Where is the hot spot now? The world is at war

War has accompanied humanity throughout the history of its existence. Twice during the 20th century, bloody madness literally captured the whole world - these events were called world wars. At the end of World War II, it seemed that politicians had found a way to end armed conflicts once and for all, but this opinion turned out to be wrong. The scale has changed, the form of confrontation has undergone a transformation, but the war itself has not disappeared. To this day, pockets of tension or so-called hot spots continue to exist in the world.

The most problematic region is the Middle East. Despite regular peacekeeping operations carried out by the international community with the active support of Washington, the Middle Eastern countries not only have not forgotten the horrors of war, but, on the contrary, destruction has occurred even where there were no such prerequisites for it. The overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq had catastrophic long-term consequences. He was overthrown in 2003 by an American invasion and executed in 2006. And even after a decade, the country cannot return to pre-war levels. Some of its areas are controlled by a terrorist group banned in Russia." Islamic State".

“IS” feels at ease in the Middle East thanks to the political instability reigning in the region. The best way for terrorists to gain a foothold in Syria was after Washington began helping the opposition seeking to overthrow the country’s legitimate president, Bashar al-Assad, by armed means. The fact that the American army did not directly participate in operations against government forces made it possible to preserve the state as such, however, large areas of Syria were taken under the control of the Islamic State and other terrorist groups.

The situation changed dramatically after the start of an operation by the Russian Aerospace Forces to strike militant positions. What the Western coalition could not do in several years, Russia managed in less than a year. After the terrorists began to suffer one defeat after another, and government forces began to strengthen themselves in newly occupied positions, the opposition also expressed its readiness for dialogue to resolve the situation peacefully. However, experts warn that it is too early to talk about a final victory over ISIS.

Nevertheless, liberation became a striking symbol of the victory of civilization over barbarism, good over evil, order over chaos ancient city Palmyra. The terrorists turned it into a real training ground, destroying ancient artifacts, carried out show executions and plundered thousand-year-old valuables. However, with the support of the Aerospace Forces, Syrian forces were able to drive the militants out of the city. Then Russian sappers took charge of it, taking care of the safety of both ancient monuments and people. The apotheosis of the liberation of Palmyra was the concert of the Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra. Where until recently militants killed people with impunity, Bach’s music began to sound.

Libya, located in North Africa, has become another victim of political instability. There, the United States directly supported the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, who had led the country since 1969. However, when armed militants executed the “bloody dictator” in 2011, the country was truly overwhelmed by a wave of violence and death. The new government was recognized only in half of the territory of Libya, but even there there is no talk of peaceful life yet. Groups of very different views, united only by an extreme degree of radicalism, are fiercely fighting for power, simultaneously turning the ruins of once relatively prosperous cities into dust.

In addition to all the troubles, the Islamic State has also chosen Libya because it can fearlessly build its bases in this country - there is simply no strength to resist armed aggression and the new government, it is busy fighting for its own survival. Even US President Barack Obama was forced to admit that invading Libya and overthrowing Gaddafi was a mistake. However, awareness of this fact did not in any way protect Washington from similar steps in other countries.

Meanwhile, terrorists, feeling their impunity, create training bases in Libya, after which they undermine the situation in other countries in the region. In particular, Tunisia suffers greatly from militants. The country's authorities have even developed a project to create a wall on the border with Libya. However, many understand that this is not a solution, and it is necessary to fight the cause of terrorism, and not isolate ourselves from it.

A country that has not known peaceful life for decades is Afghanistan. Serious problems with the terrorist threat in the country began after the United States began supporting the Taliban movement. Experts note that this is how al-Qaeda emerged, responsible for many acts of intimidation around the world, the largest of which were the September 11 terrorist attacks. The Taliban continue to wage war against the legitimate government of Afghanistan to this day. At the same time, the United States is now on the side of the legitimate government, but over the years the operation has failed to achieve significant success. Despite the fact that reports of open armed clashes or terrorist attacks are not coming from Afghanistan so often, it continues to be a hot spot on the planet.

