Why do you dream about ice: a detailed interpretation of the dream. Walking on ice interpretation of the dream book

Did you happen to skate on ice in a dream? The pursuit of pleasure and fleeting joys will end in the loss of respect from others. Why else do you dream of dream fun? The dream book will help you unravel the meaning of the symbol.

According to Miller

Did you dream about skating on ice? In reality, you risk losing your job or some value. If the ice crust has collapsed under you, then at the moment it is better not to follow the advice of friends.

Support and fast response!

Why do you dream if you happen to skate on ice? The dream book insists: your own efforts are not enough, you need to get help from outside.

At the same time, the dream of skating warns of a risky business, which you can implement only by instantly reacting to changing circumstances.

Don't give in!

  • At the street skating rink - a prosperous period without any major shocks.
  • On closed – limited action, support.
  • On the river there is risk, danger.
  • Along the road - you will easily overcome a difficult stage of life.
  • Down - loss of strength, business, material level.

If you dreamed that in a dream you were sliding on a smooth surface right in the middle of the street, then the interpretation of the dream is twofold. You will succeed if you don't follow your own passion. At the same time, the plot points to the threat of some kind of addiction.


Why do you dream that you decided to put on skates and go skating at the skating rink? Worries and worries are unfounded, everything will go well. But the dream book thinks that it wouldn’t hurt to take a break from boring responsibilities.

Seeing skates also means that you want to get away from some problems. Skates for skating in a dream symbolize the accelerated development of events, a relatively quick change of circumstances.


Did you dream that you were great at skating on ice and even took part in competitions? If you show enterprise and ingenuity, you will achieve incredible heights.

It's good to see how other characters ride. The time has come when you can calmly relax. You can train yourself at the skating rink to complete a pleasant task, labor.

Why do you dream that in your sleep you constantly fell and got bumps? The Dream Interpretation believes that in real life you will take on a promising business, but you will not be able to bring it to fruition, because you do not have the necessary skills or knowledge.

Be careful!

Did you dream that you managed to skate on ice on your feet? The dream book advises a young woman to be careful in her actions, so as not to make others want to discuss her.

For men, riding on their feet in a dream literally means: you should not rely on another person, he will not fulfill his obligations and will certainly let you down.

It’s bad to see that while rolling on your feet you managed to fall. In the night, this is a clear clue: if you take a risk, you will definitely burn out, and even get into a lot of trouble.


Why do you dream if you happened to skate on ice barefoot? The dream book believes that according to own initiative decide to part with comfortable conditions.

You can find yourself barefoot on a cold and slippery surface before a period of testing and poverty.

Did you dream about sliding down an icy road barefoot? It is in winter that some kind of incident will happen when you are forced to run away from something or someone.

There are 1 comment

    Hello. Help me understand the dream. I dreamed that I was walking near a lake on a cold day. Then I saw something glittering in the water, I sat down to look and saw gold jewelry. I took them for myself. But then the water suddenly and quickly began to freeze. And in the end it turned into strong ice. But for some reason the sand also turned into ice. I was with a friend, but I don’t remember which one. We sat down with our butts on the ice and drove to the other end of the lake. Then I saw my sister standing where we were standing. She jumped in after us and hugged my friend and we drove off together. It was scary, extreme as in real life. We arrived on the ice to the other end of the lake. Then I saw some kind of house of cards. I sat down to see what was there and saw a large turtle. Then it started to rain and hail. And since the house was big, we all climbed into it. After some time, the house was demolished. And we all fell onto the ice again and went to the other end of the lake where we were. Well, then I was woken up by a phone call and the dream ended there.

