Why do you dream of a mobile phone being broken in half? Why dream of breaking a phone or screen - interpretation of dream books

Why do you dream of breaking your phone? Nowadays, it is the thing that few people leave home without, and which is always at hand. This determines some importance of your favorite device. Does this mean that a broken phone screen in a dream is a metaphorical image of losing something equally dear to the heart? Each dream book interprets a dream in its own way, but the quintessence of the descriptions will help you come to the right conclusion about a possible prophecy.

Did you break something in your dream? What is it for?

When answering the question about why you dream of breaking your phone, you need to approach it step by step. And to begin with, it wouldn’t hurt to figure out why you dream of simply breaking something.

Such a dream indicates the dreamer’s internal uncertainty, that is, the subconscious directly indicates that it is precisely this trait that prevents him from achieving his goals. It is worth taking this hint from your inner self into account, becoming more decisive in your actions and choices, casting aside doubts - and perhaps this will be the key to future success.

What does a telephone mean in a dream?

Second important nuance, which you need to pay special attention to when deciphering a dream about a broken phone is the device itself as such. What could he be dreaming about? What can be the interpretation of dreams? You dream of a telephone when the dreamer has a strong desire to contact someone, or vice versa - the same desire on the part of his loved ones, relatives, or even unfamiliar or even strangers.

Mobile phone

A cell phone appears in a dream when someone from the sleeper’s environment tries to attract his attention. This may also mean that some fact is escaping the dreamer’s attention, and he needs to concentrate and gather himself properly in order to notice that piece of the puzzle, without which he is not able to assemble the whole picture. A cell phone can also appear in a dream, foreshadowing a meeting with someone, and this someone will surprise you with their behavior or even shock you.

Why do you dream about breaking your phone?

Breaking a phone in a dream is not a very good sign. One interpretation says that the dreamer will face a series of minor problems. Minor troubles, of course, do not greatly poison life, but there is little pleasant in them either. At the very least, it is definitely within their power to spoil your nerves.

A broken phone screen symbolizes that life situation when things are decided at random, blindly. That is, the dreamer does not have sufficient, accurate or reliable information regarding his problem, task or person. Just as cracks on the screen make it difficult to see the image, the lack of data makes it difficult to understand the situation. But just as a phone can be repaired, reality can be changed if you direct your energy and actions in the right direction.

"According to Freud"

You can, of course, break your phone in a dream completely by accident. But it can also be done in a fit of anger. Then dreams indicate the dreamer’s raging rage, which he is trying to suppress and hide in his soul. In this case, the telephone is just an attribute, and in itself it means little. And I dreamed because in modern world, as mentioned above, this device is constantly present, deposited in memory and pops up at the first call of the unconscious. Meanwhile, the subconscious is worried about something completely different - aggression that needs to be directed towards something. Murakami also argued that feelings cannot be hidden inside, otherwise they will die. Anger is a negative emotion, which means this force needs to be used as soon as possible, and preferably in a positive way. This is such a paradox. And the dream book advises the healthiest and most natural option - sex.

But what if it’s an accident?

If you suddenly dream that the phone is broken by pure chance, and the dreamer is not at all to blame for this, then the interpretation of such a night vision will be completely different. It is difficult to call such a dream a dream - it will rather be upset by what you saw. Unfortunately, the same feelings will arise in reality.

Let's look through the dream book some more. A broken phone is a rather interesting symbol, and such a dream can tell a lot.

Telephone as a symbol of communication

From some point on, the pace of life began to intensify, the rhythm began to accelerate, telephone communication became the norm, and sometimes even more so. a common occurrence than live face-to-face conversations. That is why the mobile phone clearly symbolizes the dreamer’s relationship with his environment.

Seeing a phone in a dream, and even more so breaking it, means worrying about a possible misunderstanding with your friends. The dream book advises: what needs to be said will be said, which means there is no need to worry and spoil your nerves, in vain. Frankness in this matter is the best assistant. She is also close friend understanding and trust.

What the dream book will tell you about: a broken phone

There are several more interpretations that bring closer the disclosure of the exciting secret. Why do you dream of breaking your phone? Such a dream may mean problems with the perception of hidden information. The dreamer is recommended to work more on his ability to read between the lines.

You can break a phone in a dream even when in reality you need to get rid of “junk” in your life, unnecessary things that only bring stagnation and hinder progress. Such night vision is a sign, a call to action.

Mobile phone is a storehouse of information

Modern smartphones give their owners the opportunity not only to call other people and communicate via SMS. Features such as a camera, player, and Internet access contribute to the fact that the phone becomes a repository of a huge amount of information in a wide variety of formats, all kinds, shapes and sizes. What does all this lead to? The dream book is based on the fact that each person puts a part of himself into the device. In addition, he doesn’t bother to remember many things, because they are already in the smartphone. That's why, if you dreamed of a broken phone, one of the possible interpretations will be as follows: the dreamer will forget or lose something very important, and problems will arise because of this. To avoid such a development of events, it is recommended to rely more on yourself, but at the same time be more prudent, set priorities and protect what comes first more than everything else. You may even have to be careful and play it safe for a while.

Negative sign or just unconscious fear?

The above interpretations can hardly be called positive. However, just seeing a phone in a dream does not mean that fate hastily began to prepare an unpleasant surprise for you. And even if so, it is not a fact that this bad thing will actually happen. If you dreamed of a broken phone, then most likely such an image simply symbolizes some subconscious fears of the sleeper.

For example, such a dream may mean that in reality a person is simply afraid of losing something very expensive, and not at all the fact of loss itself. As soon as the one to whom the described dream appeared in the darkness of the night realizes his true feelings, copes with them and with possible impending problems, life will become much easier for him.

And troubles with loved ones may even turn out to be imaginary. It is always worth considering the fact that everything that a person sees in a dream are echoes of what he has already seen, knows, or is thinking about. The dreamer may be mistaken in his conjectures, and if he relies on night visions, this will not lead to anything good. After all, in essence, it’s just a vicious circle. Pouring from empty to empty.

