Where are the most frequent earthquakes? How do scientists record the size of an earthquake? Tectonic causes of earthquakes

In this article we will look at causes of earthquakes. The very concept of an earthquake is known to all people, and even children, but what are the reasons that suddenly the ground under your feet begins to move and everything around collapses?

First of all, it must be said that earthquakes are conventionally divided into several types: tectonic, volcanic, landslide, artificial and man-made. We will briefly look at all of them right now. If you want to know, be sure to read to the end.

  1. Tectonic causes of earthquakes

Most often, earthquakes occur due to the fact that they are in constant motion. Upper layer lithospheric plates called tectonic plates. The platforms themselves move unevenly and constantly press on each other. However, they for a long time remain alone.

Gradually, the pressure increases, as a result of which the tectonic plate makes a sudden push. It is he who produces vibrations in the surrounding rock, which is why an earthquake occurs.

San Andreas Fault

Transform faults are huge cracks in the Earth where plates rub against each other. Many readers should be aware that the San Andreas Fault is one of the most famous and longest transform faults in the world. It is located in the state of California in the USA.

Photo of the San Andreas fault

The platforms moving along it cause devastating earthquakes in the cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles. Interesting fact: in 2015, Hollywood released a film called “San Andreas Fault.” He talks about the corresponding disaster.

  1. Volcanic causes of earthquakes

One of the causes of earthquakes is volcanoes. Although they do not produce strong vibrations of the earth, they last quite a long time. The reasons for the tremors are related to the fact that deep in the depths of the volcano the tension formed by lava and volcanic gases increases. As a rule, volcanic earthquakes last for weeks or even months.

However, history knows cases of tragic earthquakes of this type. An example is the Krakatoa volcano, located in Indonesia, which erupted in 1883.

Krakatoa still gets excited sometimes. Real photo.

The force of its explosion was at least 10 thousand times greater than the force of . The mountain itself was almost completely destroyed, and the island split into three small parts. Two-thirds of the land disappeared under water, and the rising tsunami destroyed everyone who still had a chance to escape. More than 36,000 people died.

  1. Landslide causes of earthquakes

Earthquakes caused by giant landslides are called landslides. They are local in nature, and their strength is usually small. But there are exceptions here too. For example, in Peru, in 1970, a landslide with a volume of 13 million cubic meters descended from Mount Huascaran at a speed of over 400 km/h. About 20,000 people died.

  1. Technogenic causes of earthquakes

Earthquakes of this type are caused by human activity. For example, artificial reservoirs in places not intended for this by nature provoke pressure on the plates with their weight, which serves to increase the number and strength of earthquakes.

The same applies to the oil and gas industry, when large quantities are extracted natural materials. In a word, man-made earthquakes occur when a person took something from nature from one place and transferred it to another without asking.

  1. Artificial causes of earthquakes

From the name of this type of earthquake it is easy to guess that the blame for it lies entirely with man.

For example, North Korea tested a nuclear bomb in 2006, which caused a small earthquake recorded in many countries. That is, any activity of the inhabitants of the earth, which is obviously guaranteed to entail an earthquake, is an artificial cause of this type of disaster.

Is it possible to predict earthquakes?

Indeed it is possible. For example, in 1975, Chinese scientists predicted an earthquake and saved many lives. But this cannot be done with a 100% guarantee, even today. An ultra-sensitive device that records an earthquake is called a seismograph. The vibrations of the earth are recorded on the rotating drum by a recorder.


Animals also feel anxious before earthquakes. Horses begin to rear up for no apparent reason, dogs bark strangely, and snakes crawl out of their holes to the surface.

Earthquake scale

Typically, the strength of earthquakes is measured using the Earthquake Scale. We will present all twelve points so that you have an idea of ​​what it is.