The dream “Ice” is an amazing dream in the sense that almost all known dream interpreters give the same interpretations. Such a unity of thoughts is quite rare, because interpreters of various religions, worldviews and times are engaged in deciphering dreams. However, a dream about ice is deciphered almost equally by esotericists, psychologists, modern and even ancient dream interpreters. The only pity is that Vanga’s dream book does not mention ice at all, as well as Muslim or Islamic dream book Ice is also not considered. Almost everything is collected below famous dream books worlds in which the dream “Ice” is interpreted in sufficient detail.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • Why see the dream “Ice”? If you dreamed of ice not in winter, but at another time of the year, when there is no ice on the street, then such a dream means failures, losses, death, troubles, difficulties, loss in business, changes in weather and changes in life.
  • The dream “ice on water” promises obstacles at the very beginning of a business. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream of ice under your feet at home, on the floor? Velesov's dream book: dreaming of ice on the floor of the house is a sign of misfortune that will happen in the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: walking on ice in a dream means mourning, death, bitter loss.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling on ice in a dream means devoted love, betrayal or danger.
  • on ice - the dream book says that everything will be fine, the danger will pass, problems will be resolved, emotions will calm down, the patient will recover.
  • Dream Interpretation: walking on ice and falling through the ice in a dream is a bad sign, everything is bad, danger, failure.
  • The dream of “breaking the ice” foretells benefits.
  • Why do you dream about melting ice? The dream book answers: melting ice in a dream foreshadows your death or serious illness.
  • Why dream about ice melting? Dream interpretation: ice melts in a dream to one’s own death.
  • Why do you dream of pure ice? Dream Interpretation: clear ice in a dream speaks of good health.
  • Why do you dream about dirty ice? Dream Interpretation: dirty ice in a dream portends illness. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of an ice floe in a dream? Dream Interpretation: dreaming of an ice floe means danger or hard work.

Aesop's Dream Book

  • Ice water in a dream - get ready, there will be obstacles at the very beginning of the work you have started. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: falling on ice in a dream, as well as crawling on ice in a dream, means that in reality you will overcome difficulties, this will toughen you and take you to a qualitatively new level. A promotion or the retreat of a serious illness is possible.
  • Dream Interpretation: water in a dream with ice and a well - if you dreamed of a well in a dream, you drew water from it, but it turned out to be frozen or with ice, such a dream says that your endeavors in love or business will not bring the desired result.

Women's dream book

  • According to the dream book, ice is interpreted as troubles, ill-wishers and a difficult period of life.
  • Why do you dream of ice on the water? Dream Interpretation: ice on water in a dream - there will be problems at the very beginning of some business. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream about “cracked ice floating down the river”? Dream interpretation: in a dream, cracked ice floating along a clear river is a dream towards the end of your quiet life, and the envy of a stranger will be to blame for everything.
  • Why do you dream of blocks of ice, iceberg? Dream Interpretation: an iceberg in a dream - the cooling between your loved one is becoming more and more obvious and will all lead to a complete break. Maybe you should leave for a while and just take a break from each other. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream of skating on ice? Dream Interpretation: skating on ice in a dream is a warning dream, which says that because of the joy that will be fleeting, you may lose the respect of the people around you.
  • Why did you dream of gnawing on ice? Dream Interpretation: gnawing ice in a dream means that in reality you will soon get sick.