Other meanings

A broken phone screen in a dream is often associated with scandals and quarrels in reality. There is also a well-known interpretation that talks about some unexpected news. Whether they are good or bad - the dream book does not specify this. And, unfortunately, this is not something that the dreamer can control. In this case, it is better to rely on the principle that says: what is supposed to happen will happen anyway.

Coming changes - that's what else a phone that crashes in a dream can promise. In order to more accurately unravel such a vision, you should remember the dream down to the smallest detail. The part where the device crashes is very important: remember why this happened? And in reality, try to avoid such situations.

The next meaning of a dream in which the phone broke indicates that it is time for the dreamer to learn to take responsibility for his actions, because his rash actions cause harm to both him and those around him. It's time to grow up and become more prudent before relationships with loved ones are completely ruined.


So, why dream of breaking your phone? The interpretation of such a night vision (or day vision) is influenced by a sufficient number of factors: under what circumstances it happened, what emotions it was accompanied by and what consequences it turned out to have. The question of what and whose phone it was was also important. It is impossible to take into account all the nuances. The most probable interpretations of such a dream are described above, but to be completely sure, the dreamer should clarify the details of the dream and look in the dream book what they mean.

So, for example, if you break a phone in a dream, not your own, but someone else’s, then, probably, the meaning of the dream will concern the owner of the device. And if, despite the obvious unfavorability of the event, it caused only positive emotions (after all, dreams are sometimes very strange and illogical), then in reality you should expect something good. Even if we take into account that most interpretations are still negative.

And one more important point. Remember who broke the phone? The dreamer or his environment? Depending on this, control over further events in life is determined.

The last version of the interpretation is very logical and extremely simple: maybe the dream only means that even the subconscious is striving for a new device, because the old device is already pretty tired?

The telephone is a symbol of communication with the outside world. This necessary means of communication has become so firmly established in everyday life that it has become a constant companion. modern man. Why do you dream about a broken phone? Let's look at this issue in detail.

Telephone is a symbol of communication with the outside world

A broken phone in reality and in a dream will cause a state of shock, which does not seem necessary to explain. For some citizens, an expensive phone represents a social image, no less.

What symbolism does this image in a dream contain? If the phone was new, expect bad changes in life. If the cell phone was old, an update in life is coming. Getting rid of old things and objects in a dream is always a sign of good changes.

If we consider a gadget as a means of communication with the outside world, then a broken gadget will mean:

  • loss of connections with the right people;
  • parting with friends or a loved one;
  • conflicts with business partners due to misunderstandings;
  • an obstacle to communicating with the right person;
  • lack of necessary information;
  • reluctance to communicate with anyone.

If we consider the actions that were associated with the phone, the following plot will be important:

  • the phone suddenly crashed;
  • you deliberately broke your gadget;
  • someone else broke your phone;
  • you see someone's phone broken.

Break your phone accidentally- not good. The dreamer will face problems in solving important matters related to communication. If the screen of a gadget is cracked, the dreamer does not have a clear idea of ​​the business he is involved in.

Seeing a broken phone in a dream- a symbol of problems in communicating with loved ones. Soon misunderstandings and conflicts with friends will arise, and communication will be interrupted for some time. However, you should not be upset: communication will be restored after some time.

If the dreamer breaks his gadget in despair, this could mean:

  • anger about inaccessible information;
  • an attempt to get rid of communication;
  • desire to get rid of old memories;
  • desire to radically change your life.

Secret or inaccessible information that the dreamer needs can provoke an attack of despair or anger. This is precisely what a dream means in which the sleeper smashes gadget against wall or throws him to the floor. No matter what you do, in the near future you will not learn what you want to know.

Sometimes old circle communication becomes so boring for a person that he is ready to run away anywhere just to avoid meeting unnecessary people. Either a person suffers from unnecessary communication and does not know how to get rid of it - the subconscious sends an image of a broken phone. The dreamer himself must abruptly stop all contacts that are not beneficial.

Communication is associated with both positive and negative memories. Breaking a gadget in a dream- advice from the subconscious to get rid of unnecessary memories. Live in the present day, not in past events. Also, a phone broken against a wall can give a hint to a change in lifestyle, which begins with denying previous contacts and changing the environment.

Dream warning

If you're trying in your sleep talk on a broken phone, conflicts with friends or co-workers will soon arise. If you wanted to convey news to a friend via a damaged phone, it is with him that misunderstandings will arise. If you called at work, expect problems with colleagues. If a girl calls her lover's faulty cell phone, the couple will soon separate.

If you call a person with whom you are in a quarrel using a faulty telephone, you should immediately reconcile with him. This dream is a hint for action. Now is a favorable time to improve relationships.

You bought a new phone, which turned out to be broken? This means that soon there will be big problems in communicating with people. On the contrary, breaking the phone means getting rid of the annoying problem associated with unnecessary communication. You dialed the number and the phone is cracked or spoiled? This means you are exaggerating your communication problems.

If you are trying to find a solution to a question or in doubt where to start, - a dream with a broken gadget indicates a lack of awareness. You do not have the information to successfully cope with your plan. As soon as the necessary amount of information arrives, everything will be resolved by itself - and the problem will disappear.

Communication, communication, information - through them we keep everything under control. Therefore, a broken means of communication warns that the situation is out of control and is developing spontaneously.

If you were entrusted with a secret, but there is a temptation to tell it to the world - the dream warns not to do anything stupid. Bury the secret in the depths of your soul, because it does not belong to you. Don't make an irreparable mistake.

Psychological aspect of the dream

Psychologists consider the image of a broken gadget to be a symbol psychological problems related to communication:

  • fear of loss of communication;
  • desire to avoid responsibility;
  • desire to keep information secret.

A broken phone can be a dream for lovers people who are afraid of losing each other. In this situation, the dream is a reflection of daytime experiences and is not subject to interpretation. Broken/broken means of communication - horrible dream For loving hearts who live only by communicating with their loved ones.

When a person is afraid to take responsibility for his words/ actions, the image of a broken means of communication expresses his subconscious fear of being responsible for what was done. This dream also has no interpretation, since it is a reflection of the dreamer’s thoughts, an attempt to avoid conversation.

Fear of revealing secrets can also transform into the image of a broken means of communication. The dreamer is so afraid that someone will find out about his action that he clutches at straws - he dreams that all means of communication will disappear from his life. Fear can be passive - the image of someone breaking a gadget comes to mind. Fear can take a panic form - the dreamer breaks the phone in rage.