  • 1 point (invisible) - the earthquake is recorded exclusively by instruments;
  • 2 points (very weak) - can only be noticed by domestic animals;
  • 3 points (weak) - noticeable only in some buildings. Feels like driving over bumps in a car;
  • 4 points (moderate) - noticed by many people, may cause movement of windows and doors;
  • 5 points (quite strong) - glass rattles, hanging objects sway, old whitewash may crumble;
  • 6 points (strong) - with this earthquake, slight damage to buildings and cracks in low-quality buildings are noted;
  • 7 points (very strong) - at this stage the buildings suffer significant damage;
  • 8 points (destructive) - destruction is observed in buildings, chimneys and cornices are falling, cracks of several centimeters can be seen on the mountain slopes;
  • 9 points (devastating) - earthquakes cause collapses of some buildings, old walls collapse, and the speed of crack propagation reaches 2 centimeters per second;
  • 10 points (destructive) - collapses in many buildings, in most - serious damage. The soil is riddled with cracks up to 1 meter wide, and there are landslides and landslides all around;
  • 11 points (catastrophe) - large landslides in mountainous areas, numerous cracks and a picture of general destruction of most buildings;
  • 12 points (severe catastrophe) - the relief is changing globally almost before our eyes. Huge collapses and total destruction of all buildings.

In principle, on a twelve-point earthquake scale, any catastrophe caused by tremors of the earth’s surface can be assessed.

Earthquakes - a natural phenomenon, which even today attracts the attention of scientists not only due to its lack of knowledge, but also due to its unpredictability, which can harm humanity.

What is an earthquake?

An earthquake is an underground tremors that can be felt by a person largely depending on the power of vibration of the earth's surface. Earthquakes are not uncommon and occur daily in different points planets. Often, most earthquakes occur at the bottom of the oceans, which avoids catastrophic destruction within densely populated cities.

The principle of earthquakes

What causes earthquakes? Earthquakes can be caused by natural causes, and artificial, which arise due to human fault.

Most often, earthquakes occur due to faults in tectonic plates and their rapid displacement. For a person, a fault is not noticeable until the moment when the energy generated from the rupture of rocks begins to break out to the surface.

How do earthquakes occur due to unnatural causes? Quite often, a person, through his carelessness, provokes the appearance of artificial tremors, which in their power are not at all inferior to natural ones. Among these reasons are the following:

  • - explosions;
  • - overfilling of reservoirs;
  • - above-ground (underground) nuclear explosion;
  • - collapses in mines.

The location where a tectonic plate breaks is the source of an earthquake. Not only the strength of the potential push, but also its duration will depend on the depth of its location. If the source is located 100 kilometers from the surface, then its strength will be more than noticeable. Most likely, this earthquake will lead to the destruction of houses and buildings. When they occur in the sea, such earthquakes cause tsunamis. However, the source can be located much deeper - 700 and 800 kilometers. Such phenomena are not dangerous and can only be recorded with the help of special devices - seismographs.

The place where the earthquake is most powerful is called the epicenter. It is this piece of land that is considered the most dangerous for the existence of all living things.

Studying earthquakes

A detailed study of the nature of earthquakes makes it possible to prevent many of them and make the life of the population living in dangerous places more peaceful. To determine the power and measure the strength of an earthquake, two basic concepts are used:

  • - magnitude;
  • - intensity;

The magnitude of an earthquake is a measure that measures the energy released during release from the source in the form of seismic waves. The magnitude scale allows you to accurately determine the origins of vibrations.

Intensity is measured in points and allows you to determine the ratio of the magnitude of tremors and their seismic activity from 0 to 12 points on the Richter scale.

Features and signs of earthquakes

Regardless of what causes an earthquake and in what area it is localized, its duration will be approximately the same. One push lasts on average 20-30 seconds. But history has recorded cases when a single shock without repetitions could last up to three minutes.

Signs of an approaching earthquake are the anxiety of animals, which, sensing the slightest vibrations on the surface of the earth, try to get away from the ill-fated place. Other signs of an imminent earthquake include:

  • - the appearance of characteristic clouds in the form of oblong ribbons;
  • - change in water level in wells;
  • - malfunctions of electrical equipment and mobile phones.

How to behave during earthquakes?

How to behave during an earthquake to save your life?

  • - Maintain prudence and calm;
  • - When indoors, never hide under fragile furniture, such as a bed. Lie down next to them in the fetal position and cover your head with your hands (or protect your head with something extra). If the roof collapses, it will fall on the furniture and a layer may form, in which you will find yourself. It is important to choose strong furniture whose widest part is on the floor, i.e. this furniture cannot fall;
  • - When outside, move away from tall buildings and structures, power lines that may collapse.
  • - Cover your mouth and nose with a wet cloth to prevent dust and fumes from entering if any object catches fire.

If you notice an injured person in a building, wait until the tremors end and only then get into the room. Otherwise, both people may be trapped.