Miller's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

  • Dream “Ice”: the primary element is water and metal; elements - cold, dry; emotions – fear and sadness; organs - colon, lungs, bladder and kidneys; planets - Mercury and Venus.
  • Dream Interpretation: walking barefoot on ice in a dream - if in a dream you felt a feeling of cold, but you did not leave the ice, although nothing prevented you from doing so, then in reality you have a strong internal fear, you are in a state of depression and apathy. Why do you dream of holding snow and ice in your hands? The state of cold that you felt in your dream is a yin state. The kidneys (human internal organs) are afraid of the cold, and it is in them that food is stored. human will to life. You have a weakened will to live, you have lost internal control over yourself. This condition caused you to dream “ice, snow, cold.”
  • Dream Interpretation: barefoot on ice in a dream - if you voluntarily stood on ice with bare feet and froze, or held snow or ice in your hands and again froze in a dream, then such a dream cannot be called positive. Such a dream says that your body still knows how to resist, but you do not know how to control your emotions and thereby open the door to illness, which your kidneys will first pick up, because your lungs are already weakened. The loss of internal strength directly affects your physical activity, which in turn leads to chaos at work, in business, in family life, depression will begin to prevent you from living fully. You must take control of your emotions and in real life “leave from the cold, from the ice” to the warmth, to positive emotions.
  • The dream of “breaking ice”, the dream of “drinking water with ice” or the dream of “melting ice” indicates the beginning of a way out of the impasse that has arisen in you at the moment. You will find a way out of the psychological impasse, restore your internal balance, and you will begin to have proper blood circulation in your kidneys (cold) and in your heart (warmth).
  • The dream of “drinking melted ice” is a very favorable dream, because melt water is considered real “living” water and is therefore very beneficial for our health. Such a dream promises recovery for a sick person, new feelings for someone disappointed in love, a surge of emotions for an indifferent person, etc. If we say figuratively, then after a long winter spring will come in a person.
  • The dream of “sucking ice to get drunk” says that your body is weakened; it cannot break the negative pathological situation that has developed around you both on the physical and psychological levels. Your body is trying to get new energy by losing the last heat. You can get very seriously ill and it will no longer be a joke. Therefore, you need to either collect all your emotions into a fist, or have a good rest. Once again reconsider your goal, set priorities and compare your capabilities and strengths with what you tortured your body so much for.
  • on the ice,” the dream “enjoy the snow,” the dream “joyfully run on the ice barefoot,” or the dream “sprinkle snow on yourself” says that strangers want to extinguish your fire in your soul and your excess energy. Your internal capabilities significantly exceed external ones and you are well aware of this. So to speak, the “external cold” that appeared to you in a dream in the form of snow or ice is adequate behavior, sobriety of mind, prudence and, most importantly, the ability to really realize and compare between each other what is desired with what is possible. This is a very favorable dream; you must moderate your ardor, your feelings and take a rational look at the current situation, soberly evaluate everything and restore the balance that guarantees you success in this difficult matter.
  • in the ice"? If you looked at this vast expanse of ice and snow and calmed down, admired or even admired, then such a dream will be favorable, it speaks of healthy kidneys and the correspondence of internal and external sensations.
  • If in a dream you looked despondently at the sea covered in ice, the dream book says that this is an unfavorable dream, it indicates your weakened health, weak kidneys or lungs. Go to the doctor and start treatment while the disease is not yet advanced and is in its primary stage.
  • Why dream of pouring ice water into a glass and drinking it? Dream Interpretation: Cold water with ice in a dream means that if you knew it was ice cold and still drank it, then kidney disease already exists, but it can still be stopped. See your doctor. If you didn’t finish the ice water, but felt cold in your mouth and stopped drinking it, then the destruction in your body can still be stopped. (Cm. )
  • Why dream of falling under ice in a dream? Emperor's Dream Book: falling into ice water in a dream means kidney damage, pain in the lower back, heaviness in the legs, urine smells foul and is cloudy, consult a doctor immediately.
  • Why do you dream of swimming in cold water ice? Dream Interpretation: swimming in ice water in a dream means fever, kidney damage, medical treatment is required.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • I dreamed of a river covered in ice, covered in impassable blocks - there will be obstacles in business and in life.
  • I dreamed that I was walking on ice - the obstacle would be successfully eliminated.
  • Why dream of breaking ice on the sidewalk - you will soon suffer from fear.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing ice means efforts will be in vain, hopes will be illusory.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

  • Seeing ice in a dream - in reality your emotions “freeze”; you should openly express everything that is in your soul, speak from pure heart and freely, without fear of anything.
  • Dream Interpretation: walking along thin ice in a dream - it means that you are currently in a dubious situation and do not know which path to choose, you will have to take risks. Look over your life, is it very possible that the side that seemed reliable to you really only seems so?
  • If you dreamed of sliding on ice - you are not confident in yourself or in your actions, you are now in a very “shaky” position.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams ice is divided into two meanings:

  • The first positive thing: if ice melts in a dream, it means that everything that is happening around you now will not affect your life in any way. To ensure that no shocks affect you, you need to do the following: drop a drop of blood into a glass of water, freeze it and take it to the cemetery.
  • The second negative: if you dreamed of walking on ice, it means your current position is completely fragile, you will take a lot of risks. To avoid this in the morning, take a piece of ice and swallow it.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Eastern women's dream book

