of soil moisture. If the roots are bright green, then water it early. The color of the rhizome has changed to light - you can’t delay watering.

Soil moisture can be assessed by inserting a wooden skewer into the edge of the pot for 13 to 18 minutes. If the tree becomes damp after removing the skewer, there is no need to water the orchid.

Experienced gardeners can determine the urgency of watering by the weight of the soil in the pot. A dry substrate is much lighter than a wet one.

It is necessary to water the orchid early in the morning. Do not water when the plant is exposed to direct sunlight. It is not recommended to water a flower standing in a draft.

What kind of water should I use?

The quality and temperature of water for irrigation determines the harmonious development of the flower. The best option humidification with running spring water is considered. It should be stored in plastic bottles in a cool, dark place and heated to room temperature before watering.

Snow melt water is ideal for irrigation. To obtain it they collect pure snow far away from highways and enterprises. The snow is left in the room until it thaws completely. Watering is done with melt water at room temperature.

In urban environments, you can water plants with soft, purified water. Tap water must be boiled to remove harmful impurities and microflora from it. The chlorine compounds will evaporate and the salts will settle to the bottom. After boiling, it is recommended to strain the water through cheesecloth.

Filtered water is suitable for watering orchids. It contains no suspended matter, chlorine or salts.

If the grower does not have the opportunity to filter or boil tap water, then acidifying the liquid will help reduce the amount of harmful impurities. Add a few drops of oxalic acid to the water. You can pass the liquid through a 5 cm layer of peat.

Watering flowers with distilled water is not recommended. It contains practically no living organisms, which has a detrimental effect on the root system of the plant. This water can be used to wash the soil, roots, and spray leaves and buds.

Water settling promotes the proliferation of harmful microflora and reduces the quality of the liquid. It is not advisable to water orchids with such water, as this can lead to yellowing of the leaves.

Methods of watering orchids

There are several ways to water orchids. Their choice depends on the degree of soil moisture, soil composition, general condition plants.

Hot shower

A hot shower is used to adapt new plants and resuscitate weakened orchids.

Shower technique:

  1. Lightly water the orchid with cool water.
  2. After 35 - 45 minutes, place the flower in the bath and rinse with hot water. The water temperature can be 45 - 55 degrees. Time spent under a hot shower: 15 – 25 seconds. Pour water over everything: pot, stem, leaves on all sides.
  3. After a shower, leave the plant in the bath for 8 - 12 hours to flow around and dry.
  4. Place the orchid in its original or new place. After scalding, the flowers feel good in unusual new places, do not get sick, and do not wither.

Root spraying of an orchid

Orchids that are grown without a substrate are saturated with moisture using root spraying. Pour soft water into a spray bottle and thoroughly spray the rhizome. The smaller the drop of moisture that falls on the roots, the easier and faster the liquid is absorbed into the root cells. Absorption of moisture must occur within 2–3 hours, otherwise the tissues of the root system may be damaged.

Watering orchids by immersion

Dip watering is ideal for healthy mature plants. It can be used as a soil fertilizer by first mixing the necessary preparations in water.

Place the flower pot in an enamel basin. Carefully pour warm water into the basin so that it covers the edge of the pot by a few millimeters. When immersed, the stem and leaves of the orchid should remain dry.

Water penetrates through drainage slits and slits, moistening the substrate. For the first time, immersion watering should not last more than 6 – 8 minutes. In subsequent times, the time can be increased to 11 - 13 minutes.

After the procedure is completed, the pot is removed from the bowl of water and placed on a towel to drain excess liquid. If the soil is not sufficiently saturated with moisture, the procedure can be repeated. It is important to prevent the accumulation of liquid in the soil, otherwise this can lead to rotting of the roots and the formation of mold.

Surface watering with a watering can

Water the plants very carefully, making sure that the moisture is evenly distributed over the surface of the soil or aerial roots. The accumulation of moisture in the internal rosettes of leaves is unacceptable, as this can lead to disease in the orchid. Liquid from sockets is removed with cotton wool, paper towels or canvas cloth.

Surface watering is continued until liquid begins to seep through the drainage cracks. The water is allowed to drain out and watered again.

After watering is completed, the plants are dried and placed in their usual place. It is recommended to avoid ventilation and drafts for 2–4 hours after the procedure.

Surface watering is combined with spraying leaves or a hot shower.

How to water an orchid during flowering?

Watering an orchid during flowering is different from usual. The plant needs more moisture useful substances and microelements.