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A mobile phone is an important part of many people's lives, so when they dream that it is broken, it leads to panic and unpleasant emotions. Unfortunately, now there is no opportunity to ask the great predictors what such a dream could mean, since in the era of their lives mobile communications hasn't happened yet. However, based on their works, you can draw certain conclusions and understand why you dream of a broken phone.

Communication with the outside world

In the modern world, every person has a mobile phone. Some people even have several working devices, so losing contact with the outside world can immediately shock and completely disorient a person. After all, the phone stores a lot of necessary information, photos, videos, messages. For some, it is also an indicator of image.

When you dream of a broken phone, it’s worth taking a closer look at your mobile phone. For example, if the model of the device has long been outdated, then such a dream is a sign of serious changes. There is no need to worry, as new opportunities will open up for the dreamer. Getting rid of the old is always good sign. However, if the phone model was new and expensive, you should expect some unpleasant surprises.

Considering that the telephone is a way of communicating with loved ones and other acquaintances, it is quite logical to draw a parallel with this meaning. The dream can mean the following:

  • Reluctance to communicate with people.
  • Misunderstandings at work with colleagues or important clients.
  • Any obstacles that prevent you from communicating with a person.
  • Loss of contact with family.
  • Parting with a loved one.
  • Inability to obtain the necessary information.

In addition, the dream script plays an important role. Depending on what happened interpretation may differ:

  • A stranger deliberately broke a mobile phone.
  • The dreamer himself broke the phone, for example, by hitting it against the wall.
  • The purchased device turned out to be damaged.
  • The broken phone belonged to another owner.

If you dreamed of a broken phone, you should expect problems with close friends. Perhaps communication with them will be interrupted for an indefinite period of time. This will happen due to a quarrel or hidden resentment. It is unlikely that this will be avoided, however, after some time, everything will return to its place and communication will resume.

To understand why you dream of breaking a mobile phone, you need to understand whether it happened by accident or on purpose, out of emotion. For example, if the breakdown occurred accidentally, then soon the sleeper will have to prepare for problems related to communication. It may not be possible to contact the right people, or communication with a business partner will suddenly come to naught. If a person deliberately threw the device against the wall, this means the following:

  • A person is trying to radically change his life.
  • An attempt to fulfill long-standing desires.
  • The dreamer is tired of communicating with someone from his close circle, and he is trying to get rid of him.
  • Anger at not being able to achieve goals.

Sometimes a person becomes fed up with current communication and wants to stop it. In this regard, on a subconscious level, the dreamer sees dreams in which he gets rid of the means of communication. Don't force yourself to do something against your desires. This will lead to unnecessary problems. It is better to limit your communication and give yourself a rest.

Lack of information is also often the cause of anger. If one of the relatives stubbornly hides something or fails to get all the necessary information about work, the person begins to get angry. It’s worth calming down and letting go of the situation, since you won’t be able to find out anything in the near future anyway.

If a woman dreamed that she broke her phone, then it’s time to change her life. Perhaps you should reconsider your social circle or let go of the past that does not allow you to live in the present. Once you manage to do this, life will become much brighter and more interesting.

The situation that led to the breakdown

There is an important meaning in a dream in which a person himself, accidentally or on purpose, broke his means of communication. In order to correctly interpret dreams, it is important to remember what caused the breakdown.

A very common scene is throwing the phone into a hard surface. It doesn't matter if it was the floor or the wall. This indicates a person’s impulsiveness, increased emotionality and quick temper. This behavior may not be liked by those close to you, for example, the dreamer’s family. If you do not pull yourself together in time and begin to control your actions, such behavior will lead to quarrels between loved ones. The dream warns of possible troubles in the family.

Breaking a mobile phone in a fight is a bad sign. This means that serious problems are coming that the dreamer will have to cope with alone. You shouldn’t worry about this, since overcoming obstacles only strengthens your character. After some unpleasant situations, calm times will come.

If the dreamer accidentally dropped the phone, one of his close friends needs help. It is worth taking into account that the sleeper is quite capable of helping this person. In return he will receive great gratitude and appreciation. In addition, this will provide an opportunity to get closer to the person and hope for his reciprocal help and support in the future.

The fortuneteller Hasse wrote in her dream book that a broken phone speaks about a person’s character. Perhaps he does not have very good intentions towards other people. You should not carry out an evil deed, because in the end it will come back like a boomerang and greatly affect the sleeper.

Appearance and significance of the device

The mobile phone itself plays a big role in the interpretation of sleep. For example, it was new or shabby, expensive or cheap. In addition, the dreamer's attitude towards his phone may also matter.

Breaking a phone whose model was quite expensive and new promises financial problems. The dreamer should prepare for big losses. For some time you will have to seriously limit yourself and forget about implementing business ideas. If the situation is in the opposite order, the sleeper need not worry about serious problems.

An old, shabby model that was accidentally or deliberately broken in a dream speaks of minor troubles. They may appear at work or in family life, but will not cause serious inconvenience. Another interpretation lies in possible intrigues among close people. Perhaps someone is trying to harm, start gossip or ruin plans. In this case, a phone breakdown indicates that the person will be able to cope with the problem due to his strong-willed character.

A device that is important to the owner of the dream and valuable as a memory promises serious changes in life. It is worth considering: before they can be achieved, difficult problems will have to be overcome. However, having dealt with them, you can finally relax and enjoy a new, better life.

An expensive phone that is of no value to the owner indicates his wastefulness in real life. This attitude towards life can lead to problems. If you do not take action in time and do not reconsider your behavior, you can expect unpleasant consequences.

The culprit of the event

A broken cell phone is always a bad sign. Everyone has heard that if you break a mirror or glass, you will have several unlucky years. This also applies to other objects, the same telephone, therefore, having seen such a dream, It's important not to panic, but to fully analyze the situation in order to avoid possible problems. In this case, who broke the mobile phone in a dream plays an important role.

