Why does a person vomit? Nausea and vomiting - causes, diseases, what to do, treatment

Nausea and vomiting are an uncontrollable process that occurs reflexively under the influence of certain factors. This reflex works most strongly in children and women, especially with a tendency to motion sickness.

Nausea and vomiting are not a separate species diseases, but often act as a symptom of various diseases. When diagnosing, this factor is very important, because the time, frequency and even volume of vomiting attacks can tell a specialist a lot.

Causes of nausea and vomiting

The factors that cause vomiting are extremely varied and are often not even related to the activity of the digestive tract. Many people experience nausea when inhaling unpleasant odor, and even an unpleasant sight.

The vomiting reflex is closely related to the activity of the nervous system, so emotionally unstable people are more susceptible to this symptom.

The main causes of nausea and vomiting are:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases. Gastritis, stomach and duodenum, etc.
  • and toxic poisoning.
  • A symptom of inflammation of the appendix is.
  • various types.
  • Hit foreign body into the cavity and .
  • Viral and bacterial damage to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system. Injuries and viral damage to departments (,),.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. , and before heart attacks, .
  • Endocrine system disorders, such as ketoacidosis, thyrotoxicosis, phenylketonuria.
  • As a result of motion sickness while traveling.
  • Manifestation of a psychosomatic reaction of the body.
  • Side effect when taking certain medications (especially when).
  • Diseases of the inner ear: , .

In women, pregnancy is often associated with attacks of nausea and vomiting. This phenomenon is called toxicosis and is considered an acceptable reaction of the body to hormonal imbalance during this period.

At the same time, some cases of toxicosis, especially in the later stages, serve as the basis for inpatient monitoring of the patient.

Associated symptoms and what diseases are they associated with?

When diagnosing diseases, it is important to take into account accompanying symptoms, which will also provide information about a possible illness.

Additional symptoms:

  1. What if nausea and vomiting occurs with a headache? Most often this is associated with an increase blood pressure, brain injuries and inflammatory processes in this organ. In this case, vomiting does not bring relief; on the contrary, it provokes an attack of weakness and apathy. Second possible reason is toxic poisoning of the body, for example, when consuming low-quality products, overdose medicines, or inhalation of toxic compounds.
  2. Dizziness. Most often caused by an attack, especially if accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.
  3. No fever. It may be a sign of a foreign body, helminthic infestation or motion sickness.
  4. Temperature increase. Indicates the viral or bacterial nature of the gastrointestinal tract disease.
  5. Diarrhea and weakness. such conditions are most often caused by infectious contamination of the body, acetone crisis (vomit has the smell of acetone), as well as.
  6. Stomach ache. Sharp and spasmodic pain can cause the development, dysfunction of the stomach and intestines. If the pain does not go away after an attack of vomiting, or, on the contrary, increases, you should immediately call an ambulance.
  7. Chest pain. This is usually the first symptom of problems in the functioning of the heart muscle. The pain can radiate to the left hypochondrium, scapula and even
  8. After meal. Nausea and vomiting after eating may not necessarily indicate gastrointestinal problems. Most often this happens after overeating, drinking alcohol and eating heavy meals on the stomach. If the feeling of nausea after eating becomes constant, it is necessary to check the functions of the digestive organs.
  9. High pressure. Most often it manifests itself in hypertension or crisis. Usually after vomiting there is temporary relief and the pressure drops slightly. In any case, increased blood pressure and vomiting are reasons to consult a doctor.
  10. Vomiting blood. It is a symptom of the upper stomach, esophagus or pharyngeal vessels. If bleeding occurs directly in the stomach or duodenum, the impurities will appear brown due to a reaction with gastric juice.
  11. Vomiting with foam. Most often it manifests itself in pulmonary hemorrhages.
  12. Vomiting with bile. It may indicate the release of bile into the stomach, for example, with frequent vomiting, or into the duodenum.

When contacting a doctor, it is very important to indicate the frequency, duration and amount of vomiting. This is often very helpful in making a diagnosis and will help determine the cause of such conditions.

Treatment in adults and children

Herbal teas with a calming effect (mint, lemon balm, valerian) provide good help. In addition, you can use decoctions of chamomile or dill seeds. You can suck a small piece of ginger root under your tongue, which is great for motion sickness.