  • The meaning of the dream “ice” is as follows: adversity, blows of fate, a blow to the most “sore” place.
  • Why do you dream of a river with ice? Dream Interpretation: a river with ice in a dream says that your happy existence will be interrupted by envious friends.
  • Why do you dream of walking on ice? Dream Interpretation: walking on ice in a dream means in reality, of your own free will, to say goodbye to comfortable life. Dream Interpretation: walking on ice on a river in a dream - for a young girl such a dream means the following: think before you act, watch your actions and actions, you attract too much attention that is unnecessary for your reputation.
  • Why do you dream about icicles? The interpretation of the dream “Icicles” depends on where exactly the icicles were in the dream. Dream Interpretation: icicles on a house in a dream mean poverty or deterioration of well-being. Dream Interpretation: icicles on a fence in a dream signify suffering, both mental and physical. Dream Interpretation: In a dream, icicles are cheerful on the trees - your prospects are gloomy. Dream Interpretation: icicles on Christmas trees in a dream say that not everything is as rosy for you as you would like and your brilliant future is also under threat.
  • Dream Interpretation: sucking ice in a dream is a disease.
  • Dream Interpretation: ice water, drinking ice water in a dream - your frivolity will lead to serious negative consequences, you may become seriously ill.
  • The dream “a river with ice, swimming in icy water” says that your planned vacation (vacation, trip, party) will be spoiled or interrupted by certain circumstances that you cannot resist.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: ice in a dream means difficult things and some kind of danger, trouble and difficulties.
  • Why dream of breaking ice is for profit.
  • Why dream of sliding on ice in a dream - you will be betrayed in love, cheated on.
  • What does it mean to dream of walking on ice - to change in life, if such a dream did not occur in winter.

Ancient Russian dream book

Ice seen in a dream in winter means nothing, but ice seen in a dream in the warm season speaks of a change in the weather.

French dream book
Why do you dream of ice and snow - a bountiful harvest.

Gypsy dream book
The dream “snow, ice, icicles” symbolizes mistrust, there are no more secrets, trust is unjustified.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena
Interpretation of sleep: ice water in a dream - excellent health. (Cm. )

Russian dream book
The dream “ice” is interpreted in the following way: a series of failures, unresolved problems and a frozen situation.

New family dream book

  • I dreamed of “ice” - to disasters, danger, to harm in business.
  • Seeing ice on a river in a dream means someone will be very jealous of you and this will put an end to your family happiness.
  • The dream of “walking on ice on a river” says that because of fleeting joy, you will be willing to risk not only your peace of mind, but also the respect of other people.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of making ice yourself in a dream - you need to pacify your egoism, otherwise there will be failures in business.
  • Dream Interpretation: swimming in ice in a dream - the pleasure will be interrupted by an event that will throw you out of your usual rut.

Big dream book

  • I dreamed of ice all around – troubles, difficulties, misunderstanding, “cooling” of feelings.
  • I dreamed of icy cold water - good, heroic health. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream of ice on the sea - Dream Interpretation: sea ice in a dream - good health, recovery for the sick. (Cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova
The interpretation of the dream “ice” comes down to the following: there are no feelings, the relationship is cold, indifferent.