Flowering will last long if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If the orchid blooms in the spring-summer period, then the plant needs to be watered once every 3-4 days. If the flowers bloom in winter, then watering should be done no more than 2 times every 7 days.
  2. A flowering plant must be sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle, avoiding liquid getting on the buds and flowers.
  3. It is not recommended to put blooming orchid under a hot shower over 60 degrees, the inflorescences may fall off due to temperature changes.
  4. After watering, do not rearrange flowering plant to a new place: flowering may stop.

You can determine the time of watering by looking at the flower itself by looking at its roots. The time to moisten is when both the soil and the rhizome of the plant are completely dry. In the sunny summer season it takes a couple of days to dry. In cloudy, rainy weather, the substrate takes much longer to dry. And in the cold season the process is even more delayed. However, if we take the average option, it is recommended to carry out watering according to the following scheme:

  • summer period - every 2-3 days.
  • autumn and spring months - once a week.
  • in winter - once every 2 weeks.

Phalaenopsis roots

Phalaenopsis does not tolerate excessive moisture, and therefore excessive frequent and intense watering can cause significant harm to the plant. As for the time of day, it is recommended to start this activity in the morning, so that the orchid has time to dry before sunset. This is explained biological features This plant prefers to absorb moisture from the substrate during daylight hours.

The phalaenopsis orchid itself will tell the attentive and observant owner about the optimal time for its hydration. So, if the rhizome of the plant has taken on a bluish or grayish tint, it means the flower needs watering. But if there is condensation on the walls of the pot in which the orchid grows, then the substrate still retains a sufficient amount of moisture and there is absolutely no need for additional moisture. You need to watch the flower especially carefully when the flowering period has begun. You need more strength, so drying out is easy to miss. Even the slightest violation optimal conditions moisture during flowering threatens its cessation.

The rhizome of the plant is grayish in color

Another way to check the degree of dryness of the soil is to measure the weight of the pot. Moreover, in this case you will not need scales. Just lift the orchid pot immediately after watering and try to remember the degree of its severity. Repeat the manipulation after several days. If you feel that the pot has become significantly lighter, then it is time to water your pet. Of course, the method is very rough, and you should not rely on it, for example, during flowering. At this time you need to be more careful.

To catch the first signs of drying out during the flowering period, you can use the following technique using an ordinary wooden stick. To do this, simply stick it into the ground, then take it out and see how dry it is. If traces of wet substrate are noticeable on the stick, it means it is better to hold off on watering. Well, the easiest way is to dig up the surface of the earth a little and check the degree of its moisture with your finger.

Humidification with hard chlorinated tap water can be detrimental to phalaenopsis. Therefore, it is recommended to use boiled or distilled water. If time allows, you can also use ordinary running water, allowing it to first settle for 24 hours. You can also improve the quality of the liquid by adding oxalic acid to it in a ratio of 1:10.

Hydrating an orchid with distilled water

Water for watering phalaenopsis should be slightly above room temperature. Application cold water is strictly contraindicated, since it has an extremely unfavorable effect on the appearance and condition of the plant.

There are several methods for moisturizing phalaenopsis. The first method is to directly water the planting soil. To do this, it is best to use a small watering can, thanks to which you can direct a thin stream of water and distribute it evenly over the surface, where. After a couple of minutes, when excess liquid seeps through the holes into special trays, drain them and repeat the procedure.

The next method of watering an orchid is done using a shower. To do this, wrap the substrate plastic film, place the container with the flower in the bath and bathe your beautiful orchid by directing a gentle stream of warm water at it. Allow excess moisture to drain and gently wipe the leaves of the plant with a cloth or paper. After this, leave the phalaenopsis in the bathroom for half an hour to avoid temperature changes. It should be noted that it is recommended to arrange a shower for orchids no more than once a month, and winter period, when plants are at rest, it is better to abstain from this altogether.

Some lovers of indoor orchids prefer next method watering them, which is correctly called the total immersion method. In this case, you need to fill a fairly deep container with warm water, and then lower the pot of phalaenopsis into it. The time is about 15 minutes, and in winter time– no more than 5 minutes. Then the plants are removed and placed on a special tray to allow excess moisture to drain freely.

Proper watering ensures successful growth and orchid development. Plants consume nutrients along with water. If you water correctly and in a timely manner, you can avoid many problems with orchids.

You can water orchids using several methods. To do this, use either one or 2-3 options at once.