Our body is a complex functioning mechanism in which everything is thought out possible systems. Often, a signal of a possible malfunction of the internal parts is nausea and vomiting, which are not a separate disease.

These symptoms can manifest themselves to varying degrees as a result of dysfunction of the digestive tract, as well as disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The main causes of vomiting, as well as methods to alleviate the patient’s condition, are discussed in our information.

Nausea is a rather unpleasant sensation, which, unfortunately, occurs periodically in almost every person. It does not appear without a reason; its occurrence indicates some kind of malfunction in the body.

What does constant nausea without other symptoms mean?

Constant nausea without vomiting or other symptoms may indicate many diseases or other changes in the body. Whatever the reason for this unpleasant sensation, This problem cannot be ignored, but it is necessary to find out the true source of nausea.

Nausea is not normal condition healthy body, and even more so if it is permanent. Constant nausea without vomiting or other symptoms may indicate the occurrence of such diseases:

  • stomach diseases,
  • intestinal diseases,
  • brain diseases,
  • kidney diseases,
  • the occurrence of tumors and inflammations,
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland,
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system,
  • vestibular system disorder,
  • manifestation infectious diseases.

Note! Very often, the occurrence of constant nausea may indicate an incorrect lifestyle:

  • alcohol abuse,
  • smoking,
  • severe overstrain and overwork of the body,
  • poor nutrition (excessive consumption of fatty and smoked foods, abuse of fast food),
  • emotional exhaustion.

If nausea occurs, before diagnosing the disease, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. It is probably due to the incorrect routine of existence that these uncomfortable sensations arise.

What to do if you feel nauseous without vomiting

When nausea occurs the first thing you need to do is review your diet. If the day before this uncomfortable feeling occurred, you ate a lot of fatty foods, or simply an excessive amount of any food, this may be the cause of nausea.

Fatty foods can trigger nausea

But if you experience a feeling such as constant nausea without vomiting and other symptoms, there may be another problem that is dangerous to your health.

The first thing you need to do is promptly seek help from a qualified specialist.

The doctor will examine the body and refer you for diagnostics. Currently, with the help of high-quality equipment in laboratories, taking into account the obtained blood and urine tests, many diseases can be identified. Therefore, you should trust the specialists and go through all diagnostic methods.

Nausea may be a symptom of illness

Important to remember! Taking medications for nausea will only temporarily relieve the discomfort, but not the very source of this unpleasant sensation.

In order to get rid of nausea, it is necessary to begin treatment of the disease that causes it. Having cured the disease, nausea will disappear after it.

The main causes of nausea, other than illness

This uncomfortable feeling may not necessarily arise due to human illness. There are a large number of other reasons which can cause such unpleasant experiences.

One of the main causes of nausea is overwork. It is important for a person to rest and relax.

Sometimes they become unexpected for the person who and how does not connect them with the resulting feeling of persistent nausea:

  1. Overexertion and lack of sleep. The body needs rest and healthy sleep. If there is not enough sleep over a long period, various discomforts may occur, including regular nausea. This is a signal from the body about an incorrect daily routine.
  2. Problems related to the vestibular system. People with such a violation in the operation of this device may get motion sickness in transport or elevators. This may cause severe nausea.
  3. Poisoning, intestinal infection. The pathological process is usually accompanied by vomiting and fever, but there are cases in which only nausea occurs.
  4. Side effects of drugs. Every medicine can cause side effects, including nausea. You can read about this in the instructions for the drug.
  5. Pregnancy. The first months of pregnancy, as a rule, are accompanied by constant nausea, and vomiting is not at all necessary.
  6. Migraine. Headaches of this nature are often accompanied by nausea.
  7. Concussion. This condition usually causes nausea, and in severe forms, vomiting.

These are the most common causes of persistent nausea without vomiting or other symptoms, and there are many others. Each body reacts differently to various processes both changes and consequences vary from person to person.

Women often feel sick during pregnancy. If the attacks of nausea are severe and frequent, you should visit your gynecologist

Note! Even the most harmless causes of nausea should receive special attention. Discomfort is not normal if the body is completely healthy.

Features of nausea in diseases

The following illnesses can cause nausea:

The listed characteristics of disease manifestations may differ, since Each body tolerates diseases differently, therefore, the symptoms may be different or appear to a lesser extent.

Important to remember! Even if the symptoms are exactly similar to those described in the article, you should not resort to self-medication. The fact is that many diseases are similar in their symptoms, while their treatment is significantly different.