Generalized dream book

  • Why do you dream about ice in a glass? clean water? Dream Interpretation: icy water in a glass dreams of good, heroic health. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: swimming in water with ice in a dream means trying to deal with problems alone, in vain, ask for help or accept the one that is offered to you.
  • Why do you dream of icy water turning into ice - problems at the very beginning of the matter. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream about the frozen sea? Dream Interpretation: a frozen sea in a dream means good health. If you dreamed of a frozen sea and ice on it, then problems will await you at the very beginning of the matter. (Cm. )
  • Why does a woman dream of a cold sea covered with ice? Dream Interpretation: a cold sea covered with ice in a dream - the fading of feelings between spouses, a feeling of loneliness, loss of spiritual closeness. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream of breaking ice? Dream Interpretation: breaking ice in a dream means that in reality a period begins when you slowly begin to “thaw”, you will learn to love again, you will bring your inner world into harmony and balance will come.
  • Why dream of breaking ice? Dream Interpretation: breaking the ice in a dream means in reality making attempts to independently get out of the emotional crisis that is now in your soul. You are currently depressed and will very soon begin to get out of this situation.
  • Why do you dream of thin, dirty ice? The dream “thin ice is dirty” portends illness.
  • Why dream of falling through the ice? Dream Interpretation: falling through the ice is interpreted based on who exactly fell through the ice and how the incident ended.
  • Why do you dream about a person falling through the ice? Dream Interpretation: a person fell through the ice in a dream, which means in reality you will not find understanding, but only deception and resentment, your impulses will remain ununderstood.
  • I had a dream about a man going under the ice and drowning - Dream Interpretation: a man went under the ice and drowned, which means he is warning you in reality deadly danger, be very careful.
  • Why dream of falling through the ice in a dream and getting out? Dream Interpretation: falling through the ice and getting out in a dream means that in reality, having encountered deception, betrayal and received an insult, you will only become stronger, this “lesson” will be very useful to you in the future.
  • Why do you dream about a child falling through the ice? Dream Interpretation: falling through the ice, a child fell through, and you saved him in a dream, means your desire to change something in life, your impulses and emotions will be unaccepted by the people closest to you, but if you defend your point of view, then everything will be will ultimately resolve positively in your direction.
  • Why do you dream about ice on the road? Dream Interpretation: ice on the road in a dream – misunderstanding. (Cm. )
  • Why did you dream about skating on ice? There are several interpretations here, depending on whether you dreamed of skating on ice or whether you dreamed of skating on ice on your feet, in shoes, in boots or barefoot.
  • walking on ice in a dream means in reality losing something very valuable (papers, documents, gold items, precious stones).
  • Dream Interpretation: skating on ice on your feet in a dream means changes in your life are possible, but what kind of changes depend on exactly how you skated on ice in a dream: easily and smoothly or stumbled and fell, were happy or terrified and etc.
  • Dream Interpretation: skating on ice barefoot in a dream - if you deliberately skated barefoot, felt the cold, but did not leave the skating rink, then in reality you have a strong internal fear, you are in a state of depression and apathy.
  • Why do you dream of frozen fish in ice? Dream Interpretation: a frozen fish in ice in a dream symbolizes an unsuccessful romance.
  • Dream interpretation: fish under the ice, catching in a dream - if you don’t do it in real life winter fishing, it means that in reality you are doing something that is not your “other people’s” business, so you will not achieve significant results.
  • Dream Interpretation: a fish on ice in a dream says that everything you do is pointless, your business does not bring results, money, or any positive emotions.
  • Dream Interpretation: driving on ice in a dream - you need to think and think through every step so as not to spoil your reputation or the common cause.
  • Dream Interpretation: ice, a child skating, joy in a dream - this means in reality you will experience positive, new, hitherto unknown emotions.
  • In a dream, seeing children in ice is a negative dream, promising irritation and anger, deception and resentment. For a business man, frozen children dream of a business that will not give you pleasure; you will always be on your “nerves” and with pennies in your wallet.
  • Dream Interpretation: children cross the ice in a dream - if they walked cheerfully, screaming and squealing, it means in reality you will experience joy, positive emotions, and satisfaction in your work.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of breaking ice with a crowbar? Moreover, you are entering a period in your life when you can get out of a psychological impasse, your inner strengths will begin to manifest and your emotional balance will be restored.
  • with people in a dream indicates that your new love interest or new beginnings at work will not bring the expected results. Sonic talks about dreams in a well, where he considers ice instead of water to be a negative dream, indicating a bad end to any new business.
  • Dream Interpretation: ice in the refrigerator in a dream speaks of “frozen” feelings for you or yours for a once loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Why do you dream of ice and water - troubles, many obstacles at the very beginning of a business. (Cm. )

Ancient French dream book
A dream about ice is a good dream, a happy meeting.

Ancient English dream book of Zedkiel
What does ice mean in a dream? Ice in a dream is always a bad sign; it means a decline in business and trade, an unsuccessful game on the stock exchange, and failure in entrepreneurial activity. For lovers, a dream about ice symbolizes a cooling of feelings and a subsequent breakup. For sailors to see ice in a dream, it means meeting misfortune at sea while sailing. This is a negative dream for farmers as well, as they will have to endure a crop failure.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
Dreaming of ice on a river means trouble, there will be a lot of difficulties, hostility, a symbol of Dark Ice.