Another source of instability is located directly in Europe. It's about about the military operation launched by Kiev against the population of Donbass. It all started with a coup d'etat in Ukraine, which was supported by European and American politicians. All promises made to Viktor Yanukovych, who then headed the country, were forgotten, and he was forced to flee to Russia, saving his life.

The new government decided to radically fight all dissenters. And although the West expressed serious concerns about the legal actions of the police towards protesters when Yanukovych led the country, after his ouster the authorities were given carte blanche, and neither politicians nor human rights activists spoke out against it when Kyiv began shelling residential areas of Donbass. Thus began an open armed conflict. A militia appeared to protect the interests of the inhabitants of the region, which was able to stop the advance of the security forces.

As a result, the situation, in conditions where Kyiv does not have enough forces to launch a new offensive, but there is no political determination to stop the war, turned out to be frozen. The conflicting parties met in Minsk, where they signed a ceasefire agreement. Russia, Germany and France acted as international observers. Despite the fact that the Ukrainian side agreed to the conditions, it is in no hurry to fulfill its obligations. However, the international community has repeatedly emphasized that there is no way out of the Ukrainian crisis other than a political one.

The simmering conflict continues in Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia and Azerbaijan were drawn into it, and Russia acts as a restraining force, calling on the parties not to aggravate the situation, but to sit down at the negotiating table. It was her efforts that proved decisive during the latest escalation, when military clashes resumed in Nagorno-Karabakh. The sides pulled together armed forces and equipment to the borders and fired from heavy weapons. However, a large-scale war was avoided. However, the truce established in the region is still very fragile and risks collapsing at the slightest provocation.

In Asia, tensions are brewing on the India-Pakistan border. The situation is aggravated by the fact that Islamabad at one time received significant support from Washington. At that time, the policy of the Pakistani authorities supporting the Taliban was consistent with American foreign policy interests, but now relations between the countries have cooled. In particular, it became known that the United States refused to provide Pakistan with a loan for the purchase of their F-16 fighters. However, experts fear that the country has already made a serious technological leap in terms of weapons. In particular, experts are considering the possibility of a nuclear conflict between New Delhi and Islamabad. In this case, from the local conflict this hot spot risks turning into a funeral pyre for the entire civilization. However, analysts are confident that other conflicts still raging in the world have similar destructive potential, so they must be treated with extreme caution.

Are there hot spots in Russia today? This is a question that both experts and ordinary people clearly find it difficult to answer. Strictly speaking, if by hot spot we mean an armed conflict that has arisen between countries or individual social groups within the country, then today there are no such points on the territory of Russia. However, many conflicts in which Russia's interests are affected exist in the world.

In some, Russia is directly involved (the conflict in Syria), in others – indirectly (southeast Ukraine). If you look at the situation from this angle, then there are hot spots to which the Russian Federation is related. No one will now argue that Afghanistan was once a hot spot in the USSR. Syria, Donbass, and the “smoldering” Caucasus are related to today’s Russia, whether we like it or not.


Of course, this does not change anything in our attitude towards you.

If a big disaster happens, we will again go to die for you in millions.

We're just really different.

And you, sister, are our eternal humility before God.

The wound is not healing.

Ivan Okhlobystin. “Thank you, Ukraine!”

After the coup of 21014, the return of Crimea by Russia, the most painful hot spot for a large part of Russians became Novorossiya: the Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics. There is no need to talk about Russia’s geopolitical interests in relation to Ukraine: Russians and Ukrainians are essentially one people. It is difficult to find a resident of Russia who does not have relatives, friends or classmates living in Ukraine. The historical past, common culture, similarity of language and civilizational identity have been shaken in just two decades. The incessant propaganda and brainwashing of the fraternal people, instilling hatred towards Russia, was quite obviously carried out by interested parties as preparation for striking Russia.

Western analysts and strategists, unable to understand the phenomenon of the Slavic spirit, its irrational ability to remain undefeated in any, even the most terrible war, decided to break the Slavs with the Slavs, pitting one against the other... A diabolical, sophisticated method that, unfortunately, brings its fruits. The result is tens of thousands of deaths, mostly among civilians, and a protracted, hopeless conflict. According to American experts, the massacre in Ukraine could last for many decades. According to Putin's official statement, there are no regular Russian troops in Ukraine. On the diplomatic front there are endless battles, and in the southeast there are real battles. People are dying. Is it a hot spot? It doesn't get any hotter.