If this happened due to the dreamer’s fault, for example, his clumsiness, this indicates a too soft and trusting character. It is very easy to take advantage of such people, which is the main problem for the sleeper. It's time to stop pleasing everyone and start showing your own character. If the device accidentally breaks by hitting hard surface, you will have to change your attitude towards familiar things. Perhaps some events will force you to reconsider your views on life.

A dream in which close friends or relatives were the culprits of the breakdown speaks of possible squabbles between you. The causes of the conflict will not be serious, however, if the emerging misunderstandings are not stopped in time, they will soon turn into a full-fledged quarrel. It is important to take into account that if the phone was broken on purpose, it means that the person guilty of this in reality wishes the dreamer trouble. He will try to annoy the sleeping person behind his back.

Losing a gadget

If you see a mobile phone lost in a dream, you should not try to find it. secret meaning. The result of such dreams is one’s own fear for the mobile device. The subconscious simply splashes out its emotions in a dream, so You should not pay attention if you dreamed of the following situations:

  • The dreamer witnessed the theft.
  • I happened to lose my phone myself.
  • Someone stole the device.
  • Close person left without a phone.

People have become very attached to their mobile phone and cannot imagine a situation in which they will be left without it. Such fears are the cause of the dream. Experts even believe that excessive dependence is a mental disorder, so if the dreamer begins to notice such fears in himself, it is worth limiting the use of a modern gadget.

Phone model

The modern world can provide a person with any type of communication. They differ from each other, but have one goal - to connect two people at a distance. When interpreting a dream, it is worth paying attention to even this detail. It is advisable to remember what type of connection you dreamed about:

  • Mobile. In this case, it doesn’t matter what kind of phone it was. For example, large with a large screen or small and old-fashioned. A broken mobile indicates that the owner of the dream is on the verge of depression. A person has lost his taste for life, familiar things have ceased to interest and bring joy. Despite good material and social status, something is missing. It is worth reconsidering your views, changing your job or environment, and acquiring a hobby.
  • Home. Gradually, with the advent of mobile phones, home phones are beginning to fade into the background. If a person saw it broken in a dream, one should expect trouble. Someone from your inner circle harbors anger and envy. Not wanting to show it, a person will try to do harm on the sly. For example, giving advice that will ultimately lead to a problem. You need to be on your guard and not give in to provocations.
  • Antique. Such a dream does not carry anything bad, but speaks of the old-fashioned character of a person. On the one hand, this is quite good and even adds charm, but on the other hand, it becomes the culprit of failed relationships. It’s worth putting aside your prejudices and having the courage not to push away new opportunities.

An unexpected find

A dream in which you managed to find a broken device promises unpleasant news from loved ones. Someone from your environment will soon turn to you and ask for help. This should not be ignored. Firstly, it is worth helping the person, and secondly, it will be beneficial in the future. A loved one will be grateful for the help provided and may be able to help if you find yourself in trouble.

It is important to remember that the phone crashed only in a dream. The feeling of relief after such a dream will certainly fill you with pleasant emotions, because you managed to avoid a real loss. You should perceive a dream as a signal from the subconscious, which indicates possible incorrect behavior. It is worth reconsidering your actions and stop paying attention to external factors. Sometimes a dream with a broken phone does not convey special meaning. It simply means that the person is worried about his device or has forgotten to look at something on his phone, for example, the date of an important meeting.

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Why do you dream about a broken phone in a dream according to the dream book?

Well, a white phone, they bought me a new one, they said I was saving it! And I was shaking and falling in and breaking, and I was worried that they wouldn’t cook me. That glass would break, and then I woke up.

I was given a phone the day before yesterday. And last night I had a dream that my phone broke (there was a hole and cracks in the screen). It wasn’t me who broke it. I was sitting at my desk, and a girl walked by and caught it, and it flew off and crashed. After that, he fell again (he was pushed again). I took it off and put it on the table.

I left my phone on the grass along with my clothes. moved away. then in another place I saw my things that I had left, there was no phone. I ran to look for him where I left him. I came, and he was all beaten up. Panic set in, I thought what my mother would say. however, after several attempts it turned on.

I have been dreaming about my phone for several days in a row, in the dream I feel afraid that I will break it, and in the end I break it, i.e. the phone screen, and the glass of the screen gradually crumbles to the floor, and the picture on the phone, although bright, is blurry, as if I had broken my glasses. And the last time this dream seemed very realistic to me, as if in a willow tree. I woke up afterwards and within an hour I couldn’t sleep. Thank you!

in a dream I gave away 4 black and white kittens, but when I carried in my pocket to give one kitten to a new owner, I realized that he would be in danger, so I did not give the kitten to this man, he began to chase us, and I ran away and tried to save kitten

In a dream, my mother accidentally broke my phone in front of me, and the phone is very important to me, because it’s an iPhone, I take care of it. The dream felt like it was not long ago in life, and my boyfriend was also present in the dream, and we were in a relationship not so long ago. When my mother saw my reaction (I was in shock, I was very upset), even now iPhones are expensive, so she took out her wallet, there were a lot of five-thousand dollar bills and gave the amount that an iPhone 4s currently costs, and the young man said in a dream that since I want an iPhone 5S, he will add it to me cash. I don’t understand why I dream of a broken phone and my reaction to the fact that my mother broke it

I talked to my dad in the hall. He was sitting in a chair and I stood next to him, it seemed like the conversation was simple, i.e. not aggressive, but my phone falls, I pick it up and find that the screen in the center is broken in the form of a hole... but it still functions.

I don’t remember the whole dream clearly, but I remember that the phone fell down onto the asphalt and when I picked it up, I saw 2-3 long cracks, then I thought, well, it crashed - it crashed anyway, that’s what happened.

Yesterday I dreamed that I broke my tablet, before I also dreamed about it, but in reality nothing happened, but this time the next day after sleep in the evening, when I took it out of my backpack, I found a lot of cracks in the camera area, what does this mean? ?

I dreamed about my yellow phone, that it was completely broken, both the screen and the back panel. And my friend offers me to buy a phone from him, but I really don’t like it. It was worse than mine and gray in color.

I was in my mother’s room and I took her white large touchscreen phone and it fell from my hands and broke. I often have dreams that turn out to be true. What does it mean to break a phone in a dream????