Features of nausea by time of day

The characteristics of unpleasant sensations may vary depending on the time of day. If you constantly feel sick without vomiting or other symptoms during a certain period of the day, this will allow you to more accurately determine the cause of this discomfort.

If nausea occurs on the road, then you should use a special bracelet

If nausea constantly haunts the body, then it is possible to trace its dependence on certain human actions, For example:

  • eating,
  • riding in transport,
  • working in uncomfortable conditions,
  • stress, and more.

Nausea is usually worsened by these processes. If you constantly feel sick regardless of these actions, then the reason is more serious and You should consult a doctor even if you have nausea without vomiting and other symptoms.

There can be many reasons for nausea in the morning.

Starting from the most harmless ones, such as overeating before bed or, conversely, a strong feeling of hunger, ending with more serious signs of illness.

A large number of alcohol provokes nausea.

Drinking too much alcohol before bed is a clear sign of morning sickness. Very morning sickness is often a clear sign of pregnancy. You should not take medications on an empty stomach, as this may also cause nausea.

But if constant nausea is tiring, exhausting, and it does not depend on the above factors, then the reason should be sought in your health, or rather, problems with it.

Causes of nausea after eating

When eating fatty and heavy foods, and even in excess, even in absolutely healthy person discomfort may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your diet and eat small portions, this will help avoid nausea.

If nausea occurs after eating, you should pay attention to your diet. You may need to follow a special diet

If the described action did not help, and after any meal there is a feeling of constant nausea, then this is a common symptom of almost all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Such s diseases cannot be diagnosed independently, since their symptoms are very similar to each other.

Even if everything goes away without vomiting or other symptoms, you should think about a comprehensive examination.

Attacks of nausea in the evening and at night

Basically, all painful and discomfort increases in the evening, including a feeling of nausea. Very often, evening and night nausea occurs after severe overexertion during the day, due to severe fatigue.

If you have an attack of nausea, peppermint oil can help

This can be caused by working long hours, which leads to fatigue and exhaustion. One of the reasons may be overeating in the evening, since in the second half of the day a person’s metabolism is already less active, including the work of the stomach, which has a hard time coping with the processing of excess food consumption.

In the evening, and especially before bedtime, need to eat light food and in small quantities, it will relieve overeating and discomfort. Nausea may occur due to medications taken during the day or as an adverse reaction.

If this is not the reason, it is necessary to undergo examination with consultation of a doctor, to identify the source of this discomfort. The causes of nausea in the evening can be various diseases, ranging from dysbiosis to inflammation of appendicitis.

If nausea persists, you should see a doctor

In any case, this the symptom cannot be ignored so that if a disease occurs, it can be cured in a timely manner and without harmful consequences.

Nausea is a rather uncomfortable feeling, especially when it occurs continuously over a long period of time.

This ailment cannot be ignored, as it not only brings discomfort, but can also signal a serious illness or disorder in the body.

Only With proper diagnosis and medical supervision, it is possible to identify real reasons nausea and get rid of these unpleasant sensations.

The following video will tell you about the causes of constant nausea:

This video will tell you which diseases are a sign of constant nausea:

The following video will tell you about the main signs of anorexia nervosa:

Vomit- this is a reflex eruption of the contents of the stomach (sometimes the duodenum) through the mouth (rarely through the nose).

Nausea- this is a painful feeling of discomfort in the upper abdomen, chest, oral cavity and pharynx, often precedes vomiting.

In order to draw any conclusions about the reasons that caused vomiting, it is advisable to examine the vomit after each case of its occurrence. In this case, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • amount of vomit;
  • their consistency;
  • color;
  • smell;
  • the presence of food residues and their composition;

as well as for the presence of pathological impurities:

  • blood;
  • mucus;
  • pus;
  • worms;
  • large amounts of bile.

Depending on the nature of the vomit, the following types of vomit are distinguished:

  • freshly eaten food;
  • congestive vomiting (of food eaten long ago);
  • gall;
  • bloody;
  • feces;
  • purulent and others.


Undigested food may indicate

  • complete absence of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the gastric juice (gastric achylia),
  • violation of esophageal peristalsis or other lesions,
  • intestinal infection.

When vomiting pure gastric juice of high acidity, one can assume that there is damage to the pancreas, characterized by increased secretion of gastrin.