In light of recent events, it becomes clear that Western analysts are not so wrong. Putin didn’t even want to go to the last meeting in the Normandy format. The situation in Donbass has remained unchanged for more than a year and a half, and Petro Poroshenko’s latest statements do not inspire any hope of progress political process. Position on the front line in last days escalated, as a result of the terrorist attack, one of the most famous militia commanders, Arseny Pavlov, better known by his call sign Motorola, was killed. The meeting, which did take place, did not bring any serious results. The organizers were more interested in the situation in Syria, around the city of Aleppo.


You need to defeat the enemy before the battle.

From hand-to-hand combat instruction for Russian special forces.

If everything is more or less clear with Ukraine, then the participation of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria came as a complete surprise to the whole world. It's hard to forget the phrase Russian President at the UN General Assembly in 2015: “Do you even understand what you have done?” We are talking about the consequences of intervention Western countries led by the United States in the affairs of Iraq and Libya. As a result of the support of the armed opposition in the Middle East, various terrorist organizations have flourished, the most famous of which is the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), banned in Russia and many other countries.

Russia sees this as a threat to itself. The development of a model of intervention in the affairs of other countries will eventually create the preconditions for applying this model to the affairs of Russian Federation. In addition, the terrorist threat is not something ephemeral for Russia. We all remember scary days in Beslan, Budennovsk, Pervomaisk, we remember “Nord-Ost” and many other tragic events in our country. Therefore, the decision to provide the official authorities of the SAR with military assistance in the fight against ISIS can be considered a preventive measure to maintain security in the Russian Federation.

(VOVworld) - Iraq has become a new hot spot in the Middle East. In just a few days, one third of the country's territory was captured by militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. This poses a great threat not only to the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki but also to neighboring countries and security in the region as a whole.

Shiites in Iraq. Photo: Reuters

It should be noted that a huge territory in western Iraq was taken under control by Sunni formations, which mainly include militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group. In this territory there are big cities Iraq, including Mosul, the second largest city, and Tikrit, where former President Saddam Hussein was born and raised. Noteworthy is the fact that these cities are located close to Baghdad, just a few hours away by car. The capture of a number of large cities is a source of powerful inspiration for militants seeking to create the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which includes territories not only in Iraq but also in Syria.

The country is on the brink civil war, which poses a great threat to security in the region

The world community is deeply concerned by the fact that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group includes formations that maintain close ties with the international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, as well as Sunni formations that in the past were opponents of the Islamic State of Iraq group and Levant."

Moreover, not only Sunnis but also Kurds, who recently took control of the city of Kirkuk, which has great oil potential, are opposed to the government.

In such a situation, about a million Iraqis left their homeland. The USA, Australia and some other countries are calling on their citizens to leave Iraq immediately.

According to observers, main reason destabilizing the situation in Iraq is the lack of ability of Iraqi government troops to stop the advance of militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group, although government troops were armed with American modern weapons. The United States believes that if the formations of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group take control of other cities and provinces of Iraq, this will be fraught dangerous consequences. The creation of a Sunni state covering both Iraqi and Syrian territory will undoubtedly have a great impact negative impact on the Kurdish community in Turkey, Syria and Iran, seeking to create their own independent state.

Make a military intervention or resolve the conflict peacefully

It should also be noted that the changes taking place in Iraq are the focus of attention, first of all, by the American administration. Following President Barack Obama's statement, US Secretary of State John Kerry said on June 16 that Washington was considering the possibility of assisting the Iraqi government in curbing militant activities. In a letter to US congressmen on June 16, President Barack Obama said he would send 275 US troops to Baghdad to provide security for US embassy staff in Iraq. Along with this, the American warship Mesa Verd entered the Persian Gulf with 550 Marines on board. Earlier, the world's largest American aircraft carrier named George W. Bush was sent to this area. However, as international observers note, military intervention in Iraq is not a realistic option for the United States. Sunnis in Iraq will believe that Washington is taking a biased position in resolving the sectarian conflict in Iraq.