Below is step-by-step instruction using this method of watering.

Step 1. Prepare the basin.

Step 2. Fill with heated water.

Step 3. Place the plant pot in it.

Step 4. Wait about half an hour.

During this period of time, the earth will be completely saturated with water, storing a sufficient amount of moisture for for a long time. After completing the procedure, take care to remove excess liquid from the pot.

Use a watering can

This method is the simplest and most popular, available to almost all gardeners. It is advisable to purchase a watering can with a thin spout. Distribute the water over the entire surface of the earth, preventing liquid from getting on inner part leaves. It is also necessary to protect plants from moisture getting to their growing points. Water until water begins to drain from the holes located on the bottom of the pot. Pause for a few minutes, then resume the procedure.


With regular implementation of this type of watering, accelerated growth and flowering of orchids is observed. To spray, you must purchase a spray bottle in advance. It is advisable to water in the morning every day. Spraying is carried out when the temperature rises environment. Plants absorb maximum moisture and therefore protect themselves from overheating. Thanks to spraying, accelerated growth of the root system is observed, as the soil dries out quickly. If the procedure is performed correctly, the color of the leaves becomes more juicy. Characteristic patterns similar to white stripes form on the roots.

Hot shower

This method of watering has a positive effect on plant growth, helps get rid of pests, and eliminates pollution. If you use the presented watering technique correctly, flowering occurs more often. It is advisable to carry out this procedure a maximum of 2 times a month. Preheat the water to a temperature of +50 degrees. To protect the flower from damage, do not water with strong pressure. Set the water supply in the shower to diffuse. After the procedure, you must leave the pot in the bathroom, waiting for excess moisture to drain.

Summer rain

It is the most favorable way to water orchids. If you leave flowers in the rain, you can bring their living conditions closer to tropical ones for a while. When you move the pot to a place protected from rain, make sure that the glass from the container excess moisture. The latter must not be allowed to stagnate in the soil.

Warm lazy rain is also one of the ways to water orchids

Watering from the tap

Step 1. Adjust the water temperature to room temperature.

Step 2. Place the pot in the sink and wait a few minutes.

Step 3. Set the pressure to moderate to avoid damaging the flower.

Step 4. Don't forget to remove any excess liquid that gets into the axils of the leaves.

Step 5. Wait for it to drain excess water, then move the flower into the room.

Another interesting option is the use of special balls for automatic watering

Water quality

To water orchids, you can use plain water from the tap. You should first settle it in order to eliminate harmful impurities, heavy salts, which not only do not bring any benefit, but can also damage the flower. Only soft water is allowed. If your water supply comes from hard water, you should not use it.

On a note! It is allowed to use not only tap water, but also settled rainwater and distilled water. It is advisable to boil the liquid in advance or purify it by passing it through a filter.


If you decide to store rainwater to water your orchids, you must adhere to these rules.

  1. Collect liquid outside the city limits so that plantings are not exposed to negative impact dust, which is found in large quantities in urban environments.
  2. After collecting rainwater, store it in a cool place. This way you can reduce the rate of bacterial growth.

Rainwater is most suitable for watering orchids. It is not always possible to use it, since in the city rainwater can do more harm than good. To avoid damaging the flower, it is necessary to store water in proper conditions.

Boiled water

If you notice increased water hardness, you need to boil it. This will make the liquid softer. There are no harmful effects of boiled water on plants.

Distilled water

If you decide to water your orchids with distilled water, you need to dilute it with tap water, focusing on the level of hardness. If the water is very hard, you need to dilute it with tap water in a ratio of 1:2. If the liquid is of medium hardness, it is enough to mix it in a 1:1 ratio.

When using distilled water, you can independently determine the desired level of salt content and adjust it by changing the proportions. Among the disadvantages of watering with distilled water is the high cost. The money spent is especially noticeable if the grower breeds orchids in large quantities.

Filtered liquid

If for cleaning running water Using special filters, you can quickly remove heavy metals and dangerous bacteria from the water. Purified water is more suitable for irrigation than regular tap water. In most cases, no time is spent on water purification large quantity Money. Among the disadvantages of watering with filtered water is the low cleaning speed, especially when caring for a large number of orchids.

To speed up the growth and development of an orchid, it is advisable to pay attention to the acidity of the water. The optimal indicator is pH5. To determine the acidity level, you need to use litmus paper. Moisture enriched with oxygen is beneficial for an orchid. To enrich water, just pour it from one container to another.