  • A putrid odor can be observed with decaying stomach cancer,
  • smell of alcohol - with alcohol poisoning,
  • the smell of acetone - about acetonemic vomiting (a symptom that develops as a result of metabolic failure in children; ketone bodies and acetone accumulate in the blood).

Bloody vomiting (hematemesis) always indicates bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and requires immediate attention. medical care and finding out the reasons.

The presence of slightly changed blood (liquid or in the form of loose clots) indicates a short stay of blood in the stomach (for example, during food bleeding), or achylia.

With a stomach or duodenal ulcer, vomit takes on the color and appearance of coffee grounds. Typically, such vomiting is accompanied by melena (black, semi-liquid stool with a characteristic unpleasant odor).

An abundance of bile in the vomit is observed

  • with narrowing of the duodenum,
  • reflux gastritis,
  • with biliary colic,
  • for complications after gastric surgery.

Laboratory diagnostics

If it is not possible to establish the cause of vomiting, then cytology is performed, chemical research and testing for the presence of intestinal infections.

A blood test can help identify many causes of nausea and vomiting, for example, if inflammation of the appendicitis, cystitis of the liver and gallbladder, myocardial infarction, neuroborreliosis, food intolerance or metabolic disorders are suspected. diabetes mellitus.

Urinalysis is indicated mainly for kidney diseases (such as renal failure, cystitis, renal colic).

A bowel examination is performed primarily when nausea and vomiting are associated with infectious diarrhea (eg, Salmonella infection).

(H2 breath test) can prove incompatibility with milk sugar (lactose), fructose (fructose).

The infection usually develops in two stages:

first manifests as flu-like symptoms and fever, headaches and muscle aches;

after a short-term improvement, fever reappears, headache, nausea, vomiting and possibly paralysis and disturbances of consciousness.

  • Neuroborreliosis: Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by Borrelia, which is transmitted by ticks. In five to ten percent of patients, the infection progresses to nervous system and signs of the disease are nausea and vomiting.
  • Brain contusion: If nausea and vomiting occur immediately after a head injury, but the patient remains fully conscious, a brain contusion is likely present. If vomiting persists, call an ambulance!
  • Concussion/traumatic brain injury: If nausea and vomiting occur immediately after a head injury and then the patient loses consciousness, the cause is a concussion (mild traumatic brain injury) or a more severe traumatic brain injury. high level. You should call an emergency doctor immediately!
  • Brain tumor: Nausea and vomiting that cannot be explained by gastrointestinal illness, and most often in the early morning and on an empty stomach, may indicate a brain tumor. Another possible warning symptom is new headaches that get worse over time. They are especially noticeable at night and early in the morning, but can occur spontaneously during the day.
  • Motion sickness (travel sickness): On a ship, bus, car or train, it can disrupt the balance of the vestibular system, causing nausea and possibly vomiting.
  • Meniere's disease: Patients constantly experience attacks of sudden dizziness (nausea and vomiting), tinnitus and acute hearing loss.

Other reasons

  • Acute glaucoma: accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and intolerable, one-sided disease of the forehead and eyes. The affected eye becomes red and hard, and vision is blurred. Due to the risk of blindness, consult a doctor or the nearest eye clinic immediately!
  • For diabetes (diabetic ketoacidosis): warning signs include nausea, vomiting and cramping pain in the upper abdomen. Other symptoms of this dangerous metabolic disorder may include extreme thirst and fruity breath. Call an ambulance doctor immediately!
  • Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy: nausea and/or morning vomiting, loss of appetite, and reluctance to eat certain foods appear in 70-90 percent of the time. early stages pregnancy. Doctors talk about complications. Vomiting does not depend on food intake, does not occur at rest and is not associated with any other disease. It usually begins in the sixth to eighth week and lasts until the 12th week of pregnancy. Women lose a lot of fluid, electrolytes, and weight, so treatment is necessary.
  • Fear, anxiety, pain, disgust: some people react to these factors with nausea and perhaps even vomiting.
  • Side effects of medications: Nausea and vomiting can occur as an undesirable effect of various medications, such as pills, antibiotics.

What to do if you vomit?

If nausea and vomiting are accompanied by symptoms of a medical condition that requires treatment, you should consult a doctor.