Where do earthquakes not occur and why?

Earthquakes occur where tectonic plates break. Therefore, countries and cities located on a solid tectonic plate without faults do not have to worry about their safety.

Australia is the only continent in the world that is not at the junction of lithospheric plates. There are no active volcanoes and high mountains on it and, accordingly, there are no earthquakes. There are also no earthquakes in Antarctica and Greenland. The presence of the enormous weight of the ice shell prevents the spread of tremors across the surface of the earth.

Probability of earthquakes occurring in the area Russian Federation quite high in rocky areas, where the displacement and movement of rocks is most actively observed. Thus, high seismicity is observed in the North Caucasus, Altai, Siberia and the Far East.

Earthquakes in Russia are a fairly common phenomenon. Of course, for residents of megacities and the central zone, this is rather an unfamiliar concept, but in other areas, in cities, events are held annually to help people react correctly in the event of such a disaster. For example, an earthquake of magnitude 3.2 occurred in Tuva at the end of 2011, and seismic activity in the area continues to this day.

Residents of the city are familiar with safety precautions firsthand and know perfectly well how to behave in such situations, but this does not diminish the constant stress that the population experiences, fearing for their lives and the safety of their loved ones.

What is an earthquake

In simple terms, these are vibrations of the Earth's surface, which are mainly caused by natural forces of nature. We will not consider such artificial stimuli as large explosions and other technical processes.

Earthquakes occupy a leading position in terms of their destructiveness. In the history of mankind there are many examples of the destructive power of nature. Billions of victims around the world and consequences that completely disrupted the entire infrastructure of cities and even entire countries. Earthquakes usually occur in mountainous areas, at the junction of Kamchatka, Altai, the Caucasus and Eastern Siberia. The leaders in the ranking of those affected by such disasters are undoubtedly Kamchatka, Altai, the Caucasus and Eastern Siberia. Of course, this is not the entire list of settlements prone to tremors. Some cities periodically experience seismic activity, but these phenomena remain invisible to residents.

Types of earthquakes

Today, experts distinguish three types of earthquakes:

  1. Volcanic - volcanic eruptions.
  2. Man-made earthquakes are strong explosions that cause shifts in underground plates.
  3. Technogenic - tremors that are caused by human life processes.

How is an earthquake measured?

Tremors are measured special device- a seismograph that not only measures the power of tremors with extreme accuracy, but also predicts how strong the slabs will be.

There is a generally accepted world scale, which consists of 12 points:

1 point. An almost imperceptible earthquake, since the ground vibration is minimal and cannot be felt.

2 points. A rather weak phenomenon that can only be felt when being in a calm environment. Only some people are able to sense it.

3 points. A weak earthquake, manifested by vibrations that are more noticeable to others.

4 points. A moderate phenomenon, noticeable to all people.

5 points. A fairly strong earthquake that provokes the movement of objects in the room.

6 points (strong). Fairly strong shocks can cause minor damage to buildings.

7 points. A very strong earthquake, causing more severe destruction of buildings.

8 points. A destructive phenomenon that can destroy even the most powerful structures.

9 points. A devastating earthquake. There are severe landslides in the mountains, and people in cities cannot stand on their feet.

10 points. Destructive earthquakes can lead to the complete destruction of a populated area, turning everything in its path into ruins, including roads and all kinds of communications.

11 points. Catastrophe.

12 points. A severe disaster in which it is impossible to survive. The relief changes completely, strong splits are observed, huge depressions, craters and much more appear.

Causes of earthquakes

Major earthquakes in Russia and other countries of the world occur due to collision. For example, in the Caucasus there is the Arabian Plate, which gradually moves north towards the Eurasian Plate, which, in turn, periodically collides with the Pacific Plate located in Kamchatka. Speaking of the Kamchatka Territory, earthquakes in this area are also influenced by volcanic activity, during which fairly strong tremors are observed.

Signs of earthquakes

Throughout the history of such phenomena, scientists have been able to identify the main signs of an incipient catastrophe. Earthquakes in Russia usually started after the following things:

What earthquakes happened in Russia

Russia has suffered more than once from severe earthquakes. The landscape of our country is large and varied, as well as climatic zones. Seismically active areas are located mainly in Sakhalin and the Kamchatka Territory.