I dreamed about how I broke my phone with some blows, and then I also broke my tablet. The mother-in-law got on the tablet, and part of the phone was dangling and I tried to fasten it and it worked, and the phone worked, although sometimes it broke again and dangled on the reins.

Everything was dark, near some abandoned building, the sky was gray, fluffy clouds. I was leaving the gate and knew that the tablet would fall and break, so I took it more tightly. But something scared me and it fell out of my hands

Hello! I didn’t see my face in a dream, I only saw the hands in which I held cellular telephone(the phone is the same as in life). I was going down the stairs and the phone (it was in my right hand) fell right onto the steps with the screen down. I picked it up and saw the broken screen.

Good afternoon I had a dream as if I was in the city of my childhood, and I was returning home from somewhere very upset about something. I hear some noise from behind, I turn around and accidentally drop my phone. It wasn't summer. But it feels like the phone slipped on the ice, because it flew very far, about 100 meters. And when I picked it up, it just crumbled into crumbs.

I dreamed of my new sensor being handed over to me mobile phone, I know the person who handed it to me. There were 2 large cracks on it, completely encircling it, the cracks stood out, they were white against the background of the dark phone, together where the crack was, in addition to everything, it was not very bent, but it was in working order. I tried to straighten it, fixed it in some places, bent it even more in others, the phone looked like plasticine in places where it was broken, but it didn’t break, it still worked. I asked the person who did all this, when will you repair it, he answered me that only after New Year's holidays, since everyone is on vacation during the holidays.
This whole event took place in the technical school office.

Good afternoon I dreamed that I was on a bus and my backpack flew out the window. I ran out
I find a backpack, take out the phone, and its screen is broken and there is a hole in the middle, I turned it on and it works
Thank you

Good afternoon I dreamed that I was on a bus and a gust of wind blew my backpack out the window, I ran out, picked it up and took out the phone, the screen was broken, there was a hole in the middle, but the phone was in working order.
Thank you

I was walking and my mother called me and told me to go home, I went near the house, someone called me and I picked up the phone and I dropped it on purpose and went home.
2 sleep
I was walking too
it was just summer
and we were on the river
and somewhere in the evening
I wanted to see what time it was
and I didn't find my phone
and suddenly
someone brings it to me
I take him in my hands he is still whole
and when I took him in my hands he immediately fell and crashed

I had a dream: When I went for a walk with a friend, I grabbed my tablet and in the dream my friend suggested that I go outside and I walked and then my friend and I sat down on a new bench and started playing with him and we played and played and suddenly a crack appeared in me on the screen and then I come home and notice scratches on the tablet and then I woke up.

hello, I dreamed that I was holding a broken phone in my hands and either I had to call or me and I started to worry that it was broken and no one would get through to me, then it turns out that it was not my phone that was broken, but my husband’s, and mine is lying intact I'm in my pocket and I don't know what to do

My mobile phone is broken beyond repair, but it wasn’t me who broke it. I’m crying a lot, I’m burdened by this circumstance, and some young man (I didn’t see his face) promises to buy me a new one. I cry a lot and decide. that all is not lost, I’m going with the old one, because I’m expecting a very important call for me

I’m walking with someone, I don’t remember who, it seems like one of my relatives, in some area. Trees, grass, stones. I approach a large stone, raise my leg to step over it, and then a mobile phone falls out of my left hand, the first one my husband gave me. I bend down, pick it up, something flew off from it, I again raised my leg to step over the stone, and it fell out again. And so on one or two more times. As a result, I am holding in my hands a fragment of either a phone or a stone... They call me in front, and I look at what is in my hands. I don’t remember further.

I dreamed that the phone fell from my hands and broke into pieces, then some man ran over my SIM card and when I demanded that he give it to me, he gave me a beautiful brooch instead of pictures and I woke up

I had a dream that my phone’s screen was broken in half by an even strip; when I pressed it, it sank a little. then I dreamed that it was as if I was pregnant, there was a feeling that I was convinced of this. as if they told me you’re pregnant and I thought that oh, I’m really pregnant

The first time I had a dream, I don’t remember what it was about, but I remember that it was about a broken tablet... and tonight, I was usually walking with friends on the beach and the tablet with my phone was in the way, I hid them under a bench, then I started looking for it and it wasn’t there, the phone was stolen and We found the tablet under the chair and it was completely broken

I dreamed that I came to work in the morning on the stairs, I had to climb up the building, I climbed up and put the phone on the ledge when I climbed up, I thought that I needed to lift the phone so that it wouldn’t break, but it fell and one half fell under some woman’s feet and she picked it up and gave it to me and the second one fell down and I started crying that I was left without communication and there was no money to buy another one

I dreamed that my phone was broken, a woman took my phone (stole it), I noticed it, she threw it into the river and it hit a bridge and broke into 2 parts, I then found it in the river, collected it, and it worked

I dreamed that my classmate, well, she’s already a homeless person, so I’m sitting on the street with my friends waiting for our boyfriends and suddenly she, we hid our phones and laptops, she approaches the LP, but not the one, and pulls her for the vlls to the other, which means she comes up and kicks, breaking the bodies. and laptop. and it means she’s coming to me, she takes my phone and threw it against a stone, and with a laptop, me and my friends also start beating her, I’m the bravest because I know hand-to-hand combat, the guy taught me, and it’s in vain that no one comes up from behind, so we beat her up and she’s lying there and looks at us here, our guys come and ask what’s wrong, we tell them and show them, well, they went to figure it out, but we were taken to my house after about 30 minutes, they came neither hello nor goodbye, straight to the bath, they let us go out into the street, we went quietly where we saw her, we went, we went, and suddenly we saw her covered in blood, one of her friends said so and she should, well, we all agreed, well, I don’t know what happened next, the dog called me for a walk.