Modern dream book

  • If you dreamed about snow and ice - be prepared for adversity, beware of being hit in the place that is least protected.
  • Why do you dream of transparent ice on a river - your happy future may be overshadowed by the envy of your loved ones or friends.
  • Seeing “walking on ice” in a dream means that in real life your life will take a sharp turn, and you will part with your usual comfortable life.
  • Dream Interpretation: for a girl to walk on thin ice - be more modest in your behavior, otherwise you risk losing your reputation and incurring unnecessary negative attention from people around you.
  • The dream of “icicles on the roof of a house” symbolizes poverty.
  • The dream of “icicles under the roof of a house” symbolizes illness.
  • The dream of “icicles on the fence” means that you will soon suffer mentally and physically.
  • The dream of “icicles on a tree” warns: your prospects are gloomy.
  • The dream of “icicles on a pine tree” suggests that the future may be darkened.
  • The dream of “making ice” warns that due to selfishness and groundless arrogance you will suffer a major failure.
  • The dream of “licking ice, sucking an icicle” predicts an imminent illness.
  • The dream “water with ice in a glass, drink” warns: your frivolity will lead to a serious illness.
  • If you dreamed of water with ice in the sea, swimming in water with ice in a dream - your planned vacation will be interrupted by circumstances that you cannot foresee. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream about ice skating? The dream of “skating on ice” foreshadows happy changes in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: skating on ice and tripping or falling through the ice in a dream - you have fake friends, unreliable ones.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki
I dreamed of a lot of ice - unfortunately.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: snow, ice in a dream - cooling of feelings.
  • Dream Interpretation: there is ice in a dream - in reality you will begin to cool down to what is happening, you will stop worrying, hating and loving, being jealous and showing at least some human feelings.
  • The dream “ice on the lake” speaks of your peace of mind and peace of mind.
  • Dream Interpretation: someone breaks ice in a dream - your calm existence has come to an end. Emotions and passion are guaranteed to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a man eats clear ice in a dream - in reality, your loved one will lose interest in you and become absolutely indifferent.

Italian dream book Meneghetti
What does ice mean in a dream? Ice in a dream means rigidity, i.e. cruelty and hardness in the soul, as well as frigidity, i.e. coldness and indifference to everything.

Azar's Dream Book
Dream Interpretation: breaking ice in a dream - you will recognize fear in reality.

Ivanov’s newest dream book
Dream Interpretation: blocks of ice in a dream indicate that when they confess their love to you, you will remain completely indifferent.
Dream Interpretation: drifting on an ice floe in a dream - in reality you will find yourself in complete isolation or have a serious fight with people you were hoping for.

Dream book of lovers

  • Dream Interpretation: the sea is covered with ice in a dream - your family happiness is coming to an end due to cooling of feelings.
  • Dream Interpretation: ice in the stream clean water in a dream indicates that your family happiness is coming to an end due to the envy of your rivals and their intrigues.
  • Dream Interpretation: walking on ice with water in a dream for a girl or an unmarried woman means in reality experiencing shame and betrayal.

Psychotherapeutic dream book
Dream interpretation: ice on a window in a house in a dream is an unfortunate dream.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream of ice coming down from the mountains (glacier) - Dream Interpretation: a glacier in a dream says that in reality your love will decline.
Why dream of a sea with ice, an iceberg in a dream - you just need a lot of care, you can’t handle it on your own. Ask your family and friends for help. (Cm. )

Summer dream book
I dreamed of a glacier; ice coming down from the mountains in a dream signifies a change in weather.

Spring dream book
The dream “glacier” and the dream “ice coming down from the mountains” speak of death and burial.
The dream “ice drift on the river” promises changes for the better.
I dreamed of a block of ice, an iceberg - cooling will come in love. (Cm. )

Dream Interpreter of 1829
If you dreamed about ice in winter, then this dream means absolutely nothing. If you dreamed of ice at another time of the year, then such a dream promises a change in the weather in a bad direction.

Old Russian dream book
A dream about ice promises a lot of troubles and difficulties.

Dream book of the 21st century

Dream book of yogis
You dreamed of ice, which means the meaning of life has not yet been discovered for you and the information is closed “frozen”.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite
Dreams about ice speak of loss and damage.

Combined dream book

In conclusion, I would like to note that ice in a dream is overwhelmingly considered an unfavorable sign, indicating troubles, misfortunes and a cooling of feelings among people in love. But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. For example, the dream of “having fun skating on ice” promises joyful events in reality. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of the dream “Ice”, you need to remember all the details. After all, the interpretation itself depends on them.