On May 28, 1995, the village of Neftegorsk was destroyed on Sakhalin. On the scale, the power of the disaster was 7.5 points and 10 points at the epicenter of the earthquake. In a matter of hours, Sakhalin Neftegorsk, which at that time had 3,200 inhabitants, was simply erased from the surface of the earth. Only 400 people survived the disaster, 150 of whom subsequently died in hospitals from their injuries. This is the last earthquake in Russia of such power, which has truly become the most tragic event not only for Sakhalin, but for the whole country.

As eyewitnesses later recalled, the real horror was not during the earthquake itself, but after. Many victims were buried under the rubble own houses and gradually suffocated in severe agony.

The surviving residents of the village left for the mainland and tried to start life “after the earthquake.” This disaster was the worst in the last 100 years. In the last century, in 1952, a tsunami occurred on Sakhalin caused by an earthquake in Pacific Ocean, which razed the city of Severo-Kurilsk to the ground.


Earthquakes in Russia mostly occur in the Kamchatka Territory. In the center of the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes is the Nameless Sopka with a height of 3085 meters. It was always considered a long-extinct volcano, so the earthquake that began in the morning of 1955 was a complete surprise.

The Klyuchi volcanic station, located 45 kilometers from the volcanoes, recorded huge clouds of white smoke. A few days later, the height of the volcanic emissions was already more than eight kilometers.

Throughout November, residents of the region observed strong blows lightning, and the surface of the earth was completely covered with ash. In less than 29 days, the volcano's crater expanded by 550 meters. Unfortunately, this was only preparation for the disaster that occurred on March 30, 1956. Such earthquakes were not new in Russia, so no one evacuated in the hope that the awakened volcano would subside, especially after its activity decreased in late November.

In 1956, the pressure in the volcano reached a critical point. Within 15 minutes, the giant erupted a huge pillar of fire, which leaned towards the east at an angle of 30 degrees. Reaching a height of 24 kilometers, this column of fire and black smoke literally covered the sky. 20 kilometers from the volcano, trees were either uprooted or burned at lightning speed. The thickness of hot sand and lava that fell from the sky caused the snow to quickly melt. Powerful mud flows rushed down, carrying with them fragments of rocks and stones, demolishing everything in their path.

The volcanologists' base was literally wiped off the face of the earth; fortunately, there were no scientists there at that time. Professor Gorshkov said that if this flow had rushed in a different direction, the entire populated area would have been destroyed and would have become one of the saddest examples of earthquakes in Russia.

Kamchatka is the most dangerous region not even because it is located on its territory a large number of volcanoes, but because in the event of a disaster, most residents will literally remain trapped surrounded by mountains.


In 2012, an earthquake with a magnitude of 3.2 was recorded near Kyzyl. This phenomenon began at 7:30 am. Since the disaster was not so strong, there were no casualties.

Earthquake statistics in Russia include a phenomenon that occurred in the same region on December 27, 2011, when its power was 9.5 at the epicenter and 6.7 in other areas. Seismic activity continued until the end of February 2012, when a shock of magnitude 6.5 occurred. Fortunately, the epicenter was located more than 100 kilometers from populated areas. Nevertheless, tremors were felt in Buryatia, the Irkutsk region, as well as in Khakassia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The map of earthquakes in Russia contains all the main regions most susceptible to seismic activity, including Kyzyl.

In addition, specialists update all data monthly. Rocks are taken as samples and carefully studied. Based on these studies, volcanologists can roughly predict in which areas such phenomena are possible.

During times high technology, established rhythms of life, people often forget that they do not manage everything until the end. And the manifestations of global events, such as earthquakes, are only in a few cases truly noticeable. But if this cataclysm does reach civilized corners, this event may remain a scar on people's memories for a long time.

How does an earthquake happen?

Vibrations of the earth's surface, as well as tremors, are the process of an earthquake. Scientists believe that the earth's crust consists of 20 huge plates. They move at a very low speed of about a few centimeters per year through the upper layer of the mantle. The boundaries between plates are often mountains or deep-sea trenches. Where the slabs slide over each other, the edges become folded. And in the crust itself, cracks form - tectonic faults, through which mantle material seeps to the surface. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions often occur in these places. The area of ​​shock wave divergence sometimes extends for hundreds of kilometers.