I dreamed that I was in some kind of camp... running and rejoicing with others. We were brought into the corps and I noticed that there was no phone in my pocket, and my heart stopped. I said that I had lost it and started looking for it, they told me that we saw it somewhere under the bed.. I was worried that it was intact, because the phone was new and I was afraid for it. I took it out with the front side under the bed.. and it was intact, but the bumper was broken.. I looked at it and couldn’t understand what to do next...couldn’t get over the shock

I dreamed about a family ex-boyfriend. They received me very warmly, hugged me, and were glad to see me. I don’t remember how we ended up together. For some reason I went to bed and when I woke up my phone (new) was completely broken. My ex was trying to do or decide something, I had the idea that I should buy a new phone.
There was no intimacy with him in the dream and was not expected. I have a boyfriend, we’ve been together for 9 months. I broke up with my ex for a little over a year.
I literally dreamed about it twice, and then it was some kind of dream filled with emotions.
Moreover, in the dream I was in a relationship, that is, I was thinking about how to explain everything to my current boyfriend.

My friend and I were taking a selfie, the phone fell out of our hands, it turned out, my friend’s mom told me to buy a new one, I was afraid to tell my parents about it because we had problems with money, but I said it and mom and dad reacted normally

I was given a good phone and an expensive tablet, this is very strange, in fact I would never have been given both at once and so expensive
I come to school, but there are a lot of people not from my school, and they give me my phone, I look at it, I don’t know what to do, I shout at the girl that she will pay, and I see that my tablet is also broken, then I just ran around to find out if it was possible ask phone number how much it will cost

I dreamed that I kept dropping my phone. In the dream, this irritated me wildly, because it didn’t look like me. I ended up bending the screen because it somehow fell under a chair and someone sat on the chair. The room looked like my school, the class in which I once studied, and my former classmates and girlfriends were sitting next to me.
The girls were surprised that I completely broke the phone. I took it in my hands and straightened it out, and the “wounds” on it seemed to heal and it was like new again.

As I sit down, the phone flies out of my hands and flies to the side, I look, get up, I want to catch up, but it flies quickly and seems to be on the road, when I go up and take it, I look and see that the glass screen is cracked and there is practically nothing left inside under it, but the feeling inside it’s like, well, nothing, no need to worry, no need to get attached to the material world, I broke it, so what the heck with it))) but it also seemed like there was my crying...

Well, I was talking with a friend and my completely broken phone was in my hands/ Then we went to another place, there I met my ex, I still love him. We talked about the dog and he left, and my friend and I went on for a walk...

I dreamed that I discovered that my phone was badly broken. Broken off Bottom part case, some parts fell out. a strip of 1 cm on top is also broken off. My phone still worked, but I was very depressed by its appearance and the fact that it was now not very convenient to handle. I was indignant that I still needed to pay money for it, and it was in unusable condition. at the end of the dream, I think I began to realize that this was a dream and when I woke up it would be normal. the last thoughts were already at the stage of awakening. when I truly woke up. I finally calmed down that everything was fine with him.

I will write my dream that I had yesterday
I don't know what this could mean
Hope you can help.
there was some kind of room, it was something like educational institution and everyone had to make handmade bath bombs and shampoos
and then without fail everyone took a bath
it was a room with baths
imagine in a dorm the beds are arranged in rows
instead of beds there are baths
and there was me and two more of my friends
Everyone is getting into these baths, but I don’t have time
Everyone sits and washes in front of each other, the baths are full, everyone is foaming. Two of my friends are nearby and I didn’t have time and they took my bath
And I'll go naked in the bath
and trying to cover my chest with foam
and he tells me
haha, nice breasts
and I’m so ashamed and everyone is looking at me and I can’t hide in any way
and it’s like I don’t have time to do anything in slow motion, like I’m drunk, I do everything slowly. everyone is doing everything fine but I can’t keep up
everyone gets out of the bathtubs and then cleans them
there were still breaks and then my friends left. Their hair was very fluffy after the bath.
I see them leaving
and I was left naked in the bathtub and I don’t know how to get out

Hello. I really want to know about my phone, I fixed it yesterday. This morning I had a dream in which I was sleeping and saw my phone broken, but I woke up and in my first dream I saw a whole phone. But before, when I dreamed about this, and this was the first time, I broke my phone in reality.

I dreamed that my mobile phone (it was new) was broken in half. There is a huge crack right in the middle of the screen. I don't know if it worked, but the screen was off. And this phone is black, the background was also black. And I remember at the end I said, “How am I going to call my mom now,” and then I started crying.

Defended the phone and it crashed.
I began to collect everything (shards, screen). I tried to fix it in the entrance. The hooligans came and threw everything off the table. I hit one and he fell. The others ran away and said we’ll meet again. I got up and looked for the phone, and it was absolutely new. as if nothing had happened. I heard them going up to my floor. It was them again, but with a gun. There they called me (in real life) and I woke up.

I was walking in the park, then I met my friend and we went to a cafe. Then I remembered that I had forgotten my phone on the bench where I was sitting. When I returned there, I saw that the guy I like was stealing my phone. He throws him to the ground and crushes him. I couldn’t hold back my tears and ran away

I was walking with my friend in the park, then we got hungry and went to coffee. Then I remembered that I forgot my phone on the bench where I was sitting and we went back. When we were already there, I saw how the guy I like was breaking my phone with his friends .I couldn’t hold back my tears and ran away.

Mom bought an expensive new phone not long ago and I dreamed that it was broken all the time to my mother, I don’t tell my mother and hide it, then I try to wake up, I wake up and the phone is broken again, I panic after a while, I realize that I’m sleeping and I wake up again and it’s already broken. in another place there is even more panic and so on several times then I wake up in a panic and look at the phone and it is not broken

Hello. In a dream, I dropped the phone and it cracked, both the screen and the glass on it and the back cover. I thought about having it repaired but decided to buy a new one.
And the next dream came immediately. My friends and I went into the forest and on the way we saw an apple tree, picked some apples along the way, ate them, then we came across a plum and tried it, and on the way back we again met an apple tree and shook out the remains of the apples from it. On the way back, I stayed overnight with my ex-girlfriend, which was very strange, I was surprised at myself. In the morning, while I was getting dressed, she came and told me that you and I had only one business and a magazine. But in reality I don’t even talk to her. What is this for?