But what should you do about nausea and vomiting in harmless cases, such as in the car, fever, stomach flu or during pregnancy? In such situations, you can take steps to alleviate the condition:

  • you should refrain from eating for at least one day or at least limit the amount;
  • drink sweet tea with a small amount of wheat crackers;
  • eliminate alcohol, caffeine, raw, fatty foods, and hot spices for a while.

If nausea is accompanied by vomiting, you need to drink plenty of fluids (at least two to three liters per day).

You can purchase special formulations at the pharmacy that will restore lost electrolytes and prevent fluid loss from the body.

  • For nausea during pregnancy It is best to have breakfast in bed in the morning.
  • Food should be light.
  • Eat small carbohydrate-rich meals throughout the day.
  • Avoid spicy and fatty foods, coffee, black tea, and carbonated drinks.

Nausea and vomiting represent two similar, often accompanying protective phenomena, which are provided by nature as reflexes that are not amenable to conscious control. Nausea and vomiting are designed to cleanse the digestive tract of substances that are harmful, according to the body, despite the fact that these substances may not enter the blood from the intestines. So, for example, there are examples in medical practice that a person feels sick and vomits from certain specific smells, tastes and even colors. Nausea and vomiting can be symptoms of a variety of diseases.

Externally, vomiting is an uncontrolled eruption of stomach contents through the mouth, and in some cases through the nose. Absolutely all reflexes, which also include vomiting, are pathways that carry the command-impulse to the organs that execute it, such as the muscles of the diaphragm, stomach, rib cage. Vomiting can be caused by irritation of any part of the reflex pathway. All components of the reflex pathway do not have to be involved. Understanding this fact is necessary to find out the reason for the vomiting.

The frequency of vomiting depends on many factors, such as age, gender, individual characteristics person. For example, women suffer from vomiting more often than men, and children (especially in adolescence) more often than adults. Also, more often than in others, vomiting occurs in people with a tendency to “motion sickness”, as well as with increased nervous excitability.

Causes of vomiting

The causes of vomiting may be the following:
1. Gastrointestinal diseases:
acute surgical diseases: peritonitis, acute pancreatitis, acute intestinal obstruction, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, acute cholecystitis;
chronic diseases: gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, enterocolitis, duodenitis, cholelithiasis;
developmental anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract: narrowing of the pylorus (stenosis), fusion of a section of the gastrointestinal tract (atresia), defects in the development of the pancreas;
gastrointestinal tract infections: viral lesions, food toxic infections, helminthiases,
foreign bodies of the stomach, esophagus, intestines,
functional disorders that are accompanied by impaired motor function of the intestines and stomach.
2. CNS diseases: brain tumors and injuries, brain infections (encephalitis, meningitis), increased intracranial pressure.
3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction.
4. Inner ear diseases: Meniere's disease, labyrinthitis.
5. Endocrine system diseases: in diabetes mellitus – ketoacidosis, thyrotoxicosis, adrenal insufficiency, phenylketonuria.
6. Side effects of drugs and penetration of toxic substances into the body.
7. Psychogenic reactions: fear and anxiety, hysteria, as an expression of some emotions - habitual vomiting.
8. Vomiting and nausea may be the result of motion sickness.
9. Vomiting often occurs in women in the first trimester of pregnancy, during toxicosis (gestosis).

Vomiting and nausea occur in many diseases. As a rule, nausea precedes vomiting, and vomiting gives the patient a feeling of relief. But this does not always occur, so the presence or absence of nausea is one of the main criteria for diagnosis.

Vomiting in children

IN childhood vomiting can be a reaction to many types of infections, nasopharyngeal diseases. This is due to the fact that the mechanisms of the occurrence and inhibition of gag reflexes in this age interval have not yet been fully formed. Vomiting in children can often be a consequence of negative emotional reactions. Vomiting in infants should not be confused with regurgitation of a small part of food after feeding, and vice versa: copious and frequent regurgitation after feeding must be distinguished from vomiting, which is associated with pathology of the intestines and stomach.

Vomiting in infectious diseases

For a group of diseases such as acute intestinal infections, vomiting in most cases is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication: weakness, fever, pain in joints and muscles. In many cases, vomiting precedes diarrhea or these symptoms occur at the same time. In such cases, vomiting brings a feeling of relief to the patient. Such diseases include: food poisoning, salmonellosis, cholera, yersiniosis. In addition, vomiting may be present with helminthic infestations.