Causes of the earthquake

  • Collapses of large masses of rock caused by groundwater often cause earth tremors over a short distance.
  • In areas of active volcanoes, under the pressure of lava and gases top part crust, nearby areas are exposed to weak but prolonged tremors, often on the eve of an eruption.
  • Man-made activities of people - the construction of dams, mining activity, nuclear weapons testing, accompanied by powerful underground explosions or redistribution of internal water masses.

How an earthquake occurs - earthquake foci

But not only the cause itself directly affects the power of the earthquake, but also the depth of the source of occurrence. The source or hypocenter itself can be located at any depth, from several kilometers to hundreds of kilometers. And it is a sharp displacement of large massifs of rocks. Even with a slight shift, vibrations of the earth's surface will occur, and the range of their movement will depend only on their strength and sharpness. But the further the surface, the less destructive the consequences of the cataclysm will be. The point above the source in the ground layer will be the epicenter. And often susceptible greatest deformation and destruction during the movement of seismic waves.

How an earthquake occurs - zones of seismic activity

Due to the fact that our planet has not yet stopped its geological formation, there are 2 zones - the Mediterranean and the Pacific. The Mediterranean stretches from the Sunda Islands to the Isthmus of Panama. The Pacific covers Japan, Kamchatka, Alaska, moves further to the California mountains, Peru, Antarctica and many other places. There is constant seismic activity due to the formation of young mountains and volcanic activity.

How does an earthquake occur - the strength of the earthquake

The consequences of such earthly activity can be dangerous. There is a whole science for studying and recording it - seismology. It uses several types of measurements of magnitude - a measure of the energy of seismic waves. The most popular Richter scale with a 10-point system.

  • Less than 3 points are recorded only by seismographs due to their weakness.
  • From 3 to 4 points a person already feels slight swaying of the surface. Environment begins to react - the movement of dishes, the swaying of chandeliers.
  • At 5 points, the effect is enhanced; in old buildings, interior decoration may crumble.
  • 6 points can significantly damage old buildings, causing rattling or cracking of glass in new houses, but they are already damaged at 7 points;
  • Points 8 and 9 cause significant destruction over large areas and bridge collapses.
  • The strongest magnitude 10 earthquakes are also the rarest and cause catastrophic destruction.

  • When living in high-rise buildings, you should understand that the lower a person is, the better, but during evacuation you cannot use elevators.
  • It is worth leaving the buildings and moving away from them for safe distance(turning off electricity and gas), avoiding large trees and power lines.
  • If it is not possible to leave the premises, you need to move away from window openings and tall furniture or hide under a sturdy table or bed.
  • While driving, it is better to stop and avoid high points or bridges.

Humanity cannot yet prevent earthquakes, or even predict the reaction in detail. earth's crust to seismic shocks. Due to the huge number of variables involved, these are incredibly complex forecasts. A person successfully passively defends himself in the form of strengthening buildings and improving the layout of infrastructure. This allows countries located on the line of constant seismic activity to develop successfully.

An earthquake is a physical vibration of the lithosphere - the solid shell of the earth's crust, which is in constant motion. Often such phenomena occur in mountainous areas. It is there that underground rocks continue to form, causing the Earth's crust to be especially mobile.

Causes of the disaster

The causes of earthquakes can be different. One of them is the displacement and collision of oceanic or continental plates. During such phenomena, the surface of the Earth vibrates noticeably and often leads to the destruction of buildings. Such earthquakes are called tectonic. They may form new depressions or mountains.

Volcanic earthquakes occur due to the constant pressure of hot lava and all kinds of gases on the earth's crust. Such earthquakes can last for weeks, but, as a rule, they do not cause massive destruction. In addition, such a phenomenon often serves as a prerequisite for a volcanic eruption, the consequences of which can be much more dangerous for people than the disaster itself.

There is another type of earthquake - landslide, which occurs for a completely different reason. Groundwater sometimes form underground voids. Under the pressure of the earth's surface, huge sections of the Earth fall down with a roar, causing small vibrations that can be felt many kilometers from the epicenter.

Earthquake scores

To determine the strength of an earthquake, they generally resort to either a ten- or twelve-point scale. The 10-point Richter scale determines the amount of energy released. The 12-point Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik system describes the impact of vibrations on the Earth's surface.

The Richter scale and the 12-point scale are not comparable. For example: scientists detonate a bomb underground twice. One at a depth of 100 m, the other at a depth of 200 m. The energy expended is the same, which leads to the same Richter rating. But the consequence of the explosion - displacement of the crust - has varying degrees of severity and has different effects on the infrastructure.