Hello. The thing is that I lost my phone for several months and now I’m using the old one. I'm choosing a new phone for the New Year, but I can't decide. although I seemed to subconsciously choose a certain model. In my dream, I dream about how I already have a new phone and exactly the model that I want in my hands, and it just falls, I take it to the service center and fix the screen and then it falls again and breaks, I don’t remember how many times it crashed, but I didn’t do it on purpose, but as if he was just falling and was destined to break

I saw my phone flying and falling, breaking into small fragments. I didn’t drop my phone, it fell from the side. Unable to open my eyes, I immediately thought, Oh, there’s problems again, Only then I opened my eyes and realized that it was a dream.

It was night or early morning. I was walking along some road towards the city, most likely I had recently gotten off the train. The city was very close. Here I am standing at a fork, I saw a leaving train on the left. Then I took out my phone, and it was smashed to smithereens. Ch began to remember how it happened. For some reason I remembered how I fell asleep in a chair in front of the fireplace and thought that was when I crushed the phone. I tried to turn it on, but nothing. It began to literally crumble in my hands. Then I put it away and walked towards the city. From the announcement from the station, I realized that the city was Novy Urengoy. The fact is that in three weeks I'm really going to this city with high hopes and there is an important matter for me. I arrive in the morning, when it will still be dark. And what I was wearing in a dream was what I was going to wear in reality.

I dreamed that they took my phone, and then I saw a crack on it. Then my backpack was stolen and I started looking for it. I found a man who was trying to hide my briefcase and I started hitting him hard.

I dreamed that I broke top part The phone that I recently bought and today is not complete, but a crack has appeared on the screen, I’m afraid that it won’t happen again as in a dream. What to do to prevent this from happening again like in a dream

I was talking with a friend, the conversation was very pleasant, but the connection was lost and I decided to call back, but I couldn’t because I saw a crack in the phone that I hadn’t noticed before and because of which I couldn’t unlock the screen

I had an iPhone 6 at night in a dream where a crack appeared on it when it was charging at the bottom, the phone was swollen, but still I continued to use it and checked that the entire side of the sensor was working

It was around the end of April, beginning of May. I was at school, there was a chemistry lesson, we were being tested homework. So the teacher comes up to me, but I don’t have a certificate. I start to wilt, the teacher flips through my notebook and finds there old job with a rating of 4. He says: - Well done, he always does his homework. And at this moment I accidentally push my phone from the desk onto the floor with my elbow. He hits. Of course, I got scared and picked it up faster, but there wasn’t a scratch on it. I begin to pack my pencil case, textbook, notebook into my bag, and get up from the chair, taking the phone in my hand. Then my phone falls again, but with bright thoughts from the previous situation, thinking that nothing will happen, I pick up the phone, and its entire screen is broken. Moreover, the phone was in protective glass, but the protection had much fewer fragments than the glass itself. I pick up all the details and go to the back desk, because another class is already entering the lesson. Then my friends come up and stupidly start to freak out about what a sucker I am, I broke my iPhone, and my glass is expensive. The teacher comes in, the lesson has already started, and says to me: -Do you want to stay for one more lesson? Well, I do not mind! Sit down. And at this moment I wake up

I dreamed that I was walking on the street with friends, there were 2-3 people, we were near shops and benches, I dropped my phone, I have an iPhone 4 ES and its glass broke badly, but there was a protective glass on it and through the protective glass there was also a little it broke, the back also broke even more than the glass, but the whole joke was that it had a back cover and it was generally white in color, but when it broke it was transparent for some reason and through the cover, since it was transparent, you could see very large cracks , I was very scared then!

Hello. I had the phone in my hands, after which it fell. When I started to lift the screen, there was a mesh. When I started fiddling with it, I thought that only the armored glass was broken, it crumbled like sand in my hands.

I dreamed that I was sitting at school, my mother was going somewhere to talk, and I was transported somewhere into a fairy tale, first I saw a big castle, then a huge book. There were also people there who looked like Vikings, then I flew on a swallow through the forest. And before that, I saw the screen of my phone broken, although in fact the screen was intact.

I was arguing with my brother and sister’s godfather, I showed him something from my phone, he didn’t like something and he took a knife and he began to swipe it across the screen with all his might, then it turned out that there was a protective film on the phone instead of glass, this glass fell off the phone in pieces from cuts with a knife and the screen itself was cut, I started screaming and said, either he gives me his, or gives 4000 hryvnia, which is twice the cost of mine, for a new one, he gave me his I calmed down, but then changed my mind and gave money

I was very tired in heels, woke up and went to a photo shoot. To walk more confidently, she put her hand on the groom’s shoulder. We entered the woods, stood in a clearing, discussed something, and decided to go back. I thought that we would return to this place and left my shoes here.
We find ourselves on the square and feel thirsty. We stopped next to a street vendor, they poured water for us, I put my phone on the counter, my friend deliberately put her glass on my phone, thus breaking the screen of my phone. I shout at her “what did you do?!” (in reality she just repaired the screen) she answers me “it’s no big deal, you can repair it.” . A friend stands in a circle of guests and tells them “it’s okay, it’s just an Android, not an iPhone, she yelled at me for no reason, she ruined my mood, this phone of hers is worth nothing.” All the guests look at me with contempt and condemn me. I freaked out and left. I remembered that my shoes were in the woods and went to look for them; it was already dark outside by that time.

In a dream, I accidentally crushed a cell phone with my palms during a dialogue with someone dear to me. Several large cracks formed on the screen, but all the correspondence was visible, even though the phone broke off into three parts. Why such a dream? Please help me explain I don’t remember why my dream began, but at the beginning, I was standing on the street and talking to someone, I don’t remember the person’s face.. But either he pushed me, or I dropped my phone myself (the screen on the asphalt).. In the end , when I picked it up (I wanted to take it by the case), the case in my hands crumbled into large pieces and fell onto this asphalt, and when I picked up the phone, I discovered that the entire screen was cracked, and the base of the phone, just like the case, had crumbled in my hands.. But there is no continuation of the dream, since my sister woke me up..

I dreamed that I was sitting on a chair, the phone was lying next to me and then the boy came up and put it on the screen and it cracked. The boy’s mother came up and said we’ll figure something out, don’t worry, why dream about that, thank you.