  • Primary elements - metal, water.
  • Elements - dryness, cold.
  • Emotions - sadness, fear.
  • Organs - lungs, colon, kidneys, bladder.
  • Planets - Venus, Mercury.
  • Holding ice/snow in your hands/standing barefoot, although you feel cold, and freezing, although nothing external prevents you from leaving - a symbolic manifestation of internal fear, depression and apathy. Holding ice or snow in your hands/standing barefoot in a dream is a yin state of cold outside as a reflection of internal processes. The element that controls the kidneys is cold. The kidneys are afraid of the cold, and the kidneys store the human will to live. External diseases cold weather weakens a person’s will, and the loss of internal control over oneself causes a dream image of ice and snow, on which the dreamer stands and voluntarily freezes. The dream cannot be called completely unfavorable: one’s own body, still having the willpower to resist, warns the dreamer that lack of control over one’s emotions opens the door to kidney disease with already weakened lungs. The decline of internal strength also leads to disorder in business, and then depression will become an element threatening to freeze life. But it’s not too late... Get out of the cold, out of the snow - start fighting, look for a way out of the deadlock. Chopping ice, melting ice/snow and drinking water is a symbol of the beginning of a way out of a psychological impasse: the manifestation of internal forces, restoration of the balance between heat and cold, the resumption of proper blood circulation in the channels of the heart (warmth) and kidneys (cold). Water from melted snow and ice is considered the most beneficial for health ( living water), therefore, in illness, sleep foreshadows recovery. The dream is favorable and, even after a difficult winter, promises a good spring for the dreamer. Sucking ice and snow to satisfy the need for water - a weakened body does not have enough strength to break the pathological physically and psychologically situation running in circles. The body tries to get an influx of fresh energy at any cost and loses its last warmth. The dream foreshadows failure or illness and advises that to prevent this from happening, rest, gain strength and check the choice of goal and means of achieving it. Enjoying the cold in a dream, experiencing an exaggerated need for it in a dream/walking barefoot in the snow/showering oneself with snow - all this means a dangerous excess of emotions, the fire of which they are trying to extinguish
    cold from outside. Internal capabilities the dreamer (and he knows it) exceed the external possibilities of realization. External cold is a symbol of adequacy, sobriety, calmness, a comparison between the desired and the possible. The cold will freeze excess self-confidence that threatens self-confidence, which will allow you to draw up an action plan adequate to reality. Sleep is favorable: the body has the strength not only to restore internal balance, but also to prevent its possible disruption, adequacy is a guarantee of success and health. But still, the dreamer should be more restrained and avoid Napoleonic plans. Looking at the expanses of ice and snow with tranquility and pleasure is beneficial: this means the body’s rhythms correspond to the winter season and healthy kidneys. Looking with fear, despondency and longing, especially at dusk, is unfavorable: a weakened body, a discrepancy between one’s own rhythms and the winter season, weak kidneys and lungs.

A person who has lost his balance on a slippery surface experiences a feeling of helplessness and awkwardness. So the dream books assure that sliding on ice during a night's sleep reflects, first of all, the fear and uncertainty of the sleeper, the unwillingness to confront the prevailing unfavorable circumstances. Why do you dream of walking on ice? For the answer, let's turn to various sources, remembering the importance of the details noted in the dream.

Interpretation by Gustav Miller

A dream about ice drifting on a river, according to the American psychotherapist Miller, predicts the collapse of hopes and plans. And this will happen due to the machinations of envious people. If you walk on ice floes at night, it means you risk losing your authority due to the fact that you cannot resist momentary temptations in reality. However, in winter such a dream does not predict major troubles.

Why did the woman dream that she was walking on an icy surface? Miller is sure that the dreamer’s sins and mistakes are still hidden from the eyes of others, but it’s time for her to think about her far from impeccable behavior.

Do not hurry!

It is possible that a sleeping person is about to do something reckless, which he will later regret - this is what the vision of having to move on a thin ice crust means. The sorceress Medea in her dream book gives advice: take your time, try to understand your feelings first, do not succumb to fleeting emotional outbursts.

Experienced sensations

A more accurate description of walking on ice will be if you recall the emotions and sensations experienced in the dream.

So if in your night fantasy you are afraid while crossing a river on ice, then most likely you have reason not to trust others in reality.

In your dream, did you feel the ice crust crack under you? Alas, this is an indication of instability in business, especially financial affairs.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A failure in business, personal. , .