Meanwhile, Great Britain stated that it only advocates providing humanitarian assistance to Iraq. And if necessary, it will send counter-terrorism specialists to Baghdad. And Saudi Arabia opposes outside interference in the internal affairs of Iraq. On June 15, participants in an emergency meeting of the League of Arab States unanimously noted the importance of achieving national reconciliation between political factions in Iraq.

Cause of destabilization in Iraq predicted

Earlier, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair warned that the conflict in Iraq is inextricably linked to differences between political parties within the country's current interim government. US Secretary of State John Kerry also admitted that Washington's military intervention in Iraq will yield results only if the contradictions between Iraqi leaders are resolved. The American newspaper Nation Interest in one of its latest issues does not hide the fact that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki did not make efforts that meet the interests of the Sunnis. Shiites occupy a majority in the country's army.

The war in Iraq is sectarian in nature. Stopping hostilities and violence is a difficult task facing the conflicting parties in this country.

Terrorism in the world is becoming deadlier: over the past year, the number of victims of terrorist attacks was 30% higher than the average for the previous five years.

According to research firm Maplecroft, 18,668 thousand people were killed in terrorist attacks last year, and the average over the past five years is 14,433 thousand.

At the same time, the number of terrorist attacks itself decreased to 9,471 thousand compared to the average of 10,468 thousand.

“It is significant that terrorist methods have become more deadly over Last year", the study notes.

And all this affects the lives of citizens different countries, the state of the infrastructure, and also causes very serious economic damage.

Maplecroft names 12 countries with extremely high degree risk that results high level instability and weak governance.

Terrorism hot spots

Topping the list is Iraq, which has seen three times as many terrorist attacks as Pakistan, which has the second-highest number of terrorist attacks.

The government in Baghdad is unable to fight the militant group and has already lost control of many key cities and areas in the north and center of the country.

Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia follow, but Nigeria, which ranks fifth according to Maplecroft, has the worst terrorist attacks.

Africa's fastest-growing economy faced a huge number of terrorist attacks in 2013. Their number reached 146, and the number of deaths was 3,477 thousand.

Economic consequences

"Libya, Kenya and Egypt are among the few countries to see significant increases in risk," said Jordan Perry, chief risk analyst at Maplecroft. "Key industries, including tourism and oil and gas, have been significantly impacted."

Libya's oil production has been declining following several attacks in the past year. This in turn increases terrorist risks in Egypt, whose tourism sector is already suffering from recent turmoil.

This sector accounts for 11% of the country's GDP, and the decline in the first quarter of this year in annual terms amounted to 43%.

It's a similar story in Kenya, which ranks 12th on Maplecroft's list. After the terrorist attack in mall The tourism sector is facing a significant decline, accounting for 12% of the country's economy.

However, Kenya successfully floated $2 billion in Eurobonds, highlighting investor interest.

The report also highlights the rapid rise in terrorist attacks in China. In 2014, their number reached 76, compared to 16 in the first six months of 2013. However, their economic impact is still very small.

It seems that today wars are a thing of the past: even the latest research shows that in the third millennium significantly less people dies during armed clashes. However, the unstable situation remains in many regions, and hot spots continue to appear on the map every now and then.

We have selected the ten most significant armed conflicts and military crises that threaten the world right now.

Zones of military tension are indicated in red on the maps


Government troops, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), scattered Sunni groups, autonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan.

The essence of the conflict
The terrorist organization ISIS wants to build an Islamic caliphate on parts of Iraq and Syria. theocratic state, and so far the authorities have not been able to successfully resist the militants. The Iraqi Kurds took advantage of the ISIS offensive - they freely captured several large oil-producing regions and are planning to secede from Iraq.

Current situation
The ISIS caliphate already extends from the Syrian city of Aleppo to the areas bordering Baghdad. So far, government troops have managed to recapture only a few large cities - Tikrit and Uja. The autonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan has freely taken control of several large oil-producing areas and is planning to hold a referendum on independence in the near future.