I was walking with my mother, but then my mother went somewhere, and I walked right in my hands, the phone was in my hands and it slipped out of my hands and there was a crack on the protective glass on the side and the protective glass was black, but in me it was white

My family and I sailed by boat to some mysterious island where there was shopping mall and a park. All this happened at night, under many stars. I went to the toy store department, and then somehow ended up on a high staircase that led to a high slide, all the time while I was climbing the slide, I had a phone in my trouser pocket, which I had recently been given as a gift, I was very afraid of it that it would fall out of my pocket and break, I was afraid of this because my father might scold me for breaking the phone. Afterwards, when I climbed to the very top, I sat down on the slide to go down it, when suddenly my sister appeared behind me and pushed me down the slide, my phone fell out of my pocket. Then, at the end of the slide, 2 children meet me and do not allow me to go further. Suddenly I notice that I don’t have a phone in my pocket and I think that I forgot it at the top of the slide, but suddenly I see my phone rolling down the slide, I’m trying to catch it, when suddenly a side appears at the end of the slide and my phone flies up and falls onto the asphalt, on which small pebbles appear. I take my phone and see that on the side of the screen, where the two SIM cards were located, everything is broken. I’m starting to get nervous about what my father will say to me (after all, just yesterday I accidentally dropped my phone and he started swearing at me a lot). Then my parents and grandmother come up to me... I don’t know where she came from... I start to get very worried, when suddenly I realize that this is not real and I wake up.

In the 21st century, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of communication, so you should always stay in touch. Many people are alarmed when such an important gadget breaks, even in their sleep. Let's try to figure out why you dream of a broken phone?

Is the loss of this " right hand"Does a dream promise something bad and dangerous? The interpretation of such a dream will show a broken phone not only with negative side, but will also tell you how your favorite gadget, broken to pieces, is useful in some situations.

There are several interpretations that explain the main reasons for the appearance of a mobile phone in a dream. Most superstitious people are interested in why they dream of breaking their phone? The answer depends on your dream, it is influenced by certain criteria: how it broke, perhaps only the glass broke, or it shattered into pieces.

Also, the interpretation will be different for each type of people; for example, for an unmarried woman, the interpretation of sleep will be different from a person who devotes himself entirely to business and work. Below we will examine this issue in detail.

The main thing you need to know: if the “pipe” was old, then rejoice, you got rid of the old trash in your life. Pleasant changes await you. But if it’s new, then it’s a symbol of difficulties and bad changes.

Symbol of connection and communication

First of all, we consider a cell phone as a means of connecting with other people through communication. In the “kingdom of Morpheus” this connection can be considered somewhat broader. A broken gadget can mean loss of contact with dear, necessary people, separation, quarrels. For business people - omissions with business partners.

It is necessary to remember the details of the dream. It has great importance, this type of equipment was broken accidentally or intentionally, or maybe someone else broke it. It is advisable to remember who. Perhaps this is not your technique at all!

The meaning of a phone in a dream

What does the appearance of a mobile phone in a dream mean? Seeing a mobile phone means that you will meet someone unexpected and long-awaited. You may also dream of a gadget when someone wants to contact you. Maybe someone likes you.

It is possible that the sleeping person has a great desire to see someone and talk. A cell phone may indicate that the one who sees the dream is missing out important detail in resolving any issue.

Breaking your favorite phone in a dream means bad news. And breaking a gadget that you dream about in reality means that in reality your rivals are plotting. Expect a catch.
Breaking an old unnecessary “pipe” in a dream means good news, new interesting meetings, new purchases.

Interpretation of the dream book

The dream book interprets a broken phone as impending communication problems:

  1. Conflicts with relatives; soon the connection with them may completely disappear. Don’t rush to get upset, everything will get better soon. Remember who you were talking to; when communicating with him, expect conflicts and misunderstandings.
  2. For unmarried girl this promises separation from your loved one.
  3. A person’s desire to get rid of annoying, unpleasant communication with a specific person or the desire to escape from everyone.
  4. For a business person, the telephone is part of his job. Having broken it, you need to expect great difficulties in business, up to the loss of it.

If you dreamed that the glass was cracked, perhaps someone would break into your personal space. You need to remember the size of the crack:

  • A small crack symbolizes minor troubles that can be easily solved.
  • A large crack warns of significant damage to come, which will be difficult to repair, but possible.
  • Many small cracks promise a small “black streak” with minor solvable troubles.
  • Several large cracks signal great difficulties that will have to be fought steadfastly.

The effect of cracks on the screen on the subscriber's dialing ability:

  1. Difficulty dialing a number due to a breakdown foreshadows the impossibility of communicating with an important person.
  2. Dialing the number is unhindered, indicating the need to accept help from loved ones; you can’t cope without it.

If the dreamer breaks the phone with anger, then perhaps the anger is due to the impossibility of purchasing important information. This information will not be available in reality for a long time.

Let's pay attention to the broken part of the unit:

  • A broken speaker means that in reality the dreamer is concerned about his ignorance of the real issue.
  • A broken microphone indicates the dreamer’s desire to avoid responsibility for an offense.
  • The cracked body clearly “screams” about the need for life changes.

According to Freud

In fact, many people underestimate the importance of psychology in our lives. Sometimes our subconscious turns out to be wiser than us; it recognizes problems in advance and transforms them into dreams. Thus, all the experiences and worries endured during the day can result in extraordinary dreams at night.

Perhaps you don’t need to be afraid of a broken cell phone in a dream; it is simply associated with internal fears and worries. Such a dream is simply associated with the fear of losing some important person.

Or maybe the dreamer is afraid of responsibility and avoids it, or is afraid of the publicity of important information.

The fear of losing touch with each other is especially relevant for lovers, so for them to see a broken phone in a dream does not bode well, this is how the fear of losing each other results.

Accidental or intentional?

An accidentally broken unit warns the dreamer about his arrogance. We must remember: life can bring many surprises, and we cannot influence them in any way.
But a deliberately broken phone indicates that you can get into a lot of trouble in life simply through negligence or carelessness.

What should you expect?

When you wake up, you always need to remember your impressions from the dream and build on them. If you are scared or anxious, then you should figure out what you are afraid of? Fear of losing contact with your interlocutor, or fear of making your personal life public. Or maybe you remember the feeling of relief from breaking a boring ancient phone. Perhaps you just need to understand yourself and your fears and desires. And then you will only have pleasant and bewitching dreams.