To see Sliding in a dream (Ice, road, ride, walk)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dream that your feet are sliding on some smooth surface, then unexpected troubles await you and some situation will be out of your control. Slipping in a dream is a sign of an unexpected incident, a mistake or an oversight. But if in a dream you were able to resist...

What does it mean to dream about Sliding?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

“slippery position”, “ticklish, slippery business”, “everything went smoothly, tangentially”, “get to know each other in passing” (fleetingly). “slide” - ride, relax, have fun. “slide” - something that happens easily, without effort or superficial knowledge, attitude.

The meaning of the dream about Sliding

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Disappointment in business. Danger. Treason for lovers. Along the road is a quick, easy passage through a difficult period of life. Down, along a gentle slope - a decline in the energy and material level. Neglected cases. Slipping is a mistake in business, failure in love.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A slippery position, a ticklish, slippery matter, everything went smoothly, tangentially, get to know each other casually (fleetingly). Glide - ride, relax, have fun. To slide is something that happens easily, without effort or superficial knowledge, attitude.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Sliding?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

walk along slippery ice- refrain from taking a risky step. Unreliable people have appeared among your surroundings; sliding down the mountain - you need a break from business; sliding on a sled, skates, skis on a flat surface - success is possible if passion does not take over you. ...

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Sliding?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This is a sign of uncontrollable, rapidly developing events. Helplessly sliding down a slope is a sign that some of your plans are not particularly reliable and can collapse at any moment. At the same time, if sliding gives you pleasure, such a dream...

Sliding in my sleep

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Slipping on skis is a happy consequence. People skiing mean stagnation in business.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of stumbling, sliding?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Stumble - beware of hasty decisions. Sliding on the ground - doubts and uncertainty interfere with business. On ice - you won't take advantage of a good opportunity.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Sliding?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Walk on slippery ice. Tip of the day: refrain from taking a risky step. Unreliable people have appeared among your surroundings. Slide down the mountain. Tip of the day: you need a break from work. Slide on a sleigh, skates, or skis on a flat surface. Tip of the day: success is possible if passion...

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Sliding?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

How to interpret the dream “Channel”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw in a dream a canal with dirty and blooming water, pay attention to your health. Some kind of illness is approaching you, possibly related to the stomach. Your enemies are activated. But if the water in the canal is clean and transparent - your life...

I had a dream “Parquet”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Gliding along the shiny, unusually smooth parquet floor, like skating on ice, means entering into some risky ventures. Laying parquet flooring in your apartment means interesting news.

I had a dream “Skiing”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To an unexpected pleasant meeting with old friends. Skiing is a harbinger of a pleasant trip. Skiers - to stagnation in business, tempting prospect associated with financial risk. Skiing on a well-worn track means making a difficult journey or unexpectedly finding yourself in...

Seeing a Boat in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sailing in a boat in a dream is an omen of difficulties and obstacles in business. Smoothly sliding in it across any body of water with quiet, clear, clean water in a dream is a harbinger of well-being and peace. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you have the opportunity to get a job...

Seeing Skates in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Skating in a dream means doing a risky activity. Riding alone is a sign that your offer will not find interest among business partners. Riding with friends is a warning about the danger that you may be exposed to if you agree to take...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Channel?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing the water in the canal dirty and blooming portends illness, stomach disorders, and the machinations of enemies. But if the waters are clear, you will have a quiet life and the devotion of friends. For a young woman to slide in a boat along a canal in a dream means a chaste, strict...

Dreaming of Ice - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you see ice, for a man, means sudden hostility of the woman he is courting, and for a woman, it means vain attempts to please the man who is interested in her. Walking: on an icy road, slipping and falling is an omen of unexpected difficulties.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Flight?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The desire to escape gravity. Flights of fancy and mind. Glide over the surface of the earth, moving in jerks. Control reality, never completely lose control, contact. If an individual flies into space for a long time or is unable to land again. The desire to avoid the problems of reality can lead...

Dreaming of "Ice and Snow" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To cool relationships with friends. Walking on thin ice - your suspicions are justified. Slide on the ice - beware of being hit in the back by loved one. An ice floe floats on the water - you are in a circle of envious people. Drinking ice water is the reason...

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