Gaza Strip

Israel Defense Forces, Hamas, Fatah, Gaza Strip civilians.

The essence of the conflict
Israel launched Operation Unbreakable Wall to destroy the infrastructure of the Hamas terrorist movement and other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip region. The immediate cause was the increased frequency of rocket attacks on Israeli territories and the kidnapping of three Jewish teenagers.

Current situation
On July 17, the ground phase of the operation began after Hamas militants violated a five-hour truce to organize humanitarian corridors. According to the UN, by the time the temporary truce was concluded, there were already more than 200 civilian deaths. The Palestinian President's Fatah party has already stated that their people will “repel Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip.”


Syrian Armed Forces, National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, Syrian Kurdistan, Al-Qaeda, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Islamic Front, Ahrar al-Sham, Al-Nusra Front and others.

The essence of the conflict
The war in Syria began after a brutal crackdown on anti-government demonstrations that began in the region in the wake of the Arab Spring. The armed confrontation between the army of Bashar al-Assad and the moderate opposition escalated into a civil war that affected the entire country - now in Syria about 1,500 different rebel groups with a total number of 75 to 115 thousand people have joined the conflict. The most powerful armed groups are radical Islamists.

Current situation
Today, most of the country is controlled by the Syrian army, but the northern regions of Syria are captured by ISIS. Assad's forces are attacking moderate opposition forces in Aleppo, near Damascus the confrontation between ISIS terrorists and militants of the Islamic Front has intensified, and in the north of the country the Kurds are also resisting ISIS.


Armed Forces of Ukraine, National Guard of Ukraine, Security Service of Ukraine, militias of the Donetsk People's Republic, militias of the Lugansk People's Republic, "Russian Orthodox Army", Russian volunteers and others.

The essence of the conflict
After the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the change of power in Kyiv in the South-East of Ukraine in April of this year, with the support of Moscow, the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics were proclaimed by pro-Russian armed forces. The Ukrainian government and newly elected President Poroshenko launched a military operation against the separatists.

Current situation
On July 17, a Malaysian airliner crashed over separatist-controlled territories. Kyiv blamed the deaths of 223 people on the fighters of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic - the Ukrainian authorities are convinced that the separatists have air defense systems that were transferred to them by the Russian side. The DPR denies any involvement in the plane crash. OSCE representatives are currently working at the crash site. However, the separatists have already shot down planes before, although not at such a height and with the help of man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems. To date, the armed forces of Ukraine have managed to recapture part of the territories from the separatists, in particular the city of Slavyansk.


Government troops, Boko Haram.

The essence of the conflict
Since 2002, the radical Islamist sect Boko Haram has been operating in Nigeria, which advocates the introduction of Sharia law throughout the country, while only part of the state is inhabited by Muslims. Over the past five years, Boko Haram followers have armed themselves and now regularly carry out terrorist attacks, kidnappings and mass executions. The victims of terrorists are Christians and secular Muslims. The country's leadership has failed negotiations with Boko Haram and is not yet able to suppress the group, which already controls entire regions.

Current situation
Some Nigerian states have been under a state of emergency for a year now. On July 17, the President of Nigeria asked financial assistance from the international community: the country's army has too outdated and few weapons to fight terrorists. Since April this year, Boko Haram has been holding hostage over 250 schoolgirls who were kidnapped for ransom or sale into slavery.

South Sudan

Dinka Tribal Union, Nuer Tribal Union, UN Peacekeeping Forces, Uganda.

The essence of the conflict
At the height of the political crisis in December 2013, President South Sudan announced that his former comrade-in-arms and vice president attempted to stage a military coup in the country. Mass arrests and riots began, which subsequently escalated into violent armed clashes between two tribal unions: the country’s president belongs to the Nuer, which dominates politics and the population, and the disgraced vice-president and his supporters belong to the Dinka, the second largest ethnic group in the state.