This is a pH meter - a device for determining the acidity (pH) of water

Video - Watering an orchid

Optimal watering frequency

There are no exact dates to guide you when watering a plant. You should pay attention to the condition of the soil.

The frequency of watering depends on the following circumstances:

  • indoor humidity;
  • ambient temperature;
  • lighting;
  • size of container with flower.

To determine the moisture level of the substrate, you can use one of the methods below.

Table. Ways to check soil moisture in a pot.

Take the pot in your hands.If it turns out to be heavier than usual, it means the ground has not yet dried out.
Use a wooden stick.Place it in the ground. Carry out this step carefully so as not to disturb the roots of the plant. Remove the item. If the stick becomes wet, it means that watering is not required yet. Otherwise, it is advisable to water the orchid.
If condensation forms on the sides, you should delay watering.When the condensation dries, you can moisten the soil.
Pay attention to the roots.Lightening of the roots indicates the need for watering.

The top layer of soil dries out faster than the main part. Even if the soil above seems dry, it is possible that the time for watering has not yet come. If you have recently transplanted a plant and an orchid is currently blooming, the plant may suffer from dry air; it is advisable to water it at least 2-3 times a week. In other cases, it is enough to water the orchid once a week. If the room maintains moderate or low temperature, watering can be done even less frequently.

Watering orchids at home - important condition successful cultivation

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the plants during flowering to determine the optimal frequency of watering. If the plant begins to drop flowers, it means it is suffering from insufficient moisture. This phenomenon is also indicated by earlier wilting of buds and a reduction in the period of active flowering.

When determining the optimal amount of watering, you need to pay attention to the planting method. If the plant is in suspension system, it is necessary to spray every day. Coarse-grained soil dries out faster than soil composed of fine fractions. Moisture accumulation is possible in a substrate that contains a large amount of perlite and moss. If the orchid is planted on a block, watering should be done more often than when placed in a pot.

Common mistakes when watering

An orchid may suffer from stagnation and excess moisture. Constant overwatering can provoke putrefactive processes. To protect the plant from this phenomenon, you can make high drainage using polystyrene foam. You can also use expanded clay or gravel, however, these materials increase the risk of pests that can cause various flower diseases.

Features of moisture consumption by orchids

The mode of moisture consumption is influenced by the lifestyle of plants. To create comfortable conditions For the growth of orchids, it is necessary to adapt the process of home watering to the natural conditions under which the plant receives moisture.

Here are a few important features process.

  1. Orchids receive moisture from rain, dew, and fog. The soil dries quickly, so moisture does not stagnate in the root system.
  2. Plants consume water in small doses. The special structure of the root is noteworthy. Thin hair covered with corked fabric, which is similar in structure and effect on moisture absorption to a sponge.
  3. Ability to survive even long periods of drought. Liquid accumulates in the stem, leaves, and other green parts of the plant.
  4. Cyclic development. When the roots and stems reach required size, it's time to bloom. In their natural habitat, orchids bloom during periods of high rainfall. When growing orchids at home, it is necessary to increase the amount of moisture when the plant blooms.
  5. The rate of moisture absorption depends on the growth rate. When the plant receives little light, development processes slow down and the orchid goes into a dormant state. At this time, the need for moisture decreases. If you continue to water a plant moved to the shade at the usual frequency, you can provoke root rot and the onset of other diseases.

On a note! To confirm or rule out that the plant is in dormancy mode, it is necessary to evaluate the condition of the roots. If the flower is in an active growth phase, the root is green and a growing point can be found on it. When the flower goes dormant, the root turns white.

Individual approach

To determine the exact timing of watering, you need to focus on the type of plant. It is advisable to water Phalaenopsis using the immersion method for half an hour. It can also be filled with copious amounts of water. It is advisable to spray the surface of the substrate periodically. In summer, watering is carried out once every 2-3 days. In winter, 2 times a month is enough. It is advisable to place these plants in a transparent container to determine the condition of the roots. Carefully ensure that the liquid does not get into the growth point, as this phenomenon can cause the death of the plant.

Vanda grows well if located in a room with high humidity air. It is advisable to practice daily spraying and frequently apply water under the roots. Once every few weeks, you can soak the roots by leaving the pot in water for 1-2 hours. Carry out the procedure carefully, do not allow liquid to penetrate the leaves or flower stalks. Do not let the inflorescences get wet.