In the group of acute general infections, almost every acute infectious disease includes signs of intoxication, often - especially if we're talking about about children younger age– accompanied by vomiting (in most cases one-time) and diarrhea.

As for infectious diseases of the brain and its membranes, it should be noted that when the membranes of the brain are damaged, severe vomiting, severe headache are added to the signs of general intoxication, and subsequently confusion and convulsions may be observed. Distinctive feature Such vomiting can be called the fact that it is not preceded by nausea, and after it the patient does not feel relief.

Vomiting blood

An important factor in determining the causes of vomiting is contents of vomit. For example, if they constantly contain red blood, this indicates the presence of bleeding from the upper parts of the stomach (Malory-Weiss syndrome), esophagus or pharyngeal vessels. The blood that reacts with gastric juice will be colored brown (“coffee grounds”). If there is an admixture of such blood in the vomit, this indicates the presence of bleeding from the stomach or, in more rare cases, from the duodenum.

Vomiting blood may indicate bleeding from a stomach or duodenal ulcer; in patients diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, bleeding from dilated veins of the esophagus. If there is foam in the vomit with blood, this is in most cases a sign of pulmonary hemorrhage.

For erosive gastritis Vomiting with a slight admixture of blood is also possible.

Vomiting with bile

If the vomit is colored in yellow or green color and have a bitter taste, we can say that it is bile. The presence of bile in the vomit may indicate two facts: 1) either it was simply thrown into the stomach, 2) or we are talking about duodenal obstruction. Only in a small percentage of cases, vomiting can be mixed with helminths, pus (stomach phlegmon), and foreign bodies.

Time of vomiting

The cause of vomiting can also be judged by knowing the time of its (vomiting) appearance. Vomiting that occurs in the morning occurs in pregnant women, with alcoholic gastritis and brain diseases. If vomiting occurs in the afternoon, it may be associated with diseases accompanied by impaired evacuation of gastric contents. At peptic ulcer and gastritis, vomiting occurs after eating.

Smell of vomit

The smell of vomit can be used to judge not only the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, sour vomit smell may indicate a peptic ulcer or other processes with increased acid formation. If food stagnates in the stomach, there will be rotten smell vomit. In case of intestinal obstruction, vomit is characterized by smell of feces. When consuming surrogates of alcohol or technical liquids, vomiting will have a characteristic smell of chemicals. At renal failure vomit smells like ammonia and for diabetes mellitus - acetone.

Examination of a patient with vomiting

If the diagnosis is based on the symptom of vomiting, it is necessary to use, in addition to the traditional detailed questioning of the patient, instrumental and laboratory research methods:
clinical blood test. It is needed in order to find out the nature of the disease (whether it is infectious or some other).
blood chemistry. It will help assess the function of almost any organ, find out the level of glucose in the body, as well as the level of metabolic products.
fibrogastroduodenoscopy necessary to exclude diseases of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum.
radiography of the gastrointestinal tract with the use of radiopaque agents. Using this procedure, it is possible to identify diseases throughout the gastrointestinal tract.
additional diagnostic methods: computed tomography, ECG, ultrasound examinations.

Treatment of vomiting

To get rid of vomiting, you first need to identify the cause that caused it. For the symptomatic treatment of vomiting, various groups of drugs are used:
for mild vomiting: antipsychotics (etaperazine, haloperidol), tranquilizers (phenozepam, diazepam);
for vomiting caused by diseases of the inner ear, antihistamines are used (dimenhydrinate, promethazine hydrochloride).

At symptomatic treatment Dopamine antagonists have the greatest effect (cerucal, metoclopramide). Similar to drugs in this group cisapride(stimulant of motor function of the gastrointestinal tract) has a large peripheral effect, in addition, it lacks some side effects metoclopramide.

For vomiting caused by chemotherapy for cancer, serotonin receptor antagonist drugs are used (granisetron, ondansetron, tropisetron).

To avoid dehydration and electrolyte imbalance with frequent vomiting, saline solutions are used: for internal userehydron, for intravenous administration – Ringer's solution.

Folk remedies for treating vomiting

Treat vomiting with remedies traditional medicine at home it is recommended using herbal decoctions:
calming effect: lemon balm, valerian, mint,
calming and antispasmodic effect on the gastric mucosa: dill, chamomile.

Until the cause of vomiting is determined, you should refrain from eating. If a child starts vomiting, do not self-medicate, seek help from a doctor.