Degree of destruction

What is an earthquake from the point of view of seismic instruments? A one-point phenomenon is determined only by the equipment. 2 points can be sensitive animals, and also, in rare cases, especially sensitive people located on the upper floors. A score of 3 feels like the vibration of a building caused by a passing truck. A magnitude 4 earthquake causes slight rattling of glass. With a score of five, the phenomenon is felt by everyone, and it does not matter where the person is, on the street or in a building. An earthquake of magnitude 6 is called strong. It terrifies many: people run out into the street, and mother-in-laws form on some walls of houses. A score of 7 leads to cracks in almost all houses. 8 points: architectural monuments, factory chimneys, towers are knocked over, and cracks appear in the soil. 9 points lead to severe damage to houses. Wooden buildings either capsize or sag greatly. Magnitude 10 earthquakes lead to cracks in the ground up to 1 meter thick. 11 points is a disaster. Are collapsing stone houses and bridges. Landslides occur. No building can withstand 12 points. With such a catastrophe, the topography of the Earth changes, river flows are diverted and waterfalls appear.

Japanese earthquake

A destructive earthquake occurred in the Pacific Ocean, 373 km from the capital of Japan, Tokyo. This happened on March 11, 2011 at 14:46 local time.

A magnitude 9 earthquake in Japan led to massive destruction. The tsunami that hit the country's east coast flooded large parts of the coastline, destroying houses, yachts and cars. The height of the waves reached 30-40 m. The immediate reaction of people prepared for such tests saved their lives. Only those who left home in time and found themselves in a safe place were able to avoid death.

Japan earthquake victims

Unfortunately, there were no casualties. The Great East Japan Earthquake, as the event became officially known, claimed 16,000 lives. 350,000 people in Japan were left homeless, leading to internal migration. Many settlements were wiped off the face of the Earth, and there was no electricity even in large cities.

The earthquake in Japan radically changed the habitual way of life of the population and greatly undermined the economy of the state. The authorities estimated the losses caused by this disaster at $300 billion.

What is an earthquake from the point of view of a Japanese resident? It is a natural disaster that keeps the country in constant turmoil. The impending threat forces scientists to invent more accurate instruments to detect earthquakes and more durable materials for the construction of buildings.

Affected Nepal

On April 25, 2015, at 12:35 p.m., an almost 8-magnitude earthquake that lasted 20 seconds occurred in central Nepal. The following happened at 13:00. Aftershocks lasted until May 12. The reason was a geological fault on the line where the Hindustan plate meets the Eurasian plate. As a result of these tremors, the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, moved to the south by three meters.

Soon the whole earth learned about the destruction that the earthquake brought in Nepal. Cameras installed directly on the street recorded the moment of the tremors and their consequences.

26 districts of the country, as well as Bangladesh and India, felt what an earthquake was like. Authorities are still receiving reports of missing people and collapsed buildings. 8.5 thousand Nepalese lost their lives, 17.5 thousand were injured, and about 500 thousand were left homeless.

The earthquake in Nepal caused real panic among the population. And it’s not surprising, because people lost their relatives and saw how quickly what was dear to their hearts collapsed. But problems, as we know, unite, as was proven by the residents of Nepal, who worked side by side to restore the former appearance of city streets.

Recent earthquake

On June 8, 2015, an earthquake of magnitude 5.2 occurred in Kyrgyzstan. This is the last earthquake to exceed magnitude 5.

Speaking about a terrible natural disaster, one cannot fail to mention the earthquake on the island of Haiti, which occurred on January 12, 2010. A series of tremors ranging from magnitude 5 to 7 claimed 300,000 lives. The world will remember this and other similar tragedies for a long time.

In March, the shores of Panama experienced a magnitude 5.6 earthquake. In March 2014, Romania and southwestern Ukraine learned the hard way what an earthquake is. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but many experienced anxiety before the disaster. Behind Lately earthquake scores did not cross the line of catastrophe.

Earthquake Frequency

So, the movement of the earth's crust has various natural causes. Earthquakes, according to seismologists, occur up to 500,000 annually in different parts of the Earth. Of these, approximately 100,000 are felt by people, and 1,000 cause serious damage: destroying buildings, highways and railways, breaks power lines, sometimes carries entire cities underground.