Current situation
The rebels control key oil-producing areas, the backbone of South Sudan's economy. The UN sent a peacekeeping contingent to the epicenter of the conflict to protect civilians: more than 10 thousand people were killed in the country, and 700 thousand became forced refugees. In May, the warring parties began negotiations for a truce, but the former vice president and rebel leader admitted that he could not completely control the rebels. Resolving the conflict is complicated by the presence of troops from neighboring Uganda in the country, which are on the side of the government forces of South Sudan.


More than 10 drug cartels, government troops, police, self-defense units.

The essence of the conflict
For several decades, there was hostility between drug cartels in Mexico, but the corrupt government tried not to interfere in the fight between the groups for drug traffic. That changed when newly elected President Felipe Calderon sent regular army troops into one of the states in 2006 to restore order there.
The confrontation escalated into a war between the combined police and army forces against dozens of drug cartels across the country.

Current situation
Over the years of conflict, drug cartels in Mexico have turned into real corporations - now they control and divide among themselves the market for sex services, counterfeit goods, weapons, software. In government and media, large cartels have their own lobbyists and agents who work on public opinion. The cartel war over drug traffic has become secondary; now they are fighting among themselves for control of communications: major highways, ports, border cities. Government forces are losing this war primarily due to widespread corruption and mass defections armed forces on the side of the drug cartels. In some especially crime-prone regions, the population has formed a people's militia because they do not trust the local police.

central Asia

Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan.

The essence of the conflict
The tense situation in the region is maintained by Afghanistan, which has been unstable for decades, on the one hand, and Uzbekistan, which is entering into territorial disputes, on the other. The main drug traffic in the Eastern Hemisphere also passes through these countries - a powerful source of regular armed clashes between criminal groups.

Current situation
After the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan and presidential elections Another crisis has broken out in the country. The Taliban launched a large-scale attack on Kabul, while participants in the election race refused to recognize the results of the presidential election.
In January of this year, an armed conflict began between border services on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - each side is confident of violating the other’s border. There is still no agreement between the countries on clear demarcation of borders. Uzbekistan also presented its territorial claims to neighboring Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - the country's authorities are not satisfied with the borders that were formed as a result of the collapse of the USSR. A few weeks ago, the next stage of negotiations began to resolve the conflict, which since 2012 could at any time turn into an armed one.

China and countries in the region

China, Vietnam, Japan, Philippines.

The essence of the conflict
After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the situation in the region deteriorated again - China again started talking about territorial claims to Vietnam. The disputes concern the small but strategically important Paracel Islands and the Spratly archipelago. The conflict is exacerbated by the militarization of Japan. Tokyo decided to revise its peace constitution, begin militarization and increase its military presence in the Senkaku Archipelago, which is also claimed by the PRC.

Current situation
China has completed development of oil fields near disputed islands that have sparked protests from Vietnam. The Philippines sent its military in support of Vietnam and carried out an action that angered Beijing - the troops of the two countries played an exhibition game of football in the Spratly archipelago. There are still Chinese warships a short distance from the Paracel Islands. Among other things, Hanoi claims that the Chinese have already deliberately sunk one Vietnamese fishing boat and damaged 24 others. However, at the same time, China and the Philippines oppose Japan's policy of militarization.

Sahel region

France, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Sudan, Eritrea and other neighboring countries.

The essence of the conflict
In 2012, the Sahel region experienced its largest humanitarian crisis: Negative consequences crisis in Mali coincided with severe food shortages. During the civil war, most Tuaregs from Libya emigrated to northern Mali. There they proclaimed the independent state of Azawad. In 2013, the Malian military accused the president of failing to deal with the separatists and staged a military coup. At the same time, France sent its troops into Mali to fight the Tuaregs and the radical Islamists who joined them from neighboring countries. The Sahel is home to the largest markets for arms, slaves, drugs on the African continent, and the main hideouts for dozens of terrorist organizations.

Current situation
The UN estimates that more than 11 million people in the Sahel region are currently hungry. And in the near future this number may increase to 18 million. Clashes between government troops continue in Mali French army against partisan detachments Tuaregs and radical Islamists, despite the fall of the self-proclaimed state of Azawad. And this only increases the unstable situation and humanitarian crisis in the region - in 2014, the presence of terrorist groups increased in almost all countries of the Sahel.